Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 12, 1901, Image 4

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Kntewlnt the postome at Cttift OroTC,
Ortron niBtK-onil dun mull mutter.
itflli Nli WtOUNQl I.; ? 1 j
. . t t. k T......
LiYtl iiUlOliniCU oessiotl ucn amiiiu
tho Marshal Mayor Vcatch
Makes Recommendation.
HnbMirlptlan prlre, Sl.tlO, In mliir-.
AdTartUIng rt m' known upon
Friday, Aran. 12, 1901.
Monday cvcnitiir at nn adjourned
session witnessed the installation of
the new mayor and counctlmcn
elected at the recent city election for
the cnsinnc year,
The council was called to order
by the outgoing presiding officer,
Recorder Voting seems to go at J Mayor W. S. Dennett, at S o'clock.
his labors as police judge in n mat- Reading of minutes; approved as
tcr-of-fact manner and does not rcJ,Y t
..... ... .. ,. The mnvor announced that the
hesitate to apply the penalty. It is AtiAm returns would now be can
right. Those who dance must pay TOSSCti which was done. The
the fiddler. canvass resulted in the following
candidates being declared elected
for the ensuing term: Mayor, R.
M. Vcatch; recorder, J. E. Young;
Treasurer. II. Iyikin; V. C. John
son, councilman sst ward; Oliver
Vcatch, councilman 2d ward, and
J. K. Barrett, councilman id ward
Mavor-elect Veatch was then
called and took the oath of ofhee,
Mayor Bennett immediately stir-
If something isn't done with re-J rendered the chair to his successor
gardto the water question immcdi- who called tortliecounciltuen elect. must appear to all that
another year is to go over our Ua council loonier with a few
before we realize
Mayor Veatch in his recommen
dations to the council last Monday
night showed the earmarks of a
very progressive administration.
His ideas of cows and dogs, were
heartily received and favorably
commented upon by all present.
Now all tote !
In the spring time RCtitlo Annie
Thcro'mi snioll in the back yiml
And nn ixlor lu our city
Tlmt hits the stranger htm).
It's an argument lor foworttito
Hut tlioro ia another plan;
You cn go to the Now Km Drug Store
And you may buy a can of Chloride
of Li mo.
Its very flno
Take it in time
Don't lose uMollnr
To gtivu n dime.
Call early and avoid tho rush .
heads before we realize any im
provcraent in the water system.
Remember gentlemen it takes sev
eral niOQths to negotiate for and con
struct reservoirs and lay water
mains. The sooner work is com
menced the better.
well chosen Temarksoutlining what
he considered to be the duty of the
several members of the council.
He spoke of the citv as a large
family, and that the common
council was in a sense the father
thereof, and that in public affairs
men should use even more dis
cretion in the consideration of that
The new mayor recommended which would ultimately result in
that the council get together on good or evil, than m their private
the water bond question, secure all aff!aip. 'or he rason h .sho,d
t .- j -i -Li . evil befall, through any official act,
the information and li possible get it was of naturegecfing the XTC:
in position to advance propositions fare Gf many, whereas in the affairs
and specifications, in other words of the individual the result, if bad.
lirchaut &
Vriist Store.
Xclson, Xcw lira
When you Want
Good Shoes
Low Prices
lira 5 oiiuu
Kugkne, Orkgon.
arrive as riear as possible at the
cost of the improvements neces
sary, and then submit it to the
people for a vote. The mayor is
. right. The sooner the better.
did damage, at most, oniv to the
immediate members of the offender's
family; and with this as an object
lesson he recommended the most
strict conservatism on the part of
the council in the expenditure of
public ninds.
He recommended that it was
necessary that a report of the city's
financial standing be made imme
diately, not that he reflected upon
the old council but because it was
right and pror, and the people
interested demanded it. He touched
The case of Cerau DeLasus fur
nishes a most vivid object lesson to
the boys of Cottage Grove. It was
not many years ago that young
DeLasus was respected and well
thought of b nearlv erervnne in
ti.;ct.. ti, ; 1 at some length upon the water sup-
, . -1-"- j-. , ... a:. . .1... .
ticular, he has been going steadily quantitv both for household pur-
from bad to worse until today he poses and lor the protection of
has the name of being one of the property in the matter of
most worthless vounrr men in the considered; also mentiontnir the!
-...1 : :, ... ..... I fact that a better sanitary condition
' . , ,. of the atv would be appreciated.
you near me expression; 1 nat ooy When 11e ncvv ma vor t to the
will eittier get Kinea or land in tne cow question he touched the key
penitentiary. Again he bears the note to the sentiment of at least
name of being a jail bird. Apt to nine-tenths of the citizens of this
u. u : - : f city. He didn't go behind the
J ... bush for a minute, but came naht
wg drunfcen, obscene and bias- out jn tte clearing, and emphatic-
pucmoua language, xac ooy comes any recommenaed mat a cow ordi
irom an estimable family, and had I nance be passed as soon as possible
asbriuht nrosDects as the averse and that lh e permanently re-
1 f . .... t.. r I niored from the streets. He also
. . r . . I toocfaed upon the rlog question
piying nimsett in tne matter ot art which has of late become almost as
vancement and achievement, he bad as the cow proposition, and
has contented himself with the! recommended an extremely high
association of the rnhhle and lrntt- "cense, be immediately exacted
: .u A He recommendetl a close obser
b .... ' . FJvance on the part of members of
thatkUls. ine Hunting boynd lhe council of the city's financial
girl should take the lesson pre-J standing, that even-thing possible
sented in the review of young De- within the means of conservative
Lasus' life to heart and nrofitbv it. judgment be done to buiki up the
5t-f n,o, !,, i- , at' aDd mc ,l P' worlhy aad
. 1 -' r an ornament to our commonwealth,
i"" put tbat all unnecessary expenses
charges brought against you in be carefully guarded against; he
police court, and in serving time in spoke favorably of a sinking fund
iail. T.ifr U ton Wt t Wen't as soon as possible with the view
. ., . , I of creating a fund with which to
umcwuiBwitny iu suca voca- ev.entuaHv wipe out the niuaicipl
l,ons- debt Recommended that the office
I of marshal and nightwatchman be
To drug patrons. j consolidated. Recommended tbat
To do iustice to your nhvsician I the ofSce of city attorney be
and at the same time relieve the! abolished.
suffering of the sick, to much con-1 At the close of his remarks the
sideration cannot be given the I mayor suggested that before ad
quality of drugs used in the com-Mourning that the marshal be
pounding of prescriptions. Benson elected.
Drug Co. takes particular pains in Accordingly this order of business
the selection of the best drugs in was taken up and the applications
the market, and realize the neces-! warren McFarlaad, G. B
Iintl OJieo at Kojelwrg, Oregon.
Notice 18 nervliv emu that the fotlon-.
iiig-nntiiodstt)erh! AM uotk u! hi
intention to mute final nroof in niwri
il hi claim, anl that ski iwuof will W
male before Mario L. Wars, U. Comi
miioner at Engeno, Orrgon, on Mav
IS, 1901, rii; Urge B. Tavlor. on H'
E. 7-JSr for t lie K. SKlf , SV W J?KU
NB i SV i S. 3, Tp. 21 S. lt?l K.
Me nanHthe fotlovrinc vitMMis to
prov his onIino$rifvciipoM and
cultivation of sil Umi, vix:
Amlrow 1). Tavlor, IXmaM AtnYtoti, ot
Cottage Grore,OrgoOViirren Hollan.1.
at Ksne, Orepon, l'eter 1 Johnrtoo.
of Junction, Onegon.
J. T. BaiiiGKS, ItKkter.
t'i i
I Lurch's
Ml 111 ll' .""Ml"
1 A Great Reduction
Ladies, Misses and Childrens
Jackets and Capes, m
Call Sarly for Bargains
I Lurch's Lurch's S
All Fashionable Ladies.
.Iff Mall Orders
Promptly Filled.
Kugene, Oregon.
Dvifffi Cleaning Works.
11 m. an.
YM. ....
rat. .... .Ti.up.
5uit, - -'A P-
aW ptMti ta pcepo"0 l
VnHlnH' " 7HJr.l
ptf irt .... 11. CO. up.
a ko. e. a i: i rt'i ru. Ayem. I
Arc You Wanting a Heating Stove or a Cook ?
We nre SelliiiK our Heaters nt n Ten Per Cent DISCOUNT
ami giving a Good Uig Discount on Cook gloves. Alio
have a Hig Stock of HARDWARE, TINWARE, FARM
IMPLEMENTS, Etc., to select from. v -
Coin it fi .iif A'ee What We Have for Salt.
tfc SCOTT.
rm." r .
1 rlPnVlli
CW.hU r
sity of careful attention to all pre
scriptions. Remember the place
Benson Drug Co.
While sitting on a sill of one of
the fourth story windows of the
Imperial hotel to get a breath of i
fresh air last Friday, John G. Mc-
Guigan, a well known mining man
of Spotane, lost his balance and
fell about 30 feet to the skylight
below. He was picked up suffer
ing from a fracture of the base of
the scull and was tauen to t.
Vincent's hospital. It is believed
that he cannot recover. Mr. Mc
Guigan is about 40 years of age
and is one of the owners of the
Alamo mine at Baker City. His
sister is Mrs. Patrick J. Jennings,
whose husband controls valuable
mining properties in the Bohemia j
districLr-Oregoniah. . -
Pitcher, Bert Nunn, and J. A.
Wallace were read
The vote was then taken upon
motion of Councilman Barrett
which resulted as follows:
Nunn, 4; MeFariand.i; Pitcher.i
Nunn receiving a majority of all
votes cast he was declared elected
upon motion of Councilman
Taylor Ordinance No. 47, pro
hibiting cows from running at large
within the corporate limits of Cot
tage Grove, be reconsidered :carria.
The vote of the council was unani
mously m favor of the passage of
. 1- T - .
iuc ordinance ana was so declared.
Upon consideration of several
bonds then on file, which were ac
cepted, motion to adjourn tomeej
in chambers assembled 01 the
evening of April 10 at which tine
the mayor will announce the stand
ing committees, was cairied. Ad,
United Stales I! Olifcv,
Itobaif . Ore., MaKrh , 1WI.
A suaVivnt contest aNMarit taring
taen Itlfcl in this MBee by lartin
lUasenson, contestant, paiitM tin
htneed eotrv Ko. 971, matte JU
22. 1901 . tor the SW i , I Tawn
.'itip -'l S, !Unp? 1 V,t, by Jobs Oor
rn Cjnte.lee. in which it is a!te-
lout the .-! Camn has ncar Jov.l
any impraveint iumm the Und, nut
roHlt tiwo-oii, tmt has utHMtr
ilotHI tb oamd. ami limL tbi sMrr
ab?ec from the html vms ot iae U'
his eMymnt in the' Anny, Xairr, r
thf Marin Carp ot the Uaitwl St4c-
as a private soMier, onnr, finm, a
martin, liarins the war with SfMta.o
larins any lhr 'r in which it
Unitoi &UIm avir '-e engaged, fah
nartie are hrelij- aotifit! to Mprxir
repooti and odVr rvidence UMrhinx mm
alKalMR at 1J !. t a. ra.on Mav IX
1901, before the ttiser ami Rveiv
tt tho Uniteii Stale LaoJ odkr, a
Robars, Orc.-.
Th Aabi nontirant hariitr, hi t
proiwr affidavit. tila .Mareh SS, IfKN.
vH torth lcl hwh bow that after dw
diligence pHTronal rvkuf this Mrtiet
fan not be made, it U bvbT oniereii
and directed that eurh notiee b giran
or ase ana proper pubtK-aUoaj.
, J. T. BninActi, K-giter.
J. II. Booth, Keiver.
The Fid. National Bank
OF 1
Cottage Gkovk, Ork.
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
PRICE $35.
The most simple, practical and durable
Typewriter 011 the tnnrket at any pricec
4 , .
Ask for catalogue.
General Agent for Oiegon, Washington and Idaho.
Money to loan on approved security
, Haceltangessnld.availablcVian
jlace in the United Statt-. '
your liHsiuen is Solicited. '
It will pay yoit to write
.1. t
The state convention of the K".
O. T. M. will be held in Portland
on next Tuesdaj and Wednesday,
April 1 6th and 17th, 1901. Cascade
Tent No. 66. of this place will be
represented by delegates J. M.
Sherwood and W. W. Masterson.
The National ff.CT.U. baS id
a call reqneHitti; the chnmbei to unite
with tlMMH in a cot e prayer from
April 14 In SI in the Islmt ol the
Christian Sabbath. The (oHowinr pro
gram hae been arramiM for the service
in (VHag Grove:
Sunday. April -1. 11 a. m.. nnnrottri
ate erviros in each church.
Sunday, 7 Jon. .. anion eerrteeiat
M E church .
Sermon. enbieW. Tite Twa Dave, let
a4 7h. Rev V K IHIHnKton.
Mondav, n. m., uriar prmver-
meetinc at Christian ehnreh. gubiect.
The Jewifc Sabbath, Itev L D Ileek
Tueeday ;3e p. B3. unmn jirayer-
meetimr at Christian eharefc. Milihvt
The Ohneuan SahMth, Iter 1. u. iterjr.
edneHia v 7 389. ubmh pmrer mm-
ic at C P eimreh. ali(t. Ktlaoational.
Valueot a IMv ot iteet. uevu a Uran-
Thoredav 7-JJO union prayer ateettne.
Cr chnrcfa, subject, Sunday Closng,
Rev C II Orandall
Fridav, 7:30 union prayer meeting at
M E Oinirch. subject, Iinpertsnee ol
Union Effort, I'rof L L Urift.
Sday April zi, II a. m. approjvnate
services in the charclies.
Snmlav 7 JUi union wnoei in the C
P rhurr-h, by Ilev C E Orandall.
Theehoirs ol cti entire) areerpeetea
to furnitfa music for their respective
M'CAY T the viie of "VViHiarn Me-
Oayon Apnl 7, 1091, a boy, waicht 13
If tHtaMdd br a weak direction. fcsa
yf anpettle.or eMiratin, try a lew
Urar TwMeia. Bvery hex warranteal.
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
Jl kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines bandied by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
CleaJ, and having had years
of experience in business, we
assure yon the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
Spring and tar 'Styles
filer's Piano ffoise
OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, 6jr.
We are the great profit killers and pinn'o price " jegtilators of the
Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a finepiano or organ
for Jess money than you can get them elsewhere. ' Xylite today Cata
logues for the asking. "; : -
Our stock includes the tliroe greatest American, pianos the,, Kim
ball, the Chkrhering and the Weber--together with.olhcrgood makes.
Easy Payment Plan.
Eiler's Piano House.
I Or callon MRS. L. D. Uijck, Local Representative, Cottage Grove, Or.
you see
That Triple Plated Silverware of Brown's?
Yes, it was fine! Where did he get it? Why, that was the old set
he threw away, mid when he found what fine work the
Cottage Grove Plating Co.
?Jid' ''nVT "T0!"1 a" hi!S 0,(1 vnre rml 'ou ,,avc s rcitilt. They
take tll the dents mu and re pair everything that is broken, and after
plating, the goods look ami will wear ns well ns new. and the cost isa
great deal ess. They also do Cold. Nickel and Coppe JSttS and
giiHrantee the same to wear nccording to aurecnient 5
Wre would be pleased to have you
call and inspect them.
Best values for least money.
XEWL.lXIi'S J7 Wrier Store,
Schleff IluiWinp, Main St.
Written guarantee with every job.
lars call on or address
l'or prices and farther particu-
W. L. Coppernoll,
' "COP," Th. JWr.
Opposite Post Ofticc
u .Mwiw .Rltn ilmt 1 t.o im
Cottaok Gkovk, Orkgok.
Rough Luml)cr.
- S6 GT m. at
. . Saokjaw, 0k.
.t Oiti'iiw.! yiuxt
rtilfllljjlll immMai, iVUXy
llgKotl )M InWII
Mtln(,lnm !
Urmtli (Vhii
ton. toKitA nnu t
01 iviinwri All Uruillt Imlln, JIulV.'.
iPiiniiiw limn I11
ion, wmtii nnd m
ot TVIiriHiri' r(il
flH(t Mill Ml
MiUliam U
IIFtihIl tutUM
lJ."J&,n, ,,lU ' '
'OriSSir' 1,19 bBI"'
Tho A, r.MOnniS Wholmli Rom.
r . f
')U,V" "'y 1(1 )HiKVh( nnriromnnnr
'I! S Pft liiilHmiuilMloni .atiry
"I IMIllll
311 II n
Mill! toPUlt
it)' Hlwl tixiioiira money
11 wnii ni.AfliuHi;'