V (1 L Tlc Proapcrous Builneu Men of Cottage Qroy AtfvertUc In tfac Nugget. Bring Your Jot Work to the Nugget Job Ol Prices Reasonable Devoted to the Mining, Numbering and Farming Interests of this Com m unity, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VOL. Ill Co i; l;ag-e G-rove, O regoh; !Fr i d ay, March 29, 1 9 0 1 . STO. 11 JL fice , PROFESSIONAL. J. B. YOUNG Attorney -at-Law n Wdu ttrMt, Wtt Hid CofifAolt Guovit, Ouit. J. a JOllHSON and .P- C BUY Spring; Devoroa ro Bohemia Nore.5 and Horns of ffcacrol inreKo.sr to Mining Mon. Attorneys anil Counstlors-ai-Law gMtltl lltntUn ltn to MlnlnK.Corporktlon tld iJsrcintll Uw. . Offlt om tittmiri A NtwUwl'i itora. COT? AGE GROVE, OKU. J. S. MEDLEY Attorney-at-Law o o o 00m in Mttn tttMt : COTTAOM GUOVIt, OUK. JEROME KNOX Attorney-at-Law Pf.-pt MUnllon rU to M 1?J2 lU -CoTTAOK OkOVK, OhU. L. L. STEVENS Attorney-at-Law o tMUl atUntlon llren to Mlulnf Uuilntm nd Collection!, KUOKNK, OUR. Litei w.TKoxrtoK Cllil. 1. 1UIDY. THOMPSON & HARDY Attorneys and. CounseU)rs-at Laic B MtUI IUtillon rlfti to th Uw ol Ml n e. KUUKNK, OUK. L. T. HARRIS Attorney and ffoitnselor-Ut-Law pttltt mttnllon ilun to the Uw ol Mltiei. Hrit National Unk Building. KUtlKNK, OKK. W " ; Jt 9 LIABLE ASSA rS, 4npU brnall rer.tr prompt xuntlon. FR.ANK P. WHITE, COITAtlE OUOVE. OKU O'lMwItb Jmi llmenwr, Uln it. Mrs. Kilhtrlne Schlecf, M. D. Disuses of Women aoJ Children COTTAGE OKOVK, OUK. D. J. GOVR Prospector and Mine Locator. For Information on Bohemia Mining District write me. raUl Attention Olren to Corrtiponlnca BOHEMIA, ORE. BUSINESS. 00 10 MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking. MAIN STREET COTTAGK GROVK, OkK. J. W. BENTLY, The practical Boot and Shoe maker, located one door west of the Bohe mia hotel. Repairing neatly and quickly done and atufaction guaranteed. Call BARKER & MARTIN l'R0riUKT0n8 OF THE EXCHANGE""" DEALERS IN riNE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Matmtrcit, OoH.g. Oro., Ore. W. H. SMITH Proprietor of the CAPE ROYAL on River street, near the bridge, Cottaqb GROyit, Qrx. Short orders day and night. Every thing first-class and the best the market affords. ELITE o Shaving o Parlor COTTAGB GROVM, OUB. GEO. E. GRIFFITH, Frop. oBOBoaoHonoaoBeEeRoBOBoaoaoaGBOHOQoaoBeHoaoneaoaoHosvaeEenoHaaoaoEoaBoaeBaoEaEioo FOR MliN. Wo hnmltu Sunt tine Glnvo Company' good. They urn I'oiiMliluriil thf beit glow In tliu market. Good Y How Oil Stock with patented BtrlriK funlenrr 60 iiml 76o. Our 8 team Tntof line nro n wit, plia ble glove, oh cfl nn durable; made with piitcnttxl ntrintf funt ciiur H5i', f 1 nnd tl 20. Unllmil Kit, Koft flnlfli, innkiiiK vnry nicu driving Kluvu. l SO. 8aronnc llnek, liglit wciijlit, fine ttx-'k, iif Imiiil.opon Imck, l'urtLT flUlL'lUT, Vll'lll'll.UlU UllL'II lllloilll i(t iiml pllalilu; iinilonbtcdly liie iH-bt siovu in tliu miirkyi Unllruiil Chopxr Mlln, nil rnn cnlf kin OOcund fl. Unci Kit Ciliivei', line stock. . ..fl. S ... GAR 5aeHBoaoncoH(3osoBeBoaaoReEaBaoBOQoeGOBsanoBOHor;ononoaonicBOB8aonaBOBOHOBOHi H. C. MADSEN, WATC 1 1 M A K I;K . Rpilrnir at remnnnhlc rhnrirc All work KimranlGcil llril-i'laiw, Watch', t'lorki nnd Jewelry nl Ijiwcit Prices COTTAOK GHOVK, OUK. W. H. ROBINSON Practicing Physician. Qfijce and residence on River street near Wall, Cottage Grove, Ore. Hotel Eugene HOLLENBECK DUOS. & BRISTOW. Hcadtjtjnrtcrs for MINING MEN. ItVKKV WANT ATTKNDKI) TO. EUGKNK, - OR15GOM. II A CARLOAD OF 1 HbOOTS & SHOES! Ha FULL LINE OF tiik3 LATEST PATTERNS. S vg v g The Prices will please you, and in point of jj Quality nnd Beauty SE. cannot be beaten; 4 1 in in (UllVllUlU J MAIN STREET. Has come and you want new carpets, carpet sweepers, lace cur tains, window shades, matting, silk olines, cretonnes, tapestries, down pillows, linoleums, oil cloths and everything needed if refurnishing your house for the spring. A nice and complete line. Eakin & Bristow. 1 Garira d Ncwland COT TAG A' GROVE, ORE. FOR BOYS. Cotton Swellcri", good quality. In iniiroon ii ml iiHeorteil Ktrlpcii coIoth 50o. All'Wool, llulit weight, n?sortc'l col ored ulrlped f I -. FOR MEN. Cotton, 'good quality, color inn won " 50c Mixed Cotton mid Wool, iiniiiuin hi'iivv, iniiroon 80c. AlUWool. ulI ciiiality , nnsliiini Wmo iih nliovo. only tlnor wool, hk- ported fdlid colors f 1 (13. All-Wool, very lino quality, In im ported colored plripeM. White, iiiedinin heavy.... ..t-'GO. MAN & NEWLAND ... Jim mmizzvm mmu. gs7fr- Griffin & Veetch Company. a. O. WALKER, THE 1 At WALKER, OREGON, Handles Dry Goods, Groceries, Bluestone, Lime, the Best Northern Grown Seeds in Bulk, a complete line of Patent Medicines. Oregon product Paint, and the celebrated wood preserver, Avenarius Carbolineum. Come once and will make you our Friends. G. O. WALKER. Waucbr, Orbgon. S9 MICROBES! Shakespeare says: "Our doubts are traitors: they often cause us to lose much that we might gain.'1 Microbes are the one cause for disease with its many symptoms. Radam's Microbe Killer gradually renders our bodies immune to the ravages of disease. Information and pamphlets free. A. F. HOWARD, Agent. Residence with K. JJarrett. COTTAGB GROVK, 0KKG0.W FOR CHILDREN. l,awn IIooiIh, inndo of lace open work ; very pretty designs 35 to 03c. Kmhroidered n ml Tucked Mimlin and SwifH, ditrercnt denigns 76c to l 35. LndiuH' Sun Ilonnetp, mndc of chnm bray, full back crown, (ditched and lined, aborted coiorH. .50o. Our line of Iooe Kmbroidcries, Uib lxmu ami UrygixxJa Notionn ia large. toadies' Summer Skirts, largo vnri . , ety ; in price from. . . ,&0e to ,rMn,j?W ' rent colors and DOc to fO 70. LadiuH' Xec.k Wear in latect ptyles., to'OOc. Slielf and I-Ieavy Hardware. Farming Tools, Simonds Saws, Studebaker Wagons, Hercules Powder, Mining Supplies, Dunn's solid Tree Spray, MICROBES! C. F. Mitchell of Bohemia showed us a fine specimen of chrystalized lead, taken from the Mnsick mine. It is usually contained in small Dockets, and carries a small Derceritatrc of gold. Eugene Register. Frank Williams left for Bohemia present will be the Confidence group, southeast of the Noonday mine, where he goes to do some development work on his promising property near there. It is well known that in of the largest and highest grade base that Frank may strike it rich. Charles Clay left for Bohemia of bringing out two or three hundred pounds of'ore from tlio Whale, Gilbert & Clay mine, to be shipped to Salem for sampling and treat ment. 1 his test is for the purpose of determining the best method of treating this character of ore, and it is understood that this company will this season put in the most practical reduction works for the treat ment of their ore. H. S. Reed, who with Mr. Fletcher 'has secured a number of quartz and placer properties in Southern left Saturday for Medford. when: he He has just returned from Bohemia patents for their property there, but proposition, they have been obliged present. Journal. Dr. Oglesby of the Golden Slipper group, Bohemia, was'in Cottage Grove this week. The doctor was of men at work on the property as will permit. He speaks highly ol ing the property made last year, lends renewed encouragement to those interested and the company expect work throughout the summer. Messrs. Stocks, Harlow & Brush have been pushing development work on their property on Fairview driven a crosscut tunnel to tap the now completed an upraise to No. 1 level where they have a wonderfully rich body of free milling ore, selected specimens from which have assayed as high as $249,800.00 per ton. This body of ore is now blocked out and ready for mining. They are now contemplating the proposition of putting in a smelter or roasting plant for the treatment of this ore. A mining country more than any other needs capital. Not small amounts, but thousand and millions, and no mining district can afford to tax capital any greater psr cent than the property in which it is or might b; invested. The smelters at Tacoma and Everett cannot care for .all the custom work consigned to thetmand two additional smelters . pr6ject'edin Washington, one at Lafce"ChilaM,nnd another at-Lake-Pend!-d'Oreille. Washington capital has built smelters in Washington, why not Oregon capital a smelter or two in Oregon? Mining Journal. If present indications amount to anything. Bohemia district will this year be the liveliest in its history. The past summer has been com paratively quiet. This is accounted for in various Ways, the most im portant of which is that of the Alaskan excitement which spread all over the country last year. It touched Bohemia directly and indirectly. Many miners from Cripple Creek and elsewhere men with some capi tal too who had planned and all but closed negotiations which' would necessitate their visit and establishment here, suddenly took a soar upon fancy's pinions and paid Alaska a visit. The result was damaging not only to Bohemia but to other local camps as well. This year many of those who tried their fortunes in Alaska last year will remain at home and their experience last year will have a sober effect on many others who have contemplated visiting Alaskan fields. R. J. Jennings of the famous Helena was a visitor here from their present head office at Portland this week. In speaking about the pros pects for a lively camp in Bohemia this year, Mr. Jennings expresses himself in no uucertaiu language as to the bustling pace that will be maintained this season. He states that his people were now arranging to put 50 tons of concentrates and low grade ore on the road from the Helena this season daily, to commence the operation as soon as the con dition of roads will permit. Should this be done, and Mr. Jennings speaks very confidently, it means thousands of dollars to teamsters and laboring men in this vicinity. The gentleman also speaks of plans now matured which will result in an electric light plant being placed in oper ation on their property as soon as machinery and work can be handled advantageously, which will be used in lighting the Champion and Helena No. 2, upon which active development work will be commenced in the course of six weeks or two mouths. Mr. Jennings also states that the erection of a ro-stamp mill will be commenced on Helena No. 2 as soon as practicable, which will be dropping its ponderous stamps in the early fall. It is also stated that the Musick will be operated this season al though the plans ofdevelopmentand operation have not as yet been fully decided upon. In looking at a specimen of the new strike from the Vesuvius last Sunday, Mr. Jennings expressed much gratification and stated that it was the best specimen he had ever seen come from Bohemia. On the 26th day of this month the day set aside in every month for the payment of dividends, the Helena Mining Co., paid its twelfth divi dend of $5,000. April 1st the Helena will have been in successful oper ation one year'; and on the 26th day of each month it has paid a dividend of $5,000, in all $60,000 in dividends. The Musick has always been a dividend payer and the Champion and Noonday property have produced well, and still there are some who are skeptical about the future out come of Bohemia. A GOOD COUGH MKDIClJSE FQB CIIILDltKN. "I have 110 hesitancy in recommend inE Chamberlain's Coilch Remedy," says K. P. Moron, a well known and popular banker, of Petersburg, Va. ''We ivo given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whooping cough, and it has always given ported satiefaetion. It was rcpommended to mo bv a druggist as tho best cough meill ci'no for childron ns it contained 110 opium or other harmful drug." Sold by Hesson Duuo Co., Cottage Grove Aiu'ieqatk & Lyons, Drain. Paronts and young people should re member that it frequently occurs that "Musto fs father-and mother sweet heart and famo, and sometimes brand" Mrs. L. U. Beck. This product is very rarely found. Monday. His destination for the this neighborhood are located some ledges in the camp, and it is hoped the first of the week for the ntirnose Oregon, was in town last week, nnd is now makiiie his headquarters. district. He says they have secured being low grade ore and a smelting to close up their property for the making arrangements to put a crew soon as the atmospheric conditions the present indications and the show to continue substantial development mountain all winter. Thty have ledge at a greater depth, and have HE FOOLED THE SURGEON8. A)l doctors told Rcnick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering IB months from Rectal Fistula, ho would die unless a costly operation wan par formed; but ho cured himself with Buck lenV Arnica Salve, tho best in tho World. Surest: Pile euro on Earth 26c a box, at BBNROfi pnuo Co's Drug Store. wANrcp. Capable, reliable porson In every' county to represent largo company of solid financial reputation; $930 salary por vear, payable weekly ; $3 perday ob. soIu.tc.4y sure and all expenses; straight, bontt'-fldo salary, po commission j salary paid each Saturday and expense money advanced ea'?h' 'woek. STANDARD HOUSE, 334 DjJAitBOK.N St., Cjjicao,