Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 15, 1901, Image 7

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Tlilfl root of many ovIIh
GlaiKlllluT tlllllOIH, flllHCl'HSOR,
pimiiloH mill other oiitiiiieoiiH eruo
iiottH, Horn oarH, IiiIIiiiiiimi oyolltl"
rickotH, (lyHpoimlii, cnlarrli. read!'
ticHfl to catch cold mid imthlllty to
got rid of it oueily, imlonoBH, norv-
ouHiinHH and othor ailinoiitu iiiohid
iiiK llio coiiHUiiiitivo teiiilunoy
Can bit complotoly and jicrnin
nontly romovod, no niatlor liow
youiiu or old tlui Hiiffuror.
Iii(t' HnrrurllJn waokIvhii tlio ilmmli
ter of Hllin Vernooy, Wuwiusliijr. N. Y.
wlm linil linikmi nut with siirnfilln aorrs ill
over )if r faro anil briul. Tim llrnt but t in
helped litir mill when lio had Inkeit tlx tint
nortiM with nil hritlril "ml her lace win
miitiotli. JIp writes Hint olio linn nevnr
shown any tlftu ()u scrufulu returning.
Hood's Sarsapariiia
I'romlneH to euro and kcoiw tlio
proiniHo. Auk your rirtigglfit for it
today and accept no nubntituto.
Jt i Different Sort.
''MHtlatiBiittir,'', remarked Mm. Nnx-
doro, yiinii developed u perfect passion
far mimic'."
"Y.,, "rctuniud Mm. Peppery, "I'll
wjirruiit It isn't im n I rout; tin tlio pin
ion your daughter uruusos in my bus
bonil." Stop tlio Oounh and
Works Off tho OolU.
Laxalivo llro'iio-Qulni'iiH Tablets euro
cold In otio dwy. No euro, No l'uy.
1'rlco 26 conti.
Quakers In Parliament.
Tlio Quaker nra the most largely
raprimciili'il coiimiiiiilty In tlio llrltlab
pnrliniiiiiiit. Tliiirn uro only 18,000
members of tlio sect, iiml thoy liuvo
olglit M. I'.'h.
Many complicated diseases and
muoli suffering rnult (turn con
stipation. OAMI' THA cures
Die moil obstinate cue uf
touiaeli in) bowel derangement.
, Encouraged.
Jnno It it always a surprise to mo
wlmt n lot of liomoly womou got mar
rlcil. Ilertlm No ilonlit it In n icfloclion
that gives you a great iloul of encour
agement, dour.
1,1 f to n I. at j I.lrnrl
Iasy, leai"en livers eauto nine tenths of til
deaths (lira four liver -lie wllli t;acarrit
Candy Cathaitla ml .eve your own life! All
druggists, llie, stir, ljuc.
The Sexes.
Mr. Henpnck I wonder why they
Insist on calling women "the weaker
Mr. Ilenpeok I cnu't imagine Sbo
generally carries tlio moit ihiI,
Mother wlltlnd Mrs. Wliialnw'e Booth
tnc Hyrup llio bent remedy to una fur ihrlr
eiiildreu during the teething period.
Lepers Should Not Eat Flih.
A lecturer at tha London polyollnio
declared ut n reoent meeting tliut ces
atiou in tliu progress of loproiy could
be attained if sufferers would abstain
wholly do in ontiug flab.
Rheumatic palm are the criei of proted
and diitresa from tortured xnutcles, aching
iolnU and excited uervee. The bloxl hoi
een poinoned by the accumulation of
waste matter in the ayitem, and can no
longer supply the pure and health sustain, they require. The whale system
(celt the effect of 'this add poison; and
not until the blood has been purified and
brought back to a healthy condition will
the aches aud pains cease,
Mr. Jimes Kelt, of 707 Math street, N. It,
Wellington, D, C, wrltti as follows i "A few
months iga I had sn sttack of Bclatlc Rheums.
iistn 111 us worse lonu. ma
Kiln was so intense that I
ccamc completely pros.
iraien, insauacawasan
unusually severe one, and
my condition waa retard
ed as being very dauger
ous. I waa attended bv
one of the mo.t able doe
tors In Washington, who la
also a member of the fae
nlly of a leading; medical
college here. lie told rae
to continue nla prescrip
tions aud I would get well. After having I filled
twelve times without receiving the slightest
benefit, I declined lo continue hut ttetimeut snv
longer. Having heard of B. S. S.(Sw!fi'a Specific
ccommeuded for Uheumatlsm, I decided, almost
in denpair however, to give the medicine a trial,
ana alter 1 nau laaen a lew uoiiicb i was aoie 11
kobble around on crulahes. and vervaoon there.
after had no use for them at all, is. B. 8. having
cured me s.-iund aud wall. All the distressing
pains have left me, my appetite bss relumed,
and I am happy to be agalu restored to perfect
the great vegetable
' purifier and tonic, is
the ideal remedy in all
I rheumatic troubles.
There are no oniatea ot
minerals in it to disturb the digestion and
lead to ruinous habits.
We have prepared a special book on
Rheumatism which every sufferer from
tills painful disease should read. It is tbe
most complete and interesting book of
the kind in existence. It wilt be sent free
to any one desiring it. Writeour physi
cians fully and freely about your cose. W
ma)-? no charge for medical advice.
n.2 twiPT Specific co., Atlanta, oa.
Don't Stop Tobacco Suddenly
It Injures nervous system to do so. ItACO
CtHIO la the only cure that r. allv cures
and notifies you when to stop. Bold with a
iiiarnutee tlint three boxes will cure any case.
Pinn.nilRn is Tesetable and harm!es, It has
ram in'-11 rnttt ihousiuids, It will nitre you,
Ai all ilruiriclsts or by mall prepaid, II a box;
I luixes MM. Ilnoklet free, write Kurkka
CnrtllO I, Co., I.a Crosse, Wis.
rtonks, Wallers, Loggers, Mlllmen, Engineers,
Ilske". It. It. 111-n, Oomestlcs, Clerk., Carpen-t-.
Woodehnper', llonfe (llrl, H"tela, lies
tauranta. Prmnnt attentlmi In mall orders.
iJ k ai kJil
Teat wlhru'l'lsToidV EmhT
bbu 'sVa-Sgi IsaSflal
I George's Gab.
Viuiilet'lillt nml lliivnl Mnrrlu vm.
"I can't lllltlerHtlllld," iiiimv KL'il lifter
"ho got llim teudilng Utile albert tliu
(Jdlilcli lux t for ni'Xl H 1 1 1 j ( 1 1 1 . "why tlio
pfipui'M haft to print ho iiiiicIi about
moiiii) poejilu when they get married.
I.oolc at tlio VandmlilltM. Wlicn one of
them (IcIm married you would ihlnlc It
wiin neeily iih gratu iih n ii'ihiiiIiiinIiiiI
election or a prlzo llti. My (JoiiiIiiiihi
(I'm runny If a Vimilcrlillt Iiiinii'I h rite
to (let inarrli'd JiihI tlio mum- iih cnny
Iniildy i'Inu without lmvln all the Ito
jiorturH Hint ho hrot Down on (tlx prlvut
yot hiiuuiiIiik aioiiiid to Dixl out If thoy
fiiii't Hi'o the luli'o niiirliH On tlio Kolnd
mIIvit hl'Ih that count from I lie (Iiouiu'h
iiimn n ll lilt nil'IIIIIIK III 111(11 IIIH'fM III I
till,. I I, I II
Ion ilollcr Check tlio lliido'n fawthuri
put out where noiii) of them could help
but i'u It when tlio prlvut Di'lcctlvcH
Allowed Tlicin thin. It hciiiiih to mu
that'H tnkliiK too Much privllcKo with
a piir-Hon'M peronal affiili-8, The rltch
Have Hoini) rllun iih well iih the rent
of iih, mid I Hiiy IIk ioiik Mr the pnperH
to croHN tlio Hncrtid tlireli Hold mid
imiku tho ModeHt yuiiB cupple IiIiikIi
for hIiiiIiii by 'jVIIIiik how iiiiicIi older
Hhc Ih then he will be IiIh next llnrtli-
day and OIvIiiku picture of the hccii at
tho alter no tliut It Hardly doen etiuy
(food for them not to invite livery
buddy eiiny moru Ilecor. tho ones that
(Jot Miiubbed Have 11 chntico to Kind
out all about It JiiHt the Hume iih If
they would be AmtiiiK tho otiucred
"Well, ' paw nnyH, "mehby the papcra
Don't treat the VanderblllH JiiHt rite In
Homo IteMpecktH, but Are they ehny-
tbliii; In limiy of the piipern about the
Wedding that you haven't red?"
"No," maw told Is 1 tn. "or If they nre
I couldn't llnd It."
"I Kfxit thnt'M the reaxoti the pupcm
pay enny a TciiKheu to It. TIiiiI'h where
wlmnien do I'oiik. loolt nt the men.
They never ctiitiplnln becoz the paper
hnd too much In about the lite btwecti
Caney and Kid Muliloou, nud then
hurry around tho Corner and Ituy nu
mber one llecox It mite have come more
delalU. Hut the wluimen alwnyH put
up a Holler about the Hiiered Thresh
Hold and then weuil Out for the next
edition to nee If they are enny more
peeplo that (lot lutervuwed 11 bo lit It."
"Well, enny way." maw Told him, "I
can't Ncu why the Duke that Queen
Will Hellmeaula wnntH to Oct married
to (Ioch and makcx hiicIi a I'iihh. I
nhotilil think he'd be Olnd to marry a
'1 hxoho he would be If he wnmi't a
Duke." paw sed, "but you Can't hardly
blame hint for not wautltiK to He a
Come-on when they are no little la It.
Just Think. Here they refowa to (5lve
I1I111 tho rite to amy In the room When
the prime mlnUter coueii to whisper
Mute Kecrcta to the Queen, nud you
never Can tell In Tlicae dayn when
yoiini; men arc CoiiiIiir to tliu f runt ho
fnat bow noon they mltu Havo a prime
mlulHter that wnmi't within two or
Three I.npH of beluj; n (Srnndfawthcr.
Ho you can't blame the Duke much.
I-onlln around tho throue'H a nice, eany
Job, I apose, nnd they nro plenty of
lioyH who nre tryltiK to umbo StimthliiB
of thelreelvPH that would be Clad to
Oct It, but It'a ilirferent with the Duke.
Of corso they olTer him ?ao,000 a year
moru Than the prcmidttnt of the United
StatcH Ki'tH If he'll slue, but still you
baft to AlwnyH remember one Thing."
"Wliat'H that?" maw nst.
"With Ills Title he's worth a half n :
million dollerH A year to nearly enny
American girl's fawther tlint was Horn
freu and Kakwul and can afford to
Leave a prouder btirrltago to his Dis
sentients. And tho Duke probably
knows It, too. No wonder Holland can't
bluff him with, her little old eighty
Thousand dollars worth of niuc chips."
Chlcngo Tlmes-IIernld.
A Itlbllcal Joko.
"When a mau has a family of grow
ing children lie learns lots of things
that, while they may bo old, are new
to him," said a prominent member of
tho Produce Exchange yesterday morn
ing. "Ouo of my youngsters sprang a
rlddlo on mo last ulgbt which runs
thin way: 'Who was a well-known
Itlbllcal character never nnmcd In the
Hlble, whoso death was the most pe
culiar In history, whoso Bhrotid Is a
part of every household, and the cause
of whoso death was tho tltlo of a
widely read novel?' I'll wager nono of
you fellows can giro mo the answer."
Not being students of Hlbllcal lore,
they all give It up. "Lot's wife Is the
character," went on the proud parent.
"That's tho only namo by which she Is
known In the Hlble. She was turned
Into a pillar of salt, consequently her
shroud Is In every household. Her death
resulted from looking backward, tho
tltlo of Bellamy's famous book, Ilathor
Ingenious, don't you think?" Philadel
phia Record.
Ilonowod Hope,
"Hcnrlettn," said Mr. SIcekton, "did
you say you bought this necktlo bo
causo you thought It suited mo per
fectly?" "Yes."
"Well, I'm glad to hear It. I'm go
lug to wear t nnd go out Into tho
world with renewed hope nnd courage.
You know It's an old saying tlmt hand
some men nro not iih a rulo tlio ones
who really nchlovo things." Washing
ton Star,
A blind girl got married and recov
ered her sight a fow days later. Mar-
rlago Is certainly a great 9ye-opencr.
Tho average man Isn't willing to ad
mit that lo lias enough until ho gets
too much.
Over 50,000 Paiien'jcn a Day.
,TJio Nortliwontnrn nlovntod rond of
Clil(!ii((o, which linn been in oporatlon
nix t titiiitliM, KitiortH mi nvornvo dally
Unfile of 4 (1,0011 piiH(!iiuorii for tlmt
puiiod, ami in tlio liifit tliruo moiitlm
nn nvurnito of SO, 10 1.
Still More Counterfeiting
TlinHcorclHcrvlft! hnn tinrnrtlied naothcr
hniid of coiiiiierfritrrH, mill ncctircil n Iiirpo
quiiiiiiiy in iiiikhk iiiiik, which lire mieiovrr
ly cxrctlleil the itveniK pornuit would
inner mi(cct ilirm of lielui; utiprlnii'.
TIiImk" of urciit viilur nrc nlwnyn Delected
for IniltiilloiiN, iiotulily lliiatt'tfr'H Htoin
mil lllttrrii, whli'h him nmiiy liiiltnuirii,
nut li;w Hiuiiririliiiorili.'rn llki:liiilli;eMloii
dmiipnnlii. riiiimltiiiilnii. iierviiimiirn nn;
BPiieriil ilrljllltv. Alwiim tin to rcllnbln
drncL'lulu who' luivn the reputation of
giving what you ink for.
Art nd Nature.
Fmddlo Wlint'o tlio rilfTeroiico bo
twnen n portrait nud a photograph,
C.I..., C'...,.ll.. ,. ..t. ,.,.... .,1.
' . ' o j...UWB.,...
I Valuable Almanac Free.
! We lutvn received a emir of tho new nl
manno for 1001 imbllslied by tlio Itoynl
j linking l'owdrr Co. It is an nrtistlo nud
' useful book and will be of Interest to
bnusckrepcra. A noteworthy feature of
the iilliiiuinc Is n prcillcllon 01 the weather
lor every oar 01 tne yenr, y I'roi. ucvoe,
woo correctly prupnciicii 1110 irrriit unive
ton evclona nud oilier linnorliiiil nietcoro
logical eventH. We are niitliiirlrcd to ny
iiihi nny woman render or tins paper onu
hcciirc a rony without cost bv rcinlfiisrtt re-
oucst to the company, at 100 William Hi.
Sew York.
j Origin of Sin $ Sin
Sing Klnn'e 11 11 1110 in derived from
' "Hint Sic," tho tltlo of a former
branch uf tho Mohoi;nn Iudlauo. The
inhabitants of tho town want to call it
OssinliiR, which is the name of tho
This altnatare Is on every box of the genuine
Laxative UromO'Quininc Tabieta
tha remedy that cures a eolil In one day
Bonnet Nearly 4,000 Yeras Old.
Tho oldont bonnet was found on an
Kcyptlnu mummy, tlmt of n princess
who wiih interred about 2,000 years
before Christ.
Dtitc or Ohio, omr or tolem, i
Frank J. i maliee oath that he la the
senior arter of the llrm o( V. 1. Clir-tar & Co.,
eloliiK business In the City of Toledo, County
and Mate aforesaid, and that aald firm will pay
the sum 01 (INK IIUNDItlil) POM.AKtf for each
aim every cake 01 uatarrn mat cannot bo cured
by the 1110 of IUll's Catakrii Cure.
Sworn to before me and subucrlbed In my
presence, this tthdsy of December, A. D. Ibsi.
A. W.
Hatarv Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts
directly on the blood and mnconi surfacca of
the system. end for teitlmnnlals, free.
, V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Bold by druggists, 76c
Hall's Family fills are tbe beat.
Variation of the Loot
"That friend of mine in the Hrltlsh
army sent ino n keg of Chinese wlno
that ho lootod in l'ekin. The stuff
was half water."
"Kvidently diluted. "
I'iso'sCuro rniiuot be to hlcbly spoken
of nan cough cure. J. W. O'IIrik.n, 323
Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan.
I 0, 1000.
Beet In Palestine.
Under rational treatment the aver
age yield of a beehive in Palistiuo is
100 pounds.
CITQ fermsncnUr Cured. No fits or nervousness
MIO after Dm ! ii.enf tr. Kllns'sdrest Nerrs
Itfotnrrr. fend lor Pit Kli 8.J.00 ItUI l.tllon. treat.
Us. Da. a. 11 Kust.Ltl.,vJlArih8t..riilUJtlhla.ra.
Mineral Products of the United States.
In 1800 the mineral products of tbe
United States amounted to $019,000.
rjOO and in 1800 to $070,000,000.
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonlo becnuno tho formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
is simply Iron nnd Qniniuo in a taste
less form. No Curo, No Pay. 6O0.
Will Use Portable School tloutes.
St. Joseph, Mo., is to follow Boston's
example, nnd provido portablo sohool
houses for the overflow from tho regu
lar sobools.
Complete Ufa or Queen Victoria. Rest
liouk, best terms, Outllt mulled free.
Address t. O. Sillier A Co., Portland, Or.
Guards the Chickens Well.
A counting to an American the best
fiuardlan for poultry is n Scotch collie.
It is readily taught to gnide ducks,
geeee, etc., to their feeding grounds
aud bring them back. Tho collie, it
appoars, takes a lively interest in the
work and his courage makes blm a
good protector.
S Sometimes In winter at every
step there Is Usuger of g
0 and g I
which cripple or hurt S
Vi deeply, but at any time j
W from whatever cause '
1 St. Jacobs Oil I
will cure surely and promptly g !
Released by Pe-ru-na Congressman How
ard's Recovery Congressman
Geo. He White's Case.
La Grippe is epidemio catarrh. It
spares no class or nationality. The'
cultured nnd the ignorant, tbe aristo
crat nnd the pauper. The mneses and
tho classes are alike subject to la
grippe. Nono are exempt all are lia
Have yon the grip? Or. rather, has
tbe grip got yon? tiiip is well named.
The original French term, la grippe,
has been shortened by the busy Ameri
can to road "grip." Witbont intend
ing to do so a new word has been
coined that exactly describes tbe case.
As if some hideous giant with awfnl
GHIP bad olutohed ns in its fatal
clasp. Men. women, children, whole
towns and cities nro caught in tbe
baneful grip of a torrible monster.
1'e-ra-na For Grip.
Mrs. Dr. C. D. Powell, president of
Epwortb League, alto president of
Loyul Temperance Legion, writes from
Chehalis, Wash.:
"I have nsed several remedies in
cases of severe colds and la grippe, but
none I consider of more value than
Peruna." Mrs. Dr. C. D. Powell.
The I'cruna Medicine Co., Columbus,
Afler-KRVcta of I.a Grlppo.
Mies Emma Jouris, president Golden
Itod Sewing Circle, writes from 40
Hurling street. Chicago, 111., as fol
"This spring I suffered pererely from
tho after effeots of la grippe. As the
dootors did not seem to help mo I
bought a bottle of Peruna." Miss Em
ma Jouris.
Congressman Howard's Letter.
Fort Payne, Ala.
The Peruna Medicine Co., Colum
bus, Ohio:
Gentlemen "I have taken Pe
runa now for two weeks and
find I am very much relieved. I
feel that my cure will be perma
nent. I have also taken it for la
grippe and I take pleasure in rec
ommending Peruna as an excel
lent remedy to all fellow suffer
ers, "nl. W. Howard, Member of
I.a Grippe T.rmvea th System In a
Deplorable Condition.
D. L. WaPace, a charter member of
tho International Barbers' 'Union,
writes from 15 Wostorn avenue, Min
neapolis Minn.:
Adversity is often a blessing in tlisj-
GARFIELD TKApnrifles the blooo)
and cures all forma ot indiges
tion I a clear, healthy complexion
and good health result from its
use: It is made from HKItUS.
A Big Warehouse.
Kansas City is to hnvo a big banana
warehouse, large enough to hold 26 car
The Rest Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fover is a bottle uf Groves.
Tasteless Chill Tonlo. It is simply
iron and quinine in a tasteless form,
No Cure, No Pay. Prico COo.
Output of Russian Gold Mines.
Russian gold mines average an an
nual yield of 80,008 pounds.
Taku Laxative Hroiuo Quiulno Tab
lets. All druggists rolund thn money
If It fails to cure. K. W. Grove's sig
nature Is on each box. 26c.
Electrical Works of Germany,
Tbe eleotrlonl works of Germany
repieeent an investment of $300,000,-00).
severe attack of la
to be affected badly
grippe 1 seemed
all over.
"One of my customers who was
greatly helped by Peruna advised me
to trv it. and I nrocured a. bottle the
I same dav. Now inv bead is clear, mv
nerves are steady, I enjoy food, and
rest well. Peruna has been worth a
dollar a dose to me." L. D. Wallace.
Grip Causes Deafness.
Mrs. M. A. Sharick, chaplain G. A.
It. Woman's Relief Corps, writes from
Fremont, Wash.:
"When la grippe was tbe prevailing
illness in this Western country i was
laid np tbe whole wintir, 1 partially
lost my hearing, and bad a very bad
case of catarrh of tho head and throat
"I read of Peruna, tried it and had
my hearing restored and catanh cured
I cannot speak too well of Peruna."
Mrs. M. A. Sharick.
La Grippe Cured In Ita Flrat Stage
Lieutenant Clarice Hunt, of tbe Salt
Lake City barracks of tbe Salvation
Army, writes from Ogden, Utah:
Two months ago I was suffering
with so severe a cold I could hardly
Our captain advised mo to try Po-
runa, nnd procured a bottle for me, and
truly it worked wonders. Within two
weeks I was entirely well." Clarice
Congressman White's Letter.
Tarboro, N. C
Gentlemen am more than
satisfied with Peruna and find
It to be an excellent remedy for
the grip and catarrh. I have
used It in my family and they all
Join me In recommending It as
an excellent remedy." Geo. H.
White, Member of Congress.
Remained In Feeble Health After Cured
of La Grippe.
Mrs. T. W. Collins, treasurer inde
pendent Order Good Templars, of Ever
ett, Wash., writes:
"After having a severe attack of la
grippe I continued in a feeble condi
tion oven after tho dootor called mo
cured. My blood seemed poisoned.
Peruna oured me." Mrs. T. W. Col
lins. Address Tbo Pernna Medicine Co., ot
Columbus, O., for a free book on ca
tarrh. Increase In Population of Cities.
In 1800 only 4 per cent of tbe people
of tbe United States lived in cities.
Today SO per cent live in cities.
"Altar I was Induced to try CASCA
ItCT. I will never be wltbout ttisui In the bouts.
Mr liver was In a vary bad shape, aud air bead
ached aud I bad stomaeh trouble. Now, since las
1111C Cascarets. 1 feel flue. Mr wife bas alto uted
luetn wltb beuaQclal results for tour ttouisch.'
Jos. Kkxuumo, nil Congrats St., SL Louis, Mo.
Plestant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Oood, Kever Sicken. Weaken, or Qrlpe.lOo. Ue.eoo.
Sl.rll.f K...; l.rr. t1il...,, Is,!, sit
UD.Tn.nilf: Sold ani unrnlee d br all drag-HU-IU-UAU
situ to tlVjtKToli.cco llshlt.
N. P. N. D.
rlo. 7-1BQ1.
advertisers please
W11KK writing
mention this
j "Following a
Portland SEED Company,
135 Front Street. Portland, Ore.
Annual Catalogue now ready. Mailed
free on rennrst. Pull line of supplies for
farm, poullry, bees or garden.
180 Front Street. Portland, Ore.
know what
you're planting
when you plant
Ferry's Seeds, If tou
buy chetD seeds tou can't
be sure. Take no chances
get Kerry's. Dealers every-
wnere sen mem. wnto
for J901 Heed Annual-
mailed free.
0. M. FERRY A CO,,
Detroit, Mich.
Thli Is ft daring tAtement, tint SU
!ri fxibT it out rerjr time.
Combination Cam.
rejTOimi'niito corn BTuwiug-,
Billion Do I In r Grass
iremicji nurfii ox iu
13 torn of n per acre.
crop ux wetu aviwi
ni I0o. STAMPS
10 Onla
IWI.JXI73 M.nS) TnoU, U. W.rlitl J "ft. P
I1M bo.L.1 M JL-t Ram.
John A.Snlxor Seed Co. Is CresisT
h a mjfL
Yon can't make a mistake It yoa gett
Mitchell, lieaiis & Stavep Go.
BICKFORii. Withlnnlon. u.
c. they win ra
eelve Quick renlles. B. 5th K. 11. vols. Staff
ti K. II. vo
zotb corps, rrosecuting claims since 1375.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Core Sick neadacbe and Dy
peptta, n:more rlfy the l!lool. Aid Dlges
tloa.l'rcTentDItloutness. DonotGrtpoorSlcken. To
convince yon. will mall tamp e free; full box.23c.DR
B03ANKOCO..rllMl.lptlsr. SoldbyDragglits.
Kreamola" A re
markable liquid cream,
which soften, the skin,
giving that youthful com
plexion which KVHRY
Harmless and absolutely
invisible. J1.00 per bottle.
Send 35 cents for iltustrst.
ed book."Beauly Secrets."
1'. D. Wisukr &Co.,
Suite 623 New York Bids,
If You Need a
RON F?L or any piece of Machinery, It
1-,-',-'L""rV. will pay to write Us for cata
logue and prices.
RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Or.
Buy from tbe manufacturer. Price In lull rolls
2 feet wide, 1&0 feet long S1.6S
5 , " ... 2.47
4 " S.S0
ft ..,.. 4,12
6 " " " ' , ........... 4.9J
All Kinds of Wire and Iron Work.
19 Front St.. 1'ortlaml, Oregon.
Will SCeep You Bm
Takc No So&titutc. rate Cataloouc,
Showing Fuiu Line or Garhchts axo Hats.
A.J.TOWERCO. Dostom. Mass.
A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh arid
Consumption. 11.00. 1) Lock lloz 143,
W. H. SMITH a CO.. Buffalo. H.Y.,PtopV
nrtt I itSH-l
IPias i aiE""a1
In n or1
U inu