Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 12, 1901, Image 3

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Gunboat Will Carry Him Prom
La Guayra (6 San Juan.
Tht Mlnlitir'i I'ulur Action Will Depend
Altojelher on lilt Conference With
SccreUry ol .Stale I1y.
WASHINGTON,' April 3. Frnnk
l,(ioinl, United States minister to Von
ozuoln. linn boon recalled, ami will
aoon 1)0 on hlii ,wny to tliu Unltoil
Mtntcs. v Tlio fiituru of Mlnlntor
J.oomlirdr-pondii upon tlio conference
which will bo hold at tlio utiito do
jiartnuMit" tiolwocn Hoerotnry liny ami
himself wliun tlio mlnlHtor roaches
Washington. Until tlio nocrotnry has
find nh opportunity to talk freoly with
Mr. I.ooinlii nn to tlio condition In
Vonozuuln, It cannot lio known jiohI.
tlvoly wliothor or not lio will rot urn
to his (lout. Mr. I.ooiiiIb linn boon tlio
object of blttor uttnckn by iiomo of
tlio Vonozuolnti noWHpnrinrB, not Hololy
bocnuso of tlio Asphalt controversy,
but also bocniiKo lio wax charged with
tnnklnc initio reports to hid govern
ment touchliiK tlio liiHiirroctloiiary
govornmont In Venezuela.
Tlio mlnlstardid Inform tlio ntnto
department of tlin condltloiiH iih lio
anw thorn, and tlio prospects of tlio
rovolutlannry movement. Tlio Vono
zuolnn fjovornm'oiit could not hnvo di
rect knowledge of tlio minister's ro
port, but bocnuso thoy woro followed
by tlio nppennineo of throo Unltoil
HtntcM wnrahlps In Vonozuolan watorn,
tlicy canio to tlio conclusion thnt tlio
minister roportod an very monnclng
and norloiin revolutionary movomvntn
which tho govornmont orgnns woro
trying tholr bout to rnlnltnlzo. There
foro thoso pnporH lout no opportunity
of attacking Mr. Lonmln In print, and
Imvo succeeded In making IiIh lot un
plcnsnnt. It Ih only fnlr to ntato thnt tho
Venezuelan chnrgo hero nsaorts posl
tlvoly.. tlt Hicsu attacks woro mudo
by Irresponsible newspapers and that
tho government win not behind thorn,
nnd: doprccntod tliom. If Mr. Ioomls
continue this view, and ho carcn to
return Ao Caracas, ho will bo per
mitted to do. no.
Thcrc'la no proaent Intention of
Bonding the North Atlantic squadron
to Venezuela, for, an nbovo ntatod,
tho govornmont cannot dccldo how
thin mntter should bo trcntcd until
Mr. Loomln has been pornoually con
milted. Tho squadron, which Is at
Culcbra Island, engaged In munou
vera, la about to hend north In n fow
ilnya. Ono or two of tho vessels will
bo sent first to Kingston, Jamaica, but
tho stay will bo temporary, and tho
wholo squadron will soon bo under
wny fpt Tomklnnvlllo.
It wna decided that In tho Interest
of n quick pansaco to tho United
States, Mr. I-oomls should be carried
by tho Scorpion to San Juan, Porto
Hlco, thoru to take ono of tho regular
merchant slcamors for Now York. Tho
oMclnls did not know ponltlvaly whan
tho mlnlHtor would Icavo Venozuola,
but lit tho navigation bureau It was
ntatod that'htoro was no good reason
why tlio' Scorpion should not aall to
day from La-Guayra, If Mr. Loomls
la on hand.
Negotiations Without Colombia's
Consent Would Forfeit Charter.
NEW YORK. April .I. A spoclnl to
tho Herald from Washington nays:
Whllo M. Ilutln, president of tho
French Panama cannl, has been nwalt
lug tho participation of Colombia In
tho negotiations for tho salo of tho
Panama canal to tho United States,
M. II run a "Iiarlln, formorly an cnglncor
of tho company, who nnys ho repre
sents nomo of tho stockholders, has
Indicated to tho Isthmian canal com
mlHHlon that tho company Is willing
to sell Its concessions nnd proporty.
M. Darlla wilt leavo In n fow days for
Franco. Ho has boon In Washington
for several days. M. Hutln has seen
M. Barlla'and tho two hnvo tolkod
over tho'sltuKtlon.
M. Barlla has reproaontod to Hoar
Admiral Wnlkor, prcsldont of tho
Isthralnn canal commlsalon, that M.
Hutln Jb to bq displaced from tho of
llco of prcsldont of tho Fronch com
pany. It Is learned, howovor, that M.
Hutln was' advised only a fow days
ago of h(s ro-clcctlon to tho presi
dency, showing that ho Is to bo ro
talnod for nnothor yonr, and that a
majority of tho stockholders aro sat
isfied with his policy.
M. Hutln han contended that under
tho terms of tho concession hold by
tho company, tho grant would bo sub
Joct to forfeit from tho momont nego
tiations began for Its solo, unless such
negotiations had tho approval of tho
Colombian government. It was, thoro
foro, Impossible for him to submit a
proposition for tho solo of tho con
cession to tho Unltod States as re
quired by tho Isthmian canal com
mission. Mount Daker Road Nearly Ready.
Seattlo, April 3. P. 13. Cornwall,
president of tho Oolllngham Day &
British Columbia railroad, is In tho
city on bualnoss connoctod with his
road. Ho stated today that tho road
to the Mount Baker mining district
will bo In oporatloa by May 1. Tho
roadbed has boon graded, steel bridges
put inland (ho flnal tracklaylng la
now bofng haatonod as much as pos
sible. Mr. Cornwall is chlot ownoi
of tho Black Diamond coal mines, and
whllo in Washington will visit thai
proporty with a view to making x
tonslvo Iraprovoraonts preparatory tc
making larger shipments to moot the
Increased demand.
Dig Timber Land Deal.
Eureka, Cal., April 3. Two big doali
In tlrabor lands hnvo Just boon con
Buramatod here, Involving 3898 acros
Of this lareo transfer tho Morryraan
Fruit Land & Lumber Company, of
Michigan, Secured 2600 acros, and
Charles A. Smith, of Minneapolis.
1398 acres. In round numbers this
last acquisition will increase the hold
ings of Smith and his partners to
30,900, acres, making thorn tho larg
est owners of redwood tin Mr in the
Russian Threat Unlets Manchurlan
Treaty Is Signed. ,.
WASHINGTON, April 3. Informa
tion han reached horo to tho effect
thnt tho Hussion government, bulng
seriously perturbed by tho course of
China In not signing tho Manchurlan
agreument, largely Ijociiuho of tho
protest mado by tho several poworii,
has convoyed a distinct nnd unmis
takable Intlnlntlon to China that if
this course Is persisted In thorn may
bo an Interruption of diplomatic ro
tations between HuhnIii and China
and n torinltiatlon of tho present In
tercourse hetwoon thoin. This In lit
tle short of an ultimatum thnt China
must nlgit or tuko tho consoquencon of
i tormluntlon of her friendly relations
with ItiiiiHla.
To what extent tho Unltod States
will take cognizance of ltunsln's ills
position to enforco tho signing of tho
agreement has not yet boon mado np
parent, It appears to bo tho policy of
the Chinese authorities to consldor
.his nn u subject which concerns tho
poworn quite ns much nil it docs China.
Tho matter hns bocomo further com
plicated by reports reaching Wash
ington thnt tho Chlnoso authorities
nro divided on tho course to be pur.
iiiod, some of tho most Influential In
cluding 1,1 Hung Chang, urging thnt
arqnlnHcenco bo given to tho HusBlnn
proposals, whllo othors Insist on roll-cling
tho figroomont. The nttltudo
if I.I Hung Chang In accounted for by
lin wollknown frlondllness for Run
lnn InteroHts, In thin case, howovor;
thoro appears to bo arrayed against
lilm tho strong lnlluenco of tho south
ern viceroys, Chan Chi Tung and
Klin Yl, who oppose tho signing of
tho troaty.
Tho reportn reaching hero this
morning showed thnt tho agreement
had not yet boon signed. Its status
Is most pecullnr. Tho tlmo within
which It wns to bo signed expired Inst
Tuc'ndny, but on that day Yang Yti,
the Chlnoso minister, fell In tho St.
Petersburg legation nnd hurt his head
no that ho was unnblo to transact bus
Iness, This misfortune caused much
amusement hero, nnd so mo Irritation
In certain quarters, as It had been
recognized nn a timely moans of
avoiding u direct action on tho sub
ject. It la not elenr to whnt extent tho
rtusslan Intimation han gone, but in
nny event It given an urgency to
China's cotirso which has not been
presontod thus far.
Result of Dock Strike at Mar
aelllea Floods Add to Distress.
PARIS, April 3. Tho masters por
slat In their refusal to discuss a day
of eight hours, which has all along
boon rcgardod by tho atrlkors as tho
crucial point In tho dispute In spite
of tho Increasing numbor of freight
dockers now working, quantities of per
Ishnblo goods lio rotting on tho docks.
Twenty-ono steamers aro awaiting
Tho general strike, while It lasted
and the continued suspension of
work, has dono enormous Injury to
tho commorco and Industry of Mar
selllcs. Tho calculations show an In
dustrial loss of soma 25,000,000 franca,
whllo tho men hnvo lost 2,000,000
francs In wages. A curious illustra
tion of tho bltterncsB which tho strike
has ongendcred botweon tho men and
masters Is seen In tho fact that tho
strikers Instructed their delegates to
glvo formal notification 'to tho minis
ter of flnanco of frauds In tho oil seed
trade, pointing- out that oil seeds
were Imported In bag's, which tho cun
torn offlcers hnvo not been In tho
habit of opening, with tho result thnt
artldlcs subject to a much hlghor Inr
port duty nro smuggled In. Tho com
morco of Marseilles Is, for tho tlmo
being, almost at a complete BtandstlP
Foods which nro Imported aro scarce.
Tho prlcos of sugar, coffee, flour and
other necessities hnvo Increased. A
numbor of factories hnvo beon obliged
to closo. These condlltons, added to
tho serious damage dono by tho floods
nnd hall, havo thrown tho wholo pop
ulation Into deep misery. Tho atom
koepors nnd morchnnts Intend to ap
poal to tho govornmont to remit th
taxes for tho flrat threo montha of tho
Five Thousand Aerea of Big Timber
Destroyed Windsor In Danger.
HAMMONTON, N. J.. April 3.
Ono of tho most oxtonalvo forest
ftrca thnt has vUltod this section of
tho stato Ib raging in tho big woods
north of this city. Tho flro reached
n point Just east of tho town of Wins
low last night, nnd for aovoral hours
It waB feared tho town would bo
wiped out. Mon, women nnd children
fought tho flamoB and succeeded by
back firing in turning tho ftnmos to
tho north of tho town. Whllo tho
mon throw up trenches to keep tho
flro nwny, womon and chlldron car
ried tholr household goods to places
of safety nnd aro guarding them, as a
change In tho wind is feared.
Several farm buildings, about 6000
acrea of big timber and thousands of
cords of wood havo beon consumed.
Many narrow escapoa of tho firefight
ers havo beon reported.
Interest In 8paln In the Capture.
Madrid, April 3. Tho capturo of
Agulnaldo has causod much Interest
horo. The press Is divided on tho
subjoct. In a published intorviow tho
director of tho Filipino organ horo
nnd tho prosldont of tho so-called
Filipino Junta emphatically doclaro
that tho capturo will havo no porma
nont offoct on tho war; that Aguln
aldo will bo replaced, and that tho
Filipinos, aided by tho cllmato, will
novor bo subdued.
Good Workers for Mills.
It 1b said that tho Now Englander
mnkoa tho host mill hand.
Will Qo to West Point.
Waahlngton, April 3. Tho presi
dent today appointed Calvin T. Ti
tus to bo a cadot at largo at tho
Unltod States military academy at
West Point.
Titus was tho first soldier to scale
tho wall at Pekln. Goneral Corbln
today cabled Qonoral MacArthur at
Manila to send young Titus homo on
tho first available transport, In order
that ho may take tho ontranco exam
ination to tho acadomy. .
0 Of LMtt
Agulnaldo Acknowledges Uncle
Sam's Sovereignty.
The Ex.Chltf of the Tagil Rebell Promlief
Promlici to Become a Peaceable and
Uw Abldlnj Citizen.
WASHINGTON, April 4, Tho war
department today rccolvod Informa
tion from General MacArthur that
Agulnntdo linn taken tho oath of al
legiance to tho Unltod Stolen undor
tho torum of nmncnty offered by Gen
eral MacArthur by direction of tho
president. Tho dispatch convoying
this Information contained much more
than wan given to tho public. Tho
portion withhold related to tho future
dlsponltlon of Agulnaldo and mado
suggestions un to what tho lato chief
if tho Insurrection might accomplish.
No official statement could bo oh
tnlnod as to what Anally would bo dono
with tho prisoner, but It was cmphnt
Icnlly stated thnt ho would bo held for
tho present, but would bo granted all
possible Immunity consistent with ex
isting conditions. General MacArthur
has hopes that n great deal .may bo
nccompIlHhed through Agulnaldo. Dur
ing tho tlmo ho has been a prisoner
ho hnB mndo qulto a favorable Impres
sion upon General MacArthur. Gon
eral MacArthur'a dispatch follows:
"Manila, April 2. Adjutant Gen
eral, Washington: Slnco arrival at
Manila, Agulnaldo has, nt Malacanan,
boon investigating conditions in ar
chipelago. Ho has relied almost en
tirely upon tho Instructive advlco of
Chief JuBtlco Arellano. As a result,
today ho subscribed and sworo to tho
declaration on page 11 of my annual
roport MacAHTHUIt."
Tho oath referred to Is bb follows:
"I heroby renounce all alleglanco to
any and all so-called revolutionary gov
ernments In tho Phlllppino Islands,
and recognize and accept tho supremo
authority of tho United States of
America therein. I do solemnly swear
that I will bear true faith and alle
giance to that government; that I will
at all times conduct myself as a faith
ful and law-abiding citizen of the said
Islands, and will not, cither directly
or Indirectly, hold correspondence with
or glvo Intelligence to nn enemy of
tho United States, nor will I abet,
harbor or protect such enomy; that I
Imposo upon myself these voluntary
obligations without any mental reserv
ations or purposo of evasion, so help
mo God."
It has been suggested that under
tho terms of tho notice of amnesty,
the prisoner should bo set at liberty
at once, but there is a provision In tho
amnesty proclamation which says that
thoso who havo violated the laws of
war aro excepted from Its terms.
Whether or not General MacArthur
has been satlsflod that Agulnaldo has
not violated tho laws cannot be stated,
as tho prisoner would bo permitted
to take the oath pending an Investiga
tion of his past conduct. Agulnaldo,
having been tho head of tho Insurrec
tion, undoubtedly can bo held until
further Investigation Is mado or until
tho circumstances which surround tho
situation in the Philippines make It
advisablo to relcaso blm outright, or
otherwise dispose of him. These con
ditions and tho general situation and
Agulnnldo's relation to them was tho
subject of General MacArthur'a dlB
May Decide Not to Return to Porto
WASHINGTON, April 4. While
Governor Allen, of Porto Rico, who
sallod yesterday from San Juan, on
tho Mayflower, for Hampton Roads,
has not formally submitted his resig
nation, so far as can be learned, his
friends hero would not bo surprised If
ho decided not to return to Porto Rico.
Governor Allen went to Porto Rico In
May last, at the personal request of
tho president, to set up tho now civil
government there and got It Into good
working-order, with the distinct under
standing that ho was not to bo asked
to remain aftor this was done. Tho
president and tho secretary of war
aro full of praise for the manner In
which Governor Allen has accom
plished his task. It Is expected here
that if Govornor Allen declines to con
tinue In office, Secretary Hunt, lato of
Montana, will succeod to tho place.
As to Govornor Allen's future, his
name Is connected with official gossip
with ono of tho foreign ministries,
though ns thoro are no present va
cancies ho might bo obliged to wait
for a tlmo.
Russia's Reply to the Protests ol
YOKOHAMA, April 4. Loading
Japaneao newspapers assort that the
Russian government has replied tc
Japan's protest against tho Manchur
lan convention to the effect that Rus
sia does not wish to enter upon a dis
cussion with a third power relative
to her negotiations with China; that
tho proposod agreement Is purely tem
porary, and not Intendod to Impair the
sovereignty of China or to lnjuro the
Interests of othor powers; that the
contonts of tho agreement Immediately
upon Its conclusion will be communi
cated to the other powers, who will
undoubtedly find them acceptable, and,
finally, that If any of the provisions
aro not accoptablo to Japan, Russia Is
prepared to discuss tho matter In a
friendly spirit.
Disorders In Russia.
London, April 4. Tho Vienna corre
spondent of tho Times, reviewing the
Russian political situation, takes a
serious vtow of It, boliovlng that the
first reports of far-reaching revolu
tionary movements aro confirmed by
reports of sanguinary disturbances In
Dlalystock, whore thoro is no' uni
versity. Tho dtsordors thoro, in his
opinion, show that tho rioting is no
longer confined to students. The cor
rosDondont. howovor. doos not bollovo
that tho domestic situation will Immo
dlately hamnnr Russia b foreign policy.
Injunction Quit Against Drltlah Mule
NEW ORLEANS, April 4. Proceed
ings wofo brought In tho United States
court hero today by roprcaentatlvcs
of tho Hoera to prevent tho nailing of
tho ship Anglo Australian, loaded with
mules, consigned to tho British In
South Africa. Judgo Parlango, aftor
reading tho petition, lasued an order
requiring tho defendants In tho caso to
show cauao April C why a preliminary
Injunction should not bo granted.
Tho petition sots forth that tho
United States and Its pcoplo aro at
peace with the South African repub
lic, and tho Orango Kreo Stato and
their citizens; that Great Britain la
at war with these rcpubllce, seeking
to destroy the proporty rights and
credit of tho petitioners; that for tho
purpose of carrying on this war, tho I
Anglo Australian Is now loading at this i
port with munitions of war, namely, I
mules and horses to the number of
1200, and to tho value of 1150,000;
that tho steamer is employed In tho
military service of the king of Great
Britain; that for somo tlmo defendants
havo been forwarding from this port j
inch munitions of war, knowing that
these munitions and tho ship were In I
tho military scrvico of Great Britain, j
and they wore to be used against tho
people of tho South African republic,
and the Orango Free State; that de
fendants arc making use of New Or
leans ns a basis of the military opera
tions of Great Britain In Its war In
South Africa, and to augment its
military supplies and arms; that by
tho uso of these munitions the armies
of Great Britain are laying waste and
destroying the farms and home of pe
titioners and holding as prisoners of
war tho wife and children of ono of
the petitioners, Samuel Pearson; that
Samuel Pearson has already suffered
tho destruction nnd loas of property to
the value of $90,000, and Is threatened
with tho loss of $150,000 more, and,
finally, that the war can 'be carried on
by Great Britain only through the re
newal of Its military supplies from
this port, and that when these sup
plies cease, the war must end. In con
sideration of these statements an in
junction Is nsked to prohibit the ship
ment of military supplies out of tho
port. A temporary Injunction is asked
In the meantime.
Findings of the Military Court of
WASHINGTON, April 3. Tho find
ings of the military court of Inquiry
which Investigated tho treatment al
leged to have been accorded to the
late Oscar L. Booz, ex-cadet at tho
West Point military academy, havo
been made public at tho war depart
ment The findings of tho military
court are summed up In a letter writ
ten to Socretary Root, which accom
panies the report The letter says:
"The findings of this court of In
quiry, which are sustained by the evi
dence, show that tho statements which
led to tho convening of the court to
tho effect that ex-Cadet Oscar U. Booz
came to bis death by reason of In
juries received by hazing at the acad
emy were not true. Tney snow tnat
at the same time Cadet Booz was a
member of the academy hazing was
prevalent there to a deplorable ex
tent; that the present offlcers of tho
acdemy have shown commendable en
ergy, zeal and efficiency In detecting
and punishing offenses of this char
acter, and that they greatly decreased
the practice. The testimony and
findings of the court were placed -In
tho hands of tho committee of con
gress charged at about the same tlmo
with the Investigation of the subject,
and tho very efficient and beneficial
action of that committee, followed by
legislation upon the subject, contained
in the act of March 2, 1901, renders
further action by the department un
Rumor at Pao Ting Fu That It Has
Been Signed.
LONDON, April 4. Tho Morning
Post publishes tho following dispatch
from Pao Ting Fu, dated March 31:
"Chlneso officials hero profess to
have received Information from LI
Hung Chang that the Manchurlan con
vention has been signed."
"Tho Chlneso expect aftor all that
tho Manchurlan convention will bo
ratified In the courso of tho next five
days," saya the Tien Tsln correspond
ent of tho Standard, wiring Monday.
"The southern viceroys and governors
aro Incensed, and threaten rebellion
If tho court yields. The northern
Chlneso are more Ignorant and indif
ferent. Tho Tartar general at Feng
Tien, Manchuria, has issued a proc
lamation assuring the people that the
Russian occupation Is only temporary.
The Chlneso troops at Feng Tien are
wearing Russian badges, and the town
Is occuplod by a strong Russian force."
Settlement With Turkey.
Washington, April 4. There Is rea
son to bellovo that Lloyd C. Grlscom,
secretary and charge of tho Unltod
States legation, at Constantinople, who ,
Is now on hla way homo, has earned .
tho credit of effecting a flnal and sat-1
isfactory settlement of tho American
missionary claims against Turkey
that havo taxed tho abilities of no
less than three of tho ablest ministers j
over sont by tho United States to
Constantinople It appears now that i
Mr. Grlscom has finally succeeded in
arranging .with tho Turkish govern
ment tho prlnciplo upon which theso '
long-standing claims shall bo settled :
and that tho pledge of tho Turkish gov-1
ernmont Is in such binding rorm mat 1
it Ib not doubted that payment will
soon be mado.
Fresh Dlaturbancea In Manchuria.
Borlln, April 3. A dispatch to tho
Cologne Gazette from St. Petersburg,
dated April 1, says robber bands,
Boxers and Chlnoso soldiers nave neon
causing fresh disturbances In Man
churia In the neighborhood of Chang
Tu Fu. General Gaulbers 1b strength
ening tho railroad military posts be
tween Karbln nnd Chang Tu Fu.
General Gaulbers hns asked Governor
General Grodokoft to send reinforce
ments, as a goneral revival of tho
Boxer movement Is expected In tho
qui win mm
Rejects Manchurian Treaty and
So Informs Russia.
But Siyj Thli Action Wit Made Neccuiry by
Preuure from Other Powcn Eirl
U Wai In Favor of the Treaty,
PEKIN, April C. Tho Chlneso gov
ernment hns formally notified Russia
that China, owing to tho attitude of
tho powers, is not ablo to sign the
Manchurian convention.
"If Ib China's desire," sayB tho for
mal notification, "to keep on friendly
terms with all nations. At present
she is going through a period which
Is tho most perilous in the empire's
history, and It Is necessary that fcho
should havo tho friendship of all.
However much she might be willing
to grant any special privilege to one
power, when others object it la Im
possible, for the sake of making ono
nation friendly, that sho should alien
ate the sympathies of all others."
LI Hung Chang says this letter set-
tics the matter definitely, and that
Russia was informally notified to tho
same effect March 29. Prince Ching
says that every Chinaman except Li
Hung Chang was against signing tho
Will Lease Canal Territory lo the
United Statet.
NEW YORK, April 5. A special to
tho Herald from Washington says:
Official denials greeted the pub
lished report that J. Plerpont Morgan,
having discovered a gold mine on the
Panama canal route, would head a
syndicate to build a canal, and had
secured President McKinley's co-operation
and the aid of Colombia. De
ntals came from the white house, the
state department, the Colombian le
gation and the French embassy. Mist
of tboso who denied the report de
clared that it was started to make
difficult the negotiation of canal
treaties by the United States.
Tho big news development In the
canal situation Is that Minister Sllva,
who Is also Colombian minister of for
eign affairs, in his memorandum to
Secretary Hay, has formally agreed on
behalf of his government to grant the
United States a long lease of the ter
ritory through which the cannl passes.
He states emphatically, however, that
his government will not cedo sover
eignty. The lease is to be granted
on these terms:
The United States shall pay to Co
lombia, In half-yearly Installments,
during the first 25 years after the
opening of the canal to the public
service, a share amounting to 6 per
cent of its gross Income; during a
second Derlod of 25 years. 6 per ceut:
during a third, 7 per cent, and during
a fourth, 8 per cent. Tnls Is on tne
basis of a 93-year lease. The United
States shall guarantee that this share
shall be In no case less than $250,000
annually. In caso of the Issuance of
stock, Colombia Is to receive a share
based unon that given it by the Pan
ama Canal Company, amounting to
one-thirteenth of tho number of shares
Issued. Colombia is to receive S250,
000 annually for the use of the rail
road. Colombia malls, troops and ef
fects belonging to the republic, and
emigrants to the country up to tne
number of 2000 must receive railroad
transportation free of charge. Co
lombian vessels are to be allowed free
use of the canal. Finally, Colombia
binds herself to grant permission to
tho French Canal Company to nego
tiate, with the United States for the
sale of its concession. The conces
sion absolutely forbids the company
"to cede or mortgage Its rights under
any consideration whatever to an
other nation or foreign government,
under penalty of forfeiture."
Waahlngton & Oregon In Vancouver
In September.
VANCOUVER, Wash., April 5. Ed
mund Rice, Jr., secretary and man
ager of the Washington & Oregon
Railroad Company, which recently
purchased the right of way of the
Portland & Puget Sound Railway Com
pany, from this city to Kalama, said
tonight that 'tho company Is making
arrangements to commence building
tho lino at once. The company ex
pects to advertise for bids April 15,
and to havo tho lino completed and
ready to run trains into Vancouver by
September, In time to move this sea
son's fruit crop. Double crows of sur
veyors are setting grade stakes end
cross-sectioning, and It Is the Inten
tion to havo this work finished this
week. Chief Engineer O'Neill Is pre
paring plans for construction, and bids
will be asked soon.
The line from Vancouver to Kalama
will be a HUlo over 30 miles long.
Tho grade, Mr. Rice says, Is In very
good condition, only requiring to bo
lovolod in places and culverts and
bridges built. Tho remainder of the
right of wny has been cleared. There
are no heavy grades, and tho line will
bo comparatively easy to build. Reg
ular, trains, ho says, will be operated
to and from Vancouver after the com
pletion of that portion of tho road
until tho bridge across the Columbia
and the connecting lino across tne
peninsula to Portland has been com
pleted. Mr. Rice estimates that It
will require 18 months to build tho
brldgo aftor tho right to construct It
has beon obtained from congress.
Part of Northern Pacific.
QontYln Anrll 5. Tho Seattle &
International Railroad, which reaches
north out of Seattle into uritisn Co
lumbia, Is, by a deal effective April
1, merged Into tho Northern Pacific,
.i,Mni rnmnnnv will continue Its OI
eratlon. G. B. Cliff, who was master
nf trnncnnrtntlnn nf thn nhl concern.
has been promoted to division super.
Intnndont of the Seattlo division of
thn Nnrthohn Pacific. comDrlslnK tho
old Seattlo & International and
Northern Pacific termluals in Seat
Agulnaldo Wants to See the United
MANILA, April G. Chief Justice
Arellano, who administered to Aguln
aldo tho onth of alleglanco to tho
United States govornmont, doacrlbed
today tho conditions loading up to
and attending tbo ceremony, which
was soml-prlvato. Agulnaldo, still de
tained in an apartment of tho Mala
canan palaco, and awaiting orders
from Washington, had expressed him
self as anxious to learn moro regard
ing tho American system of govern
ment, and had asked Chief Justlco
Arellano to enlighten him. Tho chief
Justlco carefully explained tho various
measures passed by tho Phlllppino
commission, and showed him what
provisions were mado for education
and progress and for municipal and
provincial self-government. Listening;
with deep Interest. Agulnaldo finally
exclaimed: "I novor believed tho
Americans would bo so fair and lib
eral." Before tho conversation had
ended, ho had agreed to tako tho oath
of allegiance, and this was imme
diately administered. Senor Arellano
"Agulnnldo's action will Induce alt
the Insurgents to surrender, and I
predict that tho Islands will bo com
pletely pacified by June. Agulnaldo
is eager to visit tho United States, -but
when I questioned blm on the
Btihtect of holding nm ro. ho rAnllml
that he had no desires In that dlrec-
tlon and Intended to retire to prlvato
life after a trip to America."
Constancla Probleto, daughter of
tho ex-chief of the Kallpunan society,
who Is president of the woman's
peaco league, was permitted to have
a long Interview with Agulnaldo. Sho
reports having found htm In a auan
dary, professedly desirous of peaco.
yet reluctant to abandon tho idea of
Filipino Independence.
'He seemed unablo to mako ud bis
hind regarding the oath of allegiance
to the united States," sho says, "bo
cause he had sworn eternal fealty to
the Filipino flag and had been elected
leader of the revolution. He showed
a disinclination to assist In ending;
tho Insurrection, though he bowed
somewhat to public sentiment. He
wanted a conference in ordor to as
certain the wishes of the Filipino
people and suggested that a conven
tion consisting half of Insurgents and
half of Paclficos should decide tho
"I told him that 90 per cent of tho
population were In favor of peaco, and
he responded: 'Even so, my lot la
yet with those upholding the cause
of the Insurgents. With their con
sent, I would quit, but otherwise, how
can I? By the trickery of the Amer
icans 'I was captured. Now that I am
a prisoner I must consider wnat is
best. Liberty Is sweet, but tboso
whom I would desert would hate me.
Hard Is my lot. If paroled 1 should
respect my word, but sometimes I
think exile and Imprisonment would
bo preferable.' "
Rumors That He Will Resign In a
Few Days.
NEW YORK, April 5. A dispatch
to the Tribune from London says:
Parliament has adjourned for tho
Easter recess, after a session moro
satisfactory to the opposition than
to the government. The record of
business is meager, but that is a
small matter In comparison with the
lack of energy and Judgment with
which tho house of commons has
been led.
The continuance of Lord Salisbury
In power for many weeks Is doubted
by some of the most experienced par
liamentary heads. There are rumors
that he has sought to offer bis resig
nation before his departure for Beau
lieu, and that A. J. Balfour would ba
founu In the upper house when par
liament reassembles. Another ver
sion Is that nothing will bo done for
a fortnight and that Lord Salisbury
may consent to remain in office until
the close of the session If his health
Improves in the Riviera. There was
no lack of gossip In Che smoking
room of the house of commons dur
ing the closing hours, but the only
points on which there was a general
agreement was that the government
had been on a downward grade since
the king's speech was read, and that
a stronger leader than Mr. Balfour
was needed In the commons.
Meaning of General Plumer's Occu
pation of Nylstroom.
NEW YORK, April 5. Tho news
from Lord Kitchener that General
Plumer has occupied Nylstroom, is
taken to mean, the London corre
spondent of the Tribune says, that the
British army in South Africa has at
last resumed the northern advance
toward Pletormaritsberg. Nylstroom
is situated a little way oft tho rail
way, about 90 miles north of Pretoria.
It was held for a few days by General
Baden-Powell in August last year, but
had to be evacuated because the force
then at Lord Robert's disposal was
Insufficient at once to provide a per
manent garrison and to secure the
railway line northward from Pretoria.
There can bo little doubt that Lord
Kitchener's latest report Indicates the
execution of a comprehensive plan
for tho conquest and pacification of
the Northern Transvaal.
With the occupation of Pletefmar-
Itsburg the main trunk lines of rail
way would be lost to tho Boera, but
thero Is a heavy task In the protec
tion of another line of communica
tion, 240 miles long, that would be
added to the burdens of the British
Blown to Fragments.
Phoonlx, Ariz., April 5. News has
been received here of a catastrophe
at Senator W. A. Clark's United Verdo
mine, at Jorome. Whllo noarly a
dozen mon were at work near whero
a shot was placed on tho lower level,
thero was a premature explosion.
James Roony and Joseph Zelfol were
blown to fragments, and several others
wero Injured.
Americans are trying to buy and r
organize tho sleoplng-car system of
all Europe.