BOHEMIA NUGGET. RX'VJt US ID EX T JIAltJtlSOX DKA D. C. J. HOWARD - EDITOR. Knltred t the XMlofflc 'tinge Grove, Oregon i Second Vlui mull mutter. Hnli.orlptlon price. I.RO, In 'liir. Advertising: rule mni'n known upon application. Kx-Prcsidcnt Harrison died nt his home in Indianapolis, Indiana, Tuesday afternoon. The sudden death of the beloved man, was due to complication from higrippe. General Harrison was born in 1833. Friday, March 15, 1901. The road leading north via Indications point to a splendid year for Uohemia this season. 1 he recent development work is of a character that will create favor in Latham is said to be in a deplorable the of VS0IS wno may come condition. It is n itiscrace to Lane county and should be fixed before another tall in a manner that will permit of horsemen getting through anyway. this way. POLICE COURT. Judge Medley's Court in Session MondayThree Characters Lay ing out Pines. Mondav afternoon warrants were issued from Judge Medley's court for Maud Roy, charged with quar reling and John Pilkington, for using drunken and obscene lan guage upon the streets. The parties were arraigned oud pleaded iruiltv to the eharccs nud were fined $10 and costs amounting to Si 2.50 each. They refused to pay their fines and were sent to jail to lay it out. Maud Hovven was also arraigned she changed her mind and paid her fine. It is said that a temperance move is on in Kentucky. Possibly when the whisk issue is well under con trol in the blue grass state, they The people of Eugene are alive may legislate against murder at ciinrce,i .!. bcitic an inmate of a and wide awake on the proposition least place a limit on the number ot uousc 0f prostitution. She plead of doing something in the matter men to be killed for each feud. No gU;ity and was fined $10 and costs of receiving its proportion 01 tne telling, murder may ue considered I amotinting to $12.50. She also rc immigration now flowing into the a crime in Kentucky yet. fused to pay and went to jail. Later state lrom the cast, immigration is like business to some extent you It would be a splendid thing to must go after it if you get it. Itn- have the women, who delight in migration will come to a state at laying out their fines in jail, large but it will not be evenly clean up the city jail, the city hall divided up unless an individual and wash the jail bedding. This effort is made by the several sec- would be no doubt humane treat- tions of the state to secure its pro ment, as it would occupy tueir untjj the 29th inst. Consultation ratio. The people of Eugene can time and lessen the long hours of free. Terms lor personal or absent well nfTord to lav out an effort to wears waiting for liberty. It would treatment very reasonable, lonth I - I 1. 1 1. 1 1. 1 r. secure its share, and every town, also be delightfully home like mid " am. ncanncue reaieu iree cheerful to have them boil the water and potatoes for the vags who clean the gutters and wear TAKE NOTICE. Mrs. C. Wolfer. the Healer, will be in Cottage Feb. 27 of each month to Home Grove, remain even Cottage Grove can take on a good lesson by watching' the out come of Eugene's efforts. the ball and chain. All who are sick are invited to call and consult mc at the Sherwood Hotel. Yours Truly Mrs. C. Womisr, The Home Healer. PIANO LESSONS. Ex-Senator McBride is indeed deservine of the Inch honor con- The Revised Statutes of the Jerred upon him by the president United States Section 2320 limit 111 111s appointment ns one 01 tne a loue ciaim 01 raiiierai-ueariiig Having permanently iocateil in commissioners of the Lousiana pur- quartz to 300 feet on each side of Cottage Grove, I will take a few chase exDosition. It is not onlv an the vein and 1 .sou feet in length. PPs. Harmony ami 1 liorougli honor to ex-Senator McBride but Section 2333 fixes t to nis state as wen, aim particularly or ioae ciaini wiiuin me minis 01 a at resitjence North River so in that it came without solicits- placer patented to tne same person street tion upon the part of Mr. McBride at 25 feet of the surface on each Mrs. W. H. Abkams. or his friends. The ex-senator is a side of the vein or lode. Therefore pleasant, popular and deserving a lode claim within the limits of n man and the position which he now placer location is limited to 25 feet fills will be the means by which he of the surface on either of the will reflect great credit upon the middle of the vein. A placer lo- state of Oregon. cation comers neitlier title to nor possession of, nor withdraws from A waiter of the Ellicott Club, subsequent location by others. NOTICE J. T. Humous, KccNler, J. H. Mourn, Receiver. Itntebnrg, On., Mnnh 0, 1001. XntU-e is hereby uivt'ti tlmt tint un proved plat of mitvevof the follouitii' toivnsliitM: 1-1 S.. K. I Kail, See, "M tinil 15 S., It. 1 En ft. See. 1. Iinvu been rereived from the Surveyor General for Oregon, nml on Saturday April 0, I'.Kll at 'J o'clock, 11. ni. Tim cam pints will' hu Hied in tliirf ofllee and t ho land. .1:111 Buffalo, N. Y., was pursttaded to known lodes or veins of mineral in br.iccil therein will be open to entry on . .. f .. . . . 1 ...:.!.!.. ,!.!. J .1.-1"' -"".- ' tunKe an oauress oejore tne stuuems 1 !""-- mium i jiujiis. uhuh mc of the University of Buffalo, imper- last section named, above, which sonating Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bryan provides that a placer patent, fail- was expected to make an address iug to include a patent for a vein or but missed connections and so Fred lode claim known to exist within Fulcher, the waiter, was selected its limits, shall be deemed a con unbeknown to the students to im- elusive declaration that the placer personate the great Wm. J. He claimant has 110 right to the same did it nicely, and one would not be Since a placer patent confers no surprised at the successful decep- possession to known lodes or veins tion practiced, so symbolic of Bry- within its limits, a subsequent le an were his utterances. He wound cation of a vein or lode within the up bis harangue in this manner: limits of the placer claim is not a 'There will be a president of the trespass, as against the placer United States elected in the year claimant, within the rule of law 1904. It is too early to make pre- that a trespasser on a lawful poses u.i.i.w3, uuiiuMN juu wen uiui .,.; rJrrMc Tint o .1. ... ... .1. r ..w ..b..w. IUK.U (UdV imiv. wmraiLCIHUlcUl , ..... , . . .. Tn rlroi.l, f..nrl nf ll.n RtHtB ni Onirnn fnr .... ... . . i 1 1 1 1 " r 1 1 Mf i nnp f I n T Til it: n M ltirprcTificr - .- a tiryan may De neara again, inai " ijinoronnty. is all that I can say at this time." ' real property, which, as against MAl" """'. ) If th closest would? to quiet title, under a law author 1 Lurch's 1 A Great Reduction Lurch's I v! o OS -IN- Ladics, Misses and Childrcns 'g Jackets and Capes, I Call early for Bargains, Lurch's Lurch w (US 5 s "SOROSIS" SHOE THAT IS WORN BY III Fasliionablc Indies. i1 Jll Matt Oritet-H Promptly Filled. T A. GILBERT, Eugene, Oregon. J Eugene Dyeing tfi Cleaning Works. l'UH'K I.ISTKOU CI.KAN'ISll: Com. - l.fO,ui. v,.m. .... ..m. uj.. I'UIIlK, .7ft. Hp. l'HICK LIST FOIl DYKISOt giiiti.. - - - ' - 3.w,nr. PIurIo gnrinciils In iroxrtlon. lnw IKtleriK, - "j ct per j-anl. Iirtw. - - - . - l-w, tip. aiiO.K. aitlFFlTU,A(H'nt. rOTT.VOBHIIOVE MAKKCT UEPOltT. Wlicut. We lr timliul. Oats. HV ir Umlii'l Klonr W lc '.IV; or wi-li. Ilutli-r, 2Tk- pr iiunl. Cn-iuiifry, iV- r iximul Vkh. lit- pcriloien. llMni,i-iiinlrj', 11K Wile. Id. (-hlckeiiH; lulled, fi.73 to 3. doi. Lnnl, Iff (cr pnuuil. To The PUBLIC ! Arc You Wanting a Heating Stove or a -COME IN AND SEE US- Cook ? Wc are Selling our Heaters nt n Ten Tcr Cent DISCOUNT and giving n Good Uig Discount on Cook Stoves. Aha have a Hig Stock of HARDWARE, TINWARE, I'AUM IMPLEMENTS, Etc., to select fiom. Come (it ami See IV tut t We. II a re for Sate. Respectfully, Ss SCOTT. A NEW LINE OE Spring Millinery JUST RECEIVED". Thk Laticst Styles of Street Hats, Caps and Tarns for Ladies, Misses and Children. Do not fail to see them. XimrLAXD'S Mtttlncrii Store, SchlefT IIuiMinjr, Main St. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON BUM Jl 0X8. ie above wouldn't deceive the all but the United States, is treated : student of Bryan, what as a fee, and will support an action rrilSlSS piAint oi piainiiu meu bkhiusi yUU m lnv nnuvu entitled court nnti chiiix: on or neiore mo loin 5ino- n rwrcnn in nncwecinn r-.-i I clay of March, 1901, thiit IkjIiirIIio llrt dHjr of thf lZlllg a perSOIl HI possession OI real .eeular term of wld Court, tohebeminancl lioiden in r.UKene. iine i cuniy, urcKou, ana 11 rou fall to Hppcnr and Hjiwer iall coinpliilnt lor want tnercni, ine piaiiiiui win appiy 10 ill I he actions of the so called sport- estate to bring an action to deter- ing people the lat week or two, mine adverse claims to same. have caused many people to make Scientific Mining Press inquiries as to the saloon business of this citv and the o-eneml tnptlinrl of management employed. Such JLitex'ary Benefit actions bring saloon men not only "r- -"""M Mtli.layof anuary.iaoi.nncl tho .laloof tha known to be opposed to tramDlinir oaturuny I-.venlnjr, Jlnrt-h 10th, 1001 , nmt publication of this nummoim nxt-iiami Court for the relief prayed forln sulil comnlalnt. towlt : For n decrco of said Court dcclarlmr tho marralgc contract now cxiMing oetween piaint llf and defendant forever dlnolvcd, thnt plaint iff have the care and cuatodr of tho minor child of plaintiff and defendant and for siicli other and luriner relict as lo me court may seem Tills summons is nubiiMicu in tne iionemia NiiKgct for six consecutlvo weeks by order of Hon. If. II. Klncald. County Judeo for Lane Coiinty.inegon, wnicn sam oruer ncarsnaie tno Inntrumental PROGRAM: PKT I. Solo, Helinkcr I nt Mnrtin'a lltill fnp tlin Lnnnflf nt tlm upon iuc iccmigs ox citizens wuo ao i-reo iviiirary, now in siu-ceealnl opera not look UDon the nrofession tindlv on 111 11,18 C"V . , j , into glaring criticism. The time is come when a general weeding out of the trash that has contaminated the air of Cottage Grove, will be un dertaken, and the parties them selves are to blame for it for not staying in their proper places and avoiding the attention of the public by bebavjng themselves while in public resorts and upon the streets. The time is come when a joining of instrumental nuet, i,Mardi ty fMiubcrt. otllo... i,t,Mii,.J l.n, Mrs. abrams and Mrs. Mcfl ...,b . iwiuuii vocal Solo, Asleep In llio Dec forces will ue tlie result and then the ax will fall. In this respect the city authorities and the tem perance element will get much if not all of the middle class, whose idea of saloons and ntihlic nlnces is Hod Cross Drill, , . j i , ,, I Sixteen Young Ladlos. oasea upon guuu ueiinvior, as wen tjuartet.Tho Kortuno Teller, , .. , r , Mr. llullins, A Fortune Teller, Mr. Frank Wlillo ns the better class of saloon men Mr. uesmytiie, Mr. . t. Vuiiroy ... t , MImi Angelina Tompkins. Mrs. Scott and Saloon keepers. People Will Mrs. Do Smytho, Miss Mao Aubrey. stand about so- much of anything vniomne' under mnouitie. ... - ... ... . AdmiHsion 15cts. Rtsurvetl eeats 25Ib. and then something will drop. Tiukets on sale nt J.eivln and Veatdi'a. prescribed In sain order for publication to bo i-curuary isi, i-juj J. K. YOUKfl. Attorney for Plaintiff. Waltz, MrK.Atklns. Quartet, Come, Itlu With the ImtV. Mlss Mao Aubrey, Mrs. II. D. Bcott, Mr. Frank White, Mr. I). T, Aubrey. Vocal nolo, I'll come Hack When the Haw thorn Jlloorns Again, Mrs. Cox. Heading, Miss Wet tie. Vocal Duel. Mr, Frank Wooley, Mr. Oliver Veatcb. Pantomime, n ash Day In t'ottnjco drove, PART II. MiClelluii. IUKWIX BltlSTOW, r resident, Herbert Kakin. (.'ashler. The First National Bank OF CoTTAGB GltOVI!, Or. Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges sold, available juiy ecn. MUs Annie Aubrey. i .. tt:i..i Quartet, The Owl, Tho Duck, The Parrot and M uiiui-u ciiaica, tho Crow, MUses Orpha Harms, Elulo Ia, MesM. Oliver Vcateh, Frank Wooley, rtcadlng, Tho Orphan s Prayer, Mr. C. J. Howard, Vocal Duct, Romeo and Juliet, jiir. Armoiid nynno and Ktcelo Miller. Your IiuslneHH la Solicited. Ilcndnclio often results from n dis ordered condition' of tlio stoinnclr nnd constipation of tho bowels. A doso or two of Ciinmbcrliilii'B Stoinnh nnd Liver Tablets will correct theso disorders nnd euro tne lieaunclio. bold by JJknbox Uitua Co. llentitiftil rincs nnd eilverwnro MitUseii't) for the holidays. nt Successor to 15. E. PHILLIPS, DKALKKS IN Groceries, Flour and Feed. cm Ohicano The most simple, practical and durable TypewriUr on the nmrket at any price. Ask fur catalogue. PRICE $35. E. U KING, General Agent for Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Albany, Ore. rc You Buy a Piano or an Orpn It will pay you to write Biler s iano House All kinds of Produce bought at the highest market values. Call and get acquainted with us. We shall be pleased at all times to quote you prices upon all lines handled by us, whether you buy or not. Our Stock is New, Neat and Clean, and having had years of experience in business, wc assure you the very best goods the market affords, and the lowest possible prices Remember the place: Phillips' old stand, Cottage? Grove, Ore. 85 AND Right to the POINT. As the old maid said when she kissed the dwarf. fjt i" "r fi That is just the case with The New Era Drug Store. OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Or. We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of.tJiff Northwest, and with our special fa iliticscan sell a fine piano or organ for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Wiite today. Coin logues for the asking. Our stock includes the throe greatest American pianos the Kim ball, the Chickcring and the Weber--together with other good makes. INVKSTIOATK OUR NKW Easy Payment Plan. 9 TTv e E TIT er s riano notise. Or call on MRS. L. D. UiSCK, Local Representative, Cottage Grove, Or. GLASS BROS. PROPRIETORS OF. Cottage Grove PluiDi Mill! DKOP IN AND SI5I5 Us. . . . Everything Fresh and up to Dato. Prescriptions Carefully Coin,: pounded night or day. Brehaut & Nelson. The New Era Drop; Store. We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of brackets, Mouldings, Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and Window frames, Screen Doors, Windows, Pickets, etc. Woodwork of all kinds made and repaired. We will also work Floor ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or size Studding, etc. PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NliAR S. P. DEPOT WANTED! llellnblo man for MnnHgor of Ilnuicli Ollleci we wish tn oiun 111 thin vicinity, if your record li O. K, here In 11 11 opportunity. goon reiurum-e wjivii wri iiii-f . Kindly iflve The A. T. MORRIS Wholesale House, U1NUWNATI, OHIO, Illustrated cululotfuo 1 cts, ntuiiijm. N0TICH KO.t I'lJIlLICATION. United HIhIch Ijmd Olllca, Ilosi-liiirK, Ore., Dee. 22, 1000. Notice Ih hereby kIvcii Unit in com pliiuiee with tliu provlninnH of the rt of eoiiKrepH of June il, 1878, entitled "An net for the mile of timber landa In th-? .StntcB of Ciiliforniu, Ori'L-oii, Nevada, mil WnHlilnglon Territory," ns extended 10 nil tlio I'nlille IiihI blntea by net of AnwiiHt 1, 18!)2, Mm. Annlo Welln. of KiiKfiie, county of Lane, Statu of 0r Kon, liiis tliln day flleil In thin oflleo her Mvorn Ktntenient No. 1.150, for tlio pur eliimu of tho )4 of Beetion No. 10 in TowiiHhip No, 20 M, Riuige No. 7 W, and willofrer ptoof to tliow ilint the land Hinilit Ih iiiok; valuable for Itn timber or Ktonutliiin for ngrii:iiltii nil purpogen,nd toeHinbliuh liereliilin tonnld land befor tint lU'irlHtur tind Receiver of tliln ofllca nt HoKebiim, Oregon on Friday, tlio 8th nay 01 .which, juui, HI10 naincH iih wltnesfCH: .Ittinea N. Itnnille, II. Ilium Rerg. ntroin,Ceori;u W. Iticedlng, II, O. Han nun, of Jvnuenn. Oregon. Any nnd nil pumoiiH ' clnlniinu ad vcrnely tho nliovo-di'scrlla'd lamia are renneutcd to Die tliulr uluimi In thii oflleo on or befoift suld 8th day of March 1001. J. T, IIkidukb, Regifljer. TAN DARK WANTED. 200 cords of Hemlock bark watitetj at Haiue's Tannery, Eugene, Orer gon. we will pay 7.00 per cord 011 board cars at Cottage Grove or Walker station. For information write or call on W. W, Haines Co , Eugene, Oregon, .V 5i' 1