Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 05, 1901, Image 4

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    BOHEMIA NUGGET. tjie boxjo qVestiox.
Entered at lb poatotQc at Cntttgt Grort,
Oregon Second Clan mall matter.
UuliKcrlptlun price, I.BO, In mlvanrc.
ArtvsrtUIng ralee ma known upon
, Friday, April 5, i9
The new mayor and council will
soon be confronted with a number
of questions of importance to Cot
tage Grove which should demand
their close attention. The election
was of a most friendly nature and
there is no reason why the coun
cil and mayor should uot be upon
the best of terms. In order for
Hon. G. R. Chrisman has been them to accomplish much good it is
chosen mayor of Eugene. Mr. necessary that they should discard
Chrisman is an able, energetic, all prejudice, if any exists, and
public spirited gentleman, and will go at their work in a business like
fill the office with credit to himself manner. One of the important
and profit to the city. questions now coming up is the
bonding question with the view ol
'If our friend Carnegie is fearful procuring sufficient funds to extend
that he will not de able to "place" the water system of thi town. At
all his wealth byjreason of a scare- the recent election the bond propo
ity of libraries, he might set aside sitioxi was defeated as it was a
a "sinking" fnnd to be applied to Vear atro. no doubt, from lack
the national debt. It would be Lra thorough understanding on the
1 o w
part of the citizens. If that was
the reason, the votersaretobe com
mended in not voting lor some
thing that was not made plain to
them. The city council itself
seemed to understand the propo-;
sition and took it for granted that
the citizens did, and those who did
understand it seemed to have taken
Now all Together
In tlieoprlng time gcntlo Annie
There's n snipllln the back yimt
And nn odor In our city
That hits the stranger hard.
nn argument for ccwernuo
lint there luanotherplnn;
You can ro to the New Kr Drug Store
And you nmy buy n can ot Chloride
of Lime.
Its very fino
Tnlio It in time
Don't lose 11 dollar
To save 11 dime.
Cull enriy mid avoid the rush .
Jlrehnut A Xclnon, Xrw Era
Drug Store.
patriotic to say the least.
In the election of Hon. R. M.
Veatch to the mayorship of this
city, no one will deny that the
office is presided over by a careful,
conservative business man, who
will, taking his past record as a
criterion, givethecity aplaiu, whole
some administration.
to it kindly, while those who had not
In another column will be noticed It xercised a just right in voting
lodge items under the caption of against it.
tne Modern woodmen Lodge. I lie I As tue matter stands it is pro-1
Nugget extends a cordial invitation posed to issue bonds in the sum of
to all lodge organizations of this $10,000 to be used in improving
city to appoint a correspondent and increasing the water system.
whose duty shall be to furnish items At present our city has a bonded
for publication in Bohemia Nugget (indebtedness of $5000 upon which
each week. interest is being paid at the rate of
S ner cent npr nnmitn Tt J nm.
While there was considerable! . ,,., . , . ,
I nrwpn Hint tnp rttv tnt n hnnnMi
., , . - , , indebtedness of $10,000 at a less
be said that it was of a good natured , f , . . ,.
, . . .... ,. rate of interest, presumably 5 per
kind, and while some were disap- ., ... , , , -. ,
. ' . . , , r cent cal1 m ",e bonds, and use
.... 'he additional $5,000 m improve
stand by the new mayor and do all
... . ment.
within our power to make Cottage It . n- mo,,., ,w .1.-
city to be envied and . . .. . . ,
for household use even, and every
When you Want
Good Shoes
4 'I
tLo.iv Prices
Shoe Store,
Wheat, 50c por bushel.
Oats, 40o pur bushel
Flour SU to p' jr wick.
Butler, S3c per pound.
Creamery, iV r pound
V.gff, lto per dozen.
Haras, country, ni
Side. 10.
Chickens; mixed, fl.75 to f3. dor.
Lnrd, ICc per pound.
Grove a
talked about.
Mrs. Edwards who whs visiting licr
parents Mr. nud Mrs. W. S. Miller left
for her homo below Eugene Mar. 22.
Born, "Wednesday morning Mar. 27,
to Mr. Bnd Mr. E. F. Smith a girl.
A little snow Tuesday inorning.
The population of Divide iii about 150.
It is estimated that 2250 cords of wood
will be put out here this summer.
The first proceedings in n suit to re
peal the constitution,
progressive. Ex.
A new -series of postage stamps
will soon appear, namely: Th
Buffalo exposition series. The one
cent stamp of green color, will have
a picture of a lake steamer to repre
sent the great transportation in
dustry of inland seas in which Buf
falo is so much interested. The
twocentstamp, printed in red, will
have a railway train; the four cent
stamp, jn red and brown, an auto
mobile; the five cent, in blue,
picture of the new steel bridge at
Niagara Falls; the eight cent, lilac,
a picture of the lock at Sault Ste
Marie and the ten cent, or light
brown, an ocean steamer.
lease was n verbal one and both parties
claim it was not fulfilled. The case wa
heard Tuesday and verdict was given for
Kansas populist legislators intro- knows that in point ol fire
duced bills containing: the follow- protection we are very poorly pro- cover possession of a farm were begun
ing clause, "all provisions of the vided for, while at the present time gainst Walter Caimdv by Mary C.Stin
constitution in conflict with this the city water works only supplies toul!', BW,!
provisiuu are nereoy repealed. " were een-ed Monday. It appears that
.Here in Oregon we have not maKcrs 01 luc lown. wniie rue oilier setli Rowo loasl hi farm to M
reached the stage where we can re- half depend upon a private company Canadyand now wishes to recover the
for its supply. This in itself is un- property in onter to deliver it lo Hi
Mti-ifnrtnrv urA in n Ai. Pury " whom lie recently moM it. The
criminating. If the city is able
to have water works it should tw
able to meet the demand without
the aid of individual help. Again
the company finds it necessary to
charge the citizens of West Cottage
Grove a higher rate than that
charged by the city, which fact
creates some restlessness on the part
of those who reside in West Cot
tage Grove.
It is understood that the private
corporation owning the plant which
supplies the western portion of the
town, needs to make some repairs
and extend its service also, but
naturally, while the question of the meets the first and third Tuesday
city maintaining and supplying the of each month
entire town is being agitated, the ii. K. Lawson rode the Modern
company 'feels some hesitency in Woodmen goat Tuesday evening,
laying out a sum of money in way
of improvements, not knowing or
being able to guess the future outcome.
In justice to all parties the ques
tion should be settled, yes or no;
and the only way by which it can
Lurch's Lurch s
i A Great Reduction
Ladies, Misses and Childrcns
Jackets and Capes,
Call 6arly for Bargains.
I Lurch's
Lurch's i
I Fashionable Ladies.
All Mall Ortler.i
Promptly Filled.
Kngene, Oregon.
Dyciflf Cleaning Works.
Col. .... $1.W, up.
Veuli, .... i0,ij.
rut, . - - .74, up.
8ulU, .... up.
Single garment! In pruHrtlon.
Drew patterns, - 7$ ct per jranl.
Drews, - 1.00,up.
GKO.E. aitlF-ITH,AvcHt.
Arc You Wanting a Heating Stove or a Cook ?
We are Selling our Heaters nt n Ten Per Cent DISCOUNT
and giving a Good 1 Discount on Cook Stoves. AUo
have n Hig Stock or HAUDWAKli, TINWARK, PAKM
IMPL.HM1JNTS, Ktc, to select from.
Ci In ( See What ire ! or Suit.
Dakwim tRirrow,
1 rtuiuciii,
Herbert Eakik,
The First National, hi
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
The street cow is again in evi
dence. For some months Cottage
Grove has been free from broken
and filthy sidewalks, as the cows
by special ordinance have been
kept up during the winter months,
with the understanding that they
should be allowed there oldtime
liberties when the "green gits
back." We have had a sample of
the one and now we will consider
the other. It is perfectly proper
that the council should keep faith
with the people who have looked
forward to the time when the cows
are at liberty to brouse the fruit
and ornamental trees, trample at
random ou the early garden beds,
etc., but it is to be hoped that
when winter comes again, the coun
cil will close the) public pasture up
for good.
To do justice to your physician
and at the same time relieve the
suffering of the sick, to much con
sideration cannot be given the
quality of drugs used in the com
pounding of prescriptions. Benson
Drug Co. takes particular pains in
the selection of the best drugs in
the market, and realize the neces
sity of careful attention to all pre
scriptions. Remember the place
Beusou Drug Co.
Cottage Grove Camp No. 2464
The Modern Woodmen will give
an entertainment their first meeting
in May. A program will be rend
vt . a -
uuring tne years '93 ana '94
when the Modern Woodmen's offi
filn! nnrwr tvnc 111 5tc ?nffinri, ,1,00
be settled is for the : people to get denied d rate , ' M
together, laying aside every other c,assed as . dasg
One Way Of I nfthSrrl rl.ica-nnct-itrn nma
lnes for rebate of pxpp5 nnstnoy
.u.. " r n
" I was taken. TIip r-n; 1ms linnir
would it not be a good idea for the fire . these hllt nn
council 10 can a mass meeting witn
feature and settle this
and busi
ness like manner.
By way of a suggestion,
management ot tue omcial organ
look forward to an early adjust
ment. In the mean time the paper
has been extended pound rate privi
leges. The excess postage claimed
amounts to $5,423.62
the view of setting forth the propo
sition in an intelligent manner to
all who come out. Then let the
pros and cons talk the matter over.
After a fair discussion of the matter
let the tax payers present take a
ote as to whether or no it is the
sense of the tax payers present.
to entertain the new bond propo
sition. If the vote is m
justified iu calling a general vote to Suits clealie(1 and nressf.
If troubled by a weak digestion, loss
of appetite, or constipation, try a few
doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Every box warranted.
favor of For Ba' by Benson Dnuo Co..
determine the issue, Let's settle $2.25 and up according to texture,
the question at once, amicably and Prices in proportion per single gar
to the best interests of all parties mei,t- Eugene Steam Cleaning
I ... I I ,1 1...
and Dyeing
Grimth, Agt.
Geo. E.
A uood heavy waeon. heavy harness
and a plow all nearly now for sale cheap, cliooso from
Inquire of F. B. Phillips. J Jenkins & I
Ovor 600 odd patterns of wall paper to
anu more on tne way, at
Money to loan on approved security.
Exchanges sold, available any
place in the United States.
Your liunlnenn In Solicited.
The 1no.1t simple, practical and durable
Typewriter on the market at any price.
Ask for catalogue.
PRICE $35. E. L. KING,
General Agent for Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Albany, Ore.
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS",
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
Before You Boy a Piano or an Organ
It will pay you to write
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Clean, and having had years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
la.west possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
Spring mi Summer Styles
We would be pleased to have you
call and inspect them.
Best values for least money.
HEWTsANIVS Millinery Store,
Schlefr Building, Main St.
Eiler's Piano House
OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Or.
We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of the
Northwest, and with our special fa ilities can sell n fine piano or organ
for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Write today. Cata
logues for the asking.
Our stock includes the throe greatest American pianos the Kim-
ball, the Cliickenng and the Weber together with other good makes.
Easy Payment Plan.
Eiler's Piano House.
Or call on MRS. L. DBiick, Local Representative, Cottage Grove, Or.
Did you see
That Triple Plated Silverware of Brown's?
Yes, it was finel Where did he vet it? wi. ..
he threw away, and when he found what fine work the "1
Cottage Grove Platmo- Co."
did, he resurrected all his old ware end you ha've seen the result. They
take all the dents out and repa r everything that is hmU , . .1 Vr.
Plating, the goods look and will wear J 3i ! . r? nd. .fter
great deal less. They also do Gold, Nickel and Copper ' p ating' and
guarantee the same to wear according to agreement I"au"t ana
Written guarantee with everv ioh.
lars call on or address
For prices and further partial-
W. L. Coppernoll,
"COP," Tho J.woler.
Opposite Post Office,
Rough Lumber,
SB6 per m. at
Saginaw, Ok.
Notice Ii hereby itlvcn Hint thn iiml,...
JUEUVU lias uvuii ajiiiuiiiiuuniiinillllirAlOroI Hie
eniuiu ui jhiiicb in. wiuimi, iii'eeaHi'u uy un or
der of the County Court nl Ijino County, Or.
ucroiinu t,um i ui j4ino uouuiy, urn.
gon, made anil entered of iccoril on tliu l.ldy
of I'ebrunrv 1901. All prm huvlnit claim,
against said estate aro hereby rcnulrvd to iiru.
ent thorn wlthproper voucheralo tho unrter.
sinned at bis ofllce In the Court House at lin-
Keno, OreKon within six mouths from tlio duto
of this notice.
Dated at Kugcnc, Oregon this 3lh day of
rebruary, 1801, '
. . I). 1'. llunroN
Administrator of tho estate of James M. Cha
rd n deceased,
E. O. rotter, attorney for estate,
TorfunicH, tlio beat to be liad, lleueou
COTTAOI Gnovii, Okkgon.
Tho A. T. MORRIS Wholesale House,
Illustrated catalogue XS (),"-
WANrKD.-Oitjinlilo, nillnblo perron In
of Bolld flnmiclnl rvputiit on j o0 wtlnry
por vunr, p.iynlilu woelcly ; f ponl.iy h.
Holutolv Buro mid nil exponaci j itraU t ,
)oim.f,lp snlury. nocon inlwlon J VuKrv
mid eaiih Batunluy and expon.o' mo nil
HOuIw'tii m wcokJ, RTANDAR6
JIOVHh, 3.11 DyiinoiiN Br., CjucAqo,