Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 15, 1901, Image 2

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Published Kr.rr Frl.Ur.
115 Of 1 Ml
An Interesting Collection o' Items From the
Two Hemispheres Presented In a
Ci.wfent.! Form.
Portugal, it Is said, will send troops
to aid the British.
A good voln of coal ling boon located
noar Pondleton, Oregon.
French, troops in Chlnn disobeyed
Connt von Waldorsoo's orders.
Threo lives wero lost nnd four peoplo
badly injated in n Boston llro.
Dewet and Stoyn have Issued n proo
lamatlon saying they will ontor Capo
Kitchener reports thnt eastern move
ment of British troops has upset plana
of lioors.
Coming marriage of Princess of As
taring greatly displeases the Spanish
Ia Grande, Oregon, farmers protest
against alleged discrimination of army
horse buyer.
An unknown man at Salem. Oregon,
drove over an embankment and sus
tained 8onous injuries.
One British general was killed
and another severely injured in an en
gagement at Orango camp.
Colonel Albert D. Shaw, former com
mander-in-chief of G: A. I!., died sud
denly at his homo in Watertown,
H. Y.
Professor Yon Max Pettinkofer, the
distinguished German chemist, com
mitted suicide by shooting himBelf in
a lit of melancholy.
Three men have been " arrested at
Manila, Iowa, for the robbery of a
United States Express Company's safe.
They socurod $40,000 in money and
other valuables.
The condition of ex-King Milan, of '
Servia, has taken a turn for the worse.
Both his lings are congested, the heart
is very weak, and his malady lias en
tered an extremely critical condition. '
Typographical Onion No. 13, of Bos-'
ton, will call n strike in every book j
nnd job office in that oity in case the i
master printers refute to sign the
anion scale at once. They demand
that women typsetters shall be treated
Doings of Importance at the Slate' Capital
Dills Paned.
IM Mill VHd
Aid for Orphanages.
Tho house committee on corpora
tions Wednesday rendered a favorablo
report on the bill by .Holcoinb provid
ing state aid for all orphan asylums of
not to exceed $10 per annum por inmate.
- Dills Passed.
Tho houso Wednesday passed' hllla ns
follows: By Mulkey, to glvo old bor
rowers of school funds the boiietlt of
same rato of interest as given to now
borrowers; by Smith, of Yamhill, to
amend tho charter of Shoridnn; by
Masters, to rodnco foes of witnesses
and jurors in Douglas, Jackson iind
.Toscphiuo comities; by Portor, to re
duce tiio salaiy of Clackamas county
judgo from $1,800 to $720, beginning in
The senate Wednesday pnssod the
following bills: Senate bill No. 77. re
quiring that sentonco of death bo exe
cuted at the penitentiary, by tho super
intendent or a warden; senate bill No. I
83, relating to the proof of writings; '
senate Dill No. 80
Of a
Fast Mail Train on the
Eric Road.
Arnonit the Victims Were a Party of Soldiers
on the Way to the Philippines Hardly
a Passenger Escaped Injury.
Greonvtllo, Pa., Fob. 0. Train No.
C, tho Now York Chicago limited on
the KHo railroad, was wrockod this
morning within tho town limits. Five
passougors wore dead whon taken from
the wreck, several aro missing nnd
thc-i nro many badly injured.
Hardly a piiBsouger oscapod without
injury. The ill-fated train was com
posed entirely of vostlbuleil Pullmans,
three sloepew, n day coach, combina
tion Bmokor and bnggngo ami mail car,
and whs drawn by ono of tho Atlantic
typo of engines. It was in tho smak
iug compartment thnt death laid n
to create tho otilce i rutnjess band, for not ono of tho 10 oc
ol itato bacteriologist, without pay
sennto bill No. 85, rotating to titlo of
floating logs; senate bill No. 103, to
authorize district and county high
schools; senate bill No. 115, n substi
tute for tho original, to fix tho foos to
bo paid county clerks; senate bill No. Of tho number throe woio killed and
I 188, to amend tho charter of Yornonla, ( two seriously Injured. Thoy wore un
Columbia county; senate bill No. 102, I dor orders for tho Philippines and
, to incorporate Grass Valley; senate . would have sailed in a short tlm'o.
uijl iNo. 108, to amend tho scalp boun
I ty law.
cupants oscapod death or injury. A
party of soldiors, nino in number, on
their way from Fort Portor, N. Y., to
Fort Crook, Nob., in oliargo of Ser
goaut-Major Harry A. Hart, of Now
York, occuplod a part of tho smoker.
Passed by Doth Houses.
Bills passed by both houses are as
follows: Senate bill 12, providing for
sale of school lands; senate hill 110,
amending charter of Sheridan; senate
bill 17, fixing fees of witnesses in
Douglas, Jackson and Josephine coun
ties in criminal actions', senate bill 05,
fixing salary of judgo of Clackamas
Signed by the Governor.
The governor Wednesday signed tho
following bills: House bill 257, re
linquishing ground to United States for
postoflice at Salem; house bill 127,
amending Myrtle Point charter; house
bill 120, amending Med ford charter;
houso bill 3, amending Albany bridge
act; houso bill 4, appropriating $45,
000 for Oregon Agricnltnral College;
honse bill 25, approprating $47,000 to
Oregon State University; senate bill
103, amending Snmpter charter; sen
ate bill 104, removing incline at Cas
cade locks.
as "journeymen compositors,' and re
ceive the same wages as men for doing
tho same work.
The senate passed the war tax Dill.
The Boers have cut the Netherlands
Queen Wilhelmina and Duke Henry
were married.
Thirty thonsand men will bo sent to
reinforce Kitchener. '
Two leading Manila merchants wen
arrested for aiding insurgents.
The government has taken steps to
perfect title to islets north of Luzon.
The foreign envoys demand the death
penalty be imposed on 12 Chinese offl
the Carnegie Company
syndicate is an accom-
The sale of
to the Morgan
plished fact.
The president has sent to the senate
the nomination' of Ira j. Stiles, to be
postmaster at Sedro-Wolley, Wash.
Kichlas Michaels, a saloonkeeper,
and bis wife, were brutally beaten by
thugs, in Chicago, and robbed of $2,300.
In a freight train oollison near Rip
ley. Tenn., the engineer and a tramp
were killed. The Illinois Central's
lots is $150,000.
Arniirauon committees reached an
The Vote.
The vote Wednesday stood: H. W.
Corbett, 30; George W. McBride. 21;
William Smith, Democrat, 20; Binger
Hermann, 7; O. W. rnlton, 2; F. A.
Moore, 1; S. A. Lowell, 1; not voting,
Bills Passed.
The bills passing the senate Tuesday
were as fellows:
By Fulton, fixing the rate of interest
at 0 per cent.
By Stelwer, relating to the time of
holding court in the Seventh judicial
By Smith, of Multnomah, regulating
the practice of dentistry.
By Daly, relating to selections and
sale of swamp and overflowed lands.
Senate bill No. 170, by Wehrung.tto
amend the charter of Cornelius.
Sonate bill, No. 177, by Johnston,
to incorporate Wasco.
House bill No. 220, to amend charter
of Stay ton.
Senate bill No. 58, by Brownell, for
holding a constitutional convention.
' Senate bill No. 68, by Mtilkoy, to
amend the barbers' commission bill.
Sonate bill No. 70, by Sweek, to
amend the Wadu bill as to taxation.
Senate bill No. 161, by Johnston, to
incorporate Hood River.
Pan-American Exposition.
Oregon's Pan-American commission
ers met with the ways and means com-
agreement which will mean the end of, mittee Tuesday morning for tho pur
the bnidling trades strike that has ex-1 Pse of pressing the appropriation of
isted in Chicago for over a year? $30,000 asked for the Oregon exhibit.
Marcel L. Rilvermun. n iJ "ul lw niemDers oi the ways and
was shot through th h.i t N!means committee appeared to be in
Terrible Explosion In a Mexican Mine Killed
Eighty-seven Persons.
Chihuahua, Mux., Feb. 0. Word
has just reaobod hereof ono of tho most
terrible mining disasters thnt ever oc
curred in Mexico. An explosion in
tho San Andres mine, sltnated in n re.
mole locality of the Sierra Mndres, in
tho western part of the stato of Da
rango, caused tho death of 87 mon,
women and children, and injured
many otnors. mo catastropno was
due to the explosion ol seventl hundred
cases of dynamite, which was stored in
an underground chamber of iho mine
Electric wires connecting with the
hoisting machinery passed through, the
room in which this dynamite was
stored, and it is supposod that these,
wires became crossed, thereby causing
a fire which set oil tho dynamite.
All ol the killed and injured wore
located on the surface, most of them
occupying residences right ovor the
under-ground workings of the mine.
The explosion toro away' the wholo top
of tho mountain on which the village
was located, and men, women and
children were blown into small pieces.
Among those who were killed was Her
man Luetzmun, the superintendent of
the mine and all the members of his
At the time of the explosion there
were several hundred miner at work
in the lower workings of the mine,
and, strange to say, none of them were
seriously injured, although thoy were
all severely shooked by the torriiio
force of the explosion. They rushed
to the surface through one of the shafts
that was not filled with debris and the
sight that met their eyes in the almost
complete destruction of tho little vil
lage is indescribable. The work of
gathering np the fragments of the un
fortunate victims of the explosion scat
tered over the mount tin was begun,
and they wero placed together and
buired in one grave. But few of the
mangled remains wero rcngnizable.
Summons were sent to neighboring
camps for surgeons to attend to the in
jured, and it was somo time before
they arrived.
The San AndreB mine is the most
celebrated silver mine in Mexico. It
is valued at $20,000,000. it has pro
duced many millions of dollars worth
of ore.
Warning to Them and Otlitri Who Aid In the
Manila, Fob. 11. Oonornl MnoAr
tur's proclamation to tiio Filipinos re
minds tho natives that exemplary pun
ishmchtB attach to lnlrlngotnonts of tho
rule of war and that their strict ob
servance will bo roqulrod not only by
combatants, but as woll by nmiooinnnt
ants. General MxoArthur states that
ltisnrconts who throatun, kidnap or as
nnsslnntn natives (rlondly to tho
Americans aro' guilty of violation ol
the laws of war and must eventually
answer for murdur or such other crimo
as may result from tholr unlawful ac
tions. Persons who do things inimical
to tho interests of tho Amerioati army
will bo punished in spite of iv plea of
When, us Is known to bo tho caso In
many plaoos occuplod by United States
troops, sccrot committees aro allowed
to oxlst and to act in bohalf of tho so
called lnsurgont government by collat
ing mpplles, recruiting 'moil and send
iug military information to the Insur
gent camps, tho persons who hereon
i those commlttoos aro in danger ol bo
ing punished as wor traitors. Tho
proclamation continues:
"Tho praotico of sending suppllos to
insurgent troops irom places occupied
by the United States must ooano.
Thoso romnrks all apply fcitlt special
reforonco to the city ol Manila, which
is woll known as a rendezvous from
which an extousita oorrespqndouco is
distributed to nil parts of tho arohl
polaco by sympathizers with, and by
ouilssarles of tho insurrection. Tho
nowapa.pors nnd other jierlodlcals of
Manila aro especially admonished that
any articlo published, in tho midst of
such martial environments, which by
any construotiou cati bo placed as so
ditious, must be regarded as intouded
to injure tho army of occupation and
as subjecting all conueotcd with tho
publication to puultivo notion.
".Men who participate In hostilities
without boliiB p.irt of regularly organ
iezd fcrco and without sharing con
tinuously in its operations, but who do
so with intermittent returns to tholr
homes and avocations, divest them
selves of the character of soldiors, nnd,
if captured, are not entitled to the
privileges as prisoners of war."
WttB T
England's Action on the Nicara
gua Canal Project.
A Counter Proposal, Likely to Cauie Extended
Negotiations, Will Soon Ue Presented
Through Lord Paunccfote.
rhrtt Well.Known Mm Wtri Trailed Through
(he Snow,
Hlmix City, In.. Koli. 12. Throe
men, biillovod to Imvo boon Implicated
In the theft lint night at Manila, la.,
ol a United Mates Kxprusii Company's
unfit, said to contain $10,000, worn ar
rested at that pluuo till morning.
Thoy wore tracod by tholr tracks In
the snow, Tim mo" n John Jnok
son, John Htovnll mid Oliarltw Hayes,
All llvo at Manila, and lira woll known.
Tholr roputntloiui heretofore havo not
boon bad. They stoutly protested
tholr liniooonco. Mrs. Jackson, vlf
of John Jaokiion, wu also nrrostod,
London, Fob. II. It has boon but at n pro mm wry mmr...K. wi n
learned that a reply will isbortly bo released, i no i iniu ....... jim,
sent to tho United States Nicaragua having noon iinnino hi iurnmi uoi.u,
canal uroioet. It will not comiilv llxoil at .fia.ouu oauii.
with tho somite's demands, neither
will it bo in tho naturti of a Hat re
fusal, though for purposes of immediate
construction It mil lie tantamount to
such a rofus.ll. It will eonsl.t malnlv
in n counter proposal or proposals.
likoly to noce.vitatti extended iiogotla
None of tho intmry or vnlunblon, linn
boon recovered. Tim nam that was
stolon contained in the neighborhood
ol $10,000. Two thousand dollars was
in cash, and tho remainder In drafts,
chocks ami various valuables, White
tho robbery undoubtedly wan dollbor-
tlnni. Tim .mt.,r nf thn .,r, ! UtOly piailllUII, at U' "" " Wligiin
not yot ascertainable. Lord Paunec I wore In wait ng In h convenient spot,
foto will llkolv bo tho medlu'iu through ' ot bllvod that thj. mon knoiv
which tlm aimvor will he sent and by wero making so r el. a haul,
whom tho subsequent negotiations will Tl"y I'"'1 ",ortM" ' ""owing tho
bo conducted. In British otllcial oplu- ; contents of tho wifo, only that It wiw
ion, it Is likoly that sovornl mouths ! '" uarryiiig vijiuiiiiius,
will elapse boforo the matter reaches
York. died. Tim txiHoa r ,avor 01 a smaller appropriation, be-
ing snicide and murder theories. j "eving that $20..)00 would besufllcient.
. As the importance of a creditable Ore-
bouuub me cuou nomas ocunrea ai gon exhibit at Buffalo, however, is
waisar vasseriieny, iiungaiy. sparge generally recognized, there is every
crowds of people threatened the gen- reason to believe that the full amount
riarmes, and the latter fired, killing asked for will bo scheduled in the gen-
" wuu. eral appropriation hill.
Lorenzo Priori, who murdered Yin
cenzo Garjzo, in New Vork City, De
cember 11, 1898, was put to death in
the electrio obair at Sing Sing. It re
quired two shocks to kill him.
The saloonkeepers of Wiobita, Kan.,
are expeuting another raid. Several
women have bonght hatchets to use in
demolishing the "joints."
guards with deputy sheriff
ions have been appointed.
Burglars bonud and gagged the post
mistress at Rossford, a suburb of To
ledo, O., and robbed the office of $160
County Seat Fight
While the reports that will be made
by the house committee on counties on
the Malheur county seat fight aro
known, it is by no means certain that
these reports will settle tho contest.
The majority report, signed by Mo
Greer, Pearce, Allen and Harris, is in
favor of Ontario. The minority re
port, signed by Orton alone, favors
Vale, the present county seat. The
Vale peoplo, however, aro by no means
discouraged, olaiming to have both tho
wi W1UU . . .... ., . ...
in stamps and $5 in coin, Lighted "1MJ", y ' lna 'P"6" ?' tlle cty
matches were applied to her feet, and ! , " , , ""!" u"u 1 "r P"Hion.
she was struck over the head and bru
tally kicked in the side.
Alfred Yanderbilt has given $3,
700,000 to his fiance, Elsie Frenob, as
her marriage portion.
A Montreal paper warns Egnland
to cease insulting1' French-Canadians,
declaring the British government holds
Canada through the peoplo of Quebec
Abraham Oppenheimer, a Philadel
phia citizen of 80 years, astonished all
observers by doing 'some wonderfully
fancy skating on the pond in Fremont
park. ,
The fight therefore
interesting ono.
piomises to be an
Foj Clark Sword Fund.
In the houso Wednesday Eddy in
troduced a concurrent resolution pro
viding for an appropriation of $202 for
the completion of the Captain Clark
sword fnnd.
Grain Law Nearly Ready.
The house comniitteo on game for
estry and gamo fishes is about ready to
report on the general game bill report
ed by Eddy. But few radical changes
havo been made in tho old law.
Wrecked at a Crossing.
Pittsburg, Pa.. Feb. 0. The Penn
sylvania limited express train ran into
the rear of the Cleveland express on
the Pennsylvania line at tho Allegheny
avenue crossing this jjiomlrg. wreck
ing tho engine of the limited and the
rear sleeper of tho Cleveland express.
The passengers on the limited were
shaken,up bnt not injured. Only one
passenger on thn Cleveland express,
Henry Lnblang, of Now York, was ser
iously injured, but several sustained
slight bruises. Failure to flag tho lim
ited is said to have been the cause of
tho collision.
To Arrange Some Way of Putting Mexico on a
Gold Oasis.
New York, Feb. 11. At a dinner
given In his honor by Charles It. Flint,
Seuor Knriquo C. Creel, it banker of
the City of .Mexico, was tho principal
speaker. The diuner was attended by
a number of prominent financiers. It
is tho general belief that honor Creel
has come to arrange some way of put
ting Mexico on a gold basis, instead of
her presont silver standard. beuor
Creel said:
"Senor Llmantonr will be tho acting
president of Mexico during tho Euro
pean trip of President Diaz, which will
tike place in tho near future Franco
will be the first country visited, but
the probabilities are that be will visit
London and all the great Continental
cities. On the rolnrn trip New York
will according to the precent pro
gramme, bo tho port of debarkation.
So far as tho united States nnd
Mexico aro concerned, the financial
nd industrial interests of the two
countries aro of the closest and most
Important character. Hitherto Amori-'
can capital has found ample field for
investment at home. Its increase has
been so enormous in recent yoar that
it now seeks investment abroad. Mex
ico is the most profitable field to which
it can turn. I am not alouo in this
opinion. Many of tho most emlnont
American financiers think so."
u conclusion, by which time tho liny-
I'aimcofoto treaty will havo elapsed,
on tho basis of tho senate's amend.
monts. The British counter proposals
aro now rormtilatiuj, and it Is hoped
un entirely now agreement, satisfac
tory to both countries, will eventually
bo reached.
Commented on In Waihlnton.
Washington, Fob. 11. Pn far as
can bo ascertained, the administra
tion has not had any intimation of tho
counter proposals tho London dispatch
s.iys will bo made in thu matter of tho j
Nicaragua cannl projoot. Thoro is n '
fcoling of rogrot that tho British gov j
eminent has folt constrained to adopt
such a coiirso, as tho hope was outer- j
tainod that tho amonnmonts to tho I
Iluv-Pauucofoto treaty might havo
been accepted lu tho spirit in which
they woru made.
Souutor Morgan whon In form od to
night of tho now stand taken by Great
Tho Chicago, Milwaukee v Ht. Paul
train on which thn aafn was taken
from Hlnux City, arrived at Manila at
H:()fl I. M. Tho Omaha train wan
late, and James Sttirtuvatit, of Kluux
City, tho express messenger, did ma
hurry In unloading tho goods and pack
ages from his car. The express box,
with other articles, wus placed on i
truck on tho depot platform, and thou
Kturtovaiit nnd the baggageman wont
to tho othor end of thn platform to got
nnothor truoktoad. When Htnrtovnnt
returned ho noticed tho articles on tho
truck woin disarranged, and a glanco
showed that Ilia Iron box was gouo.
Thoro was great oxcltemont, and no
tlmo was lost in spreading Iho alarm.
Marshal l-'oarall hastily assembled n
posse, f-'now lay thick on thu ground,
and it did not Ukn long to discover
tho tracks of two persons, who evident
ly had boon carrying something heavy
directly from the truck, as It stood on
the depot platform.
Thoy carried tho mi fo a dlsUnco or
Into a wugoii. which had been loft
there In waiting. Tho wagon wan
drivon about a niilo and a half out into
tho country, and thero tho safo wait
forcod open nnd tho contents abstract
ed. Tho mon abandoned thn snfo anil
wont tholr way on a new track. It
was not dllllciilt, howovoc to trnco
them, and this morning three nrreste
wero made. The authorities say tho
shoes of two of the men under arrest fit
exactly the tracks In tho snow.
Britain, said he bollevod that If (Jront ' Mbout two blocks, and tlinn loaded It
Urlt.iiu tins dooidod to tuku tho notion
statori, It would creatu roseiitment In
tho senafo ami among tho people and
distrust of the moves of that govern
ment. JJo hoped it might rosult In
sumo action on the pending bill at this
session. Senator Morgan, howovor,
was not willing to say what action, If
any, ho prooed to take to bring about
such a result. '
Ono suggestion mndo tonight as a
possible counter proposal by Oreat
Britain was that in roturn for concessions-mode
by hoi sho might detlro an
open port on the Alaskan coast at all
entrauco into her gold fields in the
Reinforcements for the South African Army
uoers Held Up a Natal Train.
London, Fob. 11. Public attention
has again beii turned toward r-'outh
Africa by the dlutch of reinforce
ments and tho publication of Ixird
ltobcrts' dispatches. Humor has been
in circulation that Mr. Chamberlain
nun reconsidered lis ! irtnn
Resolutlon of Inquiry.
Washington, Feb. 11. Senator Ber-
Lry today introduced a resolution in tho
senate requiring the president to inform
the senate whether the United States
minister to China had joined the repre
sentatives of-tho other powers at Pekin
in demanding tho execution, of Prince
Tuan or other jGhineso officials, and if'
so by whom ho was authorized to joiu
in milking inch demand.
A Canadian Scandal.
Shot Ills Fiancee.
Oakland, Cal., Feb. 0. In a frenzy
of rage, because a o had broken the en
aggement, Bert Hendorson, an em
ploye of the telephone copmany in San
Francisco, shot and seriously wounded
his fiancee, Miss Fannie O'Neill, late
last night, then turned the pistol on
hmsolf, tired a bullet into his own
brain and died olmot instantly.
An Eight-Story Building Burned.
Chicago, Feb. 0. Tho right-story
building at Harrison nnd Canal stteeU,
ownod by Edwin Foss, of Boston, was
bunred tonight, Tho los. was $75,000.
Serious Fire at St Cloud.
Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 0. A tele
phono message to the Times from St.
Cloud, Minn., says u big llro is raging
in that city. Tho llro started in tho
West hotel. It burned Debln Bros.'
grocery store, Myers' lanudry, tho Calr
ifornfa wiue,stpre and tho public libr
ary which was Ipcated in the hotel,
Later reports say the opera house and
livery stable and smaller buildings
have been destroyed, and the flum
are still spreading.
Ottawu, Ont., Feb. 11. Senator
MacfCenzie Howell, leader of the op
position in the senate, has given notice
that be will move for a committee on
inqulrr into the charges of II. II.
Cook, formerly a merrfber of the com
mons, who said during the last general
election that he was offered a senator
ship for $ 10,0010.
Baltimore & Ohio Dividend,
New York, fob. II. The Baltimore
Xe Ohio directors declared a 2 per cent
dividend on the. common stock and the
regular semi-annual dividend of 2 per
cent on tho preferred stock. The
board voted to issue $15,000,000 A per
cent, 10-year, gold convertible deben
tures. Tho proceeds of the issue are to
be used foi construction' purposos and
A Japanese Newspaper.
A Japanese paper, tho Jnpanoso-
American Weekly News, has beon
started in New York.
T . . . " Alrle,m nro mn(, 0,1 '"' ""Pinion
Z i JLnt COwt.e,V,'.l',,,.,1.K 0Dm, 01 omehlng of that kind
table conforeuco with John .Morley and flr0
bir vuiitam Vernon llarcourt, and
the recall of Sir Alfrod Minior.
The appearance of tho tmimnin
. - v. ... i.wuu.u.ii. ivoLuuii ut.iurn in
Em?-. i T.T ,Iw,';o"n koly to mind corridors nnd hallways,
Tho sccond-Htoiy was occuplod by
Result of a Fire In a Doslon Brick riulldlng
Four Others Badly Injured.
Boston, Feb. 13. Threo persons lost
tholr lives and four others worn badly
injured in a fire in n four-story brlclc
dwolllug in HarriMti nvouuo early
this 'morning.
Thero is suspicion that tho flro tva
of incondiary origin and two arrests,
havo boon mado, Harris Lovin and bis
wilo llortba.
Levin had a shoo Morn on tho first
floor of tho building, nnd the arrests
that napthu
caused tho
Men and worno'u jumped from tho
burning building and llromou and po
licomout rescued others from smoko
aciu to tho difficulties of tin situation.
ine authorities thero havo decided
upon a wholosnlu extermination of
rats. Sljonld tho disease spread, it
will necessitate changes in tho mili
tary arrangements.
Today Sir Alfred Milner makes an
othor oarncst appeal to employers to
allow as muny mon as possible to en
roll in the colonial mounted defense
forces. ,
Daniel Hart, his wlfo, her sister and
lour children. Thoy all jumpod from
a window. Ono of tho children was
badly burned and suffered iutornnl in
juries by jumping, nnd' died, Mrs.
Hart was badly hurt.
Tho third story was occupied by
Daulol nnd Thomas Ilrennnn. Tho lat
ter escaped, but Daniel jumped threo
storlos to a shod
.1 a tl a uil 1
ipt . . . . .... I w,.vu -v m nnvu .uu OMIIVIUU IUI.UUD
"olu UP " mmi train injuries.
Sn"L.,r i "k!V,",n; ,T!:'0W 80ll,l0ni Tho fourth story was occupied by
on board exhausted the r cnrtrt.i. nn i n ' , '
Land the Boers thou robbed the passon-' Mrs. lllley was overcome by the smoko
i-rwarus allowing tho train to and suffocated. Jlor body was dlscov
procoeu lered alter tho flame 'had been sub
dued. Mrs. Barry jumpod from tho
fourth floor and is in a precarious con
dition. Transport Ashore
Kantingo De Cuba, Feb. 12. Th
United States transport Itawllus went
aground this morning on n coral reef
noar tho wreck of tho United States
collier Merriinua. She arrived, at day
break, intending to ombark the troops
of the Tenth Infantry for Now York.
Tho pilot attempted to pass on tho
wrong side of tho Mcrrlmao, nnd
struck tho hlddon roof hard. Three
powerful tugs pulled unsuccessfully all
tho afternoon in the attemnt to float
Transport Sheridan Arrives.
San Francisco, Feb. 8. Tho United
States' transport Sheridan arrivod hero
today, 27 days from Manila, Sho re
turned in ballast and has on board 27
officers and 040 men of the Thirty-sev
enth volunteer regiment. During the
Voyagn there were five deaths.
Transports Requlslloned. j
London, Feb. 11. Tho government
has requisitioned three Castle liners to
transport reinforcements to South I
Africa. Tho remount department is!
uncommonly active, its agonts buying
largely in several ports of the world 1
Following yesterday's waroiflcean-!
iuuiumug louay was
Wreck In a Snowshcd.
Trnckoo, Cal.Fob. ll.-8prendinB
rails in tho snowsheda jnst east of BIda
canyon caused the wreck of a freight 1
train last night. Severol oars wero!
tie riot ion. To the hi land . omnT.'1 l th M " wl" TObMy 1,0 ''W
n Z n ! 1 ' .1. . ',emol,8l,.0.1' to rig elaborate taoklo before she ca
bo gottou off, She is
'Ihe snowshcd was torn up. for a dis
tance oi ouu loot. No, 4 Atlantic ox
pross had passed the point but a fow
w.uuicB uoiuru wie wreck ooourrod.
Will Try for New Constitutions.
Alabama and Virginia will both try
for neW state conttlftitlons during looi.
England's Great Dangers.
Lord Rosebery says Amorlonn and
German competition are dangers for
Great Britain to consider.
General Mayberry Prentiss.
Bethany, Mo., Feb. Il.-Gonoral
Mayberry Proutlss, ono of tho oldest
surviving gonerals of volunteersof the
civil war, is dead at his homo hero,
aged 81 years. Ho was known no ti,
"hero of Shlloh," He defeated Gon
erals Holmes and Price at Helena,
Artf , July 4, 1802. He was the last
survivor of tho FItz John porter court
martial. He was in the volunteer
, service in iiunois cinrlng the Mormon
i excitement in early days.
and the likelihood
in no danger.
that she is not
Will Take Part in Inaugural Parade.
Tho Yale undergraduates linve' do
oidod to take part in tho inaugural
parade in Washington noxt March.
Mexicans Defeated Indians.
Mexicu City, Feb. 12. Tho federal
troops in Yucatan imvo had nnothor
battle with tho rebel Indians who were
strongly lntieuohod, but the Indiana
were unabln to withstand thoohargo on
their posltloii.and fled in nil dlrootious.
Many of tho Indians would like to bo
releasod from tho tyranny ol chiefs
who inflicted the penalty and torture,
and commit many barbarities to lufuso
terror into their adherents.