CZAR'S SAFE HEFDGE 8ANOTUARY OF SAFETY FOR RUSSIA'S RULER. The palace of Gatschlna cauuot 1 :omnarcd with hucIi castles as Ve Paloca of Ontsclilnn It Kept Contlnu- oily Under the 8tr:c:et of Gnnrd and Prntertlnn KeilrlcleJ an 1 Unnt- tractive, but Convenient Domain. bo comnarcd with hucIi castles ns Ver sailles, San-soucl or Schoenbrun. It has nothing of the artistic emiieuisiimeui of the one, the historical memories of the other, or the landscape beauty ami comfort of the third. Situated tu the middle of a wide and desert plain, It has no pretty surroundings, und built without luxury Its exterior does not make an linnosliig Impression. Gats china lies between Tsarskoje-Selo nnd Krnsnojc-Selo, and the roads from each of these places to tho Imperial palace, which have private court railway sta Uons. are placed under particular super vision, and may not be used except by the court. A bleb wall Incloses tho nark. In the center of which Is the pal' ace, and this wall Is protectee' by nntrols. which never leave tho outer circle nor the park Itself for one mo ment out of sight. Eutranco Is only permitted by special order. Though tho superintendence Is so strict. It Is said that the Inhabitants of tho palace are not, and must not be, aware of It Their pleasures and comforts aro not Impaired by It; and all tho nuiusemeuis that could be agreeable to tlie emperor and his family-drives, hunts, riding and rowing, evening parties, thcat rlcal representations, etc. can bo par taken of. Adjoining the well-tenuea Dark Is an extensive wood like the park, surrounded by a wall and guaruV ed. In the park Itself are two lake-llko basins of water; the palace contains splendid saloons, and two colonnades which afford agreeable promenades in bad weather; all this aids In preventing the inhabitants from feeling nnythlng of the anxious and never-tiring super vision held over them, and tho want of more charming surroundings. Sometimes the royal family Inhabit Peterhof, but always return to Gats chlna. Peterhof Is more magnificent, Oranlenbaum prettier, but Gatschlna is considered safer and quieter. For many years before- the accession of Alexander III., the palace had been unused; be caused It to be restored and comfortably furnished. It has been seldom spoken of and scarcely more waa known of It than that the Imperial hounds were kept there. The Gats chlna race was celebrated, and a dog from the Imperial pack was very valu able, but people cared little for the castle and park. Still Gatschlna has its history. Peter the Great made a gift of It to bis favo rite sister, Natalie; Catherine II. gavo It to her favorite Orloff, who furnished It at great expense, and built additional edifices, by which, after the plans of the Italian architect. Ulnaldl. it receiv ed quite a different form. After Or loffs death the empress rebought It from his family, and gave It to the Archduke Paul, who Inhabited It fur some length of time. The palace forms a long square, at each corner of which Is a stately tower. The dwelling rooms are In three stories. The colonnades run along the sides, nnd the plllnrs are of Finland marble. The rooms are not architecturally beautiful, bur arc adorn, ed with valuable pictures and sculp ture from the Imperial hermitage In St. Petersburg, from the Anitschkow pal ace, and from the winter palace. The views are limited by the park and wood, which, however, have been benir tlfully laid out by the celebrated St. Petersburg landscape gardener. I-on-don Dally News. rngly supernatural growth of flowers was utterly eclipsed by another In atanco vouched for by the samo nar rator. Ills own sorvant brought nun a score or so of seeds, from which ho se lected nnd marked one. Tho fakir planted It In a pot of earth muttered some words over It, and fell Into a sort of trance, which lasted about thirty minutes. Ho then awoko, uncovered tho pot nnd discovered a seedling two or threo Inches high. Jncolllot examin ed It nnd found It had sprung from tho seed which he had marked. With a touch of a peacock's fenthor tho fakir depressed a balance of a common weighing machine In dally use in tho. nousonoiu, inougu in mo ouier wua a weight of twelve stone, nnd with n dis tant motion of his hand ho made shav ings of wood to sink or move In water. Still mora marvelous Is tho description of tho manner In which this verltnblo eastern wlrard was able to set at do- tlanco the law of gravity. On thU oc casion when leaving the room, he paus ed on the threshold, folding his arms, nnd, by a simple act of volition, raised himself from tho floor nnd reninlned poised In the air for some minutes. INDIAN MAGIC. It Is Often HeyonJ the Power or the Wisest to l.xpnin it. One need not go to the realms of space, or time, or figures, to met with the Incomprehensible, says the London Standard. Despite modern science and Ingenuity, this word still remains the only applicable epithet for some of the achievements of Indian conjurers. We can smile at the luminous appenrance of the beautiful face before which as the revelation of Osiris, the old Egypt ians prostrated themselves In awe for the marvels of the magic lantern ure familiar to us; tho early existence of gunpowder gives an easy explanation of the oracle's lightning and thunder; the weird harmony of Mcmnon was merely the result of an Ingenious me chanical contrivance. But shrewd travelers of later date, whoso veracity Is beyond dispute, tell of much more Inexplicable thlugs than these. Ope of tho best known writers on occultism, Jacolllot, has left an ac count of certain things he saw during his official sojourn In India, which, ns they seem to defy explanation, may fairly be classed among things Incom prehensible. Tho pprformer whom he accidentally met, nnd who required rame perawaeissj before lie would ex hibit feet ntm, fca continually nfli.nn cd, were tho work of other Intelligen ces. On some sticks fixed upright In flow w polo were placed some leaves from n nP. with holes In each siilllclenlly large to make them fall to the level of the mold. Standing nt a considerable ,irnnee. the fakir made a gesture with his bonds. A slight breeze acmed to ...o rim room, then the leaves ,.ivri nnd gradually worked upward on the sticks. Jncolllot placed himself between tho flower potB nnd the opera !oi the sticks In tho flooring, and adopted every means he could Ima gine to frustrato any tricaery, uu f u- aia nin niiv difference to tlio movement of tho leaves. The more familiar feat of the seem- INSURANCE FOR DRUGGISTS. Liability for Losses from Mistakes la Now Trovliled For. One of the latest things In the fldel Hy and casualty line Is to Insure drug' gists against what Is called the wroug prescription mau. For $15 or $'J5 u year several companies down town guni-nn tee druggists against damages arising from mistakes In compounding drugs. The Idea of Insuring druggists against loss from tholr own mistakes originat ed In tho belief of a number of leading pharmacists that they were the victims of a gang of roguos who made a prac tice of protending that wrong medicines had been given to some member of their families, sometimes with serious re sults. Tho gang was partly broken up by the fidelity company, which first ns suuied the responsibility of protecting druggists nt $5 n year each. An officer of this company says that there are fully 1.000 uilstnkes a year In the com pounding of drugs. "While there nre so many genuine mistakes." he continued, "there are many alleged errors In mixing medl clues, and some of the complaints are Invented for the solo purpose of extract ing money from the retail druggists. Our yompany guarantees to protect druggists against themselves, but our main desire Is to prevent fraud on tho part of those who want to blackmail one of our clients for something he has not done. It Is a serious matter to make a mis take In mixing drugs, but It Is frequent ly even more serious to the druggist to have it noised about that such a mis take was made. I have known chem ists to be forced out of business by the publicity given to the fact that they made a blunder. Dishonest persons have recognized the fear that druggists have of an exposure of this kind, and have taken advantage of the know ledge. "Since we undertook to prevent them a number of druggists have confessed to paying big sums to persons who said mistakes were made. I have the names of half a dozen so-called doctors who have aided the gang that was engaged In the business of bleeding chemists. Still, there Is nothing really remark- nble In this protection of druggists. For Instance, we have a special Insurance for saloou-keepers, guaranteeing them ngnlnst financial loss through being locked up for violation of tho excise law." Chicago luter Ocean. CARNEGIE RANKS FIRST AHONG PHILANTHROPISTS. These r the amount! donated tor public purposes liberal persona: anJrcvv Carnegie Ueorge l'vabouy ' John I). Ilocketellcr (approiliimtelr) ... Senator and Mrs, I.eUnii Btauford (approximately) ... Here la a Mat of Mr. Carnegie's donations! New York libraries M.aoO.OW mate College, IHf f tiliit ttainuirtti laltil II. Pi H(tt IMIIK n ram fuwi i .imiwn iiuiau 'iiftooo Ft" Wayne (lud.) library.. 20,000 MUUCIO iiuu.i by America'! most ..,f21,B08,SnU .,, R,8M,U0O , . . 8,000.000 ... 20,0W.W)U Ilellcronte, brarles Atlanta library Atlanta library Canton library I'ertb Amboy library Venders library ,., Tacouia library .......... Ureenvllle (U.i library.... Byduey (N. H.) library.... Newcastle (l'a.) library,. Ottawa (Oat.) library.... Ulorersville library l'ort Jerrla library ...... Boutli tit. Joseph (Mo.) urary r.0,000 Marlon (Ind. library....... SU 000 ft. Worib (Tex.) library... eoNwo Oakland (Cal.) library . . , . . Montgomery (Ala.) library.. Ashtabula (O.) library Carnegie Institute, lMtta- burg , Carcrgle Institute, 1'ltts- burg Carnegie Institute, Alle gheny Homestead Institute Jobnatonru Institute ....... Hrsddoclt Institute Kalrdeld ((.) library Duquesne Inatltute llellerue Medical College.. llrcenaburg library ., rittaburg Observatory Carnegie (l'a.) library Edinburgh library Edinburgh Technical School Ayr library mtrllug library Aberdeen library Jedburgh library Inverness library Wick library l'eterhead library Dumfries library .......... Carnegie Institute, 1'ltta burg Tubllc library, Washington lllrmlniham (Ung.) Unlv'ty l'olvtechnlc library, Louis ville Tublle library, Atlanta .... Dunfermline, Scotland .... Urand Total 00,000 70,000 15,000 15,000 40.000 100,000 IB.UOO 20,000 25,000 10,000 15,000 2,000.000 1,000,000 1100,000 aoo.oou 800,000 40,000 600,000 70,000 20.000 210,000 . 250.000 60,000 Mterens Institute, uouoacu Counellsvllle, l'a McKeesport, l'a Houston, Teras Scdalta, Mo Unloutowu, l'a Davenport, Iowa Sandusky, Ohio Tyrone, l'a Duliitb, Mlnu Dallas, Teaai I'.ast Liverpool, Ohio Steubenvllle, Ohio Son Klego, Cal Allegheny, l'a. Oakuiont, l'a Oklahoma City Tucnon, Arl Crawrordavlile (Ind.) library l'eru (lud.) library New port, Kf IIUU. ) library ,) library Wuhiish Mint X. X. I. Wouicu'a Club, Denlsou, Teias Illalrarllle, l'a Ponisud (lud.) library .... Washington (Ind.) library.. Alatnula Cal 30,000 Zoological Uardcns, N. V... Haie'wood, l'a 10.OUU uaieaoman iiuu, i. my Dams, lexas Seaboard Air Line ........ Kaatport, Me Oil City, l'a Illue Itaptds, Kan Monteflore Home 8.500 15,000 8.000 80,000 1,730,000 350,000 250,000 123,000 123,000 -100,000 HrrnouKe library Upper Iowa Unlrerslty., Cooper Untou Iltchnioud Kree Library.. Carnesle Laboratory .... Covington (Ky.) library 1100.000 75,000 73,000 80,000 30,000 80.000 ' 50.000 60.000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80.000 50,000 50.000 80,000 60,000 80,000 80.000 80.000 50,000 80,000 28.000 23,000 25,000 23,000 23,000 25,000 20,0110 20.000 20,000 17,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 10,000 8,0011 4,000 2.782 1,000 1,000 COO r.oo 601) 200,000 223.0IX) 1C0.O00 CO.OOO 40.000 .S21.bOS,232 ABOUT WEATHER KITES. Tho Taklnic of Meteoroloajlcat Observa tion nt a Oro.t Iiuinnce. In 1803 Prof. Willis L. Moore, tho nrpsent chief of the Weather Bureau, decided to undertake by means of kites the most complete survey of tho upper air. The plan adopted was 10 equip with kites a given number of stations rnoy. w. i.. jiooiik. HIS PASSPORT WAS CORRECT. at Kn.slnn Po'lcs Arrested Tourist i Inlht to rnin-rntaUte Him. A New York tourist writes to a friend In this country the following experi ence with the Russian pollco; "I arrived In Moscow armed with a faultless passport, which I at once gave up to the police, according to regula tions. On iny third evening In Moscow, at 10 o'clock, a policeman In plain clothes summoned me from the family circle around the samovar. "At the station we found the officials engaged with another case, which kept us waiting an hour and a half. Mean while I had been ransacking my con science, but could remember no crime that would warrant this midnight ar rest. Finally the official at the desk handed me my passport with a smile. " 'It Is tjulte correct, he said. I wait ed, wonderlug what was coming next. " 'It Is all right, I say. You may go,' the officer graciously repeated. Then my anger rose. " 'Old you arrest me at midnight to tell me thatV I OBked. " 'Certainly. We were obliged to re turn the passport to you In person with in three days. So we bad to summon you to-night.' " 'Good ' " 'Now, Just keep quiet, will you? said the little official, severely. " 'Congratulate yourself that your passport has been found correct, "I retired, gnashing my teeth. In the ante-chamber I found my police man, who raised his cap and asked for a pourlwlre. " 'What!' I yelled In angry amaze ment. " 'IJut, little father, I took the trouble to conduct you here. Are you not going to give me the price of a glass r "I gave ltl" Missouri's Mule. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat says: "The bray of Missouri's Indispensable product, the mule, Is now heard around the world from Cape Town to Hollo, and frequently drowns tho warring drum beat as It circles the globe." When a married man goes to see bis folks, bis wife looks for signs upon his return that they have Poisoned His IIuiL distributed over the United States, and to make dally ascensions, sending up automatic Instruments to the nearly uniform height of a mllo, if possible, the object being to secure a record of the meteorological conditions In the air Earlier experiments mauo in mo Weather Bureau and elsewhere had demonstrated tho possibility of using kites for such a purpose, but much re mained to bo done to bring tho wholo kite apparatus to that state of efficiency renulred In securing a successtui execu tion of so difficult an undertaking. While tho Weather Bureau has been doing this work of dally observations a mile high above the earth, Independent kite ascensions have been made by sev eral private Individuals, the most im portant of which in the United States aro the ascensions mado at the Blue II111 Observatory, near Boston. The results from a single station of this sort serve to show only the change In atmospheric conditions as the kites pass up or down through successive strata; or, If the kites are kept contln uously nt a fixed elevation, the obser vations show the change In conditions from hour to hour. The modern scientific kite Is a far more efficient structure than any of the well-known toys, but Its construction Is correspondingly complicated, and, In most cases, somewhat more than tho average mechanical skill and facilities are required to build one. The illustra tion of the kite printed herewith is of THK MKTBOHOOHAPlt. one of those used by the Weather Bu rcau In Its aerial work. One of the band reels employed at kite stations has a large drum, contain ing between two and three miles of fine steel piano wire, Joined In one length. The greater part of this often Is carried out by tho kite In making a nigu ascen ion. This wire U the lighest, and, rel- atlvely, the finest and strongest mate rial known for the purpose, xne un winding of the wire under the pull of the kite Is controlled perfectly and eas ily br a brake. The Instrument sent up with the kite to secure the automatic record of the conditions of the air is called a meteor ograph. It Is a complicated and remark ablo alTalr, and, withal, light, weighing only about twenty-one pounds. The sheet on which tho record Is produced is wound around the cylinder seeu at the bottom of the figure. A clockwork inside the cylinder causes It to revolve at a slow and uniform rate of one revo lution In twelve hours. Four different meteorological condi tions are recorded br the four neiis of this Instrument. The pen on the right 1 traces a line on the paper which shows the humidity of the air, tho peu being actuated by a strand of human lialrs stretched inside the long tube seen at the top of the figure. These hairs lengthen when subjected to moist air and shorten In dry air. The next pen toward tho left traces a lino upon tbo record sheet which shows the pressure of tho olrtho pen lielng actuated by tho gang "of flvo round, thin objects seen between tho pressure and humidity pens in tho fig ure. , The next pen traces a line showing the temperature of the air. which acts upon a special form of thermometer contained within the long tube at the top. When the instrument is attached to the klto the wind blows directly through this tube, thereby acting strongly upon both tho thermometer and the hair hygrometer Inside. Tho pen nt tho extreme left Is do signed to record, electrically, the veloc ity of tho wind. For this purpose a small anemometer Is fixed to the klto and connected to tho Instrument by wires. Tho pen makes littlo marks on STANDARD FOIIM WEATUEIt KIrX. the record sheet corresponding to every two miles of wind movement. Tho Weather Bureau kites attain an altitude of a mllo and a half in some coses, and frequently reach 7,000 feet in height. When flying at an elevation of from 6, 000 to 7,000 feet one of tbo Weather Bureau kites, supporting Its instru ment, will pull from 00 to 80 pounds, if not more, and from 8,000 to 10,000 feet of wire will bo out. The great Importance In meteorolog ical studies and weather forecasting of such observations as can be obtained by means of kites Is apparent. These give the conditions prevailing In the free atmosphere, often In and above the clouds themselves, at points far re moved from the disturbing effects of great cities, forests, the earth's surface, etc. In fact, observations thus obtained are characteristic conditions of great masses of tbo atmosphere, and when determined regularly and completely they afford far more exact and prob ably earlier Indications of important forthcoming atmospheric changes than the moat .elaborate observations taken at the surface. Tho tops of our highest buildings, after all, aro only an luslg' nlficant distance up In the free air, and all surface conditions always are mod lfled as a result of the actual contact of the air with the earth and the Imme diate effect of the latter upon adjacent portions of the air, OH In Fisblna; Boats. The fishermen of Iceland now regular ly carry oil In their boats to smooth the waves, which enables them to contluue at work In weather that before they would not have dared to face. A good way to do reform work Is to lead such a clean, useful, sober lift that others will try to follow your ex ample. RECENT INVENTIONS. Jingling bolls for cycles '",lnM,ml1 ous other puiponcH "J'"" ' , , ends of helical spilng. tho In ore U l,PliIR attached to u 1mm. or c III) f n toned on the moving object, to be rmiK by tho Jar and motion. To secure lints to the lienrt tw or Illor pieces of rubber braid or n P stitched to tho crown with mnnll 1mU nt tho loose ends, which engage pjo letH in u device placed In tbo wouroi hnlr as It Is being ilono up. To prevent the point of a project llo from fusing when It encounters armor plate a l'ciiiiHylvnnlaii has patented a mixture of plumbago and Blllcatu or wxla, the compound nlco foruiliiK lu bricant nnd preventing rust. Hats and bonnets can be secured to tho head by nieaim of a new hairpin, which has corrugations along Hm sur face nnd Is provided with an elastic loop at tho outer end, which Is attached to any convenient part of the hat. Seizors for use with either hand nre being miiiiufacturcd lu Kuropo, the blade being double-edged and pivoted to turn half-nroutid when the loops on tho handles tiro turned over to bring them Into proper position for use. In Kurope bags und wrappings for IncloHliig grain, etc., nro protected from vermin anil from dnmp or dry rot by coating tho coverings with n mixture of gim tar nnd groamt combined with ihlorlde of llmo or alum anil saltpetre. Toilet tables are being iiiaile with shallow Jewel boxes pivoted to the la bio too to swing out In any desired po sition to adjust nilrrow In the lids at any angle, tho mirrors concealing the compartment when lu n closed posi tion. Hand grips for bloycle, ennes, crutches ami hand tools nre being form ed of n strong rubber tube Hplrully wound on a suitable backing and In flated by a valve lu one end, with n col lar and cup to hold the ends In place on the handle. Billiard tables are being lilted with a now timing apparatus, which Is set below the level of the table un one side and hits a croitH-lmr to bu lowered over the table to prevent piny, the rais ing of the bur storting the mechanism of the clock. To give easy nccess to the burners of Ineniidcxtent gus lamps without re moving the muntle from Its Hiiport the latter Is cnrrled by a socket which slides on the burner hend and clnmps It to hold the mniille lu a raised or low ered position. Vegetable libers, such ns cocoanut or Mexican fibers, are used to replace horsehair In the manufacture of mat trcsM.-, the artificial hnlr being trailed In an alkali to remove the soft portion, nfter which It Is dyed and varnished and dried at a high temperature. I'lio Joke. ' ' A variation from the usual "English man aud Joke" slory was told In an up town hotel Inst night. He was a young Englishman and was riding horseback with nn American friend from Ityc to Lurchmont. I say, demmlt, old chnp," raid tho Englishman, "what Is written on that sign by the wayside?" Why, It says Trivate Bond,'" re tdrned his friend. "You ought to go to a blacksmith aud learn to read signs." The Kugllshmau was interested. "I say, old chop," was his reply, "is that a JokeV" Of course, It Is a Joke; you will sco It next wevk, If you work hnrd." Next week, ah, smnrty. I'll lay you bawtle of wine that I sco It before ninwnlng." The wager was taken, and by tho time they had reached their Journey's cud the American had forgotten tho wager. Not so his friend. lie thought and thought, nnd Hhortly before 1 o'clock the following morning he burst Into his friend's room with (lying hair and radiant with elation. "I have It, I have ltl" ho cried, barely able to talk. "Tho Joke is supposo tho blacksmith was not In." He got tho wine. New York Evening Sun. Ancient Carpets and Tablocovors. In tho sixteenth centry tapestry enmo Into Scotland In considerable quanti ties. It wuh nn expensive luxury, but their convenient proximity to a seaport may huvo made It possible for tho Cun ninghams at the Barns, near Crull, to enrich and soften the walls of their principal room with some pleco of "an tique historic," some scripture scene, or glimpse of "Indies dead and lovely knights," or at least a specimen of "verdour," "wherein gardens, woods or forests bo represented." Tho lloord were guiltless of carpets, which when present at all were used as tablecovcrs. So late as 1030, when Charles II. visit ed Fife, ho was entertained nt Pittcn ween to an nl fresco banquet of "great buns" aud divers drinks, sot forth upon a table covered with one of the Earl of Kelllo's best carpets. WAS TORTURED An Itidlnnnpolli Woman's Sworn State- nicnt or the Wny lit Which She WnH Saved From Death.- From tho InillaiinputlH Nown, Mr. Marv K. Burns, of GOG Ilia. wathii Htroot4 Indianapolis, Ind., ,1b liv ing evlilouco of tliti wonderful powers of Dr. Wllllnnm' I'lnk l'Ulii for 1'aU l'oople, tlio roiuoay mni cures wuera nil others fall. For yonra she on diirod nil tho torttiius ut ImllRustlon, ntirvoumioHB nnd fomalo weakness, n complication of troubles that fivo phy sicians contention uiuir uinuimj io euro, nor Piory is " wwrw mu in tention Ot every womnn, ouu snys: "My Illness commenced after my first child was born, I was ho weak nnd nervous 'Hint It soomod I would never Rot strong. For twolvo years I doctored tor female trouble, com plicated with nervouiincss nnd Indiges tion. My stomnch wns so weak that for (Inyo nt it lime i couiu eni nowiing hut bread nnd milk. I was also troub led with palpitation of tlio hunrt nnd wns often so miserable that 1 could not llo down. Flvo doctors proscribed for nu, and 1 took many kinds of medi cine without being bonontod. ono day I anw Dr. Williams' IMnk Villa mlvottlsod In tho pnpont and I do elded to glvo them a trial. I did so and hnd not finished taking the 'first box whon 1 Kiiyw inni i was gcning better. "Von enn imagine tno ronor i reii whon I found thnt nfter yenrs of, Httf- fnrlni! I WUB bolllg Ctirull. I COIltlllllOil taking the pills, and the fomalo trouble entirely tiiHnppeiiroii. ur. wiiiinius I'itfk Pills for Palo People did more for mu than It wuh claimed they would do. Since I first took tin) plus I huvo not needed n doctor nor any other mcdlcluo; they huvo restored, my health, strength nnd hnpplnoHs. "Mlla MAlir II. 1IUKNH. Subscribed and sworn to before mo tli'n 19th day of October. 1900. GEO ltd H II. HWAN, (Bcal) Notary Public. Or. Wllllnms' Pink Pills for Palo Peoplo nro nold by all dealers, or will ho Hunt postpaid on receipt of price, SO cents n box, or six boxcB for $2.50 (thoy nro novor sold In bulk or by tho hundred), by addressing Dr.- Williams Medicine company. Hcnenoctnuy, n. x. Anothor Victim. "My father," said the sweet young thing. "Is n gold bug. Are you?" "No," replied the young mnn. "I be long In tho molnnooHto plclpcs' class." "Good graclounj" she exclaimed, "Wlmt's that?" "That," ho hsstcnod to nxplnln, with the aid of a practical Illustration, "Is the scientific iinmo of tho kissing bug." The Truth Forced Home. "I'm afraid," she slghod, "that I'm getting old." "Why?" ho nskod. "When I go to tho grocery now tho clerks don't noarly break their nocks trying to heat ono another In getting my orders." Chicago TlmcBlIcrnld. To Play "Shopping." Tho loader saya: "I went shop ping this morning, and everything I bought began with A. From the gro cer I bought (points to a playor nnd waits for response), from tho drug gist (points to anothor), from tho dry goods store, from the baker," etc. Tho responses must ho given quickly. Tho penalty Is to take tho placo ot tho leader and start another letter. Work: Doni by British Postmen. It appears that In the United King dom there are 00,000 postmen, nnd In the course of a yenr closo upon 8,000, 000,000 letters, postcards, parcels, cir culars, boxes, aud uewspapcrs aro de livered. This gives a yearly nvcrngo to each postmau of 00,000 letters, etc., or 200 per day. Of course, lu a big town, each postman would have n far heavier delivery, whlio the rural postman would have considerably less. In fuct, In ono country district H so happened that on ono particular day tho postman had no letter to deliver at all. In London 5,000 letters a day Is tho postman's average delivery. Occasionally n newspaper story .gets a-ueau at the expense or tne taie, - Original Ideas resemble clocks when they strike one. For Keeps. Asciun 8o you'vo got a political situation? Do you expect to koop It? nnfforty Faith, I do, so, an' what's moro, I lxplct It to kapo mo. Phila delphia Press. A Delicate Matter. "No," Bnld MIhb' Cayonno, "I don't think I should caro to vote. Public affairs nro too difficult for me." "You UBod to eny thoy wero-'vory almplo." "I have changed my mind. It aocma to bo almost as hard td detormlno whom you ahould snub In politics as It la In aocloty." Washington Star. Not a Confiding Nature. Mr. Johnslng I don't like dat Farm er Jonos. iHe'B too 'splclous.i Mr. Jackson What's ho done now? Mr. Johnslng Ho's dorio' gone an' put a alx-foot bahb-wlro fenco aroun' his molon patch. Now York Journal. How It Happened. - Miss Klttlsh Major, Ib It true that onco during tho war ono ot tbo enemy dlod to uavo your llfo? Major Bluntly Yob. "How noble I How did it happen?" "I killed him," N, Y. World. Would Still Be a Puller. "Charllo," aaid a visitor, to a bright littlo C-year-old, "aro you going to bo a dontlat Uko your father and pull people's teeth when you grow up?" "No, air," replied Charllo. "I'm go ing to bo a lawyer like Uncle Goorgo and pull pooplo's logs." Standard Wants Japanese Oil. Tho Standard OH Company has or ganized (ho Jntornatlonal oil Com pany, with $10,000 capital, nt Yoko hama, Jap"an. Tho purpose of tho now corporation Is to control and develop the Japanese oil fields. II fill lousness "I have used Tour Valuable CASTA -ItliTS nnd and tbem perfect. Couldn't da without taein. I have used item tor some time for Indigestion and biliousness ind sm no com- Stately cured. Ktcommend them, to every one. nee tried, vou will never be without them Id tho Ismllr.'1 EUW. A. Minx, Albany, N. Y. SLul'.,S- Pown- Taste Good. Do Oooa, Never Stoseo, Weaiin, or Grips, 100,86c!, KM. CONSTIPATION. ... W.HI.S ..., Imh,,, OUks. 1., T.rS. t! mo-to-bac vjmgj&Msr