warn m. r namr - - - n . isaM a i rz 51 6 o fix 4 HI is! i to 4 ,1 4 f I 1 m rrTrZTT i I X0T1CE FOR PCBLJCATIOX. I C. J. HOWARD EDITOR. 07itHHfimCluultui'4r. vmi .. -" Fkiuat, Jaxcakv 25, 1901. This istbetirae of yearwhes tfee oaf! carrier earas a little raore than bistsoney. Tbe ParKaraeai of EugliwI has fbrcuHy invested Bdcrard Prisce of Wales with tbe sorerrigBty. He Uicsthc title of "Ed ward Sereatb.' ' It bas been a good saar years since tbe people of this rkaaity bare seen secb high water as that of last week- Sose damage was done boX not any more I has sboeld be expected at socfc tides. Tbe recent high water has gives erideace tbat a drainage sysiera is hizhlr essential jq a tows for tbe protection of property as good streets perhaps a little more so. Ia fact good streets cannot be made and fiaintaisedwitbontgood drain age.. Tbe private citizen is not tbe only, one who has suffered incon reniencsand financial loss by tbe recent high water. Tbe Southern Pacific Company have been heavy losers, occasioned by slides, wash outs, etc, and the expense of repair will be enormous. Tbe Prince ot wales has sm-L prised tbe world on more occasions than one, and now when he shall bare seated his royal person upon the throne of proud old England he may launch another surprise be may square himself and make a real good old. fashioned English King. John R. Campbell tbe affable edi tor of the Eugene Guard has gone on record in the columns of his paper that he does not carry a wire cutter about with him, but he avoids saying anything about cork screws and can openers. Come John, make a clean breast of it while you are at it. A wonderful and eventful life tbat of Queen Victoria. Of the proudest royal family of all Europe born in the nineteeth century the greatest in the history of the world, a dictator to and a witness of the J greatest national and international questions recorded in history; an observer of the wonderful achieve ments in science and invention she passed through the sunshine and storm of the eventful period into tbe twentieth century, to die. A study of her official acts portrays the fact tbat she would have lived the life of a grand and noble woman whether queen or com moner. Death ends all but the rec ord of cold facts, and while today a nation weeps, in tbe distance may be heard the joyous shout of "Long live the King." "So wags the world." The valley seems to be afflicted with house breakers just now. Robberies have recently occurred at Junction, Irving and last week entered the residence of Hon. T. G. Hendricks at Eugene, left in charge of E. J. Bristow during the absence of the family. The burg lar aroused Mr. Bristow from his slumbers, and at the point of the pistol told him to produce his vest and trousers. Mr. Bristow promptly complied and then, after warning the overseer not to leave the house until morning at the risk of being shot, stole into the gloom of night. The thief got $15 in money and a watch of about the 'same value. So far as known nothing else was taken. It is more than likely a gang of these freo and easy people are taking in the valley towns and it seems they arc working south. Probably Cottage Grove will be the next town honored. " If would be gratifiying if some worthy citizen would empty the contents of a double barrel shot'' gun in the' be bindermost parts 'of the night prowlers when be makes his next visit. Tbe local ma of tbe Nugget hb- jmtly criticised tbe Cottage Grove correspMdeat to tbe Oregoau" last week, ia tbe sutler ef bis n- nxt oa tbe bcavr sum wbicfe cc- r - casiooed bo smtU aaowit ot aaa are bere asd elsewhere. Tbe Xagget wishes to say that tbe criticisaa was estirdy mcaBetl for. and tbat m tbe literal sease tbe Oregoaka article was astbeatk. asd tbeXeget steads corrected. TbedriKzed world steads agape today at news of tbe atrocioas aob violence exercised is tbe states of Colorado and Kaasas, is tbe bra isgat tbe stake ef tbe aegro per petrators of horrible crimes. The comment current is to tbe efiect tbat tbe peaalty dealt was too great. It say be so, yet it mast be re membered tbat tbe criates com mitted were great :he greatest against man and God. Hence why should we coeiead tbat any punish' meat possible to administer to such monsters be too great or severe? Can anyone say tbat tbe citizens of either state in quest ion are less civilized less humane less honor able in tbe ordinary walks of Hie than tbe citizens of another State? No! Then why sbould these citi zens rate tne Jaw into there own bands and administer extreme penalty? Evidently there is some reason wny the people mass by hundreds and give speedy death judgment, and execution. In Colo rado and 'Kansas capital punish ment has been obliterated and the greatest punishment is line and life imprisonment A man who is con temptible enough to commit such dastardly crimes as those which only recently shocked the ear of the public is too cowardly to com mit such a crime knowing that death upon the callows shall be the penalty piescribed. Again, such a man would not hesitate to commit the most heinous of crimes if the state be disgraces shall pledge tbat under no circumstances and for the committing of no crime in the criminal calandar shall be called upon to surrender up his life. When Colorado and Kansas shall again establish capital punishment and then see that those guilty of crimes upon which such penalty rests, shall be brought to speedy conviction and execution, tbe citi zens will refrain from making ex amples of the reptiles too slimy with the blood of crime to be tolerated in a civilized countrv. Hanging is too good and merci ful to such creatures. But the people of this country are tolerent, and when they know tbat justice, even in so mild a form, will be done, they will await the coming of tne Hangman, and refrain from mob violence, but not till then. Mrs. Beck tava she ia tlea with Cottage Grove especially jt musical aspirations. Thete are manifested by tne nomuer oi pupils etuuvini; music and also by the number of pianos in town. Eugene Dyeing & Cleaning Fork I'EICE LIST FOB CXKAXIMJ : Coatu, .... lltf),op. Vein, .... 0,up. ""a. - .76, up. PRICE LIST FOR DYEIXO: Bulti, .... t2M,up. Single garments In proportion. Drera pattern. - -,$ a. per yard. Drees. - 11.00, np. UEU.JS. URIFFITII, Agent. LATEST M V A) The Prices will please you, and in point of Quality and Beauty cannot be beaten. as 1 Hemenway & t 2 1 Bsrklioir. 1 S MAIN STREET. p.m?n.M!,,imn.m,w?g A CARLOAD OF i gBOOTS & SIIOESil E:a full LINE OF the2 PATTERNS XneKr Arr&Jew t 11. S- Krx Rtfcce tbe lHXl H'M L4 O4oc at Henthmr. Cfrrgem.'SnKrr Mtk. WML Xoanie krT irr tkt U.S. H4. mttmir tVttuJfcrr artatwf. if dflM) fj. Orrpm. 1m wii a4ttrtii far Vnttrd Sutet suteat fee- sfcr IlfcUen Triaatr CWMMte4 Qasttx . aivenl wmt N -MS, tmM& ia ike B4rsBa 3isust Dttitirt. La aW DoayaM OwatM, Stole of OrvgM. Ij iaj. ia irtii 7 and IS, lvsataMi 3K vMM, raar - K, aJ Mvliea IS 4 U Mp SS MMtV raajc Me at. aiwi of the HtHtm Tmnre SBtatus cttiam, tne Hy Tertr Makt ciaiia. lb dnte aiaiag; rlmaa, - he M aty F. tuiaiBf ii1m. the Late AnsiMliwn avimac riaiaa ami the BUekbard Brtarst rfaiaa aai mere partieaLuIr deeritd 4 ieiUn t : HOLY TKRKOR LOOE. KrpiiBiCr; at oenser No 1, a fime pmt i feet tofz. 6 iaehes sacrr. etS feet m the prmmA Hh mommd oi toae aloac side the oriziaal pKt serite 4M;hearethesaatheHcontere( tec uom , toSMhip3l.iMh rje2ef, tars eth 9 Acgm-t eart. MMS feet ; the Unilnl State? Xtaenl Mummm. esUblt'hnl ia rrer No. 9. for "B- hetaa Miae" bnarr snath 7degr lh arhsaies weH. 3SSS feet; and nuait; theare Xorth 0 degree? 3$ ruinates a I, to center No. -,-111 feet. Taeare Siata TOitVyrrrt 4S auaaie-ssst, 14W feet lo ror aer Sv. 3. Theaee Soath-W degrees 35 BMMlr et,-it! fer. la comer No. 4. Theoee Xorth TO decree- -IS atiaates ert, 1488 feet to rooter No. laad lhr dae( i tfesiaaia CLYDE LODE. Beziaaiacat rwwer Xrt. 1 . a r iot. 4 ftet fat?. 4 iHcKt- r.iure. tlrirea a few laches' to Iwd-rerl: ami sarruaailed trr a raoaad of rock, criU-.l beaee sAathvest eomer of seetioa 7, township: toalh, raiter east. lwa soath 42 tfegrees SX aiiaates eat, Qt-i feetaad vheaee Mineral Monument ui sanrev o. 2J8 bears soath 1 legree west, ISTo feet, and ranaiaz theaee North 74 degrees 49 miaates west. 16C0 leetxn corner o.Z. Tnenre Xorth fi decrees 40 miaetes east, Wi feet to comer n. S. Thenee tooth 74 dezrees 4 miaates east, 1500 feet to corner So. 4 . Thence Sooth Si derees 49 minntee west 9t?4 H-tt to comer No. 1 and place of be ginning:. ABV r. LODE. Eegianiaz at corner Xo. 1, tdentiral with rwrner Xo. 1 Holt Tebbob L-le of this rrer and tbe S. K. corner of the foeation. whence the sonth west corner of section 7, township 5 soath, range 2 esl, learxf decrees east, lfJ5 feet ami whence the Mineral ionateent estah iislied ia sunrev Xo. bears xouth 7 degrees lo minutes west, 2523 feet : and roHnins inenee Xorth 74 dtttrew 40 minutes went. 1500 feet to corner Xo. 2. Thence Xorth 40 dezrees 35 minutes east. 411 teet to corner Xo 3. Thence toath 74 dearee 4U minutes east J.VM feet to corner Xo. 3 lueuuca wtm corner Xo. 2. lloi-V Tr.EEon Ltxlu of thiesurrer. Thence South 40 dezrees 35 minutes we-t. 411 feeilooorm r Xo. 1 and ploreof besinniti LATK ACQU1S1T10X LODh. lgtnninKatoirnerXo 1 on line 2-3-CLTur 1-oDE of this surrey, a tirpo-t 4 feet Ions, 4 inches square n;t 18 uuilies in the ground, scribed 1-Jtt, whence the southwest corner of section 7. township 23, south of ran-p'e 2 esu-t, lears south 57 de-reej 10 niiniites east. 2U76feet and whence .Mineral Monument, esUblilitl in stirrer Xo. 229 lears south 25 degrees oOminntes eat, 2U-'4feet and running thence Xoith ij!) degrees 4 minute west, 450 feet tocorner No. 2. Thence. Xorth 32 dezrees east, 5S0 feet to cor ner Xo. 3. Thence South fX) degrees 4 minutes east, 450 I . . X - . rr ' ice, w corner .o. i. iiienre. South 32 dezrees west, 5S0 feet to cor ner Xo. 1 and place of beginning. BLACKBIRD LODK. Beginning at corner Xo. 1, identical with S. AV. corner of this location, a rm.t 4 feet long, 4 inches square, set 18 inches in the ground scribed 1-105, whence the southwest corner of section 7, township 23 south of range 2 east, bears north 88 aegreea . minutes west, 434 feet and whence the Mineral Monument estab lished in survey Xo. 229, bears south 43 aegrees no minutes west, 2049 feet and running thence Xorlh 27 degrees 40 minutes east, 603 iraiururnero,:. 1 hence South 46 degrees 45 minutes east, 1327 icct iu corner .u. o. mence South 27 di Jezreea -10 minutes west, 563 er Xo. 4. Thence. feet to corner North 40 degrees 45 minutes west, 1327 feet to comer Xo.l and place of begin- JIIDDEX TREASURE LODE. ueginmng at corner Xo. 1, identical with corner Xo. 1, Cltde Lode of this survey, whence the southwest corner, .f section 7, township 23. south of ranee 2 nnu lin.i.. ...... t. ,.1 J . ... . D "i wme uoiiiii uezrees 03 minutes east, 638 feet and whence the Mineral Monument, established in survey Xo. 229 oears soutn 1 degree wett, 1975 feet and running thence Xorth 27 degrees 40 minutes east, 697 hi wilier .in Anence fcoutn 70 decree s to minutes east, 1403 feet to cornerfo. 3. Thence South 27 degrees 40 minutes wes 697 feet to corner Xo. 4. Thence Xorth Go degrees 38 minutes west, CI feet to corner Xo. C. Tl.pnro Xorth 74 degrees SO minutes west, 810 ninz. The notices of location of theforezoinz nimrlx IrvlM plain.. n.A r 1 " . P lows ""outcui icvoru as 101- The IfiDfiK.s Tbeasubb is of record in N plume 7, page 20, Records of Mininz Cluinis, in the oftice of the Countv Clerk im0UgrlaCOU?.ty 0rcC. and'in the office of the County Clerk of Lae county, Oregon, in Book 5 of Mininz Records, page 412. -""img The IIoly TennnR ! n( t.. .t.. office of the County Clerk of Douglas county, Oregon, in Volume Oof Mininz Records, page 816 and in the office of the Oountv Llerk of Lane county. Oreeon in Book 4 of Mining Records. Hie Clyde la of nmnl 1., .1 the County Clerk of Lan m ,1. 5v Bon, in Book 4 of Mining Records,' page The .Mamv V. jfl-ot record in thp office w iui'cli's I A Great Reduction as as I Lurch's 7 of the Coaal t Clerk of Las eoaaty. Of e $an. ia Baot" 4 of Miaios Records, pr he Late AcarwrrKwc f f rrwnl ia theoficodlhe Coaaty Clerk af lmr raaalr. Otepna. ia Hook Xo. S of Miw iae Kecords, ce laS. .... The Bioccataa 1 of reont in the otSrr of Ihe Coaaty Cek of IigU. eoaalr.Oregoa.ta Vataata 8 of Miaiag Kenwdit ge 310, The preHiaied eaerad roare ar di rertioa of the said Hiaocx TrusrE CWsouaiTEB QrABiz rarita. together with the sarface sroaail is hwa apaa the fdat pwlnl herewith. Xeiehhatiag or addaiz riaiai are ik- 11-iMa- Miarralsarrrr Xo.Sff). and iheAVhile AViairsoM theaorlh awl 1 he HntEa. Mineral Sunrev No. S71 and Ihe Henry , Mineral Sanrey No. 371 oh the Anr and all rw-rom rXn'Mfi .l vprvelr tbe niiBing croawl.re'n, hfr, prel, or anr port ion thereof so deeHl. sar tctmI, idatted t applied for ate hee W aotiSetl that aales their lver eiaims are daly tiled i aernUaz to law and the regulation thrreaad r. within Ihe time pre-rrilwl Irr law with the ftezister of the Unite! Stales Laad OlHre at Ro-imrg, Orego-i in the Coanty of 1 Dola. Stale of Oregon, they will tei barrrd in -irtne of the prorisionsf ail statate. J. T.BaibaEK, Register. J Dateof first pnMiealkta, Xor. 23, 1900. To secure good tight floor or ceiling aad one that-will alwars remain o n-e Kile-dried lumber. The Booth-Kelly Lnmber Co. at Sasiaaw kiln-dry all in terior finish and rasticaad are offering special bargains in ame. Go to Oeo. fMilniin' tailor sliop ' Main street and see his fall lines of; samples and goods. He can pleae yoa j in any style or line yoa may deire. WAxrcD. CapaWe, reliahle jwrson in I everr ronntv to lepresnt Isrjreoimpanr i of Mlkl financial reputation; f0H6 salary per year, payaMe weekly; ft jientay an - soln'lely snre ami all eiien; straight, Uina-fide salary, no rnmiHiMin ; salarv pa'hl ear-h Saturday and ext-ene rmtnev adranre! eaah week. STANDARD 1 IIOUSK. SU DiuitBOBX St., Chicao- . WANTED! KellaLSe nan inr Vinarer of Kraarh nan ve wltk to Hptn In lbl rvrlanr II roar reref4 KMIr rV(r f O. K. here 1 an oppW"Iiy pxM retcrenre iraea wniiBf. The JL T. liOHEIS Wfeslmle Urn?, nxrixxATi. OHIO. IIIoilntH ntalocBe I tt. ataaifr . XOriCB FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roselmrj;, Oregon, Xovenilxr 13. lt00. Notice is hereby fiven that the follow-' nam it I settler has hied notice of hi in- j tention to make final proof in support ! of his claim, and that said proof will be ; made before Joel Ware, U. S. Commis sioner, at Eugene, Lane Co. Oregon, on March 1001. yiz: William K. , Canady, on H. E. Xb. 0GCO, for the Y K , SW X, Sec. 8,Tp. 'JO S., It. 3 West . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vir: Isaac Wilcox, Henry Dreese. Francis ' Smith, Charles Wright, of.Walker, Lane Co., Oregon. J.T. Bridges, ) Register. dOMSOfl, Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS, DEALERS IN Groceries, Flour and Feed. All kinds of Produce bought at tbe highest market values. Call and get acquainted with us. We shall be pleased at all times to quote you prices upon all lines handled by us, whether you buy or not. Our Stock is New, Neat and Clean, and having had years of experience in business, we assure you the very best goods the market affords, and the lowest possible prices. ' Remember the place: Phillips' old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore. - -IN- Ladies, Misses and Childrcns Jackets and Capes Call early for Bargains. To The PUBLIC ! Arc You Wanting a Heating Stove or a Cook ? -COME IN We are Selling our Heaters at a Ten Per Cent DISCOUNT and giving a Good liig Discount on Cook Stoves. Alio have a Big Stock of HARDWARE, TINWARE, FARM IMPLEMENTS, Etc., to select from. Come fti nmf See H'Anl Ife Jlnv for Sal. Respeclfaily, WI-IEELER I Central MMAi & I'd, Proprietors. DEALERS IN Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, 3acon, Lard, Sausage, Pish and Game in season AT THE LOWEST PRICKS. 1 , " MAIN STREET, COTTAGE GROVE, Cbe Chicago Price $35.00 most speedy, simple and durable of all Typewriters, and turns out the most attractive work. E. L. KING General Agent for Oregon, Albany, Ore. GLASS m BROS. PROPRIETORS OF OothiB Grove g Ml We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Brackets, Moulding Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and Window frames, Screen Windows, Pickets, etc. Doors, Woodwork of all kinds made and repaired. We will also work Floor ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceilinir. or size Studding, etc. PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NEAR S. P. DEPOT The Nugget office carries a full line of legal Wanks and visiting cards. ' Ijiirclis i Lurch's AND SKK US- & SCOTT. Market Cypewtter OREGON. m F0R CHR1TMAS1- The CHICAGO TYPEWRITER nitb a complete course of the Gregg system of Shorthand taught by moil for $40. This will enable you to own your own type writer and become an expert stenographer by utilizing a little spare time each day. The CHICAGO ra awarded the Gold Medal at the Paris Exposition, is a visible writer, has standard Ifevhnnrd. and is tbe Bon Ton MEAT MARKET ! Main Street Cottage Grove. OregOD. (t - SUPPLY. HOUSE EOR COTTAGE GROVE AND BOHEMIA. Sind Your .Orders by Tlspfcoa.( GAROUTTE k YEAlCfl, 5 Proprietors. j i