Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 01, 1901, Image 5

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On February 8th Dr. Jny William
Hudson of San Francisco wll
lecture on the "Passion Play" as
, presented at the little peasant vil
Isgc of Oberaninicigun, Garmany
The play deals with the scenes uih
persons of the Passion Week in the
life of Christ, more titan seven liun
drcd persons taking part in tiic play
nt its home. The persons arc se
lected at an early age and trained
through many years to take a cer
tain character. Their lives and gciv
eral moral tone must be of the very
lest, else they arc not permitted to
take part. The play thus becomes
a very import factor in the moral
and mental training of these inter
esting people. Dr. Hudson has
spent several months among these
people studying the plot, and char
acters of this world famed play.
Mr. Hudson is an eminent scholar,
being able to speak seven languages
thus insuring a masterly prcsenta
tion of his subject, he is also able
to present many views of the play
as seen by him in 1900. Come and
enjoy an evening with this scholar
and orator and help your public
Upon order of the road super
visor, William Hawley, Clias. Heir-
ford and E. J. Chandler went upon
the premises of G. H. Stone, near
the city limits of this city, last week
nnd cut down a tree. At the time
it was supposed that the tree was
in the county road. Mr. Stone
claimed not and ordered the men
off. They failed to go and con
tinued the work of falling the tree
Mr. Stone had them arrested for
cutting timber on laud not their
own, and they went before Judge
Vaughn for trial, represented in
court by Attorney J jlinson, while
Attorney John M. Williams con
ducted the case for the state. Upon
technicality, they were discharged
and before another warrant could
be issued they had disappeared and
atSlast accounts could not be appre
bended. It seems there is some
difficulty in determining the width
of the road at this place, mid the
?Ae may occasion no small amount
ft legal dispute should the parties
bc'agaiii apprehended.
,;sCoscude Tent, No. 66, K. O. T,
M installed the following officers
Thursday evening of last week
Cpni., I. H. Vcatch: L. C, A. J,
Thomas; It, K.;J. E. Young; F,
K., W. X). Gorman; Sargent, F. P,
Phillips; M. A., R. W. Veatch;
Chaplain, J. W. Nokes; 2nd M. G..
J. F. Taylor; Picket, J. A. Ga
routte. T. W. Jenkins was the in
stalling officer assisted by attorney
Johnson. A few invited guests
were present to witness the instal
lation ceremony, after which tables
were spread with toothsome dainties
and enjoyed by all present. Cas
cade Tent is in a flourishing con
dition. SUGim.Y IMPKOVKD.
Mrs. E. J. Huutly, mother of
Mrs. Geo. Wall, who has been
seriously ill at the residence of her
daughterln this city since Christmas
is reported slightly improved. The
affliction seems to be an abscess on
the side of the neck, which has
occasioned a great amount of suffer
ing. The lady's many friends will
be pleased to note her speedy re
covery. 'official visit.
. Mrs. Jessie Vert, Grand Matron,
O. B. S., paid the lodge an official
visit in this city last Friday evening.
After official business was trans
acted a delightful lunch was served.
Mrs. Vert was accompanied by Mrs.
Wm. Prestou and Miss Libby
Yoran, of Eugene.
Fred J. Meinzer, the new pro
prietor of the Stark grocery store,
has this week received a line of
choice groceries, canned goods,
fresh fruits, etc. Call and be con
vinced that his goods aud prices are
all right.
, Messrs. Brehaut & Nelson have
received their new stock of drugs
and are now busily engaged in in
voicing and arranging the same,
They will soon open the doors to
the public. The Nugget wishes
tbcro success.
GIIAI'INLnt .Monday ovonlng, Jan
uary -H, 11)01, Just n? tlin diiy cloned
nml tho obseurn Kim passed below tint
hurlxon, tlio thread of life mihi ppiil nml
another old nnd valued pioneer of Lane
county passed Into mvslcrious eter
nity, from which no journeyman ha
yet returned.
James Chnpln was 0110 of Oregon's
cmllcst pioneers, having croxsod the
plain with ox team In 18 17, in corn
puny with several others who helped
make early history In Oregon.
Deceased was it 1111111 held high In the
cHtlmnto of IiIh llfo long acquaintance!!,
of that peculiar typo characteristic of
thoHu who ventured and endured the
trlala and exciting scenes of pioneer life
in the far Went, cut olfby many months of
tedious travel overland from birth home
loving friend and rehitlvcH.
Die curly pioneer of Oregon ns he
drown old and grope in the shade of
life's illicit, In nearly every limtance
Women reticent and udverno to detail
ing the early events of their IIveM'oly
at such time n they nro Hiirroiiuiled by
their pioneer lirotherH, when they again
live over tho old tale of early trial 11 ml
"savage war," hence it la with difficulty
that authentic data In in evidence when
they tdinll have paired beyond the gap
ing grave.
Through tho kindness of Itov. Joe II.
Sharp who ha been a llfo long associate
of Mr. Cliapln tho Nugget was presented
with 1 f ketch of the life of deceased,
written by Itev. Hharp, dictated in per
Hon by deceased himself,' in his inodeit
nml retiring manner, and herewith pro-
scuta it to the public:
iiiounAi'iir or jajikhchai'iv.
I was born August 8, IH'.'l', in Onemlngn
County, New York. Moved to Ohio,
from tliero to Missouri and then to
Iowa. From Iowa across the pliiimi
with ox tenuis In 1817 to Oregon in com
pany with Prior lllulr. Inane ltriggs,
Ix-itcr Ilulin, Colonel Him, Alkln,
Davin. Charnel, Mulligan and others.
Started from Iowa last of March. I think
It was hut of November whon we reached
ti.evutllomentain tho Willamette valley.
Mud plenty of gram on tbu road and our
stock fared well but lost two head by
Indian shooting them. Our guard did
not about when liu ought tobavu done
no, but called for me. Before I could
get to him tho Indian wan too far away
to lilt but I shot cIoho enough to him to
make lilm drop bin rabbit skin, you-bet.
IndhuiH atolu 11 yoke of oxen but wo got
them back. We had no Hickucsa to
amount t anything during the long
journey. We left the main route some-
where near I'nrt Hall and camo In on
the Southern route opened by fe'eutt and
Apidcgato. I took up n donation laud
claim in I So I on the Coast Fork of ,tbe
Willamelfo" one mile and 11 half fiTim
where Cottage Grovo now is which I
mill own and on which I now reside
till.' Dccomlicr, 1000. In 1848 I went in
company with others to tho mouth of
Itogue Itiver going througii Camus
prairie (would not do to cull it by its
Indian nnlnii) and tb rough ihu tough
R'igiie H'vcriiiiiuntainH to Itngue Itlvcr
aud down the river to ha mouth, having
A good pilot to tdiow dm the way. On
thin trip wo were trying toget to Cali
fornia. At the mouth of Itngue Itiver
tho company had hoiiio misunderstand-
ing and a separation took place, about
Inilf tho company returning. Part of the
company with mo went about thirty
mile farther south along tho coast.
Indians stole a couplo of ' inulea from
Colonel I'ork 011 the moiiutaina near tlio
river. In trying to get to California on
thin route wo found the Indiana so strong
and manifestly hostile that after the
division nt our company wo wcro not
strong enough in number to successfully
make the trip and hud to return. At
0110 stream wo had Indian to cross us
over. When they got part of tho com
pany over they saw the advantage they
had over us nnd turned tho cnuoe looso.
Hero wo wcro divided; but wo flnnlly
settled tho matter by giving an Indian a
shirt to bring uh tho boat. Ho did and
took tho rest of us over. Wo found a
barricade of split boards set up endwise
and seasholls piled on ono sido to inako
It solid. After consulting with our guide
wo found we would have to pass a nar
row place where tho bluffs overhung tlio
trail nnd wo would havo to tight at a
fearful disadvantage. We concluded it
best and safest to return na half of tho
company having left us wo were too few
in numbers to fight our way through. In
1840 In company with Blulr, Hill apd
Briggs I started again to California along
tho regular trail by Yrekn to tho gold
mines, tojhunt gold. Well, wo hunted it
hut did not make much in tlio mines and
in 1850 alnrtod home by way of San Fran
cisco and took passage on the Ilackon
staff 11 llttlo sail pilot boat for tho mouth
of the Columbia lllvor, but with ndvorso
winds, eight days In a storm of wind and
nino days becalmed, wore delayed until
we wore about out of proviai.ns and
water. Tho captain took sick and en
trusted tho vessel In chargo of ono that
oltlior did not know how to reckon or
lost his reckonings. Said wo wero opo-
si to Montoray, California, when wo wero
noar tho mouth of Itoguo River. I told
tho captain wo wore near Itoguo IMvoras
I recognized tho place, remoinboring how
tho coast looked as I saw It on provlous
expedition mentioned, Tho captain
tried to run into tho mouth of Itoguo
Itlvor but ran aground, wrecking tho
boat, but snyed tho passengers, with
out provision, far from tho scttlcmenlH
and the roughen kind of mountains to
go through to get home. 1 told tho cap
tain ho could not get In there as the
chart I hiiw did not glvo enough water
only nt high tide. He looked at mo 11s
if I did not know anything about it then
took! a skiff and went over the bar Into
the river. Ho camo back to the boat and
na id wo could go In. I lied up what
llttlo I had In a pack got my gun and
ammunition and by that time the boat
struck the sand sidewisc. Tho shock up
set tho stove, iiwny, went what little was
on It and thet'o alio wan fast. Wo got
ashore and crossed over to the north Hide
of tho river, camo upliho river 11 llttlo way
and camped for the night. Next morn
ing mo started out, climbed 11 little
beucoor hill, shot n dcernnd feasted on
roast venison. I think it took us about
eighteen days to get from tho mouth of
the river to tho scttleniontti in UmiHjua
valley. Wo however found plenty of
deer and elk so wo had plenty of moot to
Tlio funeral was hold Wednesday
morning nt the old homestead nnd the
remains were interred in the I. O. 0. F.
FINNICAN. In Portland, Oregon, Sat
urday.Jnn. 27, 1001, Mr. JamcM P. Fin
nican,agcd 57 years.
Ho was born in New York, and camo
to Oregon about 25 years ago. A well
known railroad and mining man. With
his wife, formerly Mrs. It. J. Ladd, he
was interested in tlio Knott mine, one of
tho richest in the Bohemia district. For
tevernl years Mr. Flnnican had been in
ill health. Death was due to Bright'
dl Hence.
MARTIN Died January 24th, 1901, nt
Creswell, Julia Martin, Aged 42 years,
7 months and 21 days.
A precious one from u lias (tope,
A voire wo Invert Is stilled;
A plseo Is vacant in our home,
Wli tell never citii be filled.
OikI In hi wlixlom lias recalled,
Tlio Ikxiii Ms love liml given;
And though the body moulders here,
Tiie soul Is tale In heaven.
An Interesting and Enthusiastic
Convention A Splendid Pro
gramPromising Results.
The first session of the Lane
County Educational Meeting com
menced at the M. E. Church last
Friday evening. Pres. V. C.
Hawley of Willamette University
at Salem addressed a large audience
on the Nicaragua Canal. By means
of charts mid maps he explained
the engineering problems to be
overcome, showiiii; the natural
waterway to he used, thus reduc
ing the actual digging to the mini
mum then taking up the political
and commercial features of the work
in his clear, forceful way, showed
the vast importance of the plan to
the people of the United Stales.
ine remainder ol toe exercises
was carried out according to the
program published in last week's
The pupils of the school furnished
an excellent dinner to which the;
visitors and number of patrons did
justice; to say that nil enjoyed the
dinner is a very mild expression.
All are high in praise of the work
of our young people; they know
how to entertain.
The next meeting will be held in
Eugene, the first Saturday in
March. Following is the enroll
ment: M. C. Harris, E. A. Lea, Lois
Wetle, Tilla Taylor, Lillie Taylor,
Mary Wincoff, Charlotte V. Haw
ley, Flora J. Miller, Sadie J. Down
ing, Wm. M. Miller, Venia Powers,
Gertrude Songtnore, Clara Hager,
Ella Mock, Minnie G. Spong, Alma
Gardner, Ida M. Smith, Ada M.
Smith, Casper Lea, Mrs. Casper
Lea, Gertrude Grousebeck, J. H.
Orcutt, Marion White, A, L.
Night Watch Nunn, in attempt
ing to tound up a few members of
the hobo element in the northeast
ern part of town Wednesday night,
went against n subject who didn't
propose to be rounded. The man
got out of a fence corner when the
officer was only thirty feet away,
and upon being commnnded to halt
answered by taking a couple of shots
at the officer. Mr. Nunn quickly
responded in like manner and the
fellow took to the brush. Marshal
McFarlaud was called nnd diligent
search was made. Three men were
discovered near the timber but they
esciped, and only one lone hobo
was bagged. The search was con
tinued Thursday morning, but
AH About you.
Robert Martin was in town Saturday.
C. 11. Uriineau baa returned from Port
laud, J. I. Jonfcs and family nro visiting In
I'.iigetm . '
Joe. Young was a passenger to Eugeno
Wm. George and wife visited In town
this week,
T. M. Hunt wnt a passenger to Eu
gene Saturday,
County Surveyor C. M. Collier of Ku
genr, was here Saturday.
Lawrence Hrown and wlfo returned
Monday from Tillamook.
h. M. Rldwell Is repainting tho city
clectrlo light lamps ibis week.
Notlco tho advertisement of Jerome
Knox A Co. in this week's issue.
Oeo. W. Lloyd, the mining engineer,
left for Bohemia Wednesday morning.
C. K. Mitchell returned f om Eugene
Monday, and left for llohemia Wednes
day. Mrs, S. L. Knox of Eugene, visited
with relatives and friends here this
Phelton Jenkins visited with his
daughter, Mrs. Ulen Stone, in this place
tbu week.
Assessor I). P. Burton and wife, of
Lugene, attended tho Chnpln funeral
here Wednesday.
Fathor I'rzybylski of Eugene, hold
services in tho Catholic churcli In this
place last Sunday.
Charles Trimble orriyed up from
Wcmlling Monday night and left Tues
day for Wardncr, Idaho.
Dr. Lowe, Eugene's expert optician,
will bein Cottage Grove Feby 20 and 21.
Have him test your eyes.
E. S. Holderman left Monday night
for Rucb, Jackson county, where lie
goes to work in the mines.
Deputy prosecutor, J. SI. Williams of
Eugene was transacting legal business
in town Tuesday and Wednesday.
Representatives McQueen and Hemcn
way spent last Saturday and Sunday in
this city returning on Sunday noon's
C. Ii. Clement the popular cigar dealer
of this city, returned Wednesday from a
business trip to Portland and his old
home.'Oregon City.
C. A. Harlow was in town Tuesday
from Ills mining interests on Fuirview
mountain, Bohemia. Ho reports about
two feet of snow there.
Alf Walker was doing business here
Monday. He is now associated with . I.
M. Abrams as proprietors of tho Hoff
man House bur in Eugene.
Cy. J. Bingham returned from Fort
land Friday and left for tho Champion
mino Sunday. He thinks the outlook
for lively times is very good.
A letter from Jasper Stone well known
annum Bohemia property owners writes
to tlio Nugset from Boston announcing
Russule Hmvnl home. lie speaks of a
pleasanl trip across tho continent and
sends regards to ids friends.
B. F. Scott, the well known and popu
lar general manager of tho Washington
Life Insurance Company, arrived up
from Portland Inst Saturday in the in
terest of his company. Air. Scott is one
oftliolMst insurance men on the coast
and undoubtedly repiesents one of the
ues: companies.
Geo. Griffith for prices on cleaning
ami dyeing. ,
Go to Madsen's for tine jewelry and
nniinay silverware.
For hand loaded shells call on Griffin
ami veatch Co.
Suitai Suits!! Tailor made suits!!!
Up to date in every respect, from $15 un.
Call and see samples.
Griffin-Veatch Co. carrv the finest
line of Ammunition 111 South Lane Co.
For quality nnd clicnpness in fresh
meats go to the Central meat market.
Beautiful rincs and rilvcrwnre at
Madsen's for tho holidays.
Just received this week a choico va
riety of ladicH and Misses fine shoes.
Call and see them at Cumming's store.
rV quantity of fine dressed lumhor and
floorini: for sale. Apply at the black
smith shop of EbyA. Huron.
Wo sell cood eoods nt cood prices for
our customers, Central Meat Market.
A car load of Columbia River cedar
shingles for salo by Jenkins & Lawson.
Fresh candies ovory day, mado from
pure sugar at tho Tailor shop.
We have on hand a lame stock of
kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic in
gradea 1 2 nnd 3. Lot us make you
special prices.
- " r rt
Mrs. L. I. Beck receives pupils from
six (0) of ago and upwards. Tho Syn
thetic Piano School of New York City
admits them at tho n?o of flvo. When
pupils begin thus early the study and
practice of mimic becomes second nature.
Go to Geo. Bolilman's tailor shop
Main street and seo bis full lines of
samples and goods. He can pleaso you
in any stylo or lino you may desire.
Mrs. Beck says alio is pleased with
Cottage Grovo ' especially Its musical
aspirations. These aro manifested by
tho number of pupils studying music
and dso by tho number of pianos in
To sec nro a good tight floor or celling
nnd one that will always remain so use
Kiln-dried lumber. Tlio Bootli-Kelly
Lumber Co, nt Saginaw kiln-dry nlUn
teirlor finish and rustic nnd aro offering
special bargains in .niuiu.
When vou want a physic that N mild
nnd gentfe, oiiBy to take and pleasant In
effect uso Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Only 25o. by Benson
Duuo Co,
POTTS In this city, Thursday, Jan.
24th, 1001, to the wifoof James Potts,
1 We have a Magnificent Stock of FINE SHOES, 3
SZ our prices are lower than like quality sells for any jg
5j where else, and we guarantee shoe satisfaction in 3
every respect at W
w w
JK Money-Saving Prices. J
yjv We think we know what the people want. yj
yj? To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular de- P
mand is our business ambition. (US
Sr: We will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure salisfac-
g tion, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating."
q Wo are living in a rapid age:
and you must move witli ity
Keep up witli the times. If
the opportunity. '
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At
33 ens 02a Drug Company.
ure Drugs
W. S. Chkisman.
The Fashion Stables
Gljrismap & Bas, proprietors.
Reasonable Prices
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single
Cottage Grove, Oregon.,
Wheeler & Scott - - cottage GROVE.
Geo. Gumming,
Having bought out the entire stock of W. F. Schuller, is now
offering the same at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.
I have already added largely to the Grocery Stock Have just re
ceived a fresh supply of Teas, Coffees, Sugar, etc.; also a choice lot of
Apples, Oranges, Lemons and vegetables; Dried Fruits, Bacon, Hams
and Lard, and other goods now arriving.
A cordial invitation extended to all.
Before You Boy a Piano or an Orp
It will pay you to write
Eiler's Piano House
OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Or.
We are the great profit killers
Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a fine piano or organ
for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Write today. Cata
logues for the asking.
Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim
ball, the Chickering and the Weber
Easy Payment Plan,
Eiler's Piano House.
Or call ou MRS. L- D. Bkqk, local Representative, Cottage Grove, Or.
an ago of Progression. The World moras
you see a chance to benefit yourself grasp
and Chemicals-
Eiii Bangs.
roprietors of the Bohemia gj
V, and g
Black Butte Stage Lines. K
Sewing Machines
Ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical
Feed and three underfeed machines.
Prices to suit.
For sale by
George Cumming.
and piano price regulators of the
- - together with other good makes,