WHY DO WE WAIT? WTiy do we vnlt (111 enrg nre deaf Before we speak our kindly word, Andonly nllor loving praise When not a whisper can be heard? Why do we wait Mil hnnds nre laid Clone-folded, pulseless, ere we place Within tlicm roses sweet and rare. And lilies in their Hnwlcss trace? Why do we wait till eye are wulod To light nn 1 love In death's decy Wistful ojos liefore wc bend Above them with impassioned glance? Why do wc wait till hearts nre still To tell them nil the love In ours, And give them such late meed of praise, And lay above them fragrant tlowers? How oft we, earcles, wait till life's Sweet opportunities aie past, And break our "nltibaRter box Of ointment" at the very lastl O! let us heed the living friend Who walks with us like common ways, Wntchlng our eyes for look of love, And hungering for a word of praise! New York Tribune. AY wo charge admission and use JS)"11"' money for some fuu for this sutnnicr camping or houseboat or something," Mild Bert Stone, folding his legs up comfortably 011 Ills toboggau cushion and looking triumphantly at Ills companions. "Bully Idea!" exclaimed "Shorty" Harris, who was very tall and very sllui, and appropriately nicknamed by bis crowd, "to try and bold down," they clnlmbd. They were talking about a toboggan carnival they were arrang ing, to be held on the toboggau slide the boys bad themselves built. They bad all chipped In ami bought the lumber and built the slide back of Bert Stone's home, us It bad a wide and deep lawn that extended back to the next street. The big public slides were larger, of course, but they were some distance out of the center of the city; the Stone home was central and the grounds around gave them a slide that was ir Wock In length. "Don't take till the queen's birthday to get back to the top," the boys cried, with pride and sat- long stretch of Ice and snow that gleamed ahead. Under the slide a good-sized shed bad becu built, In which hot colTee, sand wiches and crispy fried cakes were served to the hungry coasters, who came In laughing nnd noisy relays, be ing reminded coustnutly by their hosts to "stack yer toboggans outside, you duffers; there's no room In here, Do you want to upset the coffee? Quit crowtlln' now!" Cheeks glowed with the frosty night nlr nnd eyes sparkled brightly, while they Joked and chaired and all talked at once. It was generally known what the boys Intended doing with the mon ey taken In at their "carnival," nud many questions were nsked the busy and not over-patient cooks and waiters about the gym. "No; It won't bo for girls. Maybe we will have a ladles' day once In awhile," said West Franklin In answer to the anxious questions put to him by some of the long-braided tobogganers. "We can have a hop or something ev ery few weeks that you girls can come to. but girls always get Jealous over the other girls' togs and things nud kick up ructions, and we alu't going to take chances." And .Mr. Franklin wiped bis heated face with the tea towel and grinned, quite unmoved, while a shrill chorus of girl voices told him he was a hateful, selfish old thing nnd they wouldn't go to his old hops nnd they hoped he would Just break his neck lu his nasty old gymnasium; so there! Hut the carnival was lots of fun and the grown-ups came In great force and money rolled 11 at the treasury while coffee and doughuuts rolled out of the kitchen. Next afternoon the meeting was call ed to order at the foot of the slide, and "Shorty" Harris, the treasurer, was asked for bis report. The treasurer arose, took a dlgnllled attitude, cleared his throat, and lu 11 solemn voice, suit able to the occasion, read this report, made out ou the tlyleaf of a very much battered algebra. "Coffee, donated by Mr. ami Mrs. Stone; sugar, donated by Mr. and -Mrs. Jordan; cream, donated by Mr. and .Mrs. Kills; butter, donated by my folks; lanterns, donated by Hunter's station ery store; bread, ham, tongue, mustard, poor old Granny Jenks was Raiting, open-mouthed nnd silent, nt the stun of ?47.50 that lay lu a little heap of crin kled bills nnd loose silver lu her faded gingham apron. Hut that wasn't the end of It. O ninny Jenks said very little. She sheltered her gray bead In another little shanty and settled down quite content edly with her pipe. The boys brought her things to eat and wear as usual. She frequently "yarned" by tho bout while they popped corn at her little stove. She did nut mention the money, but she seemed so happy at not going to the poorhouse the boys were quite sat isfied". And, like all boys, they hated being thanked for nnytblng, anyhow. Spring nnd summer came and passed. J Old granny grew very feeble. Kail 1 brought thoughts of trying some j scheme again for the long-desired gym. And the boys talked of "another carni val, may be, when winter came" Granny would listen and nnd her head and chuckle In her queer old way. Itut she would say little. And one day she said nothing. They found her asleep In the comfortable rocker the boys' money had bought her, before her little tire and with the stubby pipe In her quiet lingers. And when charitable bands prepared her for her last home. where there was no more dread of the poorhouse forever, they found blibb n In her clothing a little roll of bills that amounted to $270. It was wrapped lu granny's will, which rend: "1'er the byes that glv me the mutiny wen I burnt, fer tef blld ther Jim." Chicago Itecord. BIRDS MARK MAPLE. WOODPECKERS ARE RESPONSI OLE FOR DIRDSEYE. In All Piiota Where Their Fliurp Lit tle llllla PcHctruto tho I lurk There Appear the Hed Hpotn Unit lleuuiily tho Wood. After liuWug spent more, than sixty years and more than $10,1100 In hunting bears and studying the ways of wild creatures, Grootilouf Davis, of Put ten, Me., has begun to raise tiiiuu wvodiK.'ekoiu with the purpose of using them to convert ordinary rock maples Into the rare ami costly wood known as bird's-eye maple, Mr, Da vis Is more than 80. Sixty yeaiti ago he Inherited a mill property valued at ? 10.000, which he soon sold and then be went to the woods under the side of Mount Ktithahdlii. Here he built 11 log camp and spent much of his time ou the trail of bears and Indian devils, of which he has killed more than any strango face In a strike, nnd I wan ft 1 soda card In -i uuw deck, so far as St. louls or Chicago was concerned. "Wo wero about Ht. Louis for a few days shaping tlilngH, nnd ltiiinsey wiih having conferences with persons In thu unices of the company. A cipher bud been arranged so that when the tlmo came mid It went out over tho Hue ev erybody could quit. Kvery man In tho order knew the signal and was walling for It or some uiinouncciiieiit that tho matter had been llxeil up. "Alter 11 Imi'iiioiiv conference olio 1 Mlrlnm-'Jiick DuiiHiiap tried to klia 1110 live limes last nlglit. Molleout-IU' deedl WI111I Interrupted lilinV-l'uck. (,'nok-Uuw'iu 1 goln' to iiiakii inlnoo pie when wo haven't any inliKo meat lu the bouse? Mrs. Koedcin-Piit some RANGE OF THE HONEY BEE. tlow the IlUtanee Traveled by the lice Cnn He Determined, The range of the honey bee Is but little understood by the musses, tunny supposing that bees go for miles In quest of nectar, while others think that they go only 11 short distance. It may be curious to uiuny to understand how any one cnn tell how far the bees may tly, but this Is simple when 1111 derstood. Years ngo, when the Italian bees were llrst Introduced In the Unit ed Stntes, these bees, having marks different to the common bees already here, they were very easily dlstln ..-I..., ....I 1 .1,-1 ., , . I .Fl.lotl.wl .1.1.1 .,(.,,. .11, f I..... ......... I. ...I .V . O, . iijt-u-i-.mi-s mm uisues, uouuicu oy me ,- .-, . ""-i"." mm i.ni. ,... ,,,.,1.1 111... club members' folks' generally; club's obtained the Italian bees they could be j boUom ' -"J As these woodpeckers did not migrate OUAN.VV WAS OVKIICllltK. lsfactlon, when they had completed their work and surveyed the tall struc ture rising, airy but strong, above the snow. The "shoots" were carefully con structed nud Hooded till they glistened smoothly with solid ice. The Inclined walk and stairs were solid and well Tailed, nnd the boys and many of the "grown-ups" had put lu a lively winter with the slide. The long Canadian sea son bad been up to the mark and not a thaw bad come to spoil the fuu. Now they were planning a carnival as a fit ting climax before spring got In with her meddlesome lingers uud spoiled their work. "Gee! We might make enough to Ot up a gym," cried Jack Carter, enthusi astically. "Punchln' bag and table, fly In' rings, titrnln' pole oh. maiuuia!" And we could all divvy up for the rest. I've got the boxing gloves and old Bob here has a pair of foils and the masks ChrlBtmns-r " expenses for carnival, none; bnlnuce left lu treasury from box olllce receipts. There was a Comanche howl of aston ishment and delight that brought every body lu the neighborhood to their win dows, and through the uproar Bert Stone's voice could be beard shouting for "Order!" "Will you shut up, you Indians?" he exclaimed. "Shorty, where In thunder did we get all that mouey?" "Why, It was this way," said Shorty, modestly. I put a sign up at the gate where I took tickets, and It said: "I am too busy to give back any change. Just chip in your colu and slide.' Well. the kids had their even quarters, but the growu-ups read the slgu and laugh ed and went down Into their pockets for big money. See? So we made con siderable more than we expected." The club's Joyous appreciation of this business enterprise fell on Shorty's back with a hearty shower of boy thumps that lauded him In a snow bank, from which. he arose snowy and Indignant. unserved ami tlielr range easily no ticed. If bloom Is plentiful close where the bees are located they will not go very far, perhaps u mile lu range, but If bloom Is scarce they may go live miles. Usually about three tulles Is as far as they may go profitably. Bees have been known to go as far as eight miles lu 11 straight Hue, cross ing 11 body of water that distance to land. It Is wonderful how the little honey bee cnn go so far from Its home and ever llnd Its way back to Its own particular hive. If. while the little bee Is out of Its home or hive, the hive should be moved nemo ten to twenty feet, according to the surroundings, when It came back to where Its home was llrst located it would be hopelessly I lost. If Its home wus In an open space I with no other objects close. It might llnd Its way home, but even should the hive be moved only a few feet, many of the bees would get lost. So to move n hive. If done lu the wjn tcr time.. It would be nil right, but If In the summer time it should be done after dark, or when the bees are not flying, end even then the bees should ... .. . ... . .. . ... 1 1.. 1 1 1 ... day at noon everything on the Hnntii ' " unu.- Fo quit working. Tho signal went out American, ami there was not nil operator from "Is the boss In?" nuked the stranger, Chicago to Gainesville. Texas, that etileiing the drug store. "No," replied cared to work. It was a complete tie- the absent-minded clerk, "but wo linvo up. The railroad people blniued Itmii- something Just as good."-Yoiikors soy and said Im had acted In bail faith. Statesman He denied having given any order to cierk-l'erluips you'd like lo look at quit. He culled the men buck to the Kome goods 11 Utile mure oxpouslvo tliiiu keys', but the damage had been done. t,M,, simpper-Not ueccHBiirlly, hut I The story was u couple of days getting would like to look at homo of hotter out. iiuiillty.-l'hlliulelplilA Press. In Wichita there was a fat opera. i.illtm , iMsiutnnt i.Mitor tor mimed Williamson, who refused lo .... , , . , , ...hll ,,Va, Poti. consider life niiythlng more than 11 Ur , Kdltur-Who? Assistant I'M hike. It 11 in mi difference to mill .,il,.- iii.in In M,,liwi . . ... nor t.oiiNiniii HCNiicr miner u uuiu ot ic man lu .Maine. ; ,v ,(M,r ,is mime was Williamson, or . . svracuso llnrnhl It has been Mr. Davis' belief that 110 ,11I11W ,,. L, .,,.. wltli I'lmm-.-Si r iihc Herald. .... , , , , .,, The I) Itoiciico "Oh, well, you prude, every Job. uud Jobs after e- ,. '',, .H.,.lr erypay day. lie conceived the Imp- ' I cm u for jo. 1 kiss . Hour py I lea .lint the thing .0 do was to tie Kr"l""J- '". need ..'. send me 1 uny up the Santa Ko. The more be .bought ; rt,w-' , ' "ur cur- of It (he funnier he though! It was. ami '' "( l,,v"1""'1 ,'"" lh'nh'r- dually he opened up uml sent out the HUl-DId you sny that gun of yours cipher order to strike. The result was would shoot I.OtM) yards? Jlll-Tliitl'n that, believing the strike was on. many what 1 did. "Well. It's marked to shoot of the boys decided the thing to do wiih '! " yards." "Yes; but there uro to become a grievance committee of two barrels."- Youkeis Statesman, one. and lu two hours there was n To the .Manner Horn: Jaggles-When string of operators from Illinois to one Is annoyed by convcrMillon lu a Texas declaring their Intention of theater It Is generally by (lie rich poo- never sending another word for thu pie In the boxes. Waggles Another Santa Ko till the strike was won. proof that money talks. - Smart Hot. "Ramsey sent out n elrelnr over the Passenger tto siatloti porter) Now, wire, and some or them returned to ir o'clock, and the lime table says work, li look a couple of days to get the train arrives at :i:ll. Hlnllim Pot- theni nil to understand that some one tor-Oh, well, you iniislu't take the tlmo had played 11 Joke on the order and tho tntitt. too seriously. I'llogeudii lllnlter. road. The man lu Wichita was black- Variety." said the man who never listed by the roads and the order, and t,llkH fr hUmt,i -iH ,ie splco of from that time on until to day he has fl, .. i euvy yon." stild Miss Cayenno. neon Kepi nusy cmiuguig 111s niiim-. ..y , xviatV" "Your enjoy. iiie nisi 1 uenrii 01 nun no wus u 11 branch of the Santa I'e. satisfied that lie would be discharged as soon as the pay car came along and he was recog nized ns the mini who ordered Die fake strike." Chicago Inter Ocean. creature should be kept In captivity more than a mouth. If the creatures he caught chose , to remain with him after that period they wero welcome to such fare as lie could attord to give. If they wanted to go the doors wero open, lu this way he has tamed squlr rels, muskrats aud woodchucks until they and their offspring nearly overrun his camp. With birds ho has been less successful, because most of them went away south at the annual migrations, and when they came back, If any did couio back, they were ungrateful enough to prefer their liberty to auy thing that Mr. Davis could oll'er. Ho has two crows, one of which Is luoro than ;i0 years old, which have stayed by 111 in uud never sought the society of their kind. Two robins lived with him for three years, but perished one cold night when the camp tiro went out. His great success has been won with woodpeckers, of which he now has near ly 100. They are of the hairy and tho downy sfiecles lu about equal numbers, but mure than both of these lu number aud esteem nre the rcd-licudcil sap suckers, which pick round holes lu the That's all right." he cried, dodging st'r.m,1 ,n 8onlL'- a"U 8m"k.0 lw.l.1,,,1 tin. ulM, d tliut- ...o.l .i. I" ie we eiiuuiii-u. iiiiu 11 iiiraru or UV...UU ........ . '. J UUU.I1C1 dive for him; "I'll take your word for It. You seud me a valentine If you like, but cut It out Just now, see!" So the boys hugged each other and danced -a few turns In the snow and pummeled each other delightedly, and then at last sat down to talk It all over. They finally settled how the money wus to be spent, aud the meeting was Just breaklus up as little- Willie Sum mers came breathlessly running down the street and stopped at the gate to "And we've got a daisy pad for the ,eI1 "tue 'oilers" the news. floor, that the guv'nor used to have,' l)roke In Itoo Jordan, excitedly. "And clubs. Who " "I have!" cried West Krankllu. tripping over his toboggan aud landing full length In front of Bob Kills, who promptly sat on him. "Let mo up, you elephant!" he added. Indignantly. "Say 'please, sir,'" prompted Bob gently. "Please notbln'," said West, upset ting Bob with a sudden twist, then washing his face with snow. "Tlraej" "Olve It to 'lm!" "Go It, Old Granny Jenks or "Whisky Jenks," us she was sometimes called bad Just been burnt out. Her little shanty wus near the scboolliouse and she was well known to the boys. Old granny was very poor, but she clung to her little tumble-down house and flatly refused to go to the poorhouse. and some object placed In front of the hive, so that the bees lu coming out may mark their ilew location. Bees, no doubt, nre guided by sight, and also sense of smell. They arts attracted by the color of bloom, us If they nre at work 011 n certain kind of bloom they are not likely to leave that particular kind of bloom for any other us long as they can find that kind. Again, bees arc often attracted to sweets by their sense of smell, for they will go after sweets even If In the dark. If close. However, any kind of sweets may be placed In glass In plain sight, but If covered, so ns not to emit any smell, the bees will take no notice of It. Baltimore American. ' Hogged. While traveling In Cornwall, lu 1891, Rev. S. Baring-Gould came near IioIiil- womu someimies use rattier profane overwhelmed lu a bog. He and his Mr. Davis bad company the yeur round. He put up boxes for them to occupy as homes and lu a row years the maple grove back of bis camp wus tilled with birds. The yellow hammer Is the ouly species of the woodficcker family that will live without In.'oot food, uud after the kuiHUckors grew very numerous Mr. Davis had much trouble to feed them. He dug up the nut hills uud sift ed the sand out to get the Insects for his birds, but lu spite of his labors the red I headed woodpeckers made sad havoc lu I his sap orchard," digging holes In hi best maples nud Impairing the flow of ' sap, from which much of his living wus derived ! It wus Impossible to kill the birds be cause of the company they afforded aud It was equally Impossible to live with' out the Income from the sup orchard The old man spent weeks In his grove, watching the result of thu wounds which the birds Indicted on the bark As the scars healed he noticed that there was a bright red spot left on the wood directly below the-wouud. If the tree was budly marked the red spots were more numerous tlmn they were on trees which had suffered less, while on trees which the woodpeckers hud not visited there wero no truces of red About this tlnme it occurred to him that as the beautiful markings of bird's eye maple were due to the red spots In the wood, aud us nobody had ever been able to account for them, It wns possl blc that the variety of maple known as bird's-eye might owe Its origin to the work of the woodpeckers. If so he hud made a discovery that had bullied hot anlsts for years. He bad also learned bow to make his colony of tamo wood peckers self-supporting. By mixing the ants, which he sifts from the s-jnd, with a paste formed from elm bark boiled down to a thick batter, be can smear the trunks of thrifty maples with such food as Clio woodpeckers require and while they are getting a meal from the bark tholr bills are boring new holes In the trees this climate." Washington RUSSIA'S GREAT FEAT. incut of Star. Mr. (iotslbuy Ah, little man! Wont to see the wheels go round? Waldo lleiines Thank you, sir: but I'm per j icciiy iiimiuur wuu iiie meeuiiuisiii 01 1 the modern chronometer. Harper's . Hiiznr. "I have compelled my wife to cenno strumming 011 the piano," said Mr. Goldsboroiigh to Mr. Hunting. "How did you manage It?" "1 Insisted upon singing every time she begnu to play." Judge. Sympathetic Krlend Why haven't Hallwuy 1'errjr nt I.uko Ilnlknl 11 Tri umph of .Modern Kiixlitcerlnir, The most Interesting portion of Rus sia's great -1,000 mile railway Is thu steam ferry across Lake Baikal, lu Cen tral Siberia. The lake has an extent of over KI.000 square miles, uud Is tuoru ftlllfl tU'lf'n lltf Willi. IIM till, Klll'tlutl f'llllll. ncl at Dover. In places It Is as deep ru exhibited anything this year? Art language when people would Insist that companion got lost, and nt dusk found tlmt 8lluU transform ordinary innplo 11 was 1110 proper place ion ner. This themselves In a boi: called Itedmtro gave her a bad namo among tho good six bullocks had already becu lost people of the town and they would not there that year. Mr. Baring-Gould's have anything to do with her. But she adventure is related In his "itnnit nr Hobby!" yelled the boys ns four legs llked tuc hys ond ,old tkein many a the West" and considerable snow Ilew lu the air. lon giry auom war times and In- All at once I sank above my waist, xnen mere was a call Tor order, Stone " jjuubu ner nine pipe, thumped the struggling pair apart with Aud tl10 Toboggan Club boys carried his toboggan pad aud the meeting came uer tuacco and things to eat at odd to order once more, times. And they knew how granny "Franklin has clubs and we've all got lrealel dying In the poorhouse. Sho lots of stuff we could fix up with," said liau" no rftnt t0 Pay an(1 gathered her Stone. "And tho gym seems about the own Arowood, and with what tho boys best plan. What do you all say?" took her sho seemed to get along some There was n noisy assent. It wns de- uow elded to charge admission, the proceeds Now she was burned out. to go toward fitting up a gymnasium "Every stick and rag," cried Willie, with his eyes big. "And she's yellln' an' howlln' my!" for the use of those who nad helped pay for and build the toboggau slide. Arrangements went forward gayly; the uoys luvltcl all their friends school and was being sucked farther down I cried to my companion, but In the darkness hn could not sec me. and had ho seen mo ho could have done nothing for me. The water finally reached my armpits. Happily I had a stout bamboo, some six feet long, and I placed this athwart the surfaco and held It with my arms as far expanded as possible. By Jerks I succeeded In gradually lifting myself and throwing my body forward, till finally I was able to cast myself at full Tho boys wero silent and Willie length on tho surface. Tho jjuctlon had looked surprised. Bert Stono stared mates and "grown-ups" adding that It down at his boots and whistled softly. would cost them a quarter to "get In the percesslon." and nt last tho night of the "carnival" came. It was clear and cold and sparkling. A big moon generously helped out by flooding ev erything In silver light, In which the long festoons of Chinese lanterns that decorated tho toboggau slide gleamed rosily nnd bravely. Boys aud girls Shorty Harris kicked the snow against the gatepost and thrust bis hands deep lu his pockets. Soon Stono looked up suddenly and met tho eyes of tho rest of the boys Dxed on him anxiously, "Poor old Whisky! It's kind o' tough, eh?" said Bob Kills, softly. "Hadn't wo better better " Tho boys all moved uneasily aud then sighed. The flashed up nnd down; bright spots of sigh relieved tho tension and they all color on the bright snow In their many- seemed to agree suddenly. ' lined blanket coals, tho woolen scarfs "Yes, let's the gym can wait come that bound tholr waists nnd tholr long1 ou!" tnsseled toboggan cups flying In the nlr Willie stared. Tho boys, with Stone as they shot down tho slide like some and Shorty In tho lead, sprinted down Lrllllnntly dyed arrow, then out on tho tho street. And twenty minutes later been so grj-at as to tear my leather gaiters off my legs. I lay at full length, gasping for near ly a quarter of an hour before I had breath and strength to advance, and then wormed myself along on my breast till I reached dry land. .My com panion. It turned out, had had a similar experience. A Trugecly. She If you had 110 Idea when we could get married, why did you pro poso to me? "To tell the truth, darling, I had no Idea you would accept me." Life. Ileforo marriage men nud women argue; after thut they dispute. ' ' wood, worth no more than $VJt a thou- Baud feet. Into bird's-eye maple that sells nnywhere for ?50 and ?iiO a thou sand, nnd the dealers cannot get all they want at those prices. ORDERED A STRIKE FOR FUN. How a Telegrapher' Tie-Up on the bantu Fe Wot Hroiiulit Aliout. "The reccut strike of the operators on tho Santu Ke," said uu old telegrapher, "reminds me of the strlko which took place In 1801. I had been down In Texas and by easy stages was working back towiird this city, aud was In St. Louis when I met Itamscy. I forgot Unmsey's llrst name. He wus 11 good fellow. I knew him when he used to work on tho L. & N., and then heard ho had quit to study law. At that time he wus practicing law lu Kast St. Louis. Itumsey was tho head of the O, It. T. "He was a little fellow, full of grit, and u good talker. The boys put him lu at the head because be was a law yer and It was thought best to do things according to Hoylo lu the or ganization. Like everybody else that comes out of Texas, nfter a siege of It I was auxlous to get back to God's country and spend tho balance of my Ill-gotten gains nmoug tho people of my birth. When I met Knmsey ho asked 1110 If I wus an O, It. T. matt, and 1 told him I was. Ie told mo there wns liable to bo u strlko 011 tho Santa Fo and usked me to stay about for a few duyu. You can always use a as 4,ii00 feet, nud parts of It have never becu plumbed. It is surrounded by some of the hardest mountains which 11 railway engineer could encounter. The plan of the Trniis-Slbcrluu Railway In- 1st I refused all their offers 1 simply can't sell myself to anyone. Friend Hum! Something like your pictures! Journal Amuxnut. Magistrate (severely)-Ilow could you eludes a railway around the southern ''-' mean as to swindle people who end of the lake to connect the two lake I"'t conlldence lu you? Prisoner-Well, shore terminals, but the enormous dlf- yr honor. I'll make It worth something llculty uud the expense, which Is uu J'1' ,f i'011'" '' "'e to work them Important matter to ltusslu at the pros- B don't. Tit-Bits, cut time, of constructing such a Hue ' "What do you think of tho Christmas conspire to liidelliillely postpone Its magazines?" "Oh, I huvou't paid auy completion. attention to their literary merits. To link the two ends with. 11 steam What I object to Is that so tunny of ferry which would be nble lo break the advertisements are duplicated." through the Ice which covers the lake Cleveland Plain Dealer, from the middle of December lo May "Come, children." said Mr. Wldwer, was doubtless suggested by the excel- Introducing the second Mrs. Wldwer, lent work of the Yerinuh Ice-breaker lu "come and kiss your new mamma." tho Baltic. Sir William Armstrong, "Gracious!" exclaimed little Klsle. "If Will t worth & Co., of Newcastle, were you took her for 'new' (hey stuck you, the constructors of the Yermiih, und to pa."-Phllndelphln Press, the order of the Russian government Mrs. Forrester-Seems to mo that "i ncuim in... .urger you WOU d set vour run for Mr. Hull Ice-breaker which was christened the Baikal. The Baikal has three lines of rail laid Upon her main deck to carry one pas senger and two goods (ruins across the lake. The trains enter the Ice breaker at the bow, which Is run up against a pier. The rails are connected nnd tho trains run Into (he vessel. Willi this load she will cut her way through three feet of Ice ut a speed of 1:1 knots an hour. A screw ut the bow with a separate engine sucks away the water He Is evidently an easy catch. Miss Chorister ICasy catch Is no namo for him. He has been an epidemic In our set for ten years. Denver News. Hif Just hear how the newsboys holler! Isn't It enough to drive ono crazy? She Why, Clinrles, nro you sure It Is newsboys? Really, It must be college boys giving their college yell. 1 think It Is Just lovely. Boston Transcript. 'Whttt's thin!" exclaimed tho Boer from underneath the Ice at the bow Kl,L'ral, In a tono of nnnoyunce. "Moro which thus splits from Its own wi.ii.1.1. prisoners." "Dear me! I wish they the two stubby-bluded propellers at thu would show some consideration for tho stern nt the same tlmo force the vessel f"",, ,,mt wo "ro lry'". conduct a through the broken Ice sheet. The nc- wnr 1"HIe"11 r running a boarding tuitl track of tho Baikal measures thlr- "use." Wushlngton Star. ty-nlne miles. I "Mudatne, nro you n woman HUffrn- 1 gist?" "No, sir; I haven't tlmo to he." IlcnnwH Its Iiurk. ; "Haven't tlmo? Well, If you bad the The cork tree Is an evergreen, nn privilege of voting, whom would von onk, querous suber, about tho size of support?" "The saiuo man I hnvo sup our apple treo nnd grown largely lu ported for tho Inst ten years-my hus Spnln for commercial uses. The bark baud."-Modes and Fabrics. Is stripped In order to obtnlu tho cork, ' ..i)0U't smoke?" exclulmed tho friend, which Is soaked and then dried. Tho ..No was ,le rL.y. .., nlwuy8 ult moment the bark Is peeled -off the treo , u begins to grow another cork skl... and my wlfo ..15ut wuy ,,oyou gcIuct (nbl8 each new one Is belter than the last, so particular season? "It obliges her to , u " nviii'i mo corn. ' Hclcct gomuthiug besides clgnrs for my 'i ho trees uro stripped nbout every Christmas present.--Wnslili.gton Stan eight years, nnd so strong does It inako , .... , , . them that they often live to the t ft Tot ,? J"" BMhocl the ho. oaa ..,. .;,. n, i.: ..... . . clnl reformer. "Why don't you co to j..,.., .,. ,,u ,miii ia nujiincu trlppet off It Is trimmed nnd dried uml flatten ed out. Then It Is packed und shipped to uu parts or the world. Moscow's Great Hospital. Tho municipal hospital of Moscow. which was founded In 17111, has ucconi- work?" asked tho bocIiiI reformer, "I nover thought of that," exclaimed tho beggar. The next evening tho social reformer delivered a lecture oh "Sim ple Advlco to tho Poor." Philadelphia Itecord. Diner (to restaurant waiter) What modntlons for 7,(l()0 persons, and In tho' have you got for dinner? Wnlte; courso or a year it receives ,If..(KJ0 pa- Roast beef frlcassedchlckenstowcd tlcnts. The Institution has on Its stifff lunibhnshbaked nnd frledpotntqcscol-twenty-slx physicians and over 0,000 legepuddlngmllktcaundcoffeo. Diner nurses. In 1812, when Napoleon was 1 Glvo mo tho third, four, llfth ulrti. retreating from Moscow, ho gnvo or- eighteenth nud ulnteenth syllables. ders that this hospital bo spared. Comfort. Friend It's a good thing you don't be- llcvo In reincarnation. Tho pessimist Why? Friend-Just think of having exist- ences without cud, each worse than those which preceded It! Puck. ' ' Answers Soiuethlug Just as Good; "Uavo you j Dickens' 'Tulo pf Two Cities?' nsked me occasiouui customer. "No, sir," re plied 'the now salesman at tho book storo, after a glanco nt tho shelves, "but I seo wo hnvo a 'Rotnanco of Two Worlds,' by Mnrlo Oorclll. Won't that dor-Chicago Tribune. '1 i