0 XI,KCTKIC MOHT WAN?f- ' J Work on the electric light plant in going Btciuilly on mm Air, Auroras announces that the plant will be in ruuulng.ordcr in the i Course Ol J1IICCI1 Iinys. ill niii:iir- - t i 'nir of the time consumed in re siding the plnnt Mr. Abramfl states that the, setting of machinery is always slow and especially ho wiieu inc climatic cunuiiiun hhvi- ferc as has been the case in this in stance. The new 36 inch turbine water wheel which will driye the machinery, was received by Mr. Stone last Monday and was placed in nosition this week. When the nLUKC Ul Ulb HTbt nil! ,'.., dynamos will be run by water power, and other times the power will he generated from the two big Doners now in position ai 111c rear of the building. Lineman T. A. Abraras and A Nelson have been going over the old line tightening and resetting poles and by the time the machinery is in position all the little details will be completed and theu let 'er shine. TRACIIUKS AfiSOCIATIOH. The following is the program of the Lane County Teachers' Asso ciation to be held at this place Jan. 35th and 26th beginning Friday at the M E Church: Qucrtett; recita tion; address, The Nicaragua Canal, Pres. Hawley of Willamette Uni versity. Saturday 10 a. tn. at school building: Opening rcmarkH, County Superintendent W. M. Miller; School Preparation, Prin. M. C. Harris of Creswcll; Geog raphy, Miss Gertrude Grousebcck; Kights and Duties of Teachers, Stmt. Miller and J. H. Ackerman. 1:30 p. m.. music; Africa, Miss Powers; High School Work in the Public Schools, discussion; Super vision, by School Principal, Pres. J. H. Orcutt of Drain; State Course of Study, discussion; lecture Satur day evening, State Superintendent J. H. Ackerman. All persons in terested in educational work arc in vited to be present. TO SAI.KU J. C. Long & Son intend moving their 50 barrel steam mill at Cot tage Grove to Salem and have it housed, in a suitable building in time for Uie coming harvent. They do not ask any bonus. They have n first class Corliss engine and up-to-date machinery, pottage Grove mid Lane county hate to sec them leave Guar.fl. , While the pccple of this vicinity generally will regret to see Messrs. Long move their big mill from this vicinity ,itill in the fac of the fact that the community will not sup port two mills, it will no doubt be a good move for the proprietors, Salem, ought to be a splendid open ing and the Nugget wishes Messrs. Long success. MUTHDAY PARTV. Dr. Suapp was given a birthday party by about 25 of his friends last Tuesday evening. Mr. George Hawley entertained the company with his graphophone .and Mrs. Alice CofTman rendered ,6ome sweet music on the organ. At a late hour alt prepared to departed for their homes expressing them selves as , having spent a pleasant evening and wishing the doctor many happy returns of the day. nio UUSINKSS. The real estate firm of Phillips and White are making arrange ments to do an extensive real estate business this season. The gentle men speak very encouragingly of the prospect of many home seekers visiting this city this spring. Every day they are 'in receipt of letters making inquiries for the purchase of property and estiblished business houses. RBPAlblNO TUB TRACK. The S. P. Company have three Igaugs of section men now consoli dated in the work of repairing and adjusting the track in the vicinity 'of Saginaw, where, so much damage was done during the recent high water. SOI.D OUT.- Mr. J. M, Starks this week sold his grocery business to Mr. Fred Meinzer. The Nugget wishes the new proprietor success, ( TT in CHURCH ON I'IRri.. come Near Having a Hot Time Lust Monday Night. Last Monday evening while the Christian Church of this -city was being filled to its capacity with seekers after the great truth, the basement of the church was dis covered to be on fire. An alarm was immediately raised, and the fire department turned out, but be fore the company could reach the scene tho fire was extinguished through the prompt action of sev eral attendants upon the services, and what might have been a serious loss to the denomination, culminat ing no doubt in many accidents to those who were crowded into the building, was averted. To the credit of the minister officiating and the good sense and coolness of the audience generally the evacuation of the building was commenced and executed in an orderly manner. The church stands upon a high basement, the doors reached on cither side by precipitous steps, and had excitement prevailed, there would have, been sad hearts in Cottage Grove today. DlVIDlTnJMS. Ruben Tucker of Silk Creek was in this vicinity last week. Elmer Griggs, left for Eastern Oregon last week. MissOua Coffin of Ynqiiina has been visiting Mr and Mrs Will Coffin. The meeting of the literary so ciety was cut short Saturday night so that everybody might attend a dance. Dances and Birthday parties are becoming very numerous lately. Mr. Jiurkct and family expect to leave for California next Sunday. James Miller is slowly recover ing from the injury he received last fall but it will be a long time be fore he entirely recovers. The late rain and snow has put the roads in bad condition. MACCA1IICK MtCTUKK. Last Monday evening J. W. Sherwood of Portland lectured to a small but enthusiastic audience upon the merits of the Mnccnbce fraternal order. Mr. Sherwood is a pleasing gentleman as well as an interesting talker. His friends will be pleased to welcome him atony time he may sec fit to visit Cottage Grovr. 1 MOTHICR DIED. Mrs. Ann M. Lovelace, mother of Mrs. Jntnes Ostrandcr of this city died at her home in New Paynesville, Minnesota on the 11 inst. Mrs. Lovclnce visited her daughter here about four years ago and made many friends who will be saddened by . the news of her death. rOR YOUR CONSI DURATION. Suits cleaned and pressed from $2.25 and up according to texture. Prices in proportion per single gar ment. Eugene Steam Cleaning and Dyeing Works, Geo. E. Griffith, Agt. PARKWHU. PARTY. A farewell party was tendered Mr. C. W. Wallace last Monday night, in view of his early de parture for Colorado Springs. Some sixty guests were present and n pleasant evening was spent in games and the rendering of literary selection by local talent. Mr. Wallace Waves for his new home with the hearty good wishes of many friends. A TKMFORARY SUM.. ' Owing to the recent high water on Coast Fork which caused the loss of many thousand feet of logs to Messrs. Geerand Rouse the saw mill men at Amos, are arranging to erect a temporary saw mill tit this place and in such an event will drive the logs here and saw them up. There is some talk of utiliz ing the boilers n.nd engines of the new light plant. Mrs. L. P. Dock receives Dunlin from bIx (0) of ngo mid upwards. Tim Svn tlietio JMano School of Now York City admits thorn nt tho litre of live. Wlion pupils tieein Urns enrly the study nnu juiiriiri1 in imiMii' iiivoini'NPUi'niiii IIHUirv. ftn About you. . Geo. V Lloyd In In from Bohemia. G. Mod. tv liiiHiotnrnotl froin Holiemlti. MIhh Anna Underwood vIhIUiJ In town tills Week. MIh Nottlo Gnr cd returned to Eugene WwlucHility. W. h. Ccippernoll retitmod from Ku genu Monday. Mrs, W. II . Ahrnins luis been 111 this week wltliifrlp. Mm. W. K. Martin loft on 11 vlnlt to Kukoiio hint t'licNiiny. 0. M. MePurlutiil Is confined to Ills room with glcknoH. Goo, Hound ntmo down from the Helena initio Tuesday, MIhh .Martha Medloy was an arrival from KiiKcno Monday. 11. 8. Hinltji linn returned roin mi ex tended trip to California. Dr. C. Wolfcr loealed nt Comntock was In tho city ilils week. C.J. Howard went to Sulem Thursday to attend tho legislature. Dr. Lowe tho outlclmi is coming soon. Tho wiso will wait for I1I111. John Palmer waH in town Thursday from his Mosby Cicok ranch. Ilert Willard is in town from the Ik-lona mine to spend a week. Joseph .PI rniil of Kngene, Was trans acting business here Wednesday. Pert Lawson is ronllnod lo his room with a severe attack of lugrippo. ' Mrs. L. Holland of tho Cottage Grove Hotel was a Kugeuo visitor this week. John Veatch and wlfo and bahy at tended tho Dr. Hnapp surprise party. Mr. and Mrs. Stark left Vdncnday for their old homo at Coquillo City. C. Ii.-Iirunn.-ui went to Portland Sun day for it week's visit in tho metropolis. J. V. Kays, tho well fcnnWn furniture dealer of Eugeno was in town Wednes day, II. I). Scott and wlfj aro visiting with friends ut llillshoro and Portland this weak. W, W, Mastersnn ret 111 nod from tho Lucky Hoy initio in tho III tie Uivr dis trict Saturday. F. I). Whenlerof the hardware firm of AVIioeler & Scott did business in 'Port land this week. Kll Hangs, the Kiigone liveryman, in in town today for tho purpose of buying a ear load of draft horses. Mrs. Katie Mcdlev loft Monday after noon for Iih Angeles, Cal., where sho goes for the benefit of her health. D. 1. Patterson of Independence, Vnlk county, has acectped u position with llenson Drug Co., of this city. Chiis. Cochran was up from Eugene this week and assisted in furnishing music for tho poverty ball Tliiurfduy night. Frank King' arrived hero from Pillard this week and will go from here to iiinction where bo will bo night man in the S. 1'. depot. O. V. HriiHh returned from Tillamook Friday where lie has been visiting friends fur tho past month. Ho left Saturday for his mining property in Ho lieniia. K. S.Tobin tho all-round good fellow and up-to-date representative of Paeitio Paper Company made Cottage Giovm 11 business visit this week. Mr. Tobin never fails to do buiuess either. A C. and J. II. Harden of Spring field who havo just retired from the general morclmmliso business in that town wore here this week looking for 11 business opening. P. 11. Sherwood returned to Colorado Springs last Thursday . morning, Mr and Mrs. Ike Thomas accompanied Mr.Sher wood, Mr. Thomas will probably re main there. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Wallace-and 0. W. Wallace will leave carlv next wnok. Tho Nugget extends to u It of tho adventurers its best wishes. Mrs, M. E. Iloxter field lecturer for tho Florence Critteuten Home of Port land will lecturo to the ladles Sunday Jan. 27, at 3 p. in. in tho M K church under tho nil p ees of (ho W. C. T. U. All young ladies over 13 years cordially invited. DIED. SEARS At his farm four miles east of Cottage Grovo, Monday,. Ian. J, 1001, Mr. 0. J. Sears, Sr. aged 85 yeurs, 11 months mid 20 days. Tho subject of this sketch was an old and highly rospectod pioneer of Oregon, having settled hero in 1852. Ho leaves a family of six sons aniTtwo daughters to mourn his death. Interment at tho Sears cemetery Tuesday afternoon. REVIVAL CLOSltD. Revival services nt the Christian Church in this city, conducted by evangelist L. A. Stevens and wife closed last Monday evening. Much interest was manifested in these services and the immediate result was 28 additions to the congrega tion. Rev. Stevens and wife left here for Everett, Wash. AT SALEM. The many friends of Hon. Ivan McQueen will be pleased to know that he has so far recovered' from bis long and severe illness as to be able to attend toiite official duties at the state capital. It was feared forn time that he would not be able to attend this session or the legislature, but in n late letter to his brother in this place we learn that his health is improving and that he will probably be able to re main there to the end of the sessipu,, In, BrleQ." Geo. Griffith for prices 011 cleaning and dyeing. Go to Mndson's for fine Jewelry and holiday silverware; For bund loaded shells call on Griffin and Veutch Co, Suits I Suits!! Tailor made suits!!! Up todatoju ovcrv respect, from flOup. Cull and soo samples. ' Gko, Boiu.max. Grln 11 -Watch Co. carry tho finest lino of Ammunition in South Lane Co. For quality and cheapness in fresh meats go to the Central meat market. Jioatitiful rings and silverware at Minlseu's (or the holidays. . Just received this week a choice va riety of ladles and Misses fine shoes. Cull find see them nt Cumming's store. A ipiantity of fine dressed lumber and flooring for sale. Apply ut the black smith sliof of HbyA. iiorcu. Sportsmen remember Griffin Veatch Co. curry u fine lino of Shot Guns and Hi lies. We sell good goods at good prices for our customers. Central Meat .Market. A car load of Columbia Rivnr cedar shingles for sale by Jenkins & Lawson. Fresh candies every day, made from pure sugar at the Tailor shop. Wo have on hand a largo stock of kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic in grades 1 2 and 3. Let us make you special prices. HootiiKkm,y Lumiikr Co. NOTICKTO C'ltEIJITORf, Notice In hereby Riven Hint tho nndcnUcnctl tins been ilulynppointcdliytlie County Court of the State ot Oregon for Laiio County, ailmlntn trntor of the catate of George I'. Uarontte, tie cciiteil. All person linvltn,' clnlmi HKalimt laid catntenre licreby rciulred to present the anine to me properly verified at the ofllrc of J. K. Youtiff In Cottage drove, Oregon, within six month from the Unto hereof. Dated tlild 2.jth day of January, 1901. Frakk Kklly, Administrator of the estate of licorgc '. flc ronttc, deceased. "SOROSIS" A SHOE THAT IS WORN BY ill Fashionable Ladies. JAMES G. ELLIS, Agknt for COTTAGE GROVE, OR. All Mail Order Promptly Filled.' T A. GILBERT, Eugene, Oregon. Hotel Eugene HOLLENBECK, BROS. .4 BRISTOW.- Headquarters for MINING MEN. EVERY WANT ATTENDED TO. EUGKNE, - - Oregon. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Ito.xeburg, Ore., Jun. 15, 1001. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1R7S. entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands m the Suites of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all tho Public Lund States by act. of August -1, 1802, Jatnes,E. Wheeler of Cottage Grovo, county ofi.ane, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 1402, for tho purChaso of tho Southwest (Vj) Quar ter of Section No. 34 in Township No. 21 South, Ilango No. 2 West, and will ofier proof to show that the land eought is more valuablo for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before tho Itegistor and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Ore. on Friday tho 20th day of March, 1001. IIo mimes as witnesses: J.'D. I'almor, F. P. Phillips, F. D. Wheeler, Orin Robinson, of Cottage Grovo, Ore. Anv and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requosted to fllo their claims in this office on or beforo said 20lh day of March. 1001. J. T. Bridoes, Registor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oro., Deo., 20, 1000. , Notico is hereby given that in com pliance with tho provisions of tho act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act. for tho salo of timber lands in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," us extended to all tho Public Laud States by act Au gust 4, 1802, James N. Boyd, of Cottage Grove, County of Lane, Stato of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No, 1347, for tho purchase of theSWJtf, of Section No. 14, in Town ship No. 22 S. Range No. 2 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuablo for its timber or stopo than for' agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before theltegistoriind Receiver of this office at Rosobtirgj Oregon, on Monday, tho4tli day of March, 1001. IIo names as witnesses; Jf. P. Phillips. Philip Spong, Jack Lowis, D, Brumbaugh, of Cottage Grovo, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tho abova'described lands aro requested to fllo their claims In this ofilco on or beforo said 4th day of March, 1001. ' - J. T,,BptDQE8( Register. ZZ FOR EVERYBODY 10R ALIy. We have a Magnificent Stock of, FINE SHOES, ottr prices arc lower than' like quality dells for any where else, and we guarantee shoe satisfaction in every reipect at Money-Saving- Prices. We think we know what the people want. To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular de mand is our business ambition. We will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure satisfac tion, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." OUR SHOES ARE GOING LIKE HOT CAKES. As WE SUIT j E- Progression. Wo are living in a rapid age: apd you must move with it. Keep up with the times. ' If the opportunity. if f You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At Benson. Drug Company. COTTAGE GROVE OREGON, Pure Drugs W. S. Chrisman. The Fashion Stables Gtyrisirjan & Bangs, proprietors. First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single UP TO DATE -y Wheeler & Scott - . cottage grove. Geo. Cummirigv;''.. Having bought out the entire stock of W. F. Schuller, is now offering the same at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. I have already added largely to the Grocery Stock Have just re ceived a fresli supply of Teas, Coffees, Sugar, etc.; also a choice lot of Apples, Oranges, Lemons and vegetables; Dried Fruits, Bacon, Hams and Lard, and other goods now arriving. A cordial invitation extended to alL Qeorge Cumming. Before You Buy a Piano or an Organ It will pay you to write Eiler's Piano House OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland,, Or. We are the.great profit killers and piano price regulators of the Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a fine piano or organ for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Write today. Cata logues for the asking. Our stock includes the tlrte greatest American pianos rtlie , Kim ball, the Chickerjng and the Weber together with other good makes. INVESTIGATE OUR NEW Easy Payment Plan. Eiler's Piano House. Or call on MRS. L. D. Beck, L'ocal.UepreseiUaUve, .Cottagp Grove, Or AND A GRAND SELECTION GIVE US A CALL. w w is EVERYBODY. WALL & WHIPPLE an ag of Progression. The World moreq . '. ' yon sec a chance to benefit yourself grasp and Chemicals-aS- Et.i Bangs. Ilj Proprietors of the Bohemia t ' and g X Black Butte Stage Lines. K Reasonable Price v Cottage Grove, Oregon. Davis Sewing Maclim.es ARE JUST THAT Ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical Feed and three under feed machines, Prices to suit. For sale by