Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 19, 1901, Image 3

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    Ml ii fill
Serious Uprising in (he Interior
General Tunj I'u ,5lan, Commander of the
Northern Artnlei, l')tJjHiyllefd A
..i i,.tu...... -i
' V- ' lospundont of the Telegram, woro
. 7 aboard during tho trial trlpH.
PKICIN, April. ( 10. Tho rtimorit It wan 0 o'clock In tho morning
which Imvo beon current during tlio Pr,,ur wlH H'von to nnt
piiHt low dayir .of thu oulbroiiK of a I !l,waj'( tli't shore HV and hooh the lit
rebellion, headed by Clonnrul Turn, Ku I nKn and Zr,u7Tl!n'u "'T'
Ulan, tho ox ooinmandor of tho North-, aim P nt m n X L '' lw ,or
orn Army, In tlffi. provinces of Mp. 1 , . 11 ' Lni'", " i 10 lrl"...Vvur
Kolla aivd .BhunjHI, Imvtf boon nhW ,1 1 S
liitoly alilhontlcnTod. i ' " ?, nr VuVi1.0 "i"?,1 lh, wlmrvi!"
?. .. .m ChliiK
ChnnB tlilnhs thoro nro about &000 ,
regular troopa In MonKolln( and I.,,
Z b " lo( i tnnt tlior l,.1
n tho robolllon. iri
cllucs to the
not Joined I
not think tho court Is In any danger
mid thinks tho object of 1'rlnco Turn
who wan Inst ritfuiri.i nt Min ir,.
H ail ?ZlU 10 000 nnoi renan ,? to r? ,
order to force, unconditional protec
ii.... m .
Unolllclal cinnamon of InlolllROneo'
regard tho rising as most unfortunate
nt tho present tlmo to thu Interests of
China, ami as of possibly moaning tho
llvnaatV slll.l.lrt v r hr'nJn I,
rrinco Clung, who, ns n rolatlvo,)
may bo considered to take tho court
view of tho sltuntlon, thltika tho ro
bolllon Is a storm In a tenpot. He
says tho pronont court is loved and
ostccmod by nine-tenths of tho pop
i.i jiiiiik viiiwik an i rrinco cuing rr,,iii ...... ;.i.VT .. "
Imvo received Informutloi. , on : y" ri'tt tlftd,'!.0 nP.r0.U.y, '""'i0,.
subject which. tlioiiKli -IntlMlnim. -tni JSSSo n fl., t Kj?t nV 'l thoy w l'
prove()that tho court la norlously - tCo wntejr"? M0" '
"'(Yuneral Fu Hlan was,, according to I vlrViT'lo 'lol.1 lw.V'L!' fJ.'if' ?rilo,rB twcr,
liiHt ,ccouiitn, about ,150 miles fiom VlK n Jk Z.5,0.f"LH1'c'0,d "to""1'
thu cloifrt With 11:000 rcei Inr trnnnJ f i 0 51 PP1"''1 her two
MppoLrto 'ZoT -;ho
p ohnblo Uin? thoTroop of TowS i'lS0'? "or 0vur
aim. aro hotter drilled and bettor f, or"" '
urmi'd. It In bolluvnd Hint tl... m,.,. ' ""fM0 tn8r. 10 wl" "10 I'llthent tro-
ko I an robo Hoi. wJS "lrt .Rht i.bnutl iil1'? clr.Tlln nromi"' Hl' cro0f
thrmiKh tho 'Sont? o tV&, TunnThta Mlh0.,.U.r"f i""1 trBVor?c.d
and Uonoral Tune Fu Hlan. I.I Ihiliir .V.V.l i",.,.L,a.l"l,.. f0.1,r. .pnP.otp
ulntlbn of China, and that tho same' tnry iTng was Informed tod7v that
proportion., .of nblo-bodlod men -Inftho tortod lit
istlng dynnsty. Tho empress dow. i. m,i . . . .
.""fJ: JW&rM'ml
holds tho nffcctlons of tho people, not
dreamt of and not understood by for
signers. Her slightest wish Is tho em
perors law, though ho Is by no moans
ii ngurol.ead, ns tbo;forclgn powers I
frnmirntlv RiitmoRn.t Tlifi mniwrni- nR. ,
frcuucnlly bupiioro.k The emperor rcc
')gnlr('n her nblllty, Invnlunblo aid
nndl'otlvlcc.i i J ' f S ,-
Tho remaining bodies of Americans
-voro shipped homownrd this .morn
lug. Ttoy now number Gl. 'nnd will
leave on board tho transport Egbert
tomorrow. Tho Kgbort will also take
27 military prlHoners. n number ol
Hlc'k men, tho discharged soldiers, the
tonmstorn and other civilians em
ployed. According to oxport opinion, China
would bo nblo to pay from 20.000,000
to 30.000.000 without crippling hor
flnntiolal resources, while tho amounts
which ,tho powers nt present demand
rango from 80,000,000 to 100,00,
Enfjllth Girls Apply by Hundreds foi
the Opportunity.
NEW YOIIK. Aprlf lOj A rnthor un,
expoctqil' fosult has ' followed'. Mr,
hamborlalu's recent, speech 'In buik
port of tho'schomo for Bonding women
out to South Africa, nt tho conclusion
of tho, wnr, says tho London corre
spondent of tho Tribune. An onqr
inotiu riumbor of lotttfrs has beon re
ceived from women engor to omlgrnto
nnd reluctnnt to wait until hpstllltlcs
nro ended. Ono woman who yrote
llroct to Lord Salisbury sajd, slip was
Iiropnrcd to go out at ondo with her
mother nnd sisters, but sho Indicntes
no particular sjihoro of uaofnlncsB,
Another' wroto to tho' colonial ofllce
In behalf of horsolf and a few other
"llrBt-elasa lady harbors." Nnttirally.
tho colonial olllco nuthorltlos nro do
ing tholr utmost to dlBcourngo appli
cations from womon pUier than those
who aro solf dopondent, nnd girls of
tho servnnt typo nro urgontly ndvlsod
not to go nt nil. It Is vory doubtful
whether thoro will bo any oponlngs
. for thorn, nnd tho public funds cannot
ho used for tho purposo of granting
free passages, to tho Cape.
Flood 8care Is Over.
Iloston, April 10. Tho Hood senro
all over Now England, duo to rising
wnters from llvo days of honvy rains,
lias died out, nnd tonight Jho roports
Indicated that a chango ,for tho bet
tor would como boforo daylight. The
losses will bo heavy, no doubt, hut
nothing to bo compnrod to tho fresh
ets of recont' springs. Tho roiiBon Is
obvious to pooplo In Southorn Now
England, for tho onrly spring loft
tho. ground opon for a good soaking,
nnd this natural absorption of tho
rnln is taking enro' of much of the
water, whllo tho great surplus of tho
ovordow, being unlmpodod by Ice, Is
lushing forward.
In Charge of Colorado Fuel & Iron.
Denver. April 10. Tho statemont
was mndo today on what Is said to
bo tho highest authority that Join
"V. dates, chairman pf tho American.
Stool & Wire Company; John Lam
bert, ex-prcsldont of that company,
nnd I. U Wood, ox-soconcl vlco-pres
riont, linvo secured control of tho Col
orado Fuol & Iron Company by rqcent
Durchnsos of stock, and will nt once
elouble tho capacity of tho Pueblo
plant, adding tin nnd wire mills and
additional blast furnaces.
COLD30.Ofv3 J A3T COAr,
Makes QoSd BpTetT In Two Trials on
Pujet Sound,
SEATTLE, April 10. Tlio torpedo dusttoyor Uoldsborough, bulitliy
volff a y.wlckor, of Portland, wits
jslvon two of tha. first of bur ufllclul
trial iiiiih In I'liRot Hound, off AIM
jailnt Hijtunlnyj ono In dm morning
Tuid tlio Other In thu uft
olllclnl trial board, comprised of Lieu
lOMiuikCpiiiJimnrtuni o, II, iotfir and
Buhner, J.leiitonniitH A. II. Wilson and
0. Oilier: Assistant Niival Constructor
AdniiiH, nil of thu battleship lownj
roilorkU DnlJIn, ioprenontlriB tho
;!raniilK lira, nnd hovornl Invited
Knumn 01 mo uiiiKiorH, una tho cor
frm,L a d wnie l . 7 , V" " "
whoro IWt Ho, , ?L rl
a , "M , """i0
tl'0,r ru"M,t0 "'I TniSmi
f. J?uAftf. 11 Hi ct! ?' .
,7, '7,10 , Z rhi?
SoWoLorouX IZ t 'n?, L
u.'UBUorouKn waitou. xno rlyor c.imo
nlonK8''1?' ll,on paHBC'1 on- T,' 'u
.T&a' n , IVti 1
lf,,.,nr ., ,.. L,. . ". ".V " --";-
h o t o t..n .uVrnv, r 7, . u
SSSmotl tl at tha 5 v w l i
i'1. V.'"1.." ? J yr l.nd sudilenly
7,lr,V, n .1,7 , ..r ff , u co7
U PCOn tI,nt raCC- nd .tl.O ImmOHBO
Dullt by Union
Works Falls.
Ilf lOIIIKVirPAKt a. tt - A (-
emenu on ' hor'omclal "OT.
Under tho contrnct tho vessol wns re
quired to dovclop n Bpced of 29 knots
an hour, but tho best sho could do on
hor trial, run wns 28.2 knots nn hour.
attlbn of tho department tin's 'not
... . ... ..... . ? . .. .
yet boon dotormlnc'3. but tho vcnnl
j.robnblj will la accepted, subjqct to
.i HiignL.ueuuci.on ironi mo conirati
Much Mall From Nome.
Scattlo, April 10. United States
mnll from Tellor City, within tho
circle of tho Arctic, Slnrock, Nomo.
HL Mlchncl nnd nil of tho principal
points nlong tho Yukon, from Its
mouth to Whlto Horse, arrived In this
city today, on board the steamer City
of Snattlo. It Is tho third Nomo mall
rorolved slnco tho closo of Ilohrlng
son navigation. Thoro wore probably
3000 Nomo letters of ditto as lato as
January 1C. From tho stamping tho
carrlurs did not leave St. Michael
until eight days subsequent to their
jdopnrturo from Nome. Numerous St.
Aiicnaoi jfluors wcro einmpcu Janu
ary 23. Tho Nomo mall which waB
carried In a slnglo pouch, contnlned
lettors 'posted for ovory principal city
In tho United States and .Canada,
whllo not a fow nro addressed to Eu
ropean cities.
An Incendiary Fire.
I St. Louis, April 10. U Is bojlovod
rtlinftlio Hro yeslfcrday wlilch caused
the destruction of n grain eiovator
owned by tho St. Louis Elovator &
Storngo Company, was of Incendiary
origin. Sevornl boys whom tho wtch
nTan Just provloiui to l.Ts discovery of
tho fire had ordered from tho premises
nro thought to bo guilty. Tho nro
started In tho oil room.
Major Taylor In Paris.
Paris, April 10. Major Taylor, tho
Amorlcan cyclist, will mako his first
npponrnnco on n Europoan track this
nftcrnoon, when ho stnrts In a mllo
opon event. Tnylor's European tour
is undor the management of Itobort
Coquollo, tho ParlB cycling promotor.
Ono of tho stipulations In tho colorod
lad's contract Is that ho shall not be
required to rido Sundays.
Southern Pacific Firemen Meet Death
In 8mash-Up.
OGDEN, Utah, April 10. West
bound Southorn PacMo passenger No.
1 was wrecked at Mooro's Hill, noar
Wells, Nov., last night. Fireman
Hickman, of Ogdon, nnd Flromnn Lo
dor, of Wolls, woro killed, nnd En
gineers Wnrnor, of-Wolls, and Brldo,
of Ogdon, woro seriously but not fa
tally lnjurod. A broken truck cnusod
half tho train to loavo the track, tho
two mall pars catching llro, cromatlng
Hickman. Engineers Wnrnor and
Drldo woro badly scnldod. Tho mail
cars' woro entirely consumed,
Epworth League Tourists.
rn,iinnnnniin Anrll 10. Tho In
diana Epworth Leaguo Is tho nrBt to
mako ofllqlal arrangements for tho
ir tn Run "Pi-nnpiBpn for tho Inter
national convention in July. North
ern Indiana win rendezvous m. um
cago, leaving thore July 9; Control
Trwllnnn will mnnt. nt Dloomlncton.
111., and Southern Indiana at St. Loiils,
all loaving mo snmo uay uuu uiuunus
at Kansas City. Sunday, July 14,
will bo spent at Salt Lako City. This
stato will sond a delegation of COO to
the convention.
Plumer Occupied Pietersburg
With Slight Opposition.
Blj Supply of Ammunlllnn Found In the
Dutch Midline Sklnnlih Reported
it Ilojlimjn'i Kop,
LONDON, April ll.--i.ord Kltcho-
ner,, tho war olllic, under
data of Iio to rln, April 9, miyn:
"I'luinor hnB occupied I'leterflhurK
with nllfil.t oppoHltlou. Ho captured
two locomotive and 40 truckn. Ho
took CO prlHonerH, capturlriK a soyen
pounder and destroying 210,000 car
trldrjoH with 1000 rounds of Hoven-
potindur ammunition, and a conoid-
urnhlo amount of powder nnd dynn-
mite." maintenance thoro and tho JuBt
Tho enpturo of I'lctorsburg la ro- , claims of tho missionaries who were
garded hero as important. Tho placo American citizens and suffered In
Is tho terminus of tho railway, nnd .property and person from tho Hoxer
has boon tho capital of tho lloer gov- outbrcax. In Its anxiety to avoid op
nrnment since tho evacuation of Pro- pressing China and to secure a'Bpccdy
torln. Tho wholo Northern railway I settlement of tho Chinese question,
In now In the hands of tho Ilritlsh. I tho United States government stands
According to Lord Kitchener's 01b- willing to mnko a heavy cut in Its
patch, only one ofllcpr and ono man claim, provided the other nations rep
was killed. The Doers evacuated tho ; resented at I'ckln will also abate their
town during the night prior to I'lu-; claims In proportion. It Is entirely
mer's arrival, after blowing up two ; possible, If Mr. Ilockhlll can Induce
trucks laden with ammunition. j tho other ministers to make a cut
Lord Kitchener reports tho capture of CO per cent In their Indemnity he
of 1C prisoners, CO horses and tho will do bo, though the apparent result
depot of wnr stores at IJoshmnn's ho tho loss to tho United State's of
Kop, Ornngo river colony. j 12,C00,O00.
As nn offset, tho commander In I The administration Is satisfied that
chief reports that 100 men of tho 'tho great danger of, the situation at
Drltish lancers and Imperial yeomanry Pekln lies In delay. Had tho present
worn attacked by 400 Hoors to tho
northward of Aberdeen, Cnpo Colony,
and thnt after several hours' fighting
the Ilritlsh wcro surrounded and cap
tured, with tho exception of 25, who
succeeded In making their escape.
Prospect That All Previous Records
Will Be Broken This Season. rrinco iuan in uio measure ue
hp att i r Anrii 1 1 Thn niBh to manded by tho powers. It Is thought
N,?meA t"i' seasinUl .J the7argest that modest M,Uve
yet. Even at this early date hundreds J" met by tho Chinese government
11 r itiioiHllni? Nimi.ltna nro liuvlnc nni1 1,10 rebellion averted. The In
?L. J" I? - iw.ii i. i demnlty nucstlon has also consumed
when tho tlmo comes to go. The ear-
Host sailing for that place from this
city is April 2C, that being tho data
the steamer Jeanlo Is scheduled to
sail. Most nil of the berths l.avo been
Bold already. Dozens of steamers,
Bchooners und barges will mako tho
I . oitln nn riMil tirt rirniinriru nrn
that overy one of them will bo loaded
10 tho gunwales with passengera and
Lato news from Nomo points to a ' I., April 11. Since the United States
great season there. There has been I Philippine commission waB at Baco
ii rlrn strike! on thn headwaters Of lnt thn rnnltnl nf this Island. March
the Kuskokwln river, nnd that has
caused a grent sensation among those
who propose to go there this summer. '
A recent letter received In this city
from Nomo gives an Interesting ac-
count of life In that far northern
country. Tho writer says tho winter
lias beon very mild this season, and
ho has ieen.opg,nrojund wUh very
little more underwonr nnd "oilier cloth-
Ins than ho woro wiion in tnis city,
nnd ho Bays he novor -wears nn over-
coat. Prices on produce, ho snys,
woro very low nt tho tlmo of tho
wilting, which was tho ICth of Jan-
uary.' Ho said the best hay was sell-
Ing for f 250 per ton. Coal was down
to SC9 per ton, but last winter was
up to $1)0. Best beefsteak is selling
for 75 cents per pound, and turkey
for CO cents. He snys Nomo Is the
placo to mako a fortuno In a small
time, nnd advised tho man to whom
ho wns writing hero to sell nil of his
Interests nnd como up thoro in tho j
summer und go In with him in open-
Ing up n largo produce store. The
shortest day had threo hours of sun-1
shlno, but darkness did not , como on
until 8 o'clock at night
LARGEST PRUNb UKUf ivnuwr.. .
Outlook in Clark County-Orchards to the
Are In Fine Condition. churla, merely refuses to hold further
" VANCOUVER, Wash., April 11. communication with them upon the
Clark county fruitgrowers nro much subject.
gratified ovor the excellent prospect The Mongolian Prlnco Olaskan,
for a big fruit crop. The orchards father-in-law of Prlnco Tunn, proves
nil over the- county nro In fine condl- to be an Important factor In the re
tlon; nothing has so rar occurred, asibelllon now In progress. Ho urges
far ns can be ascertained, to Injure the rebellious troops to march on
tho trees. Tho climatic conditions singan Fu. Chinese knowing Gen
have been most favorable for prune ) oral Tung Fu Sinn say the emperor
nnd other fruit trees. Tho buds havo brought tho robolllon upon his own
boon kept back by tho cold, frosty i head when ho published tho edict
nights which accompanied tho warm, i threatening the general with future
sunshiny days of February and March, ' punishment. On nccount of his pros
until now it is bollovod the season Is 0nt power nnd Inrtuence, General
so tar advanced that thoro Is scmcoly Tung Fyii Slan would not permit this,
any further dnngor. With n week ami naturnlly desired to provo that
moro of tho prosout warm sunshine, , power. Ho hasJ tho entire Monam
tho prune orchards will bo In full jnodan population with him. Prince
bloom. Lnst yonr pruno orchards In Tunn also has n largo following, while
this county woro In bloom throe , princo Olasknn controls the entire
weeks beforo now. Fruitgrowers pro-, provlnco of Mongolia.
diet tho InrgeBt prune crop in tuo
history of tho county.
New Ten-Dollar Note.
Washington, April 11. Tho secre
tary of tho troasury has approvod a
doslgn for the how $10 logal tender
United Stntes noto. Prominent In tho
contor of tho faco of tho noto Is tho
plctufo of nn Amorlcan buffalo, taken
from a photograph of n fine mounted
specimen In tho national museum. On
the right nnd loft ends nro tho por
traits of Lewis and Clnrk. tho noted
explorers of tho far Northwest. By
tho side of oach Is a youthful figure
A.tnmllni. n nnlm nvnr thn lllctllrOS.
Tho nguros nnd, letters denoting tho
denomination are quuo large nnu con
spicuous. Tho noto Is considered ns
artistic ub Any thnt has beon Issued
in many years.
Knox Sworn In.
Washington, April 10. Phllandor
C. Knox, of Pittsburg, who succeeds
Attornoy Gonoral Griggs at tho head
of tho dopartmont of Juatlco, was
sworn in nt 10:30 yesterday morning
In the cabinet room of tho whlto houso,
Thoro woro pronont Prosldont Mc
Klnley and Mr. Knox's youngest son,
Phllandor C. Knox, Jr., and Justice
Shlras, of tho supremo court, who ad
ministered tho oath. Justice Shlras
Is nn old friend of tho new attornoy
The American Claim for Indemnity
May Be Cut In Half.
WA8HINOTON, April 11. .Tho
Htato departrnont ban heard further
from Mr. Ilockhlll, our upcclal com
rnlBBlonor at I'okln, touching the of
fort mnkln thoro to roach an agree
ment roHpcctlni; tho Indemnity to bo
demanded from a Chlneo Kovornmont.
Mr. JlockhlH'H principal effort, acting
under direct liiBtructlonn from Sec
retary Hay. In to Induce tho mlnlgtoro
of other powers to kcop down the
total of their claims to tho amount
which tho financial experts, headed
by Sir Ilohert Hart, bavn lf.eMr.ri in
ho within the ability of China to pay.
Tho United States government has
felt that tho total Indemnity claimed
should not exceed 40,000,000, and
has steadfastly spnght to mako that
figure tho outside limit of tho claim.
For Itself, the state department claims
z.., indomnlty, and It has sup
plied Mr. Ilockhlll with data for tho
presentation of an Itemized account
showing tha expenditures mado by tho
government for transportation of our
military contingent in China, Its
representations of Mr. Ilockhlll been
heeded, tho officials arc confident that
tho formidable rebellion which has
broken out under tho leadership of
General Tung Fu Sinn In Slien SI
provlnco would never have occurred.
Mr. Ilockhlll had satisfied himself
that the Chlncso government was ab
solutely sincere when It pleaded Ina-
billty to punish this great general and
.,u' 'c" th ?"?'VJ 11
even months ago, .tho present dim
culty. It Is believed, would have bc-en
N!K Governor Trted to Start an
DUMGUATE. Island of Negros, P.
21, tho native civil governor of the
Island, Senor Sovereno, haB attempted
to start a nlnsurrectloa against the
establishment of tho commission's
now system of civil government. He
rallca to secure a following.
i Tho sentiment of tho provincial
government is almost unanimous in
favor of tho division of tho fund of
J70.000 Mexican currency, now In the
hands of tlio present government or
Negros, between mo proposea prov-
inces of Occidental nnd Oriental Ne-
pros. Tho bono of contention has
been that the commission set npart
two-thirds of this fund for Occidental
and one-third for Oriental Negros,
tho difference In tho nraounts to bo
offset by taxes still unpaid nt Baco-
Uo. A resolution In favor of the re-
organization of tho two provinces has
been ndopted. Details have been em-
bodied providing for the obligations
0f tho present government. The
provinces will bo created later.
cause of the Rebellion In Northern
PEKIN. April 11. The Russian mlu-
- ---- . n res0nd
From 25,000 to 60,000 Killed Since
the War Began.
NEW YORK, April 11. According
to n Hovnld spoclal from Washington,
since the robolllon in tho Philippines
50,000 inon Is tho lowest estlmato of
tho war dopartmont of tho casualties
sustained by tho Filipino forces; 7GG7
rifles have beon captured or surren
dorod, and C5.142 rounds of ammuni
tion havo boon seized. Tho number of
Filipinos killed cannot bo nccuratoly
determined, ns Gonoral MacArthur In
his dispatches states that It Is lm--possible
to bo nccurnto on this point.
It would not surprise officials should
tho Filipino fatalities reach 25,000, and
somo say that 50.0Q0 is closor to the
real figures.
Reconsidered by Cubans.
Havana, April 11. Tho Cuban con
stitutional convention today formally
reconsidered tho vote against sending
a commission to Washington, tho final
vote standing 20. in favor of recon
sidering to eight opposed. Tho pro
gramme is now to appoint a commit
tee of flvo, who shall, In tho first In
stance, wait upon Govornor General
Wood, dlscues tho situation with him,
nnd ask his advice rgardlng the pro
cedure necessary In tho present case
at Washington.
Has Reopened .Negotiations With
the British.
The Boer General, Learning That the Free
Stater's Intellect Had Weakened, Ai
turned Full Reiponilbllily.
CAPE TOWN, April 12. General
Botha has reopened negotiations with
tho British for peace. It is understood
here thnt although General Dewet, In
his recont Interview with " General
Botha, refused to surrender, General
Botha regarding him as Irresponsible,
undertakes to ncgotiato in behalf of
tho entire Boer forces. Tho British
authorities here consider that if Gen
eral Botha surrenders, Dewet's fol
lowing can be easily taken.
As explained "here, this action was
determined In part by General Botha's
discovery nt a recent meeting that
General Dewet's Intellect had weak
ened, that his influenco with his fol
lowers was diminishing and that con
tinuance of tho campaign, In view of
General Dewet's irresponsibility, rest
ed with General Botha alone.
Russia Gives Another Proof of
PARIS, April 12. Tho Important
festivities attending President Lou
bet's visit to tho Riviera were
brought to a climax today In the
double naval demonstration at Ville
francbo and Toulon. Both proved
splendid spectacles. Tho profuse dec
orations at Toulon, tho flotillas of
pleasure boats flitting about the har
bor, the gaily dressed warships lying
In tho roadstead and the animation of
the Immense crowds of strangers Jost-
llnf- ,inn nnnthnr In thn Btrnnta nnil
along the wharves Imparted a coloi
and plcturesqueness to the scene
which outvied the situation at Vllle
tranche. The French peoplo, however, j
derive as much pleasure from the In
cidents at Vlllefranche as from the
meeting of M. Loubet and the Duke
of Genoa at Toulon.
"The Russian squadron," says Le
Journal des Debats, "saluted the pres
ident on his departure for Toulon so
that Russia will be associated as com
pletely as could be desired with the
fetes on the Riviera. Those who have
spoken about the coolness of two
friendly and allied countries are now
compelled to admit that they took the
desire for the reality. Those who con-1
tended that Russia wished to manifest
hostility toward the Franco-Italian
rapprochement now have proof to the
contrary In the fact that the Russians
camo to salute the president at the
very moment when the fetes nt Tou
lon, sealing this rapprochement, were
about to take place."
Brigadier-General John B
Must Go to Asylum.
CHICAGO. April 12. A special to
the Tribune from Nashville 111., says:
Brigadier-General John B. Turchin,
soldier, scholar and author, is Insane,
and confined In the county Jail in this
city, whence ho will be transferred
to the Anna asylum tomorrow.
General Turchin was born In Rus
sia, and received a military training, i established a sufficient patrol to stamp
He was commissioned colonel of the j out the unlawful practice. This sea
Nineteenth Illinois Infantry by Gov-, son the United States will have five
ernor Yates, In 1801. Ho organized 1 revenue cutters in Behring sea, which
his regiment at Chicago, nnd left for i will be aided by Beveral of the smaller
Tennessee, where General Buell
placed him at tho head of a brigade.
Hero Turchin offered a plan to his
superior officers for capturing Hunts-
vllle, which was accepted and proved
successful. In recognition of this ser
vice, ho was appointed brigadier-gen
eral. In 18G3 Turchin organized the
Chicago Board of Trade Battery Into
a battery of horse artillery. He com-'
manded this division throughout the open season, and the Rush will be sta
Tulluhoma campaign. I tioned nt Sitka, for duty particularly
During the Chlckamauga cam- In tho Southern Alaskan waters. Tho
palgn, with his command he dlstin-' several cutters are expected to start
gulshed himself upon several occa-;
slons. During the Atlanta campaign
In 18G4 Turchin participated in the
engagements of Resaca, Kenesaw
Mountain and others. Here he was
forced to leavo tho army, and later
resigned. '
Governor Rogers Says It Will Prob
ably Be Made in Summer.
OLYMPIA, Wash., April 12. Re
garding when the stato will take pos
session of Its new cnpltol building,
Governor Rogers today said:
"There was a tacit understanding
between the capltol commission and
tho board of county commissioners
thnt, Inasmuch as the county will
probably rent part of the present state
building for a time, at least, the two
boards would work In harmony, so
far as possible, In mnklng the ex
change, of offices, without discommod
ing either party to the .transaction.
In the summer months, during which
tho supreme court is not In session,
will, no doubt, bo the best time at
which this exchange could be made
with the least possible Inconvenience
As the county will only havo need ot
two floors ot. the present stato build
ing, tho exchange can bo made without
serious difficulties."
Russians Not Uneasy.
St. Petersburg, April 12. Tho Novoe
Vhomya avers that Russia has no
causo for uneasiness regarding Man
churia. Sho possessos agreements
with the government of each of tho
throe provinces which remain In force.
In tho futuro, if China desires hor for
mor position restored, sho can at any
tlmo sign the treaty In her posses
sion. In tho meantime, the St. Peters
burg Zeltung says Russia Is free to
act In Manchuria for tho preservation
ot order as hor Judgment dictates.
Four Alaska Transportation Compan
ies Now In Two.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 12. The
details of tho combination of n num
ber of Alaska commercial and trans
portation companies, which has been
pending for sovoral -weeks, havo boon
completed. The Alaskan Commercial
Company, tho Alaska Exploration Com
pany, tho Seattle-Yukon Transporta
tion Company nnd tho Emplro Trans
portation Company have beon merged .
Into two corporations tho Northern
Navigation Company, with a capital or
$3,250,000, and the Northern Commer
cial Company, with n capital of $7,
000,000. Tho followjng, official announcement
has been made:
"For some weeks nast tho retire-
sentatlves of tho principal transporta
tion ami trailing companies doing bus
iness on tho Yukon have been In con
ference, tho original nurnosn bnlntr to
arri ve at somo understanding whereby
reasonnoio transportation rates might
bo maintained and a romedv found for
tho ovlla resulting from conflicts
caused by divided interests. An this
discussion progressed, tho schemo en
larged upon Itself so that It was fi
nally found that the best results could
bo obtained only by a unity of their
interests in. the Yukon, St. Michael,
Bohrlng sea nnd Port Clarence dis
tricts. As a result of this decision,
two new companies have been Incor
porated under the laws of tho statn
of New Jersey, and the assets and
Business of tho following companies
havo been transferred to the new In
corporations: Alaska Commercial
Company, Alaska Exploration Com
pany, Seattle-Yukon Transnortattnn
Company, Empire Transportation Com
The Northern Navigation Comnanr
will take over all the assets of tho
above companies which are connected
with the transportation in that coun
try, and will be handled as a separate
corporation doing a purely transporta
tion business. It is capitalized at
The Northern Commercial Com
pany, capitalized at $7,000,000, will
take over all the plants and stocks of
merchandise now under tho control
of the above-mentioned companies in
me territory described.
The now companies expect to re-
I duce 4tne prlce of 8UPPlles: to avoid
in future any possible shortage of
necessities In the North, and to make
its legitimate profit In the reduction
of expenses, which the conditions of
late years have made abnormally
"The principal offices of tho new
companies will be at San Francisco,
Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver.
"The officers of the companies have
not been selected as yet, but will be
chosen at the first meeting of the
board of directors."
United States Will Have Cutters in'
Behring Sea.
WASHINGTON, April 12. The Beh
ring sea seal grounds will be pa
trolled by revenue cutters this sum
mer, as in past seasons, in co-opera
tlon with British -warships, which
' have taken a hand in this special duty
! for the past two seasons. The treas
j ury department, which has direct su-
' PervIslon In such cases, flatters Itself
. that in the course of the last five
years there has been less illegal seat
fishing id Alaskan waters than before,
especially during that period when the
question of Jurisdiction was in dispute
between the United. States and Can
ada. Since an agreement has been
reached, the two governments have
entered into a hearty co-operation, and
I British gunboats. The cutters to be
assigned to this duty are tho Bear.
Thetis, Manning, Grant and Rush. It
Is to bo understood, of course, that
their entire time will not bo devoted
to the protection of seals, but while
on other duty In Alaskan waters, will
look out for seal protection. The Bear
will go to tho Point Barrow region,
where she will remain throughout the
for Alaska between the 1st and ZOtu
of May, next.
Armor Plate May Now be Furnished
NEW YORK, April 12. A special
to the Herald says: Armor plato for
naval vessels may be sold to tho gov
ernment for only $150 a ton and the
manufacturers may make a fair profit
at that price. An experimental plate,
manufactured by an entirely new pro
cess, has recently been shipped from
Pittsburg to the naval ordnance prov
ing ground at Indian Head to bo sub
jected to tlie regulation ballistic test.
Upon the result ot this test will de
pend further experiments which may
result In the adoption by the govern
ment of this new armor instead ot
that for which tho navy department
Is now paying at tho rate of $455 a
If the new armor Is a success and
can be sold for $150 a ton It will mean
a saving to tho government of $305
on each ton ot armor. On a battle
ship of tho Alabama class, carrying:
2,000 tons ot armor, this would mean
a clear saving to the government ot
Prevented Hold-up.
Omaha, Neb., April 22. Deputy
United States Marshal Hans, who Is
also special agent for the Freomont,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad,
yesterday shot and killed David O.Luso,
near Alnsworth, Neb., whllo tho latter
was resisting arrest. The railroad offi
cials authorized tho statement today
that tho mission of Detective Hana
to Alnsworth was to prevent a well
planned train hold-up. The man killed
Is said to have been the terror ot
Brown county.