Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 25, 1901, Image 3

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    Snagged-Dovvn Feeling
Ifflihn Iniim,
Nervousness, iinrrfrralilmt Mfrp, iIcmumi-
Ef noy. .
Bulla tlnio you were ilium; roinri iiiiifr.
Tlin UiIiIhv ui-h iiiii IhmI It' I'ulli'i till)
Bal h Vfiiii fiiMi iIimv ti rn ' I mill 1 1 1 If lllfl
crnliwj ml ilrlvlni; you lu'in ai-rlmis trouble,
;m pennuM n h-miiiioiiiiiis provm""
6t SarsaparilSa
alPtiroM gemnm roinpoiiiiii, ncin wim
line' iniiHt'illwt, lidiellrlitl eimct nil nm
IWanejn. tl imilrtliia Hie beat mm n.frt
ntUisliiiKcii fm correciliiK' and ioiiIiik tln-xi
KfJ'thnrmiKlily cleaiint'N the blnnil nnil
QtjiKtliriin nil llm bodily funrt'c no.
Two Good Uwi .
In Denmark tno fiirmor nro coin-
Bmlloil by lik to ilontroy nil wood", on
tHolr iiroinlioH, mm in jranoo it mnnur
55V tironooiito hla noliriinor lor unni-
pg5 it the nolKlilior allow wuuri to i(
torn bc(1. Jt would navo minion" ni
Bjolliirs in thin country If lawn pin
vailed which provotitoil farmo from
growing wood to need on tliolr own ui
twgll as otliorn' lurinii.
(larflrlil Tea I llm lust remedy
for nil (leraiuomenls of stomach,
liver, kidneys unci tiowelat It
Gurca Glirunla Oonatlitloii
What Conilltutcd the Intuit.
"What did you ftrtko thin mon for?"
IBBked tlio iimRlHtralo.
j"IIo called me 'Kouben,' " nnnwcred
Ituo iihookhetuleil Indlviiluul whom
tho police lind brought in.
r'What is your uniue, anyhow?"
"lloubeu, your honor but ho didn't
Ilcnow it."
Thfl Unit lraf!rliitlifi fn r ATntit.rlBm
Kill Ha and I'ovur In n Ixittla of Groves.
fcTftBtoloaj UhiU Tonic. It in Ntmply
Iron nnd nuliilnn in n tatiliiHii (arm.
No Ouro. No 1'ny. 1'rlco COo.
New And-Burglar Door.
To fiiHton it Icoy in n lock so it can-
nTot be turned from tlio outnlde n now
eBcutclioon pi h to linn n hinged inombor
Kb ono iildo, which awiugii to tlio con
Kor of tlio plato, u Mot in the cud
engaging tho Hat portion of tlio key to
look it.
Br local applications, tliejr cannot reach the
distaaed iortlii of ttie car, There Is only ono
way lo curedealuess, anil that li by ctinatltu.
tlonal ri-ineil leu. Ucalneta li caused by an In
flamed condition of tl mticoua llnltiK of the
Kiistaclilan Tut. When thli tube sell In
flamed ou liavo a rumbllnir Mjnml or Imper
fect hearing, and whim It li entirely cloned
dratnt'M li ill" result, anil unleea tlio Inflamma
tion can bo taken out mid Ihla Itilio re it red to
Its normal condition, hearing wlllbo destroyed
loreveri nine eaaes out ot icq are caused by
catarrb, which la notlilnir but an Inllamed
condition (il the mucous aurfacea.
i We will giro One Hundred Ilollara for any
caieof l)falnei(caiiil by catarrh) that can
not bo cured by llall'a Catarrh Core, fiend for
circular., free. ,
Bold by DruKgltta, 76o
Uall'a Family P11U are tin beat.
Dlack Dlamondt Valuable.
Illuck diamonds nro comparatively
Iraro and correHitondiuulr hluh priced.
IThey uro throo or four times m hard us
tlio will to ones and flro cannot hann
llinm. howovor urcat this heat, hut if a
rdrop of water uliould touch them while
heated they will oxplodu, und leave
ibotlilntf hut u littlo bean of sand in
their placo.
Stops tho Oough and
Worke Off tho Oold.
ILnxnlive Drono-Quiulun Tablets oure
n cold in ono day. Ho ouro, No Pay.
p'rico 25 cents.
A Queer Flih.
Thcro is n muiint littlo il nh which
haunts tho need trautiivof the gulf
titrunm, and thoro builds nest and lays
its UKIiH like it bird rather than a fish.
This animal t ho antenuarius imi
tates in color tho weed it lives in, and,
liko tho chameleon, constantly ohitugea
its color.
Sufferers from this hrrible malady
nearly always inherit it not necessarily
remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs
through several generations. This deadly
poison may. lay dormant In the blood for
years, or until you reach middle life, then
the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap
pearanceor a, swollen gland in the
breast, or some other port of the body,
gives the first warning.
To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma.
nently oil the poisonous virus must be
iliminated from the blood every vestage
f it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and
ki the only medicine that can reach deep
leated, obstinate blood troubles like this.
When all the poison has been forced out
of the system the Cancer heals, and the
disease never returns.
Cancer begins of ten in a small way, as the
following letter from Mrs. Shlrer shows :
A tmall pimple oame on my law about an Inch
below the earon tha left aide of mv face. It eavt
I me no pain or inconvcn
11 nee, and I ahould have
forgotten about It bad It
EoYbcgun to Inflame and
itch ; It would bleed a
little, then acab over, but
sould not heal. Thli
continued foraometlme,
rjhen my Jaw began to
swell, becoming very
nalnful. TheCaucerbe.
Eijan to eat and iprcad,
until It was aa large as
half dollar,when I heard
of 6. 8. 8. and determln.
ktdtoilTe it a fair trial,
and it was remarkable
what a wo'inerful effect
It bad from the very beginning i the core began to
!bealand after taking a few bottles disappeared
, entirely. This was two yeara aga theie are etlll
zna or uo uincer, ana my general neann
tea gooa. waa. k. duiui, m riaia, no.
is the greatest ot all
i blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed
purely vegetable. Send
itiff Information about this disease, and
write our physicians about your case. W
&a I'liniii luwisf aii fivk Hue m
, CUfitS WHtfit All ttiit AILS.
Beat Cough Bjrup. Taatea (lood. Vse I
in tune. Hold or arufuniti.
IT I Tin I'm- 111-1 Inir 1"f'1
I.lnrTs T the Moat CoiiiprcT-r-stve of
Jiiaiiruiice CfiiiiimtileM (liiiiriinleea
Auulnat Accident or'l'Jioft or Jnaiirea
tlio Xlvca o( Monarcli.
In rending tho dully mid weekly pn
peiM ono often runs uuroas tho term "uc
cordliiK to Moyd'H," hut It In probable
Hint very few know the extent of
Lloyd's functions lu tho InHiirnnce
world. Hence It Is thut tin nrtlclo which
recently appeared In AlnsIco'H Maga
y.Ino Im pnrtlciihirly npropoH iih helping
toiiiiHWerthu question, What In I.loydnV
'J'hiiH the writer of tho urtlcle, H. A.
Wooda, mtyM most members of Lloyd's
curry on btmlnenH ns brokerB or under
wrlteiH on their own rcHpoiiMlblllty. As
n corporation Moyd'H hhkiiiuch no llnnn
clnl liability for tho failure of any of
Its uiemberH or MUhscrlbcrs. Hut It ad
mits to iiieinberHlilp only men of rcpu
tiitlou and nieiuiH, who miiHt deposit n
pecuniary giiarnnloe In order to become
an underwriter and underwriting mem
ber, un iinnual Hiibxcrlbcr or mi nssocl
nto. An underwriting member inust
dcjioslt with tho committee on Lloyd's
ffi.OOO or 0,000, on which he receives
Interest, and which may be returned
to lilin three years after ho ceases to bo
nu underwriting member. lie pays nn
cut in nco fee of 4,000 nnd nn annual
subscription of 20 guineas. An annual
subscriber pays no entrance fee, but
an annual premium of 7 guineas; nn
associate member pays 5 guineas.
There were In 1771 only seventy-five
subscribers to Lloyd's. There tire now
nearly 1,000. Tho subscribers In tho
olden time, ns now, did not confine
themselves to marine Insurance. They
were willing to take n risk on almost
anything. There Is still preserved nt
Lloyd's a policy on tho life of Napoleon
Itonapnrto for one month at a premium
of 1 lis per cent. Hank deposits nro In
sured In Lloyd's; also race horses and
tho lives of threatened monnrchs. An
odd case was the covering of a risk on
n ghiKH bed packed In twenty cases for
a certain Sultan.
Lloyd's Insured the I'rlnco of Wales
Jubilee stamps, guaranteeing that the
Ihmuo would be successful. Tho voice
of a prima donnn has been .Insured. A
tradesman In n London street who has
an Impression that n monument may
fall on his shop has taken out a policy
at tho nominal premium of 2 shillings U
pence per cent. Onto money for cricket
nnd football matches, animals of all
sorts, ashore and afloat, nro subjects
for Insurance; policies against twins Is
a favorite form of Insurance. A well
known underwriter Is said to bo al
ways ready to lay 1,000 to 1 against
LIoyd'H Issues Insurance against burg
lary. Klephants are Insured regularly.
The llfo of the great Jumbo, who enmo
to Now York on a Mounrch line steam
ship, was Insured lu Lloyd's for tho
voyage to Now York, lie was not In- j
snred when the life was knocked out of
liliu by a lucomotlvo on nn American
railroad whose trncks ho wns crossing.
A celebrated singer recently took out
nn Insurance In Lloyd's on the llfo of
Queen Victoria. Kho paid a big pre
mium on account of tho nge of tbo
Illble Facta on Wlileli the Southern
lllaliop llimed Ills Question.
Somn people hnvo hnd fun lately
over the reported rejection of eight
enndidntes for tho African Methodist
ministry In tho South by tho examining
bishop becnusu they could not tell tho
dnto of tho Hood. Nevertheless, tho bish
op who asked the question know what
ho was doing. It may not hnvo been a
fair question, but thcro Is a concise an
swer to It In tho niblc, and ho no doubt
thought tlmt tho eight candidates, If
they wero well versed In tho Old Tcs
tnment, would answer It nt once.
The date of tho Hood was 1,050 year's
nftcr tho birth of Adam, In the second
month and tho seventeenth day. It be
gan then nnd continued for forty days
midnights. This Is how It Is figured:
Tho third verse of tho fifth chapter of
Genesis reads thus: "And Adain lived
ino yours nnd begat n son In his own
likeness, after his Image; nnd called his
nnmo Both." Then, In the sixth verso
it Is told tlmt Scth lived 105 yenrs and
begat Enos. Adam, says tho fourth
verso, lived 800 yenrs after tho birth
of Seth, nnd tho latter after tho birth
of Enos lived 807 years. So It goes on.
Enos begat Cnmnu when ho was 00;
Cnlniin begat Mnhalalccl when ho was
75; Mahalalecl begnt Jnrcd when ho
was 05; Jnrcd begat Enoch when ho
wns 102. Methusnlch wns born to
Enoch when tho latter wns 05, and
when Methusnlem was 187 ho begat
Lantech, and Lamech's son, Noah, enmo
Into tlio world when tho fnther was
JS2. This brings ua down to tho
birth of Noah, which, according to the
mlded ngen of tho Bcvcrnl patriarchs
nt tho time their sons were born, oc
curred 1,050 years after tho birth of
In tho seventh chapter of Genesis tlio
eleventh verse reads us follows: "In
tho six hundredth year of Noah's llfo,
In tho second month, tho seventeenth
day of tho mouth, tho snmo tiny wero
all tho fountains of tho groat deep
brokon up nnd all tho windows of heav
en wero opened." This wns tho flood,
and It carao to pass In tho year 1G50
after tlio birth of Adam.
Curious Suit in Connootiout.
A Now Hartford, Conn., strawberry
grower, A. M. Gray, Is going to try to
collect $100 from tho State for berries
eaten by tbo three deer thut roam
about that section.
Drlr( Your Wheat riildi. '
Moro wheat is destroyed in tho fields
by too much wntor than from insect".
Kvorv wheat field should bo thor
oughly drainod, for if not thorn Is n
liability of tho plants ..Jjolng thrown
nut of tho ground whsuevor it freoziug
and thawing occurs.
Gold I Gold I Gold!
The Intent Ml Dorado Is reported to bn
nn Niiiiio Cltv Ilcncli. Alimku. Thounauds
of people nro Imneiniig there, iiiniiy of
trlmm return briikrii In hriillh, Of what'
avail la gold when health is gone 7 (luitrd
your braltli with the bent of medicines,
lliHli'itcrnHtoMmcli Jlltiom. it will rcpu
line tho hou'ela, stir ui tlm liver. Invig
orate tlm kidneys, and absolutely euro in
digestion, eiiimtlpatlou, malaria, chills and
fvrr. It's u good medicine to keep uu
The Bicycle In Kanm,
Tho roads aro good nnd lovol In
Kansas, nnd ns n result every farm
house has its hioyclo. A farmor in
that state would as soon bo without
his team as without his whool.
Tbla signature la on erory box of the ejenulno
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabieta
the remedy that ctii-ca cold Ira obo day
Petroleum for Railway Locomotives.
The ItiiBslan ministry of communica
tions has decided to adopt petroleum
for generating motivo power on the lo
comotives of all the railways.
Predict! Hard Year for Rulcri.
Raphael's Almanac, n widely known
nstronotnioal publication in Europe,
now in its Slat year, says that this is
to bo a hard old year for kings, presi
dents and other rulers.
I am mire Plno's Cure for CniiMintntinti
saved my life three years ago. Mas. Tims.
ItoBiiiKH, Maple 8 1 reel, Norwich, N. Y.,
Feb. 17, 1000.
Tunnel Under Royal Palace.
Within u few weeks tho tnnnol un
der the royal palace of tho quirinal nt
Homo will bo completed. It will placo
tho older part of tho eternal city in di
rect and lnvol communicatinu with j
that now quarter of Itomeorocted since
1870 beyond the quirinal. It is to bo
brilliantly lighted with electricity. i
, i
you KNotr what you auk taking I
When you take firovo'M Tasteless Chill '
Tonlo because tho formula is plainly 1
printed on every Iwttlo showing that it j
is simply Iron and (juinine in n taste
less form. No Curo, No Pay. COo.
But Thing About Idaho.
Heury Kiwin, Wolecr, Idaho, says'
to tho Portland papers: "Tho best I
thine: about Idaho is the mines. There;'
are a nunilirr of thotn which nro pay- j
int: good dividends nnd tbo entire dis-1
trie! around Weieer is foil of minerals, f
which will surely be developed at some
time in the future."
If yon hiTcn't a regular, healtbj moretnent of thfl
bo we la every day, you're will be. Keep your
bowels open, and be well. Force. In thetbapeof
violent pnytle or pill dingerous. Tbo
Mnoottiffti. cat lent, most perfect way of keeping tbe
l Fleaaant, Palatable. Potent. TaateOmxt. Do Oooil. .
I Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Urlpe. 10c. 60a Writs
I (or free .ample, and booklet on bealtn. Addreaa I
. .brll. It...f l'.ar7, DUin ul.l, S.w Trt. 223.
i. 'il iiUim ,1.1 II1I.II,1'Ii1I.MIi 4
Afcgetable PrcparalionforAs
slmilallng UieFoodandRcgula
ling IhcStoinachs oMBowcls of
Promotes Digeslion,Cheerfur
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Opium.Morplu'ne norIiiieral.
OarihtdSiwtr A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness nnd Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
exact copy or wrapper.
MMMb , . P ., mi ,i NHT5
Work and Worry
Wrxfik tha HflHttli of Mnny n Mouse
wife Tlm Hlory nt Onn Womnn'a
Trlnla nnil How Sim 0r
Cltutft TIipiii.
Prom Hit Pont, Columbia City, 1ml.
The evory day drudgoryof tho house
wifo is extremely wearing upon her
eensitivo nnd frail nature.
Many nro prematurely broken down
in health, their cherished hopes blasted,
their homo-life unhappy, because of
tho constant turn and worry of house
work. That home is indeed fortunate in
which tho wifo Is in pcrfeot health and
able to do her own work, in fact such
a homo is n rarity.
Mrs. Geort'o Ilcaton, who lives near
Columbia City, 1ml., says:
"During the early part of tho winter
of 1800 wo had n great deal of sick
ness in the family, and it boing impos
sible to find it suitable girl to do my
housework, I had to do considerable
extra. My da.uuhtor and two sons
wero coniinod to their beds with the
"I had n great many clothes to
wash, nnd I did tho wnshing in tho
summer kitchen, adjoining our regular
one, without any flro. As n result 1
was attacked with sciatic rheumatism.
At first 1 did not (live nmeh heed to it.
"It kept growing woreo, however,
nnd in tho conrso of two or three
mouths I was unable to do any work.
Uy this time my daughter had recov
ered sufllclently to get aloni; very well
with the housework.
"One night my husband was gone
from homo over night on business, and,
my daughter being overburdened with
work, I concluded to milk the cows,
which I did mnch against her wishes.
My limbs wero so badly affected that
1 could hardlr get to the barnyard, and
my hands and fingers were in such a
condition that it was with great diffi
culty -that I used them.
"j was worso than ever after this,
and 1 was confined to my bed for more
than ten weeks.
"It seemed that overy muscle in my
body pained me, nnd my condition wns
a critical one. Tho physican failed to
benefit mo, and I became discouraged.
"I was prevailed upon to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,
which I did with wonderful results.
lhey began helping me nt once, nnd
whon I had taken livo boxes I wns
"My appetite is again good, lost flesh
has been restored. I spent the sum
mer in tho best of health, and can now
do as much work as ever. I have
recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
fjr Palo People to a number of my
uoighbors, who are also using them
with satisfactory results."
At druggists or direct from Dr. Wil
liams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.
Y., 50 cents per box, or six boxes for
Increase of Russian Recruits.
Following tno increase of popula
tion, the recruits joining tho colors
this year in Iiussia numbered 207,100,
as against 201,100 in 1800.
Take Laxative llronio Quinine Tab
lots. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25c.
Magnified Admiration.
"When would you call a man really
"When ho gets to bo us great as his
10-year old nephew thinks he is"
A Pure, Vegetable Compound.
Vo morcnr'al o o'her poisons In t'ascaicta
Ca my Uaihait , only er able subsiam es.
In e medical (11 covo. e-. All ,ilrjgKlU 1UC,
tic, 50c. 1
Telephone to Havana.
Telephones aro connected with the
SXlLZ1 0,1 betweeu
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
thc eiNTaun oomp.ny, nsw York city.
Bears the
Signature m
Chance for Sugar Refinery.
Dp to dato Portland has no direct
commerce with Hawaii. Now tho O.
It, & N, Co, oilers to run a regular
steamship Hue between Portland nnd
Honolulu if Portland people will es
tablish nnd operuto a sugar refinery
Little Liver Pills.
Must Door Signature, of
See Fac-Slmllo Wrapper Below.
Tarr aanall and as ay
to take as angob
. oamuarra www mv. aig.n...
tfcSnts I Pnrcljr VegetlM
American Money Spent In Europe.
It is estimated that the 135,000
Americans who visited Europe latt
year spent there $60,000,000.
Salt Lake Once a River.
It is said that tho great Salt Lako of
Utah is but a remnant of a vastly
greater sheet of fresh water, which
once sent a river to tbe Pacific.
Oar II eld Tea Ha wonderful IIEItlt
MKIIK INK that cleanaas the system
and gives Sew I.lfe by purifying
the blood.
Improving Street Rallwayj.
Melbourne, Australia, reports that a
system of "electrics" ure tobelmilt,
supplementing the' cable railways, to
act as feeders from the suburban dis
tricts. Farms la the United Statu.
The United States contains nearly
6,000,000 separate farnm.
Mothers will lind airs. Wlnslow'a Sooth
leg Syrup the best remedy to use for thit
children during the teething period.
Enormous Freight Business.
Freight cuts numbering 15,280 were
switched in Portland during December,
1900. This means cars that were re
ceived and delivered, loaded and
Electric Road In South Africa.
Pietermnritzburg, South Africa, is
to build an electric trnmwny to be
owned nnd operated by the municipal
ity. Eight wheeled, double decked
curs ure to be tried.
Ilultt'a School.
Hold's Fohool (for boys), Menlo Park, Cal.,
has more aiudenu and la In better condition
than ever. Sprlnu term begins Jannarv 7th,
1901. Send for catalogue. Ira U. Holtt, I'h. D.,
Extensive Electric Light Plant.
Plnns aro now being drawn np for
tbe establishment of an extensive elec
trio light plant at Hio Verde, Snn Luis
Potosi. All the machinery required
will come from the United States.
The best is the cheapest. Carter's Ink
is tbe best, yet it costs no more than the
j poorest.
jTo Study Homestead Laws.
The Russian government intends
sending an agent to tbe United ft ties
to study homestead legislation with a
view of its partial application to the
, peasant cuinmunitlos.
know what
you're planting I
when you plant
Ferry's Seeds. If you
buy cheap seeds you can't
be sure. Take no chances
get Ferry's. Dealers every-
tvnere sen mem. write
for 1001 Seed Annual-
mailed free.
D. M. FERRY 4 CO,,
Detroit, Mich.
mile-aa auroesaful
end description
and L'et free oDlnlon
I ntaa.iv. ii. nrutnnn oi uw., cbiao. idd-i,
1)1 v, 4.817 Hth Street, W ASIIINOTON I. C.
i Branch offices: Chicago, Cleveland and Dotrolt
Have made Dropt y and Its com-
' plications a specialty tor vweajy,
AVearawlth tlio most wonderful
ana cases.
Box N, Atlanta, Gs-
1TCI1INU 1'llea produce moUture and cause Uchlnjr.
Tbla torm,aa well as llllnd, Dleedlus or Protruding
BtopaltcblDRamfbleodlns. Abnorba tuniorn. sou a
l'llea are cureacy Dr.uoaonKO's pue uemoay.
iar aturUKKiais or aeat vy man, i roniuo irco, .tutu
me about your case. D1U DOflANKO. l'blada.l'a.
N. P. N. V.
So. 4-XU01.
II KN wrltlnc t. advertlaera pae
uieutlou tbla paper.
To Hold Rubbers On Shoes.
An Improved holding device for over
shoes is formed of a pair of pivoted
arms surrounding Mia top of tho heol,
with n spring pawl on tho pivot, whirii
looks them in place it Iter thoy ure
gripped around tho shoe heol.
Percentage Very lnw
According to rocent stntistios there
is one man in about RUO in tho United
States who receives n colloge training.
Stocked for Over a Million.
Articles of incorporation hnvo been
filed by the Fortuno Mining Company,
for general mining purposes, with
headquarters at Grant's Pans; with a
capital stock of .$1,30 1.000, the incor
porators being O. H. Good now, John
Ward and John L. Wiggins.
Those Deaf Girls.
Mies Chcllns Wlmt a lovely ploco
of laco that is.
iMisa Amy Bell Yen. Isn't It?
Mamma gavo mo that when I first
came out.
Miss Choline Kenlly? How well it
has worn I
The Acme of Cynicism.
Kenton Hail fence Hiram don't be
lieve in nothin' aacred nor profane no
more. He's a in II del, a blasphemous
Josh Emmalong That's right! Ho
don't even believe what the home pa
per eayg no more.
Thli It danna eta 1 0m em, but Sal- kf
:tT'irt bear It out rei7 tlm. n
Combination Corn.
nrentittcorn on earth. WlllpotlUrelj
reTOintioniEo corn growing.
Billion Dollar Grass
IS ton of harper acT. )'lni
crop PIZ wee kb m.i vr smwinif
&rWhat Is It?
CaUlojroe tells,
roa 103. stamps
1 ftM thta NOTICK wt tnfttl
rpfi" oO b, parr A.) JU,
BarW.(t?3ttA)PimtfcWrU$ltP 1
Jonn A.aalzcrSoodCo.UCrotti, oil. I
Take No Substitutes. Fc Catauocucs
Showins ruLU Lim or Gar na nts and Hats.
A.J. Tower Co. bottom . h.
Yob can't make a mlslaks II you (at t
fflitehell, Lewis & Staver Go.
from 15 to 24 lbs. per month by a
harmless treatment. Thuusauds
cured. Mrs. M. A- Alac-C'rona, 431
JJawley St., Rochester, N. Y ,
writes; "r'our years ago 1 was'
reduced 13 pounds by yonr valu
able treatment. Mr ezoerleuce
a 5 Trained Nurse has taue hi me the dangers ot Fatty
Defeneration. Dave notKalued," I'atlents treated
by mallcoutldenUallr. Forpartloularsaddrets,wltk,
Urcp, 1)B."X.WER, 131 . Ilun&ie Tcmple.Utcigo.Ut
A guaranteed Cure or Catarrh and
Consumption. 11.00. 1) Lock Dux 1 41.
W. H. SMITH 8 GO.. Buffalo, H. Y , Prop's.
rurultih the Keuulna acl
only llUDlLUkku UltnilT.
to anv r&der or thin tiot.p.
No MM) la adlaacti Irrr l
aaltPMUlMfairaatce. COSTS
with moat all othar treatnuiita. iMr wks all aihtr aiaa.
trla balls, applluma l mlln ML QUICK CURE tot
disease, weaknesaaa and dlsordr. i'or complata
SWJulawl conadentlal caUloania, tt Ikl. ti ! aad itallUaa.
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You of Course Want Ihe Best. Write fo
Catalogue and Prices.