Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 05, 1901, Image 7

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Details of the Monarchist Plot
Have Been Revealed.
llljh Olllctn In the Nvy nd Army Involved
Aiuiiliullon ul I'reildenl Sillct
Wti to Have Been Slflnal.
NEW YOIUC, March 27. A dlBpntch
to tho Ilurnlil from Itlo Jnnnlro Buys:
"Orent nxeltoinmit provnlln horo
ovor tho nrrest of Admiral Ciintodlo.
.Iobo Mcllo mid othorn, on account of
tho illHiovory of n inomirchlHt plot
through tho Hiilclilo of Karon do llur
nil. Ettrnordlnnry proniutlonn nro
I ding taken hy tho gov'-'mmunt to pre
vent nny outbreak, Apprehension con
torn nhont tho tmvy. Tho wnr vcbhoIii
iuii being cloudy guarded, iih It Ih bo
llovoil thnt tho ofllcorH uru not qulto
DoIiiIIh of tho plot which Duron do
llurgnl rovonloil to tho authorities hnvo
boon rnvunlod. It wnn tho pnrpoiio of
thoMO concerned, It In dnclnrud, to glvo
tho signal for tho outbreak hy tho nn
H.sslnntlon of President Cnmnos
Hnlion. DurltiK tho excitement thnt
Funnel-Shaped Cloud Tore Throuflh
IHHMINOHAM, Aln., March 27
Shortly hoforo 7 o'clock thin morning
a fourful torniulo swept ovor tho
Bouthorii part of thin city. Tho nuinlior
of Idllod tonight Ih cntlmntod nt 25,
io or whom tiro whlto. Eighteen hod
Ion lmvo Imioii rocovorod, mid ncoren of
Injured hnvo hoon romovod to tho how
pltnlB, Among tho dond nro Dr. n.
0. Ohnpmnn, of tho firm of Tolly &
Cliiipmnn, who conduct n prlvnto In
flrmnry In thin city, mid tho wlfo find
liifnnt child of Holiurt J. Lowe, chair
imm of tho domocratlc ntnto oxocutlvo
Tho n rm struck tho cltv In tho nr.
tromo Houthwontorn corner and plowod
Itn wny oiiMtward, loavlng a pnth ICO
foot wldo through tho ontlro Houthorn
HOCtlon. uxtoailllllir from flrnmi Hnrliuru
on tho west to Avnndiilo on tho cunt,
and continued Itn courno until Itn force
wan Bpont In tho mountain!) beyond
Irondalo, a mnall town, nix miles cant
of tho city.
Cattlemen Have Already Suffered Lots
Traffic le Blocked.
DENVER. Colo.. Mnreh 27. -A Rtnrm
inn provallt-d all ovor Colorado today.
ii mimu iniu'i'H reaming too propor
tion of a blizzard. Snow linn fallen
to a iiuptu from throo to 10 Inches.
Attempt to Blow Up His Palace
Near St. Petersburg.
Several Nolablllllei Are Implicated In
Complracy Nlcholai Advlied to Take
a Yachtlntf Tour, Out It Afraid.
Tho nlnrm M1I r.n !,... ...i i. -
followed tho monarchist adherents In'ity In tho mountains, Mocking " rail
ronun ami traffic generally. Alrondy
cattlemen hnvo surforod Iohh, nnd fears
are onlertalned that the Iohb will ho
greatly Increased heforo tho ntorm In
ended. All trnlnn from tho Uant aro
delayed hy tho storm In Kannnn. Reg
ular trnlnn on tho Colorado & Houth
orn between horo and I.oadvlllo have
ueon aunmionod, an tho cutn aro filled
Willi BIIOW,
the army and navy wero to tako pos-
hOKBion of tno city ami bold tho kov
irnmvnt olllcon. Tho nffalrn of tho
ntnto woro to ho IntriiNtcd to a trlum
vlruto compoHed of Admiral Mello,
Marshal Cauturln and Counnellor La
Fayetto l'erorla. Admiral Mollo wan
quietly removed from thin city, an It
wan feared that hln prenonco would
cniuo disturbances. Ilu wan convoyod
tp CohlaH Inland, where ho In held In j fall of nnow linn been heaviest. In
tho cuHtody of -Admiral I'roenca. omo placcn It In 10 Inchon on tho love"
Colombian Rebers Active.
Kingston, Jamnlca. March 27. Tho
llrltlnh mall ntenmer I'ara, from Colon,
brings reportH of renewed activity on
tho part of tho lobeln In tho vicinity
of I'annma. Tho haudn of tho govern
ment nro full In their efforts-to keep
mo rcbeln out of tho city. KxcosbIvo
war tnxoH are being levied, and Ian'
week a party of ImimIiichh men protest
-l against those high raton. Thoy woro
thereupon arrontfil and charged with
being ro'jol nympnthlzorn. Two of tho
prlnoiern maiiaKod to leave tho coun
try by steamer, but tho others woro
kept In prison until tnoy hnvo paid tho
heavy linen Imposed against thorn.
I'aBHcu'orB by tho steamer I'ara say
that tlio revolution nhows no signs of
ending In tho near future. IliiHlncns
Is carried on In Colon and Panama
with tho grcatont difficulty, and tho
enormous prices of fooilBtuffn Is caus
ing goriornl suffering. Tho liberals
nro expecting largo rolnforcomentB
from tho Coatn Itlcnn Bympathlzurs.
8he Is Determined to Keep Tacna and
NEW YOIUC, March 27. Chllo's
jiurpoKc to retain tho provinces of Tuc
nn and Arlcn, notwithstanding tho pro
tontn of I'oru nnd llollvla, Is formally
ucknowlodKed In an officlat statomont
of the Chilean caso communicated to
the United Status and other powers,
Kiiys the WanhlnKton .correspondent of
tho Herald. Tho announcement of this
purpose Is coupled with charges of
bad faith Hindu by Chllo agalnBt I'oru
nnd llollvla. Thcso charges aro coun
ter to similar allegations mado hy tho
and much deenor on ttm nmnntnlnn
lleportH como from I.nmar, Colo., that
the storm In driving tho cattlo along
with It, and undoiibtodly many will
dlo from exposure. Iloporta from tho
vicinity of Casper, Wyo., show similar
weather conditions there.
Vlllafjea Near Kalamazoo, Mich., Were
KALAMAZOO, Mich., March 27. A
tornado struck tho town of Pavilion, n
nmall vlllago 20 mllen Bouthcnst of
Kalamazoo, which wrecked a number
or nouses, uprooted troen, toro down
toligraph polon and did much other
damage. A woman who wan III In one
of the Iiouscb blown down In reported
fatally hurt, and many othorn worn in.
Jured. Tho homo of Noah Tripp wnB
runuci over lor n distance of live rods,
and M rs. Tripp was completely burled
under tho debris. 8ho was found lying
miner 1110 siovu, ami suBtainod Injuries
which may result fatally. Tho house
caiiKht fire and wan romnlotelv rulnnil.
Tho storm passed through Vlcksburt;
and 8cotl's 8tatlon, both smnll towns,
doing groat damage Nearly every
building In tho path of tho storm was
wrecked. Largo orchards wero de
stroyed and fences aro down ovory
wlioro. At Indian I.ako tho wind
rormeu a watorspout In crossing that
body of water, and a largo district on
tho cast Bhoro was Inundntcd.
LONDON, Mnrch 28. A dlBpatch to
tho Kxchango Telegraph Company
from I'arln states on tho highest au
thority that a mlno has been discov
ered beneath tho palaco of Emperor
Nicholas, at Tzcarnkoo Holo, 17 miles
Houth of St. Petersburg. Sovoral nota
bles, tho dispatch further states, aro
Implicated In tho plot against his ma
jesty. Tho llusslnn press was not per
mitted to mention tho affair.
A dispatch from St. Petersburg to
Kouteis' Telegraph Agency nays that
n consonanro with what Is bellovcd to
ho tho czar's expressed wish, tho min
ister of tho Interior lias published In
ntructlonn for tho authorities of tho
towns and provinces, recommending
preventive measures against disturb
ances as being more effectlvo than bo
vero repression after dlsurhanccn havo
been started.
The lllrmlnghnm Post, which Is
closely In touch with Joseoh Chamber
lain. nnyH news received In high quar
ters in London Indicates that tho czar
in In a very nervous stuto, owing to
tho condition of tho political horizon.
u in wild unit iio fears tho result of
tho policy of his ministers In tho far
east, whllo tho student troubles nnC
threats against his life, of which Micro
aro more than havo been published,
navo completely unnerved his majesty.
His medical advisers havo strand?
counseled a yachting crulso, but tho
czar lias refused to follow their ad
vice. Those behind tho scene in Itus-
sla tako a very grave view of tho pres
ent ngltntlon, and think It Is tho begin
ning of more serious trouble.
Removal of Corea of Col
lector of Customs.
YOKOHAMA. Mnrrh 97 A.WI.
two last-named countries against' rrom Seoul nnnounco that tho Coroan
Chllo Books to provont any Interven
tion on tho part of tho United States
In the South American dispute I'oru
und llollvla aro utilizing every chan
no) to bring prcssuio to bear upon tho
administration to Induce It to tako nc
tlon. Tho president has definitely do
elded, however, that ho will not tako
action unless all thrco powers request
It. In view of tho latest declaration
mado by Chllo It Is apparent that she
will suffer no outside check In tier pur
poso to acquire dellnlto sovereignty
ovor tho provinces she IiaH conrollcu
slnco thu war 20 years ago
Illinois Man Succeeds the Late Mark
8. Brewer.
WASHINGTON, March 27. Tho
president has appointed ox-rtoprcscnt-ativo
W. A. Hodonburg, of Illinois, a
niombor of tho civil soi'vlco co minis
alon, to succeed tho lato Hon. Mnrk
3. Ilrowcr, and 12. I, Alien, of Auburn,
N. Y., commissioner of patents, to suc
ceed Commissioner Duell, resigned.
Tho selection of Mr. Itodoaburij re
moves one of tho factors which has
delayed tho appointment of tho St.
Louis oxposltion commissioners. Mr.
Kodcnbiirg's friends pressed persist
ently for ono of thoso plnces. It is
gonorally bollovod that Mr. Ilodon
burg's candidacy clashed directly with
that of Profossor Northup, of Minne
sota. Tho announcement of tho com
mission Is now expected within a fow
$12,000 In Jewelry Stolen.
Now York, March 27. A daring
burglnry which occurred Friday oven
lng was mado public tonight. Tho
residence ontorod was thnt of Dr. Na
than K. Drill, on West Sovonty-slxth
etrcot, and tho thlovos socurod Jowolry
said to bo worth about $12,000. The
physician's houso is In a fashionable
neighborhood. "Tho doctor and his
wlfo woro visiting Friday ovonlng,
and four servants romnlnod In tho
houso. In splto of this fact, when tho
Urllls returned homo thoy found that
thlovcs nnd vlsltod Mrs. Drill's room
and taken ovory ploco of Jowolry from
tnat apartment
government has dismissed from offlco
Mci.eavy Drown, director general of
Coroan customs, nnd that Great Drlt
aln Is protesting against his dismissal.
Tho dismissal of Mr. McLoavv
Drown from tho post of director gen
eral or uorean customs is regarded In
i.onuon ns another scoro for Russia
In 18U5 nnd again In 1898 Russian nros
suro wns oxortod to procuro his re
moval. In tho latter caso ho was only
rolnstntod aftor a Drltlsh squadron
hnd movod to Chemulpo. As recontly
ns a iow monins ngo itussia strongly
opposod nn nttomnt by Mr. Drown to
ralBo a loan for tho Coroan govern-
mom to purennso snares In tho rail
way from Seoul to Fusnn. As n result
of hor opposition, tho negotiations for
mo loan railed.
Tho St. Petorsburg correspondent of
tho Dally Mall assorts that M. Pa
yoff, Russian mlnlstor nt Seoul, has
protcstpd against Corea taking for
eigners Into tho govornmont service
with tho oxcoptlon of Russians, and
dorannded tho nppolntment of tho lat
tor, but Corea seemod dotormlned with
tho holp of tho powers to defend hor
Deputy Treasurer of Washington.
Olympln, Wash.. March 27. Stnto
Troasuror Maynard has appointed his
son, Clarenco Maynard, of Chohnlls,
uoputy troasuror. II. F. Nichols, of
Hunt's Junction, was originally select
od for tho position, but recontly noti
fied tho treasurer that ho coubi not.
for business reasons, accept tho ap
For Suppression of Riots.
St. Petersburg. March 28. A circu
lar Issued by tho minister of tho In
terior blames tho police" for not crush
ing the demonstrations at tho outset
by tho dispersion of gathering crowds.
It is said tho police must learn whero
nnd when demonstrations arc planned,
and mass their forces there. Above all.
order must bo restored at any cost,
anil tno authorities must not fenr to
uso tho necessary force and severity.
Tho military, tho circular further says,
can bo called upon when firing In ne
cessary, and tho cavalry may bo sum
moned upon any occasion to clear the
Tho Russian Authors' Mutual Aid
Association, founded by tho Russian
Literary Society, has been ordered to
closo its premises, owing to n protest
of tho authorities during tho recent
riots, issued a short tlmo ngo.
A studont nt tho St. Petorsburg unl
vorslty, named Proskurlakoff, who had
boon sentenced to two years' .military
sorvico and drafted Into n regiment
soon to leavo for Turkestan, a woman
student named Smlrnovn, nnd Lieu
tenant Kutncss, of a Sapper battalion
havo been found dead near Yamaburg
In tho St. Petersburg province. Tho
studont hold a rovolvor, and It was evi
dent that tho thrco persons had com
mitted suicide.
Tho press Is beginning to display
uneasiness on account of the nosltion
taken by Japan with regnrd to Man
churia, although tho Dourso Gazette
oxpresscs Itself optimist cally. declar
ing its confidence that "this question
will never become an apple of discord
between tho two mightiest Asiatic
Amerea May Be Deprived of a Voice
In the Settlement.
WASHINGTON, March 28. WhUo
attention has boon contored upon tho
crisis connected with tho Manchurlnn
agreement, an entirely now and Im
portant phase of tho ChlnoHo question
has been proHcntod by tho action of
the ministers at Pekln In agreeing
yesterday to submit to their varlmiB
governmentn whether articles 8 and 9
of (ho Chinese protocol shall bo car
ried out by the military authorities of
all tho Dowers lntnrtml in r-i,i ,
only by thoso powers who aro continu
ing to tako part In tho application of
thoso articles. Tho action of tho mln-
Inters has been rrimmiinlnnlnil m
oral foreign embassies and legations
horo, and doubtless Mr. Rockhlll has
mado or will mako known tho nnmo
facts. Tho articles In nniilnti r.r
f - 1 '. u. v to
Article 8. Thn dentrtir-Mnn nt !,
forts Which might obstruct fmn mm.
munlratlon between Pekln and tho sea.
"Artltlo 9. Tho right to maintain
occupation of certain points, to be de
termined uy n understanding among
the powers. In order to obtain nnnn
communication between the capital
mm mo sea.
Thoso two questions appear to In
volve territorial affairs, and It may be
corno of considerable moment whether
the determination of such nffalrs Is to
bo left with tho military authorltlea'of
nil tho powers or only with such now-1
era nn contlnuo their military forces
in China. '
In the latter caso, tho United States
government may bo quietly but effec
tually deprived of all voice In tho set
tlement of so much of tho Chinese
question as relates to tho determina
tion of the strength of tho military
forces to bo continued thero In tho fu
ture by tho powers. It Is also possible
that an afflrmatlvo decision which
would exclude tho United States from
participation In tho discussion nt thin
Important point ntlght be extended to
put us out of China altogether.
General Aguinaldo a Prisoner in
American Hands.
Massacred by Turks.
Constnntlnoplo, Mnrch 27. Accord
ing to prlvato advlcos from Macedonia,
n band ot Turks massacred throo Dili
ganlan famines, mon, womon and chil
dren, In tho village of Aghamahaloh,
noar Seres, a town 47 miles northoast
of Salonlcn. Details ot tho outrago
havo not boon received. Tho nows
croatod a profound sonsatlon. It Is
roported that a village noar Gonas
ttrln, Macodontn, with a mixed popula
tion of Mussulmans and Bulgarians,
hus been burned.
Murdered While Doing Good Work.
Tlon Tsln, March 27. Inquiries show
that the Rov. J, Stonohouso, of tho
London Missionary Society, who, as
announced in thoso dispatches yestor-
oay, was kiiiou Dy brigands 14 miles
oast of Tlon Tsln, was murdored at
tho ferry of tho vlllngo of Whangalo,
on tho Hun Ho rlvor, 10 mllos eaBt ot
Tungan Hslon, whllo distributing ro'
llof to tho starving vlllagors.
In an nffray InBt evening two mom-
hers of tho Welsh Fuslllor regiment
ami a mombor of tno victorlnn contin
gent, who woro acting ns pollcomon,
woro sabered and bayoneted.
Ex-Treasurer of Harvard Injured.
Boston, March 27. Edward W.
Huwper, ox-troasuror of Harvard col
lego, and a lawyor In this city, foil
from tho third story of his rosldonco
on Deacon street shortly after mid
night, nnd received sorlous, though It
Is bolloved not fatal, Injuries. Mr.
Hooper had boon confined to his room
for 10 days through Illness brought on
by ovorwork, and ho has been In
chargo of a trained nurso. Tho acci
dent occurred when tho lattor was
temporarily absent from tho room and
no ono was la.
Returns to New York After an Ab
sence of 26 Years.
NEW YORK, Mnrch 28. After as
absonco from thoso waters of 2C years,
tho famous old warship Hartford is
again nt tho Brooklyn navy yard. It
was In 1875 that Admiral Farragut'3
old flagship was last seen In this port.
Tho Hartford was laid up for years at
tho Maro Island navy yard, San Fran
cisco, until It was decided to remodel
hor nnd fit hor out for sorvico ns a
training ship. Tho vessel Is now on r
training crulso, with a crow of 480
men and hoys, most of them nppren
tiers. She will remain at tho DrooHvr
yard for a week, undergoing some re
pairs, and then will resume hor cruise.
Tho Hartford sailed from San Fran
cisco about a year ago. Her cruise ex
tended to Boston. Sho loft thnt port in
July of last year on another crulso go
ing first to England, then to Hollnnd.
Belgium, Franco and Portugal. From
European ports sho wont to tho West
inuies. While there she wns ordered
to Vonozuela. Returning from South
ern wators, sho stopped at Washing
ion, nnu irom tnoro went to Dnslnn
coming to Brooklyn from tho lattor
port. When tho Hnrtford leaven hero
sno will go on anotlior European and
west Indian omlso, returning to
mmpton KondB on Octobor 1.
Whllo tho historic ship Is at tho
nnvy yara a company of her bluojack
ots will tako part In tho mllltnry tour
nament In Madison Square Garden.
Robbed a Country Bank.
Columbus, O.,. March 27. A tolo
phono niessngo from Somerset, Perry
county, received at tho pollco station
nt 2 A. M., stated that six mon had
rlddon Into tho- city nnd blown open
tho snfo In tho local bank and socured
$1,500 ln monoy and a larso amount In
bonds, Tho robbors escaped.
Result of a Texao.Shootlnn.
Liberty, Tox., March 28. W, B.
Duncan and his father-in-law. W. K.
Waul, wero shot and Instantly kllloi
inuuy. a uiiucuity started between
Duncan and ThomnB nrnnch. nnil Wnnl
nnd Whnrton Branch, fathor of Thoa
Brantih, Interfered. Duncan nnd Waul
woro both shot through tho heart an-i
dlod instantly. Wharton Branch wat
arrested and charged with tho killing
Ho was hurrlod to Houston ou the
first train. Branch la a prominent at
tornoy of South Toxas.
Teachers Deem Change In Time for
Making Contracts an Injustice.
OLYM PI A. Wash.. March 28. Thn
full Import of house bill No. 9. nanus.-!
by the legislature toward tho closo of
the session, has begun to dawn on tho
state's educators, and It cannot bo said
that they aro favorably Impressed with
It. The bill amends tbo state school
codo In several Important particulars.
nnd went Into effect Immediately upon
us approval uy the governor.
Prior to that tlmo school elections
were held on the first Saturday In
May. Tho new law provides that thev
shall occur on tho first Saturday In
June. It also provides that tho newly
elected officers shall tako their posi
tions tno nrst Monday in Juno, and
that they aro to employ the teachers
for the ensuing year. Tho old law cavo
tho retiring board tho right to employ
tho teachers for the coming year, and
this Is where tho "howl" will bo raised.
It has been tho custom to employ
teachers as early In tho year as possi
ble sometimes In February. In tho
event that a teacher was not success
ful in securing a position from one
board, tho early re-election mado it
possiblo for him to look elsewhere.
rsow all this win be changed, because
tho Juno election will force boards
of directors to mako their selections at
about tho same time. Already com
plaint of tho Injustice worked by the
new law has begun to be made to the
state superintendent's office, but thnt
oitlclal Is powerless to remedy matters.
Succeitful Conclusion of the Kwtu Gcneral'i
Expedition Into liabela Province
It Now In a Manila Jll.
MANILA, March 29. General Fred
erick Funstan'B daring project for tho
capture of Agulnaldo in his hiding
place !n tho province of Isabola, Island
of Luzon, has proved completely suc
cessful. Agulnaldo was captured there
on March 23.
Tho United States gunboat Vlcks
burg, Commander E. B. Barry, with
General Funston and Agulnaldo on
board, arrived here this morning.
Agulnaldo waB brought ashoro at
3:10 P. M. today and taken before
General MacArthur at tho Malacanang
palace. Ho talked freely, but seemed
Ignorant concerning recent events. Ho
appeared to bo In good health and was
even cheerful. He lunched with tho
officers of General MacArthur's staff,
and was then escorted to tho Enda
street Jail.
Agulnaldo's capture was attended
with considerable difficulty, an Insur
gent m?Jor being killed at (ho time ot
the event Twenty rifles and a num
ber of Important papers wero captured.
Warns China Agalnit 8lgnlng Any
Private Treaty.
WASHINGTON, March 29. Tho
British govornmont has protested
against China mnklng a convention
with any power touching territorial or
financial matters until tho present
troubles in that country aro conclud
ed. Tho fact of tho Drltlsh nrotcst
was mado known horo for thn flrt
tlmo today by a dtanatch from ono of
tho foreign officers of Europe It says
tho protest was mado through Sir
Ernest Satow, tho British mlnlstor at
Pekln. It does not stato whon tho rep
resentations woro made, but from tho
fact that tho dispatch was received In
Washington today. It la taken that tho
protest occurred within tho last ilar
or two. Although tho Russian agree
ment Is not specifically referred to. It
Is said to bo clear that tho British
action Is directed against tho Russian
agreement. Tho language appears to
be similar to that used by Secretary
Hay, In tho American nrotest. Tho
effect of tho British action is to placo
tho United Stafes, Japan and Groat
Britain in formal onnosltlnn to thn
signing of a convention by China with,
any power pending tho settlement of
tho Chinese troubles. Tho course of
Great Drltaln Is tho moro significant
from tho fact that tnat govornmont
and Germany havo a written alliance
relating to Chinese affairs.
The concurrence of tnesn nrntnntn
probably explains why tho Manchur
lan agreement has not been signed.
There was no definite information re
ceived here today at the stato depart
ment or at any of tho foreign em
bassies as to whether tho agreement
had been signed or rjected. There
was something of a stir In diplomatic
quarters over tho report coming from
official sources that the United States
was considering tho advlsabllltv of ml.
dressing Russia directly on tho sub
ject. Heretofore, the American objec
tions to the Manchurlan acrreemcnt
havo been addressed to China. Copies
wero rurnisnea the Russian authori
ties. Several of tho foreign repre
sentatives advised their covemmentii
that this step was contemplated by
the United States, but thero Is no of
ficial information available as to how
rar the consideration of tho movo haa
Serious Accident In a New Pennsyl
vanla Mine.
CONNELLSVILLE. Pa.. March 28.-
Tho first mlno explosion to occur In
the now Klondike region of Fayetto
county happened today. One man was
killed Instantly, five will die, and 10
aro burned and crushed bo terribly
that It Is doubtful If they will recover.
Tho body of the dead man Is miss
ing. Tho Injured men have been
brought to the Cottage stato hospital.
As a result of the explosion, tho mine
Is on lire. The cause of the explosion
was an accumulation of gas In the
heading of the Gates mlno, ono of tho
now mines opened up this winter by
tho American Steel & WIro Company.
Tho Gates plant Is located Just
across the Monongahela river from
Mnsonjown. When the explosion oc
curred nt 9 o'clock this forenoon a
group of 1G miners had gathered In a
cross entry about GOO feet from the
bottom of tho shaft and 50 feet from
the face, awaiting tho discharge of a
blast. Tho chargo of powder was put
Into tho blast ns usual and touched off
by MIchaol Goble, the blaster. In tho
meantime a pocket of gas had accumu
lated at tho faco and gradually drifted
out toward tho heading. Tho same In
stant tho fuso was touched off thero
was a blinding flash which suddenly
filled tho entry In which tho miners
had taken rofuge. Thero woro two ex
plosions. The first was so terrific that
it left tho men dazed and stiffened :
then thero was another rush of nlr,
unnging witn it a second puff ot gas
anu men anotlior explosion.
Playing With Dynamite.
Chicago, March 28. As a result of
stealing a stick of dynamite two Pol
ish boys of Hawthorne received prob-
amy ratal injuries and sovornl others
woro burnod and bruised, but not so
rlously. Tho explosion occurred as tho chil
dren wero going homo from school.
Thirty of thorn stopped to seo tho men
putting In tho Hnwthorno sower. The
chlldron wntchod the men blow up
somo hnrdpan, nnd somo of tho boys
thought It would bo fun to get somo ot
tho sticks and seo what thoy could do
with them.
LONDON, March 29. A dispatch
from Manila says that several mem
bers of Agulnaldo's staff wero cap-
uirea witn nim and brought to Manila,
mo insurgent, leader anu nis men
were captured near Caslguran, north
ii xjaicr.
Where the Capture Was Made.
Tho province of Isabela, where tho
capture of Agulnaldo occurred, is on
tho Island of Luzon, about 200 miles
northeast of Manila, and about 75
miles north of Daler, on the eastern
coast, which place was made memora
ble by tho capture of Lieutenant Gill
more and his party from tho gunboat
lormown, in April, 1899. Isabela
province Is wild and mountainous, es
pecially along tho coast, whero the
high range known as Gran Cordillera
oriental extends for 100 miles or moro
from north to south, the highest nolnts
of tho range being but a few miles
from the shore. Rugged trails. In somo
places being but a foot or two In width,
lead across the mountains, frequently
crossed uy rusnmg streams, and where
theso overflow their banks, the trails
aro waist deep In mud. It was to this
uninviting district that General Fun-
stan and bis small band went a short
time ago. It was a part of the Island
that had never before been visited by
American troops.
Ministero Seek Advice.
Berlin, March 27. A dispatch from
Pekln to tho Cofogno Gnzctto dated
Sunday, March 24, says that at tho
first formal meeting of tho commit
too on Indemnity, hold In Pokln Sun
day, it was decided to Invito Sir Rob
ert Hart, director of tho Chinese Im
perial maritime customs; Monslgnoro
Fnvloro, vicar apostolic at Pekln, nnd
other exports, financial and otherwise,
to submit proposals on the best meth
ods for raising tho amount of In
demnity to bo domanded from China.
Reign of Terror Will Follow Our Evac
uation of Cuba.
NEW YORK, March 29. Represent
ative Vespasian Warner, of Illinois,
who has Just returned from an ox-
tended tour through Cuba, believes
that tho constitutional convention will
nccept tho Piatt amendment, says a
Washington special to tho World,
Continuing, Mr. Warner said:
"Wo niunt, of course, turn tho Is
land over to tho Cubans, but It is a
crime against humanity to withdraw
nt this tlmo. When our troops leavo
tho Island you will witness a reign
of lawlessness that will startlo the
world and compel us, In tho namo of
Justice, to tako matters Into our own
hands. Tho Cubans will sign any
thing or do anything to get us away
from their property, and when they
havo tho reins In their own hands,
you can expect tho worst.
"From what I can learn, thoy will
assess everybody with any money nnd
havo a division of tho spoils. Thoy
will drlvo all Spaniards and American
sympathizers from the Island, and for
a brief period will revel In loot. Law
and order will becomo a mockery, and
a stnto of anarchy will reign.
"It is foollshnoss to talk of tho Cu
bans govornlng themselves at this
tlmo or for years to como, Tho Island
must becomo ours eventually, and it
seems a shnmo to undo all tho prog
ress made In two years. As It will
bo, yo shall havo to Intervene within
90 days and set up a protectorate again
to bogln tho work of reconstruction
Slight Skirmishes Reported.
Capo Town, March 29. Indoclslvo
encounters ut widely separated points
aro roported dally. Fighting took
placo yesterday at Tarkastadt and
Honnlngfontoln, both In Capo Colony.
Tho casualties woro fow. A command
numborlng 200, under Commandant
Fourle, was dispersed at Thaba
N' Chu. According to reports received
hero, the hills abovo Dewetsdorp, Just
reoccuplod by General Brucb Hamil
ton, woro also tho scene of a flght
lasting sovoral hours yesterday.
Much Damage Caused to Property by
riign water.
NEW YORK, March 29. From many
parts of the state comes news tonight
of damage by flood. Tho waters of
rivers and the smaller tributary
streams are reported as overflowing-
ineir Danks, causing widespread In
undations which threaten to destroy
much property before they begin to
subside. Up to midnight the only ac
cident In which any one was Injured
was that due to the washing out of a
culvert near Norwich ditching a Del
aware & Lackawanna train. In the
accident three people were slightly
This rush of water which is swell
ing the streams Is due to heavy rains
and the consequent melting of the
snow which has lain for months and
has been deeper than usual in tho
central and western portions of the
state. The Mohawk river, swollen by
torrents of water flowing from tho
snow-covered Adlronaacks, Is higher
than at any time In almost 40 years.
and much fear was expressed at Utlca
during the day that tho rising waters
would Interfere with railroad trafllc
before tomorrow, but tonight's reports
show that the high point is reached.
and water Is receding. The waters ot
the Mohawk carried the Ice out of tho
river at Schenectady, and the pressure
thus relieved has secured Schenectady
so far from serious damage. Tho
water has risen so high, however; that
Little Falls reports New York Cen
tarl trains being run over the West
Shore between Frankfort and Utlca.
The Genessee valley Is afloat. In
many places, the Genessee and Its
tributaries not having been so full In
five years. A rise of 15 Inches In 12
hours Is an Indication of the rapid
rate at which the water is flowing Into
Rochester and the adjacent villages.
Much railroad property is already
under water.
Conditions for the Sate of West Indies
to the UnitedStates.
LONDON, March J29. The Dally
News publishes the following dispatch
from Its Copenhagen 'correspondent:
"I am able to state, on the very best
authority, that Denmark has commu
nicated to the United States tho fol
lowing conditions for tho sale of the
Danish West Indies:
"First, $4,000,000 to be paid to Den
Second, the population to decide
by voto whether to remain Danish or
to be transferred to the United States.
"Third, If the vote Is favorable to
the United States, then the Inhabitants
to become Immediately not only Amer
ican subjects, but American citizens.
Fourth, products of tho Island to
be admitted to tho United States free
of duty.
"It Is supposed here that Washing
ton will not readily agree to the third
and fourth conditions."
Goldsborough's Trial Trip.
Seattle. March 29. The navy de
partment has designated April 1 as
tho day for the official trial trip ot
the torpedo-boat destroyer Uoldsbor
ough, which was built at Portland. Tho
department officials have not yet an
nounced Just whero tho trip will tako
Thero Is no doubt that tho boat will
moro than mako tho required time ot
30 knots. She has done some speedy
running upon tho Sound that has made
It apparent that sho will mako a lino
showing when sho makes tho trial
trip that will dctermlno whether or
not sho will bo admitted Into tho
navy as ono ot tho defenders of Uncle
Around the World In a Canoe.
Victoria, B. C, March 29. Frank
Saxby, a prospector, who has been
around theso part3 for about a year.
Is having a largo Indian war canoo
decked over, and In company with ono
companion will attompt to ctrclo the
globe In It. going first to Hong Kong.
via tho Pacific Islands. The canoo
Is a vory largo ono, such as British
Columbia Indians uso In tholr travels
up and down tho coast, and when
properly hnndlod can stand almost
any kind ot weather.