BOHEMIA NUGGET. rtf'c. J. Howard - i --Editor. Kntcredat the portomce- at Cnttr QroTt, Oregon Second Class malt tuat'.er. 1 STulMorlptlon prlc ShfJOf l ailT AdTrtLlng rl uhm. known upon The council should 'cainhe'tit t.ention"or-wl(j;liaeivlo.4he reckless licss displayed in riding upon tne wnlks. Someone will get seriously hurt one of these days. "T "' 'application,. The recent .frosts have ticcasioned sonic little speculation as to the amount of darange done.-.-Thus far reports do not establish the fact that any" serious damage to fruit the beginning of the has resulted. . , . i - Blue Friday, April 19, i9t It is now winter season in South Africa, but reports state that the British are still having a hot time of it. . . . With Bohemia River District, in 1 ment and the active- develop- this .season, occasionally ,7 ' More than one criticism has been bringing .to the surface rich ores, made of the jail faciiities of Cottage there is little' doubt of the future Grove, and not without just cause, wealth of Lane county.... Timber Jfn man should happen to sober and mines. backed up by . splendid tip while in there, he would turn farming and stock raising- ndvant- sick at the stomach. ages, will make this county known fmm Ttrnir fr WVstlliroiich. hi . :i j 4 I x. u uijr wxou. out the United states, missioner is respccttuiiy nsKea o take notice of the sanitary condition of Cottage Grove. The It Now all TofcliicT' In the spring time KtnU.Annio There's n smell In tile bask yaril Am) n odor in our clly , That hits the stranger hard.i-- li'fi nn argumunt for ncnonico Hut thero is another )liv; You can goto tho Now Kr Proy Stons Aiid you may buy n can ot Chloride ot I.iinp. Its very fino Tnko it in time Don't lose iv dollar -To save a dime. Call curly nnd avoid tlie.rnsh.. Brehaut A Xeton,' Scit' -Em lirtiff Store. Governor T. T. -Geer has np- council pointed Judge J. W. Hamiltonof I should order the streets, alleys and Roscburg, n regent of the Uttivcr- backyards cleaned up. sity of Oregon for the term of twelve j cars, beginning April 1 wane rue uoers continue 10 Ig0I( to succced hs &thcri Dr. S, open peace negotiations wun Hamilton, of Rosebnre-. time tne iiruisn, mey are aiso encrgcuc- pired- Dr. Hamilton has served ally opening up their garrison doors Restate faithfully as a regent of anaanvinBiuiucuruisauuui icBu- lhjs grand institution for 24 years. lar raDDit drive uasis, 500 a arive. An ordinance is up before the Want Good Shoes AT Low Prices GO TO Yoraii's Shoe Store, EUGIiNK, ORKGON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. The approach on thQ,wcat end of dty of Eueene to bange the bridge in this city ;is badly in th. nanle: 6f Charuefton street t6 .neea 01 repair, 11 ins we couniy T . -Charnelton court's business, said, authorities Land O-hco at Itosolmru, Oregon. April 5.1001. Notice is ncrebv irlven lhnt the follow-' street was I ing-nmnwi settler has njeu notice ot- hi named after one of MnntvM',l0,V'u!!Hd;'i! i...u 1,. ..l'CoJ Tl,, -jai-H . j - 01 ins ciaim, nnn mai ruiu prooi will ie should be promptly notified. There carly sturdy pi0neers. Charnelton I miuU before Mnrio L. AVnre, T7."S.'Coib? c ., , . Mulligan, and Ue gave to Jiugene is, 1001, viz: Ucojso. E .-Taylor, on H jng from this neglect. lbc f. acres u which tQ E -is- f6p the E 6Kt, Nw. iSRJf 5 ' . . ... . NE SW Sec. St). To. S. B.4E.-.1 r, : t : sianas mucn 01 me weann 01 rue Creameries are becommmg more numerous all over Western Oregon anrt will pventiiallv nrove a ble- ,WinH.; wtinn. ThPV or, ni. ing aboilt for opportunities to en .... i..,:.. tirely obliterate the Sold landmarks meuts for local capital. The Wil- oftl,e ty which sfery:e: to remind Iamette. valley section is pre-emi- one of the hero,c meii . Whoave to nently a dairying country. seat the SrwttH. it stands : -on, ana wno. long passea De lia nnmen (he following witnesses to city.' The city council of Eugene prove his continuous residence .uixm and can be in better bt,.sine. ihxnXni&.l??. .Ht. . ' 1 Anurow 1. inyior. Lonani rtiiTtxxi. 01 Cottnge Urove, OreKonjAVarreh llolljind, of Eugene, Oregon, I'eter L. Johnston? of Junction, Oregon." .!. J. T. URIDOKS, KCKIeter. CONTE8T NOTICE. III III III ''w . 1 H ILfirftVs LUrCll S-i I I SHIRT WA1ST5- W " ' AND I wCRASH SKIRTS M the Finest iil the City. g You can now get a good Reduction, p. 1 Lurch's Lurch's "SOROSIS,, A SHOE THAT IH WOK u All Fashionable Ladies. All Mail Onlers Promptly Fillcil. TA. GILBERT, Eugene, Oregon. Eugene DyoiofiiGleanii Works. HKICE LIST FOR CLEANlSOt CMti, VtsiU. I'anti. PRICK LIST KOK DYK1XO: ll.UO, up. .up. .T5,11. SMItf, - Single pirmenti In projwitlon. Ite ptcrn. - 7fel peryant. UrpMW. - - . - - l.W).np. GEO.E. a 11 1 WITH, Agent. Be in the Swim Buy your goods where you get them at Right Prices. Wc cany a full and complete stock of Hardware, Imiilenieois and Everything for the Miner! Wc also handle the celebrated FISH BRO'S WAGON, OLIVER CHILLED Plows, Tents, Wngou Covers, McCormtck Hinders and in fact everything in the hardware line. Give us a call. saw "WHEELER & SCOTT. rURiri.-t llainTow, 1 roiaeni. ltaaaiaTKtKiit, I'uhter. Some night the old shack, which yond the gloom of earthly night. United State Land Office, Roseburj:, Ore., March 20. 1001. -A BUlIidcnt conteat aflldavlt hnvini? r ... u.. u r p!t ,r :4.:ti j 41. i" r oeen nioi in hub onice oy ilartln tia uuu uj, Uau.c Ui v...j its, ji.sio ucuupcu me council oi Haagenaon, contestant. nsainaV thee Hnll ttt7I crn finrrn tvhen n crnon T finn rfitir-ti'c m.frnnftlic n.1l U I hnmp(pfld i-utrv Nn. OQ71 m mit xraV 4', .4 t. .. . , I. .. . : , . .- r .v. . hJ2.11W1.tortheSW.4Sectionl2,ToiV. aizea exowu geis inio ... n snouiumeuer juagment; n not tne mayor. ah ' 2, fc. RRnE4 T v?kjt. bv JohrrCur- bc, substantially braced and tied, (Better bonor.your "home" and the I ran Conteatee, in which it is hlleged the rear entrance way changed sa men ,yho. made .it for you by ch,g- ei If you did but this yon' h'a emp oymwnt in llu Armr, .Navv, or aa . , . I tllb tliMIIIIU VUIWD Vt Villi. TM KJ tu k vD would have, txri lay out some more ns a privie mer, officer, eoinartor' Streets. " miinne, mirjijB me r wiiipain,or. (inrinz any omer war in wiiiun- l no NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. "'ii. f,w,te8 . y '.engagixi, sam respond nnd olfcr evidence toiicliln. BiiKI Notice is hereby civen that the ponnfv alleeation at 10 o'clock n. m. on Mav Kft commissioners court will receive aealedl . :.' niore ine Kegisier ana Jtecciver The First National Bank OF COTTAGK GrOVB, ORR. raid up Capital, $25,000.00 ggggT, Chicago" The most simple, practical and ifirablc Typewriter on the mnrket at any price. Ask for catalogue. price $35. E. l; t(mc, General Agent for Otegon, Washington andIdaho. Albany, Ore. as-tg;,go up from the -walk, and a mg the names of all the streets lo l.reiideJ thereon,,, int haa whoUjr. nUat , . . r . . ... , -nr r .. . . -v 'Ir.Onetr the same, nna that thlt nl)ei?e respectable coat of paint applied. bear-names of tEose heroic old Lbience from th't la'nd7tni n5t d!ie?t Marshal Nunn is busy these days fi king the sidewalks and crosswalks. It is a good idea and should be con tinued from time to time until we. have the endorsement of the travel ing public that we have as good if not better walks that) any other city- noblemen. bids for the furnishing "of material and bnildingof a county bridge Lane County, Oregon, laid of the United States Land cilice, at I r v - .1. . ii.. aj 4: . ri . . 1 i.uacuuru. uriwii, " "w ouuuingoi a county Dnage ai ixrane, l The safrt contestant Ijavins-, .In a tnis kind are always beneficial. 1 1 . 1 -.rr.i. fr.rl..;. . 1CV1I unuge to uei r' "k in4 .ttivn 4., iwi, one thousana lector more in oneth. V..1.""" "". A Salem little bov seeintr the ,i-,i-h. a 1-. .i -C ' 'Bence personal j service 01 inn. nonce " F..w, ....I.. -v.- j-.-i.vv4 I rin not Da mntic-. 11 m Jiere i nniprcl :picture-of Aguinaldo in the papers high water mark, said bridge to rest on and directed that such notice be given next morning after his capture "and ar blocks at least fifteen inches in y ue anu pror p.i w.caiioiK . ....... . Ml.m.i.r .nrfini.o. .11 J. T. UBIDOK8, Registoi'. 1..-. tW W !, 1,,. fol,r. uiieier anu to navu ceunr caps. All . ... ., bids to be accompanied with plans and by. the soldiers, said, Mamma, 8Deciflcation- Bnd flled witVihe County vrtiat will Bryan do now?,"Uppn Clerk not later than "Wednesday, May 1, being.asked what he meant, he, re 1901 j 'at 1 o'clock pm. of said day. plierd, 'Why is't Apruinaldo Bryan's The court reserves the right to reject boy?" The little fellow is but seven M and,a" ,V J ... , , , , ,. , By order of the court this 5th years old but be had heartreuough Aprij during the campaign last,,year to . E. TJ. Lke, J. II. Booth, Receiver, Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS, DBAUiUS If Groceries, Flour and Feed. 1 to form a conclusion not very far wrong, figuratively speakrng.-Statesman. WANTKD TRUSTWOItTHY MEN J1SD KO' men to travel and advertise forold.entab lislicd house of solid financial standin Salary- $780. a year and. expefraes, avanio in casn. xno canvossinc- iiired. Give references and enclose 1 I .1 .1 ..1 . 1 I ,1 .t-w f I w?l1 "urtrBru biwiiiucu riivrjuuv. nur uay OI. , Mimonpr XiH linrlnii llliltr. Cliti-i': ....... , o , County Clerk. DIVIDE ITJExMS. A new line of sailors iuat received at newianu's xniinnery more. Mr. fliinndv lost in tlie low unit Tu. ine MonawK corresponaenc to Uween himself and MrHowe nndasa re - the Guard, by way of fixing the suit had to move offthe place, leaving location of the "Ping Yang" nejgh- Mr Rowe in possession. borhood In the minds of the readers, Rer. Burnet preached here Sunday to states thatPintr Yane is located a lare congregation about 12 miles east of Eueene.' and Mr Goodnough expects to start the mentions the fact that it is going to be a great wood depot. At this seeming "flood" of -Ping Yang's 8iierablv, Vttpe" wnicn someone saia ieaas The weather hns been very fine lately yycm to. lortune, tne uuaru's corre- ana tne roaus are arying up rapiuiy. 'pondent was, indeed, charitable in A WEEK OF PRAYER. not locating Eugene by designating Hatit is I- miles west of Ping . "Ge,o- Lea expects to commence work on the streets again next in Cottage Grove Central lea Market. rock crusher in a short time. Mrs. Will Coffin fell .from a wagon a short time ago and was shaken up con- BARTELS & ERNEST SUCCESSORS TO McFARLAND & SON. The National W. O.T.U. hasiesundl A CHOICE LINE of the best a call requesting the churches to unite Meats tije market affords constantly with them In a week of prayer from p'1"13 luc uiww"'wuuj' April 14 to 21 In tho interest of the on liana. Christian Sabbath. The following nro- gram has been arranged for the service ,4ir tuUfi tfio viw of rnmnlftinir Friday, 7 :S0 union prayer meetine at ' , j i 4 ME Church, subject, Importance of tl)e contraci commeuccu iu.i sum- Union Effort, Prof L L Briggs. mcr and which he was obliged to Sunday April 21, 11 a. m. appropriate , . - ' - - - - J Sunday 7:30 union services in the C P church, by Rev C E Crundall. Tho choirs of each church areoxpected to furnish music for their respective nights. discontinue on account of the de plorable condition' of the county road-deading into the city from Saciuaw. The fact that street im- Pure Lard a Specialty. COME and SEE USxT CWe will PLEASE You Our Market will be closed at io If troubled by weak digestion, loss o'clock a m Sundays, movements must stop owing to the unfit condition of the county roads SSJfa,-- H over which material must ot neces- jjver Tablets. Every box warranted. .sity be battled,, does not speak very For sale by B.wsox Dano Co., well for the county court, but then noiix. we will look forward, to a substan- WALKER-At Walker, April 10, 1001, iiaHmprovemeut tuts seasou, I to Mr. and Mrs. ueo. walker, ason v Respectfully, Bartcls & Ernest. Main Street, COTTAGK GROVB, - OuKCON. Money to loan on approved sccurit yt. '' 'E-Lchahees sold, available anyl !-. td'.Crl ir-iA'A tr.2" r- ' . . 4CC III IUC UI1I1CU VJIUI1.3, i. rl'nt$r'iRuttieii -l Solicited. .All Produce bought at the highest market values. . Cnll.aud get acquainted with "us. Wc shall be pleased at all times to quote ,you prices upon all lines handled by us, , whether you buy or not. Our Stock is New,, Neat and Clean, and having- had years ' of experience in business, we, assure you the very" best goods the market affords, and the lowest possible prices Remember the place: Phillips' old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore. Spring and Sumcr Styles -IN- M IX LINER YI We would be pleased to have you call and inspect them. . Best values for least money. yjB Wis A NI '8 Millinery Store, Schleff Building, Main St. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. Common Rojigh Lumber, $6 perm. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saginaw, Ok. 1 N . , ' . Before You Buy j Eiano or,a Organ-"- It will pay you to write . , .- Eiler's Piano loisb OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Or.- 0 We are the great profit killers and, piano piice. regulators of the Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a fine pianoj.or,. organ for less money Ihan you can gei,thcrti elsevxhtrc. Write today. Cata logues for the asking. ' . , : . j Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos fhe 'Kim ball, the Chickering and the Weber together with othergood tnik'es. INVESTIGATE OUR NEW Easy Payment Plan. Eiler's Piano Hoiige. Or call on MRS. L. D. Bhck, Ixal Representative, Cottage Grove, Or. 0 Did you se That Triple Plated Silverware of Brown's? Yes, it was fine! Where did he get it? Why, that was the old set he threw away, nnd when he found what fine work the Cottage Q-rove Plating Co. did, he resurrected all his old ware and you have seen the result They take all the dents out and repair everything that is broken, aud after plating, the goods look and will wear as well great deal less. They also do Gold. Nickel and Pnnfir r.isc -.i guarantee the same to wear according to agreement. Written guarantee with every job. For prices and further particu lars call on or address ' W. L. Coppemoll, COP," 71m JtwiUr. Manager. Opposite Post Office, NOTtCK TO CIlKDlTOItS. Notice ! hereby clvon thai thn nn.i.... ilgned liai been appointed administrator of the citato ol James M. Clmpln, ileceaicd by an or deroftlie County Court ol Iino County, Ore. ,uiI,uiiiuwbuuhiii.iduui iwuiu uit inula uay of Kobruarv 1001. All pcwoiu baring clalmt agalnat ald etate aro hureby required to pro- nen to iuo uudar. 'nnrt Ifnn.n . v... gene. Oregon within tlx month, fiom the dale of thlt notice. Dated at KuKene, Oregon thli nth day of February, 1901. ' Administrator of tho ntufn iu.UJJi!1 plndeceawd. . a. u. rouer, aiiorney lor estate. Perfumed, the beat to be liul. DrugOo. . .- COTTAGK GROyW, OkKGON. WANTED! W4?W'10 mn J'nof o Ilranch Offlee u nwl? 'V'0 Pn In thl vicinity, If vour rceorJ Thi A. T. MORRIS Wholesale House, ,.,,., . . . cinciniVati, bto. Illmtraltd catalogue 4 tU. tampi. WANritn. Ciipablo, rollnblo porfori Jn oyery county to topreswit Inrcofomprtiiy of solid llnanclnl reputation i 030 aitlury per veur, payable weolcly j $3 perdav nb solulclv Hiiro nnd all expeiinen; HtralKlit, lnina.fldo iialury. nocomnilB.loni Bulnrv pnm each 8atnnluy and expcnie money ?.,,,',o(,,c.l--?,lJh weel' STANDARD U0U8L, 834 Dharborn Bt Ohicaoo,