Spring Humors of the Blood Como to n Inro majority of people l'rolmbly 76 per cent . of Uicho nro cured every yvav by IIooiI'm Bamnpn rlllit, unci wo liopo Ity thin tulvortUe wont to get lliu other lift" per cent, to tuko tliU groitl Spring Meillulno. H will nlmrpon your nppotlto, euro nil ntomncli troubled, relievo that tlrcil fooling. It wtrciiffth m n Wood purlflcr I domonntrulcil by iU iiiiirvoloiM cure of Scrofula Salt rthoum Scald Head Bollo, Plmploa All Kinds of Humor Paorlaals Blood Polaonlng Rhoumatlam Catarrh Malaria, Etc All of which nro prevalent now. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla "Will do you a wonderful amount of goodt Ho wiro to get Hood k. Prince to Stick Typo. I'.llco nil tho initio inomlioni of tlio royal Iioiiho of (lorninny, tlio crown prlneo In about to luurn u trailo, which will probably bo that of a compositor. to vvnr. a ( oi.o in oni: day Take Laxative lltninii Quinine Tablet. All drurvtxtx rt'fui"! Ilm inmify If It lalls In c ure. K. W. Urovo'a alKiialuru Ison each box. Xns. Can't Take the Medicine. llobbH I.uuglitor lit u euro for In- lllgl'tUIOII. Dotilm lint n man can't IiuikIi whim tin luiH (lyHiiupnlu. Daltlmoro Amor leun. Ily tnllnx flAlll'IFM! TIJ, I ho ilatuer in riiiiii arllnie In crip l Iraaennl, for III i inn la I'H'niitnl. 1 1 in blond I'linlliil mut ilm illiitatlnri .ci Iicinl h) tlilnxnni liciti rtire. Duylng Land In Sweden. In Hwoilcii tnoy hava a land nr rniiKi'incnt of thlH kind: tlio formnr will kIvo a tonant no many acroH of ground, provided tno tonnnt will kIvo lilm so mitny ilayn labor for bo many yours, tho Inlior to ho paid iib wanted. Tim llal I'rcacrlritloii rr Malarln Clillla and I'crcr lia botllnof drove's Tasteless ClilllTotilc. II Is simply Iron nml rpilnlno III a tasteless form. No Cure. Nil Pay. l'rlco UK. The Caspian Sea. Tho CiiHplan mm Ih literally a groat dcproHHlnu In tho Htirfaco of tho earth. It Ik 81 feet holow tho regular mm lovul. HohIiIoh thin, Uh wntorri havo very llttlo null lit them, being ilmoat fresh. A NEW ACCOUNT BOOK Of ParllcuUr Inlcrcit to Thrcihcrmcn and farmers. llnpHt'll it Co., of Portland, Ore., tho Inrgrfct iIchIom In innoliinory on the I'n o I llo Count, hnvo juat lmiucil nt con Iderablo nxpenao n neat and voiy oom pinto iii'cnuut book for tip-to-clato threnliviuirn, uto. The Iic'oIch iiro tor (roo illstriliution, and all peoplo who WHtit them hIioiiIiI Wrlto immediately to Itiinioll t Co., rortlimd, Oro. Only Think They Are Thinking. When somo men think tlioy nro thinking,. thoy nro only killing time. Chlcngo Dally News. FITS rrmrriitlr CurM, No fits or nerroiuONu riprlW.liUr'.ti..iflr Klllta'aljlrat Narvs Ituti.r Nafiillnr IMt Itti AJ.nntrUllMttloiill.trMt- Im. lis.lt.ll KLiK.l.iil..y9Mf(bHL,rklllelrhla.l,a. Antl-Automoblle Law, Denver haa an ordlnanco which pro hlblta operating an automobile nt a speed greater than six mlleB an hour, and employs n mounted policeman to enforco It. Catarrh has become such a common disease that a person entirely free from this disgusting complaint is 6cIdoui met With. It is customary to speak of Catarrh as nothing more serious than n bad cold, a simple inflammation of the nose and throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease ; if not nt first, it very soon becomes so. The blood is quickly contaminated by the foul secretions, nml the poison through tho general circulation is carried to nil parts of the system. Silvca viashcs nnd sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because thcydo not reach the seut of the trouble. S. b. S. docs. It cleanses the blood of the poison nnd eliminates from the system nil catar rhal secretions, nnd thus cures thoroughly Mid permanently the worst cases. Mr. T, A. Williams, a leading dry-Kooda mer. chant of fipartantmrs, 8. C, wiltea i " 1'or years I luu a severe case oi tin ml Cntarrli, with all the disagreeable effect which belong to that disease, and which make life painful and unendurable. I uaed medicines prescribed by lending plivslclani and augenttd uy numbers of friends, but without fitting any better. I ben began to take 8. 8. 6. It I ad tho desired effect, nnd cured me .ll.p l.ll.ii. .nlil..n bottles. In my opinion 8. 8. 8. 1 the only medi cine now In use that will effect a permanent cure of Caturrli." ! tliB onlv tmrelv veer- I etable blood purifier known, anil me greai 1 pst of nil blood medl- ' fltia nnil tmilcs. Tt .,r.,t lino Pnlnrrll flnlt't wait Ulltil it becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be gin nt once the uso of 8. S. S., and send for our book on Blood nud Skin Diseases nd write our phyBlciaus about your case. HIE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. tUHtS WrltKt M i:iih(h WHfUf AIL Hut Cough Birup. 'i'astea in uraa. tioia d: 8''Iitaii!ia cm istea Uood. Use gl druavlsta. Ir I MliTALS USED IN JEWELHY. L'oiinn in t Ion of (lnlil nml H Ivor In tlio Art nml Miiiinfiicliirii., 'J'ho (llreclor of tho mint at Windilug Ion Iiiih for iiiiiuy ycnrn tniiilu an eil tun ti of tlm ii 1 1 1 f j it ii L of gold nnd Hllver eoiiNiiiupil In thlM cotiulry In our Indus liliil iiitH nml iiiiiuufiictiii'CH, which CHlliiinlo Iiiih been IniKf'd upon lliu bill; lloii Miippllcil by lliu iiiluiH mid HHHay ollleeN, iih well mm tho llgurcH from lirlvalu I'clliii'i'li.-H mid innuufiicltirerH to whiiiii Inijulry Iiiih been nent on IIiIh Niibjei't. I''or the hiHt ileciidi!, however, oxperiH bit vo HcrlotiHly iiieMtloncd the t'Htliiiiili'N of tho coin In circulation nnd coin consumed In the itrtx, iih made by tho bureau of the mint on IIicho llgureH mid on the tuble biineil on it 1 1 elaborate InvcMllgiilloii niiido lu 18H.". To remove all doublH on IIiIh Htibjecl mid to accu rately duteriiiliiu the coiiiHiiiiiptlou of gold nud Hllver, both I iiiih and coin, lu tho IniliiHtrliil urtH In lliu United HtutcH, thodlreelor of the mint, hint December, Kent circular tu Juwelern throughout lliu cotmiry, linking iih u favor Unit tho Jowclci'M llll out tho blank Hhowlug tlio it mo tt ii t of coin or I iiiih, gold or Hllver, which (bey coiiHtimcd either lu tlielr repair work or In niauufai'turliig. Tho rettiriiH from thene lnitilrlcH, though by no uieaiiH completn, Herveil to mako niiifli more necurate tho llgureH on tho coiiHiiniptlon or gold mid Hllver lu tlio hint report of tho director of tho mint, and an cfTort will now be miido lu ob tain oven fuller return for the next ro purl. With IIiIh object lu view a circular and bliiuk, Hliiillur to Unit Kent out hint yeur, will be IkhiiciI to all iimiiiifiiet-urei-M tiHlug gold or Hllver, an well uh to nil JewelerH, Including those who do oven the KiiiiillcHt of repair work, with the roiiicHt Unit tho reelpleutH llll In the llgureH reitilred. In doing IIiIh the Jew eler may feel Hiiro that IiIh llgureH will never bo lined except lu milking a grand total ami will bo held Htrletly coulldentlul by tlio treiiHtiry dejmrt uient. Among the reiiHoiiH which It Ih believed canned perHOUH In the piiHt to lieNltale III aiiHwerlng IIioho lnitilrleH wiih the fear that they Imil, In UHlng up coin, Inadvertently violated u Hlatule mid that an iiiIiuIhhIoii of UiIh fuct might be UHctl iigaliiHt them. Kueh n fear, however, Ih absolutely without foundation, iih there Ih no contention that tho use of gold coin In mauufaet urcH Ih contrary to law. The only object lu unking for the In formation Ih to enable the treiiHtiry de partment to entliniile oh uceurately iih poKHlble the money now on hand by tie-1 termliilng the amount of United .StntcH eolu limt annually by being melted up for maiiufneturlug purponen. It Ih not elnimed that any iniiniifin hirer Ih re quired by luw to give the Information, but, iih there Ih no rviiKou why he Hhould not nnd every reiiHou why he nhotlld, Tor the benefit of nil It l coull dently hoped that the n-HpotiHCH from tho Jewelry trade to tho departments new circular, will be iih complete nud nntlnfaclory as the nulhorltlcH of tho mint can denlrc. HOW MEN MAY WALK WELU There nn Art In the Kxcrclac tlm Hliniilit Not l'e Overlooked. Thcno HtlggeHtloiiH for tho benefit of peilcntrluiiH nro made by a writer on hygienic muttcm: Not every man can be a good walker. There Ih no better exerclKC. Hven nlouchy walking Ih good, but It Ih cany to drop tho Hlouch purr and innko the every day walking one of tho bent of health hclpera. Hvory normal man iIoch tulles of walk ing each day, rcgardlcHH of can and carrlageH. Let him mako IiIh walking a llttlo more careful, n little more thoughtful. No need to take an oxtrn Htep uulcHH the delight of It liiRplrcH the ellort. Walk with tho head up, chin down, Hhouhlera back, abdominal in un ci ch teiiKo nnd ending each Htep with a too tip. "Too out" Hllghtly, bend knccH without n wabbly motion nnd avoid pounding tho pavement with heels. Carry head and shoulders steady without nuy sldo awnylng. If timincd to Htich effort It will require much thought nt firHt to keep from lnpslng Into cureless ways. After n few trlaln tho case, comfort nud Inspiration of Btich wnllc will encourage persistence. Itreatho deeply, nlowly and through the none. Walk when you can, bearing lu mind Hint perhaps "ho who rides In n cnrrlago rides townrd his grave." Do not Hit hunched up nt a desk or n table. Mold tho upper body as lu walking, Iteud ut tho hips and nt tho neck when neccHsary, but never hump tho back nnd shoulders. Olvo tho lungs room, keep them filled with new nlr nnd do not let tho back bono cur-vo either to the right or to tho left. Sleeping on tho right sldo Is best. On tho back Is tho flooring position. Tnkn plenty of sleep; to rest In bed Is tho best of ncrvo tonics. Worries nro sleep Hearers. Tit ftip Tut. Hero Is n good story they nro telling In IOuiopo nbout tho German emperor: Tho knlsor, nt a recent review In Ilcr- lln, reprimanded old General von Mocr Hcheldt for losing his mind nt n critlcnl moment. "If your majesty thinks that I am getting too old, I beg of you to nllow mo to resign." "No, no," replied tho kaiser, "you nro too young to ro sign. Indeed. If your blood didn't course through your veins quite so fust you would bo n more useful army lend er." On tho evening of .that day tho kaiser nud tho general met nt a court ball. The general wns talking to somo young ladles. "Ah, uMeerscheldt," cried Wllllum, "that m right! get ready to marry. Take n young wnc, men tnat oxcltnblo temperament of yours will soon vanish." Tho general bowed low ns ho retorted: "I beg to bo excused, your majesty! A young emperor and a young wlfo would bo moro than I could posslblo stund." Philadelphia Telegram. Coat of Paris Police. Tho cost of tho police forco of I'arls growa steadily year by year. In 1872 It wan M,0Jl,72r of which 12,237,300 wan pnld by tho city and tho rent by tho Rovernmont; In 1880, $t,9Cl,300; In lu,, Git8,170. A Nlroup; mint's Mprrr-t. One of (Im alrongi-at inrii recently filnlrd thilt lliu acr-t of III underfill power wan imrfrit illifcatliin. HoMi'tli-r'n Hloitnn'li llltlrm Miiikri dliif-alloii perfect, mid cure llll complaint iirl"lii'' f rum n week atom ncli. kiic.Ii na lmll)i'ai inn. lillioiianeaK nud nil liver and kidney iiilmeiita. Ann blood purilli-r mid uervn tunic It la nntrvi'liina. It la rrciijniiif mlecl hy pli.valclnna. mid aold by ery ilrninilat In tlm country. Try It hIu for iimlnrlu fnver, nnd iigue. Youno Lady Dell ftlnoers. Blx young ladlca havo learned tho art of bull ringing In tho vlllago of Urndflold, Kngland. Thoy "rang In" 1901 ut tho church. ttfopm Ihm Dough anil Work Off Ilia Ooltl. fiatlre Ilnuno-quliilim Tablets euro a cold In one day. No cure, Ho Pay. l'rlco M cents. Profits of a Convict Mine. Tho TonnoHHHo convict coal mln la n paying InHtltutloii. Tho profits In tho Inst alx montlm will amount to moro than 1100.000. Strike a Success. Cahlll Wan tho Htrlko a biicccbs7 CasHldy It waH. After being out Hlx wookf) we Hiicceedcd In glttln' back our Joba. Puck. . IN BED FOR YEARS DECLARED A HOPELESS INVALID BY LEARNED PiYSKIANS. Itxatiirrd to I'nrfurt llrnltli nml Htrrnetti by llr. U'IIIIiiiiis' I'lnk I'llla fur I iilo I'aojilfli A Moat WniiileiTiil Cure. 7Vom the Vrttr, Oritud JtapUlt, Mlclu Of tho many remarkable cases which havo recently occupied the at tention of tho medical world and of tho public nt large, none moro strik ingly IlliiHtrntes tho wonderful power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Pcopio than tho recovery of Mrs. Jennie Tuttle, who, after two years' confinement to her bod, was restored to perfect health and strength. Mrs. Tuttle, who lives nt tho corner of Ful ton nnd Market streets, Grand Rapids, Mich., tells tho following story: "I had been flat on my back In bed for two years and the doctors had glvon mo up as a hopeless case. They bad resorted to every romedy known to tho profession and had oven sub jected mo to tho tortures of flvo sup deal onoratlons. My troublo wns duo to chango of life and I grow weaker' and weaker until I became helpless and unnhlo to leavo my bed. A tiurso nnd four physicians uttended mo. "Ono box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Pcopio gavo mo great relief and after using them for three mouths I was a well woman, having been nblo to leave my bed the sixth week after commencing tho treat ment. I can state that tho euro was complcto nnd permanent ns It Is now thrco years since I used them. "I Iinvo recommended tho pills to aovoral of my relatives. My mother-in-law- who Is 72 years old, took them for general debility, and thoy soon pro duced a very marked Improvement In hor condition. I wish that tho thousands of women who aro afflicted as I havo been mny know of this rom edy which has saved my life and given mo health and strength." Signed, MRS. JENNIE TUTTLE. Subscribed and sworn to before mo thla 2nd day of August, 1900. 13. F. UARENDSEN. Benll Notary Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Pcopio aro sold by all dealers, or will ho sent post paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 12.60, by addressing Dr. Williams Med lclno Co., Schenectady, N. Y. In Mourning, nutchcr Leg 0' Mutton? Yes'm. Mrs. Do Rigour And let It be off a black sheop, If you please. Wo'ro in mourning, you know. Philadelphia Rocord. 1 AStgetable Prcpnrationror As similating tlicroodnntlRcgula ling IhcStoinachs nnd Bowls of tcico rxiraai ; t n n t mm Promotes DigcstioaChecrfiil ncss andltesLContaiiis neither Ophim,Morpliiie norIituiral. Tsot Nahcotio . L ixyt arotdOrSAMVELmaaa lmflun Sml' AbcSmnm ' Jtmrmiil - I&mJW. (Yau(W,Ruitr HSiliyrrnt nmr. Apcrfccl Remedy forConsUnn Tlon.SaurStoinach.Diarrliocn Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcnsh ncss nml Loss of Sleek FacStmilo Signature of NEV YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Relative. . Onco upon a tlmo a ccrtnln Person wrote wlHdotn. "VVhnt a fool!" mild the World. Then tho 1'orson wrote folly exclu sively. "WIho guy!" nnld tho World. Thla fablo tonchcM that wisdom arul tinwlHdom mo purely relative terms. i' i in i.r phIii. Many klnil of r.ll'-ltclilii, WerdltiK-all tuilnliil, irrrlliln torture hut all aro oiilcklr nircd hy ( asraiisis Candy Cathartic. Afl drug Xlals, 10c, j, fxic. And Brings You Nothing but a Bill, Krlend What Ib hope7 I'oet It Is something that wakes you up at i o'clock In tho morning when tho postman doenn't como around till 10. Syracuso Herald. This alfnaturo la on erery box of tho ganulna Laxative liromo-Quininc Tawau the reload that rurra n colli In oim ttay Fatal Candor. Suitor Yes, sir, I assuro you I would bo glad to marry your daugh ter, even If she were poor ns a churrhmouse. Mr. Moneybags That settles you! I don't want a fool In .my family. Philadelphia Press. I'llltHTOMAOII, I.IVKK AND IIOWI'.I.S. IridlsfMion Is rrfertualljr rnreil ti the orlirlnal IIKllll iririllrlrie. Alt- VI KM TKA, h lileli causes a normal aMlon ol the diai-Mlre orKHits. Easy. "Ah! yes," sighed tho lovelorn youth. "I'm passionately In lovo with Miss Van Flckel. I wonder If I will over succeed In winning her affec tions?" "Why not?" replied his cousin Helen. "I know of at least half a dozen other men who have." Phil adelphia Press. FAIRB MOR NOTHING BETTER MADE You can't make a mlstaka II toi xat i ..Mitchell.. IVIitchell, Iiemis & Stavep Go. PORTLAND. ORECON. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought n Use Over Thirty Years ANK mmmmm'mammmmTTmmmmmm. Bf known the country orer uw - mm mm , , , fK tho most reliable Kccila tb&t vSmd. MACHINERY, FARM IMPLEMENTS, Etc. lfMrrB y . Ml IT LEADS THEM ALL mmfWT The "cyc,one" Thresher jjtP Sft"tij.--ir.J r For Catalogues Bears the t Signature Am UFor THt OlflT.Ult OOMP.NY. NIWVOBHCITY. An Old Fort In Florida. Tho oldest fort In America Is nt St. Augustine, Fin. It was built by tho Spanish over thrco centuries ago. It wan for a long tlmo used ns n prison, Wlimi You llnjr fnk got (,'arlcr'a nml ymi will get the beat every time. "Inklbigii" free. Carter's Ink Co., lloston. After the Consultation. Patient Now, doctor, what's tho matter with mo, anywny7 Tho Head Consulting Physician My dear, sir, do you suppose that If wo knew what was tho matter with you, wo would havo decided to hold a post-mortem? Harper's Bazar, I'lso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as n con Kb cure. -J. W. 6' Ilm r.x, 322 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0, 1000. Right Up With the Crowd. "Oh, yes, they're getting on." "How do you mean7" "They'ro keeping up with tho world they'ro not living In the dead past thoy call their hired girl 'tho maid.' " Chicago Times-Herald. OATARItll CANNOT II K CCtlKD With local applications, as ther cannot reach oc aeai oi uiGoiseane. caiarrn is a oioou or 1 conililutlonaldlcsse,and In order to enre It you must taka Internal remedies. Hall's () i tarrh ( urola taken internally, and actadlrectly I on the blood and mucous surlaees. Hall's Ca I tarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for )eara, and laaregularprescrlptlon I It Is composed of the best tonics known, com blncd with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous anrlaces. Tho perfect 1 combination ol ilie two IriKredlenta l what pro I dticeasach wondcrfulresiiitslncurlngcatarrb. Bend for testimonials, free. , F. J. f HENKY A CO.. I'ropri., Toledo, O. Fold by dniKKlsts, price 75c I Halls f amily 1'llls are the best Her Pointed View. Chappie (blase) Don't you think society is an empty thing? Miss Fuller I think there are lots of empty things In society. Smart Set. ij Ii. P. GASOLINE ENGINE Pumps Water, Saws Wood, Grinds Feed, and costs two cents an hour to run. , You of Coune Vant the Best. 'Write for Catalogue and Prices. RUSSELL & CO., I PORTLAND, OREGON MONEY FOR SOLDIERS' -HEIRS- Heirs of Union Soldiers who liomsteuded less than lMacrta hefore June 1874 (no matter If abandoned), should address HKNttY N. CUl'l'. WHShlncton, I. O. A WHOLE GARDEN Wa with to tcala tills jear KO.OOO new cualoiuers, ina nvacv uuvr lirkir.HaUer'alue llluoa Tomato.. 180 )laju&'M laTorlw Union. .... 10O ImeimU Urrn Cncumoer..., loo C'llr Uardtn Boot lM 13 1t luuluh lu LaCraaa Uarkot Lettuco.... ISO Ltaizant Flower Seeds l.c ir.i. ii.nnrn. MkhIl sTw Wo wilt mall jou this entire a worth ot aolendld ttii noTrltlea fr. toBtber with our lanro lllustralnl M.nt.nrfidai fAtAitffua on rroelpt of I hi. notice anil llo In postage Choice Onion Hoiil 60o lb and up. Foutora at I'-SOwr barrttaodnp' UHIUIU..wur..w.-. - JOHH UEH SEED COUCnnts,Wl. FAT FOLKS REDUCED from IS to 25 lbs. per mouth br a harmless treatment. Thousands cured. Mrs. M. A. MarCrone, till Hauler fu, uocnester, n. i., writes; Kour veara aso 1 was reduced 18 pounda br rourvalu nhlM iM.tm.nL &1t oxnerlenoo as Trained Nurse haatautbt me tbedangersof Fatty Uoiianeratlon. llaye not mined " I'ntlenta treated br mallconnnenltallv. Foriiartloularaaddress,wtth UBf, DK..C. NUiER. 131t3l3nslc T.ap.e.t kirio,Ui POULTRY NETTINC. Bujr from the manufacturer, l'rlco In lull rolls 2 feet n lde, l.V) fret long (1.6.1 S " , 2.t7 4 " " ' 3.30 5 i ii it H 4,12 " " " .91 All Kinds of Wire and Iron Work. PORTLAND WIRE fc IRON WORKS 140 Front St., I'ortlHiul, Oiobiiii. r CLAIM 'NTS FOR DPIVfiinM II W'lla la NATHA IT DfKtOHn. W.ahlnoton. D. C. thev will re I eclvo quick rci'l'ei. ll.AthN. II. Vols, staff 20th Corps. I'rcsecutlng claims since 167S. GUTLER'SGARBOLaTEof IODINE A Euaranteed Cnre for Catarrh and Consumption. J1.00. I) Loclc Box li W. H. SMITH & GO., Buffalo. H.Y , Prop's N. 1. H. V, So. 13 lOOt. WHKN wrltlnr to cdTertlser plasii niontluu tills paper. CO WetSEw W w P Get full particulars from 310 Market WP flr ffl J? Street, San Francisco, Cal. ; First and H flS! I hi" BV m Stark St-., Portland, Or.; Los Angeles, HORSE POWER ! llSgl OR SAW MILL I Jlg mm. mm ABSOLUTE Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Slgnnturo of St Pac-Slmllo Wrapper Utlow. Yet small nml am easy to talus tm an (for. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZIHESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALL0Y SKIM. FOR THE COMPLEXION . oicrauiifis MMarwmaiiATuwi. S cJrrti I Purely VcgetaMayWiWS 2S juijjjjjs,imimn CURE SICK HEADACHE. ELACR on. VHIULOW Will Keep You ry G3raKl IIlLgL!L Takc No Sustitute. Frzc Catalogue. Showihc FollUnc or Garmehts mid Hats. A.J.TOWERCO. Boston. Mass. PATENT Wl t'llOUT jb-ki: unless auccaarul Send description and set f re opinion 111XO. II. BTKVKNS & CO.. Eatab. US4. DlT. 4. 817 14th Street. WASHINGTON D. O. Branch offices: Chicago. Clereland and Dotrolt ..of.. MANTLES, GRATES and TILINGS.. Address AT. J. WALSH OREGON. PORTLAND Regular Sell. "How has my new oook sold 7" asked tho young author of tho bookman. "Well, Judging from what tho pur chasers say. It Is a regular sell!" At tonta Constitution. His Deep-Laid Scheme. "Yes; that's my wlfo down in tho cellar chopping kindlings." "How does that happen?" "She's got an idea that she's a see ond Mrs. Nation, and I'm encouraging her to learn the uso of the hatchet" Cleveland Plain Dealer. IO0 KNOW WIIAT YOU AltE TAKING When vou take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, became the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle anowlne that It Is simply Iron and Qui- nino in a tmeieas lorra. no cure, ftp ray. cue Men's Opinions. "You can't tell somo women any thing." "Of courso not; they won't stop talking thomsolve3 long enough to let you." Philadelphia Bulletin. Her Reward. "I'd Uko to have my husband go hunting." "Does ho hit anything?" "I don't think so; but as I never ask -any questions about the gamo ho brings home he always buys mo a handsome present of some kind." Detroit Free Press. "I have been troubled a great deal with at torpid liver, which producea constipa tion. I found CASOARETd to be all you claim for them, and seuured such relief the first trtal, that I purchased another supply and was com pletely cured. I ahall only be too glad to reo ommend Caaeareu whenever the opportunity Is presented." J. A.SU1TU. 20) Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, Po Good, Kevar Slokeo. Weaken, or Grips. ICe. Uo, too. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Urllaf w4f CtsytB;( Ckli, MMtrt ! Yrt. tSt NO'TO-BAC Jf,u toiiWitLTobeo Uab'tf' CARTER'S fplTTLE JgNUs. feiaiiig Lizv liver IIV $f yjp CATHARTIC Rhw tkadi uajm atoimaso ggf