Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 12, 1901, Image 7

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Tho Wont Part of It.
Do Jones I hear your firm dls
clmrs&t. you.
flmjftlio Yon; tint I wouldn't mind
tlint HO'tnuoh It thoy limln't atldsd In
null to Injury.
Do Joiiok How o?
Btnylho Tlioy advertised for ft boy
to nil my place Chicago Newi,
TIik Twentieth (lenlnry,
The ttti'iilleth century hrifitn Jmittnry
Id, WOI. m il will mil Willi VUK), l'miile
did licit beIn to reckon lllil front A. I). 1,
lint twilled until itlimit III AM) venr of tlio
Chrtxtlnu cm. I'fdplf wlm liexlii to tnkn
thn ureal lirnllh rralnritlve, IliiMtltnr'
HldliiHili Hitters, Iiiutirdliitely nflcr llin
llrct iilltlirrnk nf lveMn, mnlnrln, rlinl.
Mintlsiu, niiiMlimllnii, nrviiiiMnA or kid.
ncy triMililii will dttlilrcurliiiiiifdlnts
ly fiort tlim.
ruddy Did you ovor notlco that
most of tho black-facod artists ore
I)uddy Naturally, An IrUhmnn In
rlKlit nt homo In Cork. Huston Tram
You aro inatlo ownro of tlio news-
Uy for cloauoliiff your Mood In tlio
tvprliifc by humor, cruntlous and othor
outward sljfiis of Impurity.
Or tlmt dull headache, bilious, nau-
i com, nervous condition and tlmt tired
feeling nro duo to tho Mine cause
wenk, Ihlii, Impart), tired blood.
America's (3 rentes t Spring Mcdl
cluo li Htyxl's Bnmnparllla.
It mokes tho blood rich and pure,
euros icrofula mid salt rheum, kIvcs a
clear, iieiiimy compioxioii, kdou appc
lite, tweet Bleep, sound health.
For cloanstnjr tho blond tho boit
tnctllcluo money can buy Is
It li Peculiar to Itself.
American Commission at Parli.
Tho coht of tho American conunls
dlon nt tho Paris exposition was nonrly
All dlaad conditions nl tin
Mi! tut dk In are Ixuefltlrd by
tho well known remedy, (Urrlild
letl It i.urMrs Hi bloix! and
clears llicnmileilon.
Good Subject Maksa Qood Talker.
McCatthy Old Drown declares you
nro tho most entertaining talker In
tho club. What do you usually talk
about In hla company?
McComuilclc Old Brown. Harlem
Ttali signature Is en seery box of the (tuulns
Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tbut
lbs remedy that nirM n eoltl la ttay
It Wouldn't Do.
Unron Munchausen had Just writ
ton a latter to a friend.
MA closed with a flourish, "yours
truly," and sinned hla namo.
Then, with a melancholy smile, ho
erased the word "truly."
"It would only move him to dorlslvo
laughter," he said. Chicago Tribune
tit It'll flnrr Danger I
lint pimples, blnlchri. bnlla, sorca aredanser
alenalanf torpid llrer, polMined blood, t li
ra rem lanuy awiariic win save you.
druggists luc, ac, We.
Amending Shakesptare.
I lor Kscort Ise awful fond
mimic, 'specially dance music.
Miss Snowflnke So's I. Doan dny
nay dnt music am do food ob lub?
"It am do vory chicking an' watah
million of lub." Puck.
arc nmonf; the best known
of tho many dan;;crou.i
wild plants and shrubs.
To touch or handle them
quick ly produces swelling
nnd inllnmmatlonwithiu
tcusc itching and burning
of tho skin. The eruption
eoou disappears, the suf
ferer hones forever: but
almost as soon as the little blisters and
pustules appeared the poison had reached
the blood, and will break out at regular
Intervals and each time in a more aggra
vated form. This poison will loiter in the
system for years, and every atom of it
must bo forced out of the blood before you
call expect a perfect, permanent qure.
Nature's Antidote
'Nature's Poisons,
is tho only cure for Tolson Oak, Tolson
Ivy, nnd nil noxious plants. It is com
posed exclusively of roots nnd herbs. Now
is the time to get the poison out of your
system, as delay makes your condition
worse. Don't experiment longer with
salves, washes and soaps they never cure.
Mr. S. M. Marshall, bookkeeper of tlie Atlanta
(Oa.) Oas Uglit Co., nil poUoneil Willi l'olion
Oak. Ho took Sulphur. Arsenic and various
other drugs, and applied externally numerous
lotions nnd salves with no benefit. At times the
swelling ami inflammation was to severe lie was
olmott blind, l'or eight years the polaon would
brcttlc out every season. Ills condition was much
Improve I after taking one bottle rf 8. S. 8., and
a few bottles cleared Ills blood of the poison, and
oil evidences of the disease disappeared.
Fcople nro often poisoned without
knowing when or how. Uxplain your case
fully to our physicians, and they will
cheerfully give 6uch information and ad
vice ns you require, without charge, and
we will send nt the name time nit interest
ing book on Illood nnd Skin Diseases.
L9 Dost Oough Syrup. Taatea flood, use IJJ
In tin.. Hnlii hr Jruwliita. M1
I S . I
Hero l n ninteh trick which Just now
In puzzling n good tunny ppnplo In En
glnnd, nny tho Now York llcrnld:
"A" aiiyM lo "II"! Hero nro twenty.
, live iimtehi'd. Now lot ench of im take
iiwny, In rotfltlnn, not moro tliiiu three ,
nt n tlino. You mny Ih-kIii. Whoovor,
gi'ta thu liiMt ma Ith losca,"
"All right," my "!, "I'll begin," ,
And now tlu-y tuko them nwny no
"11" 15 2 3 3 2
"A" a 1 2 1 1 2
Thin mnkcN twenty-four, ho Hint tho
liiHt match fnllH to "II,". It will bo m-un
tlmt "A" each tlimi la It ex nwny n nilin-1
bur of inatclicH which, milled to thoHu
taken by "II," makes four, nnd an
tweiity-flvo In oiio In excess of n mullb
plo of four "It" ennnot help bmlng,
Hut tho Intter rioen not know It, plnyn
fiKnln, loHi'ri ngnlu, nnd innkt-M "A" bo
gin. "A" Ih-kIiih:
"A" a -j a 2 l 3
"li" a i 2 a i
This mnlit'H twenty-four, nnd "11"
loses. "A" almply opcrntoH ho tlmt nH
noon us posHlblu the number of mntchcM
from which "II" hint to tnko nhows oiio
In addition to n multiple of four, and
from then on hrhIm taken nwny a num
ber, which, added to thoKo taken by
"11," miikeH four. Of course, tho total
number of matches Ih not rentrletcd to
twenty live. It mny be 21). 37, 73, 101,
etc., but mtiHt nluiont be one In oxcchh
pf n multiple of four.
The mnnnRcr of a Ht. IajuIs mnnu-
facturltiK couipnny, Mr. M. V. Kellcy.
has clvcn the results of his experience
In these words: "In mlvi-rtlsliiK, ns lu
everything else, perslsteucy will win.
I've tried It I know II. There Is not
an article of any merit whatever that
cannot bo Hold through advertising and
tnko tlio Held over products that arc not
A Chicago merchant of experience
places moru stress on tho constancy of
thu advertiser thiiu on the striking
character of tho advertisement. Ho
declares that "the 'ad.' that Is always
ou tho tiring Hue, through thick and
thin. In season and out of season, Is the
'ad.' that will win Its share In tho divis
ion of trade. The 'ad.' that Is run at In
tervals must enter the lists each time
is a new competitor."
In all Its all-pervadhg Influence ltd-
vertlslug seems to be like trusts,
which, according to Mr. Hryan, "wo en
rounter from tho cradle to t n grave."
Certainly publicity promotes tho sale of
fvcry commodity for which man has
aio during his lifetime; but Its power
is a stimulator of dcuviml Is not limit
ed to t-ui'b articles. A Boston company
which makes tombstone:! and monu
ments la, built up an enormous bush
cos- lu New Euglnvd by persistent ad
vertising In tho newspapers. I'hlladel
phla Itccord.
A notable evidence of the progress of
newspaper advertising ims uccn pro
vided by tho book publishers. Until
recently theso publishers, llko some oth
er business men, considered that 'I was
essential to their dignity to avoid any
thing striking In tho wording and tho
tjpo of their advertisements, nnd In
deed, to advertise only lu a vory lim
ited way. All the publishers and koiko
bankers, Insurance) men and others
havo discovered that to do tho largest
amount of business It Is necessary to
do a largo amount of nowspapcr adver
tising, and to word their "mis." so as to
trrest attention.
Pootlcus I have hero n companion
poom to "The Mnu with tho Hoe."
Editor What la It called?
roctlcus "Tho Woman with tho Ax,"
and I've dedicated It to Mrs. Nation.
Chicago Chronicle
Nino out of ten men who get Into
business trouble, dually credit It to re
fusal to lot well enough alone.
Tho astronomer Is a space reporter.
r5 J
Sho tolls alt Buffornjj
oarod of Ovarian
K1? - r n "1
"Dbah Mira. PixjcnAM: When I wrote to tou a few month
go I liad bwn tnfforing from inflammation of the ovaries and
womb tor over eighteen months, I had a continual pain nnd
awreaeM la my Hack: nnd side. I beltero my troubles were caused
by overwork nd lifting some years ago, Lifo was a drag to me
and I felt like giving np, I had several doctors, but they did me
littl good- I began to tuw Lydia E, Pinkham'a Vegetable Com-
Kmnd four rnonUm ago and am in better health to day than I
rr been for yean. All my pains aro gone. Your Vegetable
Compound has mado me well. I recommend it to all suffering
women" Msa. 8. J. Watbow, Hampton, Va.
Wliurj tltoro In ono remedy that In sure, and
tiurvdrcdn of thounnndn of women know from cx
pcrlsnco In roHnblo, Is It wine to experiment with
untried and comparatively unknown medicines?
- 'the Key to the Situation.
First Dotoctlvo How did you man
age to discover tho scandal In their
family closet?
Second Detective Well, you sco, I
had a sKoleton key. Smart Set.
you know what you aiik takino
Wbm tou take Grore's Taiteleit Cblll Tonic,
Drcauie mo lonnmais pia.inijr nrmieaon every
bottle abowlnr that It Is simply Iron and Quf.
mnoia m usieieia ions, no uure. ft orsr. we.
The Last Resort.
Clara He was hcarhroken, despor
ato, and roady for anything when I
rejected htm.
Maude What did ho do?
Clara Ho said ho was going to sco
Composition of Sweetbreads.
Elslo (aged 3) Mamma, I want to
ask you a serious question.
Mamma Well, what Is It, dear?
Elsie Are the sweetbreads made of
loaf sugar?
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslnvr's Sonth
lun Kyrup (lie beat remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
Serum for Diphtheria.
During a recent epidemic of diph
theria in a town on the Hudson, 205
cases were treated with scrum, and
among these there wore only two
Stops tha Cough and
Werka Of tha Cald.
Laxative Promo-Cjulnlne Tablets euro a cold In
one day. No euro, No I'ay. Price 25 cents.
The Meanlna in a Squeak.
Ous do Smith Thoso now boots of
yours squeak awruiiy; pernaps tneyi
ain't paid for yet?
Johnny That's all nonsenso. If
there Is anything In that, why don't
my coat, and vest, nnd my trousers,
and my hat aqueak, too? Exchange I
PTQ Parmanthtlr Curtd. Ko flU er nemraaneel
an.rnratiUr' Itr. Ktlns'iOrfrnt Nrra
ItMlnn-r. n.n.1 fur Fit K K A-1.00 (rial tmtlli. nl treat.
Im. lia.R.11 Klinb,LM..MI Aiih3.,FUlll.lhla,l'a.
Passing Fare.
Street car conductors aro never
beautiful. In fact, they are not even
passing faro. Philadelphia Rocord.
Force of Habit.
Would-Bo Suitor I desiro to pay my
addresses to your youngest daughter,
sir. Have you any objections?
Druggist My youngest daughter Is
already engaged, young man, but I
i have another daughter Just as good.
uomorvllle Journal.
' YourduMf nnilOiiarillstlie rummta Oregon Ulood
I Purifier, traied and true, Uau it now.
Aluminum Bridges for Cavalry.
Tho AtiBtro-Hungary war ofllco has
recently tried with success bridges of
aluminum for cavalry. Thoy aro tho
Invention of Captains do Vnux and do
Vail, and nro easily carried on wagons.
Beware of Them
There aro two afflictions which
perhaps give tho most pain
and trouble, vis:
Both disable and cripple,
St. Jacobs Oil
Is their best cure.
worn on how aha was
Inflammation by
. will be paid to any per
son who can find that the above tentlmonlal
letter is not fftnuloe or wa publlihed before
obtaining the wrlter'a pedal permlnlon.
J.Vnit T. TtXKHAH M"D1CI Co.
Woes of a Wife.
"Oh, that I should have married a
funny man!" sho walled. I
"What is tho matter, lovely dear?" 1
asked her most Intlmato friend. I
"He came home and told mo he had
a sure way to keep Jelly from getting
. moldy at tho top, and when I aBked
' him bow he said turn It upside down.
Uoston Traveler.
Garfield Tea Is an excellent
medicine to tale In tlicuprlnic
It roilucvs a healthy action
of the liver; It cleanaea the
yitrin and purifies the blood.
Restoring a Medieval Castle.
At Hohkonlnsburg, In Alsace, the
remains of an early medieval castle
is to bo restored by the kaiser after
the manner In which Plerrefonds was
rebuilt by the architect Vlollet lo Due
for the Empress Eugenie.
Th float Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever la a bottle of Grove'i Tastalets
Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine In 1
a tasteless form. No Cure. No Pay. Pries 60c. I
Little Alice's Description.
Llttlo 3-ycar-old Alice stood watch
ing her mother baking pancakes. After
a few moments' silent-observation she
tald: "Put on back, turn over on
stomach, then eat."
Plso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infill- ,
liblo medicine fur coughs nnd colds. N.
W. oamcel. Oi-eau Grove, N. J., Feb. 17,
1000. !
Not Completed. I
t,D rin.llnff Vrtii t cil ,1 ma tinfr.i-0 '
wo wcro married that you had an in
come of V3.000 a year. What haB be
como of it?
Mr. Darling Can't toll you until I
get an Itemized bill from your dress-
Denver News.
10 cure a coi.n in one dat
Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All
SrunrUts refund the money If it falls to core.
& W. Grove's slenaturo Is on each box. 2.'c.
Knew the Sort.
Eleanor's Mother You do Eleanor a
great injustice, my dear. She Is not
idle, only delicate She has no power
of endurance.
Eleanor's Father Humph 1 I know
all about her power of endurance. It's
the kind that'll let hor dance all night
In shoes, two sizes too small for her,
and make hor too tired tho next day
to dust the parlor. New York World.
aSv know the value of
Is beat tlire to cure Catarrh,
Hronchlt's and Coiisumntton.
Our remedy In guaranteed, fl,
I'. O. Ho 073.
W. II. SMITH 8 CO., Buffalo, H. Y.
which Is, send us
j our address, and
ow to make money fast
In tho nreannt great I'aciho Coast petroleum
oil boom Write Immediately to Haulers ami
llrnkera Oil Co,; J. W. Hot ner & 0 ., financial
agents, 21.1 Commercial Mock, Portland, Ore.
CtV Special agents anted lu every town.
N. P. N. O.
Mo. 18-1801.
WII1SN nrltlne te adrertlsers pUan
lueutlon this pupsr.
' .I n,
Which i. tell von tree It
Springtime Resolutions
Bure relief from liquor, opium and tobacco
titbits. Bend for particulars to
rssley Institute, 314 Sixth St., Portland, Or.
In sll towns of Oregon,
Model BO,
I LISTED AT $30.00, 131X0 AND 111.00, GUARANTEED TO JANUAUY 1, 1903.
.... 120 FIRST STREET. ...
JobborB of Bloyoio SundrJoa. Portland, Orogon.
Machinery, Implements,
Farm Supplies, Etc.
Bee Line Buggies
$66.00 AND UP.
HENNEY, $90.00 and up.
Iron corners on bodies of all our Hennejr and
Bee Lin Buggies. Eend for Catalog,
First and Taylor Sts. Portland, Oregon.
uVlyu.eiCour Anchor
Great Combination of Strength and Beauty
"Tni Tj TnAT Bints."
See Our Anchor Clamp
Yon would ba inrprl'ed It you knew
how little It would cost jou to frx up
that old fence. Hetter send for mme
Anchor Clam)i anil I'prlfhts, and
pair nf our iiincherf , and m Le your o'd
wire fence look lite a new one.
ANCHOR FENCE looks o nice nd
Is o ttroiiK that ftrmers sometimes
think that It must be bleb priced. It
Isn't, though.
Claxp Biro iti Using.
tattle, blieep
Write for Trices and Cata'ozue.
Ascitis Wmnrd In
livery Town.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Toot of Morrison Ktrcet,
Can giro you the best bargains in
Bngtties, Hows, Hollers and KiiKinee,
Wiin mills anil I'uinpa and Gcneial
Machinery. See us before buying.
A mixture of dteprothncgraB eeil that wo
will KiiHramee toxruwon ilr Krnund that Mill
not produce cereal or any other kind of Krass
Will make crop ol hay, and ptihtnre all neasons
of the Tear. Voy never Invested dollar In
Tour life lhat wl I clvo jou huoIi robulti: price
116.10 per ion or 2a cents per pound. Betid us an
order lor M pmmda; e will send Instructions
for sow in?. Add lots At. J. SHiKI.ns A vo.
Growers and Importers nf all kinds nl Grass
and Field Heeds. MOSCOY?. IDAHO.
Northwest POULTRY News
If you keep poultry send 10c rur 3 mot.
trial to the Or VHiielr "lontlnr,
Hla. II, l'rtl d.r. Tellswhere
tojtet but poultry In N.W. Bamplefree.
Good, Live Agents Wanted
In sll nnoeenplnl territory, for tha
Ileal Wheels on Esrtb, lbs 1901
820 - $26 - S36 - S40
105-111 Kith Sins'. PORTLAND, Ore.
Watblngtou ami Mabo,
Model GO,
If You Need a
L,v',1-'l-,t- win pay to write us for cata
logue and prices.
Portland and Spokane.
Clamps and Uprights.
Till Old Fekcz.
THE Anchor Fxxcz.
ana nog lignt. it Neveb Sure alter closing
Portland Anchor Fence Co.
Nlcolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon.
U H. P.
Pumps Water, Saws Wood,
Grinds Feed, and costs two
cents an hour to run.
Get full particulars from 310 Market
Street, San Francisco, Oal.; Firat and
Stark Ste., Portland, Or.; Los Anueles,
Ferry's Peeds are
known tho country over as
tho most reliable Seeds that
can be boueht. Don't sava
nickel on cheap eevds and lose a
aouar on t ba liarvnt.
1W1 Keed Annual free.
D. M. FERRY a CO.,
Dttrslt, Mich.
Buy from the manufacturer. 1'rlco la tull rolls
2 feet Hide, l.'O feet long 1.U
i - " " " zn
t - - " - ,..,. M
Si it 4,12
m "Z'.::...'..:.zz. .
All Kinds of Wire and Iron Work.
10 Front ht., 1'ortluml, Ore(oo.
-rf i 1 i i . i.-r