Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 01, 1901, Image 2

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Published fcirr FrJdajr-
f 115 OF 1 DM
An Interesting Collection of llemi From
Two tfemlsphcrts Presented in a
J CntUtwd Form,
Agulnaldo says be will not accept
At Ho Ilo 50,000 Filipinos have
sworn allegiance.
The murderer of Sheriff Summers, in
Montana, was run down.
Recruits for Transvaal monnted police
are being enlisted at Victoria.
Filipinos in arms after Marob next
will be ineligible to bold ofllce.
Baldwin has , completed arrange
merits for his Acrtio expedition.
In a battle with Kentucky moon
shiners two officers were killed.
Germans believe Itoborts' frank
avowals hastened the queens' death. j
Sixty skaters broke through ice near
Brooklyn, and two boys were drowned. I
There is much speculation in Wash. I
ington as to the probabilityof an oxtia
session of congress.
Fire in a Washington hotel entailed
a loss of $3,000. All the guests os
caped uninjured.
A sympathetic strike, which means
a complete tie-np has boen voted by
.Northern Colorado miners.
Emperor William of Germany, has
been appointed a field marshal In the
British army as a birthday token.
Owing to the famine, thousands
Jiavo died anr- there has been creat dis
trosa in the provineoof Shan Si, China
The leader of the Creek Indian up
rising has been captnred and it is
thought this means the end of the in'
Nearly Three Million Dollars' Worth of Prop.
erly Loit.
Montreal. Jan. 26. One of the most
destructive fires from which this city
has ever suffered begun at 8 o olook
last night, and, notwithstanding tlio
efforts of the ontiro tire department,
the progress of tho flames was not
checkod until 1 o'clock this morning.
By that time it had dostroyod property
estimated at between $2,600,000 and
$3,000,000, and was still burning,
though tho appoaranoe was that tlio
firemen havo at last got it under con
trol. Included in tho property burnod
ia the splendid board of trade' build
ing, which cost $600,000, and housed
I over 100 tenants, half a dozen largo
. businoss houses and two score of small
er buildings. The woather was cold
and the firemen were greatly hempered
in this respect. Outside of the bonrd
of trade. building there was not n mod
ern structure among thoso burned
j Crowds of people jammed the nar
row streets, and the police could not
! control them. Women fainted and
their olothes were torn and a few
' slightly injured in rushes for safety.
I The fire started in the premises of
I M. Saxe & Co., wholesale clothiers,
at Lemerne and St. Peter streets. The
streota in tho locality wcro deserted at
tho time and tho tiro apparently hud
good headway before the (list alarm
was sent in. The iiremon found the
building a three-story stone structure,
a mass of flames.
Great Devastation In New Heb
rides and New Britain.
A bill providing for a bounty of
cent per pound on sugar made from
Idaho beets has been introduced in tho
Jbonso of the Idaho Igislature.
The revenue cutter Grant has started
on one oi tne most perilous voyages
ever undertaken, snipping men and
underwriters of the entire Pacific coast
-will anxionslv await her return, for
she goes in search of missing vessels
and distressed mariners. Twenty-five
vessels bonnd for Paget sound and the
coast are missing, supposedly driven
north. Vessels from Alaska report the
entire west coast of Vancouver island,
260 miles of rocks and , reefs, strews
with wreckage. The ..Grant will ox
""amine every flqnaret-hfob of Vancouver
coast as far north as Cape Scott in
small boats and launches, and will
search every piece of wreckage for iden
tification. The queen's fortune is not so large
as generally supposed.
The accession of King Edward was
attended with much pomp in London.
Thomas Kearns has been elected
United States senator from Utah.
A Are in Montreal destroyed proper
ty -worth from $2,500,000 to $,3000,
000. California's orange crop this year
promises to break the record of prev
ious years.
Three men held up a saloon and
gambing house in North Yakima and
toenred $800.
Shelby M. Cullom wan re-eleotod
United States senator from Illinois.
This is his fourth term.
Lieutenant Taylor, of tho United
States revenue cuttei Penrose, was
drowned at Pensacola, Fin.
William A. Denton, a soldier of the
Black Hawk Indian war, is dead at
Madison, Ind., aged 101 years.
Washington senate passed memor
ials praying congress to. appropriate
$15,000 for improvements ot Lewis
river and $100,0.10 for completion of
The Dalles-Celilo canal.
A dispatch from, Pekin says 25,000
Chinese regulars have reassembled
noar Chan Ting Fu, a day's march
from the French troops. General Yey
ron is closely watching them, and M.
Pichon, the French minister, has en
eigetically requested their immediate
A damage has been settled at Tusca
loosa, Ala., for which no precedents
in law could be found, B. Wilson was
talking over a telephone during a
thnnder storm, and was struck by
lightning and killed. Suit was
brought for damages, but was settled
by the payment of $1,800 by the tele
phone company,
A speolal tourist train on the St.
Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern
Hallway, was wrecked near Walnut
Ridge, Ark. The only person injured
was the Pullman porter. The passen
gers were only badly shaken np. The
accident was the result of an attempt
to wreok the Cannon Ball train which
was an hour behind tho special, by
opening a awitob.
Three Men Were Burned to Death and Several
Injured at Kewanee, III.
Kewanee, 111., Jan. 25. Fire early
this morning destroyed the Commer
cial house and caused the death of
three men. The dead are: O. C. Cot
ton, aged 22 years, Terre Haute, Ind.,
advance agant of "Unole Toui'h Cabin"
company, suffocated in bod; j-.imer
Peterson, Galesburg, 111., brick mason;
James Fischer, Walnut, III., auction",
John C. Gruber, of Fort Wayne,
Ind., a contractor, ind .Martin Jacobs,
of Chicago, an expert mechanic,
jumped from tho third story windows
and were badly hurt.
An explosion in the, kltohen sent tho
flames into every corner of tho house
and cut off escape by means of the
stairs. Tho frantic guests rnsbed to
the windows', where some hurled them
selves to tho ground. Others had to
be carried out by the firemen. The
loss is' $4,000.
french Traders Reported Trying to Stir Up
Anti-British Feeling In Former Islands
Innumerable Craft Wrecked.
Victoria, 11. 0., Jan. 28. Groat
devastation was wrought and a number
at natives wore drowned by tho hurri
cane in tlio Now Hebrides and New
Britain, Decombor 7, 8 and 0, noeord
lug to news brought by tho AoraiiKi.
At Horbort8huhe, while tlio settlement
was asleep, a tremmious sou carried
lighters, bouts, kotchus and wrockugo of
all dscriptious ashore. Innumerable
craft were wrookod. Tho stcumor
Stettin, the steam yaoht Klborhurd and
tho goverment steamer Stephen wero
saved by running to Matnpl for sholtor.
The mission steamor Kingfisher was
totally wrecked and tho government
wbitrf washed away. December 8 the
stone, breakwater surrounding the New
Guinea wharves cave way and vcsselos
inside wero all wrecked, with losses
amounting to 100,0 10 murks. A num
ber of natives were drowned and many
injured. 1
The Aornngi brings news of a flro at '
Greta mines, N. S. W., in which five 1
lives were lost. Kosouo partios worked '
all night, but wero driven bnok after
every effort, finally the mine was
ordered sealed down in nn effort to
fight tho fire, and tbo men were aban- '
doned to their, fate.
On arrival at Sydney from Victoria
the bark Defiance reported passing a
Composer if Some of the World's Finest
Operas Passes to the Oreat Ikyond.
Itomo, Jan. 28. A special dispatch
to tbo Putrin says tliut Vordl, tho com
poser, is dead. Ho was born in 1813
near Parma, at the toot of tho Aper
iilucA. At 11 ho was tho organist of
Roucolo, his native- vitiligo. Ho first
married tho daughtor of tho comlnotor
of tho theater of La Sculii. For CO
year!) ho has mndo tho villa of St. Ago
tha, near Bussoto, his favorlto resi
dence Aftor tlio death of his first
, wifo ho imuriod Mmo. Stroppoui, who
played in tho first porformuueo of his
"Nabuoco," at Milan, over CO yours
ngo. Verdi's father was tho kcopor of
an inn, a fact which would sou in to
prove tho thoory of some men of 1
soiouco that all human buiugs are horn
equal In possibility. What Vurdl has
dono for mankind cannot bo ineasiirod, .
"Krnnnt," Rlgolotto," "II Trovn-!
toro," "La Travaita," "Aidu" thoso
uamos toll the story of what joy ivnil i
iioaco mid pleasure tho genius ot tlio
Italian of humble origin has brought
to his kind. His compositions have
been very numerous. As early as 1347
ho wroto tho '".Miisnadlori." It was
composed for Jenny Liud, nntl wnsl
sung at Her Majesty theater in Lon
don with tho great soprano in tho prin-'
oipal part. "Trovatoro" is his most)
popular opera. "Aida" is his greatest 1
work, hut opinions vary on this point,
as they vary about tho groatest of,
Shakespeare's plays. Slgnor Vordi did
other things than wrlto music Ho
was a momber of tho Italian parlia
ment, and sorvod his country in tho '
capacity of minister of public instruc-1
tion. Franco gave him tho teuton of
honor, Russia gave him tho order of,
St. Stanislaus, Italy tho order of the'
crown, and Egypt tho order of Osfnnn-
lob. Australia proseutod him with a j
cross of cominauderHliip of tho order
m or mis mid ram m
Events and Gossip of the Past Week Reported From
Cities and Towns In Wnshlnton, Oregon
and Idaho.
Canyon Oily has a now flro boll.
Joffnm'on will levy no tax for th
year 1(101.
Tho Toledo tux levy has boon fixed
at S mills.
Tho Kueono Military Club has in
Tho Southoru Pnciflo tie plnut at
Latham is running again.
linker Citv school elootors havo
voted In favor of a lO-mlll special tax
Tho 0-voar-old son of H. H. Filton
of Lost Valley, was killed by a falling
Tlifirn ivnrn nrnirlv (1(1(1 tllllllni loca
tions recordod in Josophlno county lust
Tho receipts of tho Canyon City post
oflico last yoar iimouutoit to
Tho bridgo across Trask river at the
Htlllwoll placo was washod out by tho
Luinbor is being delivered on the
giouucl for tho now hospital building
at Euguno.
Tho Stiudard mill at Ilakor City,
with a capacity of 40,000 feet per day,
is nearly finished.
James Yatos has sold his farm of 80
ot Franz Josoph. Of Into years Verdi j ncros, near
derel'iot vessel of from 200 to 300 tons, wrote works that aro almost as well
known us his earlier oiiorts. Jhoy aro
"Othello" and "Kalstaff." Tho lat
ter was written whou tho author was
70 years of ago.
Train Robbers Tried to Hold Up the Overland
Express Near Kearney.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Jan. 26. Informa
tion was leceived heie today that a
desperate attempt was made last
night by a gang of train robbers to
bold np the overland express near
Kearney, Neb. The bandits placed a
large pile of rocks on the track in or
der to wreck the train, which is re
ported to havo had a large amount of
money. The robbers secreted them
selves behind a hill near the railroad.
pedestrian traveling along tho track
came upon tho obstruction, was
pounced npon, severely beaten, and
robbed of all his monev, amounting to
$160. He got away from them and
ran to Kearney, where ho gave the
alarm, and a posse was at one organ
ized and orders given to hold the train.
The posse came upon the bandits and
captured one, the others escaping. Tho
officers are still in pursuit.
100 feet long, keel outward, evidently
wrecked a month ago, in 34 south, 100
The Sydney Mail publishos a state
ment from its New Hebrides corre
spondent stating that French traders
and sailors havo been at those islands
endeavorine to stir up anti-British feel
ing among tbo natives of the New Hob
rides. Tho allegations is made that
tho French traders have represented to
the natives that England s power is
waining, and havo promised them 'var
ious privileges for allegianco to French
interests. It is said that the natives
are being encouraged in various acts
Washington Man Who Mnrdered Three People j
Confessed Ills Crimes.
Knlania, Wash., Jan. 28. Martin
Stiokel was hanged in tho jail yard nt I
i 0:37 o'clock Friday morning, for tho j
murder ot W. B. Shaukliu, noar KoUo '
' in November, 1800. Stiokol was taken'
from the cell at 0:4S by Sheriff Hunt-;
tils Naturalization Was Postponed.
New York, Jan. 25. A man who
gave the name of Henry Zimmer ap
plied to the naturalization bureau in
the county court house for his final
naturalization papers. Zimmer said
he was an Englishman. Clerk Loos
j started to administer the usual oath to
' Zimmer, and had got so far as for
swearing "allegianoe to all foreign
powers or potentates," and especially
I to the queen of Great Britain and Ire-
land, when a messenger rushed in and
announced that tho queen was dead.
Zimmer's naturalization was immedi
ately postponed until the uaturaliza-
tion bnrean is officially informed of the
queen's death and the successor to tho
throne of England formally announced
The last British subject to
of lawlessness against British traders, ' iniiton and four attendants. Ho
and that a native murderer of an Eng- walked to tho scaffold unassisted, and
lish skipper named Captain Nasmith
was shielded from punishment by tho
captain of a French ship. Serious
trouble is predicted in the New Heb
rides. While the steamer Titus was at the
Gilber group, at Bntaritari island, '
November 1(T, some excitement was '
caused by a terrific report.- 1 he uk-'
tives had heard it and were terribly I
frightened, but they could offer no ex-
planation. The opinon was expressed .
that it was due to a severe volcanic '
disturbance on some neighboring isl
Extraordinary results have been ob
tained in New South Wales by the gov
ernment engineers who have been bor
ing for oil wells, and a number of
tanks have been completed.
Spanish Drydock Not Wanted.
Washington, Jan 28. The naval
board, headed by Judgo Advocate Gen
eral Lemley, appointed to decide on
the advisability of purchasing tho large
floating drydock in Havana harbor
from the government of Spain, reports
that to place tho dock in thorough
shapo and to prepare it for a voyago
would involve an expenditure of over
$500,000, and that a dock could be
built new at a figure not greater. Ad
miral Endlcott, chief of the bureau of
docks and yards, has recommended
that, as there is no present necessity
for the acquisition by this government
of such a dock, the tender of the Span
ish government for its removal to the
Untied States shall not be accepted.
Secretary Long has approved this recommendation.
The Anglo-German Alliance.
London, Jan. 28. The Daily Ohrou-
furjWear ,Iole, in the course of an editorial, on
in this city is John J.
ascended tho fcteps with steady tread,
shnwlntt flint lin wiiH ilAh.ftn find tn din
like a man. Ho stopped to tho center I w-' P'Olmbly
of tho trap door, stood erect and said:
"Gentlemen, 1 bid you good.liy.j
God help yon; God forglvo mo. This
is the last time I will see you on this i
shoro. Jesus help you all; Jesus take
me; take me now."
By the time tho last words were,
spoken, tho sheriff and his attendants
had strapped Stlckels legs togother, '
his hands to his sides, placed the black
' nnn m , . .a tana .1 il fill, tl a n (1 V.l 1 1 tt .1
bis neck. i
At 0:57 Sheriff Huntington graspodl
the lever and suddenly sprung thei
trap. The condemned man fell sovon ,
feet, and his neck was almost instant
ly broken. At 10 o'clock dootors pro
nounced life extinct. Tho body was ,
cut down and placed in a coflln, to bo
turned over to the murderer's mother
and brother. It will bo tken to Catlln
fur burial. ,
The hanging was private. Every
thing worked like clockwork. Thero
was no trouble in any respect. The
spectators were very quiet. There was ,
no talking or demonstration.
Stickel was born in Adams county,
Iowa, February 0, 1870. lie had ro-1
sided in this section about 12 years. '
Tho condemned man slept well last
night and ate a hearty breakfast. j
Death of a Hero of San Juan. I
Now York, Jan. 38. After snfforing '
for more than two years with Cuban
fever, Alfred Kosetsky, who is said to
have been tbo first American soldier to
ford San Juan crock, whero the floreut
of the Spanish tire was directed, iu
the battle of San Juan hill, has just
died in a Newurk hospital. Ho con
tracted the foyer in Santiago, and was
a mere skeleton when ho got home. At
San Juan Rosotsky fought In troop C,
the "threatening aspoct of Russian j sixth cavalry. His olothes wore out
Big Washington Hop Contract,
m II, 1- t
lacunia, yubii., jnn. ao. -rjer
Bros., hop dealers, of New Yoik, have
closed a contract with Wellor & Mc-1
Gowan to operate threo large hopyards I
in Pnyallup vajley, aggregating 60
acres, on the basis of advancing 8 cents
a pound on an estimated crop of 110,
000 pounds for cultivating and deliver
ing crop free on board cars. All above
eight cents is to be equally divided.
policy a China,'' rofera to the rerort
that Emperor William will be appoint
ed a field marshal of the British army.
.1 imrA I . x
2g Pier I hujju mo jujiuiv is uui-
iuuv. a uermuu alliance is one we
cannot afford to throw away. Who can
tell how soon we may need its pieatige.
If not its active co-operation;"
Compulsory education in New Zea
land is considered a suocesg.
The Georgia stato university at Ath
ens celebrated its centennial,
Yale's football assoolation last year
paid ont $1,204.05 for medical attend
ance and $740.80 for "shoes and re
pairs." The British ambassador in a com
munication to the secretary of state
praised Americans at the siege of Po-Idn.
A Consumptive Quarantined.
San Francisco, Jan. 25. J. W.
Thompson, a consumptive, who ar
rived here from British Columbia on
tho steamer City of California, was not
allowed to land, on tho ground that he
was afflicted with a contagious dis
ease. This is the first instance whoro
a person afflicted with consumption
has been denied a landing. '
Hazing at Annapolis.
Washington, Jan. 28. Representa
tive Sherman, of New York, today in
troduced a resolution which was re
ferred to the naval committee, provid
ing for appointment of a select com
mittee of Ave members of the house to
investigate hazing at the naval acad
emy at Annapolis.
by bullers, and while ho was aeconding
tho bill with a numbor of other sol
diers, a shell exploded close by them.
A lump of earth struck the young sol
dier m the sido, knocking him senso
less. After tho battlo ho wbb person
ally complimented for his courage by
General Wheeler.
Justice James P, Sterrelt
Philadelphia, Jan. 25, -James P.
Bterrett, ex-justice oi the supremo
court of Philadelphia, is dead
iome bore, from tho effects of
bunde. He was 78 years old.
more into
To Raise Small Fruit
people are going
tbo small fruit
Collier's Weekly In South America.
With tho idea that South America
may supplant South Africa and China
as a war news center, Collier's Weekly
sent a special correspondent and a spe
cial photographer to Venezuela. Temp
ests in teapots are common down there,
but this is one that looks like it might
boil over and burn tho cook.
Senator's Son a Priest.
Rural Delivery for Cresham, Or.
Washington, Jan. 25. Rural free
delivery is to be established at Gres
ham, Or., on February 15, with two
Concord, N. II., Jan. 28, William
GalUnger, son of United States Senator
at his Galllnger, began his novitate at the
a car- monastery of Graymoro, three miles
distant from Garrlson-on-IIudson, in
the Order of Atonement today. He is
now known as Brother Leo. At the
end of two years Brother Leo will be
formally ordained a priest of the Epis
copal churoh, and will go ont upon his
obosen work aa a missionary.
Tenth National Irrigation Congress.
Tho Colprado Springs Nutional Irri
gation Congress is auLounoed to meet
more and July 13 to 10 next. This will be inl
and orange ' mediately preceding the Trans-Missis
sippi congress at Cripplo Creek.
Bush Fires In Australia.
Seattle, Wash,, Jan. 38, A spoolal
from Vancouver, B. 0 says; Tho do
struction by bush fires in Australia,
according to mail advices by the
steamer Aorangi, has boon appalling,
While many peoplo are dropping dead
from heat apoplexy, the thermometer
running up to 115 and 120 in the
shade, hundreds upon hundreds ot fam
ilies have been burned out, soma of the
country residents destroyed being coat
ly structures.
Irving, to Mr. Ilurd, late
of Iowu, for about $3,600.
Local miners aro sinking a shaft on
tho Watt hills oast ot Amity on tho
site of a supposod gold mino.
Freo-mllllm cold oro has boen dis
covered In tho mountains just wost of
Lostluo. Test show tho oro literally
filled with black suphnrets.
Miss Elizabeth Glesy, an Oregon
nloneer. nuod 75 years, diod nt her
homo in Aurora. Doccased was a slS'
ter of Dr. Martin and Jacob Glcsy
A hirue amount of drift lodged
ncainst tho railroad bridge, north of
Lohanon, und 16 in on havo boen at
work all wook dislodging it.
A tnlopliouo lino Is being built by
tho Sunset Company from Jacksonville
to tho Upper Applegato country, and
bo connected with tho
Grant's Puss-Williams line.
J. W, Parker, who has a rich ap
pouring qunrtz ledgo noar Luland, nn
der bond from Burnott & Hudson, i
making preparations to equip the prop
erty with an oleotrio plant.
C. A. Parker and James Buchanan
havo secured a contract to cnt and de
liver poles Jot the telephone lino which
is to bo built from Pleasant Hill via
Jasper and Natron to tho main lino at
The long lookod for English par
tridges arrived at Independence and
were taken to the O'Brien farm, a few
miles north nf that city, and turned
looso. The birds appeared very wild,
apparently owing to thoir long journey
Reports from tho country surround.
ing Albany aro goneral that tho fall
wheat is in excolluut condition, with
out any indication, at this tlmo, of nn
enomy ot nny kind. Notwithstanding
the poor crop of lust yoar, tho ucreago
is largo.
After an illness ot eovoral years,
James A. Cauthorn, at one tlmo a
prominent grain dealer of Corvallls,
died at his homo in that city. His
ailment was rheumatism, and under
its effects the deceased had been an
invalid (or several years.
An effort is being made to have tho
mull route changed botween Long
Creek and Pendleton so that tho route
will go over the Yellow Jacket road
from Pendleton to Ukiah aud via tho
lower gulch road from Ukiah to Long
Creek and supply Rittor from Long
A deal of considprablo magnitude
vas consummated last week at Tilla
mook ' between O. and E. Thayer nnd
tho Beals Land Company. About
: $40,000 worth of agricultural land and
town pioperty was transferred to the
i company, and will probably be placed
on tho market.
Owing to tho recent high water on
I tbo Coast Folk which caused the loss
of many thousand foot ot logs, Messrs.
Goer and Rouse, the saw mill men at
Amos, are arranging to erect a torn
.porary saw mill ut Cottage Grovo and
will drive the logs there. The boilers
and engines of tho now light plant may
be used.
The owners of tbo Rod, White and
Blue mine, at Malheur, will push de
velopments as rapidly as possible,
There are two parallel ledges, ono
measuring 12 teet and the othor three
feet, and tbo owners believe- that do
vnlopment will provo that they come
together. The mine is equipped with
a three stamp mill and a steam hoist
ing plant. The oapaoity of tho mill
is to bo increased and a pump installed
at once.
The businoss men of Wenatoheehave
takon the first stops toward organizing
a commercial club. At the first
mooting over CO prominent citizens
wore preseut.
William M. Bacon, un engineer on
the Spokane Falls & Northern, who
was injured in tho collapse of the
bridge betwoen Meyers Falls and Mar
cus, July 28, 1000, baa aued the com
pany for $76,750 domagoj.
Thoro Is talk ot a now national bank
at EllciiNburg.
Work on tho now Seattle Labor Tom
plo will begin within 00 days.
Hoqiilm will soon linvo a nlglit tolo
phono service.
A croamory with a dally oapaulty of
2.000 pounds ot buttor is to bo built t
Charlos Noymelr has movod his mill
from Maohlas to a slto noar Woodln
villo Junction.
Mrs. Julia i'ndon, a resident f
Rosalia sinco 1880, is dead athor homo
in that city.
It is aimoimcod that a foundry ami
machine shop to cost $50,000 will bo
orocted at Kvorott.
The bunk of Harrington received last
wook ii tlmo lock safo which is sup
posed to bo burglar proof.
The Harrington Flour Milling Com
pany has finished an orih'r for 2,600
burrols of flour, which la to bo sent U
Kx-Bhorifl F. W. DoLorlmor. ol Ten
MHo, bus been appointed atato laud In-
spotcor by Land ComiuUslouor a. A.
J. M. Hall has roslgnod tho olllco ol
Yakima county surveyor, and tho com
missioners havo appointed II F. .Mar
bio to succocri him.
fioorgo I'atighiirn, aplonoei of Wash
ington, dropped doad from heart fail
ure at Endlcot, 20 inlloi west of Lol
fax llo Was 00 yo.irs old.
W. P. Damon wus kuockod down lii
front of his roildeuco by n tough, who
struck him on the head with n club,
rendering hhn insensible.
Men engaged in working on tho T.
Hawloy road, south of Kent, discov
ered a vein of coal wbtlo blasting on
tho side ot Crow hill. It la about
four luchos in diameter.
Fred Lyman who had been working
on tho steam shovel on tho railroad,
north of Arlington, was Instantly
killed. A Inudslido occurred and ho
was wurtiod, but did not havo time to
got out ot tho way.
A third intorest In a group of flvo
claims located on Iton croek, eight
miles from Keller, has boon sold to A.
A. Redmond, of Ropubllo. The claims
aro tho Mary Mack, Lucklo Four. Last
Chauco, Copper King anil No. 5, and
aro ownod by II. 1'. McCarthy and
Fred Beaudrcau. Tho terms are kept
a secret.
The West Coast mill, at Bsllanl,
which has been closod for tho past four
weeks, has icsumod work. During tbo
tlmo the mill was closed muuy Im
provements and repairs wero mailo
to the engluo and innchiuery, bv moan
ot which tho output ot tbo plant wilt
bo greatly incroased. Tho mill build
ing was also ro pal rod and a now foun
dation put under part of it.
Tho O R. & N. nnglnoors, who bavn
been making surveys along the lino of
the Ilwaco Railway & Navigation Com
pany, havo flnlshod their labors und a
forco of jnon nro oxpuotd to begin work
on tho contemplated improvements.
Boaidos the repairs to tho trnok, u now
trostlu is to bo built at Ilwaco and
docks to be put in at each end of tho
lino. It la also atatod that cars for
hauling logs from Willupa harbor aro
to be' put on tho road.
Hog cholora has made Its appoaranoe
in the vicinity qt Moscow.
James Judge, ot Conor do'Aleco
City, ono of tho best known mou of tho
state, la dead. ' '
George W. Hunt nnd Frank Pottlco.
of Oro Fino, arrested on n cliarco ol
cattlo-stoallng, havo been discharged.
Georgo R. Lubkln, a Bolso mail Bar
rier, has filed a homestead outry on n
valuublo ploce ot laud near that citv,
which bad been overlooked.
According to reports from Delta, the
scene of recent tho placor striko, pros
poots are exuellent. Nuggets havo
boen picked up wotth $7 and $8 and
thoio aro said to bo lots more of them
Eight cowa burned to a crlan. Jacob
Hausor almost fatally burned. 26 tons
of hay and a fine barn totally con
sumed, are tho result of a (Ire on a
ranch owned by David Locko near Cnl
ispell. Tho loss la estimated at about
The result of a disputed road olentlnn
in Kootenai county has been deter
mined by lot. James Graham and
Noah Waahbnrn, both of Port Hill,
wero tbo claimants. The commlison
ers flipped a oolu to determine the result.
Tho Potlatch country la Infested
with cattle thlevos again. Roports aro
com lug from the surrounding country
that a few head had beon stolon. So
lar nono of the thieves havo boon ap.
It ia roportod from Noa Perces that
Messrs. Croizer and Sohaffer havo com
pleted arrangements for buying all tho
hoga on the prairie. They have loasod
ground out of the city limits, where
they have erected bulldlnas for the cara
of the stock.