r AT 1 1 IM CI.I) TRADE, During tlie few warm days of Inst week, Hol Veatch became rest' less nml started out on his minimi routul-up of rattlesnakes and iiic ceeded in capturing two or three of the venomous reptiles. One large fellow carrying to rattles lie cap tured ulivc nnd nftcr carrying his Hiinkenliip tluiH in his pocket for nlxmtft half n day he liccanic a little too frisky to suit even Hob's usual nerve when he killed it. lie brought the lifeless form to town nnd mounted it in good shape and had it on display in the New lira drug store window. At lant ac counts Hob was out visiting other dens and will not be satisfied until he has visited them all hi this neighborhood with murderous in tent and it is a sum thing that hc knows where they arc all located. has nitcmitn to khmain. .Since the farewell party tendered Charlefl Vnndenburg and wife lust week upon the "supposition that they were soon to move to Eugene, Mr. Vrndenburg has accepted a position with the new hardware firm and will remain here perma nently. It is the opinion of a Nugget man that Charley was only bluffing nbout leaving Cottage Grove and took this means to in duce his friends and neighbors to bring in a (cast. It is possible however, that he never before real ized that lie possessed so many generous friends in this place. Anyway hc has decided to remain here, and the Ntigget is pleased to announce- the fact. HUITI.V 01' KNIVES. Wednesday morning a hobo sold n knife to Marion Vcatch of the meat market of Garoulte & Veatch. Mr. Ventch notified Marshall Mc Farland and the officer began n search for the man. In he vicin ity of the planing mill he found him nnd a search resulted 4in the find ing of n dozen or more of pocket knives of the cljenpcr variety and three hunting knives. They were nil new and many of them had the trade mark upon them, while no in formation of a robbery of this kind had been received by Marshal Mc Farlaml at the time, it is thought the hobo had broken into some store the niglU before and helpct (himself. He .wan lodged in jail. Not finding iiuy trace of the stolen property lit was released next morning. ANNIVERSARY OIISERVANCR. The I. O. O. Lodge of tlii- city is now making arrangements for the observance of the 82nd anni versary of Odd Fellowship, which occurs, April 26. A large number of guests will be present, and a well arranged program consisting of music, readings and speeches will bci'the order of the evening. Tho Odd Fellows have long been noted in this town for their ability to,, entertain and those who are present at the anniversary meeting will be royally entertained. COULD NOT AGREE. In Justice Vaughn's court Inst Monday the case of Hctinct vs Stone, wherein Bennett brings ac tion against Stone for damages, was heard. The jury composed of the following gentlemen, Kd Un derwood, R. W. Veatch, II. C. Dutton, U. F. Adams, Curriu Cooley nnd jHracs Miller, after an all night session failed to ngree, nnd on Tuesday morning were dis missed. ALMOST SUl'KOCATJU). B. E. Hawley, well known in Bohemia mining circles, recently bad a most miraculous escape from suffocation. He, with seven other miners, were employed in the Gold bug mine. near Glendale, and were working on the 300 foot level when n box of powder was ignited, and the deadly gasscs from the burning powder had almost suffocated them before they could escape by means of a cage to the surface, NEW MARKET. The McFarland market which only recently was refinished iuside was leased this week by Messrs. Bartels & Ernest of Portland. These gentlemen come with the recommendation of being ex perienced and successful market men, and they expect to have their shop open by the 1st of April. MADlt A RA1HH. Many people here will be inter ested in anything relative to J. H. McGec who for n number of years was owner of the 'Annie mine" now known as the Noonday. After n number of years of operation in the "Annie," he became bankrupt and left this Section owing many labor bills and some store accounts. At the time there was much difference of opinion as to McGce's management and honesty, many being highly indignant at the way he treated his men claiming that the mine was in pay ore and that many thousands of dollars of bull ion was shipped out. Others were more liberal in their opinions and while Mr. McGec has 110 doubt many enemies here, he also has many friends all ol whom will read with interest the news of a recent success in Nevada. This wcik Tom Johnson received a letter from Harry Dell announcing the fact that Mr. McGec has recently sold a mine oil Muuey Creek, Nevada, for a big stake and is again 011 his feet and in a prosperous condition. Mr. McGec was an old man when tic left here and his friends say hc must be nearly Ho years of age at the present time. When he left here, so the story goes, he went out a proud old man, clad in an old suit of clothes with his "blankets 011 his back." Such is the fate of mining men. ENTERTAINED. Mesdamcs H. D. Scott and T. D. Aubrey, who were the prime movers in the entertainment given two week's ago for the benefit of the reading room, entertained their friends who assisted them on the program, at the reading room par lors last Friday evening. The Indies arc charming hosts,, and a oleasant time was had by those who were favored. The evening was spent in interesting games, the discussion of n splendid luncheon and a jolly good time. At n late hour, the guests after tendering their appreciation to the ladies who io generously received them, de parted for their homes, feeling well repaid for their services rendered in the free reading room benefit. Those present were Mesdamcs Scott, Aubrey, McCurdy, Abrams, McClollau, Howard. Atkins; Misses Wettle, Patterson, Hart, White, Aubrey; Mers. Scott, Aubrey, Woolcy, Veatch. Copperuoll. Bre haut, Abrams. McClellan, V hite, Howard, Patterson, Atkins. l'AVOKAI!I,I REPORT. C. M. Collier was appointed sur veyor, and H. C. Veatch, Wm. Landers and N. II. Martin, viewers of the following proposed county road: To make county road No. 445, to run from the bridge below Lawson Slagle's ranch.on the pres ent road south 011 the line between the Thompson ranch and the ranches of Slagle and Elliot to the Cntlicart road in the vicinity of the Advent church and to throw out the present road from the Slagle bridge to the forks of the road at the lower end of Thompson's ranch wliere-the Cathcart road runs into the present road. The road was viewed the first of the week nnda favorable report sent in to the County Court. SURPRISE PARTY. Last Thursday evening about 20 young people decided they would surprise one of their friends that evening, and the fortunate person was Miss Ethel Nokes of this city. They marched in on her very much to the young Indy's surprise, and prepared to spend a pleasant even ing, in which they were not disap pointed. Games and music were indulged in until a late hour when all departed for their homes. O0OD ENTERTAINMENT. The Fouith Regiment Band of Eugene is booked to give, one of their concerts in this city at Mar tin's Hall next Friday evening April 5. The band has already gained the reputation of being one of the very best in the state and their minstrels are said to give an excellent entertainment, chuck full of side-splitters and rib-ticklers. Be sure and see them, All Aboiit you. Cluo. W. I.lovd wont to Ktiaeno Mon- ility. Bimrld over Is suit! to bo prevalent at KiiKorie. Cnrlln YVnlch v lulled In Creswell over Sunday, lion. Ivnri McQueen wnn a rmnHeriKer to Hiikciio Monday. Mm Nulla Onrrnil vUllixl In KlltfUIIO tho llriil of tliu weulc. II. M. Wittier Ih now employed on tho 8. !. Co's tie train. W. W. Hnlnen.of tlioKutfcnc tiinncry, win In town Tliumday, Dr. W. W. OkIchIiv won nn arrival from Junction Monday. , - Tom Hubert of Ah1iIwh1 was visiting in IIiIm plncotliM week. MIm Lou Wi-tllo wont to Portland Inst Wednesday afternoon, Minn Laura Jones Ih vUitinc; friends nnd relatives here this week. MIhh Atuilo Anhrey ft-turned to lier homo in Ktiuenu Wednesday. KugcnoV merry military mokcx nt the Opera limine next Krlilny evening. Mm. C. Wolfer. the home lieslerof Coiimtock, in nt the Sherwood Hotel. W. W. Manlcrnon linn returned from a trip to Illumining property In Ilolicniiu, Chief of I'olieu Gibson, of Sulcrn, wan in town Wednesday on official business. It. II. nnd I). A. Mosby were doing business at the county eeat lant Satur day. W. L. Cobb nnd wife, of Wilbur, nre vlnltlng in Ibis city, the guest of U.A. Cobb. Tboi. M. Gardner of Amos greeted bin mniiv friend in thin city last Monday nnd Tuesday. Mall Carrier Patterson reports nhout four feet of snow ut the Musick mine 011 bis hiKt trip. CharlcH Cochran returned to Eugene Tuesday nfternoon after several day's visit in tli Im place. KdTobin tho bustling trnvolor for Pa eillc Paper Co,, Portland, did business here last Saturday. C. II. Jones returned Saturday from Palermo, Calif., where he lias been pending the wlnUr. A good heavy wagon, heavy harness and a plow all nearly new for sale cheap. Inquire of F. It. Phillips. John Peterson, n Hohcmin miner, who has been spending a lew weeks nt Uruln, hi rived 011 the 1 :'-'l train Monday. O. It. Hall, representing the American Typo Foundry, wub in town Monday and made this ofllco a pleasant call. Ham Dennett has returned from Port land where bo hint been employed in a jon printing onice lor enine nine pani. Pert Wlllnrd is down from the Helena mine this week with n briiined thumb, tho result of a blow from a four pound Hammer. Miu.n f! j A. HlrW- rv iv llrush ol the 'tuuiotiH Stock, Harlow A Kruxli mine, weio 111 town Jiotiuay anil Tuesday. J.J. Dellnn and Dillard All In their up-tii-diito inu.-ieal specialty ut the minstrels next I'ridiiy evening April nth at tho Opera House. Doe Powers who has been spending llin i-inl.ir 1,1 .Til lu.f lull tlr.it-ixl U'liftniN. day. IIj will in it few day go to lio be'mla in the employ of the liulden .Slip per o. Mrs. II. W. jJliurchill ;ent to )ak land, Ore., Saturday to attend the fu neral other sister-in-law, Mib. Katie Churchill, who died at that place Friday uarcii im. Messrs. Tbos. Iltcw. and Leo Minerd havugono to Keddiug, Calif., where they have pureliised a saloon. Mr. lilu'w still retains his interest, In The lie sort, in this place. Geo. McQueen has recovered from n severe attack of Ingrippe and his smiling but somewhat emaciated countenance is again to bu seen behind the counters at hakin & ISristow's. J. Stoneburgand wife left on Wednes day night's overland train for Ontario, Canada, where they go for n two or three month's visit with .Mrs. Stone burg's relatives. T. J, Croniso one of Salem'H oldest and well known printers, was a visitor in Cottngo Grovo laBt Sunday. Mr. Croniso was agrcenbly surprised at the bustling appearance of tho town. Wm. Fabcr, tho Albany brcworyman, was transacting' business here last Saturday. Mr. Faberisnlso interested in s me Bohemia mining property, uml will visit tho camp early in the season with a view of doing some-development work. Max Weiss, of Roseburg,- nnd owner of tho Helena Bnloou in this place, has. appointed It. P, Long his agent. Mr. Long is now in chargo of tho business here' and has this week added some needed improvements to tho intorior of tho building and proposes to conduct an orderly house. niDPATH'S HISTORY WOULD. OF TUB Portland, Ore., March 14, 1901 . Mr. E. A. IIackkt, Hear Sir: I take ploasuro in stating that Hldpath's En cyclopedia of history ot tho world Is one of tho best that I know of; It is n mas torpleco in language, very concise nnd to ths point, loaded with the good things in history nil tho way through, especi ally the charts In history which is alone with the price of tho books. It should be in every library nnd well regulated familyr K. J. Iladley, Principal of Sunny Sido School. Boston University, Boston, Mass. I consider it oxcellently ndupted to its purposu I should bo glad to see it placed In the librnry of every young man in tho U. 8,, nnd even in tho Eng lish-speaking world W. F. Warren, L. L, D, President, In Brief. Oco, Griffith for nrlcen nil rleunlntr and dyeing. Anow invoice of plated ware, clocks, etc., at Madten's. For all kirula of flshltiK tackle call on Orlflln.t Ventch, Co. Toilet articles, lienson Drug Co. Wall paper at Jenkln's A Lnwson's. For L. I. Mav fc Co. ffanl en Heeds call on Wheeler A Scott. A now line of silverware ut Maden'. suitable for wedding presents. Oo to Kawlaiid'H millincrv storo for spikes, '1 vents each. A lariro assortment of tho irrnnt fav orites. I'ontum, Caramel Hiid Fig Prune Cereals, at Cumming-i. Wall naner from 714 cent nor douhla roll anil up at Jenkins A Lawson's. When vou want to catch trout buv your flics of Grillin & Veatch Co, A carload of wall naner lust Jeceived at Jenkln's & Lawson's. Look at those louvcnir spoons at Mad- sen's. Something new and nice. Yuu will laneli when vou see tho travesty. Ino Vudls Upside down at the jiinsircis. Suits! Suits!! Tailor mfldosuits!!! Up todate in everv respect, from 115 un. Call and see samples. CiKO. IJOIII.MAN. If you want anything in tho line of pruning shears call on Griffin, Veatch Co. Stationery, pens, pen holders, and pencils ol every description at Benson Drug Co. For flower and gardon scods get L. L. May fc Co. Northern grown seeds at Wheeler & Scott. Stationery, the best in the market, to be found in Cottage Grove, at lienson Drug Co. Sportsmen remember Griffin & Veatch, Co., carry the ilneat lines of sporting goods in South Luna Co. . We have on hand a large stock of kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic in grades 1 t and 3. Iit us make you special prices. Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Bright and sparkling end and motto songs at the Opera House Friday even ing A-pril6th. Just received this week n choice va riety of ladies and Misecsflne shoes. Calf and sec them at Cummlng's store. Tho drug stock of Benson Drug Co. Is choice, complete, and absolutely the best in the market. Try us. Wheeler .t Scott handle the Oliver Chilled, Syracuse Chilled, Garden City Clipper and J. I. Case steel plows, Critic steel harrows and Planet, Jr. cultivators. Get vour prescription filled at lienson Drug Co, Pure drugs, of superior quuiiiy. Moro than 600 diflcrent patterns of wall paper to select from at Jenkin's & Lawson's. A car load ol Columbia Ulver cedar mingles for sale-by Jenkins- Lawson. Fresh caudles every day, made from pure sugar nt the Tailor shop. When you want a physic that ii mild and g"ntfe, easy to take' and pleasant in effect use Chamberlain's Stouiai-h and Liver Tablets. Only 25c. by Bk.vson Dnco Co. Go to Geo. Pohlman's tailor shop Main street and sec his full lines of samples and pools. He can please you in any style or line you may desire. Only the best drugs In the market at lienson Drug Co. Bring your prescrip tions. The most complete Hue of paints, brushes and wall paper in South Lane County will bo found at Jenkln's & Lawso'n's. Wo have lust received n carload of wagons which we bought direct from the factory saving middle men's commission, if yon want n wagon you will get tho profit bv calling on Wheeler & Scott. Ovor 500 odd patterns of wall paper to chooso from and moro on tho wuy, at Jenkins & Lawson's. Bowaro of air dried or half dry floor ing, ceiling and rustic. Tho Booth- prices on kiln-dried lumber. Scenes on tho Mississippi tho artful song and dunco by Robert Gllstrap and Cheshire will bo n -pleasing number at the Minstrels next Friday evening at the Opern House. When you Want Good Shoes AT Low Prices GO TO Yorau's Shoe Store, Eugene, Oregon. Grand. KNINfl I -AT- Mrs. Geo. Bohlman's, Saturday, March30,190i. Common Rough Lumber, SB6 perm. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Sapinaw, Or. iimmr!tmnimfiifs&iir!mtfi!rmiuimifK EVERYBODY AND FOR ALL. S Wc have a Magnificent Stock of FINE SHOES, 3 y our prices are lower than like quality sells for any 5 S where else, and wc guarantee shoe satisfaction in 5 f every respect at f Money-Saving Prices, f tv We think we know what the people want. ; ; To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular dc- ' J niand is our business ambition. IfS We will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure satisfac- 2 tion, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." :Sg OUR SHOES ARE GOING LIKE HOT CAKES. 3 i WE SUIT E. c: W. S. ClIKISMAN. The Fashion Stables ) Glfi'isiJrai) S. Bn2s, proprietors. Reasonable Prices First-Class Turnout, Double or Single UP TO DATE Wheeler & Scott Geo. Gumming-, Dealer in eeneral merchandise has now a well selected stock of choice family Groceries which he is selline offering special values in gents furnishing goods, men and boys shirts, underwear, gloves, etc., all at greatly REDUCED PRICES. Bargains in Ladies, Misses and Childrens Shoes. In addition to regular stock he is now offering the balance of the Schuller stock of shoes at less than cost. Everybody cordially invited to call and get prices. George dimming. FEEE ! IFUJilE I TO BE Given Away. A $3G CltESCEXT BICXCLE to be presented to some customer of the Eugene Soap Company May 4, 1901. With the object in view of placing our soap in every household, we have taken this means of bringing it before the public. Every purchaser of 25 cent's worth of our Laundry Soap is entitled to a chance, for our premium offer of a Crescent Bicycle, to be awarded May 4,1001. The chance for the wheel costs you nothing. Buy 25 cent's worth of our Laundry Soap from your grocer, and he will write your name on a coupon to be forwarded to us in time for the drawing. We trust that you will avail yourself of this opportunity, not only of probably receiving a bicycle free of charge, but of helping to buildup a home industry. Our Soap is on sale at: Baker & Johnson's; Hemenway & Burk holder's; L. Lurch's; Jos Schlee & Co's, and F. J. Meiuzer's. Eugene Soap Company, EUGENE, OPEN SEASON FOR TROUT. The open season for trout fishing in Oregon begins Monday, April 1 , and lasts till September 30. It ts unlawful to take, catch or kill any trout or salmon less than five inches in length, and such must be care fully disentangled from the hook and transmitted' lb tlie water with out viblencei it' is unlawful to sell or offer for saleany specieStof trout at any time. Itds unlawful to take trout between one hour after sunset ami one hour before suurisc. ... A GRAND SELECTION 3 GIVE US A CALL. EVERYBODY. WALL & WHIPPLE E1.1 Bangs. Proprietors of the Bohemia jg g and Black Butte Stage Lines. S Cottage Grove, Oregon. Davis Sewing Machines ARE JUST THAT ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical Feed and three under feed machines. Prices to suit. Eor sale by COTTAGE GROVE. at lowest livine nrices. He is also FEEE! A $35 Wheel. OREGON. NOTICE. Parties desiring lady to go to the house and sew by the day, should consult Mrs. O. Fredericksen. Price $1.00 per day. Telephone No. 113. Mrs. O. Fredericksen. Mr. Beck's class' In music la doing splendid work, but 1I10 lids little faith in the progress of tlioie who make music a study during th summer months only. . 1 . . i w" S. roruimes, nmueeiioue iiau, ucubwii 'i Drug Co. "'.V "4. "1 &SSS9. BE5TT- ... &. "W