Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 25, 1901, Image 6

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TublUhcd JKrx Trldar
rvcriTS of i dm
An Snicrtstlnj Cotltolon of Items From
Two Membpheru Preicnlid In
Cnnderaed Form.
West Point cadets Agree to abolish
Enraged Omaha citizens bnrned
Germans contemplate a cable line
around the world.
The naval appropriation bill provides
for four now warships.
Astoria's big export sawmill will be
located at Tongue.'s Point.
The term of duty in tbe Philippines
may be limited to two years.
Minister Vu urges Americans to
enter into trade with China.
Havana citizens petition congress to
lower duty on Cuban products.
America's protests against Venezuela
have been defied by that government.
The house will devote moit of its
time this week $o the appropriation
Mlnlittrs st Pekin Will Clear the Way of
Minor Matter.
Washington, Jan. 10. So far as onr
tato department can influence the ue
gotfatious now about to begin at Pekin
it will seok to clear the way of all I
minor matters and of points upon i
which there is no disagreement what
ever among the allies, before underline
inc the solution of tho more difficult
problems involved in tho settlement of
the questions of indemnities, guaran
tcos and commercial treaties. It is ful
ly expected that the Chinese represen
tatives will offer opposition to almost
every point, in order to secure more
favorable terms, such as an undertak
ing to dismantle, instead of destroy,
tbe Chinese forts between Taku nnd
Pekin; some abatement of the restric
tions upon the importation of arms,
and a considerable limitation upon the
size of the legation guards to be main
tained in Pekin.
it is said at the state department
that Mr. fiockhill has signed an inten
tion to return to tho United States in
a short time. He has not retired, but
returns voluntarily.
11 K Oil HAND
'diamond smuggler caught
Farquhar's Squadron Ready
Move on Venezuela.
Minister Loomls Dispatches Tampered With
The Scorpion Will Remain at U Guiyrs,
Where Her Presence U Necessary.
British ship Muel
in English channel
Try van foundered
and 11 lives were
T. W. Bartley, of Moscow, has been
appointed Call and game warden for
Anarchist plot to kill prominont
Americans disclosed by member in a
court trial.
Severe cold weather prevails in
Cuba. There has been much suffering
at Santiago.
Count de Lnbersac and Baron de
Kothscbild fought a duel in France in
which the former was wounded.
An Idaho bill for the repeal of the
stringent law against gambling has
been introduced in the house.
The Oregon legislature will be asked
by the managers of the Spokane expo
sition to appropriate $50,000 for an ex
hibit at the fair.
Two men, while rowing across Ni
agara river, lost control of their boat
and were carried into the rapids. One
of them was swept over tbe falls and
drowned. The other was rescued.
All hopes for tbe rocovery of Queen
Victoria are gone and tho announce
ment of her death is bonrly expected.
All members of her family are either
.at her bedside or going there as fast as
steam can carry them.
with severe losses
will be sent to
The British met
at Mnrraysburg.
Kitchener at once.
Two hnndred mill hands at Florence,
Colo., have struck.
Fred T. Dubois was elected United
States senator from Idaho.
The sentencing of Alvord, the em
bezzler, haB been postponed.
Colombian rebels were defeated by
tho government troops Jeai Panama.
The president has appointed Vada
Moore postmaster at Ironside, Oregon.
Fied Alexander, th Negro mnrderer,
was burned at the stake at Leaven
worth, Kans.
A sawmill for Astoria, with a daily
capacity of 200,000 feet, has been
financed in New York.
The O. R. & N. Co.'s' wharf at
Salem was carried nway by high
water. Loss about $1,000.
Two carloads of Portuguese laboreis
bound for the sugar plantations of
Hawaii passed through Chicago en
route for San Francisco.
Chicago detectives raised a counter
feiter's den, captured J'. P. McUarry,
the supposed lendor of the band and
secured three bags of spurious coin.
Rear-Admiral George W. Melville,
engineer-in-cbief of the Unitbd States
navy yard, says that English niado
warships are not near as stable as
those of our own build.
The Venezuelan government has
seized two steameis flying the British
flag. The company owning tbe vessels
baa an American president and several
of tho principal stockholders are
Scott Wilke, who served in tho
lower bouse oi congress two terms,
beginning with 1880, and who was as
sistant controller of currency during
President Cleveland's last term, is
dying at his homo near Barry, Pike
county, 111.
Coquard, tbe man who defied the
Paris police, has committed anlnlH.
Ho was pursued by the police to his
nouse wnero no barred the doors, and,
from an upstairs window, warned all
to keep away or he would shoot them.
Later an army officer with a detach
ment of troops forced tbe door and
found Coquard banging in tbe garret
with a bullet hole through bis chin.
China Wants Easier Terms.
London, Jan. 10. "Although tho
United States government and the
American papers accuse Mr. Conger of
severity toward tbe Chinese," says tho
rekin correspondent of the Morning
Post, "the Americans had regarded
him as inclined to leniency.
'The Chinese commissioners banded
to tbe foreign envoys with the signed
proctocols a dispatch from Emperor
Kwang Hsu, asking a foreign occupa
tion instead of destruction of the Taku
forts. The emperor's dispatch asked
also of the fixing of a definite period for
the prohibition of the importation of
arms, and requested that tbe punitive
expeditions be stopped, asked for par
ticulars as to the amount of land to be
retained for the legations, the number
of legation guards, the probable cost of
the military operations and the date
Mhen tho foreigners propose to restore
the public offices and records in Pekin
o the Chinese. The emperor does notnificant, and this rebellion
nention tbe demand of the powers for
the punishment of the principal offenders."
First Sitting of Peace Conference.
Berlin, Jan. 19. An official of tbe
German foreign office informed a
correspondent ot tbe press today that
the first sitting of the peace conference
in Pekin would be appointed immed-
iat3ly after the different foreign envoys
had convinced themselves that their
copies of tbe jcint note had been prop
erly signed and sealed by tbe Chinese
Washington, Jan. 31. Nothing has
been heard overnight from Minister
Lorn is regarding the situation in Ven
ezuela. Nnvy department officials
deny that any Instructions havo been
given to tho North Atlantic squadron
to move over from Florida to Venezue
la. The ships, however, are in perfect
cruising trim, and could sail within a
few hours after tho receipts of orders,
though it is not believed hero that
there will be any nec-Msity for their
movement toward Venezuola.
The orders to the Scorpion to pro-i
ceeu to uunnoco iroui Ua Uuayra have
been countermanded, and she will re
main at La Gnnyra, whore her pres
enco is regarded as' nocessary. By di
rection of the state department, Min
ister Loom is has protested to the Ven
ezuelan government -against tho exer
cise of censorship over any of his olll-
cial communications, and it is under
1 stood that the protests have been effec.
1 tiye.
It cannot be gathered that any very
late advices have caused the change tn
the department's plans relative to the
movements of tbe Scorpion In fact, it
is said that nothing lias been received
to show any marked change in tho
status in Venezuola since yesterday,
when Minister Loom is spoke of the
suppression of a rebellion among tho
troops in Caracas, the inception of
wbioh was unknown to the depart
ment of state. The fact that such a
movement could gain headway in Cas
tro's own capital, however, is very sig-
among the
troops may have led to the decision to
retain the Scorpion at La Guayra, tho
nearest port to Caracas,
Had Them Snujly Hidden In the Pockets of a
Belt He Wore Around Ills Waist.
Now York. Jan. 21. United States
Marshal Alcott, of tho Ferry district,
has formnliv seized in this city f l?.l)
worth of diamonds, which wero
brought into this country by Antonio
Ausenlas without paying duly on them.
Tho goods wero foutnl ou AiifonbH'
person by United States customs offi
cials as Anscnln was leaving stcnttior
of tho Hamburg-American lino at Ho
bokon. Auseulns was not arrested, lint tho
diamonds will bo held pondlnt a decis
ion of tho Treasury department as to
whether he is gillty of smuggling.
His dofenfo is that ho is i Cuban i
merchant, and that ho is ineroly pass-1
lug through this country on his way to i
Culm. The diaomnds were concealed ,
iu tho pockets of a largo belt which
Ansenlns hnd around his body, and I
were accidentally discovered by u cus
toms 'inspector who happened to plsce
his hand on Anscnlsns' back as th. lat.-g1 has arrived
ter was lonnim? over a trunk. There 1
are 120 separato ai tides, of an ap
praised valuation of .$11,000, which
with 00 per cent duty nddod would
make them worth $17,000.
- a. . k EX H ' W M n n n A -
re or ii m mmm i
Interesting Events and Gossip of the Past Week Reported
Cities and Towns in Washington, Oregon i
and Idaho. J
The Dalles lias leviod a 0-mlll tax.
Burns has locclvod a chomleal llro
The Southern Pacific Is stoilng Ico nt
Tho Dalles will purchase 500 feet of
3ro hoio.
Tho Oregon legislature deficit (cots
up $50,000.
Mohlnery for tho now laundry at
tax levy as beou
Tneomft butohors hnvo
HHiiiun is lining olrcnlaii
Imvn tlm no.tnnl,... reo,W
... ..... , v iiim 0. -l
chanced to Albion. 1 1
Tho fJlmpson Lumber
rioutn Demi, has
jxiny hand saw mill.
.. .
vuninin, J
accepted tiUu, I!)
Officers Located
Marvin Kuhns,
the Indiana
Logansport, Ind., Jan. 19. Marivn
Kuhns, the desperado who has terror
ized Northern Indiana for weeks and
defied the officers of two states, was
captured last night at Greenhill and is
now in Logansport jail. Kuhns and
his brother, who was released from the
Columbus prison shortly after Marivn
escaped, were taken after a desperate
figbt. Before the outlaw was over
powered he shot two men and was him
self shot in tbe head, but not seriously.
Knnns and nls biotber and a confed
erate stole a team at Plymouth Sunday
night and started south. Ex-Sheriff
Marshall and Marshal Cheney traced
tbem to La Fayette last evening and by
telephoning neighboring towns located
them at Greenhill, near Otterbein.
At Otterbein the posse surrounded the
house and rushed in at midnight.
Marvin was awako and seized a re
volver at bis bedsldo. Before he could
Are, Elmer Switzmer shot him in the
face and the posse closed in. One man
jumped from the second-story window
and escaped, but tho brothers were
overpowered atter a struggle, in which
a nnmber of shots were exchanged.
Wounded as he was, Marvin partially
shook off the attacking party and shot
II. V. Volt in the back and Lewis
Hawkins in the arm. Neither was
fatally injured.
Fire at Phoenix.
Phoenix, B. 0., Jan. 10. Fire to
night caused a loss of $30,000. It
btarted in McBeah & Co.'s dry goods
store, spread to the Imperial hotel and
thence to the buildings of the Phoenix
News Company. Giant powder was
used to blow up buildings in' tbe path
of tbe flames. MaBean & Co. lost on
tholr stook $12,000. The loss on the
building was $2,000; Imperial hotel
loss, $10,000; Phoenix News Com
pany, $2,000; T. A. Hicks, dry goods
store, $1,800. There was partial in
surance on some of the buildings and
during the day as to the feasibility of
ie-ecforcing the American naval force
now in Venezuela, but while somo such
thing is in prospect, it cannot bo
learned that any positive orders have
yet gone out. The Hartford is not
within reach of tho cable, beinir on n
cruise from Port of Spain for Uarba
does, at which place she is duo iu
about two days. She may be tinned
back from that port, unless tho situa
tion improves. Tho Lancester sailed
from Port of Spain for the Cape Verdo
islands, so she is entirely beyond roach.
Thero is no disposition on the part
of the authorities here to go to any un
usual length in dealing with this situ
ation, as they say frankly that it is not
a part of their purpose to browbeat or
coerce the Venezuelans by a formal
naval demonstration, unlesa such a
course is forced on them, which is "not
believed to be at all likely. But it is
quite certain that Amiral Farquhar
will shape the movements of the North
Atlantic squadron so as to keep in
close touch with the navy department
and he will not be far away from a
cable end for many days at a timo
after he leaves Florida.
Mr. Loo mis' protest against any cen
sorshlp of his official mail on tho part
of the Venezuelan government was not
idly lodged, and he acted by the de
partment's direction only upon u well
giounded suspicion that his cables wero
being tampered with or unreasonably
The Confidential Clerk of a New York Whole,
sale House Salts for Europe.
London, Jan. 21. The alleged for
ger for whoso extradi'iou the Uuited
States authorises are asking is said to
bo Sigmund Hertz, alias Emden. of
New York city. He is supposed to
bo on board the steaniei Corinthian,
which left Halifax, Sunday, Jan. 7,
for Queenstown and Liverpool. The
police of tlioso cities aro watching for
It Receive! Strong Support From Secretary
Washington, Jan. 21. Secretary of
tha Interior Hitchcock was to havo
been heard today bv the houso commit'
too on public lands ou the subject of
irrigation, whioh is attracting atten
tion in many. Western statos, but be lug
unable to como tn tho oapitol, he sub
mitted n statement. This strongly
supports tho policy of irrigation, and
says that a vast acreage capable of sup
porting CO, 000, 000 peoplo should not
bo left a desert. Mi. Hitchcock points
out the roinarkable results experienced
iu tbe valley of tbe Nile, practically
redeeming Egypt from bankruptcy.
Professor Newell, of the geological sur
vey; Professor Pinchott, ol the agri
cultural department, and Representa
tive Newlands, of Nevada, who started
the movement by a bill for irrigation
storehouses along tho Humboldt river
Tho naval authorities were cousoltcd Via Kv,"'. '80 strongly supported the
., 1 ... . ' T .1 rflia I.a.imIm... . .1 . I
inn... hid iuiiiij' wuru on ino
Nt-wlniids bill, but this has brought
up the whole subject as applicable to
estern states, and particularly Call
forma, Oregou, Washington, Idaho,
Nevada, Utah, Montana, Wyoming,
Colorado, Knuasa, Nohraska, South
and North Dakota.
Two Men Tried to Rob a Fifth Avenue, Net
York. Restaurant.
New York, Jan. 21. Two robbers,
armed with Sll-callber Colt's revolvers,
entered Maillard's restaurant and con
fectionery store, near the Filth Avenue
hotel, just as tho place was being
closed ut mldntiht, and orderod the I
cashier to throw up his bunds. In 1
tbe place wero a half dozen waiters,
and the very boldness ol tho robbers
nttracted attention. The cashier had
several hundred dollars of the day's
receipts on the desk before him, and it
is supposed that he did not move
quickly enough to satisfy the robbers, '
for one of the men discharged Ins r.
voiver. mo millet
The Grant county
lied at 2S4 mills.
( Coyotes aro numerous In Coles val
I ley, Douglas county,
Tha Donclm eotltltv tX levy htt
been fixed at 20 mills.
The Pendleton school district has
levied a special tax of 8 mills. .
Se-veral herds near Montgomery have
been visited by coyotes of late.
It is reported the Dallas organ fac
tory mav be moved to Albany.
The approach to the Upper Calapoola
bridge was carried away by the Hood.
Baker City hss rescinded street
lighting contract, and is In darkness.
The walls of the first story of Mal
heur county's new court houso ate fin
Collision of a train and handcar
ear vtoodburn, (Jr., was uanowiy
Famous Uncle Hon group of mines
In Idaho has beuu told to a New York
Th coal shaft being sunk by W. A,
Maxwell of Coos City, is now down
about 300 feet.
I'lans for tho new creamery at Sum-
mcrvlllo are taking shape. It will
cost tbout $4,000.
Athena has invectd $1,600 in school
warrants. The citr. besides, has a
balance on hand of $1,100.
Lincoln county has awarded the
contract for bnlldlug the depot bridge
to George McCuulou for $330.
The old Coos Hay road is said to Im
in better coudltlou than for mural
years at this time of the year.
Henry Zulz, Jr., a 17-year-old boy,
of Vale, Or., acclentally killed him
self while examining a revolver.
I. J. Straw, of Klamnth county, rode
uu a uriugo into a suow bank last
week, and bad to dig his horse out.
Contract for building the Whooler
county court house has been let to A.
r. Peterson, of Corvallls, for$'J,020.
Sixty-five thoroughbred sheep belong
lag to O. P. Knox wero drowned uear
nonage urove by the recent freihet.
Howard & Stearns aro feeding BOO
cattle ou Crooked river and about nnn
Plro partially destroyed tht J
chandlery atom of J. c. Todd 3
.II I In. unit. I . ... WUI
" num. lacoini I
f 1,000, fully covered by linu".
Mr. H. P. Harrington, a tromi..
citizen of llosalla, diod of Z
Ills remains wore takou to tht u
of'hls parents in Monroe, Mlci i
During thn rocont snow 30 Im,,
ore was hauled from the Cedar CJ
district to Davenport for sh
Had the sleighing continued good i
more would have been brought out
Larklns' hotel at Garfield, ImJ
J. W. Keown, was entlrolyddtfJ
V wgwmor Willi most Ol tbl(J
tents. Lois on tho bulldlug, f M
Insurance. $0B0: lost mi
$1,000. with $060 Insurance.
While fording Topienlih creek M
North Ynklmn. Will Cnrrat wnnrd
drowned. Ho was on horseback u
the swift current ol thn si ream - J
horse and rider several yards, vk
thoy lodged In mhiio widows, (M
which, with dllllouity IkjiIi
in lauding safely on shoro.
Owing to technical error la wri
tho boundaries of a small strip of l(
amounting to nearly threo
lying ou tho cast Mile of .North hi
botween Mukoii nnd I'ieree oodmm
Is left out of thn jurisdiction of M
counties. An utloiupt will bo mafci
havo tha neutral atrip IneorpsriH
with I'lercu.
Oscar Hates, ox-sherlff ol Stern
county, received fatal injuries st ti
Drummer' mine, near Curllew. H
had set threo shots in tho )2S1
level, and started to climb tho ladde
but missed his footing on tho sto
lauding and foil back 20 feet. Tb
shot exploded before hu could rr.ii
the ladder.
Conference on Cannal Treaty.
London, Jan. 21.-United States
Ambassador Choate and the secretory
of state for foreign afTalrs, the Mai
quis of Lansdowue, had a secoid con
ference today on the amended lfnv.
Pauucefote treaty. An onHi .u
Aoting under instructions from Chief ! ?r?at '"J" In,em1s t0 Pa
crashod Into th. i..a ZW" V . . "uuul
wall back of the cashier, who 'caucht . B,,w Ke' ,U coa,"y
up the cash and dodged underneath le"uon circulation asking
the counter. The waiters concealed . A lne l'u,l" ro' from Cottage
u. i . firm a tn f i. . .
njuiuncivuH unuernemn tattles. The wiuuo uo wiuenou to (JO foot
shot attracted a Broadway crowd, and J. W. Walters & fc'on, proprietors o
, uronuuniug - "o Aiinira ninifi, Iirvo Moated their
Z tob.- ifcBto Tom from tloNo'ti
- i wii iniiiug uacx anu ,
giving them nil the toom ther wHntnri ' c . .
Onetnrned into Twnt..i, T.I 1 . veral car loads of
and succeeded In makihg his escape. J They J. . W0- t
The other dashed ncrn, fh "I: P'f.. wl" bo used
u niui uveuue to Madison squaro, and
cupmrea Dy a policeman
niu ua was .coward UurffBHS. a
Weston bricks
.Mission station
lor government
I i tt i
110 ' I p" 211'1 888 ,p,nnt belonging to
Mayor-Elect Hurley, of
1 Mass., will give his salary of
to tne poor.
Chairman Johnson and Seoretary
Walsh will keep national Democratic
headquarters in Chicago open till
An experiment farm will be started
200 miles from Manila by the United
States Philippine commission for tbe
growth of all sorts of seeds and plant
from this country.
Would Develop Danish Islands.
Copenhaeen. Jan. 10. The leaders
of the syndicate of merohants who are
petitioning the government to make tbe
investment of Danish capital profitable
in tho Danish West Indies, declare
they have no intention of agitating
against the sale of the islands to tho
United States. Their idea is to de
velop the islands in the event of their
not being sold.
Master of the Geyser.
Beaumont. Texas, Jan. 10. The
owners of the Lucas oil geyser, whioh
has been shooting oil 60 feet high since
last Thursday, have succeeded in con
trolling the well. A valve was placed
on the mouth of tho well today, and
Captain Lucas thinks he is now master
of the geyser. It is estimated that
160,000 barrels of oil have already
flowed from the well. Prospeotors
uu epociaiora continue to arrive.
oi uotectlves (ieorge F. Titus, tho
Scotland Yard ollicinls wero cabled
yesterday to arrest at Queenstown or
Liverpool as he steps off an incoming
steamer, the alleged defaulting confi
dential clork of a large wholesale house
on Walker stieet, New York City, who
is said to have embezzled $60,000 of
the firm's funds at the time of his
flight, and to have embezzled linni-iv
Conn Ann i f i. . '
vuu,vvu ueiuru ua was even suspeotod.
Want Back Pay.
uarre. vt., Jan. Hi. Many granite
cutters and tool sharperers are takinir
action toward pushing their claims of
vukk. pay ior worK done m the servico
oi me government oi the United 8tates
neaily 80 years ago. The claims arise
out oi me Duiiding of the Boston and
ow ion: postoiiices, the work on Dir.
Hurricane and Fox islands, and work
m uvy yarus. me claimants workod
"uu day instead of eight, and
wit, uro bow trying to collect pay for
" two nours a day. Tho navy
jard men got their pay two years ago.
The Peace Protocol.
W n n l, I m ,. . T ' .
.,.,.uliiUU, ,,uu. -i. a mesBAi
was received today from Minister
,UUHOr, ut roKin, stating that the Chi
uesa plenipotentiaries had .signed and
delivered the protocol. This remove
the last donbt that had arisen a to the
sealing of the government agreement,
for it would not have been accepted bv
the Spanish minister, who I. dean of
the corps, unless it bore all the seals
Hnd signatures necessary tn r.i.. i. ..
J force. -........,
was not developed, ami t. ,inf.. .,"
cislou is likely to be reached by Great
Britain for several days.
General A. J. McKay Dead.
Nev York, Jon. a I. General An
drew Jackson McKay, a distinguished
veteran of the civil war, died in this
city today. H Was ,,";"
general on the staff of General George
J',yaBia ,bo army ' the Cum-
Burned by Molten Copper.
1 Juscon Ariz., Jan. 21.-Jaan U
pez, a workman at the Copper Queen
smelter, was burned to death by molten
copper which fell from a swinging pot
under which he stood. His cdothes
were sot on fire and his body horr bfy
disfigured by tho liquid metal.
New Ships Building
Ships that will bo worth tn i
gregate $20,726,000 aro now in pro-'
cess of construction i. "u, " pr.
along the Delaware river. ""V'
buildings and
Mall Boxes for Rural Routes.
Salem, Jan. 21. Tmi..n. ,
mall lm. "vo "Men
'Huu uy ujo govern.
rnro I tnoi i A . .
been received "nd he "ffi
ance are oxnacteA i "10 .Dalm
Z7 "V m( 01 8'v"ZedTronTo
Indies lontr. six nni,n. .... .. 1 ?u
inehn. hiu "luo miUBl:
! 1 rntkH , I
" """ ueing circulated asking
an annrmirlntln.. .1 , .... . ""'n
uu improve the state
property at Sodaville.
1,0 """OP was shipped
?h. T l?m ! b'nIt r'nko uity
. . .,..u c-jjvuu GC liUIKl
pany, of Crook county.
t I A. I
iw .." ,!'M -. of
ioii.n.r;; ck: , 0" n tract
! tn,u "u" nv. which ho in-
who cattle.
L,Sa',e. belonging to the
T.i-r. .0Slal ,n I'inovnllov.
.....w, cmeaiod to the state ol Oro.
' wo cirouit court.
lneetln, W'08 h8ld flt McMlnnviHo
n the interest of tho woodcutters of
Hie county. Kvory precinct we. woH
represented. Thev lunZ V."' wf"
n t.i.
u,uVng oak wod from 76 cents to
0 n cents a cord, and flr from 70to
nM it. .. 0 W
summer, and that
range wtll bo good.
the feed on the
high. Raoh 7." " ,u 8,x
andpayll-eachfortbem. boxes
The new Sin. nnn ..i..
Davenport is finished.
Tho railroad ogoiit at Hamlin
Harry Beeardsley, was robbeS 7m'
Hopkins 1). Jones, until rocontlj
hotel porter at Wilbur, Wash,, V
was arrested nt Spokane on a clisr?
of horso steullng, bus been relvsei
Word came from Wilbur that tho inn
Chanco, whoso hornu and naddln Job
had appropriated, would not iroiiec!
...... " . .1
Jones. iiiu Wilbur man Mild lie out:
Jouom money, and that ho woold b
satisfied to havo iiiui keep the horn)
nud auddle to settle tho hill.
A free ferry at Weiscr Is proposed.
Caldwell merchants havo made a
early closing agreement.
Johu Hunt was urrimted st Oioflno,
on a charge ol cattlo stealing.
A public meeting was hold at Lewis
ton to protest against dlvittou oi n
l'ercea county.
Tho postolllre of Leduo, HUM
county, linn been moved two an i 1 1
southeast, without cbatigo of post'
At Wolscr's roL-ular city eloctl n is
April, tho citizens will voto wliotheJ
or not tbov want the city bouded 1011
It is nnnnn need that shipments
nrmln nr.. .....1 rnniinlltrateS I TO III IB
r.,u,r .I'M,,... l,iitv vear UlTliroH tel
wwum 1 a ssiutiu j ----
176,000 tails.
Thoro wero sovoral snow slides log
Bear guloh lait week, but no oaiiisgj
is rinr,l orrlMlt tlHt tUO VlUUUm
blacksmith shop was swept away
Sevoral cnrloods of stool rails bate
linn,, i,..i,i,i in tlm Weifer jaraii
uh iiuiuuuuii - - . , m
They are to bo usod In extondlug tooj
Pacifio& Idaho Northern next
in or.
Af nn ti., i... i.nn Imld and renolo
tlous ndopted by eoveral O, A. II. P01'
protesting against tho proposed plan
movlHB thn o dlors' Home iron" -
to Fort bherinuu.
II. M. Merrln, of Sokane, has t
lifiml nn th. Fntlinr lodo Jtnd IhV
claims adjoining in the Coeur d aw
district. It is understood that WO"
will oommonuo immodlatoly.
1 ifillt sP!h aiilm la linrired Wl
Btanltm, ll,f I, ,.,..1 nt enttle out 01
....B v.... ,.vu .
tllla,..-n If . Una llllllll llllTfl
j'ua.uiu iiiiiir illliacUW. " I...'.
ed. Granger ha u number of
1.... ,. 1. r.uiiJUl-
uui u is said nis truo nnuio
nian. 1. !.... n..rtnd whcro'li
800 foet more tunnel will bo driven
thu claims ol tno Silver Kaglo w ni ,
Co. Thero is also talk of liulldiM
cog-wheel road from the SHvor W'i
to tho summit.
A Mmttirnln ITnna Ama store v
broken into and nil attempt Hsa.eJeJK
rob tho place. The proprietor, vr
I,.. a ala.l.. . In (lift
was nwnkened by tho noise of tn " j
bers, Upon his nppoarnuoe they r j
nnviug Beoured nothing.