Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 01, 1901, Image 7

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Dry, iihiIhI., Honly toltor, nil forum
or cczmiiu or cult iliuiini, plmplim
mid otliur iiiitiiiioouH ornptluim pro
cued from l iiiimrH, oillior inlioiltctl,
or uoqulrcd through dofootivo di
poHtioii and fiKHlniilutliiii.
To treat lliumi cnipllonH with
drying iiilmIIoIik.'h Ih dungoroiiH.
Tliu tliliiK to do Ih to Imlp tint
Hyntcin dlHclmrgo tlio Iiuiiioih, ami
to Htrvngtlioii it ngiiltiHt tlit ir ru
turn. Huixl' Humiiiulllii pernintiriitly rtirrd
J, (1. IIIiick, Kluiikn, (II., of tcmun, friif.
wlili'li lid Imil MllWril fur solim tllili'; m I
Mini Alvlim Wultrr, Mux iVi, Alliums,
nl plmplm on licr f.Kf mill lni'l nnil
rlmfril nkln mi lirr huily, hv which Mm hml
been urnitlv iroiilileil. Tlinri) urn iniirti
tmtliiioiiliil In Invnr of ml itrnit mvill
clno tliiiii can bu pillilliilieil,
Hood's Sarsaparitla
I'romincH to euro and kutipH llio
j)roiniHo. No lonnor put oil' tri'iit
nit'iit. liny a botllo of Hood'H today.
One Good liw In llnilon.
A luw In lioxton iioruilt roililnnt to
keep Ktroot iiiimloliiiiH DUO liiot Ironi
tliolr liouae.
Wlion you tuku (irovo'n TuatuliwH Chill
Tonlo bccauKU tlio (ormiilii In plainly
printed on uviiry Ixittlo uliowiiitf that It
I simply Iron mill Q11I11I110 in a tiwto
eat lorm. No Cnro, No I'ay. GOo.
Wlrelen Tsligraphy In Hawaii.
Fnn Krmiulaco, tNil., Jan. 80. Atl
vice rum Honolulu huvo liooa ro
colvoil of tlio puttltiK in practical
working opuriitloii of tlio Mvatnrn ol
wirolcpii toli'urnplij Iwtwoon tlio olty of
Honolulu ninl tlio vurtotiN IdIiiihIn of
tho Hawaiian itrnup, Htntluim haio
been ontnlilMii'il on all thu IhIhikIk.
Tho tuHta aliowutl i:cm1 wnrlcini;. 'I h"
ravricu IiioTiiiIon all tlio laliitul oxfopt
KuiiiiI. lly niuiilM of a culilo iiiuitiwum
can lio sent from Initial to tho InIhihI of
Muni. lly thin menu anil hy U'lo
plionn nil tho Kruuji in in oloso com
muiilciitlon. I'KISVKNTH AND Ctt'ltKf tllMKAHK.
OnrflcM T i a wc.ii.lcrliil 1 1 Kit It
llKUKtlNi: Hint rlranam Hie srstetn
ml lrr New l.lfo by .urlf) Hie
Ike blood.
New Uic for Aluminum.
Kxpcrlincnt are liolnu mnilo to din.
cover if aluminum may not bo usutl iu
tho munufnctiiro of hlh-chm wind
liutrutnimt. if till could liu donu it
it it thought it would, bo very dpnlr
ublo, on account of vordlnrln iloposlt,
and uh it In not rnnlly nlToatod by
cliunuu of tompernturo the Instrument
would ba Ions likolj to net out of tuuu.
Don'l Arrrpt a Nil l 1 1 til r I
W be 11) 011 a.k for ('! aroti. t - ture
the iriilitlie Ca.rarpla CandrCalhirlln
ture yon art
nrllnf Don't
arrrpt fraudulent aubtiltulra, Imltatlom or
Immigration Into Canada.
Immigration return ehow that
24,000 peoplo tattled in Cnuadu iu tho
lu at alx mouth.
Tha llaat I'rcarrlpllon for Matkrla
Chills and I'ever in u bottle of Groves.
Tastolooa Chill Tonic. It la simply
iron and quiuino in n turteless form,
Mo Caro. No I'ay. 1'rlco f.0o.
For 1904 Kamai Expoiltlon.
Knnsna Is already laying plan for
great oxpoaltion to bo held at Topuku
In 1804 in oolebration of tho 60th an
niveraaiy of lior organization its a ter
ritory. The Oldest and Best.
S. S. S. is a combination of roota
and herbs of great curative powers,
and when taken into the circulation
searches out nnd removes all manner
of poisons from the blood, without
the least shock or harm to the system.
On the contrary, the general health
begins to improve from the first dost',
for S. S. S. is not only a blood purifier,
but an excellent tonic, and strength
ens nnd builds up the constitution
while purging the blood of impuri
ties. S. S. S. cures all diseases of a
Wood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula,
Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and
Ulcers, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt
Rheum, Herpes and similar troubles,
and is nn infallible cure and the only
antidote for that most horrible disease,
Contagious Stood Poison.
A record of nearly fifty years of
successful cures is a record to be proud
of. S. S. S. is more popular today
than ever. It numbers its friends by
the thousands. Our medical corres
pondence is larger than ever iu the
history of the medicine. Manj; write
to thank us for the gre at good S. S. S.
lias done them, while others are seek
intr advice about their cases. All
letters receive prompt and careful
attention. Our physicians have mada
a life-long study of Blood and Skin Dis
eases, and bcttcrunderstand such cases
than the ordinary practitioner who
makes a specialty of no one disease.
we are uomg grcui
good to suffering
humanity through
our consulting ae
nartment. and Invite
you to mite us if you have any blood
or skin trouble. We make no charge
whatever for this service.
Via I
13 llxl llnniih Him b. TutU UOOdL
PTl ln (im a, ia liv rirnirirlMI.
Ucrmuii Ho hnn I Clillilroti Vlnlt tjjp
loutitrj llUtrloi Armil.
"Wlillo I wit III (Icrniiiny n fovf
wn'L'n a o," mild a Nmv Orlciiim liiml
iiukn mini who Im rt'ccmlly rcitii-iiiil
from a trip ahroiiil, "I uiaoiinlcrud a
party of public' kcIkioI Imyx on ono of
tho wnlltliiK tour' t lut t forni port of
tho educational Myxlein over tlicrc. Tho
j'oiuiKMlt'ri ratiKO In iiko from about 10
to M nnil tho tour wan nclicdnlcil to Innt
a wook over a cnroiiilly prcarraiiKod
rolllc. It Ktruck mo a k IicIiik mi oxccl
lent Idea and 1 wn pnrtlciilnrlv Im
pruNHod by what the tcindicr In charge
ro fen ed to iih 'oyo training.' Ho would
point out a piece of forcnt, fur example,
mid call tho ImyN' alienCon In the laet
that tlio folhiKo wmm tint a uniform
Kieen, but wan really made up of an
Inllullo number of llnU ami hIiiiiIvn,
raiiKliiK from IIkIK yellow lo deep pur. i
plo. That led tho way lo a Utile talk J
about tho law of optlcH and color Im
prenHloiiK, all very Hlmplo and Informal
und ovhlcntly deeiily liiterent'iiK to tho
dcliolam. They Ilnteiled alleiillvely,
ankliiK iiieKlloiiH and maldiiK com
menu to ono another and It won ho
much lllti: a friendly conversation I
daro xay thoy forRot they were bcltiK
"Ah they drew near the woodx, tho
teacher Indicated dllTereiit iicch anil
told them KinnethliiK about tlielr char
ncler, (llNtliiKUlHliliiK mailiN and coin
merclal value. ChatCiiK at a lltt.o
eaNthotiHo Hint evening, he Kate mo
nomu dotallM In regard to the Kyxtcm.
Ono of IIh chief olijcctn, ho nnld, was
to train the eyo to ki-o HiIiikh. After it
boy had taken n 'lour' IiIh iiowora of
olmorvntlon were at leant doubled and
II fo wan proportionately more Interest
Iiik and attractive. Am a natural result
tho brain wan ntlinulatcd and kejit
alert. In koIiik through lowim n curl
our Kanio wan played. The boy would
bo led at a rapid walk pant a more win
dow and then nuked to dcHcrlho tho
objectn It contained. The one whoxo
lint wan loiiKcxt nnd inont necurate re
ceived a prize, generally In the nhapo
of a chunk of bread and a piece or
itaiiKiiKc. Tho teacher fa Id lie found It
excellent tniliilnn and meiitloued Inci
dentally that the idea wan borrowed
from the mcmolm of a French con
jurer, Itobert HoudluwlioFc father put
him tliroilKh the name courne to culti
vate bin memory. It wnn nn odd little
clrcuinHtance and nhowed that the mod
ern (icnuiin U not above taking a kii
Kcatlori wherever he find It." New
Orleans Tlmen-Democrnt.
Violin Ktrnlna llnvo 11 KnolltlnK litrcct
tlpon 1111 Anurjr llciit.
A nttident of animal liablta made
nomu oxiierlnieutH with mimic 11 1 the
Ixnidon .oo. Here lb hln uecotint of
the effect on n tlt;er:
Tlio violin player approached n Bleep
ing tiger, which wiih lying on Its aide,
with feet ntretvhed touching the cage
barn. Ho played no noftly that the
opening notes wero ncarccly audible.
Ah thu Round rone the tiger awoke,
and, raining Ills head without moving
his body, looked for nomu time with
fixed attention at the player. It re
mained for nome time lu a very lino
attitude, listening to tlio intiHlc, and
then making the curious nouud that. In
tiger language, does duty for "purr
ing,' It lay down ngaln and dozed. Tho
soft iuuhIc wan played on, while tho
great beast lay an If lulled to sleep.
The violin was then put aside for tho
piccolo. Judge of our surprise, when,
at tho llrst notes of the new Instru
ment, tho tiger Hpruiig to bis feet and
rushed up and down the cage, slinking
Its head and ears mid lashing Its tall
from side to side. Ah tlio notes became
still louder and more piercing, the tiger
bounded across the cage, reared on Its
hind legs, and exhibited the most lu
dicrous contrast to the calm dignity
and rcposo with which It had listened
to tho violin.
Then ennio the final and most suc
cessful experiment. The piccolo wns
stopped and a very soft air played upon
tho llutc. Tlio difference (11 effect was
seen at once. The tiger ceased to "ram
page," and tho leaps subsided to n gen
tle walk, until the animal eamc to the
bars, and, standing still mid quiet onco
more, listened with pleasure to the
inu sic.
"There aro many men," the student
remarks, on summing up his experi
ments In music at tho 7.00. "there aro
perhaps many races of men, who could
not detect a discord mid would bo allko
Im"ffcrent to harmony and Its opposite.
Yet among the brutes on which the ex
periments were tried tlio sudden start
of displeasure at a discord was general
from tho snakes to the African ele
phant." Hulistltuto I'or Conl.
Tho company which lias ac
.feoai ou
Mannheim patent for mixing
with carbonaceous earths, with tho ob
ject of making tho substitute for coal
known as "briquettes," In (lermauy,
has begun operations. Shavings mid
sawdust arc also being mixed with car
bonaceous matters lu briquettes. These
briquettes arc sold as fuel and nro said
both to produco a great heat and to
causo no smoke or disagreeable odor.
Tliey nrc, moreover, easy to handle,
and aro very cheap.
Ilrltous must Attond Churoli.
Few peoplo may bo cognizant of tbo
fact that there Is In existence nn act of
Parliament which provides that per
sons who fall to attend dlvlno services
on Sunday shall bo liable to Imprison
ment or lino. Tho statute dates from
tho period of tho protectorate, but' that
It Is rarely enforced Is proved only too
conclusively by tlio sparse attendances
which tako place at so many public
places of worship.
The antiquarian has no nso for a
thing until tlrao has rendered It useless.
nig I.05 for the I'l'vAnicrlun.
Ono of tho attraction of tlio OreRR
ixhlblt at tlio I'iiii-American oxponi
Hon will bo a lo III) loc.t limit mid III
bait in (lliimiiior
ssi. ssasjss
lo tho ra
triiiiMKirt. To iiccoiiiin('iliiti) tho 110
loot hat, with the dlaiiiutcr of 111 font,
In too forum ry liulldliiK at tho oxponl
Hon, It will bo nocerniiry to put extra
lira ecu umlor that part ol tho lloor of
tlio forottry hiilldlnn.
! The Nlungua Crul,
When liullt, will prove lh! link lwtern
(iriiHpfilly mid iiinin people. It will prove
1 Itli-fHiiiK to liiiniiiiiliy In itriicrnl. Improv.
Ill): lhi i 'iimIIioii of 1I10 inn ion. 11 h HoMrt
irr'i Hioiiiiii li Hitler iloen tlinl of tho Indb
vhluiil. Nothing to equal lol remedy him
ever Im-i-ii dlxeuvered for nil iillmt-iitN of the
ttoiiiHeh, llvrr, lioHfln mid kiiliirvN. It
Mill ipilckly cl(-niin th lihiml mid fiari'cn
the nppcllic, (( I hut our I'rlvato IfeV'
tune Hiauip covtm Hie neck ol the bottle,
t Ten Huge Dynamoi.
In tlio central station of the Niagara
I'alln Power Company there nro 10
hiiKo dynamo in operation, each ono
of which generate fi.OuO electrical
liorpo jmwer. TIiiih tinilor t)it roof of
thin magnificent liulldliiK in a total do
velopuinut of M),0(l() iioino power,
which In mild to bo tho larKont amount
of electricity generated under a aluglo
roof In tho world
Btiti or Ohio, city or toi.ew,
Phakk 1. iiKNrr inkcrih (hut he I tht
fdllor .rlcr nl tlm linn ot i' J. lAimcY ft Co.,
doliie tiu.lni'ii. In tho City ot Toledo, County
mil hllo nlorrmlil. nnil that Mid II rm will tmy
tho nun ol O.ST. llllMIKKl) IIOI.I.AKH for curfi
and every rao of Calarrli Hint rannot be cured
by the uo of JUix'a Catarrh Ccrk.
KilASK 1, I'llKSKV
Hworn to U-for me and aubiicrltied in mr
prttenrr, tblialh day of Oe-cmter,A. V. IM,
jjjjj A. W. OI.KABO.V,
I v I Holary rublie
Hall'i Catarrh Cure In taken Internally and net!
directly oil till Mood and rnnroiK mirlni-ca of
Uieayntem, l-trnl lur li-.llmonlnln, (rrc.
V. 1. CII K.SKV A CO., Tolodo, O.
Bold l7lriUKlt,7ISc.
Uall'a Family l'llfa aro tho beat
Lift Line 34 Miles Lon.
Tlio Chicago drainiiKO can 11 1 hnn 11
permanent Ufa Hue, lOtitdstiiii: of u
utorni; wire cablo atrotchod alone itH
entire distance of Hi mllen. It in thore
for uao and safety iu catio of accident.
To Accommodate Live Slock.
Arrangement nro niade for the llvo
atoclc depurtment of the Pan-American
Tbli hrnaturo la on evory box ot tbo genulna
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabieu
Uia remedy tbat cures a cold In onrday
Chinese Employed In Mexico.
Two hundred Chinese aio now em
ployed iu tho mines of Zacatecm, Mox-
1 Ic. and are Riving such
, tnat moro will bo tent tor,
To Prevent llold-Upi.
John W. Itough, au engineer on the
Monon road, ha patented a device to
prevent train hold-up. Tho plan is
is I
operated by a secret button In ea
touch of the engineer, and so located
that he can, without being observed,
and under cover ot tho train robber's
revolver, touch tho button which will
start several whistles blowing, turn off 1
all tho lights nud fire off auy utimbcrj
of guns from tbo baggage car.
Piao's Cure for Consumption is nn infal
lible ineilrcine lor cnugiis und coins. .v
W, Samuki., Oceuu Grove. N. J., Feb. 17,
Visitors to tht White House.
About 900 porsona a day ou nn aver
ago visit the Whito H 01110 the year
around. The number rises sometimes
to 1,500 to 2,000, and tho hours for
visitors aro not many, boing fr6m 10
A. M. to 2 P. M. Iu spite of this con
stant tread tho beautiful old gold fig
ured capet in tho cast room looks as
well as when it was put down, before
Airs. Cleveland lot the mansion for her
new home in Princeton.
Garfield Tea la the best remedy
for all derangements of stomach,
Tlver, Mdueya and bowels: It
Curve Chronlo Coimtlmllon.
Adds That Art Death to Cholera.
Tho add of lemons and oranges is
lata! to tho cholera bacillus. Kven if
placed upon tho rinds of the fruit the
germs will not survive longer than a
day. Fobruarv Ladies' Homo Journal.
A Close Resemblance.
"In what rospoct do I rosemblo mv ! T
own ideas?" bo asked, as he handed
tho editor a package of manuscript.
"1 do not know" replied the editor.
"I am reduced to writing," ho said.
Tor Infants and Children.
ThB Kind You Have Always Bought it
Bears tho
To Purchase Revolutionary Relic
A movement is on foot lu Now York
to have the olty purchnse Faunco's
tavern, tho solo revolutionary rello lu j
tho down town district. It was thoro j
that Washington budu furowoll to his
olllcore on December 4, 1783 au event
I tho 117th anniversary of which was
recently celebrated in tho historical
Mothers will find Mr. WInalow's Booth
ine Byrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
Dorneo and Labuan Postage Stamps la Demand.
The value ot tho stamps sold in Bor
neo and Labuan during 1800 was 30,
000, but tha poatago paid on letters
sent from those two colonies never ex
ceeds tho sum of 800 a your. The
stamps representing the remainder,
10,200, may be presumed to have
found, their way into albums all over
the world.
u iLpoverished
Diseases Which Often
Puzzle Doctors are
from Th- Trll.unr, WtMrr City, In.
Pliyloliins nrc often puzzled by an
nllment that does not yield to thuuniinl
romadlc, piitionts iiro catiaed much
Buffering mid oxpeimo while expeii
munt nro being tried upon them, when
in many omen tho neat of tho disorder
is in tho blood. If this vital fluid a
lmtKiverlahod dleaso I sure to follow,
llnlld up the blood, the dimmed tmrt
is nourished mid etiengthcned, and
I health reaults. This is the Hlmplo Ills
I tory ol whnt often appear to bo a com
, plicated cane. Mr. lCzra Kdwanls, the
well-known merchant of Vebntor City,
Iowa, pupKod through eucn an exper
ience. Ho Mtys:
1 "I havo always hoi loved that my
trouble wan duo to tho impoveriahed
, condition of my blood. About lour
1 ynr ago my ankles began to swell and
1 causo me great pain. 1 urn quite heavy
and as I wnn on my feet constantly I
J suffered intencoly. Finally the swell
1 ing became so bad that I could not
walk and for a week 1 was confined to
my chair or lied. Three doi tors treated
me but did not effect a cure.
"I llrst heard of Dr. Williams' Pink
1 Pills for Pule People through an ad
vertisement iu a religions paper.
About six mouths ago I began taking
I the pill and I felt good result from
I tlio flrnt box. I continued taking
them a directed lor uearly five
uionthH. I am now A'i years old and
am the picture of health, I am will
ing to tell tho world that Dr. Williams
I Pink Pill cured 1110 and I know they
! will euro others If they aro given a
I thorough trial.
"Hardly a day passe that I do not
tell some one of the benefit I have re
ceived from Dr. William' Pink Pills
for Palo People, for 1 think that any
one suffering from any dirarder of the
blood or nerves should give them a
thorough trial. Signed,
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this L'Jrd day of November, 1000.
Willis G. Honncr,
(Seal) Notary Public.
At all druggist or direct from Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady,
N. Y., CO cents per box; 0 boxes, $2. GO.
For the Exposition Guests,
New hotels with accommodations for
thousands of guest are building near
tno Pan-American exposition grounds
at Ilntfalo.
Taku Laxative Ilromo Quinino Tab
let. All druirgista rofnnd tlm mnuey
if it fail to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25c.
Trained Librarians Scarce.
Aocording to Herbert Putnam, con
gressional librarian, libraries are grow
ing all out of proportion to librarians.
Ho directs atteution to tho fact that
whereas there aro now some 8,000 li-
barrios iu the country, there are not
more than 000 or 000 especially trained
Stops tlio Oough and
Works Off tho Gold.
Laxative Jiromo-Quininu Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No cure, No Pay.
Price 25 cents.
Not Much Left
Lady Where is my trunk?
llnggage Man I couldn't tlud any
trunk, mum, but I've got the haudle
with the chock ou.
t Comforting
Nothing so aurcly break
up the enjoyments of win
ter as attacks of
Nothing so surely
cures the trouble as
! St Jacobs Oil I
Good hustling men capable of
taking orders for custom tailoring, j
The finest and best line in the !
country. Address:
Room 512 Commercial Bank Building,
TTavn mada TJrosry and Ha com-
Joatlops ft epeoulty for twenty
ear nltn tut most wosqerioi
ucces-,. llaTSCuredmany thous-
ana oasis
Box Hi Atlanta, Qa, '
im. 11. 11. niim u uuxia.
r sftfM.. 5 -en TN a&Gr
T Jt MJtWA lAani i i ! ' v T fh "
- X PORTLAND SEED CO., 135 Front St.. Portland, Or. jj
Magnified 1C0UO Times.
but prevents it.
llrm Orlp.
Taken in time thousands of lives will be saved in this present epidemic.
Kvery family should take the precaution to secure a supply of Pcruna
at once, for the rc all and wholesale stock of the remedy may be exhaust
ed by the enormous demand for it,
it is wisdom to have Pernna in the house even before the grip at
tacks the household.
It lias been ascertained by a reporter that the following people of
national reputation have given public endorsement and testimonials to
Peruna as a remedy for la grippe:
Congressman Howard, of Alabama, says: "1 have taken Peruna for
the grip and recommend it as an excellent remedy toall fellow-sufferers."
Congressman White, of North Carolina, says: "I find Peruna to be
an excellent remedy for the g'ip. I have need it in my family and they
all join liu- in recommending It."
Mss frjnc-8 M. Anderson, of Washington, D. O.. danghter of Judge
Anderton, of Virginia says: "I was taken very ill with the grip, I took
Peruna and was able to leave my bed in a week."
Mrs. Harrietts A. S. Marsh, president of the Women's Benovelent
Association, of Chicago, writes: "I snlTered with grip seven weeks.
Nothing helped me. Tried Peruna and within three weeks was folly re
stored. Khali never be without it again."
At the appearance of the first symptoms of the grip people should
stay indo in and take Peruna in small do iet (teaspoonful every hour) until
the symptoms disappear. This will prevent a long, disastrous sickness
and perliaf s lalal results.
Spoiled Children.
Spoiled children are not the children
ol eelf-snorilice, but of reltishness aud
cowardice the selfishness which seeks
the easiest way; the cowardice which
shrink from faciug dangers thereby
engendered. February Ladies' Home
Arousing the Cook.
S'tiibb I compel our cook to keep an
alarm clock in her room.
l'enu Does the gong arouse ber?
Stubb No, but it arouses my wife
and then she goes up two flights of
stairs and raps ou the cook's door.
zy Liver
I "I have been troubled m great deal
TrltU a torpid llrer. wblcta produce eonatlpa
tlon. I found CISC A HETS to be all you claim
for them, and secured such relief the Oral trial,
that I purchased another supply and waa com
pletely cured I aball only be too clad to ree
ommend'Cascareu whenever the opportunity
ts presented." J. A- Smith.
M Susquehanna At., Philadelphia, Pa.
Pleasant. Palatable, i-otent. t..i. ri tv
Good. Nerer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. S5c.Wc
... uuKt uunsiifnTion, ...
Surilaf Swrf; CMar, CW MaMlr!. X Tcri,
Un.Tn.RAn 80,(1 and viinratneed by all drug.
WU- I U-DHll Him ,0 clTHETobacco llablu
Annual Cattlocne now ready, Malle!
frppon romnsc. Kill line ot supplies for I
fa ra, poiiliry, ueea or garden.
180 Front Street. Portland, Ore.
Thu 1 a daring statement, but Bi I
ceranoea ir it out trery uk
''JfX. CniYihlnatton Corn.
irMVaicuruvit wnii. tv iiipoiiUTeiyi
HTuiuHumaii yum fiviuKi
JjV QllllonDollarpra
4 On?Atoat marvel of tho
ivtonaoibaTperacr. Mni
BB&IM Is It?
fjamogue teua,
fOfi Iflo. STAMPS
aitdthUNOTlCU wa mall
FunnlM tuciudlug tbT, U
Fnlti IHObu. m A. b.u.
l!f aood MUlwf, 10 Grata
BrUr,ll73l.ii.p.r)l,,.o.l, .lo.Wflk10. to lilllW p
(U0 tu.h.1 m A.) IUpa,
Jonn A. Snlzer Sped Co. la Cross. WIsJ
" "
-u. s 1U01.
W"HN wrltlna; t. advertlier please
I iueutlon tUI paper.
iyfTl candy
By LJP cathartic
Tsao lush naoisTinto
!! Is E ID
Always Fresh.
Always the Dest.
ero aold everywhere. Hh
tetr' 1K1 Bed Annual free. 2Bb
I f c" "T'CIT MICI1,
irt i9iFaM
H nnd red of cariondnof Pcruna
are shipped in all directions to
meet the extraordinary demand
of the grip epidemic.
Kverybody laying in a stock of
this valuable remedy in time to
meet the terrible enemy, the (J rip.
Tho extensive facilities of the
manufacturers taxed to their ut
most to meet the urgent demand
for Peruna.
Almost everylxxly has the grip.
Almost everybody must have Pe
runa. Taken at the appearance of tho
first symptoms of tho grip, not
only is Peruna a prompt cure for
the grip but it prevents those dis
astrous after effects co character
istic of this dread disease.
Peruna not only cures the grip
mil SHB
Will IKeepYou Dry
Takc NoSustitutc. fnxt Catalogue.
Showihc FukkLiKC or Carmchts ako Hats
A. J.TOWER Co. Boston. Mass.'
Tnr Russru. cohfowo tucti,
UM ST . - V
The "Russell" Compound
' acre to stay, it is the Most Economical
and Powerful Engine built.
Write us for full particulars.
Until you have Mfl tntt tesWt tur witch
1tMlatrcUi7 Frk t 0sMUirui
)Mtbitwkftljruhatto p)rUHtttrtl
it wiuin r niita wiiii intnnMiuiui
1 1 Jtl4 PptUI UllJ. or I jtw
ftavllb r Ibjla MeffMtat, kaol
Im world str ft) IL but, uif
Cam it htwUnr oU toM p-Um
nrrfl0ff, iUt 14 kfttal ck
pUu tout rough tor t rllro
lmlJni. BpMul Oftr lor tkt
MatCOtUnt SQ1 TOUT odd ft
ondwowtiUtod wttch C. O. D
with DtivlUr of full nam I nt
lion Cftll In any oirtrt nd I
fomnd prfectlT MUitMiory ut4
bU wftUh over offarod for ual
A ptic poy th 15 vnd oiprsiehr
othorwlao not ono nl ITRPfi a
f.QOekala tut nastsa dna with
ateh. SUtolf UdltiorUsjntawalchliwftatsrd. WriUatonc -w
may no aeJvtrtiaa thla waif h ai thlf prUo if tin. CalaWna f ro
CxceUior Watch Co., 347 Central Bank Eld., Chioas
BICKFOH . Wishlimlon. O. C. titer will r-
ulck replies. B. Mh K. II. Vols. Staff
aim tore
Prosecultug claims since 1878.
You can't make a mistake It 70a get 1
Mitchell, Iieuiis & Stavep Go.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure BtcklldSdMhe and Dr
peptli, Iicinore Pimples, l'urlf y ttie Ulooa, Ala Ulgee
tlon,l'rereDtUlllouuieia. DonotGrlpeorSlcken. T
E?lt'..t0Ji,JJi,nl,""mt ofreeirulltioi.lOo. DR.
BOSANKOCO.,rkiiiviiUr. Buljly liruggUU.
A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh and
Consumption. J1.00. D Lock Box 111.
W. H. SMITH 8 CO., Buffalo, N.Y , Prop's.
V. Hi