Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 05, 1901, Image 3

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    At this season the housekeeper must look
specially after the baking powder.
As she cannot make good cake with had eggs,
no more can she make cake that is light, delicious
and dainty with inferior baking powder. '
Royal Baking I'owder is indispensable for the
preparation of the finest food. It imparts that
peculiar lightness, sweetness and flavor noticed in
the finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc.,
which expert bakers say is unobtainable by the
use of any other leavening agent.
The "Kmsl linker mid rlry
Cook "containing over iiiot
piacllcal ml vjliuble cikiUhk ie.
cclpta litetncvery pation. Rend
postal caul illi)our lull nditicsi.
Danish Thrllt.
Denmark londH Uio worlil for thrift
Inoss. I lor InlmliltnntH have on nn av
erage C0 In tho savings banks. N. Y.
It Qomotlmeo Happens.
"CursoH on him!" growled tlio hard
worked humorist.
"Curses on 111 in I Ills wlfo gnvo him
n loiter to mall, nnil ho mailed It!"
Onnshfng IiIb tooth anil otherwise
comporting himself with rage, tho li. h.
continued to hurl anutliomiiB at tho
man who spoiled tho Joko. Baltimore
Tbls signature la on every box ot tho genulno
Laxative Hromo-Quiiiinc Tbieia
the remedy that rurca n cnlil In on Jjr
He Didn't Stay.
"Tommy, run up and toll your sister
I'm hero, will you?"
"Aw, whnt'B tho ubo? Sho knows It,
cause when sho bco you comln' I hear
her Bay, 'Hear mo, there comcH that
empty-headed dudo again.' "Philadel
phia IJvonlng Bulletin.
rrmh.nllr Cuml. Ku rlti r nrrrouaiioM
ltttvr ftf..rFlti:i:Si.0plri.JU.jtlr.n.lUr4l
aner nrmuv iir nr. itiia.mri'ai n.rrv
U lift It. 11 nLlRKelili.VJi'uiiuif uiB.a
He Was Emphatic.
"I nm Informod that your htiBband Ib
n profcxBor of laiiKiuiKC, and I called
to llnd out what Ills terms are."
"Well, when ho's oxclted, thoy nro
unfit for publication." Hlchmond Dis
patch. Tho Kind Yon Ilavo Always
turo ol Clias. II. 1' Ictciier, mill litis neon inntio tinner jus
i terminal HiitcrvlHlon for over .IO yenrs. Allow no ono
o deceive yon in thin. CoiintcrfcltH, Imitations nnd
JiiMt-ns-pootl " uro but IC.vporliiicnts, and endanger tho
IionUli of Children Uxperlenco against Kxiicrlnicnt.
What is CASTORIA '
Castorla Ih ii hiirmlcss snbstlttito for Castor Oil, Pnro
Koric, Jrops nnd Sootlilnjr Syrnits. It Is Pleasant. It
contains nultlicr Oiilnin, Morphlno nor othor Karcotlo
HnusUinco. Its iif?o Js Its pimnuitco. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Fovci-IhIuh'ss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It rcllovcs Tccthliifr Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach ami ilowcls, Blvhur hralthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Haye Always BougM
Boars tlio
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmi eNTua eoMMNr. tt nuanY
Ill all towin of Oregon,
Modal BO,
LISTED AT 130.00, 13J.00 AND 10.00.
.... ISO MIST STREET. . . .
Jnbbora of DIovolo Sundrioe.
Ther are cheap baking powders,
made from alum, hut Ihrv ate ei
creilingly harmful In health. I heir
aiuliigrut anil caiilrrlilng ijuallllet
add a dangerous elrmtrit to food.
Silk Worm In America.
Tlioru lira from clKlit to ten Bpcclca
of Hllk wormH In thin country.
Stopm tho Oouoh and
Work Olf I ho Colli.
I.iatlve Ilriiinio.tilnliii Tablets euro a cold In
ono day. Nature, No l'jr. l'rlcu SiccnU.
A Treaiure.
Cynic What makes you havo Htich
unlimited confld-nro lit you wlfo?
Cheerful I gnvo her 10 to pay a
bill of ?I.G9 for me, nnd oho brought
hack nil of ilio change. Detroit
Frco Press.
Good, Live Agents Wanted
In all unoccupied territory, for 1)10
lien Win-flu on Earth, the 1WU
20 - $25 - S35 - $40
105-ltl tilth Street. PORTLAND. Ore.
A mixture of deep rontlnKratf"eiIa that we
will guarantee 10 rriwon orr Krniinu wiai win
not proiluc trircata or any oilier kind of graaa
Will make crop ol Im)-, and (nature nil eoill
of tlio year. You never luveaied a dollar In
your Ilia that will give ou Mich results; price
jlft.W per too or 20 cents icr pound. Hend ua an
order lor luu iHiunils; e will send Inatructlona
fur sowing. Address M. J. HHIKI.OM & CO.
tlrowera and linporti-re ol all klnda of Uraai
and Field Heeds. HDSCOtV, IDAHO.
N. 1'. N. O.
Ao. 141001.
WHEN writing t ailTortlaera pliaia
mention thia paper.
lloiiirht lias borno tho sIriiii-
Signature of
itmit, miw toaa city.
Woshlngton and Idaho,
Model 50,
WlUVUUJt 1 U -V41aV .AliMOi
Portland, Orofjon.
Two Hlnteaj llnvo Nn Ilealunn tlnir
" lltle" tor Niitlvea.
I'licrn tuny ho hoiiid iinnwnro of tho
fact Hint In moHt ciikph tlio nlekiuiincH
of the InliiihlliiiilH of the Htntes nro llf-
fcrciit from thoHi- of tho HtntoH. Hero
uro tlio Hohrlittelri of the uutlvo popula
tion apart from tho claim of Htato birth;
Ahiliaiim YellowhiiminerH,
ArkniiHiiH ToothplekH.
Ciillfornlii -(lold litiuterH.
Colornilo ItoviTH.
Coiiiieclleiit NiitinoKH. f
Delnwiiro .MimkrnlN.
riollihi I'ly-up-tlie-tTeeWK.
(Jcorulii-C'rnckorsi nlxo Iluzznrds.
Indiana Ilooslerx, same lis State.
I own IlnwkpyeM, same as Htato.
KniiKas StiallerH (ol)Molete), .Iy-
liawkerM, KrecHollerH, ntul (flerlslvely
ilurlni; tho civil war) IterileKs; also,
(IrnsMliopperH anil HiitillowerH.
Keiitucky-Kame as Htate, llluegrnss;
Domi'llmeK CoIoiicIh.
Miillie I'oxes.
.MiiHHiii'hiiMotts-Ihiy Htuters and Illuo
MkhlKan- Wolverines.
MIlinoMota flopherH,
MInhIhhIppI TndpoleH. 4
MIhkoiiiI I'likes (Ktrletly. I'lkes).
Montana !!imiiziih. (Not Ki'iiernl.)
NeliriiHka-- Itii-eatefH. (I-'roni the In-
vawlon of IociihIh.)
New UiiinpHliIre Clrnnllo Uoys
Now .Ii'i-hcv-Jitnov nines. Hiianlnrds.
Crows, Chi ui-cn tellers.
Nevada Huge liens.
New York Knickerbockers.
North Ciirollna-Tiir-beels,, Tar-boil
ers, iuimiiiM'H. ri uckoes.
North Dakota Bloiix.
Hoiitli Dakota Coyotes.
Ohio Huekeyes.
Oregon Web-foot; Hard Cases.; Leather-.
heads. j
llbodc iHlaiid-aiiiifllnls (old). j
Koilth Carolina Weasels. .
Teniiessep ifjMro called Whelps; now
Kchlom beard. The Indian name of the
Kinti. Ik fun-el Knnnri.
T..V!iHll(..rlii.mlK .
,V. , r! ., i i. . i m,,
I'liih-Ouce nrlghninltes and Mor-I
.M'liuer nppiii'H now. unu mo in
litibltantH Im vi- no iileknameH.
Vlrgliiln-lleailleH. (Why?)
Vertnoiit flreen .Moiintniu Hoys.
Washington Chinook".
West Virginia Panhandlers.
WIhcoiikIii Kndgers.
Apparenlly there nro no nlcknnmes of
the Ktnles of Idaho or Wyoming, nor
any for their Inhabitants. At the time
of their admission to statehood In 1890,
both were called Centennial States. Hut
that was been tine of the date of ad
mission. The InlmliltnntH of these two
Htntes doubtless have nicknames for
themselves, mill nlso for their States, BUCh diseases ns locomotor ataxia,
but none nppears In any of the nuthorl- partial paralysis, SL Vitus' dance, set
tles I have consulted. The same Is atlca, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous
true, no doubt, of Utah. I headache, after-effects of tho grip, pal-
Kansas was the only territory that
had a nickname before It was admitted
to statehood,
A Maine Wllnean Cou'il Not Understand
, The Hemnil for It.
"When I was In Maine n week or two
ago," said a commercial trnveler, "I
had occasion to visit a town near Han-
gor. and one morning, having an Idle , - .
hour, strolled Into tho country court- unteered for neglecting a day's bus
room, where I witnessed nn nmuslng iness." Kansas City Star.
scene. Jho trim justice, n uig pom
pous olllehtl, with it voleo like a trom
bone, took It upon hluiKcir to examine
n witness, n little withered old man,
whose face was ns red and wrinkled as
n herring. j
" 'What Is your name?' asked tho
" 'Why, 'squire,' said tho nstonlshed
witness 'you know my nnmo as well
ns I know your'n.'
" 'Never you mind whnt I know or
what I don't know.' was tho caution
given, with magisterial severity. 'I ask
tho question In my olllclnl capacity, and
you're bound to nnswer It under oath.'
"With n contemptuous snort tho wit
ness gave his unmc and the question
ing proceeded.
" 'Whero do you Ilvo?'
" 'Wnl, I swum!' ejaculated tho old
man. 'Why,' ho continued, appealing
to the laughing listeners. I've lived In
this town nil my life, nnd so's he," point
ing to tho Justice, 'an', begosh, to hear
him go on you'd think '
" 'Silence!' thundered tho Irato magis
trate. 'Answer my question or I'll Uno
you for contempt of court.'
"Alarmed by tbo threat the witness
nnmcd his place of residence and tho
examination went on.
" 'What Is your occupation?'
" 'Iluhl'
" 'What do you do for n living?'
" 'O git out, 'squire! Just as if you
don't know that I tend gardens In tho
summer season nnd saw wood winters!'
" 'As n prlvnto citizen I Know It, but
ns the court I am not supposed to know
anything about you,' explained tho pers
piring justice.
" 'Wnl, 'squire remarked tho puzzled
witness, 'It you know somethln' outsldo
tho courtroom nnd don't know notlilu
In It, you'd better get out nn' let somo
body try this enso that's got hoss sense.'
"Tho ndvlco mny have been good, but
It cost tho witness $10." Washington
Sho How did you como to proposo to
mo, Harry?
Ho Urn or; I think I camo In n
street cnr. I didn't havo tho prtco of n
cab. Detroit Froo Press.
Duthlnc Facilities.
Dr. Itoho of Ualtlmoro, In statistics
concerning eighteen American cities
without public baths, showed that only
23 per cent of tho residences wero sup
plied with tubs.
Rendy to Uie.
Wife "Why do you buy such a lot
of stamps at onco?"
Husband "Ho there'll bo a few that
won't set stuck together."
What Will II mi. i in of t'li!nn7
Noun fun fori-MC the oicrniue of Hie
nimrrt'l hcint-i'ii forclun M.wir ovT tim
(llVlfllill of 4 II I Mil. It Is IhtrM'MlnC til
MiiHih ilii! kmIiik to plerea of this nnHfiit
but tiiiiriiKrraalvr nice. Many pcuplo In
Amcrii n arc iilmip.ini; to tilccca ticciiure nf
dt H.c(i-iii. ciniati.niliiii, iilniiil, liver nnd
atnlimcli ill-ciiyca, Wc lire llvitlir Ion fiiat,
bill atrciiKlb. vlpirnud (mod liciihli chii lie
rcmliicl if c keep nirniid cure the nlwivo
ditciiaea hIiIi lluatciicr'a Sliuiincb Hitters.
Plenty of Time.
He And now, darling, when do you
think wo would better announce our
Sho Oh, there Is no hurry, dear.
Any time within tho next 24 hours.
Harper's Bazar.
A Victim or Hillousncss and Inflatna
tor j' Kliciiiti.itisin Tells How
He Utcamc Free From
A recommendation that Is not based
upon experience Is without value but
In tho following Interview tho reader
will at onco recognize tho fcrco of ad
vlco that Is tho result of personal
Mr. Ned Yerkes Hawley Is a travel
ing man whoso homo Is at 1920 W.
Iloon Ave. Spokane, Wash. Ho has
recently had an experience of more
i t..nn general Interest and In an in
' tcrvlew with a representative of tho
Spokesman-Kcvlew, of Spokane, ho
. said:
"In June, 18D9. I became bilious and j
subject to dizzy spells. I had no ap
petite, my heart seemed to flutter at
I times and beat Irregularly, and dark
I spotfl seemed to float before my eyes.
' ' n li . .. , wn trnl.lllG(1 wlth
This continued for about six montlis
lameness In my back and FalnB over
my kldneyB. i was under a physi-
clan's caro and ho told mo my trouble
was biliousness and Inflammatory j
rheumatism. I was in ueu ror over
four weeks and did not seem to bo
Kl"K "J ...
"One day I saw an advertisement In
,,lph ' . .,,,,, ,hn. . BlmI
lar to mlno had been cured by Dr.
William's Pink Pills for Pale People.
I procured somo of tho pills and with
in two weeks the Inflammatory rheu
matism which had becomo very ac
cuto and caused mo the most Intense
suffering, was entirely cured.
"You will thereforo realize tnat I
nm a Arm oellever In Dr. William's
Pink Pills. They cured mo and I am
so sure that they will prove equally
valuable In other cases that I havo
recommended them to a great many
Dr. William's Pink Pills for Palo
Peoni0 ro an unlalllnK specific for
Paauon oi mo ncari. paio unu a.iow
ncss either in malo or female. Sold
by all dealers, or sent direct from Dr.
Williams Medicine Co.', Schenectady.
N. Y, CO cents per box, or six boxes
for 2.50.
Neglected His Business.
A Kansas City physician wont In
Southwest Missouri for a day's shoot
ing, and on his return complained to
1. 1 1 . .1 .1 1 . .1 i.tlln,l
When vou take Grovo'g Tasteless Chill Tonic,
because tho formula la plainly tirlnted on every
bottlosliowlnirthat It Is simply Iron and Qui
nine In a timeless form. No Cure, No fay. 6Cc.
Easily Adjusted.
"Pardon me," said tho busy man to
tho insurance agent who had forced
his way Into tho ofllce, "but I am not
propaied to talk to you today."
"Don't let that worry you," replied
the Insurance ngent, "I'll do tho talk
ing." Philadelphia Press.
In the sprlnp lake Garfield Tea.
This Herb Mrdlclue pur
ines the blood and elves now aud
vleorom life to syttems deplet
ed by the trying winter tcakon.
A Matter of Hearing.
Suburbanite You've got a now baby
at your house, I hear.
Townlte Great Scott! can you hear
it away out thero In tho suburbs? De
troit Free Press.
I am sure I'Ipo's Cure for Consumption
snved my life three years nun. Mrs Tuos.
KonniNH, Maple street, Norwich, N. Y.,
Feb. 17, 1000;
Avoiding the Rush.
Politician Tell mo tho best way to
get out ot politics.
Turn prohibitionist.
"Oh, that's very sudden; I want to
get out gradua.iy." Smart Set.
The Heat Proscription for Malaxta
Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Qrovo's Tastoless
Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine In
a tasteless form. No Cure, Hp Pay. Price 60c.
Just the Patient for Him.
Young Dr. Fresh Hero comes that
Mrs. Towler. Positively thero Isn't
tho first thing thnt nils her.
Old Dr. Sago Evidently you aro
Just the man for hor case. Boston
Now that tlio winter seaon Is
rast. tt 1 well to clean e tlio
system and purify tho blood with
Garfltl'l Twi-nin llerb Mcdlc3ne
that brings good health.
Woman's Way.
"A woman usually thinks her hus
band porfect," said tho young man.
"Yes," answered Slrlus Darker. "He
may bo 'a porfect donkey' or a 'perfect
boar' but ho's porfoct." Indianapolis
Cartnr's Ink
best for school homo and ofllco. It cots no
more than poor lnlt. Always aslc for Carters.
Gets Rich In One Week.
At a sale of crown mining lands re
cently hold In tho Klondike a man
named Dawson purchased a claim on
Gold Bottom for $1. Ho Immediately
began digging, and next day struck a
rich streak. Before tho week was
ended ho had been offered $40,000 for
the claim, but refused to soil at that
Says: Pcrunn lias greatly helped
Hon. W W. Itoach U. 8. senntor
from North Dakota, In a letter written
from Larlmorc, North Daitota, says:
V. B. EcnMor Uoach, cf North Dakota.
"Persuaded by a fr.'ond I have of the human body. Catarrh Is not
used Pcruna as a tonic and am a local disease, but a systemic dls
glad to testify that It has greatly J-ase. Peruna Is not a local romedy,
, , . , . .. . , but a systemic romcuy. Poruna
helped me In strength, vigor and curcB catarrn by cradlcatlne it from
appetite. I have been advised by the system.
friends that It Is remarkably ef-
ficac'.o'js as a cure for the almost
universal complaint of catarrh."
glance at the history of Pcruna.
Never before In the history of modi-
cine has any remedy received so many
endorsements from people of national
Importance, as Pcruna.
Tho explanation of this remarkable
circumstance can only bo found by a
"She's from Boston."
"I thought you told mo you never
saw her before this minute?"
"True, but I Just now heard her call
those mountains In Asia the He-mol-yows."
to cuiik a cor.n in one dat I
Take Laxative nromo Quinine Tablets. All
drutglau refund tlio money It It lalla to cure.
E. w. Grove 'a ticnatnre Uon each box. 23c.
World's Smallest Monarch.
Probably the smallest monarch in
tho world relcns over the Hindu vas
sal state of Bhopaul, and governs a
people more than a million souls. This
dwarf Is a woman, PJIhan-Begum by
name, hut although she Is about 50
years old, sho does not appear larger
than a child of 10.
Machinery, Implements,
Farm Supplies, Etc.
Bee Line Buggies
$65.00 AND UP.
HENNEY, $90.00 and up.
Iron corners on bodies of all our llcnney and
Bee Line Buggies. Send for Cstalog,
First and Taylor Sis. Portland, Oregon.
Ll.iftuVy0u.i?goeusr Anchor
Great Combination ol Strength and Beauty.
"The Tie That Binds."
bee uur Ancnor uiamp
Yonwould be surprised It you knew
how little It would cost you to fix up
that old fence. Kettcr send for somo
Anchor Clamps and Uprights, and n
pair ot our pinchers, and mako your o.d
wire fence look like a new one.
AN'CIIOfl FENCE looks so nice and
Is so stroni; that farmers sometimes
think that It must bo high priced. It
isn't, though.
Cmip BEroRE Usikq. tattle, Miecp
wnte for rnces and catalogue, i ne
jlrpnts Wanted In
Every Town.
Always Frcitu j5S
Always tho Best.
A mo sold everywhere. R.
mT INI Baed Annual free. THM
m. rati tt CO., DtltOlT, M!tv
mc In strength, vlgoo and appetite.
I In tho first place, it should bo notod
1 that catarrh Is ono of tho most prov
. alont and universal mnladlea known
to medical science. Nearly ovoryuoay
has catarrh In no mo degrco or phase
In tho second place, It should bo
noted Jiat I'cruna Is tho only scien
tific, Internal catarrh remedy yot do
vised. This explains tho almost universal
nso of I'cruna. Everybody uses Po
runa, high and low, rich and poor,
great and small. Poruna has fought
Its way out from among tho host of
fiqlarpti .Amntllfld fin.l atnrwla tinlnlin
I and alone today 'as tho catarrh rem
edy par excellence Ily Its won-
i earned merits It has attracted tho at
' tcntlon of tho greatest, and tho bust
' est, and tho wisest people. It fa
equally applicable to all nges, to both
sexes, and to every climate.
Nothing In tho history of medlclno
has ever equ&llcd l..c growth of this
remarkable remedy. Catarrh has
become a national disease. Poruna
has become a national remedy. Dr.
Hartman, tho Inventor of Poruna, has
become the best known physician in
the United States.
! All this Is explained by tho fact that
ll'eruna cures catarrh wheroverlocated.
Pnfnrrh In llnliln tn nttnr.k nnv nrean
Such cures arc not temporary but
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from tho uso ot
Peruna, write at onco to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statement of your caso
and he will bo pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Deep Sea Communings.
"That's about as bum a piece of ma
rine architecture," said the starfish, in
specting the hull of Noah's ark, "as
ever plowed these waters."
"O, I don't know," replied the barna
cle. "I'm a good deal stuck on it, my
; self." Chicago Tribune.
Vonr Gulrf. and Guard Is the famous Oregon Blood
Purltler, tes.eujiiiil true. Use it now.
The Wife Who's this Mrs. Na
tion everybody Is talking about?
The Brute She's the woman In tho
picture papers'whom Uncle Sam leads
by the -hand.
Tho Wife Oh, yes and her first
name is Columbia, Isn't It?
The Brute Er yes, of course. Say,
can't you keep that child quiet?
Colorado Springs Gazette.
Or in fact anything in the Machine line,
write us for Catalogues and Prices.
Portland and Snokano.
Clamps and Uprights.
Tuk Old Fikci. The Asicnoa Fznci.
anu nog ugni. it Nivir sure alter closing.
Fortiand Ancnor rence uo.
Nlcolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon.
Buy from tho manufacturer, trice In lull rolls
2 feet vide, l."0 feet long 1.U
g i i , w 2.47
4 .1 i. . ii 3.30
I, ii u ii ii u 4,12
ii w ii ii m tt t t w 4.9J
All Kinds of Wire and Iron Work.
140 Fruits tit., rurtliinil, Omgun.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot ot Morrison Btreet,
Oan give you the best bargains In
Buggies, Plows, Boilers and Engines,
Windmills and Pumps and Genoral
Machinery. See us before buying.
Northwest POULTRY News
If you keep poultry send 10c. for 3 moa,
trial to the Or. l'mielnr-i aiuuthly,
HIh. II, 1'iirtU Tells wher
to let best poultry InN.W. Batuplafra