"BOHEMIA NUGGET. rntllhd Krarr frlrtur. COTTAGE GROVE. , . .OREGON. f OF 1 DAT An InterotinS Collection of Ittmi From lh Two Hemispheres Presented In a ' Condensed Form A Manila Spaniard was convicted ot treason. Minister Loomls may bo transferred to another post. Another attempt was made to as asslnato the czar. Roland Reed, the actor, Is dead at his home In Now York. A largo nmount of Washington re serves Is to be opened to settlement. Gross fraud has been discovered in the subsistence department at Manila. Much misery prevails at Marseilles, France, as a result of the dock strike. General Fltzhugh Lee says future of Cuba depends on native statesmen. A packing-house ,flro in New York damaged $200,000 worth of property. Three thousand arrests have been mado since Russian revolutionists be came active. A 130,000,000 syndicate Is negotlat- v ing for the control of the Pacific coast fishing industry. Secretary Gage says if artificial prices are asked for bonds, he will al low treasury funds to accumulate, Commander of the Petrel was suf focated and 22 officers and men pros trated in a fire on the gunboat Petrel, By an explosion of gas at the fur nace of the Edgar Thompson steel works, five men were fatally Injured, The Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth regiments, Just returned from the Philippines, will bo mustered out at San Francisco. The president has appointed Wheat on to be a major general and Funston and Jacob Smith to be brigadier gen erals of regulars. Peter Karpovltch, the assassin of Bo- Bollepoff, Russian minister of public Instruction, has been sentenced to 20 years' penal servitude, with loss of civil rights. St. Petersburg may be placed under martial law. A battle between French and Chi aeso is Imminent. Floods in New York and Michigan cause much damage. England has protested against China making any secret treaty. Morgan will probably prevent strike in the anthracite region. An imperial edict prohibited the signing of the Manchurlan treaty. Denmark lays down conditions tor the sale of the Danish West Indies, Morocco will settle the American claim without a naval demonstration The sultan of Sulu complains that the Americans are violating the treaty. Russians participated in the disin terment of bodies of American ma- rines. There are rio indications that the Nabraska senatorial deadlock will be broken. A steamboat line will be established on Snake river between Lewiston and Pittsburg landing. Development of the Mount Reuben mines in Southern Oregon is going forward successfully. Agulnaldo was captured by Funs- ton in Isabela province. The rebel leader is now in Manila jail. It is announced that the Rogers lo comotive works, at Paterson, N. J., nave been sold by the receivers to a Now York syndate of capitalists, who will enlarge and operate the works. KORAN THE ONLY LAW. Civil Government Is Impossible In the Sulu Islands. JOLO. Island of Sulu. March 80. Tho commission was heartily received nt tho headquarters ot tho sultan. The residences of mnny of tho people wero decorated with lings, tho staro and stripes floating through the town, whllo thousands of firecrackers wero exploded in all directions. It was a beautiful Bummer morn ing, nnd when tho sultan had not nut In an nppoaranco upon the ar rival of the last launch, n cutter was sent with tho secretary ot tho com mission to Invito tho sultan to visit tho ship. They brought baqk his majesty, clothed In gold and purple, and decorated with Jewels. He pre sented a comic onern aspect hs he came on board, followed by his min isters and a score of relatives In mot ley court nrrny. They wero greeted with a saluto of 17 guns, commis sioner Taft explained to his majesty that there was no disposition on tho part of tho members of the commis sion to Interfere with the administra tion of tho sultan's affairs or the habits, customs and religion of tho people. Ho said that tho only mo tive governing tho commission was tho prospective prosperity nnd hap piness of the people of the Sulu Isl ands, and that the people ot the United States expected tho treaty to bo strictly observed. Tho sultan then thanked Commis sioner Taft and spoko proudly of tho cable and other Improvements Intro duced by the Americans, nddlng that his best friends were the military of ficials, and that he expected to abide by the decision of tho commission ers nnd to follow their advice. His majesty then inspected the ship. That afternoon tho sultan wns re celveil at tho American military headquarters and Inspected the troops. Native sports followed, onon Mine Hems of Interest From All Parts of the State. $1,000,000 HOTEL FIRE. The Jefferson, at "Richmond, Va., Burned, But No Lives Lost. RICHMOND. Vn April 1. Tho Jef ferson hotel, this city, which won orortud nnd furnished by tho Into Louis aintor nt a cost of $1,000,000, was de stroyed by lire. Tho inognMcont structure covored hnlf a block In tho ultrn-fnshlonnlilo pint of tho city, nnd fflCr OH TAOALS Capture of Agulnaldo Leads to Many Surrenders. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL HAPPENINGS ' wns built of buff brick on n Bi tto GENERAL MDCAKTIIUR MAKES A REPORT foundntlon. Brief Review ot the Orowth and Improve ments of the Many Industries Through out Our Thriving; Commonwealth. Tho ilnmcs wero dlscovorod In tho I ........ ... . ,.!.. .L. I II I- II.. t.l.n.l f Htln.l.n.n upper pun oi mo nuiui-Hiiuui oiuu me innurrrcuun in mi mnu v Stamped Out Filipinos Learn That Sr finished. Coqullle It Is proposed nt Coqulllo to organlzo n flro company. i Table Rock Tho Table Rock Irri. gating Ditch Company will soon begin Iftilitance Is Useless. WASHINGTON, April 1. An Im portant (linputch rocolved nt tho wur Hlmrtlv before midnight, nnd In n short time that pnrt of tho building wns it roarlnn'iurnnco. Tho guests who wore iimr driven nut of the Mnlll-streot herldan Tho depot at Shorldan Is ' l,,rtl" of lh ho!?1 to,,11 t0!UKt J!'" shod, i lobby on tho Finnkllnstrcut side. r. ....... .....t. n. Innmlll ftUltll. clally among tho man? of .lo.mrtmont today from General Mac whom had retired for tho night. Arthur. In tho opinion of tho officials, Mnny porsons lost nil tholr offectH. Wont fur to support tho prediction No ono DoriBllcd III tho Ilnmcs. Tho ,,in liv dnnnrnl MneArthur viialer- work of cleaning nnd ronnlrinir i llro started In tho linen room from it i . ,,, , Hwi nml tt tit it mltnlllnti 111 ditches. defective fluo. Tho Irtsurnnco Is .n..Y. .i "i....... about ICr.0,000. All tho surrounding " """ i. houses nro flllod with property taken , icles tho surronder of n consldoniblo from tho hotel. Thuio hns been somo nddltlonul number of robels nnd mil looting, nnd sovornl arrests havo been I unrJP nrlUB nm t, important feature made. Thero woro In tho hotel mnny of R ,H Umt (10 BrrclIor mrkH lIl0 EX 'Srsor'lXlVompleto stamping out of the Insur- stood in tho Frnnkllu-strect court, rectlon In tho Islnud of Mindanao. This statue was brokon. which Is, next to Luzon, tho Inrgost Immcdlntoly upon tho discovery of 8and In tho groiip. Tho dispatch la the fire, which wns eating Into tho nH fnOW8. celling of the linen room, tho hotel ...,.. Mnrrh 2n.nr,,1(,Inr fin,.. n- ntiunrnMia .vna lirnllt'ltr mill mnv ' - - uiu 1.I1HU.H ...... . . w , . 0 . . " Attoniinnts inuu Bald Mountain Tho now qunrtz mill of tho Bald Mountain mlno started up last wcok. Rltter Tho floor wns blown off the suspension foot bridge at Rltter sov oral days ago by wind. Hood River Tho Drosnncta nt thn strawberry crop nt Hood River nro good, nnd thero Is nn increased acre age. Union A plan for startlne n readlnc room nnd Ilhrnrv nt Uni nn . lint thn hntin hlirKt. Is being perfected by women of tho dnshed through tho building nwnkon clty- i ing tho guests, mnny of whom woro Milton Tho Offner Fruit Pnckinc sleeping nnd hnd to bo drnggod out Company, of Walla Wnlla. cetera f bw- Mo8t of the guests on tho plates erection of I, Franklin-street end of .the hotel saved at Milton. DISASTER ON SHIP, r TailKIIII-lIl-UI- rail Ul lliu il.m-i .. n..miri.l Dnlw.rl l III, .!,, their bnggago, nnd llnnlly tho Jefferson "JJjr Oenoral 1 lobor I stntuo wns gotton put. w th the heatl P0"8 Aimpnii nnd muz, 31 wins. f""i... i? hn-,n ia i thn imrt rendered to Captain David Shi tXlamath FallS ThO Wnrlf nt rlnnn. l..l... nrt Thn trnnsla In thn imrt ----- . f . . -' I i . -r . 7 uiunuit uit. - " n 1 ' . ' ... wnicn wero witnessea oy the commls- "b ."i1 l" '"main 'nns irrlgatliig whero tho flro started lost their Dag- uuuii ucgun mis wcok. also be widened. nloners and others, Tho Philippine commission sailed this morning for Isabel, Island ot Basilan. Before leaving the commis sion had a long consultation with Ma jor Sweet, the American commander commercial club, ui uaio, ana unui narnein. tno ornl WUIInm Cobb repoita tho sur render nt Btimulno, Mliidnuao, of I) oftlcorH, ICO men, 1S7 rllH-H nnd 80 shotguns, Cnplutrnno's comiuitnd. TIiIh ends tho troublu in Mindanao nn far ns the FlllplnoH nro concorued. llrlg- HughcH ro- sti r- Cnptaln David Shanks, eighteenth Infantry, nt Mnmburuo: ZOG guns The ditch will gage, and mnny of them lost all their " Runs, nil on h co.nmnn.i, furron. I clothes. Owing to tho height of tho .Aoni o Lieu ennnt Colonel William Union A schemo is under wnv nt building, tho ro department wns nt n Union to erect nnd nnnln n t,n.J ;reat disadvantage. Tho flro mado brick building for tho uso of a town an Immense blnzo. nnd prnctlcnlly .1. -Mil.. nntinn llm ll n 1 1 d fiml strongest chief of the Sulus, who , , eorn u ls reported that tho ptalrcnees being numerous nnd wide, usually opposes tho sultan. Inter Mountain group in tho Green- Any measure of civil government uu'u u"i' occa sola to a syndl- effect OF CAPTURE. ' in Sulu appears impossible at pres- cnl 01 Laiifornia capitalists. ent. The customs of vassalage, ser- Gold Hill O. Lane will havo "5 or Insurgent Leaders on Luzon Are Ex vltude and polygamy prevail. Thero 30 tons of oro crushed nt Humnson & 1 peeled to Surrender. ! . V " . "'D . ""f ueney s quartz mill at Gold Hill. I mavm.A Anrll 1 Aenlnnldo Is not always followed. The Morros and Chinese desire a cessntion of military rule in Jolo, but the con glomerate character of tho popula tion and tho uncertainty as to those without the walls render this inadvi sable. Military officers consider the treaty unnecessary and an impedi ment to progress. SSekwrtlf.ii?r0m th EUI mln0 on now detained In a comfortable room In a wing of tho Malncannn palaco. Blackwell hill I I till- t ....... train hPt Tim,tiii . 's in chargo of Captain Benjamin .B,;KJl,s nnni,o,i,h an" i;umtonan' mv the rails and crushed him beyond rec- A- Youngbcrg, of battery G, Hilrd ognltion. 1 artillery. Granite Thero Is no public school w,lon Agulnaldo was captured ho nearer thn nPrt nnv min wore a plnin dark blue suit with tho GROWING. Ite, and application has been mado for "'l1 cIo,s,0,y l"1.tt(ln71 UP ttLiho, lh.r,oat a new scnooi district, with Red Boy as ,'m , "V "K"u"v " the center. band. Ho takes his enpturo philo sophically.. Ho Is generally cheerful, Condon A disastrous "pile-up" took but sometimes moody. His health place at the sheep camp of S. B. Bar- during tho past year has been very ker, near Condon. On a scnarntlnn rood. It Is uncertain what attitude the neighborhood of that city. Two ,, 0 ewea Irom tho lambs the latter ho will now assume Certain visitors steamers ply between Hong Kong and P''ed up in a ditch, and 88 head were nro permitted to see Agulnaldo, but FRENCH Activity INFLUENCE In .Provinces of Southern China. HONG KONG. March 30. It is re ported from Canton that the activity of the French is greatly increasing in flnnfnn nml mm'inritn nro miih In SmOtUereU. evidence on tho Chinese waterways. Sumotcr It Is ronortod frnm Rmn. it is also reported that two steamers 1 tor thnt tho i ,":.".,"' are being built in France to run bo- ;thn; r 7h Tw.t ;S..""W B tween Hong Kong and Canton, and derground development continues that France intends to subsidize the tho nm.m.i.t. nf iu in .". carrying of the malls. It ls also ex- each succeeding day " pectcd that a French postoffice will open in Canton about April 1. Canyon City James Robinson, one Objections havo been lodged to the ot tno oldest and best-known citizens plying of the steam launches under the tricolor. Chinese captains now fly the tricolor with an addition of three small stars, which are invisi ble a shore distance away, and as a result, it Is said, the Chinese people imagine they are still under the tri color, and conclude that the French innuence is gaming. It is also re ported that a French hospital was opened at Shameen some months back for the purpose of receiving Chi nese patients. All this aids French Influence and prestige. WHY HE DID NOT SIGN. Accident to Chinese Minister Saved Manchuria. ST. PETERSBURG, March 30. Last Monday, when the world ex pected that the Russo-Chinese con vention as to Manchuria would be signed, the Russia foreign office re ceived word that the Chinese minis ter in St. Petersburg, Yang Yu, had fallen and been seriously injured. This news was received at the time with a grain of salt, but a represent ative of the Associated Press was in formed at the United States embassy this evening that Yang Yu had not only slipped on a wax floor, bruising his elbow and leg. but hurt his head and was consequently confined to his newspapor interviews with the prls oner are not allowed. Since Agulnaldo has been domiciled nt tho Malncannn pnlncc, porsons not- provided with speclnl permits Havo been denied admission to tho grounds. General Trias, tho commandor of tho Insurgent forces in Southern Luzon, who recently surrendered to tho Amer ican authorities, visited Agulnaldo, of Grant eniintv riio,i nt rnno nit., and told tho lattor why ho had sur- after a lingering illness of nearly 1J rendered. Trias said that a contlnu years. Deceased was born In New . nnco of armcd opposition to tho United Brunswick, January 12 1834 States was unjustiflablo and ruinous; ' ' that the Independence of tho Philip- Klamah . Falls The Ashland-Klam-, pines was Impossible, and that tho FII ath Falls mail route and schedule has , iplnos had bettor accept liberty, pros been changed. It will hereafter be a perity and progress under American daylight run, and the route from : rule. Parker's station to Jenny creek will I The capture of Agulnaldo, follow ue over the logging camp road. , Ing tho surronder of General Trias, .., , . will probably occasion the surrender ..P.a"y?".y,'i eA coraPany content. 'of the Insurgent leader Malavar Id nVoov .,o if .mo ;Vm ua,i;on Batangas province, Luzon; Bollarmlno, Creek, five miles sou h of Canyonvllle,, i Albay province. Luzon, and Luc to the mines owned by Lewis Ash, , ban. the Island of Samar within a wnicn are situiea aoout halfway be-. month. Many pcoplo vlBiteil tho rcsl- I dence of General nnd Mrs. Funston on I the Callo Roll, In tho suburb of Ermltn, The general modestly declined to tnlk. Mrs. Funston was evidently tho hap-val-. piest woman In tho Philippine islands. per General Funston nas neon recom S. Scott, Forty-fourth Infantry Tho following cablegram wns ro colved nt the nnvy department from Admiral Ilcmcy: "Cnvlto. March 29. Bureau of Nav igation, Washington: MneArthur tel egraphs: Thnnkx to splendid coop eration of Vlcksburg, I have Arftilu aldo socurcly In my postmsslon nt Malacannn. General Funston loud In prnlso of everything navy did. ISntlrc urtnv 1n!nn in thnnkn tfi vniirmtlf. nr. - iicers nnd mon.' KISMHY. Secrctnry Long replied to tho nd mlral ns follows: "Romoy. Mnnlln: Inform MncAr thur highly appreclnto his and Puns ton's generous prnlso nnvy, nnd con grntuinte them heartily. LONG. Senator Burton nnd itoprcsuntHtlvcn Long nnd Curtis, of Knnsas. saw tho president nftur 4 o'clock, when tho rush of work had ceased. Tho prosl dent listened attentively to what the delegation had to say. nnd snld lie hnd under consideration tho matter of rewarding General Funston for his services In capturing the Filipino ciiior. The delegation rcgnrd their In torvlew ns encouraging and hope to soo tho Knnsnn rando a brlKiullor ccn oral In tho regular establishment, hut Its members wero careful to say that tho president gnvo them no pronilso nor nny lmucntion nn to nis intnn tlons In this regard. They would not bo surprised, however, If considerable opposition to giving Funston n brlca liter generalship should deCclop nt tho wnr (icpnrtmont. There is no dlsDoM tlon In tho regulnr establishment to bo little General Funston's exploit, cs. peclnlly slnco tho receipt of Goneral MacArthur'8 dispatch giving full credit to Funston, but thero would nntu rally, bo opposition to Jumping it vol unteer officer 35 years of age into tho grado of brigadier general, and the Knnsas delegation recognizes this fact. HERMANN IS TO GO. tween Riddle and Canyonvllle. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla Walla, EG57c; ley, nominal; bluestcm, 59c bushel. mended for the highest practicable re- Flour Best grades, J2.80J3.40 per ward. It is believed hero that ho will barrel; graham, J2.G0. Oats White, $1.25 per cental; gray, 1.201.22 per cental. Barley Feed, J1G.60T17; brow Ing $16.50J17 per on. Miiistuffs Bran, $16 per ton; mid Illngs, $21.50: shorts. 117.50: chon. J16. Hay Timothy, J1212 GO; clover, J79 50; Oregon wild hay, 67 per ton. 1899 ueurooxn. xuuB iu IB over UU, uuu Hops 12Uc per pound; flpthv TTo hnn ronontlv rllanlnvorl I 1 ' - . , ---r crop, vuy iC, great anxiety in reference to the con- WooI-Valley, 1415c; Eastern Or- ventlon, and has hesitated to sign, eon nftio.. mnhnlr sSiT n nartlnilarlv slnro h l In doubt !??.? ,Jp1' mohair, 2021c per .V. tAAl .1. . 1. .Lnl,i 1. 1 ... 1,1 h .nh.. P,u,luu The savings bank at Riverside, la., waa broken into. The burglars drilled receive an appointment of brigadier general in tho regular army. The Panama Waterway. Washington, April 1. Tho conditions under which tho Colombian govern ment will consent to tho transfer of tho French concession for tho con struction of the Panama canal to this government, should tho latter solect that route for an Isthmian waterway, aro before the state department for Its consideration. Senor Sllvela, tho minister from Colombia, called on Secretary Hay today and loft with him a memorandum bearing on tho subject. uiruugu iuu Hieei uoura oi me vault, aoout nis reception snuuiu no return rintto oninr .'a muuiuiiumum ""b "J-.., forts. They secured only a small sum of money from the. cash drawer and es caped on a handcar. Fire has started In No. 1 shaft of the Republic, Mich., mine, and resists all efforts to extinguish It. The flames aro raging through the shaft, and no estimate ot the loss can be mado. Tho ' xnlne has been closed, throwing 500 men out ot employment. All the miners escaped. A mob of 500 or more gathered at Galesburg, 111., bent upon lynching Ed. Jackson, a negro, who murdered En gineer Charles Rowe. Tho mob marched on the Jail in a body, but news of its coming reached Sheriff Matthews, and he smuggled Jackson out of Jail into a carriage and drove with him to Monmouth. pound 8panlsh War Claims. Eggs Oregon ranch, 1313c per Washington, March 29. Tho Span- dozen. ish war claims commission, of which Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.6005; ex-Senator Chandler ls president, has pens, x&(j5.50; dressed, ll12c per received from the state department a pouna; spring, ?406 per dozen; full list of the claims against Spain ducks, $5G; geese $608 per dozen; growing out of the Insurrection In Cuba, which were filed in tho depart ment up to the 15th of the present month. These claims are all those of American citizens, for under the treaty of Paris, the governments of the United States and Spain undertook turkeys, live, 9l0e per pound; dressed, 13014c per pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, 130 13c; Young America, 13&14c per pound. Potatoes 45E5e per sack. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers, to adjust claims of their own citizens. $4.76; ewes, $4 04.50; dressed G07c xne granu total ot tnese claims is per pounu. about $30,000,000, and included In the list are five claims in excess of $1,- 000,000. The largest single claim is that of John W. Brock, on account ot property losses, estimated at SZ.luz,- 514. Mrs. Ruiz, widow of the dentist who was killed in a Havana prison, ls a claimant for $75,000. Hogs Gross, cholco heavy. 45 $5,25; light, $4.76 05; dressed, 67o per pound. Veal Largo, 77c per pound; small, 809c per pound. Beof Gross, top seers, $4.5004.75; cows, $404,50; drcsbCd beef, 78c per pound. to discuss Its features whllo tho matter is under consideration by tho stato department. Tho French concession originally expired in 1904, but It has been extended to 1910. Tho Japanese residents of Tacoma, Wash., havo organized to keep out Pioneer Stage Operator Drowned. Oakland, Cal., March 30. Tho body any disorderly characters from their of John Allman, a pioneer stage coach country. During a .recent epidemic of diph theria in a tewn on tho Hudson, 205 cases wero treated with serum, and among these thero were only two deaths. Elections In London resulted in tremendous majorities in favor of mu nicipal ownership of all public utili ties, thus broaklng galling monopolies existing for centuries. operator of the coast, has been found In tho harbor, and it ls believed he was accidentally drowned. During his lifetime be mado a business of bidding on almost every .mall-carrying contract in tho west, and at one time had moro government contracts than any other man engaged in the business. He waB a personal friend of President U. S. Grant, and during that official's administration spent much of bis time In Washington, The Brussels automobiles aro taxca from 30 to 50 francs por annum, ac cording to horse power, Tho Inter Island Telegraph com pany of Hawaii is the first wireless system to bo opened for business. The case of Missouri ugainst tho Chicago drainage trustees will be tho first jury trial in tho United States supreme court in 107 years. Professor Shaler, Harvard's geolo gist, says that within 30 years new mining systems will produce an al most Intolerable supply of gold. Work of a Lunatic. Akron, 0 April .1. Tho Diamond pottery plant was totally destroyed by flro last night. Tho fire originated In waste soaked In oil placed in va rious parts of tho building. A well dressed man was noticed loltorlng about tho placo some tlmo boforo the flro started. Earlier In tho ovenlng an attempt was mado to dynamite tho pottery of tho Robinson-Merrill Company. Tho watchman dlscovorod sticks of dynamite placed In various parts of tho main building beforo tho fuses had been Ignited. At other fac tories oil-soaked waste was found in various sections of tho buildings. Massacred by Tlburon Indians. Proenix', Ariz., April 1. It Is re ported that a party of goldseokors was massacred by Cerls Indians on tho is land of Tlburon, In tho Gulf of Cal ifornia. Two weoks ago six Moxlcan prospectors left Topopa on tho west coast ot Mexico in a small boat and wont to Tlburon Island In search ot gold. Pedro Pasqulola, ono of tho party, has reached the mainland in a small boat, and roportod a fierce fight with tho Indians. He escapod, and believes his comrades wero killod. Frlc Retention Made Impossible by tlon With Hitchcock. WASHINGTON, March 30. It has practically been determined that Hermann will not remain commls slonor of tho general land ofilco. Whllo tho president speaks well of Hormnnn, ho cannot hnvo him a sub ordlnnto to Hitchcock, In view of tho friction that exists. Hermann has been tendered a placo on tho civil sorvlco commission, but as this Is a reduction both In salary and Impor tanco, he does not llko to mnko tho change. Tho president docs not want to dump Hermann out In tho cold, anu tno civil sorvico commissioner ship was suggested to let him down easy. Georgo D. Mclklojohn, ex-asslstant socrteary of war, Is mentioned ns Hormann's successor. Ho lost his former place In making a fight for tho senate but It Is understood ho con trlbuted his full shnro In tho cholco of two Republicans, and may bo rec ognized for nis party loyalty. A Dubuque Fire. Dubuque, In., April 1. A four-story cricK structure occupied by Georgo Richardson & Co., manufacturers of shoos, and B. F. Richardson & Co.. la dies' shoes, was destroyed by Are to- nignt. L.OBB, $ii8,uuu. Says He Is Heir. Tacoma, Wash., April 1. Samuel Phllby, a Tacoma ship carpenter hero, claims to bo ono of tho heirs to the English estato of Thomas Holden, mentioned In yostordny's dlspatchesJ Phllby'p mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Bhel-l ton Phllby, 76 yoars old, now living nt Brazil, Ia was tho granddaughter of Thomas Holden, through her mother. Tho claim of tho Phllby heirs com bats that of tho Broadbents, of Balti more; Stambaughs, of Now York, and others, who claim Inheritance through Holdon's sister Elizabeth, whllo tho Phllby heirs claim dlrbct descent. Massacred by Indians. Phoonlx, Ariz., April 1, It Is re ported that a party of goldseokors was massacred by Corls Indians on the Island of Tlburon, In tho Gulf of Cal ifornia. Two weeks ago six Moxlcan prospectors loft Topopa on tho west coast of Moxlco in a small boat nnd went to Tlburon Island in soarch of gold. Pedro Pasqulela, ono of the party, has reached tho mainland in a small boat, and roportod a flerco fight with tho Indians. Ho escaped, and belloves his comrades woro killed. Commander Roper, of Qunboat Petrel, Suffocated. 'WASHINGTON, April 2. Tho nnvy department early this morning re ceived it cablegram frvm Admiral Homey, commnndor-ln-chlof of tho An latlo ntatlon, giving it brief account of n flro In tho Hall room of thu gunboat l'otrol, nnd of tho death of tho cum mniullng olllcor, Lieutenant Command or Jobho M. Roper, mi it result or a liorolo effort to rescue tho men below. Tho dispatch ntntcH that 22 other of ficers and men weru prostrated, but alt aro rucoverlng. Admiral Hemoy'u dlMpntch follown: "Cnvlto, March 3L Flro wns dis covered In tho Ball room of the Petrel at 7 o'clock this morning, Itopcr com manding. After going below once, Iim went ngnlu against ndvlce, and ni tempted to recover tho men below. Ho was nuffocnted, nnd died at 7:15. Twenty-two other oftlcorH nnd men woro entirely prostrated, hut nro re covering, Tho llro Ih out; dnmngo Immaterial. Will solid Itoper's re mains by Buffalo. RICMISY." Tho department nt oneo Hunt iv tel egram to II. F. Fny, brotluir-lii-liiw ot Lieutenant Commander ltopnr, nt Longwood, Mass,, asking that ho In frnm Mrs. Itoper of tho news. Tho following expression of Hympnthy nml appreciation wiih iiIho made:' "With thlH sad iiewn tho department send to Mrs. Itoper deep Hympnthy In the great loss sho hnH Himtnlnod, and the highest appreciation of thu gallantry nnd nelf sacrjflco with which Lieutenant Com mander llopor gavu Itltt life for hl fellow men. It was n heroic deed." Lloiitonnnt Commander Itoper wan born In Missouri, and entered tho naval sorvlco June 25, 1808. Ho wan commissioned to tho rnnk hold by him nt tho tlmo of IiIh dentil, March .11, 1S99, and was ordered to tho command of thu Petrol November 15, 1899. Tho Petrel wan one of the vessels under Admiral Dewey nt the bnttln or Ma nila bay, whan sho wan In charge of Lloutohant Commnnder Wood. Tho latter ofllrer enmo homo shortly nfter, and Lieutenant Commander itoper hiic coeded him. Tho Buffalo, on which tho remains will bo sent homo, Ih used for tho trnnspnrtntlon of troopH, nnd Ih about to return to tho United Htutca by way ot the Mediterranean. SIX MONTHS MORE. Then, General Young 8ays, a Small Force Will Do In the Philippines. SAN FilANCISCO. April 1. Major General H. B. M. Young, who'nrrlved from Mnnlln today on tho trnnsport Lognn, said: "Genorul Funston's exploit wns ono of remnrkuulo bravery, and he Ih de serving of tho Highest recognition at the hands of our government. Thltt tnlk about 'West Point Inlluenco' Is all bosh. If any such NtntomentH havo been mado that graduates of Wost. Point or men who have risen from the ranks will oppose Funston'H advancement, It has come from thn lips ot disappointed officers. No good olllcor or gentlomun would bollttlo such a bravo achievement." Clcnornt Young, in npcnklng of tho offoct of tho capture of Agulnnldo on tho situation In tho IslnndH, said ho believed tho troopu would have to bo kept thero but six months longer. Ho did not think It would ue wlso to bring them nil away, howover, for thero was a largo number or marauding bands throughout tho Islands who would havo to bo kept under subjection. "It will tnko nt least two genera tions," said tho general, "to get tho Filipinos to understand tho meaning" of solf-govornmcnt ns wo understand It. Tho Filipino Idea Is to havo tho country parcoiod out nmong tho lend ers, and they will rule tho peoplu nnd get nil thoy can out ot them. Wo shnll hnvo to look to tho children or tho babies ovor thero now to gut tho matter on n correct basis." REWARD FOR TITUS. Brave Musician of the Fourteenth May Be 8ent to West Point. WASHINGTON, April 1. A potltion signed by all officers serving with tho Fourteenth Infantry rcglmont has been sent to Adjutant Gonornl Corbln, requesting tho nmiolntmant at Mimf. clun Calvin P. Titus, company E. Four teenth Infantry, tho first American sol dier to enter Pokln during tho rocont troubles In Chlnn, a cadct-at-largo tc tho military acadomy. Tho potltion. says: "During Ills sorvlco Mimfrlnn Tltim has proved hlmscir to bo a trustwor thy, Intelligent, sobor, brnvo and thor ough Boldlcr. On August 14. 1900. nt Pokln, Chlnn. ho wns thn limr Amorlcnn to bcoIo tho wall ot tho Chl noso city nnd ontor Pokln. On tho following day, whllo ongaged In tho fight In tho Imnorinl cltv. h ft rnrnlvntl a slight wound. Ills morltorious con duct dosorves recognition, and It Is boltpved that If given an appoint ment to West Point, and a commis sion upon graduation, Musician Titus will mako an oxcollont offlcor." Roughly Treated by Burglars. Pittsburg. Pa.. Anrll 2 Mm Ann Ward, aged GO, ls lying in a critical . condition from tho effects ot brutal treatment by throo mnskmi imririnru at her homo this morning. Mrs, Ward and hor dnughtor woro nwokonod by tho profi'uco of burglnrs nt tholr hod Bldo, each woman finding a rovolvor pointed directly nt hor head. Mrs. Ward undortook to resist, nnd whllo tho dnughtor was hold In snhlnotlnn liv ono of tho mon, another knockod tho older woman Into unconHeinimnnpn Itornlly crushing hor skull. Tho hus band nnd son of m. Wnr.i slocplng on tho third floor, hnvlng la tholr possession about $1,200, tho booty tho burglars ovldontly woro ftftor. Rain nnd High Wind. Dallas. Tex.. Anrll 1 a !,, .i storm, accompanied by a high wind, provnllod hero this afternoon. Tho wind damagod roofs and blow down ihrubbory and tho vroclpltatlon was to heavy that It formed torronts la tho streets which swopt ovorythltiK before thorn. Stroot-cnr traffic was do ayed and a quarter of a milo of track In tho southern nnrtlnn nt ti, had to be abandonod for tho remaindor of the day. Tho damage In Dallas Is ostlmatod nt $25,000.