Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 05, 1901, Image 5

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JC. O. T. M. BonmiBK.
Last Thursday nlfjht being tlic
regular meeting night of the K. O.
T. M., the ladles of the Beehive,
recently organized In this city, nnd
their friends, decided to give them
n little surprise niul accordingly
nsscmblcd at ilie Commercial House
with heavily laden baskets, and at
about 9 o'clock marched to the
hall. On reaching the hall they
learned that the Knights had not
finished their work, so a few
minutes of waiting were indulged
in. When the doors were thrown
open very much to the surprise of
the gentlemen, of crowd of some
thing like 40 ladies filed in with
loads of good things. When the
Knights recovered a littlo they
requested the crowd to he seated
and Knight Jenkins called order
nnd made a few remarks expressing
their complete surprise nnd regrets
nl keeping them wailing so long.
Songs and speeches were listened
to with interest for some time, then
it was announced thai supper was
the next thing on the program, so
accordingly the long tabic was
spread, and such a spread, the
table was loaded down with the
hot lunch that ever graced a table,
nnd the crowd did ample justice to
it. After supper the crowd was
favored with a number of selections
on the graphophonc which Mr.
Sherwood had thoughtfully pro
vided. Games were then indulged
in by all until a late hour when all
departed for their homcscxprcssing
themselves ns having spent a very
pleasant evening.
Last Friday night Col. W. II.
Iilair at the Hotel Sherwood had a
telephone call from Night Operator
Atkins at the S. 1'. depot asking
him to send Policeman Niitm at
once as he had heard several shots
fired and supposed that burglats
were at work in the store of Long
& Son just across the track from
the depot. Nuiiii was soon found,
nnd hastening to the scene dis
covered a dim light and some one
nt work in the rear of the stqrc near
the safe. In the dim light and
the dense pow.tcr smoke (torn the
hhots heard by Mr. Atkius, it was
difficult to determine "just what the
burglar was doing, hut Nunn lost
no time in covering him with his
r ti 11 and ordered "hands up." Mr.
Ceo. I.ongJ for it was he, then de
manded to' know why he was wt
nlto.vcJ to kill his own rats in his
own store, und especially when he
had his ratship in a box.
C. W. Caldwell, of the fair
grounds, in moving to his newly
purchased farm near Cottage Grove,
took two cows with him, and was
arrested near Cottage Grove by
officers thinking the cow he had
answered the descripriou of the one
stolen near Salem. He was released
nfter an examination of the case.
This was the case in which Chief of
Police D. W. Gibson was interested.
The stolen cow belonged to A. V.
Drager, south of this city, and a
description of her had been sent out
by Chief Gibson. When he was
notified by the Cottage Grove au
thorities of the arrest of a man hav
ing such a cow in charge, the Salem
officer went to Cottage Grove, but
quickly discovered that the wrong
man had been seized, and Mr. Cald
well was promptly released. Sa
lem Statesman.
At a meeting of the City Council
Tuesday night the proposed ordi
nance to prohibit cows running at
large within the city limits was de
feated by a vote of 3 to 2, and now
the town cow is in all her glory 1
appropriating sidewalks to suit her
own inclination, and destroying
well kept lawns aud shrubbery.
Verily the town cow is now "mon
arch of all she surveys."
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Aubrey en
tertained the C. E. Endeavor of the
Christian Church last Friday even
ing at their home on Fourth street.
After the business meeting wits ad
journed tho remainder of the even
ing was turned into a social. A
large 'crowd was present and en
joyed the evening.
A ()ulct Day Good KiiuIIiik 1'rovnllcd
Bond Initio Knocked Out.
Monday wns election day nnd con
siderable Interest was Ink mi, although
tlio l)clof fcclhiK prevailed. The vote
polled was 11 llttlti above llio itvuriigo In
tlio city election, showing that tho citi
zen woro fixed In the I r opinions, The
vote by wards la iih follows:
WAIII) no. 1,
It. M. Ventcli 41
W. H. llunnott 10
Watch's plurality 31
J. K. Barrett 27
11. K. Wynnii 'A
Barrett's plurality 0
J. K. Young 28
N. Martin 'Mi
Yoiiiik'i plurality C
Herbert Unkln M
Against Iwnds 1)0
For ImiiuIm 12
Plurality ayatnst 18
Ventcli -18
Dennett 17
WatchV plurality 31
Watch 4(1
Piper 10
Watch's plurality 27
Martin 40
Young 25
Martin' plurality 10
KaUin 05
AtcaliiHt IioikIh Xt
Tor bouda SSI
Plurality against 10
WiUch 05
llciiuittt 30
Watch's plurality 35
V. C. Joluuon 01
Young 58
Martin 37
Young's pluiality 21
For ImiiiiIh 47
Ag-ilnni lonil 31
Plurality fur 10
' totals
Ventcli, for mayor U7
Itarrutt, councilman ward 1 0
Vcatch, " " 2 'a
Johnson " " 3 01
Young, rororder II
Kakiu, trunaiirer S!0D
Agaiunt bonds 12
Hon. It. M. Veatch, the newly elected
uwyor In a inati of good btinincsH ability,
a DUccuDH in private allairs, and tlicro in
no reason why lie should not make a
splendid reeorl in thu oflico now hi.
Tim olllco of recorder ro many vcars
111 led by Attorney J. H. Medley, who
could not bo induced to allow his iiitino
tu be presented again, will now be tilled
liy Attorney J. Iv. Young, a prominent
aud miece i'ul praelieloner of thin city.
Mr Yoiin RCi'iirod thu odico by tlic
w II of unci in orcliipic, but purely upon
his meritH hh 11 man, and was very
c'.oh ly follow eel by N. Martin, one of
Cottago Urovu'a highly rcax.'Ciud eiti
zona. In thoaliolcu of cotinellmcn thu people
of thu several warddc.111 well lx vatUlied
Whilu Homo had oilier choice, Htill it
must bu admitted that all candidates
were- e.ipablaot giving g od service.
Thu election Im over and it is thu duty
of thu votum to give tit administration
nil the encotiragcmont possible.
At the Imperial hotel Wednes
day Mr. V. II. Dennis informed a
Nugget man that active operations
would be resumed at the Black
Butte quicksilver mine shortly
after the 15th of this month. The
furnace at the Elk Head mine was
started up a few days ago. This is
the mine- the company recently
bonded from Eugene parties. Mr.
Dennis and wife have been spending
a month in California, and while
there Mr. Dennis visited the diff
erent quicksilver mines in that
state with the view of examining
the mines aud reduction works.
not so, dro.
The Cottage Grove papers came
out with their annual spring snake
yarn last week, which grows more
thrilling aud hair raising with each
successive season. It is evident
that the Cottage Grove dealers dis
pense a very vile brand of intoxi
cants. Plaindealer.
Prof. John P. Menkin, head
lecturer of Woodmen of the World,
will lecture at Martin's hall jn this
city Tuesday evening, April oth,
1901. The gentleman is highly
spoken of as an entertaining lec
turer. Admission free.
A dime social will be held at the
Reading room Monday evening
April 8th. This social will be n
continuation of the one held at Mrs.
Wheeler's. Come everybody and
spend a . pleasant evening. By
order of Committee.
All About YolJ.
O. V. Jlnmh returned to llohemla last
Notice Q. It. Prleo'8 now ail In this
wtok's Issue,
lion, James Ilcmcnway was aKugene
visitor Tuesday.
Healu for tho Minstrels on unlo at Hen
sons Drug Store.
Herbert Leigh the asuaycr, went to
Kugeno Tuesday,
Geo. W. Lloyd wont to llohemla
Tuesday morning.
O. F. Knox camn up from Kugeno
Monday altcrnoon,
Hoht. Ulalrhas a stock of lino cigar
nt tho Hhcrwood house.
Mm. Darwin ItrUtow wan 11 Eugenu
vUilor last Saturday.
Harvey Taylor of this city left HiIh
week forCurluw, Wash.
At White left for hla group of claim
til (ileuwood last Saturday,
G. H. l'lteher and Geo. Kouso nro In
town from tho Helena mine,
D. A. Moflhy and wife viultcd In Eu
gene laid Friday and Saturday.
Mm. Kva rrlmblo left Tueuday after
noon for hcrliomo at Aehland,
Darwin Krintow traneacted biinincse
in Kugeno Monday and TucwJay.
K A. Hackott.ronrcnetitingllldpath'M
Hlritory of thu World, Ih In town.
lay k
vlait with hurBialerut Walla W
Ixo Martin and H.J. Tnflllnor enme
out from the Helena mine lust Friday.
Godfrey Grabor, of tho famous Vein
vitiH mine, in eiiding u week in town.
Mm. Jam ' Hcmcnwuy and daughter
HflKel, liavo retuiiuKl from a viaitatSeio.
Ivlmcr Doolittlo, former foromnn at
tho Helena mine,, wan in town last Fri
day. J. It. Stewart with Ilia family mcved
to their farm 011 Kowu dver last Mon
day. Al Hanrock Is In town this week from
U10 Whale, Gilbert A Clay property in
Kditor W. C. Conner nnd wife, of
HoKcburg, tiro viviting relatives and
friendx in this place.
Hon. It. A. Ilooth, manager of the
llooth-Kelly Luinbiir Co., wae transact
ing business hero Wednesday.
Albert Zlniker, of tho Vesuvius mine,
went to Creswell Tuesday for n visit
with his brother at that place.
Charlca Roberts of Kugnc. brother of
Mewlames J. I. .Tonus and 0. II. Van
tlenburg, was in the city this week.
No extra charges for reserved seats for
Kugene'H Merry Military Minstrel Moke
this evening. Prices 60c, children 25c.
Messrs. J. E. nnd F. D. Wlicoler nnd
F. I. Phillips, were trammeling business
at thu Koseuurg land olllco last batur
day. V. II. Iteline, of the Helena mine, is
in town. Ho reports tho stamo mill
closed down on account of sencity of
Tho game of base ball Sunday between
the CM. A. anil lioliemian nines, re
sulted in u score of 4 to 10 in favor of the
Doc Bowers nnd J. It. James left for
Bohemia last Saturday, whe e they go
to do development work on tho Golden
Slipper group.
John Currln was in town Monday for
the lirtt time since lust fall. Although
more than 80 years of ago, "Uncle
John' is quite sprightly.
Tho many friends of Mrs. .1. S. Medly
will bu pleariil to learn that alio is gain
ing strength slowly but surely under
the influence of California climate and
daily drives.
Tho second annual report of the Ore
gon Historical Society has been received
at this olllco. It is' n neat pamphlet
containing 127 pages showing tlio work
ings of the society.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dennis wero
guests at tho Imperial Hotel the first of
the week. They left for the Black Butto
mino Wednesday, uccoinpauicd by Miss
M. E. Bleck, stenographer.
W. L. Coppernoll, tho jeweler, has
this week moved his place of business
from tho old Davidson stand to tlio Allen
building opposite thu postotlicc. Bead
Iiih new "ad" in this issue.
Otto Gilstrap, city editor of tho En
gono Register was in Cottngo Grovo
Monday and Tuesday, arranging for tho
Regimental Band minstrel performance
which it billed for Friday night.
Sam, tho Chinese cook at the Helena
mlnn arrived in town Tuesday evening,
having been at the mine for 0110 year
and II It eon days without n vacation. Ho
went to P01 Hand Thursday for n month's
visit in that city.
Tho friends of Rov. nnd Mrs. W. V.
McGco who left hero last fall for Texas
will be pleased to learn that their littlo
daughtor "Dovo" whose life hung by n
thread lor so many weeks, ts now slowly
improving. Thu littlo girl auliered with
typhoid fover.
V. D. niul J. E. Wheeler nnd F. P.
Phillips, of Cottago Grovo, woro horo
Friday attending to business matters.
Theyliatl somo rich specimens of ore
from Bohemia, which woro full of wire
gold and estimated to bo worth from ff
to 10 rer notintl. A number of rich
strikes havo been mado in that district
recently and u strong effort will bo made
to secure 1110 erection 01 n smelter uur
lug tho present year. Rosoburg Roview
Try a Sunday dinner nt tho Imperial
Hotel. In addition to tho regular course,
of meats next Sunday nt 12 m will bo
suryeu uoui cnicKon anu turKoy . rry us
Watch for tho Fourth Rocimont Band
mammoth minstrel par ado nt 3:30
o clock, Friday nftornoon April 5th.
Tho 1000 assessment rolls nro now
opon for tho payment of taxes.
. . W. W. WlTlIKltS,
Sherjft'of Lnno Countv, Ore,
In Brief.
Geo. Griffith for tirlcc riti rdrntilrii
and dyeing.
EtllfRUo's morrv mllitarv molten nt tfin
Opera House next Friday evening.
A now invoice of plated ware, clocks,
et6., nl Mudaen's.
For all kinds of fishing tackle call 011
Grlffln Veatch, Co.
Toilet articles, Benson Drug Co.
Wall paper at Jenkin'sA Lawson's.
For L. L. Mav A. Co. irnrdeti seeilK mil
on Wheeler & Scott. ,
A new lino of silverwaro nt MadnenV
suitable for wedding presents.
Go to Ncwland'H mlllinerv store for
spikes, 2 cents each.
A larico assortment of the ureal fav
orites. Postum, Caramel nnd Fig Prune
Cereals, at Cummings.
Wall minor from 714 cents ner double
roll and up at Jenkins & Lawson's.
When you want to catch trout buy
your flies of Griffin A Veatch Co.
A carload of wall tinner lust received
at Jenkin's & Lawson's.
Look at thoso souvenirsnoons at Mad-
sen's. Something new and nice.
Yuti will lautrh when you sec tho
travesty. Ino Vadis Upside down at the
Suits! Suits!! Tailor mado suits! It
Up to dale in every resnect.from ilGuo.
Call and see samples.
If you want anything in tho Ilnq of
pruningshears call on Griffin, Veatch Co.
Stationery, pens, pen holders, and
pencils of every description at Benson
Drug Co.
For flower and garden seods get L. L.
May & Co. Northern grown seeds at
Wheeler & Scott.
Stationery, the best in the market, to
bo found 111 Cottage Grove, at Benson j
Drug Uo.
Sportsmen retnemlier Griffin & Veatch,
Co., carry thu finest lines of sporting
goods in South Lane Co.
Wc have on hand n Inrge stock of
kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic in
grades 1 2 and 3. Let us make you
special prices.
Bootii-Kklly Lumber Co.
Bright and sparkling end and motto
eongs at tho Opera House Friday even
ing April Cth.
Just received this week a choice va
riety of Indies and Misses fine shoes.
Call and see them at Cuinming's store.
Thcdrug stock of Benson Drug Co. Is
choice, complete, and absolutely the
best in the market. Try us.
Wheeler Jc Scott handle the Oliver
Chilled, Syracuse Chilled, Garden City
Clipper aud J. I. Case steel plows, Critic
steel harrows and Planet, Jr. cultivators.
Get your prescription filled at Benson
Drii Co. Pure drug, of superior
More than 600 different patterns of
wall paper to select from at Jenkin's &
A car load of Columbia River codar
shingles for sale by Jenkins & Lawson.
Fresh candiea every day, made from
pure sugar ut the Tailor shop.
Go to Goo. Rohlman's tailor shop
Main street nnd seu'his fall lines of
samples und goods. He can please you
in any stylo or line you may desire.
Only the b&it drucs in tho market at
Buusoti Drug Co. Bring your prescrip
tions. The most complete lino of paints,
brushes and wall paper in South Lane
County will be found at Jenkin's &
La w son's.
Mrs. Beck's class in music Is doing
splendid work, but she has little
faith in the progress of thore who make
mush; 11 study during the summer
months only.
Geo. Bohlman, the up-to-dato tailor,
will show you goods, all shades and all
prices. Think of it. A tailor made
suit for f9 and upl Pants ft and up.
J.J. Dellan and Dillard Alt in their
up-to-dato musical specialty at tho
minstrels next Friday evening April 5th
at the Opera House.
Wo have just roceived a carload of
wagons which we bought direct from the
factory saving middle men's commission.
If yon want n wagon you will get tho
pro lit by calling on
Wheeler & Scott.
Bowaro of air dried or half dry floor
ing, ceiling and rustic. Tho Booth
Kelly Lumber Co., are making special
prices on kiln-dried lumber.
Scenes on tho Mississippi tho artful
song and danco by Robert Gilstrap and
Cheshire will bo 11 pleasing number at'
tho Minstrels next Friday eveuing at
tho Opera House.
Parents and young people should re
member that it frequently occurs that
"Musiu fs father und niothor sweet
heart and fame, and sometimes bread"
Mra.L. D. Beck.
Geo. L;ongand J. T. Cardwell
of this place, are doing some pros
pect work about one-half mile east
of town. They have found a large
amount of gold bearing float rock
which assays from 70 cents to $3 50
per ton. The existence of this
ledge has been known for several
years, but heretofore no one has
considered it of enough importance
to justify any amount of outlay in
hunting for the ledge. Now, how
ever Messrs. Long and Cardwell
feel that the prospect is encourag
ing enough to continue work on
the same. A well defined ledge of
paying quartz within one-half mile
of town would certainly be a big
thing for Cottage Groye.
We have a Magnificent Stock of FINE SHOES,
our prices arc lower than like quality sells for any
where else, and wc guarantee shoe satisfaction iti
every respect at
w Money-Saving Prices.
w. d,:.,t-1, ...i., tt.
4jt t v villus wi. ittivw wiiui me cuii; wuill. ylt
W To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular de- W
ffl mand is our business ambition. (US
C We will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure satisfac
Hon, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." S
W. S. Chkisman.
The Fashion Stables
GIrisiifau & Bags, proprietors.
Reasonable Prices'"
Fixst-Class Turnouts, Double or Single
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Wheeler & Scott - cottage grove."
Geo. Gumming-,
Dealer in general merchandise has now a well selected stock of choice
family groceries which he is selling at lowest living prices. He is also
offering special values in gents furnishing goods, men and boys shirts,
underwear, gloves, etc., all at greatly REDUCED PRICES, Bargains in
Ladies, Misses and Cbildrens Shoes.
In addition to regular stock he is now offering the balance of the
Schuller stock of shoes at less than
Everybody cordially invited to
Given Away.
1 $30 CJtESCJUXT BIG X CLE to bejiresentetl to some customer
of the Eugene Soap Comimny May 4, 1901.
With the object in view of placing our soap in every household,
we Imve taken this means of bringing it before the public.
Every purchaser of 25 cent's worth of our Laundry Soap is entitled
to a chance for our premium offer of a Crescent Bicycle, to be awarded
May 4, iqoi. The chance for the wheel costs you nothing. Buy 25
cent's worth of our Laundry Soap
your name on a coupon to be forwarded to us in time lor the drawing.
We trust that you will avail yourself of this opportunity, not only
of probably receiving a bicycle free of charge, but of helping to build up
a home industry.
Our Soap is on sale at: Baker
holder's; L. Lurch's; Jos Schlee &
Eugene Soap Company,
n Poultry! n
I have for sale some PURE BRED Black Minorca Eggs, also some
PURE BRED Pekiu Duck Eggs.
Price, SI. OO per Setting.
Addtess, R PRICE,
The Nugget office carries a full line of legal
blanks and visiting cards.
i ....... i
Eli Bangs.
Proprietors of the Bohemia j
Black Butte Stage Lines.
Sewing Machines
ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical
Feet! and three under feed machines.
Prices to suit.
For sale by
call and get prices.
George dimming.
A $35
from your grocer, and he will write
& Johnson's; Hemenway & Burk
Co's, aud F. J. Meinzer's.