Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 15, 1901, Image 5

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    to iiaickk crry.
Jns. Hciisoii ' nntl fntnlly left
Wednesday for linker City, where
they will reside in the future, Mr.
lictiBoli having accepted a position
in a drug "tore in Hint city. Mon
day evening a lnrcwcll parly wax
tendered tlictit at the residence of
V. I). Wheeler at which about fifty
friends were assembled to wish
them a world of success in the
new home. Mr. Jlctisou has for
many years been a respected resl
'dent and business man in lids city,
and his wife one of a family of th
first and earliest settlers here. The
NtiKKct commends them to the
good people of Ilaker City.
A letter to this office from Mr.
Horcourt, who was in Cottage
Grove last week, conveys the in
formation that he is meeting with
unexampled success in raising
funds to advertise the Southern
Oregon mines in "Oregon's Re
sources," a pamphlet to be pub
llahcd for free distribution at the
Pan-American Imposition. In the
letter he says: "I do most sincere
ly hope that Cottage Grove will
look at the niattcr with different
eyes from those I found when
there the other day. Surely the
community can not afford to neg
lect this opportunity of portraying
its advantages to so ninny tlious-
nuds of those who will visit liuffalo
the coming summer,"
Helms Hros. and Chas. Horen,
of this place, have made arrange
tnents and will at once begin ex
tensive development work on their
claim, The Mystery, located near
the Ridge hotel, Hoheinia. They
already have a tunnel driven 115
feet on this property which shows
n well defined six foot ledge, assay
ing $58.50 per ton, and they will
. now start a new tunnel 250 feet be
low for the purpose of getting
greater depth, and no doubt greater
values. They will drive this new
tlinnel 300 feet. It is expected
they will get their freight
and supplies into camp by the lnt
part of this week and will immedi
lntcly thereafter bigin the work
This- property is adjoining- th;
NlMradise claim recently purchased
, ly Mr. Geo. W. Lloyd.
jjadi.y iiOkt.
Master Harold Howard met with
a painful accident last Sunday,
.vhilc upon the Hutte near town
He attempted to run down, when
lie fell head long. It is said bv
parties who witnessed his rapid de
scent that he rolled nearly fifty feet
when he fell. He was severely cut
just above the left eye blow, by
coming in contact with a sharp rock
or snag. Mrs. J. M. Durham was
near the unfortunate boy when he
stopped rolling mid nssisted him to
arise and bound up his wound.
Attorney Kby soon arrived and
through his kindness the little fel
low was soon home, where Dr. Job
dressed his wound. It was n nar
row escape for the eye but a miss
is as good as a mile, and barring n
few bruises, an ugly gash over the
eye and a sore head, he is not much
the worse for wear.
Jas. O'Brien a miner of Bohemia
"became too enthusiastic owing to
the effects of a certain amount
of coffin varnish last Sunday
night and was promptly ar
Tested and thrown into the cooler.
Monday he was arraigned before
Judge Medley who took occasion to
.fine the gentleman $10,00 and costs,
amounting in all to $15.00. The
fine was paid and now Jim is not
only a wiser but a better man. It
is alleged that the "gripp" is re
sponsible for his downfall.
- The New Era Drug Store this
week has a couple of nice display
windows. In the cast window arc
some good specimens of mounted
game bicds and a porcupine, the
skill of taxidermist R. W. Veatch.
In the West window is a beautiful
display of Manila curios, furnished
by Private 11. K. Lawsoti. It is
,said that this last display repre
sents about $600.00, and is nicely
arranged by Harry Brchaut, the
popular prescription druggist.
JU.VKNTUStfO. 48, K. 01' P.
The members of Juvenilis Lodge
No. 48, Knights of Pythias, will
have occasion to lehienibcr Inst
Wednesday night for a long time,
as it was made one of the plciisnutcst
evenings in the history of the lodge.
Arrangements had been made to do
work in cacli of the tlireo ranks,
nud in consideration thereof invita
tions were scut out to Eugene, Drain
nud Roscbttig lodges to be present.
Knch lodge was represented Drain
even responding by bringing along
a candidate conferring' the honor of
initiation upon Juvcutus lodge. A
neat spread wns arranged for awi
during the evening the members
and visiting brcthcru did justice to
it, and all pronounced the events of
the evening well worthy of atten
dance. Another happy feature of the
evening was the presence of a dis
tinguished guest Robt.T. Hale, Past
Grand Chancclor of the State of
New York, who is now traveling
in the interest of the Pythian Voice,
published at Kansas city. Missouri,
which is exclusively devoted to the
K. of P. work. Brother Hale is not
only a fluent speaker but he is a
I'ythinn brother from crown to feet
and when he speaks upon subjects
pertaining to his beloved order he
warms the heart of every man in
hearing of his voice, carrying con
viction with' every word uttered.
Visiting members present were:
P. G. C., Hale, of New York;
Knight Gahriclson, Salem; Knights
Yoron, Dunbar, Winter, Brady,
Holdcit, Holden, Vincent, Hush-
nell, Nicklcn, Frakcs, and Pisk, of
Eugene. Knights Kent, Spauld
ing, Schapers, Koberts, Fegles,
Applcgatc, Clements, Looncy, and
Kuykeudall, of Drain.
A member of the hobo element
had hard luck "in procurinir his
morning "feed" in Cottage Grove
Tuesday morning. A Nugget man
watched him shamble up to the
kitchen door of five diffierent resi
dences in succession, and as many
times he was given the "marble
heart;' and whenjast .seen he bad
not been able to satisfy the toner
man. He was a typical hobo, fairly
well dressed in clothes some of
which may have been borrowed for
me occasion, lie would blip up
always on the oil side of the house,
avoiding walks as much ns possible
and when it wns convenient in the
mutter of saving steps would jump
the fence instead of going n little
farther and entering the gateway.
He would tap softly at the kitchen
door and upon response from the
occupant of the house, seemed to
forget to ask for work but met the
inquiring face with this stereotyped
sentence: "Please mum, can't you
give a hungry man a bite to eat?"
Pive times in succession he went
away without touching a heart, and
more than likely his idea of charity
of the human soul received a crush
ing shock. Another noticeable
thing abaut themethod of this rep
resentative of trampdom was his
disregard for lawns nud inclination
to leave front. gates open. If tramps
were given the discouragement
tendered this one, a good per cent
of this class of humanity might be
induced to go to work.
Messrs Felix Currin and the Mos-
by brothers brought tb town Sun
day afternoon a cougcr which they
had captured near the Currin farm
east of this city. In the chase the
varmint was wounded in the foot
and captured alive. The hunters
roped him and started to town with
him, intending to turn him loose
with the dogs and treat the town
people to a real conger fight, but
he was tied so .tightly that he was
choked to death bringing him in.
Dr. Job purchased the animal with
the-view of making a rug of the
Hon, James Hemenway who has
beeu complaining all through the
session, has been confined to his
ed the last 10 days with fever not
far removed from typhoid. Mrs.
Hemenway is with him and the
best of care is administered,
AH About Yoti.
Dun Cotton In In town thly week.
MIkh Oim Mnrkluv arrived up frpin
Kiikuiio Sunday .
Sire, Kvn Trimlilo was 11 Hugoim
vlnltor Wt'dnowlny.
It. ', Ionir wiiM trmiHuutiiiK bimlnonH
in i'licuo Wi'ihiceilay,
Clin. Cochran, of KiiKcmt. Hpcnl 81111
ilny in CoUiiku Urnvu.
Mr. K. K. Uoiiflorfoii returned Friday
from 11 visit in Kuuim.
Iticlnml While 1m in town from his
milling properly In ISoliuiiiiu.
Col, lllair of tho Hotul Hliurwood
Hotel vlHitc-tlp'tiKeiio Wudmndiiy.
Comriiiimler II. A.Goodlirod of Ihu 0.
A. H wiiHiin nrrlviil from KuuuuuSatiir-
dnv afternoon.
II. M. W'ngiior iiiikIo a ImimIiiohh trip to
Iliidflon on Molality nlghllti overland,
returning Tiit-mliiy.
0. Markus went lo liolicmlit Mon
day morniiiK uiul will work for tlm Ho-
IIL'llllll uolil .MIiiIukUo.
Minn NI1111 Oxlrmidcr. tiontiil telegraph
operator of Knuitnc, upont Sunday with
ner piiruiitn 111 hum pluee.
ClinrhiH GiittvN and Andrew llrurid.
after 11 itix week'rt vfcit 011 tiiu 8iunlaw,
havo returned to Iloliemia.
.Mr. mid Mm. .1. Jf. Uovd left for Acli-
land thin week where thuv expect to
open 1 pnoiorapn nailery.
Hon. Ivan McQueen camo tin from H11-
lem laiit .Saturday. IIin health in not 11 h
good an lie had hoped for.
Jim. .'..Tonnitiife returned fiom n hind-
iiphu tritito Portland Hniwhiv afternoon.
and linn gone hack lo the Helena mine.
0. K. Kohrcrnl Gloudalu made 11 pur-
clniHo of real' until to from Mrv. Jilla
wail in Went Cottage Grove this week.
TIioh. Itlew went lo Kntcenu Wednes
day, and on that evenitm wan madfc a
meniueroi tiiu JS r. O. r.. irxiuu 01 that
Mm. AVm. Lamlcaii who linn Iwen
ipiile ill for neveriil ueekH at the fiiuiily
Home east ol town Is reported boiiiu Im
proved. A. Noifon loft Tuewlnv afternoon for
Salem, where lio'goex to attend tins
Grand Lodge M. W. A., 11 a u delegate
from thin lodge.
Mln Ohio Williird came un fr -in Port-
luud liiHt Biinday. .Shu will leave in 11
few diiyn for California where mIio will
ys in
in II
10 future.
Al Hancock, who for many moons has
been working on tho Whale, Gilbert and
Clay group ol claims, JSolieiniu, is spend
ing n week in town.
O. F. Knox narno up from ftugene
Monday and with a force of men !rgiin
work in his hop yard eaot of town. He
thinks Hint the prospect or 11 irood price
will justify eloso eultivaiton this season,
Attorney.!. S. Medley and rostmaster i
C.J. Howard, of Cottage Grrtve, luim up
last uigiit upon invitation, to meet with
Alpha Ij dge K. of V. Thu Knight rank
was conlened, atnl itllerwarils refrech
mentH, music, etc., added lo the enjoy
ment of tliocvening. ltoieburg ItevleCv.
Cnttago Grovo'j now eilv. ehnrler Idll
linn pni-Mcd 1 Mil Ji hoiin-s of ihu legislature
and will beeomu a law.
Don't forget on Fell. 20 and 21st which
in next week, for one dav and no h.ilf
Dr. I.owe the Well known oiitlcian will
lie at Ihu Sherwood Houne. If you need
glasMCB don'i fail lo pee him.
The foot ball game Saturday be
tween the C. M. A. and Craker
Jacks of this place resulted in a
score of 27 to 2 111 favor of the C.
M. A. team.
A match shoot for $20 per side
was had at the Landess grounds
last Sunday. The contestants were
Dr. H. 11. Petne and Tohn Barker.
The match was won by the latter
gentleman by one point.
win. HUII.D.
Messrs. Wheeler & Scott, the
hardware merchants, have bought
of D. IL Hemenway a lot on Third
street, ncross from their present
place of business. It is their in
tention to build on this lot a large
and commodious warehouse for use
in their increasing business.
A niiAimi'ur. day.
Sunday was a beautiful day and
many people took advantage of the
opportunity and wandered to the
top of the McFarland Butte. All
nature was bedecked with smiles
and the lover of Oregon scenery
bad a splendid opportunity to sat
isfy their tastes along this line.
at burkk.
Frank Patterson formerly of this
place, is now at Burke, Idaho,
where he is employed as an assist
ant in the blacksmith shop of the
Hecla mine. In writing to the
Nugget Frank speaks well of the
country and says he likes his
present work first rate.
Notlco in horoby glvon that tho mulor.
ilRiied lias Iwcii ,M'oliileiliimin!ftratcr! U10
entiitoofJamoaM. Chnpln, ilcconsed by an or.
iloroftlio Coiuily Court ol Ijiho Comity. Ore
Kon, raado HiiiU'iitoroil of tecordon tho 13 day
2'J;!!b.rlla.lT All liorMiiw having claims
aRalnjt a!iU'tate tiro hereby required to pro
ynt tliem with iironor voucher lo tho under
KlRnod Hthl clllcoln tho Court HoiiKoat Kn.
Bono, Orccon within t,lx mouths from tho dato
01 tins notlco.
FebruaV?iwlI,.,BOn0, rie0" XM 13111 '
Ailmlnlstrator of Ihoejtato'ol jamea1"?. Cha.
pin doroascMl.
E. 0, 1'gtter, atturnuy for wtnte,
In Bi-ier.
Geo. Orifritli for prices on cleaning
end dyeing.
Go to Mailion'a for fine Jewelry and
holiday silverware.
Tor hand loaded shells call on Griffin
and Yea tuli Co.
HnllHi HnitHll Tailor mndf) suits !M
up to dale In everv refpect, from $15 up.
Call and see campion.
Grillln-Veateli Co. e(irrv the llnest
lino of Ammniiition in South I.ancCo.
i'or quality and cheapness in fresh
meats go lo the Contra! meat market.
Iteaiitlful rings and silverware at
Mudceii's for the holidays.
.Inst reeeived this week a choice va
riety of ladies and Misses flno shoes.
Call ami see them at Cummiiig's store.
A quantity of flno droned lumber and
Mooring for sale. Apply at the black
smith shor of KhyA Boron.
We sell good goods at good prlres for
our customers, Central Meat Market.
A rar load of Columbia Itlver cedar
shingles for sale by Jenkins A I.awson.
Fresh candies every day, made from
pure sugar in mo Tailor sliop.
We have on hand 11 largo stook of
kiln-dried flooring, celling nud rustic in
grades 1 '2 and I,wt us make you
special prices.
Hooth-Kki.i.y I, umiik.u Co.
Mrs. L. ), Keck receives pupils from
. six (oj 01 ago una iiDWiiniH. xtie Kvn
I Ihelie Piano coliool of New York City
! admits them at the ace of live. When
pupils begin thus early the study and
practice of mimic becomes second nature.
Go to Geo. Ilohlmnn's tailor shop
Main street and wo his fall lines of
samples anil goods. He can pleasoyou
in any style or lino you may desire.
Mrs. lleck says she is pleased with
Cottage Orovo especially its inimical
aspirations. These are manifested bv
the number of pupils studying music
and also by the number of pianos in
When you want a physic that U mild
and gntfe. easy lo take and pleasant in
elfect use Chamberlain's Stomach and
I.lver Tablets. Only 25c. by Hknhox
Dnuo Co.
Over (10 odd patterns of wall paper to
choose from and more on tho way, at
Jenkins A Dawson's.
Sportsmen rcmoniber Griffin ifc Veatch
Co. carry 11 lino line of Shot Guns nud
On Wednctlay and to noon Thnreday
nfrimtui'i'li. I' iln "flili ut "Ul l)r-
Lowe the eye-sieht sneeiiilist will bo in '
Cottagj Grove at the Sherwood Hou."e.
Dr. Ixiwe don't go from houeo to house
nor peddle.
To secure a good tigiit floor or celling 1
i rid one that will hIwuvm 1-0111:1 in sn iihh 1
1 Kiln-dried lumber. The Hooth-Kellv '
I Iunber Co. at Saginaw kiln-dry all in- !
terior linisli and rusticand are oflering
special bargains in aniu.
to addkusb iiisi.mkt i.odcjk.
Past Grand Chancellor Robt. T.
Hale of New York was in the city
Wednesday night, accompanied by
Mrs. Hale. They went to Eugeney
Thursday where they will remain
until Wednesday next, the brother
having accepted an invitation to 1
address Helmet Lodge No. 33 on 1
the occasion of their celebration of 1
U . 1 . : f T r I
111c j111 .iiiiiivcmuiy ui 1111: nniui
of Pythias order.
Jay William Hudson's lecture
last Friday night was enjoyed by a
large and appreciative audience.
His description of the country, the
german village of Oberammergau
and particularly the Passion Play
as he saw it in 1900 was most
thrilling and entertaining. The
next lecture to follow in this course
will be that of Dr. Penrose, of
Whitman College at Walla Walla,
Wash., and will be here on Thurs
day evening, Feb. 28th. The sub
ject will be "Dr. Whitman the
Hero of the Northwest," and will
no doubt be one of unusual inter
est. V I I I IK I
Right to the POINT.
As the old maid said when
she kissed the dwarf.
That is just the case with
The New Era
.Drug Store.
Drop in and skjj Us.. . .
Everything Frash and up to Date.
Prescriptions Carefully Com
pounded night or day.
Brehaut & Nelson.
The New Era Drue Store.
We have a Magnificent Stock of FINE SHOES,
our prices arc lower than like quality sells for any
where else, and we guarantee shoe satisfaction in
every respect at
I MoneySaving Prices.
i Vc l'1,Ilk we know w,iat tIlc PC0Pie want.
ik Tosuit tllc public taste mid purse and meet popular dc- '
W mand is our business ambition. (
We will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure satisfac- 2
fc tion, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." rrS
Wc uro living in a rapid age : an ago of Progression. Tho World moves
and you must move with it.
Keep up with the times. If you sco a chance to benefit yourself grsp
the opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by ' Callintr At
I3ensori Drug Company.
ure Drugs
W. S. CllKlSMAN.
(The Fashion Stables
Gljrisuion Bangs, proprietors.
Reasonable Prices"
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single! I1.'. ,
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Wheeler & Scott
Geo. Curaimingv
Having bought out the entire stock of W. F. Schuller,is now
offering the same at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.
I have already added largely to the Grocery Stock Have just re
ceived a fresh supply of Teas, Coffees, Sugar, etc.; also a choice lot of
Apples, Oranges, Lemons and vegetables; Dried Fruits, Bacon, Ham
and Lard, and other goods now arriving.
A cordial invitation extended toralL
George dimming.
Before Yon Buy a Piano or an Organ
It will pay you to write
. OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Or.
We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of the
Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a fine piano or organ
for less money than you cau get them elsewhere. Write today. Cata
logues for the asking.
Our stock includes the three greatest American pianosthe Kim.
ball, the Chickering and the Weber
Easy Payment Plan
Eiler's Piano House.
Or call on 1RS. L. D, IJuck, Lc-ca) Representative, Cottage GrAYC, 0r
and Chemicats--.
Em Bangs.
; Proprietors of the Bohemia
and r
Black Butte Stage Lines. jK
Sewing Machines
Ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical
Feed and three underfeed machines.
Prices to suit.
For sale by
Piano House
together, with other good make.