Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 12, 1901, Image 5

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Last week the Nugget made
mention of the fact of the oxlstcucc
' of a ledge of gold bearing quart.
, within a half mile of Cottngc Giovc
mid that parties were nt work pron
pecting for the same with the view
of developing it. 11111 week wc
have to chronicle the discovery of
placer ground on the river only n
short distance above town. At
Hancock, a Bohemia miner, and
another gentleman recently from
Colorado,, were up the river the
other day and discovered a gravel
bed that looked suspicious. They
,,came back to town( secured a gold
pan and returned to their find.
Testing this gravel by the panning
process they found many colors of
gold, and in a crevice in the bed
rock near by some small nuggets
of gold were picked out. With
quarts ledges and placer ground
adjoining town, the great Bohemia
gold mining district only 35 miles
away, and the Black Butte quick
silver mine only 16 miles away,
and all tributary to Cottage Grove,
what may not our little city be
come a few years hence?
Cefan DeLassus got mixed in
an altercation Monday evening and
Was promptly arrested by Marshal
Nunn, on a charge of using blas
phemous language on the streets.
In the morning be pleaded not
guilty and his trial was set for 1:30
o'clock that afternoon. Upon the
examination of witnesses and the
- delense Recorder Young was con-i
vinced that the defendant was
guilty as charged in the complaint,
and fined DeLassus $10 and costs.
. Delisus in default of payment
went to jail.
" Last Friday evening at Martin's
hall the Merry Minstrels played to
A large and appreciative audience.
The band parade and concert on
the street in the afternoon was well
. worth the price of admission to the
show, as was also the music by the
orchestra. The show was very
good) especially in the song
"You'rtf So Good Daddy," by Otto
Cilstrapj "For Old Time's Sake,"
ly J. J. DeHan, and the sparkling
y musical specialty by J. J. DcIInn
, And Dillard Alf. Eugene may be
justly proud of her Fourth Regi
ment Band.
John H, Gates the man who was
charged with appropriating to his
.own use $1500 placed in his hands
to be used In the interest of the
election of Corbett during the last
"session of the legislature, was ar--Vested
in Eugene last Tuesday
charged with forgery. He at
tempted to pass a check with the
signature of II. W. Corbett written
upon it. He will probably be tho
guest of the penitentiary authorities
' for a number of years.
Herbert Leigh will shortly move
lib assay office and labratory to
Eugene, having secured a two
year lease on a larger and more
commodious building for his busi
ness than he could get here. Mr.
Leigh enjoys the reputation of a
thoroughly reliable assayer, and
his friends here wish him success
in his new Held.
.,, Will Chapman was thrown from
. a horse at his home about six miles
, cast of town last Sunday and had a
shoulder dislocated. Dr. Snapp
attended hira and at last accounts
.was improviug nicely.
Lurch's show window attracted
large crowds Saturday and Sunday.
A mother Belgian hare with her
ypung at home-, and nests of Ester
eggs were the drawing cards.
The Dime , Social given at the
free reading room last Monday
night was quite a success finai
cially and afforded an enjoyable
evening for those in attendance.
"P. E. Kellum has sold his resi
dence property- in this city to H.
.McKeuney. Mr. Kellum and wife
jefrTuesdayfortheir'old home in
Cripple Creek. "
He Pays Glowing Tributes to Wood
men of the World and
A Hin all but appreciative audi
ence greeted I'rof. Meakin nt Mar
tins Hall last Tuesday night. Af
ter a short but interesting address
by Prof. Briggs, a clever dance and
song by Sadie and Jhntnie Blair,
the speaker of the evening was in
troduced and for over an hour lie
entertained his audience with his
bright thoughts, masterly elo
quence, and fascinating readings.
Mr. Meakin is a man from hit) feet
to the top of his broad and well de
veloped head, and his heart is set
with a cluster of God's brightest
jewels love, thought, hope, fra
ternity, happiness, good deeds, ele
vation of mankind and uuivcrsnl
brotherhood of man. After his
lecture, a few moments was taken
up in a good 9I1I baud .shake and
"scraping up" acquaintance, then
came another treat, in the rendition
of a number of choice poems. In
elocutionary powers the professor
is not easily surpassed and as the
speaker said: It may be possible
that after long years wc may for
get the singer, but we will never
forget the song; and the manner in
which it was sung will leave a
lasting impression.
Wednesday evening the ladies
gave a splendid reception at the I.
O. O. F. Hall in honor of the dis
tinguished guest, and in consider
ation of certain courtesies granted
by the K. of P. lodge ol this city,
and inasmuch as Brother Meakin
is a Knight as well as a Woodman,
and by virtue of his pronounced
stand for fraternity in its broadest
conception, the ladies of the Circle
kindly invited the Knights and
their families to the feast of intel
lectual thought. A few fitting in
troductory remarks by Attorney
Medley, and then the champion of
fraternity, John P. Mcokiu, who by
the way, has n happy faculty of
getting acquainted especially with
the sisters without the formal
and oftimcs stifT, introductory
routine, was presented. It was 10
when he closed, and those present
were held enraptured during the
hour and a half he graced the ros
trum. They were nt a feast of
thought, washed down by God's
pure nectar "Love," and the in
tensity with which all feasted in
dicated that in this little bustling
town of 1200 souls there are some
splendid appetites for such delight
ful relishes as the brother sees fit to
When Mr. Meakin had feasted
his audience the ladies feasted him.
The bill of fare was this time de
licious ice cream, cake and lemon
ade. A few sparkling stories,
so ne beautiful readings, mid then
"Good-night God bless you."
John P. Meakin, the Circle,
the Woodmen and the Knights of
Pythias went to their homes feeling
better, nobler and purer and a
thought stole into the minds of
some on that night, at least, that
there was, if only for a few hours,
a United Brotherhood. Who
shall say that the links of a broken
chain shall not some day be mended
for eternity?
At the meeting of K. of P's last
Wednesday night Prof. John P.
Meakin was the guest of honor,
and under the head of good of the
order he made a magnificent 25
minute talk, which went to the
heart of every true Pythian brother.
Max Weiss, of Roseburg, this
week sold the Helena saloon in this
city to Messrs. Barker & Permnn,
proprietors of the Miners' Ex
change. It is understood that the
new proprietors will conduct both
Sovonty-flvo lieud of Rood Angora
goat 8 for Bidp of rent. Address
0, $1 HowEj Crcswcll, Ore,
AH About Yod.
l-'rank WhlltiHpeiit Sunday1 In Eugene.
0. Mwulbfv )i:nt returned' froul lio
liomlit. Darwin Itrlntow wan In Kukuiio Bun
iliiy afternoon.
II. 0. Mareim eiiiuo In from Bohemia
hint Siituiiliiy.
Godfrey (irnber visited In Crunwell the
llrst of the week.
U', K, Ifcinenwiiy win a KiIkl-iio
vlnlior Wednesday.
.Town Triiniiull wiih in (own from hi
I'llDL'll lllHt 'J'tlCMlliy,
Mr. EvaTrlmhlo returned from Aeh
land Thursday mornlnj;.
It. T. lUwIingH MHn placiMilit" caller
nt thin nfllcu hint Tiiuwliiy.
Albert BtocliH catno In Tiu-Mluy from
Iloheinhi for a vlifit in town .
C. Ilorun, of the Warehouse hotel,
wiih in town IiihI Wednesday.
Time. Illuw rutnrnfd Bnlurduy from it
biii)liie trip to Ituililiuj,', Calif.
Win. induing eamo in from Uobelnia
Ti.jmlny uvuniiijt foravinit in town.
J. M. IIohc. of Huge ne, Iruntmuteil
IiiihIiu-hh here thu drift of the wn k.
"Yo OI1I011 Tlmo SitiKlni? School"
Saturday, Apiil t!0, at .Murtliir0.1!nll.
TIion HloukH, of rilliunook, Ip vIMtlng
hin brother Albert Stuck In thin oily,
II. W. Churchill, of Iluibjon. em-nt
Hxtmday iiml Sunday with bin family in
County Clerk Leo bun iwmwl a mar
riuifu licence to Albert Zinlkur mid Mist
Itoidna .Suhoek.-
Mr. 11111I Mi e. XohMn, of. Eugene,
Vlclleil their un, A. Nelson anil family,
in thin oil y Kiinday.
,1. .1, Dcllnii. r nrojentliiL' Kilor'n
niauo hoiumof 1'ortlaml, was traus.ict
liltf btilnunhiiru Wodnoftihty.
Hd Itristow, now traveling for the
Portland 1'iiriiitiiro Co. wiih truiititeting
buHlnetfs in town WedneiHlay.
C. A.Coatu, the- miner, came in from
Hotiemiii biHt Friday, mid rotiiruod to
the mines tho II ret of tho week'.
.'linn .tiiiuu A, ill, 1. x 1,1 1,111,,,, in
viltint; her parentH, Col. iiml Mrn. W.
mi.j r :.. 111.1. .1 Tn.n 1 :.
11. J mi 1 r 01 uiu uoiut blierwowl.
II. HI. DeuuiH, 11 nuihcw
Delimit of the llbick Itutto iniuo. t-ncnt
Sunday in town, a Kiiest at thu Imperial
Muhitb. I'rank fiilslran. Al Ilnmnton
and John KiiuITuiiiii were pleimaiit
eallerH at thu Xii'get ollieu last Friday
V. It. Dcnnic emnHilowii from lllack
Itutto mimt' U'ednueday ami left on
Thurfdav'n mo niiinr train for Portland
and Seattle.
Last Friday wan a red letter day for
tho Imperial Hotel. Manager Hardy
entertained -10 Kuents that day and all
were well pleased. . .
MocHrn. Wheeler & Scott, hardware
imm-liantp, mnilu a Imnineeti Iriit'lo
Orcmsell WlhIiiumIuv, rutuniln jliiVmu
UIU IIIIIU U.,1,,,11.
Not Irv the new nilveriifomont in thin
hne of tho Ci'iitrHl'Meat Market, JJar
telo & I'rner't proprietors. Tholr mar
ket will bo elo.-ed at 10 a. in. every Sun
day. The front nf tho Imnerinl hotel and
New Kra Diub Store buildim: have thia
week iHculved a new of paint,
Ideally improviug tlio appearaucu of the
IfBiiry Johii"nneaine in from Ibihemia
last Monday. He reports fiom 0 to 8
feet of new mow since tliu lato Ntorm.
This in Heury'n Hrst visit in town since
Mr. Laura MeCurdv who has had
chmv'u of thu fieo reading riwm for so
many montbs left hint Tiu-sduy for
Iiaiidou where she will join her nous
who aro located there.
K. X). Ilaker, renresentin? tho Conti
nental Tobacco Co., wax transacting
Imxineyrt and vteit intr with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ilaker in this place
tho' first of the work.
Geo. W. LUiyd'hiiH returned from Bo
hemia ami report h development work
m'02ie4im! Hatifdacloiily mi Ids nron-
ertv both at tho Itiduo hotel anil tho
HoHton inliro place, or tho foot of tho
Dame Mebitable I'luukctt and her
eharming pupils will make you laugh
till yiitir sides aoho when you visit her
Sincinc School at tho Opera llmise
t 0.,.1. -V- Ill ...t.. . . . It
iiimi utii. i uii win una u ireat u you
miss seulng them.
Messrs. .Terry Long and family and
Kd Davis and family arrived Saturday
from Perry, Mo., and are visiting rela
tives hero. Tho gentlemen aro looking
at thu country with ttio viowof perma
nently locating.
Dr. Geo. Wall and V. II. Holme, of
this place aro i n Portland to attend a
leccptlou tendered hy tho Oregon
Sbnners to a delegation of Eastern
Shriuers returning-from n trip to Hono;
lulu. The reception Is to take place.
una, t-riuay, morning.
Tho minstrel boys havo nothing but
jiraiso for tho eourtosloj extended to
them at Cottago Giovo Friday ovening
and for thu liberal pationngn their
modest eflorts to pleaso theater goers of
that city met with. Thoy especially
feel grutofnl to N. D. Hardy proprietor
of tho Imperial Hotel. Ho turned his
establishment over to tho sablo lined
fun mikerswlio almost ato him out of
houso and bomb. Register.
Tho Eugcno Mltltary Minstrels who
played huro last Ftlilay evening wero
twenty in number, as lollows; Frank
MoAlfstor, John Christian, Frank Oil
Btrap, Otto Gilstrap, Ernest Gilstrap,
Chinles Cochran, Jlert Vincent, Guy
DaviB, Cllyo Chushiro, Frank Ilayos,
Goo. Vurington, John Haines, Alf Dil
lard, Win. Urosa, Palmer, A.Svarverud,
John Kauirman, Geo. Smith, Elmer
Koborts, J, J. Do Han, Miss Mubol
Craw, accoinpnnvist and Al llampt' n,
..-.n....... 1.-.. , ..."
iiiniiuKui , .r.uuiiu piuipiu woo aeuoui
iminuu iiio
band weni: Mrs. Geo.
fclllltll, Airs
John kaultman, Selli Mo
Alister, Lester Lucky, Will Stiles, Tad
Luckev. Fred Wlthrow. Chris -Marx Jr.
and Chn8..Grifllii,
In Bi'icf.
Geri. Clrliritli for prices on cleaning
mid dyeing.
Don't fall to take in thollbrary benefit
Saturday April aOth.
A new invoice of plated ware, elockn,
etc,, at Mnd"eii'c
,, VJ "!' K1'"1". of ""''big tackle call on
Orlllin A Vuateli, Co,
Toilet (irtlclw, lleimoii Drug Co.
Wall paper al Jenkin's ft Laweon'i.
' if.'" .'" c"- K-irilcn seeds call
on heeler t Huott.
i A new line of .AfadicnV,
suitable for wedding presents.
I Go to N'cwhind'H millinery store for
i "pikes, '1 cunts oach.
I A larire awwrtment of tho groat fav
oriieM. I'iMtiirii, Caramel and Fig Prune
Cental", at Cumming-i.
i Wall paper from 7J conic per double
I roll and up at Jenkins ft Lawson's.
When you want to catch trout
your Hies of Griffin A V'eateh Co.
! A carload of wall paper just Jeceived
j at .tonkin's A Lhusou's.
! Look at thoo souvcnlrspoons at Mad
' t-euV. Something new and nice.
i Suits! Suitsil Tailor mndo suits!!!
i I todate in every respect, from f 15 up.
Cull and see samples.
i Gr.o. lioui.iM.v,
' If you want anything in tho lino of
pruning hheiirs call on GriHIn, Voatch Co.
Stati mery, pens, pen bolderd, and
I pencils of every description at IScnsou
For flower and garden petls get L. L.
May A Co. Northern grown seeds at
Wheeler A Scott.
Stationery, the best in tho market, to
be found in Cottugu Grove, at iienson
Drug Co.
Sportemon remember Griffin A Veatcli,
Co.. carry the llnest lines of sporting
goods in South Lane Co.
We have on hand a largo stork of
kiln-dried flooring, ccilinn and rustic in
grades 1 '2 and 3. Let us mako you
tpecial prices.
BooTii-Km.i.Y Lujiuku Co.
Just received this week a choice va
riety of ladies and Misses fine shoes.
Cull ami sec them at Cumming'a store.
The drug stock of Iienson Drug Co. is
choice, complete, ami absolutely the
best in the market. Try us.
Wheeler A Scott handle- tho Oliver
Chilled, Syracuse Chilled, Garden City
Clipper anil J. I. Catc steel plows, Critic
steel harrows and Planet, Jr. cultivators.
Get your prescription filled at BeiiBon
Drug Co, I'uru-.drugs, of superior
Moro than 500 different patterns of
wall paper to select from at Jenkin's A
Laweou'g. -
A car load of Columbia River cedar
shingles for sale hy Jenkins A Laweon.
Go. to "Geo. IJiiblnian's tailor shop
Main street and seo his fall lines of
samples and K(nds..r He can lileace you
.in any vtyio or nnc you. may ueaire. -
. Only tho best driifes in tho 'market at
jienson urug wo. tiring your prescnp
Thu most complete lino of paints,
brushes and wall paper in South Lano
County will be found at Jenkin's A
Geo. llohlman, the up-to-dato tailor,
will show you i;oods. all shades and all
prices. Think of it. A tailor made
suit for fl) and up ! Pants f 4 and up.
We have hist received a carload of
wagons which we bought duectfrom tho
factory saving middle men's commission.
If you want a wagon you will get tho
profit by calling on
Wheelur A Scott.
Beware of air dried or half dry floor
ing, ceiling and rustic. Tho Booth
Kelly Lumber Co., aro making special
prices on kiln-dried lumber.
Ovor COO odd patterns of wall paper to
choose from and more on tho way, at
Jenkins A Lawsou's.
Tho mOO assessment rolln aro now
open for thu payment of taxes.
W. V. WiTiinns,
ShcrifTof Lano Coiintv, Oro.
A CHOICE .LINE of the best
Meatstthe market affords constantly
on hand.
Pure Lard a Specially.
fvWe will PLEASE You
Our Market will be closed at io
o'clock a m Sundays.
Rai'tcls & Ernest.
Main Street,
Meat Market.
Wc have a Magnificent Stock of PINE SHOES,
our prices are lower than like quality sells for any
where else, and we guarantee shoe satisfaction in
every respect at
MoneySavin: Prices.
Wc think wc know what the people want.
To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular de
mand is our business ambition.
Wc will fit any foot or oockct-book and nsmirr- sntifnr-.
Hon, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." 3
The Fashion Stables
Gljrisiuan & Bangs, proprietors.
,. Proprietors of the I
Reasonable Prices"
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.-
Wheeler & Scott . . cottage grove.
Geo. Cuniming-,
Dealer in general merchandise has now a well selected stock of choice
family groceries which he is selling
offering special values in gents furnishing goods, men and boys shirts,
underwear, gloves, etc., all at greatly
Ladies, Misses and Childrens Shoes.
In addition to regular stock he
Schuller stock of shoes at less than
Everybody cordially invited to
Given Away,
of the Euyene Soap Company May 4, 1901.
With the object in view of placing our soap in every household,
we have taken this means of bringing it before the public.
Every purchaser of 25 cent's worth of our Laundry Soap is entitled
to a chance for our premium offer of a Crescent Bicycle, to be awarded
May 4, 1901. The chance for the wheel costs you nothing. Buy 25
cent's worth of our Laundry Soap from your grocer, and he will write
your name on a coupon to be forwarded to us in time for the drawing.
We trust that you will avail yourself of this opportunity, riot only
of probably receiving a bicycle free of charge, but of helping Jd build up '
a home industry. ;' i
Our Soap is on sale at: Baker & Johnson's; Hemenway & Burk-
holder's; L. Lurch's; Jos Schlee & Co's, and F. J. Meiuser's. . -
Eugene Soap Company, 1
I have for sale some PURE BRED Black Minorca Eggs, also some
PURE BRED Pekin Duck Eggs. 1
l?rice, :l.OO
G. R.
The Nugget office carries a full line of legal ',
blanks and
Eli Bangs.
Black Butte Stage Lines, n.
Sewing Machines
ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical
Feed and three under feed machines.
Prices to suit.
For sale by
at lowest living prices. He is also
is now offering the balance of the
call and get prices.. .,,
George dimming.
A $35
to be presented to some customer
per Setbin;
visiting cards, , , ,
S !
' ;; -. -v 2V