Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 05, 1901, Image 8

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Mm. 0. Wolfer, tlio homo
now pro-pared to trout nil iiiaiinurof did
ciMBOi with innanetlain nnd without tho
wool modlclno or tho Hiirooii'n knlfo,
mi mnttiir wlniL vim r 1 Idea ho inn V 1)0.
consumption, itnnecr or nny other troublu
thiiro in i euro for you through this
woiulorlul nowor. All eases taken where
inodloluu Iiiib failed. All ean I) tieateu
nttliolrown homo nnd throiuth tho mull.
For further particulars wrllo iiiont my
homo nnd lull Instructions n'Rimlinx
thin treatinont will Ihj notit you by rti
turn mull. Anyoiio wlahiiiK to learn Unit
wonderful tuileneu I will nlno tench thuin
throimli mull only. Addiees nil letters
to Mr. 0. Wolfi-r, Tho Homo Ilealor,
Goiiutock, Oregon.
Trent, C)ro March Slot, 1000.
This In touurtlty uuil Ik n stateinont to
nil thoco who nmy bo sulTe-rlng from dis
tunes or nny Ilia of tho flesh.
Thnt I have nuiroroil for tho pit it 18
years with e.nlnrrh of tint stomach,
whloh resulted In rWIiih mo tt times
tho nervoiiH homlnche of t most oxcrucl
ntinuniul tlllrolni: character. I was
no weakened thnt I wns unable to ,ier
form unv ii'miual labor, my ntoniaeh
would not rutnln uenrooly nny food. In
eonneellon with this mnlmly I Imd rheu
matism for tho past six years which
Uronlly lltroed mo when moving
nluint. 1 lmvo in vnln tried many doc
tors nlso patent medicines rceommeniled
to mo bv mv friends . As n lust retort
wlili lint llttln Iioihi I called on Mrs. C,
Wolfer tho magnetic healer of Comstoek,
Oregon, on Dec. 13th, 1. After re
lmliiL mv eauo to Mrs. Wolfer tM
klmllv LMvn inn iisaunillCO thnt I could
Ik) healed nml Ik-khii my treatment thnt
duv. I inuirovet from tho first, nnd nf-
ter tnkinc two mouths trentment, I om
say that I am sound nnd well in every
resnoct. My trouble of tho stomarh nnd
rheumatism has entirely disappeared as
If by mngtc. I mil now in my Ml yearof
into nnd fool liko I did when u young
mini. I havo tnkeu no medicino of nny
kind slneo betfitininR this treatment.
Verv Respectfully.
"Samuki. Gautin'.
Trent, Ore., March, 31st, 1900.
I wish to make a statement for tho
Wnetlt of parents or those who mny be
Miirering in nny way the ills thnt nil
tlesh is heir to. Our little girl 0 months
old was nlllicted will scrofula on the
ronlsof tho neck which iruvo us great
nuxiety hardly knowing what to do, in .
from our exporieiico doctors seem to
know little of nny eertnin treatment of j
mich cases, Mra.C. Wolfer tho mag-i
imiln liMliin'l Coniftock wns in the
neighborhood nnd wife, ami I decided to
rail Iter in. Mrs. Wolfer informed us
that she wasablo to treat nud cure such
rases. She gave tho baby one treat
ment nml tho scrofulous swellings soon
disappeared in three days nnd havo not
returned, tins ueing inrvo mourns irvai
Very Ilesc't,
Miss. Ola llowAno
Mr. John Howard.
TISM. Quick relief from pain.
All who use Chamberlains Tain Ualm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick rliet from pain which it affords
When speaking of this Sir. D. X. Sinks,
of Troy, Ohio, says; 'Some time ago I
had n severe attack of rheumatism in
my arm nnd shoulder. I tried numer
o s remedies but got no relief until I
was recommended by Messrs. Geo. F.
Parsons Co.. druggists otthis place, to
try Chamberlain's Pain Halm. Tlwy
recommended it so highly thnt I bought
11 lttlA T wmii n.lovixt of all nam.
T have since rveommeiuied this liniment !
to manv of my friends, who agree with
me that it is the best remedy for muscu
lar rheumntikin in tho market." For
ule by Bassos Duvo Co.. Cottage
Grove. LVoss A. Applkoatk, Drain.
If orchardtsts and fruit-producers
generally would go t6 tho trouble
that many other producers do they
would receive better remuneration
for what they market, For in
stance, a dairyman, if be knows
his business and manufactures good
butter, will put his stamp on bis
article; cheese makers will do like
wise. In fact, if you've got a good
thing to market, it is a wise thing
to take patus and have everything
done that will help to advertise the
article aud the producer.
Mist, St Helens.
The blood is constantly being purified
by the lungs, liver and kidney. Keep
these organs in a healthy condition and
the bowels regular and you have no
need of a blood purifier. For this pur
pose then is nothing equal to Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, one
dose of them will do you more good
than a dollar bottle of the best Wood
purifier. Priee. 36 cents. Samples
tree at Bknsok Dsihi Co'a drug store .
Of4S letters of inquiry about
Benton county from intending im
migrants, 40 asked about the con
dition of roads. Newcomers ap
parently do not care to locate in a
section where access to the local
markets is made difficult by reason
of imperfect roadu.-Corvallis Times.
Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of
Hartford, Conn., scratched his les with
& rusty wire. Inflammation and blood
paisonlns tet in. For two yean, he
auuered fntenly . Then the best doc
tor urged amputation, "but," he writes,
"I hJ one bottle of Kl'ctrie Uittere
ami 11 boxes of Buekton's Arnte
Salve aud mv leg whs sound ami well as
ver." For Krupthws. Keueuw, tetter,
Salt Rheum, Sores ami all Utood dis
onlera Ktcetriw Biltera kas no riral on
rtb. Try thetu Own! I)ki- Co.
-.till t-uarUHlee ta(lHKIM) IHSK1
uibuey. OubWcwHt,
Wmhcd down n tolegrnnh lino whlcl
rims. 0. Klllfi. nf Lisbon. In., hail to
"ifilnmlliiir wniat iloen In lev
water." ho writes, "imvo mo u terrible.
cold nnd coinrh. It uruw worse dally.
PI mil I v tint IhmI iliwiors In O.iklaiu
Nob., Sioux City nnd Oninlm said I lind
Consumiition nnd could not live. Thun
I begun using I)r, King's New Discover?
uii.l mum ivlinllv enreil bv nix bottles."
Positively ciinrnnteoil for Coimln, Colds
and nil ThronL nnd I.linif troubles by
Hknhon Diti'd Co. Price I0o nnd fl.OO,
Havintr nerinanentlv located in
Cottnce Grove. I will tnkc a few
pupils. Harmony nnd Thorough
Unss a Specialty. Kithcr German
or American method.
Call at residence. North Kivcr
Mrs. V. H. Aukams
TAK15 NO riCU.
Mrs. C. Wolfer. the Home
Healer, will be in Cottage Grove,
on the 27 of each month to remain
until the 29m mst. uoiisuiiauou
free. Terms lor personal or absent
treatment very reasonable. lootli
ache and headache treated free
All who are sick arc invited to call
and consult me ut the Sherwood
Yours Truly
Mrs. C. Wolkkr,
The Home Healer.
Parties desiritiir lady to go to the
house ami sew by the day, .should
consult Mrs. O. Kredericksen. Price
$t.oo per day. Telephone No. 113.
Here is a chance to get your boy
into a paying business on n small
crpttal. I have a choice lot of liigh
gt ide Belgian Hares that I will sell
in pairs at very low prices. There
is no need to send to California
when you -can get the same thing
hen' at home. Lord Britain, Sir
Styles, Fashoda, Yukon, Red Rover
and other fashionable strains ate in
stock. 1 A. Rankin, Eugene. ,
Portland, Ore., March 14, 1901 .
Mr. E. A. Hacket, Dear Sir: I take
pleasure in stating that Ridpath's En
cyclopedin of history of the world is one
of the best that I know of; it is a mas
terpiece in language, very concise nnd
to the point, loaded with the good things
in history nil the way through, especi
ally the charts in history which is nlone
with the price of tho book. It should
bo in everv librorv and well regulated
family. E. J. Hadley, Principal of
Sunny Side School.
Boston University, Boston, Mass.
I consider It excellently adapted to
its purpose I should be glnd to tec it
placed in the library of ev ry young
man in the-U. S., and even in the English-speaking
world W. F. Warren, L.
L. D. President.
The operation of through trains be
tween San Francisco and Los Angeles,
via Surf nud Santa Barbara, will begin
on Sunday, March 31,1001 on the new
Coast Line two through trains daily.
The Coast Lino Limited leaving each
terminal in the morning, equipped
with elegant cafe and parlor curs, will
make daylight trips through the most
on 'the continent. Im,llire of
agents of the Southern Pacific,
KouUy among the pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Route Is the winter trip
to Southern California and Ari&uin.
Renewed acquaintance with thi section
will ever develop fresh points of interest
and added sources of enjoyment, under
its sunny skies, in the variety of its in
dustries, in its prolific vegetation and
among its numberless resorts of moun
tain, shore, valley and plain.
The two dailv Slutsta trains from
Portland to California ipve Ix-en re
cently equipped with the most approved
pattern of standard and tourist irteeping
ear, but th luw rates of fare will stifl
continue in eu-ot.
Illustrated gt.'des
sorts of dif r 1 1 i I
to the winter re-
Ariaona, mav be
had on application to
C. H. Makkham, G . P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
So sure are we that the locating of a
few of our Electric Belts will develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that we are willing to send
one tree to any sutferer from the follow
ing die$e : Cold extremities, Crysto
cete, FewsVe weaknee, Kidney 00m
plaint, lAHicorrliea, Liver complaint.
Paralysir, Lasi vitality, Nervottsdebility,
Self abue, VVorn-Hit wonen. Sciatica,
Weak ami Nervous, women. Irregular
menstruation, Imptttettey, lihttuiuatlsw.
Diminittive Sltrunken ami UMleTtfed
Sexual organs, ami Catarrh.
Addre for illutnisl cfreaUr. et.,
SauimriMH Oltv Eleetriesd Co.. ttatlh
ICrck. MklOvH.
Greatest of
Gold Properties
3680 Acres 9 Miles Long.
250 Milli n T ns
Richest Gold-Bearing Quratz,
ground by nature's hand into gold
laden gravel, from 50 to 600 feet in
depth over the entire property
addition, company owns
14: Miles
in length of river bed, each mile of
which contains manv million! of
gold, situated 011 the Rio Grande,
in Taos Co., New Mexico.
100 Million Dollars for
ISeail i he Proofs:
Unitvtl States Official Jtejutrt
MA nu TO
Commissioner of the U. S.
General Land Office, Washington, D. 0.
by n Reologlst nnd mining expert of
world-wide reputation Prof. Ben
jamin Silliman, who spent several
months there, then being connected
with the United States surveying
corps, and in his official report says:
"Here are countless millions of
tons of rich gold quartz reduced by
the great forces of nature to a con
dition ready for the application of
of the hydraulic process, while the
entire bed of the Rio Grande for
over 40 miles is a sluice, on the bars
of which the gold derived from the
wearing away ol the gravel banks
has been accumulating for countless
ages, and now lies ready for ex
traction by the most approved
methods of river mining. The
thickness of the Rio Grande gold
gravel exceeds in many places
600 Feet, or neatly thkkk timks
that of the like beds in California,
while the average value per cubic
yard is believed to be greater it; the
New Mexico beds than. in any other
such accumulation yet discoxered."
"I have made a reconnaisance of
the whole of this gravel along the
Rio Grande, aud have examined
with all the care possible in the time
at my command, the character of
the gravel and its contents of gold
Nothing. I am persuaded, since the
discovery of California and Australia
is comparable for its mensurable rc
sonrscs of gold available by the hy
draulic process to the deep placers
of the Rio Grande." '
Other repotts from eminent min
ing experts of National reputation
pronounce the property of this com
pany the richest ana most extensive
Capital Stock $2,000,000
Folly Paid and non-assessable, par falne
$1.00 each snare.
One-half the entire capital stock
has been placed in the treasury of
the company as a working capital.
To complete necessary ditches and
place on the river bed several gold
steam dredges, the company now
A limited number of its shares at
Cts Per Share,
After sale of which, price trill be
atlrancetl to jiX per share.
Applications shoukl be sent in
promptly. Write for prospectus.
Make checks, money orders paya
ble to
Rio Grande Placer
Gold Mining Co.;
7 Exekugs Place, Bostoa, Huf.
Music Lessons
- On the Piano.
A late Graded Gbrmax Meth-
od of Music is now bcitig taught at
the C. P. Manse by. j
Mrs. L.D. Beck.!
Recitals will be given at proper
intervals, thus giving parents an op
portunity to note progress.
50 cents per legsqn, 30 minutes each
Cottage Grove
We arc now prepared to furnish
all kinds of Brackets, Moulding.",,
.Cornice, Sash and Doors, Hoor and
Window frames, Screen Doors,
Windows, Pickets, etc..
Woodwork of nil kinds made ami
repaired. We will also work floor
ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or
sire Studding, etc.
OK Tllli
Tniiii!' leave Cottage firovo for Tort-
nml y station t 2:11 11 111 11ml
I :U1 p 111.
I.v Portland 8:8" m 8:150 111
" Cottago Orovo l!:B7 p 111. 2:011 a 111
ArAeliluml 12:6.1 u 111 2::irim
" Sai-rauii'iito 5:10 pin IkOOiiiii
" tan Kniimieco Ah p 111 8:45 11 in
Ogdcn 4:65 u 111 7:00 .1 ill
" Denver W:30n 111 0.15 lit
" Kiiiivas city 7 25 a 111 7:2.1 11 111
" I'liirago " 7:42 u in 8:30 pm
" Im A ngi'los 2 :00 p lit 8 .0.1 11 in
' Kl l'nsn 0:00 pm (1:00 pm
' 1-V.rt Worth :30 n 111 (5 ::10 11 in
" Citv of Mexico 1 1 ::i0 u 111 1 1 .-HO a 111
"Houston 7:00um 7 :00 a 111
" Now Orleans' 0:30 p 111 (i:30 p in
" Washington 15:42 a 111 0:42 a 111
" New York 12:10 p 111 12:10 p 111
l'nlltnnii and Tonriitn earn an both
train. Chair earn Saeriiinenlo to Ogtlen
ami IC1 Yio, and tourist chtm to C'hieauo
St l.onis, New Orleans and Wnhingtoii.
Connev'ting at San Kinneifco uilh the
several xteiiiniiliip linen for . I lotiululu ,
Jnpan, China, l'hillipineii, Central anil
South Aiiieriea.
Sou agent at Cottage Grove station, or
Portland, Oregon.
I xr akt Time Schedule 1 Anniv
I'hlrairo Suit 1-ntc. enrcr. Vl . i'la
iwtlnd Wtmh.iiinlu,Kti-1
1 total Ur. s lul,
'J. 1.1 am l hlrairu ml jitl.
Atlantic ' Fait Ukc. Ii-ver, H. a: Mum
lxpren. Worth, Omaha, Kan
jj.m . ana fttjr. Si Uiulu,
Via Jlunt- Chl.-airu and aat.
Ingluti ;
Stokare Walla Walla, Lew la- "in
tlftf toti. Siirie. Mill
6pm Eei''l. St I'aul,
1 iilath.MCwankee,
I CtJt"K" ami Vjhh.
8 uin (K-KtKSTKtMritir 4pm
I All mIUiik ilaica ul
I ort tc.rhanve.
For tan rranrlx'o
I frail eierySUajra
Dally r.x. . CotrxBU llirKK i p. m
undr ! HmMEits Ex. bond'jr
Saturday , ToAiturlo and Way
10 pm I LandlBO.
' i
Cam Ex. j WnxturriK Kitkk IOpm
Sunday. OrtuonClty.XewUirg: Ex.Sund'y
Salem and Way-Land-
7am WiiXAXETTK axo i-SU p ni
TBe.Thur. Vamiiiu. Ktrrii Mon. d.
awl bat. jOrtgou Cltr. Ioyttm and Hi.
f and Way-Landtn(f.
Leave I Snake Kite iare
Ulparla HlparU to Lewiitun. Iewntoa
iSiB Hatty
Dally I i a?X
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
'visit DR. JORDAN'S gpicaH
(KMraa aua aU ttik.J
Ml la Uw WoriO.
ry Omltlt ntTrxutkn tx tU Clht. JL
IT b ai . or aa y coa traet
eddiMu,MMlilTlj rarilbr
1 CuaAi. fc.Jiitinjd M jara.
Tmnn warm and mlddl
arU aueti wha ar Tt ri
fium lb tOVt of ywtblal todb
et.tii, or , n . v.. . lii nutanr
'years, KerruuiaadptiTvnu UvbIIIiji.Im.
mImu. Emt 3SaMMt ta all lt coxa dU.
I ctUwa; kprnaaliirrkaa, troalor
rkva. GMrrborj tiil, rr,r,r7
I mt L'rlaatlaa-. vie. 117 a comUnAtVui J
' nf f rr&t rar,tlr. rower, ta Uivim
i f.i. .1 anmxl Irrlm.n i tKAI tl will sot .
' ealr aHwd ImmnlUI, iwift but rxnsuner.t
i ewre iJurmr aon ai ovm u r- wrw
mlfuie". bat t, well kjtuwa Id b a Uir km4 I
. nun PfanleUn and lxrr,oa. rre-emlaeai
) tatiliDvaaltr Dlu aif Jleau (
TruiLIi inorMa:r eraeieaiea mm
to armceai vihboui uttcwoijxerrnrj. i
TnuH, flited br aa ill o, it. Badlral
rare Ur Uuylurr. X sok- aad nOnt l
nfitiriin, rMor. iaj ri,iaiae,oy
i ur. jwiui rpmu poia.rv bciotii. i
afiaiiftaWMfM". a
t ir. udt (ilMn iaijrrr cess u r
chjkoss rxtr ate
-r,ic-.,.t MMaiiir or hr Irlltr.
boos lit rttravi w ar i...
Cottage Grove
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Businsss Houses
and Splendid Residences.
J.otn oh the in'hirlpul butncnn utrectN.'
Mining Claims in Bohemia
Abstract of title secured and guaranteed.
Information as to the laws governing the disposal of government
How to secure homesteads, timber lands, mining claims, etc.
Property for sale published weekly.
COTTAGIi GUOVH iH the second city in I.onc county, Oregon.
Has a population of about 1200. The center of the four points ( of the
compass when it comes to ingress or egress, llohctnia with its vast
mining resources only thirty-five miles south east, with a good wagon
raid lending from the S. P. H. K. depot right here in town. Prospect
ive railroad to the mines. The Const Fork of the Willamette river, on
which are situated the lllnck Hutte quicksilver minesslxtcen milessoutli,
flows through the center of the city, furnishing abundant water facilities.
It is only n mile and a half to its conlluence with Luw river, the outlet
of the great timber ranges to the south east. Westward toward the
coast range is an inexhaustnblc supply of timber, inlcrspnced with nu
merous rich farming lands well improved and cultivated.
North or south from hereon the S. P. railroad you can reach either
Portland or Son Francisco and be in touch with the whole world on
short notice.
Water works in full operation. Klcctric lightsand telephone system
W" The best agricultural lands in Uue county lie in the vicinity
surrounding Cottage Grove on either side, fit for farming or stock raising.
Correspondence solicited.
A. Few oi our Bargains:
I l'JOfeel front on north nitleof Main
Hlreet, liy alHint HIKI feel deep. iHiiimleil
by river'nn the n-irtli, lloin-e of Heven
riMiiin, liarn and iiiillioine8. Thi in the
Im'i luihinecH liK'atitin In Cottiiisu Grove,
l'rit e MOO.tX).
- A new two ."lory renidenee, nix
(-(miiiIi il,utikrtf ..tilt... ...imitnt filing will.
I driven well inrule of limift. l!0 feet front
I . .1.1.. ..I ... . I... .T
tin .fiiiui .'.iiil'.m .11,1111 pireri iiv i. ii ii'i't
deep; Ailj'iinlni: M K wnoiuiKe. A
very altruelive plaiv $17lK.
8 A two Hlory llnoly llnlnlil Iiomhc,
eiiihi rniini", UiilinHini anil mil house".
Spleniliil liH'Htinn, luu IhIh in loiik" and
Im U'h mlililiiin in soiillifiut Cut In e
Grove. Price tUW.
4 Two "lory iltvellln Ihiiim, ten
riMiniH, liriek fruit house, fruit treei, IKi
Iti t irnnt on tiortn plile ut Alain lre-t y
S00 firl ilee, rnrner priiperle. A line
I location for u lintel, l'rice '7o0.
5 A two story tine, iilino-t newdnell.
' inn hoiifc. II r'Ntnin, burn and uiithiiiiiH-
coniiIele, thri-c loin. A tileii(tlu or-
When you need anything
in the line of printing please
remember that the motto of
this office is good work,
good material, neatness and
dispatch, and the prices are
within reach of all.
The JOB OFFICE of this
paper is at your disposal for
the best of printing of any
and all kinds at barely liv
ing prices.
The practical aide of
A monthly publication of inestirnablo valuo to tho student of every day
scientific problems, tho mechanic, tho industrial expert, tho manufacturer,
tho inventor in fact, to every tvide-awako person who hopes to better his
condition by using lib brains. Tho inventor, especially, will find in The
Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing of importanco
escapes the vigilant eyes of its corps of export editors. Everything is pro
scntod in clean, conciso fashion, so that tho busiest may tako timo to read
and comprehend. The scientific and industrial progress of tho ago is accur
ately rnirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only
publication in tho country that prints tho official news of tho U. S. Patent
Office and tbo latest developementa in tho field of invontion without f tar
or favor. strnsemmox ruicn one dollar run year.
THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Met. OTClfE&JO niPl r
hate rourotu: IUA5 m nuns nua emmum. ion tukir kxtuebeacciiuact :
J length. of barrel, G and JO inches. Jirvru
one guaranteed. J'rice, l'ostpaltl, $n,00 with
ins make a full line of rllea; J'rice, from $0.00
upwards. Every arm we turn out is warranted
e StJ-rf r CttJtr- J. O, Jlux
clianl nf vniliir! heiirlnir tree", topi'llicr
with 'riipeti ami varioim klmU of IhtiIi'i".
Sitimlnl In l-oni: anil IiihIch nilillllnii
in noiitlieiiHl CottiiKutirovf. 1'rii ii 11'00.
ft A general nierclininliu tor on Ihu
iwner of Wall nml Hlver Htreet .oiilh.
A fpletnliil ftiH-k of dry tttMaln. IhioIk,
cIhk'h anil tietilh nml Indie furiilnliini;
uixxiH. A pleniliil bargain. I'rieo tu
le deletiniileil liy Inventory.
Goo.1 new to Hlorv dwelling hoiue In
tho urovtint! town of Snpiiniw. To lolH
encltweil, huveniy foot from. I'onr
ro inn, Milcmllil liter (iicilltlif. I'ricc
Two iilenillil loin on cei-oinl ftreet in
Coltap) rove, l'riro f'-'IO.
HOilfeet liy 100 feet ill a Hiiliiirlxiii loca
tion. Nnhirtil Hprinji, ii.ik lieei", all ml -joining
fmit hilU in neet t'ollnu (iMVe,
l'rice 00.
Tho ImU in LliH-k LI), Unit; lmdeHi
nililiti Tt5 by 1U) leet M-aiately.
Price f 175.
science Is reflected in
n kin a! .. I
. . . v . . a , in,
....... i ni,u mAJ3, -