Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 12, 1901, Image 2

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rbllihd Krj VrlAmr.
An Interesting Collation ot Hems Froni
Two Htmbphtrts ProenUd Ins
.Condensed Form.
Hems of Interest From All Parts
of the State
There may bo a few Filipinos In the
legislative council.
Kitchener la arranging to replace
stalo by fresh troops.
California oil experts havo bonded
4000 acres near The Dalles.
Tho striking dock laborers at Mar
seilles havo resumed "work.
National railway employes' union
wjii investigate Portland trouble.
Assurances of support from British
Columbia for Portland s 1905 fair.
Karl Lt says no more hitches are
probable In negotiations with powers.
It dally becomes more evident that
tho Boers intend to fight to a finish.
Tho United States armored cruiser
New York has left Algiers for Manila.
Augustus Byram, a pioneer mining
man oi uaurornia and Colorado, Is
B. F. Durphy brought from Cn.ll-
lornia to answer to a charge of big
Captain II. K. Steele, of the British
ship Khyber, was arrested for kid
Qenerat Wood Explains the Piatt
HAVANA, April 6. Tho so-called
radical olemcnt In tho Cuban consti
tutional convention, Including Juan
Gomel. Portuondo. Alman and Man
dulcy, had a conference today with
Governor General Wood regarding tho
Piatt amendment.
General Wood said that the United
States government intended to deal
Justly by tho Cubans, and had no do
slro to retain possession of tho Island.
He pointed out mat mo i latt amend A w Review of the Orowth arfcl Improve
view to protecting; c. weak nation I
against outsiders, as veil as acalnst 1
l lutviuui oiii(v ail vt nuum uu iiiiut j
fnrn wit K Piihnn InrlAnnndnnrA 1 7 j
BTninlno.1 ihnt thn tVashinctnn "inir. Forest Grove SU Inches of snow
prctation ot clause 3 ot tho schemo to11 ucnr forest Grovo on April 5,
ot relations was that the United The Dalles Tho Dalles council has
States claimed tho right to Interveno , ordered six more flro plugs to be In-
solely for the purposo ot preserving stalled immcdlatlcy
inp inoercnaenco oi me ismna. main Nyssa Tho citizens of Nyssa de
taining an adequate force- to Protect thnt tno railroad' company build
i "",- a depot at that point.
and pnmnintlnc tho nhlli-ntlnna Im.
posed by tho treaty of Paris unon the Ga,l Creek Operations havo been
United States. Ho expressed tho opln ;cs"m,c.d nt K.ub" & ,Co-8 Q"1" W
ion mat in drawing up a treaty many u v
points in tho future relations of Cuba Weston This town will Issue 15000
mtnti of the Many Industries Through,
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
with tho United States might bo ex
plained to meet present objections.
The delegates retired apparently
pleased with the Interview. Senor
worth ot bonds to ralso money to Inv
prove Its wator supply.
Eugene Boy tramps are reported
x i-.T.-V l.r...l.y.nJ than ever before known
Young "Women's Christian Assocla
Uon has begun Sunday afternoon
united States commission makes
recommendations for civil government
to do established July 1.
The largest steamer ever built has
Just been launched at Belfast. She
is over 6S0 feet in length.
Lawyer Patrick, also accused of
murder of Millionaire Rice, says Valet j
Oregon will have to buy wood from
men wno nave supply cornered, says
principal ractor in transaction.
The cxar of Russia has given 2000
roubles toward the building of a new
Greek orthodox church In New York
Official In charge of American lega
tion wires that Russia will not re
ceive official communications from
L. S. J. Hunt creates a sensation by
returning to Seattle, and paying heavy
ouuawea aeots. He will round a news
paper. American officials are much per
plexed over Russia's refusal to re
ceive official communications from
Burglars wrecked a safe at Frank
fort. Ind. They were pursued by the
proprietor and one of them fatally
The revenue collector of the second
district of New York recently received I
an order for $587,413.84 worth of reve
nue stamps.
The Japanese minister at Washing
ton says the rumors of hostilities be
tween Japan and Russia are greatly
High wrater at Richmond, Quebec,
carried away a steel bridge which cost
$46,000. Tee inhabitants have fled to
the high hills near the town.
High official of the ordnance depart-
would bo settled satisfactorily. Ho
was in favor ot the appointment of a
commission to go to Washington, and
expects favorable results from such a
Dusty The school at Dusty has
been closed again on account ot a
fresh outbreak of diphtheria
Lincoln County Tho Lincoln County
Orders were Issued today directing P
me coming ot municipal elections hold a county fair next fall
uiruusuuui tuua June l. lucre win
be 15 days for registration, beginning
April 19.
Grants Pass Work has commenced
on tho Grants Pass-Wllllams telephone
line, and will soon be in operation.
Baker City During March. 9S coy-
oto scalps were turned in at Baker
City at the office ot the county clerk.
Baker City Negotiations are now
pending at Baker City for sale ot the
Pacific brewery to an Eastern buyer
lor sio.uou.
Eugene The board of directors of
Eugene school district have accepted
Warships to Be Withdrawn From the
Asiatic Station.
WASHINGTON. April 6. The tiros-
pectlve reduction of tho United
States naval force on the Asiatic sta
tion is beginning to assume definite
form, but thus far me matter has not
been considered by me President, nor nlans for a new school hnllHIni tn
has Secretary Long had an oppor- cost about 115.000.
tunlty to confer with Rear Admiral vk,.rm tm.nnnr
Remey. But me naval bureau of nav- iPV t hiSHrf n5 ,TS7,,?,
igation. which has charge of the as- f."' t.?Js,.?ia.ce.' ,50u?ty VST.
slgnment of ships to the various sta- i'Tf 1,le."" .fi" lu' DO lar
tlons. has proposed that there be a " " uu,,r ,u ujaua iora'
I induction of the force on the Asiatic Corvallis Benton county has issued
station. This has been based on a a ca'l for all warrants outstanding
recommendation of me needs ot the UP to August 10, 1900, and same will
navy and without reference to any be paid upon presentation.
. . l Dlt , . , I , . .
ui me jjouucai questions invoivea. Brownsville There are now two
Should lt be decided to reduce the brass bands In Brownsville. A new
force, me homeward movement of one has Just been organized, known
vessels would probably not begin be- as the Brownsville Independent band.
fore summer. As yet no consideration . . . .
has been given to the disposition ot Glendale There have been 41 cases
me ships when they are relieved from 2 f m LpoJn and J50"1 tnls, p,aee'
service in the far East. It Is said. but no daths s yet. Several cases
however, mat tho North Atlantic " now ,n a Tery critical condition,
squadron will be augmented by at Goble The Goblo & Nehalem Rail
least one or two ships, while the way Company Is operating six donkeys
south Atlantic and Pacific stations at its uoble camps and expect to In
also win be reinforced
Oolnlon of Transvaal ex-President on
the Situation.
NEW YORK, April 8. A dispatch
to tho Herald from I'nrls says!
An Interview with Mr. Krugor ap
pears In tho Mntln. Tho ox-prosldont
of tho Trnnsvnal was scon In n mod
est llttlo Inn nt Utrocht, where ho In
staying for tho moment. HIb eyes
havo been vory much Improved by
recent operations, and ho can now dis
pense with spectacles, swung iu
front of a tnblo with u Illblo under
his left hand, Mr. KniRor delivered
himself ot nn Important statement,
to which furthor significance wna
given by tho preBonco of tho Orange
Krco State dolegntc, Horr Fischer.
Mr. Krugor began by announcing
that Saturday noit ho proposes retir
ing Into tho country for complete
rest. Tho llttlo vlllngo of Hllborsum,
not far from Utrecht, has been so
lectcd for his abode. Nothing has
yet been docldcd rognrdlng his trip to
America. Mr. Krugor will undertake
ihn lanmnv If his strcncth permits
and if thoro Is any hopo of gaining
advantage for tho Iloor cnuse.
Pointing to Horr Fischer, tho aged
nroRlrtnnt declnrod that tho two re
publics aro Indlssolubly united.
"Horr Fischer," ho said. "Is fight
ing for tho samo causo as my heroic
friend President Stoyn. Tho two
presidents nnd tho two commanding
generals. Botha and Dowet, will shnro
tho samo fate."
On being questioned regarding tno
reliance ho placed on the Boer of
ficial telegrams and statements in
parliament, Mr. Krugor, half rUIng
from his arm chair, declared:
The British government, liritisn
telegraph and the British press al
ways try to make this much" and ho
measured his llttlo linger "look like
this much" and he extended both
I am persuaded ovorythlng B
Inp well there nreelsolv because our
enemies continue to dlsslmulnto nnd
travesty facts. As regards General
Botha's negotiations, the public knows
from the bluo book and by reading
General Botha's last dispatch that lt
was the British general who first made
proposals. Never did the Boer gen
eral refuse to listen. We do not fight,
except for peace. We are not con
querors, but, although General Botha
listened to the British proposals, ho
never uttered a word of equivocation
on the subject ot Independence. In
dependence Is the only treasure we
cherish, even If wo have to sacrifice
all others. It Is for this reason our
citizens forsook their farms and sac
rificed their lives, and our women and
children now suffer temporary servi
tude In tho enemy's camp.
Russia Will Not Leave Manchuria
Until She Sees Fit.
Expliiutlon ol tier Altitude li SalltUcloty to
AmcrlM. but Not lo Jipin-Ulltr
Mikes Vigorous ProliiL
ST. rETKltSllUlia, April 8. Tho
Oniclnl MoBBoiiKor today publisher, a
detailed rovlow of tho negotiation
conducted by tho allied poworn with
tho Chlneso plenipotentiaries at Tlon
Tain nnd I'okln, nnd of tho nofiotliv
tlons Hint led to tho presentation ot
tho French draft of pence conditions,
which consisted of 12 points, but
which aro not yet concluded. Thu
Itusslan government then maker no
following htatoment:
"Whllo anticipating nn early settle
ment of the questions affecting tho
mutual relations bctweon nil tho pow
ers nnd China, tho Itusslan govern
ment, on Its part, considered It neces
sary to concorn Itself with the estab
lishment of a permunont order of
thltiBB In tho Chlneso territories along
II... Iinnlnra of which till) ItUSSlltU
Asiatic possessions extend for a dis
tance of 8000 versts (6300 miles). To
this end, provlulonnl written condl
iinnn for a modus vlvendl were
Ohlpwreoked Men on run Forty Dy,
Two Out of Twelve Survive,
LONDON, April 0. Tho Blimnporn
correspondent of thu Dully Kxnrs
wlros n story of cnnnllmlUm nt hoa
brought to Hlngnpnra by two Hurvlvorn
of tho Novo Bcallnn bark Ani-oln
which wnn wrockod nix dny nftor
milling from Mnnlln, October 2,1 iMHt
Tho correspondent rinysi
"Tho survivors Johnson, t Bwcilo
and Mnrtlcoriiu, u Bpnnlnrd nsnurt
that tho Angola struck n roof. Two
rnftH woro built. Tho nmnllor, inur
ing five men, dlBnppenred. Tho otin.r
with 12 men, drifted for 42 dnyB. Tlid
Bailors nto ImrnneloH, softwood, ami
finally (heir bootn, nnd on dm or,,,
day two became Insnno nnd IiIUimI
themselves. On tho SGIli n Fretieliimni
killed tho mate with Mi nx, drank hin
blood and trlod to oat his brnlns iMit
wnM provnntod by tho others. N(.xl
tliiy tho Fronchmnn wnn killed wliii,,
Attempting to murder tho cuptitln. Tim
nirvlvors, nil of whom were now in
inno, nto tho I'renchmiin'B body, en,,
nlbnltsm continued until only Johnson
and Mnrtlcoriiu remnlnod. On thu i"i
dny tho raft ntnmdod on Buhl, or Kim
Inland, In tho Niitunn proup, north
west of Borneo. Johnson nnd Miir
tlcornu woro nwfully emiiclntei
Friendly Malays sunt them by Junk to
Will Examine all Cattle Deitlned for
United States.
suit of noKOtlntlonit between Becrctary
of Agriculture Wilson and thu L'ami-
Ullan ministur ot agriculture, nn nurcc-
I ,., , linn r,nnhiil lu.t w..,.,. ti..
agreed upon first between tho two ndmliilBtrntlons by which Cnmula
Regulations Concerning the Trans
portation of Supplies.
WASHINGTON, April 8. The war
department has received a copy of a
regulation to carry Into effect an act
slan military authorities and tno urn-, i. t0 imvo first-class vetorlnnrlan ntii-
noBO governors of threo Mnnciiunan llolI0, England to tent for tulnr
provinces. With roferenco to tho In- culo(l8 nrltlh cnttlu shipped to
stltutlon of n locnl civil admlnlstra-. th colmtry v Cnnnda. Tho Cnnn
tlon subsequently, nnd after a carerui u,Bn mimngtration wanted cattle to
consideration of all tho circumstances, ( bj numttel from Canada without tcHts
tho Russian government drew up tho , ot ,ho border by American oxpertn.
draft of a special ngrcemont with ;Tho ucpartmcnt nt Washington would'
China providing for the gradual ovne- nol nKrt,0 ,0 Ulg gocrctnry Wilson
uation of Mnnchurln. as well as for ( BaltJi nowoVor. that If Canada would
tho adoption of provisional measures lJOml t0 nnRand an agent who should
to assure peace In that territory, nnd naVo guniclent expert knowledge of
to prevent tho recurrence of events Ul0 8Ubject, tho United States would
similar to thoso of lam year. caUo upon ct.ttUcttte tlnl
tunntelv. with the object of stirring .,.. -n..i.. t,n,i t,n i.i.i ,,,i .,,
up public opinion against Russia, Uoe ()f tubercuIosls. This wu agreed
alarmist rumors were circulated In 1 10 by tha oanadlan minister. It In
tho foreign press regarding the pur offlcjaiy explained that about 10 per
pose and lntontlons of the Russian ont of lm iTt,,tock in the United
government falsified texts of a; suteB ,nj bout 40 per cent In Greiu
treaty eitabliBhlng n protectorate over ; jlr.Un havo tuberculosis. The cattlo
Manchuria wero quoted, and crron- on the contincnt of Europe are so dut
eous reports were dcBlgnediy spread , p,, lhat thlfl government will not
of an alleged agreement between i p,rmt , admlwilon of any animal
Russia and China. As a matter ot , (wm there
fact, this agreement was to serve as j '
rtt thn Ytil!lrinlnA pnmmlulnn nmnnH
Quite a num stall four additional donkeys about ng a section of me provisional cus-
ber of ships will have to go out of September,
llZSi i V i i . e ee5 .5 Lebanon The Electric Light and
service In tropical waters and will -water Company of Lebanon has let
need a pretty general overhauling.
Peculiar complication at Skagway In
Regard to Bonded Goods,
the contract for construction of a new
water tower. The tower will bo thirty.
( five feet high. n j
Athena A man arrived at Athena
on a new bicycle and was immediately
PORT TOWNSEXD. Wash, April 5. IViLV. ,Vru.cI ..i,fca.Uv!lu"u"","
brought by the steamer Dolphin to- from a store at place'
day, a peculiar complication In the
customs business at Skagway has
come up relative to bonded goods
passing through Skagway. Threo
river steamers belonging to me White sick animal that was likely to die.
rass ana iuKon company arrived at .,, .. . , . ,
Stairway in bond. Ther were entered Klamath Captain O. C. Applegate,
Medford A pioneer butcher of this
place has been convicted of selling
diseased meat. His employes testi
fied that they had orders to kill any
as British bottoms without cargo.
agent at Klamath Indian agency, is
toms regulations, which Is of Interest,
in view of the recently reported
frauds In the commissary department
in the Islands. It shows the precau
tions ordered to be taken to guard
against any misappropriation ot gov
ernment supplies. Tnese regulations
provide briefly that where supplies
for the army or navy in the Philip
pines come on other than government
vessels they shall be accompanied by
a certificate from the chief of depart
ment charged with their custody cer
tifying mat the goods are exclusively
for me army or the navy or the In
sular government, and that no other
disposition of mem will be permitted.
The regulations also set forth that
prompt notice must be given the col
lector of customs for the Islands In
They are billed to White Horse, and ??le0 fxiM Js ot the nonacceptance of any con
are being dismantled for shipment LTmi8. ""At"!? ". f?f Jhif.h 1 lEnnent of goods or cancellation of
over the railroad, piece by piece. An p a e a. me ses
American and a British custom oOcer Bnm oi t"UEreBB
are stationed on each boat. The own-
lone A well 4s being
sale. Goods purchased In me Philip
pines after Importation must be ac-
sunk at lone 1 cam pan led by an affidavit of the seller
xnent will Inspect Uie armament of the ; ers of the boats will not break up the near the depot for me Oregon Railroad , affirming that an absolute sale has
forts at Fort Stevess and Fort Co- hulls nor ship such portions as are & Navigation Company. The road been made by him and that "he re-
lumbla, and also superintend repairs.
Three old temples in Japan burned
A snow storm in Pittsburg caused a
heavy loss.
The army frauds at Manila are not
as bad as first reported.
Russia contemplates a permanent
occupation ot Manchur.lL
Olympla has presented Sylvester
Park for capitol grounds.
The Franco-Italian fetes at Toulon
are expected to mark a new era.
The ministers at Pekln are making
good progress with the negotiations.
China formally notifies Russia she
will not sign tne Man churl an treaty.
A peaceable settlement ot the Chi
nese trouble Is considered Impossible.
Washington & Oregon will be run
ning trains Into Vancouver in Septem
ber. Agutnaldo wants to come to Amer
ica, then return home and retire to
private life. .
The law of the state ot Washington
Injured in dismantling, and the cus- will have Its windmill above town tains no interest of any kind or char-
toms officer at Skagway is trying to moved to the new well, the old being ! acter In such goods
find out what to do wim wnat is lert insufficient to supply the engines with
and whether he can collect duty on water during the summer.
portions oi vessels not snipped, ine
company says It will burn what is left
of the vessels, but that does not cat
lsfy Collector Andrews, and he baa
written the department for Instruc
tions. Discovery of coal in Klondike has
brought forth an order from Ottawa
that royalty must be paid on coal me
same as on gold.. This order was re
cently received at Dawson, and caused
general protest, as consumers say
the price of fuel is already sufficiently
high without the addition of royalty.
Bids for a New Cruiser.
Washington, April 6. Bids were
opened In the office of the secretary
of the navy today for the contract to
build the protected cruiser Milwaukee,
otherwise known as protected cruiser
In the West, it will be considered
along with those opened todsy. There
were twn bidders and three bids, the
creating tne omce ot nre maranai wiu Union Iron Works, of Saa Francisco,
No. 21. Secretary Long announced
before the opening of me bids that
partment which Is ptVvS to T have '
lun hold nn rm nrrmmt nr the sr firms
Wheat Walla Walla, S7c; Valley,
nominal; bluestem, 59c per bushel.
Flour Bst grades. $2 703 to per
barrel; graham, $2 60.
Oats White, $1 25 per cental,
gray $1 201 22 per cental.
Barley Feed, $16 50 17; brewing,
$16 50617 j!er ton.
Milistuffs Bran, $16 per ton; mid
dlings, $21 50; shorts, $17 50; chop.
Hay Timothy. $1212 50; clover,
$79 50; Oregon wild hay. $(7 per
Hops 12Uc per pound; 1899 crop.
Wool Valley. 13Hc; Eastern Ore
goo. 9611c; mohair, 20?21c per
Butter Fancy creamery. 2t)22Hc;
remain inoperative.
A strip of Washington county was
Inadvertently added by the Oregon leg
islature to Columbia.
At the Mare island navy yard 450
workmen have been discharged on ac
count ot lack ot funds.
An oil well at Beaumont, Tex,
caught fire. Toe flames are shooting
150 feet above ground.
The Alaska Steamship Association,
at a recent meeting, fixed rates to
Alaska points. To Skagway me fare
will be $25 first class, $16 second
class; to Dawson, first class, $100;
second class, fSO.
and Cramps & Son, of Philadelphia,
the latter firm submitting two sepa
' rate proposals.
New Washington Sawmill.
South Bead. Wash, April 6. The
frame Is up for a new sawmill at
Frances, In which O. A. Custer Is the
moving spirit. The machinery Is ex
pected daily, and it is thought the
mill will be running by May I. It
will have a dally capacity of 20,000
It will take me place ot Mr.
The "Edinburgh Castle" public
Eggs Oregan ranch, 1313Vic per
Poultry Chickens, mixed, tl SOft
5: bens, $506; dressed, 11 12c per
pound; springs, Htfb per dozen;
ducks. $506; geese, $608 per dozen:
turkeys, live, 11012c; dressed, 13Hc
pet pound.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13 Q
13Uc: Vonng America, 13 He per
Potatoes S55c per sack.
Mutton Lambs, 12Hc per pound
gross; beet sheep, wethers. $S; ewoc
$4 54; dressed, IMU'Uc per pound.
Hogs Gross, heavy. $fi 7506; light,
$4 "SfiS; dressed. 7c per pound.
Veal Large, 7Hc per pound;
Custer's shingle mill, which had to be tT siaC JLfiiV
.i a a ,- r v,i. ,r small. SH9c per pound.
,."Tv ",-Z .2 " r . ; Beef Gross, top steers. $E5 2:
W wnige butlt me-miU from the , J and heifer $4 50f 4 75; dressed
KnrthAm purine traeK. -" --
Overcome by Gas.
Chicago. April 6. five
house, situated In the Strand, London, I were overcome by gas In a residence
Is to bo hauled down, and the London
county council has to pay 22,500 as
Probably the smallest monarch tn
tho world reigns over the Hindu vas
sal stato of Bhopaul, and governs a
pcoplo of more than a million souls.
at 340 North State street this even
Ing, and except for a woman's efforts
probably would have met death from
asphyxiation. The rescuer. Mrs. Mary
In 1 800 Sweden had a population of
2.358.000. and at tne present time. In
spite of me large emigration which
has given 1,000,000 people to the
United States, the population Is 5,-150.000.
But one person Is alive who sat in
- - . , , . u inv wo imiBvu id ante wuu bat lu
cas. altnoueh silently, managed
carry the five unconscious women and
Victoria oatse to the throne. It is
This dwarf Is a woman. Djihan-Be-' summoned, and. after several
gum by name, but although she is J hours' hard work, he said all would
about 60 years old, she does not ap- recover, although two were still In
pear larger than a child ot JO- J& serious condition.
7ZiZr inYn ,7r 7 rlclan B FlUwllllam. who. when Viscount
children Into the yard. A physician . . , , f..
before WllHara IV died. At the Dia
-aod Jubilee there were several sur
fivers of pre-Victorian parliaments.
More of the Kitchener-Botha Corre
spondence Made Public
LONDON, April 8. The letter of
General Botha, me Boer Commander-in-Chief,
to Lord Kitchener, command
ing the British forces In Sonth Africa,
rellmlnary to the recent peace meet
ing, casually referred to In Lieutenant
General Kitchener's report of the ne
gotiations and from which the oppo
nents of Colonial-Secretary Chamber
lain hoped to obtain some clew of the
reason of the failure of the conference,
was published as a preliminary p:iper
this morning. This letter Is dated at
the Commandant-General's camp, Feb
ruary 13, and commences with a refer
ence to "the verbal message from rrur
excellency." Continuing, me letter
"I have me honor to Inform your
excellency that no oae desires more
than I to bring this bloody strife to an
end, I would also very much like to
meet your excellency for me purpose
of mutual discussion to see if it Is
not possible to discover terms under
which mis can be done.
a basis lor the restoration to unina,
as contemplated by the nusslan gov.
ernmcnt of Manchuria, 'which. In con
sequence of the alarming events ot
last year, wero occupied by Russian
troops. In order that tho requisite
Collier Merrlmac Is Being Blown Out
of the Way.
mintary messures mlKht be taken, It teen liundrod pounds of dynamite woro
was imperative mat tne question - v-i. . .-.....
should bo settled one way or tho other. "P '?, uporstructure of tho
It was impossible to lay down forth-! unken United States collier Merrl
t. ,..n. nt i .....m.nt I mac. which has long Impeded the nn
the conditions of tho evacuation of ! tr&noa to tho harbor. The explosion
Manchuria. According to news re
ceived, serious hindrances were placed
In the way ot the conclusion of such
an agreement, and, in coiBequence, Its
acceptance by China, which was India
was heard plainly in tho city, fivo
miles away. Divers Immediately de
scended and found 40 feet of clear
water over the forward nortlon of the
! wreck. Port Cantaln Irvine will be.
gin tomorrow to place mines aft, which
be expects to explode In a week, thua
completely clearing the harbor en
trance. Yesterday's Incident was highly
spectacular. Residents on Smith Key,
adjacent to the wreck, left the Island.
pensable for the gradual evacuation ot
the province, proved to be Impossible.
"As regards the eventual restoration
of the province to China, It is man
ifest that such Intention can only
be carried out when tho normal alt-
nnllnn I rnmnlntAltr rrtntnrivl in thn
empire, and tho central government KMrin,K that lillr houses would bo
established at tho capital Independent I demolished. The overlooking hlll
and strong enough to guarantee Rus-!wero. "ncd wlln People, nnd large
sin against a recurrence of the events numbers of pleasure keekers encircled
of last year. While the Russian gov- he wreck at a safe distance. When
ernment maintains its present organ-! tn e-octrlc hutton was touchd a pyr
I ration la Manchuria, to preserve , Bm'(1 of watf r ro 4, fcet- an.d lhe
order In the vicinity of the broad rface was immediately covered with
frontiers of Russia, and remains filth- wreckage and tons of dead fish. Tin
fol to Its original and oft-repeated po- nches and yachts returned to the
lltlcel programme. It will quietly await cltr .laden wlth souvenirs of tho
tue further course of events." j vrrec'c-
Boer Seat if Gaycrnmsnt Is Again
LONDON, April S. Lord Kitchener
:e ports as follows to the war offlce:
"Colonel Pluraer has advanced M
miles beyond Nylstroom, unopposed o:
the way, toward Pletersburg."
According to tne Pretoria corre
spondent of the Dally Telegraph, the
Boers have shifted their seat of gov
ernment from Pletersburg to a point
35 miles northeast.
Ail the Guns Accounted For.
London, April 8. Lord Kitchener,
reporting to me war office the finding
of an abandoned and destroyed pom
pom, near Vribeld, says: "This ac
counts for all the enemy's guns known
to be In the southern district."
Cape Town, April 8. Genera!
French continues to press the Boers
at Vribeld, Transvaal cotosy. The
Boers abandoned a pompom, which
the British found In a sxaaH shed at
the bottom of a preelpiee.
Reduction of Money Order Rates.
Washington, April 8. In addition to
Snow In the Mountains May Lead t the arrangement with Canada, It Is
a Flood. : expected that a reduction of postal
iiarprctowv m Anrit s ..! money order rates betwoon tho United
.1,1 , n.: d',Al,f' I8.7Th lSUtes and both tho Philippines and
n in -m y ' Cuba I,e Pt I" operation on July
Z Jn north rd L ,? J" ' ,5' Deit- Tho arrangement Just slgne I
tS Jf .d Tk 10 " between tho postal administrations of
t P,J?, 7m, thrLV,flVf ,nchosa,tbo United States nnd Canada will
i5fSfi . llt Ll1??-. T,he tke effect on that day. and negotia
tl .T,a iJSv HS.adSU' ien:Uons ar0 now ln Progress with tho
?t?!.m. Tk Pa?r , Dd ot.heri '"lands mentioned which aro expected
Xlr .it nnd T. J?u"M0 ln!u) be consummated In time for all
rr fZLL f ,1" ri,lBS'i three arrangements to bo effective
MnVV T!?L L the simultaneously. This moans n redur
EnkBn7 thJ ? rh.nLv.mand nTMefUon 00 ""iney order business be-
wnll "h!. .I'A at4 voln.t ha and the Philippines of from I per .ViLm. ' thJ Tf"- cent, the International rate which now-
Other streams are nearly out of their annllea to thrA.fniirth of l ir nnt
banks, but no damage Is reported. wch Is the dtmosUc rato
Reports from the famous South I is tne qomostic rato.
MounUIn peach belt Indicate that In-1 F.,a, Tr,, Wr..u
i,i r h. aB , Fatal Train Wreck.
by the freezing weather. The early ! Ka!,I8a8 9' Mo., April 9.-By tho
buds had been forced almost open by I derailing of the engine and a numbor
the. recent warm weather, and the ?f, emJ)ty fro 5 ht cars being brought
sudden change with the temperature ! cil lh 8 0VB ,nK, ?n tnonKan:
falling to freezing came at such a time ' f8 C,,ty Subur,ban Belt Line railroad
as to do considerable injury. Up to ,n,e -four m,e,m.bcrB "f, tho "ow worn
this time there was every prospect of LnJi'rve,(, , ,".Ilam rr,mo' brnkoman.
a large crop of peaches this summer, t1,81 bJf, B3?.uI1 bcn an.d oyos BCnWoJ,'
, He will dlo. Tho englno was demol
ished and .10 cars wore reduced to
kindling wood.
Manila Harbor Improvements.
Washington. April 8. The division
hL i?r J1 If' w "-epartmenL j Ten Fresh Cases of Plague.
Uons nd wriau Vw1",?' ! Town. April 0-In tho Inst 4(?
D lXfnMkI Lth hours 10 fr0Bh caB0S ot bubonic plnguo
mS a JlZrir. t,v ?L vhR have boon omc"lly reported. Of these
commissi Tawk ifeioa'f ,p,n! four are Europeans, and tho others col
ruhlp T.rrfo nt m.). .j .V.i.i: "DU" w " ' "'O UlBUnSO WHB
masonry In breakwaters, about 5.000.-
000 cable yards of dredging and a pile
of bulkhead 470 feet long. The
areagiag win te in mud, sand and
shells to a depth of JO feet, tho dredg
ing material to be used for reclaiming
To Provide for the Indemnity.
Shanghai. April 8. The China as
sodation has cabled to London to pro
test against the proposal to pay the
Chinese Indemnity by an Increase of
the tariff. The association claims
that akboiigB such an Increase Is pos
slWy practicable. It should remain for
fatvre settiesseaL as an in,.J
tariff Is calculated to deprive the com
Eseretal powers of means of redress
for treaty grievances, and Is also det
rimental to the expansion of trade.
found today.
America Must Pay Higher Duties.
London, April 9. According to tho
SL Potorsburg correspondent of tho
Dally Mall, Import duties for Vladl
vostock havo beon raised on all Amer
ican Iron, sjoel and machinery.
No Verdict In Jolntst Case.
8allnn, Kan., April 9. Tho first trial
of a Jolnlst undor the now Hurrell
law, passed by tho Inst legislature,
which makes It a inlsdomoatior to be
found ln possession of Bplrltuous
liquor, resulted in no verdict hero l"to
last night, and tho Jury wns dis
charged. It was tho enso of Homy
Stevens nnd wlfo, whoso place was
rnmea uy tno suorirt recently. Tie
passago of tho law wns a result of tho
temperance crusade started by M:s.
Carrie Nation.