Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 22, 1901, Image 8

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Mrs. 0. Wolfer, tlio homo healer, Is
jiow proparcd to treat nil iniiiitior of ilis
imecswltli inngnctltMii mill without t ho
iiflo of medit'lnc. or t ho eiirgeon's knife,
no matter what your (llsoio-o mny' he,
cnnatiiii)tion,V:itu'er or nny other troiihlo
thero la n euro for you tlimupli tliis
wonderful power. All ensos Inken where
medicine has fulled. All cjiii ho (rented
nt their own homennd through the mail.
For further pnrticnliti'H write mo nt niy
Jtomo and' full Instructions rvgiinlinjt
this treatment will bo cent yon by re
turn mail. Anyone wishlngto leiirn this
wonderful sclenro I will iiIko tench them
thtough itia i t only. Address nil letters
to .Mrs. O. Wolfer, Tho Home Under,
Uonistook.i Oregon.
Trent, Oro., Mnreh 31st, 1000.
This is to certify und I it statement to
nil tlioso'jvho mny be suffering from dis
esisesor nny ills of the
Thnt I linvo tillered fur the past IS
yenrs with eatarrh of tho stomach,
which resulted in giving mo nt times
tho nervous headache of a most excruci
ating nnd distressing character. I was
so weakened that I was minute, to per
form nny manual labor, my stomach
would not retain scarcely any fond. Jn
connection witli this malady 1 had then
tnntisni for tho past six years which
prea'ly distressed mo when moving
about. I have in vain tried many doe
tors also patent medicines recommended
to mo by my friends. As n last resort
with but littlo hone I called on Mrs. C.
Wolfer the magnetic henlerof Comstoek,
Oregon, on Dec. 13th, 1S99. After re
lating my case to Mrs. Wolfer she
kindly gave me assurance that I could
ho healed and began my treatment that
day. Umproved from the lirst, and af
ter taking two months treatment, I can
say thnt I am sound and well in every
respect. My trouble of the stomach and
rheumatism has entirely disappeared na
If by magic. I urn now "in my GO year of
age and feel like I did when n "young
man. I have taken no medicine ofnnv
kind since beginning this treatment.
Very Hespect fully.
Samuel Gartin.
George W. W'nltt, of .South Gardiner,
Mo., siivs: "I have had the worst
cough, eold, chills and gripp and have
taken lots of trash of no account but
profit to tho vendor. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is the only thing that
lias done nnv crood whatever. 1 have
used one bottle of it and the chills, cold
nndcrii) have all eft me. I coiigratu
Into the manufacturers of an honest
medicine." For sale by Hknkon Diii-ii
Co., Cottage Grove. I.yoks & Al'PI-i:-
oatk, Drain.
Notion Is licrt-liy ehen 'that the muter-
Greatest of
Gold Properties
fill! I
In it Ail ,am tuwtn iituil tual at il li 1 1 I at rat tnr if t iSn I
HKtniiMif Jumna m., iim-mi iijr nn or- depth over the entire property.
addition, company owns
ilornfltm Count)' l"iurt o( Ln County. Ore
gon, niKito Hint entered nt iwiml on I lie 1.1 day
of tVlirunry 1901. All ixiron lmvtiifr ctnliut
Mgitnt mita eslalo sre lit'ivby reulrou to pre
scat thvuiAtlth imiper rout-nemo tins iiniior-
MRiieii hi mi oimein inpttmri iioiiwhi rsti
gouo, Oregon within Mx moiitlK from the ilate
of thin iiotlce.
Itatml nt Kngene, Oregon this JStli day of
reuruary, iwi.
11. 1' IlCRroM
Ailmlnliitrntor of tlieostntu of Jiunos M. Chn-
pln ilcct'itsed.
K. O. rotter, attorney for estate.
3680 Acresg Miles Long.
250 Milli n T ns
Richest Gold-Hearing Qttrntz,
ground by nature's hnnd into gold
lnden gravel, front 50 to 600 feet in
Here is a chance; to get votir bov
into a paying business on a small
capital. I have a choice lot of higl:
grade Belgian Hares Hint I will sell
m pairs at very low prices, lhere
is no need to send to California
when you can get the same thing
hero at home. Lord Uritain, Sir I
Styles, I'ashoda, Yukon, Red Rover
and other fashionable strains aie 111
stock. I' A. Rankin, Iittgene.
14- Miles
in length of river bed, each mile of
which contains many millions of
gold, situated on the Rio Grande,
in Taos Co., New Mexico.
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Business Houses
and Splendid Residences.
Lots an the iirhiclpiil bitslnc at net.
rMiniim Claims in Bohemia.
Trent, Ore., Mnreh, 31st, 1000.
I wish to mnken statement for the
benefit of parents or those who mnv be
Hi fTe ring in any wav the Ills thnt nil
flesh is heir to. Our littlo girl G months
old was afflicted wi h scrofula on the
cords of the neck which gave us great
anxiety hardly knowing to do, in
from our experienco doctors seem to
know little of nny cert'iin treatment of
such cues. Mrs.C. Wolfer tho nisg
netic healer of Comstoek was in the
neighborhood and wife and I decided to !
r ill her in. Mrs. Wolfer informod us
that she wasnblo (o treat and cure such
rases. She gave tho baby one treat
ment and the scrofulous swellings soon
disappeared in three days and have not
returned, this being three months treat
ment. Verv Rese't,
Mrs. Oi.a Howard
Mr. Jiuix Howard,
Sometimes a fortune, bnt never, if
you liavo a sallow complexion, n j.tun
tlicrd look, moth putclms and blotches
on tho skin, all signs of Liver trouble.
But Dr. King's Xew Life Pills givet'
skiii, llosy Cheeks, liirii Complexion.
Onlv Scents at Benson Drug Co'a Drug
ESi:ia3 (.he flsrois:
United State Ollclal lienort
Commissioner of the U. S.
General Land Office. Washington, D. G.
by a geologist and mining expert of
Andrew Carnegie has agreed to
give New York City the magnifi
cent sum of $5,200,000 for 65
branch librcries upon agreement
that the city will lurnish the sites
for the. buildings.
The Oregon and Washington
Condensed Milk Company has
closed up its deal with the Com
mercial Club of Vancouver, Wash.,
to establish ' a condensed milk fac
tory with a capacity of 31000
pounds of milk per day at that
citv. The citizeus raised a fund of
$500 to pay for rent of a site for
the term of three years.
All doctors told Kcnick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., afler suffering IS
months from ItTtal Fistula, ho would
die unless a costlv operation was nr
formed: but heeured himself with lluck-
Ien s Arnica S ilve. the lwt in the World.
Snre.-t Pile cure on Earth Hoc n box, at
IJexsox Drug Co'h Drug Store.
From the Vindicator, Rufherfordtou,
The editor of the Vindicator has had
occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber
lain's. Fain ISalm twice with the most-re
markable results in each rase. First,
with rtieiimatlsin in the shoulder from
which he suffered excruciating pain for
ten days, which was relieved with two
applications of Fain Balm, Tubbing the
fiarts n filiated and realizing instant
icneflt and entire relief in .1 ' very short
time. Second, in rheumatism in thigh
joint, almost protratin him with
severe pain, which was relieved by two
applications, rubbing with the liniment
on retiring at night, and getting up free
from pain. For sale by Bk.nsox Dkito
Co., Cottage Grove. Ivvoxs & Arrtu
gate, Drain.
Geo. Houck has just finished
shearing 1200 goats from which he
will get between 3600 and 8800
pounds of mohair. He is prepar
ing it for shipment to New York
and will receive close to $1000 for
the clip. George says goats are a
valuable adjunct in clearing up
laud and he is now using them to
good advantage on about 200 acres.
Lane County Ex.
Notably among tho pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Route is the winter trip
to Southern California nnd Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this teetion
will ever develop fresh points of interest
nnd added sources of enjoyment, under
its sunny skies, in tho variety of its in
dustries, in its prolific vegetation and
among its numberless resorts of mouir
tain, shore, valley and plain.
The two daily Shasta trains fron
Portland to California hnve been te-
cently equipped with the most approved
pattern of standard and tourist sleeping
curs, bnt'thf low rates of fare will still
continue in eiTt,
Illustrated gi.'des to tho winter re
sorts of nlifornia and Arizjn.t may be
had on application to
C. II. Mark-ham, G . I'. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
J. R. Garrison, Cashier of the bank of
Thornville, Ohio, had been robbed of
health by a serious lung trouble until
lie tried Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. Then ho wrote: "It is
tho best medicine I over used for n severe
cold oru bad wisoof lung trouble. I al
ways kept a bottle on hand." Don't
softer with Coughs, Colds, or any Throat,
Cliost or Lung trouble when you can be
cured so easily. Only 50u anil $1.00,
Trial bottles free, at Bbn'son Duuu Co's
Drug Storo.
Ovor fiOO odd imttornsof wall paper to
choose troni ana moro on the way, at
Jenkins & lawsoirs.
An attack was lately mndo on 0. 1'
Collier of Cherokee, iowa, that nelirly
proved fatal. It canio through his kid
neys. His back got so lumo bo could
not stoon without groat pain, nor sit in
a chair oxcept propped liv cushions. No
reineiiv neipcu 111111 mini ue muu jvil-u-trie
BitloiB which effected such n won
derful change that ho writes he feels like
11 now man. This marvelous medicine
riiren backache and' kidney trouble,
purifies the blood and builds up your
jiealth. Only 6Je at Bbkbo.v DjtuoCo'fl
JJrng Store.
So sure arc wo that thu locating of a
few of our Electrio Belts will develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that wo nie willing to send
one free toany sufferer from tho follow
ing diseases: Cold extremities, Crysto-
eele, Fcmalo weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Letieorrhcn, Liver complaint.
ParalysiF, Lost vitality, Nervousdebllity,
Self abuse. Worn-out women, Scia'tiea,
Weak and Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Im potency, Rheumatism.
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
Sexual organs, and Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc..
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., t'uttlo
Creek. Michigan.
world-wide reputation, Prof. Ben
jamin Silliinan, who spent several
months there, then being connected
with the United States surveying
corps, and in hisofficial report says
"Here are countless millions of
tons of itch gold quartz reducud by
the great forces of nature to a con
dition readv for the application of
ot tlie hydraulic process, while the
entire bed of the Rio Grande for
overdo miles is a sluice, on the bars
of which the gold derived from the
wearing away ot the gravel banks
has been accumulating for countless
ages, and now lies ready for ex
traction by the most approved
methods of river mining. The
thickness of the Rio Grande gold
gravel exceeds in ma-iy places
600 Feet, or nearly 'mum-: timhs
that of the like beds in California.
while the average value per cubic
yard is believed to be ureater jr. the
iNew Mexico beds than m any other.
such accumulation yet discovered
I Have marie a recciniais.-iiice of
the whole of this gravtl along the
Rio Grande, and have examined
with all the care possible in the time
at my command, the character of
the gravel and its contents of gold
Nothing. I am persuaded, since the
discovery of California and Australia
is comparable for its mensurable rc
sourses of gold available by the hy
draulic process to the deep placers
of the Rio Grancfe."
Other reports from eminent min
ing experts of Natioral reputation
pronounce the property of tlrs com
pany the richest and most extensive
Abstract of title secured and guaranteed.
Information ns to the laws governing the disposal of government
How to secure homesteads, timber lauds, mining claims, etc.
I'ropei ty for sale published weekly.
COTTAGK GROVK i'h the second city in I.ntie county, Oregon.
Has a population of about laoo. The center of the four points ol tlie
compass when it comes to ingtess ot egiess. jioiienuu wmi -'
mining resources only thirtv-five miles south east, with a gootl wagon
road lending from the S. P. R. R. depot tiht hete in town. Piospect-
ive railroad to the mines. The Cnst I-'ork of the Willamette liver, on
which are situated the lllnck Untie quicksilver ininesslsteen uiilessuitb.
(lows through the center of the city, furnishing abundant water facilities.
It is only n mile and n half to its confluence with Row liver, the nutlet
of the gient timber ranges to the south east. Westward towntd the
coast range is an inexhatistable supply of tinibcr, interspaced with nu
merous rich farming lauds well improved and ctiltivnled.
North or south from hereon the S P. railroad you can reach cither
Portland or San I'Vapcisco and he in touch with the whole world on
short notice
Water works in full operation. KlectticlIghtsnnd.U'!eplioncsyiitcm
tfCT" The be.t agricultural l.mJ i:i Mm county Item ths vicinity
surrounding Cottage Grove on eilherside, fit for fanning or stock raising.
Correspondence solicited. , .
A. ITgw o:f out Baii'Ei'ni ni?:
United Htiikm Lund Olllee,
ltoelnirg, Ore,, Juii, in, HHll.
Notice Is heiuby hIvoii tluil In com,
plliiiu'o with thu ptovlsloiiN of the iu i.,f
loiigress of JnnuU, IH7H, entitled "At,
net (or thu sale of timber hinds in th
Stall's of California. Oiegoii, Novmin
und WiiKhliiKlnn Territory," nit
tended to all thu Public Lind Hluie, ,y
nut of Augunt 1, 1BIW, James K. Wln uU.r
of Cottage Grove, eouiily of Uno, sinto
ofOteiton, hut, this day 1 1 led in 11,1.
illicit !iis sworn Kiiitoiiiiiut pfo, Una. f(,r
thu puu'ltaeo of IhuHoiilhwi'sl (tjj (j,'mr
tor of Section No. HI In Towmhlp No. ''
Kouth, lungerxi.- vtvsi.anu win jrvr
proof lo show Hull tho land txiuglu j,
mine vuhmblu for Itrf HinlKir or i.toiu,
than (or iiurieultunil piiriioseM, nu, .
eHtabllnh his claim lo mild hunt
Hie Iti gUteriind Hecolverof this olllco
at Rocbiirg, Ore. on Friday the lam,
1 1 1 1 v o( Miireli, UK) I.
ilo unmi's iiHWItuenviis:
.1. I). Palmer, I. P. Phillips, F. I)
Wheeler, O1I11 Robinson, of Ciitn,.u
Grove, Ore.
Auv ami all pfisonx t'ltilml tig
versely t lti above-described IiiihIh nn,
itqiiested to (Hit their clnlnm in ulm
otlfeu 011 or iH'foiu mild IWtli ,v .,,
Mnreh. 1001. ' 1
J. T. lliiinor.s, Itcgiotfr.
1 120 fiol front 011 north side of Main
ntreet, by hIhiui MOO feet deep. iHiiindetl
bv river "on the uirlh. Iloiice of veii
roomy, darn and outhoiiM-s. This is the
best Inline)' lucatiun in CutUige Urove.
Price 100.00.
" A new two story
rooms, d.irtor's olllee, ceineit lluor with
diiven well inside id liotiro, 00 feel front
uncouth side of Main street by 107 few
deep. Ailjxiniug M E pnriioiiugtf. A
very attractive place $1700.
"A two story finely tliii!ied houce.
eight riNims, bnlhriHun and oiithnlisvM.
Splendiil location, two lots in hiik an I
La des iiddiliim In southeast CoUMire'
Urove. Priei-UOO.
I Two story duelling houo, ton
moms, brick fruit housi-, fruit tree.s, !K)
feet front on north nde of .Main strei-t by
:iil feel deep, corner property. A tllio
loialton for a hotel. Price fcJi&'J.
r A two story fine, almost newdwi'll-
ing house. 0 mom"
eouuiletii!. til roe
. " 1. u. ,
chrtnl of votitigr lienrinit Ircce, trellier
wild grupiM and Vnrimir kinds of IhtiIiv.
ISitiuittst In b'lig and L uiles addillml
la thuillieHst CuttHiretiruve. 1'ilce f 1'iOt).
(I A genets! nierclmiidle tore on Hie
oorner of W11II mid River hlreet wiiitli.
residence, six 1 A splendid stock of drv giMsts, IhmiIk,
shoes ami ueiils nnd Irtdlex furiiUhlmc
uoods. A hpiendld IwiichIu.. J'rive',l
Wdulrtmideil by Invifiilory.
UihkI iipw two slorv dwellltip house In
ihegiiiwiiiKtiiHii nf .Saginaw. Tmo Intr
em-luntil, eevemv ' fmr front. Four
ro ins, splendid water faei lilies. Price
10 J.
Tn splendid lots nn isnml' ltM't ill
Cottaire . rove. IJrlef
8)0 feet bv loo feet In 11 m'mrluii w
i'li. NhIiiimI Hprintr, nnk Hit-s, nil ml
i'lining ''i'it hills In wot Cotli gu Utovti.
Pric 3Jt'.
Two IhIh In blm'k SO. Unie A IjuhIit
iw nn;i jt'imiuieiy.
one, iiiiihisi new iw en-1 1 ho iou in ilm'i
is, Imrn and iHithHie IttddltiiMi, Kb by
is!All jfa8titl 'murium
good work,
itncss nnd
Capital Stock
par valus
11 a
visit DFI. JORDAN'S crcat!
HUSEUftl OF flNflTQ&lY
ThelareMtAnatomlcal ircienm
iu uu , ur.u
Urralct ntlrrutlon In the Cllu. A
umnJerul hMiw vlillori.
ir-aknei-, or tiny contract.
1 tlie ohlwt bpn-lalhtiin tliel'MlOu
Coait. JtubMilied 3d yruri.
I Younir men an! mMillo ?
niri'u luell U'lin urn anir..pliii.
fium I lis enveu ot yuullitul lndU-
' renra. Nrviiuaiini1nliv.lfiit iiui.iMi.
. ln.lenc.r. J,t Jln,1, villi In nil Incompll.
I vulloiii; NiK'l'iniiKii rliiri,, l'riililoi'.
1 rSiwn, (JiiMoi rliint, Ulvri, Fi'pciive
1 " " ctiniwimtion of
remedlHii, cf great curntlvu po cr, tli Uoctur
I liaUl HrruilffM.1 hi ln.ntmn.MI.Jli ..111 ...
only mriirtl frnmedliite ulM, but pcrmmieiit
I mir,e"iilltt"r J?1:' '"" cJulm lu I'M form
, miiHre I'liynlclnn nnd Burgeon, tirc-emlueut
) lu liUPMlklty-ilen.c of Mvii.
l.,WY,,.,,,,'!s Ihurouglily erndlra led from
I tlin eyitcm without tliounoof Jleirnry. ,
Trukften fitted brnn rinnrl. '
I '" tar Itiittiiro. A tinlclc anil raltml ,
ewe for I'll en. riuun mid FJM iilic.Ly 1
Br. Jordan's nec ai nuinlraii mothnda.
i ,:u.v ?'l!v.,lrrblnstouiiivllliccc ye Y
) our hon'it uptnUn of liUcntnnlnlut. X
ll win Uunruntte a 1'OiHTIV.C CUBE tn P
Liiniiiuaii'in I'linn nnd Btrictiypnyata,
lro-umoMt pernonully or uy letter.
wrlto fnp HnM?- l.nrr.nui,.iiv a )
IWV1.IV1 iuvh, wuuur wjiiu
DR. JORDAN & CO., JOS J Market St., S. F.
Fully Paid and non-assossable
$1.00 each share.
One-half the entire capital stock
has been placed in the treasury of
the company as a working capital
To complete necessary ditches and
place on the river bed several gold
steam dredges, the company now
A limited number of its shares at
Cts Per Share,
After sale of which, price will be
advanced to $1 jter hare.
Applications snoitid oe sent in
promptly. Write for prospectus
Make checks, money orders paya
ble to
Rio Grande Placer
Gold Mining Co,
7 Exchange Place, Boston, Mass.
When you need anything
in the line of printing please
remember that the motto of
this office is
good material.
dispatch, and the prices are
within reach of all.
The JOB OFFICE of this
paper is at your disposal for
the best of printing of any
and all kinds at barely liv
ing prices.
1 rraltT
' I IH'lttl
V;IAn 111
A tin Mill-
UP ill
VI limit
C in
D p lil
IMly Kx.
li I' in
10 pm
fi ku Kx.'.
mill Mai.
Tim. Stckrttult Ami.
Knit UVe, I eiir.r, Ft. 4 1 iu
m Llty, HI, UmiIi,
ClilraKii unit rit,
full IjiVp, Pruvrr. r"l.
(!ll)', HI UmiIk,
llili'Ku mill rit,
Wtl W.IU, l..l. 1 m
Inn, HMiktie, M III-
I uliilh.Mflu'Viil.i'.,
('IiIwxii .ml Knit.
Oi'kin htsMiiir Ipm
All mIIIiik ilatvi iil-
Jl In rtinnifo,
Furlhiii Pi.licl'iNi-.
ll cv.t'x SiUyii
I'Kl.t'MtlU ItlvrM I p. in
tmctHKH Kx.Huutl'jr
Tn ,plntU .ixt. Xy-
Ijnillnm. '
iM.tMdfrt lfixh' Cfopm
liipumi 'lin r.'.w V'J( IU. rluiiil'jr
AtlWII .IhI l)- .llll-
WlM.4 MHtTI! AHII S:0plll
(lrpuii i lly, harloti mid Prl.
Mint Vii)-IjihIIii.
XHtHK 111 Km ixre
lllparl lu l.awlXnn, i.rnri'lon
1; m
General I'assengcr AkciU,
Portland, Oregon.
, , ,
Ifllltr-il Ktnlfr Uml Oiriro,
ItuM'Imiy, On- , )i L".',' IlKHt.
Nitllri' in lifii-liy jjlvt'll lliul in rum.
(iliuiuv will) tin- ii.ivlliirii' iif tlip itrt uf
iiHijiii'rH .if Jinn- !l, IH7K, inllllril "All
nut f"r llii- hhIhiiI tiiiiluT ImiiIU fn'Oia
tit I nt Ciilifniiilii,. Onjtiin, .WvmU'.
nil nliii'i,'iiiirri,rrltiiiv,"is wxiriiilr-il
to nil tllf llililli' I..1111I Mntrr- TiV m'l nf
.VlisilM , IKW. Kinli'ilrk T. WVIm, ( f
. JiiUrin-. count v nf I.nnc, Slnti of On
, Iihh tlii ilny IUikI In tliU nllliv dig
nn -1 11 1 t it-1 1 1 No. IMftK. fur lip put
cliiiM' of 1 In- .VI-; i of Nvllnii Nn. 10 In
towii.lilj, No. '.'OS, ItMllsr- No. 7 V. Blill
lll ollVr priMif In rlimr tlutl tlie lim
Miiiljl't in niorf viilnulilf forlta or
liini tlifin fur iiirriciillurxl pur iori.
.1 111 1 lo chUiIiIWIi lil I'lnliu lo aiilil Innil
lii'fi.ii' lu licuiMt r 11111I Hrrtiver of lli
olllre ut ItiiM'lm j;, Ori'iimi 011 Friday,
tlloKtli ilny of Miucli, IDtil.
lie iinini'H im wlliifHcri':
Iiiiiiitx N. Uiimllt', II. Mniu IJoic
ulroin, Ui-oriio V. llri'iiI nK, II. 0.
Illlllllllll, of KlIL'Ollf, O'l'lJOII.
Any mill nil pl-d-kiih clnlinlni; ml
voiK'ly llio iilwvi'-ilwrllidl Inmln nru
rciHU'DlCil lu tllv their Hiilnm In llily
iillU'o 1111 01 before miiil Mh iliiof JUrcb,
J.T. ItiiiiKir.u, Itcglitor.
Tho practical sido of science is reflected in
ami n
Music Lessons um
v On the Piano.
A late GradiU) Gkksian Mjjtii-
od of Music is now being taught at
tlie C. P. Mause by.
Mrs. Xj.D. J3eck.
Recitals will be given at proper
intervals, thus giving parents an op
portunity to note progress.
50 cents per lessbu, 30 minutes each
Trains lonve Cottage Orovo'or Port
laml nnd way etutiom at' 3:07 a. iu
m i. m.
I'ortlnml 8:30 a.m. 7 :00 p.m.
A monthly publication of incstii.iablo valuo to tho Htudcnt of every day
scientific problems, tho mechanic, tho industrial export, tho manufacturer
tho inventor in fact, to every ivide-awako person who hopc3 to better his 12:20 !' tn., J..r l.t MM.- ! . .,,.,. I.V. I'Ortlnil
vU..v..,. uj llo.oB u,ao.0. 0 j.Mumur, cpewaiiy, win mid 111 The Lv. CottnKo Grovo 1 :'.'0 a. in. 2ih7p.m.
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escapes tho vigilant eyes of its corps of expert editors. Everything is pro- m. 7-4T, p. m. H
scnted in clean, conciso fashion, so that tho busiest may tako timo to read Oiplen CH5 u.m.llM'ia.
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ately mirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only Ai CIiIibro 7sV. aim! oi;
publication in tho country that prints tho oflicial news of tho U. 8. Patent m, l:?lWK?!!'.,. oloo p.'m.' oil
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