VI ?ht Proipcfom Business Men Bring' Your Job Vfotk to t(i tiuzZfiiJob Office. Pri' Reasonable : CotUgc Grove Advertise In the Nugget. T" Devoted to the Miniig, Lumbering and Pnrming Interests of this Conumiuity, to Good Government, mid Hustling for aCrub Stake. Wp3 VOL. Ill GJ-rove, OfOgon, n?:tdclay, Jarmary 25, 1901. NO. 2 PROFESSIONAL. J, E. YOyNG Attorney-at'Law - Office on Xialu atreet, Writ Bid COTTAGE GROVK, Of J. C. JOHNSON and F, G. I Attorneys and Counselors'1110 SmiUI attention fWn to Mining, edition t and Mercantile law. f OBm gTorOrmn A Kewiand'asl . COTTAGE GROVlJjRK, J. S. MEDEJ Attomey-ai-Law ol o ! Offlceon Main atreet-j CoTTAOB GROVK, 0 JEROME KN Attorncy-at-Laio frowM atf ntlon will 1ft MlnlnJ.'jliCM. CoTTAGH GROVK, L; L. STEVES f Attorney-at-Laio j Special attention given to Mtiifllnaincas and Collection!. EUGENK, OKI HELMOBW. THOMraoK CUM- UtttY. THOMPSON & (ARDY Attorneys and Counsels-tit- Law Special attention given to KUCtKNK, Oil L. T. Attorney and Conns Special attention given to th ' Unt Nationnl Hunk Bui EUGKNK, OR RELIABLE ASM Sample by mall receive prpt attention. FRANK P. WHI COITAtOIlOVK. MK. O.nrewlth Jamea Heme Jr. Mulnat, ano. w. LLOTP. IT, W. .u Lloyd & Kvill UIKI. KXm.SKEUS U. K. UK. UTV MINIM. HUIIVKYOIIH Rome' M3-SM Chambei Commerce l9rt??l:)rl' iW.Nn.OltB, Mrs.. Kilherlne Sc cf, M. D. Diseases of Wbmenlnd Children COTTAGE GROK, OKK. i D. J. GOER , 'Prasptctor and .line Locator. Fbr. Informattotion Bohemia ' Miniilg'District tite inc. Rpeelal Attention Olverjto Correspondence BOHJMIA, ORE. BUSINESS. ao-aosa MRS. PET SANF.ORD'S For Fas h tonally Dressmaking. -UAIN f ItEKT '. CoTTAGK C 'ova, Ork. EAKIN &BRISTOW BANKERS"!-1 Transact a Oeneraj Ranking nualneea In All ItsU'ranches. CoTTAOB GXOVE, OrB. i thqv of Mlnca. lr-u-Law9 Wot Mlnea. , rg IS t- I? rsr 15 MajJMBBBiJJJJJHaMaBMa fH J. W. BENTLY, , The practical Boot am Shoe maker, located'' in the front part of the Chris matt harness siop. .JSepairing: neatly mil quickly done 4fyp4 satisfaction guaranteed. Call G. A. COBB Proprietor of the $Ue Confectionery Also Wholsaler and R tailr of all Kinds of FRUITS. Also dealer in Cigars, Tobacco' and Candies,, cB9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9tt9B9tt9B9a9B9B9B9K9SiQtl9S10B&B0B0B011QB0B0UGa9BQB9U901t9B9BB0B030o FOR MEN. Walinmtlu Snrnmin OlovoConiptin.v'H L'OfxlH. Tliuy tiro t'oim it lured tliu bent glow in tliu imirkut. Good V How Oil Stock Willi pnttMitcd Hiring fiiHtunvr f0 mid 70u. Our Sienni Trotif lino nro n po(I, jilln lilt) glovo, tut well an iliiriililc; Hindu with piitcnlfil t-tring fust ciur. '. ...8"i-, mill f I "5. UiiIIiumI Kit, floft lltilfli, tnnklnv; it vnr' tiifu driviiiK nlovo. .$1 'J6. Sum nnc Knek, Ilglit weight, lino Htock, no Iiiind.npoii Imt'k, I'orltT fiietenor, wellol.wnx linen tlirend coft mid pliulilti'; iindonlitedly Ihu hfHt ulovo in the iiiurket ... 60. UnlliK'd Clmpiier Mitu, nil gniln enlf nkiii.. ...;.-. OOciindll. , J.ltiotl Kit (Iliivcs, tine etock. . . .$1. g s oBoaott9BeacB9tt9aovoaoBoaeoBoaoavoa9Baoa9Boaa9B9B9BoBOBOB9jiouoaeaoaoeB9B9B3B9iiODs H. C. MADSEN, Watchmakhr. Hepulrlnd at rcaaonablo rhnrKca. All "iiclc Kimruntecil tlrat-clna. U'atchca, Clock ami JcHolry nt Ijiwoit I'rlcea COTTAGE GKOVE, OKU. ELITE.o Shaving o Parlor Cottage Grovb, Oku. GEO. E. GRIFFITH, Prop. W. H. ROBINSON Practicing' Physician. Office and residence on River street near Wall, Cottage Grove, Ore. R. A.' SANDERS, rnoi'METOii ok Wines, IJquors, and Cigars. Choice Brands. A Favorite Resort. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. BARKER & MARTIN l'KOl'UIHTOrtH 01' THE EXCHANGE- DKALHU8 IN TIN!! WINES, JJQUORS, CIGARS. Main street, Oottiiea (Irovo, Ore. W. H. SMITH Proprietor of the CAFE ROYAL on River street, near the bridge, Cottaob Grove, Orb. Short orders day and night. Every thing first-class and the best the market affords. Number 633 wins the Bicycle. The owner of same please call and select his or her wheel. Eakin & Bristow. .tj:.. Gamin & Nowliuid COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. FOR BOYS. Cotton SwulterH, irn'ml. qnitlity, in iim'rorfn unit imrf'urted tiiriped colon) ,'.T KOc. AH-Wortl, Httlit weight, iinfortctl tail ored li ipctl. (1 t. FOR MEN. Cotlon, Bowl cjnaltly, color ma roon ; BOi! Mixed Cotlon mid W'cxjl, iin;iiinin lieitvy,' niitroon , lUOo. All-Wool, K"od iiiullty, .inttdliim iieiivy, imirooii v. .'f'l 10. Sumo im iiliovo, only liner wool, iik Hortinl colld. colors .fl '(W. All-Wnol, very lino tiinllty, in iih hoi'IimI colored ftripeu. . . .f- 2.). White, liiediimi heavy ...f-'BO. ... (tARJVIAN & NEWLAND ... H IT IS MERE! g H Tic Lai'gest Stock iij So-uUj Ixune! 2 -CONSISTING Ol'- Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves and Tinware; Pumps, 3 . Pipes, and' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! Gttns and Amtuunitiou, Studebakcr Wagons, 2 SZ Canton Clipper,,,Plows, Harrows, Etc. g For Miners' Suppiiesf . the only house South of Portland. 2 Give us a call. ' GRIFFIN & VEATCH, g COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. S HA . Farmers' Store At WALKER, OREGON, Is aFarmer and sympathizer with all men of honest industry, as you will 'sce by quality of goods and prices. Dry Goods, Groceries and all kinds of Feed. Our Garden Scfcds arc the Best, Also patent medicines, drugs, ets. Also'the OREGON PRODUCT PAINT, the very best for quality and finish. G. O. WALKER, Wai.kur, Orhgon. 1 m KOTICK OK 1'INAIj SKTTMIMENT. Notlcola lieroby kIvoii thutJna, II. Hlownrt, niliiilnlatriitur ot the estate of Wm. tiubuiK, Do conned, Una flloil tila llmil account In tho ahoro mimeil estate and that tho 8th day o( Deremhcr )1H0, nt tho honrot one o'oluelc In the nftoriuioti thereof hn bcon hot for tho tlato of hearlngmild llnul account ut the olllco of tho County Jnilno, In KuKune, .una County, Ore (ton, at which tlmo ninl plnco all jioraona huv IuKobleetloua to tho allowiincu and upproval of the aamo may apiicar anil bo heard. Dated this Dili day of November, 11)00. Jan. U. HtKWAUT, Administrator. Over 00 odd ptfttorna of wall paper to ehnoHo from uid 'iioro on thoWuynt Jeiikiiia A Lnvn's, w 1 wm. -1 ,FOR CHILDREN. f.nwn HooiIh, iiiikIo of luce open work; very prutly dexiuiiH , 5 lo 03c. o u e ro o a o H a o D 0 tc o B e D e n o o to n o a u o to o u D9 n t u e a a o M O Etnbroidered mid TncktHt MiihIIii and SwlcM. dlireront (IchIumb 7r)otoiar. Lniliox' Hun ItonnetN, iniido ot cliiuu lirnv, full Imek crown, Ktilelietl mid' lined, uvHorted eolorH.'.OOe. Our 1 1 sit of Loomp KinlirnlderifH, Kih Iioiih mid DrygoodH Notions is I urge. I.iidiuM' Sumnier Skirt-., Inriro vari ety; in prit-o frou'i. , ..fiOo to f:i, Shirt WiiintH,',tliirerpnt colore ami klmlH BOc to V 7fi. Lin lies' Xeek Woiir in Intent flvlon.. lfm to (10l!. Ilotvnro of iilr dried or half dry floor ing, coiling mid rustle. Tho ilooth Kelly Luiuber Co., nro nittkliig apccinl jirices on kiln-dried lumber. wantkii. Cnpnblo, rollublo porfou tn ovury county to to pre tent lurgeeompmiy of Nolld finmiciiil reputation ; $0:t0 Hiilniy per year, payable weekly ; $3 pur day nb Holutoly Htiro and all expenses; straight, boua-lfda salary, no commission; salary paid each Saturday and expound, money advanced eaali week. STANDARD UOUSK, Ml DB.Mtnons Hi:, CiUCAqo. ! The Oregon state treasury is in a splendid condition. The semi annual statement of Treasurer Clias. S. Moore, for the six mouths from July 1, 1900, to December 31, 1900 was filcdiin the department of stale, and that department' made its report to the governor. There port shows receipts aggregating 5785,279,08, and disbursements of $921,599.69. Balance 011 hand Jan. 1, 1901, $944,623.40. A PROMINENT CHICAGO WOMAN SPEAKS. 1'rof. Koxa Tyler, of Chlcnco, Vice President Illinois Woman's Alliance, in fipciiklnKof Cliiinihcrlaln'A Cough Reme dy, kiivh: "I millercd with a nevoro cold this winter which threatened to run into pnemnoniit. I tried different remedies hul l Hcemed to grow worno mid the medicine upset my HtOmnch. A friend ndviBcd mo to try Chnmbor (iiIii'd Cough Remedy mid 1 found it wim pleuiiiitit to tnko mid it relloved 1110 ut once. I nm now entirely recovered, Hiived it doctor'H bill, time mid Hollering, nnd I will never bo without thin Kplcn did medicine ngiiin." Tor h.iIo by KuNfo.v Dituo Co., Cottngo Grove. Lyonh A Afi'i.isiiATi: Drain DrnggiHtc. The Southern Pacific railroad is abreast of the times with electric headlights for its engines. By merely touching a button the en gineer sets the light into play. Eacji light is of 2000-candle power. It lights the track half a mile ahead only of the engine, while the oil light threw n .faint light a few hundred feet infront of the cow catcher. Anything on the track can be seen sixteen telegraph poles ahead of the engine, far enough away so that the train could be brought to a halt before it reached the object, even if under full speed. The engines are being provided with the apparatus as fast as it can be supplied. MADE YOUNG AGAIN. "Ono of Dr. King's New Life- Pills em h night for two weeks him pnt me in my 'teeiiH' again" writes I). II. Tumor j of Donipeytown, I'm. They're tho best j in the world for Liver, Blomtich nnd I bowel. Purely vejjetiiblo. Never gripe. Only '.'On. ut JSknho.v Diiuo' Co'h Drug Store. The great and only Linn cotinty which was held up by every pop paper in the state as an example of low taxes and economical, adminis tration of county affairs, has come to grief as every honest business man predicted. In order to, make a great political grand stand playf the assessment was cut below all reason and a natural consequence not sufficient revenue was derived to meet contingent expenses. So therefore, Linn county had to bor row $23,467 to Jjajkstate taxes. The pop press pmnfully about this matter. 'mffes. quiet HIS WIl'K SAYKD HIM. My wife's good ntlvlco saved my lifo writes V. M. Hoss of Winlleld, Tonti for I had eucIi a bad cough I could hardly breathe, I steadily nrow woreo j under doctor's treat mont, hut my wife I urged tne to ueo Dr. King's Now Dis covery for Consumption, which com pletely cured me." ' Coughs, Colds, KiMitchitiH, La Grippe, Pneumonia, Asthma, liny fover and all malndics of Chest, throat and Lungs aro positively cured bv this marvellous medicine. 50c. and $1.00. Uvury bottle guaranteed. Trial bottle freo at Kn.sso.v Dauo Co's. drug store. , PIANO LESSONS. Having permanently located in Cottage Grove, I will take a few pupils. Harmony and Thorough Bass n Specialty. Either German or American method. Call at residence, North River street. Mrs. W. H. Abrams If troubled with a weak digestion belching, sour stomach, or if you feel1 dull after bating, try Chamberlain's, OH. ....... I. mill l.lvl.p ".ill Inly Vina "ft cents. Samples frep at wesson unvo Co'a drug store. l'KKUDOM KKOM DISKA8.KS AND D1BPAIR. Mrs. C. Wolfer, tlm homo healer, is now prepared, treat all litiiuner of dis uses with miignellsiri and without tliu iiho of medicine or (lie surgeon's knife, tilt matter what your dlnein-o ipay be, coiistiiiiitlbii,Vnliccr or any other trouble there is a euro for you through this wonderful power. All ctifien taken where medicine has failed. All can bo treated nt their own liomennd through tho mail. Kor further tmrtieulaiH write meat my homo and full Instructions regarding Ibis treatment will'ibe sent you by re turn mail. Anyone wishing to learn this wonderful science I will it I so tench them through tun!! only. Address all letters to Mrs. 0. Wolfer, The iJomo Healer, Cometock, Oregon. , Trent, Ore, March 31st, 1000. This is to certify and Is a statement to nil thoeo who may bo suffering from dis eases or any ills of the flesh. That I Imvo suffered for tho past 18 years with catarrh of tho stomach, which resulted In giving mo ut times tliu nervous headache of a most excriicl atingnnd'dietrcsHliig character. I was so weakened that I was unable to per form any rnununl tabor, my, stomach wotihl not refafn scarcely any food. In connection with' tins malady I ,hn,d rheu matism for tho past six years, which Ureal I y distressed mo when moving about. Ihaveinvain tried many doc tirsnlso patent -medicines recommended to mo by my friends. As a last resort with hut llttlo hopn I called on Ct Wolfer tho magnetic henlerbf Cometock, Oregon, on Dec. 13th, 1800. After re latlni: my ciipo to -Mrs-. Wplfer eho kindly gave mo nssurancu that I could bo healed and began my treatment that day. 1 improved from tho first, And af ter tnkinu two months treatment, I can say that I nm sound mid well in every respect. My trouble of tho stomach nnd rheumatism has entirely disappeared as if by .magic. I urn now'in my (lOyeorof ngc'nnd feel like I did when a young man. I havo taken no medicine ol any kind since beginning this treatment. Very Respectfully. Samuei Gakti.n'. Trent, Ore., March, 31st, 1000. I wish to , make u statement for tho benefit' of parents or those who may bo KufTeriiiu in tiny wav the ills that all flush Is heir to. . Our iittlo girl 0 months old was nlllictcd wi h scrofula on tho cords of the neck which gave us great anxiety hardly knowing what to do, in from our experience doctors seem to know little of nify certain treatment of such cases, Mrs.O. Wolfer tho mag netic healer cf Camstock was in the neighborhood and wife and I decided to cull her ip. Mrb. Wolfer informed us that sho was able to treat mid cure such cases. Sho guvo 'tho, baby ono treat ment nnd tho scrofulous swollittRS soon disappeared in three days' nnd hnvo not returned, this behig three mouths treat ment.' . , . VervResc't, , Mas. Ola HowAitn Mr. Jon.v HqwaiU). -., -- I'AltTIXO AND MKETIVG. Though our hearts nro nnm) with anguish, When our loved ones, one by ono Croaa the border-land of Heaven To that lanil of endless un TIiourIi pur Uvea accm durkened-shudowed t And tho burning teardrops start, Still, we'll ncct thent all there, aometlme-r Meet them, novcr more to part. Thoueth 'tta hard (oatlll'tho Teaming;-, Oh, ao hard I to lot them go Out our bravo lips otrlvo to, utter. "Ood knowa beat"" boUer so,1' Though we mlas tbcin-r-i,nls thera aorcly, Still wo know they are at red Xovor ntore to tnoWa Life's aorrowa-i- ' Angela tlierp, among the blesti ' Thoiigh tho partlnffaebnls forever', ' '" Still 'tis but a llttlo whlld Soon wo'll aH bo,roanltoil i , m In tho aunllght of God's amlle. Somo awnot jlay we'll meet together, . In that happy, ahlrinlng land All our loved onca (landing 'roiuid ua Then ah' thon we'll understand. i-ilNmiE A, WriiBin. Written and ileflfcKtod to Mr. O. W, Kellay, aftor Erunk. death,, poc..,30, WOO., BUCKLENS, AR,NlOA SAtVK. Has worlilrw'ldo. fntno for marvellous uu res, It s'l)rpaspcs, any oth?r salvo, lo tion, ointmcntjgrhnlin for CuU, Cprns, burns, boils, Horutf. 'Felons. Ulcers,. Tot ters, Bait 'RboffrnnFover Borfcs, Chapped Hands, Skin'-'ljajptlonH; InfaUlblo for l'ilek. Curo guaranteed. Only !25o at Ursho.v Dauo Co.' 1 N0TICK VP PUDLlfcATlON. Uniteil States Lund Office, Roseburg, Oro., Dep. 22, 1000. Nqtico is hereby given that in com pliance with tl0 provisions, 6f tho act of consressof ,.Tii,no 3. 1878,, ci) titled "An act for tho salo of timber lands fn tlis States' of California, Oregon, Novnda, and WaslilngtonTorritory,'1 lis bxtendod to nil tho Publio Land States by net of August 4,1802, Mrs. Annio Wiilin. of Kugunp, couply of :Lano, State of Ore gon, has this dny filed in this offiuo her sworn statement No. 1850, for tho pur chase of tho Sli hi of Section No. 10 in Township No. 20 W, RuugCNo. 7 W, and will offer proof t6 bIiow that tho land sought is moro.valttiiblo for i(s timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim' to said land beforo tlia Register and, of this ollico at Kosoburg.Ore'rxon on Friday, tho 8th day of March, 1001.' ( ' Sio names as witnesses : .lames N. Handle, II. Ilatis Berg Btrom,Goorgo W;.lhebdirtgiII. O, Han pan, of IJugono, Oregon. A'siia' m tall Mtafitio t1 hlliilMM I I illlY illllt fill UUirjulin .KlllllllltM l 4 ' .reque.stOli todlautheir oldlmft in this nflfcd on' befote iiU 8tli diy ot bUvoh nht " ' 1 t t i j ''' jrT'ilPaiDaits, RVjIster.