Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 29, 1901, Image 3

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tiiirT nc circ Din hop. o tuat on.
m iin rAr nfli ... . .
i ' 1
Vigorous Protest jio the Vene
zuelan Government
......... ...,.. ..".(, . .M
puntriiaii I'limucr iiuurru ouuiu nmencart
Government Tlul Interference Willi
tyir Official Muit Ceaie.
WASHINGTON. March 20. The,
nilttU HV'H 1,1.,,,, illlllflfVUi
l.ooinlH, i (jcontly loilftntl a iiiohI vlg
hi oiiii protest to thivyoiiozuulnii gov
ornmuiit ugnlimt furflitir Inlurfqiuiicu
with Mr. Jlulz, thif United BIiUum
conmilur ncontnl llniclona, Vonu
zuoln. It Ihiowh nothing of till) lflHt
(ported liifr'iiKomoiit or IiIh liberty,
hut It Ih presumed thnt tliu nffulr Im
connected directly will! Urn trottlilM
whirl) led to the first prntoHt. Ig
undo M. lliilz Ih not a citizen or thu
United HtntoH, u fact that may ndr
to tho difficulty which our gnvuriuiium
will (nct In protecting him, nit It
Ih ilotcrinliioil to ilo. Ho wiih horn In
Ht. TIioiuiih anil In a natlvo DiuiIhIi
citizen, ho fnr im Ih known horo, Imt,
having an exequatur IhhiioiI hy tho
Vonozuulim government recognizing
liltn iib a United HtfitPtf connulnr iiRont,
tho Htnto dopnrtmont Iuih decided thai
lio Ih entitled to tho protection or thu
United Htaton government. It ntiponrH
that ho ih engaged m buBliicHn nnd lie
ciimo involved in troniiio with th
Venezuelan' military by restating an
mtoinpt to collect a forced loan from
him. Moro than a month iiro tho
ntnto department rorwnrdod ItH In
ntructlotiH to MlnlBtor LooiiiIh to rep
resent to tho Vunozuolnn government
Hint thdiio annoyliiK Interferences
with our oCTIcIiiIh miiRt ccnHO, but bo
far no roHiiltii hnvo appeared.
Morocco Muit Pay.
WaBhlngton, March 20. Tho state
lopartrnont In giving ronuwed ntton
tlon to tho Hottlomont or tho clnlniH
against tho government or Morocco,
Tho claim or Marcus Kzngul, who war
murdorud at Fox In Juno Inst, has
noon adjusted hy tho pnymont ol
40,000, but there nro other claims
:quully meritorious which havo not
been natlnfiictorf ly adjusted. Ilorontly
tna ntiitu dopnrtmont gave those con
nlderatlon, ull offortH on tho part of
Mr. wiimmcro, tiio consul-general nt
Tangier, to adjust them having proved
Inoriectlve. under theso clrctim
ntnnrcH, a special mission hcoiiih near
InntmctlonH to thin end today wore
nont to Mr. (Jtinimerc, nH wall oh
runner instruction to demand an
apology ror nn apparent dUcoiirtcHy
on tho part of (ho Kntnd vizier and the
milliliter of forolen nffn mi In nttcmnt
Ing to do font tho purpoHo or tho state
department to dispatch a special inla
alon to Morocco City. Tho armored
cruiser Now York, with Admiral
ItocorH abonrd, Ih rapidly nonrliiK 01
brnltnr, with ovnry prouiioct or reach
Ing Tangier by tho ond or this week
Sho will tnko Mr. Oummoro aboard
and convoy him to MazarRan, whore
tho cnnHiil-Ronoral will dlsnmbnrk and
ko overland to tho Moorish capital
Tho New, York will remain nt Maznr
gan under- nis ordorH until Homo sort
of Hcttlcmont Ih roached, and Mr
Oummoro was todny notified to till,
Peru Settles a Claim.
WashlnRton, March 20. United
States MlnlHtcr Dutllay, nt I.lmn, Pom
cabled tho stata department todnj
that tho government of l'oru had cx
forotl to scttlo for 3,000' soles the
Fowkes claim, nnd ho was Immodtatc
ly Instructed to nccopt tho offer. The
claim originated in 1894. W. A
Kowkcs wns nn Amorlcnn merchant
llvlnir nt Tumbez, nnd tho mllltnrj
authorities subjected him to a forced
loan and Imprisoned him for 24 hours
A claim was preforrcd ORalnst l'oru
far 5,000 on his nccount, nut that
government profforod 3,000 solos (
nolo being equivalent to is cents)
nnd tho clnlmnnt expressed his wll
IliiRness to accept thnt.sum.'
Japanese Who Was Smuggling Chi
neio Into United 8tatei.
POnT-jrOWNSUND, Waah., March
20. SovornI days oro word ronciieti
tho ciiBtoms authorities that wholo
snlo BintiRRllnR of Chlncso cannery
mon ncrosB tho lino was about to be
lnnuRurntcd. Ab a result, tho rovonur
cutter Grant was sent out to patrol
tho Strnltfl of Fuca and tho channole
botwoon tho Island nnd IlrltlBh Co
lumbln. Extra precautions to Riiard
tho boundary lino havo also boor
takon, Threo Chlncso Who woro bo
ltiR smtiRRlcd ncroBS by a Japanese
woro enpturod today. When takon
tho JnpancBo offorod tho United States
officer n brlbo, but was plncod undei
nrrcBt at Northport nnd two charges
placed ngnlnst him, ono for unlaw
fully nldlng Chlnoso to ontor the
"United States, nnd ono for nttompt
Ins to brlbo a United Stntos ofllcor.
Tho Chln6so woro ordored doportcd
8hot by Desperadoes.
Tied Ttock, Okln., Mnrch 20. Albort
Tlatomnn wns shot and killed nt 8:30
o'clock tonlRht by two dosporadoos In
tho Btoro of Swnrtz & Co, Tho des
poradoos woro robbing tho store, whor
Mr. Tlatomnn, who Is tho mnniigor ol
tho Foster I.umbor Company's yard
nt tlila liolnt, hnpponed to stop In,
nnd, tnklng In tho situation, opened
flro on thorn, wounding ono or thoni
In tho arm. Iloth tho robbers oponod
llro on him, nnd ho roll, plorcod by
two balls. Tho robbers secured $3B0,
nnd mado their oscnpo. omcers rrom
l'onca nnd Porry havo started In
A New Canal Treaty.
Washington, March 20. Secretary
Hay had n long conrenmco todny with
Sonntor Morgan respecting Isthmian
canal mattors nnd tho advisability
of reopening negotiations ror a treaty
with Clront Britain on tho subject.
Tho soerotnry Is losing no oppor
tunity .of acquainting hlmfloU with
tho vIowb or senators on this subject
nnd tho conroronco today Is only one
of nearly n dozon ho hns had on the
anmo subjoct with loading sonntors
and representatives slnco tho adjourn
ment of congress.
Old Crop Sold and New Crop Doing
, Cpntraoted In Yakima Valley,
t NORTH YAKIMA, WnMh., March
20, Tho hop ctop or 1000 Iiuh boon
Hold, anil contracts aro belriR miido
for tho output or Yakima for tho com
IniC HciiHon. IluyorH from I'ortlanil
aro hero cleaning up tho leninantH
of hiHt;yoar. Thoy report only 43
lialen or tho crop or 11)00 on hand,
Tho hint hoIoh rniiRod about 14 contn,
alllioiiKh Homo havo boon mndo at
IH ronlH a pound. Tho lndlcutloiiH
ares fnvornhln for a i;ood crop thin
year, aii mo yards aro lioltiR dunned
md put In Hhnpo. fSKtmuton phtco
tho Yakima acroaRo at 2,400, yloldlns
an avoriiRo of l,(i00 poundii.
Ono of tho inoHt Important ltom
U'tj tho oiiHlljurntlon of hop in on Ih
tho Ifiti-otliiotlou of' tho Iloliomlan
methoilH or curliiR In tho Yakima vnl-
ioy. Honalor A. llolnrlch, or tho Ho-
ittlo IlrowltiR & MnltliiK Company,
miricH oi oxpurimoniH
lust hquhoii, and doinoiiKtratml that nn
u.uui iiniiauon or tno ceionratotl
(i hemlnii hops could bo mndo In
iiiKiiiiit, 'I no hopH woro cured wlth -
in. luuiii.'iiii iiiihl ur Hiiipnur, ami
liur. and
co blond
went iiMoii ill mnKIng a choice
r Ynklmn beer. It Ih rlnlun
i..... ... i,"
I'l l,.. wwh entirely ngieod with his view, t which that conr-enHlnn rrmlil rnncilct
Tho Ynklmn crop ror 11101 Ih placed The Issuance or parliamentary papers ,t dent t ero havo bee n a
t fioni 18,000 to 20.000 bales or 200 on tho negotiations Is delaye.I. Clen- '?"r VH , ' wcrrtMnlmirtS? h
poundH oach. ContrncU nro bomg.ornl Hotha's rerusal to nccopt tho ' din In w" I tmrntmlhMi
iimtlo at 11 cents lor all that can bo 'peaco ternm offorod him Is commontetr i Hung C iur negotiated during his
;) None but small Rrownrn, upon with an evident senso of roller. . mHln tn LtoSr 8M u
lowover. aio selling nt nny price. Tho Idea that Lord Kitchener Initiated tCied I'Hnco I dnK concerning the
o now ynrtls art. to bo planted this tho negotiations InHtead or Oonoral r0"ty ln ? h !lntZ t rnv ml
eaHon, nnd nono will be. plowed up for Hotba, as had been suppoBetl, Is un- Ration of Its "nro thoXt tho
other crops. Orowors state that hons nnlatnblo to thu. iihiihIi nrf. Tin. ?. ir.. . "co "10U.V V10
may bo produced and prepared for
market for 8 cents per pound. When
r.?,".':1, f"'r Profit,
i.uiiuu iiiu imto win ruio
tt'.i'J1," fn,,! thoBo having
largo yards aro not nnxlouii lo con
trnct tho coming crop for less than
IE couts.
Methods Pursued by Tagals to Ter
rorize Peaceful Natives.
WABIIINOTON, March 20. Tho
recordh In
tho enses or 34 Killnlno
niltlVftH. f'linrt'nf. With V-irlniiu nffnnaiiH
against military discipline In tho Phil-'of Ornngo Itlvor colony, has reached tended to bo an imposing demonstra
Ipplnes, Including murder, treason and t Weponor. whero tho troops found ilon ln',r,0t of tho Catucdral of Our
other nets of vlolonco. hnvo been ro- heavy Blocks of grain nnd cattle. Thoy Lad1y of Ka occasion being tho
ctlved nt tho war department. TIicbo carried away ns much as possible, i ann-vcrsary of tho uoatn of Vetroora,
recort 8 mnkn nlu n tho mntliniln nnp.
juetl by tho Insurgents to terrorize
tho native liiliunltniits of tho Islands,
anti snow cases or atrocities commit-
ted upon tho latter whero thoy de
clined lo comply with tho demands
ami tho oxnctlonn of tho so-collod
Filipino government.
In ono case nlno Insurcent sympa
thizers, fully armed, seized ln tho
night a family or ftvo persons and
Killed thorn with uolos. Tho motlvo
ror mo murder was tno punishment1
of tho ramlly for refusing to pay taxes nuthorltlcs horo approve tho now In
In Htipport of tho Insurgent govern-1 ventlon of n Mnxlm Run mounted on
mcnt. Tho guilty natives woro son- tt motor car for Immodlato service,
tenccd to hard labor for 30 years. In
anothor case, under tho orders ot an
Insurgent lieutenant colonol, n natlvo
wiib seized, bound nnd mndo to sit
down while n floldlcr "held his head
nnd with a knlfo cut his throat." Tho
m If t"l 4 1 " Urn a nrmliintiiil tin
hangod. Mot of tho other ensos woro
tho murder 'of Innocent Filipinos by
nllcgcd soldiers nnd officers of tho. In
surgent army, several of whom aro
described ns notorious bnntllts and
outlaws. Tho most atrocious, nccord-1
ing to tho records, Is thnt of Kusoblo
Ilojas, who was sentenced to bo
hanged, styling himself a lieutenant of
nfnntry In tho Insurgent forces under
tho command of Alojandrlno. Ilojas
claimed to oxerclse summary power
over tho lives and property of tho
natives who did not near arms against
tho United Stntcs, and conceived It
to bo his duty to murder peaceful and
lnw-abldlni people living within his
Bo-callod military Jurisdiction.
Railroad Machinists Strike.
Iown Falls, la.. March 20. Tho ma
chinists nnd bollor makers employed
nt tho Uurllngton, Cedar Rapids &
Northern shops, In this city, hnve
walked ont, nnd will not return to
Work until tho differences between
tho employes nnd officials nro ad
justed. This action follows that ot
tbo union .men nt Codar Ttapds, and
It Is reported It will bo followed by
Iho mon nt Esthorvlllo, Watortown,
Albert Lea and other division points.
Fifteen Cars Wrecked,
nlinhnlla Wnali Mnpnlt
frolght train No. 58 was badly wrecked
at Nowaukum station, threo miles wnicn wouiu uo nt least ieu miles
south of Chonalls, at 1 o'clock. Fir- J"K' couul " mla 'or about $ 500,-
teen cars w6Yo wrecked and a pushor , , .... '
onglno turned ovor on tho Bldo.L. 1 noso cablo connections, says
Thoro woro no fatalities. A wrecking i
train Is now nt work, but tho track i
will not bo cleared until enrly tomor-
row morning. Pnssongors on tho I
trains bound In both directions woro ,
transferred tonlgnt.
An Engagement In Panay.
Manila, March 20. A rorco com
manded by Captain Shnnks, of tho
slghteonth Infantry, hns had nn en-
gagomont with tho followers of Dlo-
clno, a noted Tagnl loador, In Cnplso
province Island of Panny. Two of tho
robols woro killed, and threo, Includ
ing Dloclno, woro woundod.
Little Accomplished by the Ministers
at Pekln.
PEKIN, Mnrch 20. Llttlo was ac
complished at today's meeting of tho
foreign ministers, on account ot tho
delay of tho various govornmonts In
ngreolng to tho conclusions- ronchod
ln tho mnttor of indemnity claims. No
minister Is allowed full liborty to act
for his Rovernment, all tho Instruction
being nd roforondum. Tho court cor-
omonlal on tho reception of mlnlstors
wnB tho subjoct. or conversation, out
nothing dofinlto was docldod upon.
Storm In Porto Rico.
San Juan, Porto Ttlco, March 20.
A hoavy storm prevails hero. Two
lnchos of rain toll last night ln two
hours. Tho wind Is blowing 31 miles
nn hour from tho northwest. Tho rain
censed nt dnyllght, but tho wind still
continues. Tho railroad Is tlod up by
Borlous washouts. Tolographlo com
munication with tho north nnd west
shores Is pnrtlally Intorruptod. The
damage dono by tho Btorrn rta un
doubtedly moro sovero Id tho Interior.
Bollia Rejects the Peace Terms
Offered Him.
(rlllilt Pren Generally Pltnttl Willi Hit Re
mil-Urge Tint l'urllir Reinforce
mend lie Made Ready.
IiONlJON, March 21. Josoph Cham
uoriniu, tno colonial secretary, In
formed tho hoimo or commons that
tlonoral Ilotha him rejected tho poaco
terms offered him. Clonornl Ilotha,
nir. unainnnain Haiti, convoyed tho
Information In n lottnr to Oonoral
Kiieiionor. In wh r h ho
, that ho wih not dispoHed to rocom -
lmonil tho torm or peaco Oonoral
Kitchener was li.Btnir.tod to offer him
to tho earnest conHldorntlon of his
V''!"!"1... "al "lh rt"0'-
rr:. ..w. ...... ."""
Dally Mall, under tho editorial cap -
Hon, "Our Ilejected Hull," nsks why
tho government Instructcl Ir.I
ini-in.-iiur iu nuo lor penco nucr inn
murder of tho penco onvoyB, nnd
concludes as follows
"Let tho war ho ptesHcd to tho ut
most, nnd let further reinforcements
bo prepared, ror thoy may bo needed;
but. nbovo nil, let iib havo no moro
Bruce-Hamilton at Wepener.
Mnfeklng, Hnsutoland. March 21.'
General Druce-Hnmilton's force, which
lu HU-nnnfllt- MVnr tli.i anilllijiiul rnp. Inn
but destroyed 3.000 limrn of rpn n.
Tho houses nt Wepener woro found
i to bo intact.
Recruits for South Africa.
Ottawa, Ont., Mnrch 21. Tho 1,000
mon recently recruited for pollco
Horvlco In South Africa will leave horo
Sunday next and will sail from Hal
ifax tho 2Gth.
1 Mounted Maxim Gun.
rnnnTm-n tnroi, n ti,. h.ii...
. . . ' , .
Advertisements for Proposals Being
WASHINGTON. Mnrch 20. Now
1 that tho, wnr department has funds
avallablo, It Is tho purposo to push
worK ns rapidly as possible on the
telegraph cablo from Skngway to Ju
neau, Alaska. This cablo, approxl-
mutely 125 mllso long. Is to bo
by contract with funds mado avail
able at tbo last session of congress.
In his last nnnunl report to the sec
retary, tho chief 'slgnnl ofTlcer, Brig-adlor-Genornl
A. W. Grcoly, strongly
recommended tho laying of such a
cable, saying there was a pressing
need for a cablo between theso two
cities. This, ho said, would not only
connect tho mllltaray posts at Skag
way with Juneau, tho capital of
Alaska, but would enable tho terri
torial authorities to reach, vlaSkagway
and Dawson, thn nnlntn In rhn Yiixnn
valley now so remoto thnt as a rule
not moro thnn two or threo letters
upon nny subject can bo exchanged
In tho courflo of n vnnr.
Or courso, this cablo, whllo not laid
primarily to connoct with a lino run-i
ning down tno coast to tho states,
will bo n valuablo adjunct ln enso such
a project is later adoptod by con-
e . . . . Bau""ie" cnuio nnd tonight It still was raging. No
could bo laid frftm SkagWUy to Val- hrnnVn Wonlnrn Inwn Smith Tin.
ties, C50 miles, for 300,000, nnd that
u viiuiu iroiii DKUb-wajr 10 oeaiuo,
passing outsldo ot yancouver and
tjucon Cbarlotto Islands, so as
to. avoid Intornatlonnl complications,
uo"orn'";eol,V ,c,om nusoiutoiy cs- t
mo unuen oinies intends to
pncouraj.o commorcini and other on-
lorpriseu in Alaska with a view to
dovolopmont nnd Its becoming, as Is
possible, a territory of tho greatest
llnnnclal valuo to tho Amorlcnn Ito-
In spoaklng of tho work soon, to
bo begun, General Grecly said that
there woro now avallablo sufficient
funds for purchasing nnd laying tho
Sknguay-Junenu cablo. Tho cable
is to bo laid by contract, tho firm 1
manufacturing It being r,equlrod to
my it. AuvortiBomonts ror proposnis
nro now bolng prepared, containing
nil tho specifications. Tho cnblo is
to bo Insulntod with rubbor, ta ox
perlenco has shown that no othor In-
suiatlon can s u ly o used In'
our waters, especially thoso of
A Total Wreck.
Victoria. R G March 21. Tho
stenmor Wlllnmotto. hlch ran on Don.
w" f'"nrt noarTyi lngo Point, about
fiiJ? f ni T "1"' ,Wh0r0, Bm
,n t ii ' !I w C,a1', nnVm
bo a total wreck, for hor back has been
nMahiJ n 7, 0" cifl
nm dshlps nml when tno nftor part
.,. umnu uui uuwiv.
, Capture of Dloclno.
Washington, Mnrch 21. Gonornl
MacArthur nt Mnnlla todny Informed
tho war department ot tho capturo of
tho lnsurgont gonoral, Dloclno. His
cnblo Is ns follows:
"Gonoral Robort H. Hughes roports
Dloclno, tho most troublosomo Insur
gent genoral in Panny, captured Majch
18, woundod throo times. Ho thinks
this will ond tho wnr ln Cnplz prov
ince, Panay. In my opinion, It will
termlnato hostilities ln Panny. Tho
transport Sheridan nrrlvod f.odny."
Other Secret Treatlei Detween Ruaila
and China.
LONDON, March 21. Dr. Morrloon,
Wlr iib to the Tim oh from I'ekln, says:
"l'rlnco ChhiR rocelvod mo today
and confirmed tho Information as to
IlUBHla'n modification of tho Man
chnrlan convention. Tho Chlncao min
ister at Ht. l'oterHinirf,' officially ro
ports that Itussla bus (iRreod to olltn
Inato tho clatiHo LTiintlnir imp
slvo prlvlleRCH 111 MonRolla and Turk
estan, and also to modify various other
clauses objected Lri liv f!lilnn Prlnr
ChlnR warmly appreciates tho nsslHt
unco rendered China by tho Interven
tion of Knglnnd, tho United Htatoa
and Japan, hut ho Is not optimistic
concernliiR the return of tho court to
"The ItuBBlan amendments do not
seem to modify sensibly tho char
acter of the convention as creatlnR a
permanent protectorate. Tho amended
slniJBo rIvIiir Itussla tho rlRht to con-
Irlil't. II rtlllwftv tnlrittwr .1.. KfnM.
churlan lino to the Rreat wall declares
' m..i
mo concession for the railway
between Shan Hal Kwan and Now
,chwnR to a few Kn c m.a t y was a
'u"(,a, u ,,t previous T Znt l
'tween China ami Hu'.ut' No alrce-
iwcen t;nina and Ituss a. No nernn-
, novo It or Ik Inaliy nromised C ma nrc
'"00ct0n y SkuIm? Jnin but
SSrtin",! athma-s rejest to delude
' tnrttrct on ncnlniit. nin-rpHsInn hv nil
orclgn owe" ChlT Invoked Us
provisions after Oermany Becurod
Klao Cliou, but Russia turned a deaf
Demonstration and Fighting
In 8t
ST. PETKRSlJUItO, March 20. Tho
students organized today wliat was In-
1 "lv K" tuiuiuniuu buiuiuo uomo
years ago in a dungeon of the political
prison in tho fortress or St. Peter and
St. Paul In order to escape persecu
tion. Immense crowds assembled on
tho Novoskol I'roapect, tho principal
street of the city, and tho adjacent
thoroughfares. The military ln even
greater numbers occupied tho district.
closed tho entrances of all houses and
shops, patrolled tbo streets, and time
after tlmo cleared tho pavements,
making many arrests. Including teach
, ors and pupils of tho higher grade
girls' school. Several ot these young
women resisted arrest The demon
stration was held, but, owing to tho
1 presence of tho troops, It was rather
a mild affair, although for a time se-
' rlous consequences seemed likely to
follow tho brutality of the Cossacks
in driving back tho people with whips.
A of students who had re-
.lL.teod,. "i".1.
munlcallon or count Tolstoi nssom
bled Insldo tho cathedral and began
smoking, shouting, throning things
at tho holy Images and whistling white
preparations wcro being mado for the
sacrament. Thereupon, tho congrega
tion began to thrust tho disturbers
outsldo, nnd a general fight ensued.
One of tho cathedral banners was
seized by tho students, who used It
In tho fighting outsldo tho cathedral
whero proclamations wero thrown
among tho crowns containing such
phrases as "Long Live Liberty nnd
Freo Government," "Down With the
Czar," and "Down with tho Ttotten
Ofnclnls." Finally tho students ob
tnlned a red flag, and an attempt by
the police to sclzo It was the signal
lor n General flgnt
Severe Storm Raging In the Missouri
CHICAGO, March 21. A snow storm
approaching a blizzard In severity
Bwcpt over tho Missouri valley today,
kota and Wyoming and Knnsas folt
tho effects of tho storm, which tied
street-car traffic In many cities and
delayed railroad traffic. In Northwest
Michigan, whero tho railroads had
hardly recovered from last week's
storm, a heavy snow fell and contln-
,lei M night. It was feared It would
j0 moro damage than tho last storm.
nnd arrangements woro made to side-
track trains to prevent their being
snowed ln. Wisconsin reports snow
nnd rain storms, with rivers nnd
streams out of their banks. Neat
Rncino serious floods aro feared. At
Pralrlo du Chlen, the lower part of the
town Is flooded nnd 18 Inches of watei
Is ovor tho railroad tracks. Mlnno
sota nlso Is In tho grasp ot a severe
Northwest Postal Orders.
Washington, March 2i. Tno post
ofilco nt Grlswold, San Juan county
Wash., has been moved two miles tc
tho west nnd Adolbert D. Tift ap
pointed postmaster,
Tho nostofflco nt Clover, Okanogar
,V, J3 J&M
March 30, mall going to Conconnully.
A postofllco has been established nt
Lcona, Douglas county, Or'., on the
rouso from Drain to Comstock, nnd
Thomas E. Blodsoo appointed post
master. Tho postofllco nt Echo, Elmore
county, Idaho, has been moved 4
" - Hon to tho west, nnd Anna It. Wilson
appointed postmistress,
Vho office at KIppon, Nez Porcos
countuy, Idaho, hns been moved 200
rods norU, nni Andrew J. Erlckson
nnnn nteil nostinnster.
Protest Against Sugar Duty.
Now York, Mnrch 21. Ernest A,
Blgolow has filed nn nppenl with the
board of United States general ap
praisers against tho levying of . n
countervailing duty on sugars Im
ported from rtussln. TJio firm filing
tho nppoal on protest Is ono of tho
Importers of sugar arriving on tho
ship Darlington about throo Weoks
ago. In nocordanco with tho ex
pressed wish of tho soerotnry ot the
tronsury, tho board will hoar tho dif
ferent arguments and render a de
cision t tho earliest poaalblo moment.
Russians Refuse to Give In at
Tien Tsin.
General Woatk Refute to Aceerrt Von Wal
denee'i ArMlrallon EnjIUh Troopi
Helng Rushed to the Scene.
LONDON, March 22. "General
Wogack has refused to nccopt Count
von Walderseo's arbitration at Tien
Tsin." says tho Pekln correspondent
of tho Dally Mall, wiring yesterday,
"and doniands that tho Urltlsh not
only withdraw, but npologlzo for ie
moving tho Ilusslan flag. General
Harrow refuses to do either, nnd In
so refusing has tho support of tho
lirltlBh government. Urltlah rein
forcements aro being sent."
"Iliissla's proceedings In Corca,"
sayB the Kobo correspondent of tho
ually Mall, "are now openly aggres
sive, and it Is believed that she Is
about to make further demands In
connection with Masampo."
Tho officials of tho foreign office
IlOrO haVfl recnlvnd nn Infurmollnn
of an outbreak of hostilities at Tien
isin. uneir latest advices say tho
situation lomalns the same. Tho ru
mor (Credited liv ft nowa nr-nnnv tn
tho London stock exchange and pub-
imiiou in isew irorK) tnat the British
and IlUSHlanH had flrnd at nnnh nthnr.
at Tien Tsin, has not even reachod
iuo leaning siock exenango Arms.
Preparing for Trouble.
Tien Tsin, March 22. A special
train bearing reinforcements of Aus
tralian troops left Pekln for Tien
Tsin at 10 o'clock this morning. One
French, an Italian and a German war
ship are outside tho bar. A dust
storm prevented Count von Walder
sce, who arrived here yesterday,
from proceeding for Pekln until this
morning. Ninety British marines ar
rived here last night from the Taku
forts to replace the Indian guards on
tho disputed land. In addition toho
Australians, outposts from the lines
of communication aro coming to be
ready In case of necessity. The Brit
ish are under armo to prevent the
settlement being rushed, but they do
not anticipate such extremes.
General Lome Campbell, the Eng
lish commander, and General Wog
ack, commanding tho Russians, met
Count von Waldersee upon his ar
rival here. Learning that both had
received Instructions from their gov
ernments, Count von Waldersee said
that It was useless for him to glvo
even an opinion regarding the mat
ters at Issue.
It Is the general feeling In Tien
Tsin that the trouble Is not likely to
reach a point where blood will be
shed. Both detachments on guard
havo orders to do nothing aggressive
unless forced to do so by tho other.
Cxcept the nrmy nnd camp followers,
tno oniy uussians now residing here
are the members of the consular staff,
two cierns and two Jews, who are
running stores, nnd who left Russia
in order to save their lives. These
nro now being offered Inducements
to movo to tho Russian concession,
The French concession Is quiet
trench gendarmes nre on duty at
the British concession to prevent the
soldiers from trespassing, and an Aus
tralian naval brigado Is preventing
tno sinus rrom invading the French
General Lome Campbell, upon
hearing of the death of ex-President
Harrison, ordered all tho British flags
to be flown at half-mast.
Our Claim Against Morocco.
European Diplomats Watching the
Case With Interest.
NEW YORK, March 22. A special
to tho Herald from Washington says:
Tho European diplomats In Wash
ington nre deeply interested In tho
action of tho United States In send
ing the armored cruiser New York to
Morocco to aid the American consul-
general In exacting an apology and
obtaining, a settlement of claims ag
gregating $50,000. France's' Interest
Is probably greater than that of any
other country because It la no secret
that sho hopes some day to extend
her sovereignty over tho whole north
western coast of tho African conti
nent. France' requested tho United
States somo tlmo ago to denounce its
negotiations with Tunis, over which a
French protectorate had been estab
lished, and this would probably havo
been a step. In tho direction of hav
ing tho United States denounce Its
treatloa with Morocco, under which It
Is proceeding In domnnding tho set
tlement of claims. Tho United States
declined tho request. It Is treating
with Morocco as a sovereign power.
While no bomuardment of any
Moorish town is contemplated, tho
presonco of nn American man-of-war
Is expected to have a salutary effect
In obtaining Immediate compliance
with tho demands ot this government.
Tho New York will remain at Masar
gan until Consul General Gummere
returns from Marnkesh, and an
nounces a satisfactory settlement.
Murder by Bulgarian Brigands.
Washington, Mch. 22. Tho Turkish '
minister hns received a telegram from I
tho governor-general ot Salontca stat
ing that Bulgarian brigands, nftor '
having murdered four Mussulmon In
habitants of tho Mikaholnhl mount
ains, burned tnelr bodies. Tho crlm-!
inals wero arrested and confessed.
They wero turned over to tho court
If justice by tho authorities.
Relations Are Strained.
Limn, Peru, March 22. It la rolln-
bly roportod that D. F. Osman y Par-
do, Peruvian minister of foreign af
fairs, Is engaged In drafting a noto
of protest ngnlnst tho policy of Chile,
whicn will uo sent to an tho ropubiica
in North, Central and South America.
It Ib also undorstood that tho Peruvian
minister at Santiago do Chile, Cesaro
Chacaltana, has already presented a
noto protesting nnd announcing his
rotlroment, which tho Peruvian gov
ernment will not publish hero until
Senor Chacaltana has loft Chile.
Soldiers In the Northwest Vho War
Recognized by Last Congress.
WASHINGTON, Mnrch 22. Tho
following Northwest ponslons havo'
boon granted:
Original Timothy P. Cleveland,
Portland, 8.
Increase August Forcht, Now
bcrg, 8.
Additional William Doak, Tho
Dalles, 10.
Increase Frcdorlck Emily, Hurl
burt, $8.
Original Abram S. Klnzor, Noblo,
Original widows, etc. Jamlnn VS.
Randall, Nowborg, 18: special act.
February 15, Nancy M. Lo Francis,
Albany, J8.
Original Special act, February 1C,
William Lyman Chittenden, Soldiers'
home, Roseburg, $8.
Original Francis M. Sanderlln,
Dandon, $8; Isaac Sampson, La Fay
ette, JO.
Additional Robert M. WIckham,
'Oregon City, 8.
War with Spain (original) Georgo
M. Hays, Pendleton, $6.
1 Original Lambert DetnkcB, Port
land, $12; Abram Wilkes, Elkton, $8;
George V. Grlswold, Salem, SG; Wll
;ilam Haynam, Greenville, ?8; Abram
Wymore, Tlgardvlllc, $G; Angolo ilal-
manno, Portland, $12.
Additional Charles H. Miller, Hop
kins, $8.
Increase William Kortson, Gas
ton, $10.
Original widows Special act, Feb
ruary 1, Sarah B. Evans, Sheridan,
! Increase John J. Reynolds, Forest
Grove, $12; John L. Scovlll, Grant's
'Pass, $8.
Original John Langdon, Seattle,
$C; Henry Averbeck, Soldiers' Home,
Ortlng, $6; William S. Arnold, Tx
coma, $8.
Increase Conrad H. Stenby, Syl
van, $30; Andrew A. Reynolds, Med
ical Lake, $8.
Original Chancellor Cutler, Ed
monds, $12.
Increase William T. Parker, Scat
tie, $8.
War with Spain (original) Thomas
B. Young, Fremont, $30.
Original Royal G. Ersklne, Seat
tle, $8.
Additional Allen Brown, Ilwaco.
Increase Peter Wolff, South Park,
Original widows, etc. Cordelia
Phelps, Monroe, $8.
Original Fingor Erlckson, River
side, $8.
Increase James Gllflllan, Blaine,
Original Thornton Tlams, Spokane,
$G; John R. Crawford, Colvllle, $G.
Original widows, etc. Elizabeth
Frary, Dayton, $8.
Original Alphonso G. Killam, Spo
kane, $6.
Additional Thomas Halvorson, Se
attle, $8.
War with Spain (widows, etc.) Ra
fus W. Fletcher, father, Latona, $12.
Additional John E. Foster, Oiym
pla, $10.
Increase Jostah Smeadley, Moun
tain View, $8; Joseph Dion, Spokane,
Original widows, etc. Mary L. Lu
brccht, Seattle, $8; special act, Feb
ruary 9, Susan Day, Bossburg, $8.
Original Peter J. Pauchot, Auburn,
$G; George W. isullene, dead, Seat
tle, $12.
Additional James E. Coursey, Se
attle, $8.
Original Andrew Burris, Lock-
wood, $8.
Additional John T. Hawks, Hunts-
vllle, $6.
Increase William Plummer, Sol
diers' Home, Orting, $12.
Original FranKlIn Slytho, Puyal-
lup, $8; Jacob A. Frelday, Tacoma,
$6; Justlnus Simon, Long Branch, $8.
Increase Almond W. Foy, Seattle,
Original Lewis Hoxworth, Sprlne-
dalo, $6; Philip Maaters, Vancouver,
$6: Thomas N. Ogle, Watorvllle, $5.
Increase Ansel H. Brown, Glc
Harbor, $3.
Original Albert A. Blake, Ortlng,
Original wldowa Special act, Jan
uary 31, Jeannetto Williamson, La.
tona, $8.
Original Clarence A. Heath, South
Bend, $8.
Additional Aaron Krlba, Dayton.
Original widows Special act, Feb
ruary 4, Sarah F. Catlln, Spokane, $8.
Original (war with Spain) Thomas
W. Soden, Pioneer, $6.
Mustering Out Porto Rlcans.
Washington, March 21. An order
Issued by the war department directs
that the volunteer Porto Rican regi
ment be mustered out on or before
June 30. This action is taken in ac
cordance with the law which provides
that all volunteer enlistments shall
expire by July 1. This action docs
not mean that either the officers or
men shall bo discontinued, ns the re
organization law authorizes n regiment
of native Porto Rlcans to bo organ
ized under conditions similar to that
of the regular army, with threo bat
talions officered by Americans. Pro
vision Is mado that the present vol
unteer officers and enlisted men of
tho Porto Rlcan regiment may bo
continued ln tho service It they so
Revenged a Lynching.
New Madrid, Mo., March 22. Tlp
tonvlllo, Tenn., burned last night. Tho
flro Is said to havo been incendiary
and Is supuposed to havo been started
by negroes out of revenge for tho
lynching of Iko Fitzgerald Saturday.
As the" Sheriff was taking Fitzgerald
to tho Jail a mob took tho prisoner
nnd hanged him to a tree. Before ho
was hanged tho negro was tortured
in a horrlblo manner.
Shot for Treason and Murder.
I Capo Town, March 22. J. P. Mlla
l bor, S. Mllabor and J. A. Neuwoudt
wcro Bhot at Do Aar last evening for
treason and murder In pursuance ot
tho sentence of a court martial, Tho
death sentence was passed a week,
ago, In connection with tho wrecking
of a train near Taashoach, by which
flvo mon wore killed. Genoral Kitch
ener confirmed tho vordfet. Tho gar
rison was paraded and the prisoners
were led out at sunset,