Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 11, 1901, Image 8

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Public opinion in tlic United
'States is apparently coming round
to the view that the United States
should not construct the caunl
without rcserving-'sucli rights over
the canal as will prevent it from
being used in time of war as n
menus of attack upon our coasts by
hostile naval powers. The con
dition of the United States would
be in if one nation or a combination
of nations should command the ap
proaches of the canal cannot be con
templated with equanimity. The
met'iods of fortification may be
left for future consideration but the
right to do what at the opening of
the canal we may think necessary
should not be surrendered. In a
broad sense the canal is as
thoroughly American as if it were
located in American teiritory. It
will open a short waterway be
tween two long lines of coast, form
ing a water way that, under no
conditions we can avert, should it
be permitted to fall under the con
trol of any other power. San
Francisco Bulletin.
My wife's good ntlvice saved my life
writes P. M. Koas of Yv'infiold, Tenti.,
for I bad such a bnil cough I could
hardly brcntho, I- steadily grew worse
under doctor's trentmcnt, but my wife
urged inn to ufo Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, which com
pletely cured mo." Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis, La Grippe, I'noiimoniii,
Asthma, liny fever mid nil inulndics of
Chest, throat and Lungs nro positively
cured by this mnrvellnus medicine. GOc
and $1.00. Every bottle gunrnntced.
Trial bottles freest Brnho.v Dnuo Co's.
drug store.
At the Taylor & Ross Photo
Studio a negative of the proprietor
or proprietors of each firm located
in Cottage Grove. We will make
each one a present of cabinet photo
from same. Please come in os soon
as possible as we want to arrange
and make them into , one picture.
Remember you get a nice cabinet
pnoto tree to pay you tor your
trouble. Tayi,ou & Ross.
A Mexican war veteran and promi
nent editor writes: "Seeing the ad
vertisement of Cliambcrliiln'a Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am
reminded thnt as a soldier in Mexico in
'47 and M8, 1 contracted Mexican diar
rhoea and this remedy has kept me
from getting an increase in my pension
lor on over? renewal a dose of it restores
me." It is unequalled as a quick cure for
diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe totnke.
For.nlo by.Bexsox Dauo Co., Cottage
Orove. Lyons & Api-lbqatk, Drain
40 acres 2 miles from Mapleton
on Sinslaw river at head of tide.
Good frame dwelling, orchard in
bearing, 5 acres in cultivation,
ballanccgood cedar or fir timber
Inquire or write to James Hetnen
way, Cottage Grove, Ore.
Prof. Roxa Tyler, of Chieago, Vice
president Illinois WomanN Alliance.
speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy, say: "I suffered with a severe
cold this winter which threatened to
run into pneumonia. I tried different
1 : 1.... t 1 .
ji-uiuuicB unn seemeu to grow worso
and the mcdicino upset my stomach
A friend advised mo to try Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy and I found it was
pleasant to take and it relieved me at
once. I am now entirely recovered,
Baveu a doctor's bill, timo and suffering,
and I will never be without this splen
did medicine again." For salo by Uk.vbon
Amua Lo., Cottago Grove. Lyons
Arn.EOATK Drain Druggists.
Nearly 4,322 miles of - new rail
road were constructed in the
United States during the present
year. This is 266 miles more than
were built during 1899. At the
beginning of the year it was freely
predicted that there would be at
least 5,000 miles of new road built
during the twelve mcnths. The
high price of steel and the great
amount of work necessary to re
duce grades and eliminate curves
ias prevented much new mileage.
Cutter shoes at Unltln A Jlrtstow'a
Call at the lloyd Art Gallory and sec
new samples.
Go to Mudscn'a for fine jowolry and
holiday silverware.
Fur hand loaded shells call 011 Grlflln
and Veatch Co.
Suits I Suits! I Tailor inndn suits Ml
Up to date In overy respect, from $ 15 up.
Call and sco samples,
Gko. Mom, man.
Giifnn-Veatch Co. curry the Uncut
lino of Ammunition in South LanuCu.
For quality and uhcapness In fresh
meats go to the Central meat market.
Doautiful rings and silverware- at
Mudscn'a for tho holidays.
Ladles' storm inhbers lv;st miuto 40c
per pair at itoyiru. uiitmioiia svorin
JiiHt recolved this week a choice va
riety of ladieH and Misses lino shoes.
Call and sec thorn at Cunimlng's store.
Kubbcrs, rubbers below cost, ladies'
rubbers -'Oo per pair at Jloyd's opposite
Masonic Hall.
A quantity of fino dressed lumber and
flooring for Bale. Apply at tho black
smith spop of Kby A. lloien.
Imvd's rubbers below cost. Hoys,
Minxes, children and Indies shoes at cost
at lioyd's gallery.
Wo have on hand a largo stock of
kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustle in
grades 1 2 and It. Let us make you
special prices. '
liooTir-KHM.v Lumiiku Co.
Sportsmen reun'inber Grlflln A Veatch
Co.' carry aline line of Shot Guns and
Wo sell good goods at good prices for
our customers, Central Meat Maikct.
A car load of Columbia Kiver ccdnr
shingles for salo by Jenkins A Lawson.
To Bocuro a good tight floor or ceiling
and one that will always remain so uso
Kiln-dried lumber. Tho Uootli. Kelly
L unber Co. at Saginaw kiln-dry all in
terior finish and rustic and are oflcriug
special bargains in .anir.
To the boy nrgirl who brings us on
January 1st 1001 tho greatest number of
our soap wrappers with our advertise
ment thereon will be given one of those
'cow clocks" shown in our window.
Kaki.n & ISimktow.
Go to Goo. Hohlman's tailor shop
Main street and see his fall lines of
samples and goods. lie can please you
11 any style or lino you limy desire.
Fresh candies every day, mailo from
pure sugar at the Tailor shop,
Geo. Uohhnan, the up-to-date tailor,
will show you goods, all shades and all
prices. Think of it. A tailor made
suit for f 9 and up ! rants $4 and up.
Ovor CO odd patterns of wall paper to
chooso from and more on the way, at
Jenkins A Lawson's.
If troubled with a weak digestion,
belching, sour stomach, or if you feel
dull after eating, try Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price 25
cents. Samples free at Hb.nbox Ditun I
Co'h drug store.
United States Land Office,
Host-burg, Ore., Dec. 22, 1900.
.nonce is nereov uiven mat in com
pliunce with the provisions of tho an
of congress of Juno a, 1878, entitled "An
act for the salo of timber lands in the
btatea of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all tho Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892, Mrs. Annie Welin, of
J'.ugene, county of Lano, State of Ore
gon, bus this day filed in this office hei
sworn statement No. 1359, for tho pur
chasffofthe SE of Section No. 10 in
Township No. 20S, Range No. 7 W, and
win oner prooi to snow mat tlio land
sought is moro valuable for its timber or
stonothan for agricultural Diirnoses. and
to establish her claim to said land before
ttit Kegister and Receiver of this office
nt Koseburg, Oregon on Friday, the 8tl
uny 01 iiiurcn, iuui.
She names as witnesses:
James N. Randlo, H. Hans Berg
stroin, ucorge v . jneecnng, ji. u. Hon
non, of Eugene, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tho abovo-described lands are
requested to file thoir claims in this
oflice on or befoie said 8th day of March
J. T. RntDOKs, Register.
United States Land Ofllco,
Roscbiirg, Ore., Dec, 20, 1000.
Notice is bcrebv civon tlint n.v.
pliunce with the provisions of the act of
congress ouuno 3. 1H78. nntltlo,! "a
act for the sale of timber lands in the
... "r0. '"""""iia, uregon, Novada and
asruneton Territ
all tho Public Land States by net An
gust 4, 1802, James N. Boyd, of Cottage
brove, County of Lano, State of Oregon
nns tins nay inert in this office his sworn
nntaTire'iy N134.7' or Purchaso of
ship No. 22 S. Range No. 2 W., and will
offer proof to show that tho land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stono
than for aericultnrnl mimncoa --.I
me f? yA . in n nn rvi-i 1a n rr'A....
miu,io , hid ciaim to said land before
tneltcgisternnd Recolvnrnf tbiam .
Rosoburg, Oregon, on Monday, the 4th
day of March, 1001. 11
110 names us witnesses:
J. P. Phillins. l'hllln n ti.
Lewis. D. Brinnhn,,;,, ' 7 "
Oregon. n ' ""rOy0,
Any mid all persons claiming nd
vorBely tho above-described .
rcouestcd to file thnlr .1.1
?nnie " r bcloro-eni(i 4th dfly of March,
J.T. BmuGES, Register.
United States Land Odin:,
Itosuburg, Oro , Dec, UN'U.
Notlco Is horeby ulven that in com
pllanca with the provisions of the act of
congress 01 J 11 no it, jMY,.unimwi -ai
act for the snlo of timber lands In the
Stntos of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extender
to all the Public Land Slates by act 0!
AugiiHt -I, 1811:2, Frederick T. Welln, of
KiiL'cnu. county of Lane. State of Ore
gon, lias this day Died in this ofllcn his
sworn stntetnent No. I!W8. for tho pur-
eliasn or t Hit NJi )i "I Section Mi. lu 111
townMilp No. 1!0 S, Itiiiigu No. 7 W. and
will oiler proof to show that the land
Hmglit Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes,
anil to establish his claim to (midland
befoie the Iteuislcr and ltecclver of this
ollli'o at Koeenu g, Oregon on -Friday,
the Hthdnyuf March, 11)01.
He names as witnesses :
James N. Handle, If. Huns lierg
strom, George W. Brooding, II, (J,
Illinium, of-Eugene, Oregon.
Auv and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described hinds are
requested to lllo their claims in this
oillco on or before said tit It day of March,
1001. .
J , T. Uiiiikikh, Register.
Lund Oillco at Itoseburv, Oregon,
September 27. 1000.
Notice is hereby given that tho following-named
settler has 11 led notlco of his
intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Joel Ware, U. S.
Commlstiioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on
November 2.1, 1000, vir.: Samuel E.
Phillips on II. E. fs.i. 7407 for the Lot it,
NW1-4SW 1-1, Sec. 28, T. 10 S., It. 3
Ho names the following wltnectes to
prove his conttnuoiis residence upon and
cnltivatioii'of said land, viz:
Charles Colcord, G. W. Smith, Al
bert Fernell, James Law, of Creswell,
J.T. ItitliiniCH, Register.
Troiiniry Peimrliiioitt,
Cfllco of Comptroller of tllii Currency.
WiixhltiKton. II. (' , Dcrombcr Hill. IIXK).
Vt horoim, by mit Infuc tory cvlilcneo iirCKOillol
to tho liintomlKncil. It him been nmile tn up
rear that "Ilio l'lriit National Hunk ul Cottage
drove," In Itiu city of C'nttnKO drove, In tho
County of Ijine. anil HMto of Orccoiuhnu roin
t.lleil with nil tho )irtivlnlo h nf Ilio Mlntntc-i nf
tho Unllcd Btitte, ruUlrel Hi liecnmpllcil with
before 11 n lusoHntlmi ahall bo iililhnrlzcil tu
coiniiiciico the liualiieu of luuiklng.
Now Ihcreloru I, Churls (I, Diurc', Comp
troller of the Currency, do hereby certify Unit
"The Klrt Nntloiml Hank ntCottHge tirote," In
the City of Cottnre drove, In tho County of
Lane, ami Hliilo of Oregon, In uiit hoi Ixetf to
enmiiienrc tho licalni'M of banking a provided
I " H etlon Hfly-one humlre'l hiiiI alxty-nlue of
the Kevlrcd Statutes of Ilio t'nllnl S ntei.
In totlmony wlmreof wltncim my hum! mid
aoal ol olllvo this l'ourleentli day of Dot-ember,
I 1 (Hllf.l t'HAHLKX (I. llAU'KH.
mkai, Comptroller of the Currency
Notlco li hereby given that I hare boon ap
pointed Administrator of the entnteof C. fl.
YnnchiilHck, clcconfcil. All croin hnrliur
clalniH HKulnut miM ctalente re-inlrcil to pre
wont thorn lih proper vimchem to 010 at my
oillco 111 CottiiKO lirove, l.une Coimtr, Orcyon,
within mx months from the dale of thlt notice.
Dntnl thin -JIh ilnyof Nnvt-niber VXa.
Jamkn Iikmkkwat, AilniliiUtrntor.
Here is a chnnce to get your hoy
into a paying business 011 a small
crpital. I have a choice lot of high
gmde Helgian Hares thnt 1 will sell
in pairs at very low prices. There
no need to send to California
when you can Ret the same thine
here at home. Lord Britain, Sir
Styles, Kashoda, Yukon, Red Rover
and other fashionable strains ate in
stock. lf. A. Rankin, Eugene.
Notably among tho pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Route is the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona
Renewed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh points of interest
and added sources of enjoyment, under
its sunny skies, in tho variety of its in
dustries, in its prolific vegetation and
among its nujnborless resorts of inoun
tain, shore, valley and plain.
Ilio two daily Shasta trains from
T .1 .1 J I' 1 r . m .
juriiiiuii 10 iaiiiornm navo been re
cently equipped with the most approved
pattern of standard and totnist sleeping
cars, but tin low rates of fare will still
continue in c'-ct.
Illustrated gi.'dcs to tho winter ro-
sorts of olifornin hnd Arizona may be
nail on application to
0. II. Makkiiasi, G . P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
Sosuroaro wo that the locatinc of a
few of our Electric Belts wili develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that we ato willing td send
0110 frco to any sufferer from tho follow
ing diseases : Cold oxtrcmitios, Crvsto
celo, Fomalo weakness, Kidney conv
pluint, Loucorrhea, Liver complaint.
Paralysle, Lost vitality, Nervous debility,
sou anuso, worn-out women, Sciatica.
Weak and Nervous women, Ir.regular
menstruation, Iinpotenny, Rheumntism.
Diminutivo Shrunken and Undovnloned
Sexual organs, and Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc..
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Battle
Crook. Michigan.
Having permanently located in
Cottage Grove, I will take a few
pupils. Harmony and Thorough
Bass a Specialty. Either German
or American method.
Call at residence, North River
Mrs, V. H. Abrams
"If ever there is n medicine discovered that will ettfe disease, it
must be n liquid charged with gas." -Robt Tyndall.
Radam's Microbe Killer is Pure Water charged with disin
fecting gasesl See formula on every jug and bottle. Infonualioii and
pamphlet free.
A. F. HOWARD, Agent.
Rusidenco with J. K. Bnrrclt. COTTAGE OUOVE, OREOON.
ourwKaa. Tho
nt fiur Hmirlal
to anr 119 wli
If you .1.1 not
M wiu irrpavoi
concama and Hit tunply bouwa ailrrrtlaa and aall aa hlKb irrailu. W ran run.lth them,
howotar, alii lotl trliinwti arM.ts to IlltOcrnnplot. Wa dii not iruarantae nor r.oorn
maud them. llKroliK I IlIi:itlNO a blcjcla of any ono mattor "tin or how
cliaaii, wrlta ua and let lit tell you hovr lunch via ( an aata you rn tlta aania tiahlro.
It you MUAnl C In IJIIV a wheal wa rauaulityou Ki KAU.V A ItltlVCI.K b dla
ara UMnDIX 10 Dili trtlaillnr raUloiroea fortieafewilaje. Wa renlornl craoa
In each town for tlilapuriKMe. Wa hate aereral hundred MKVOfln IIAHII WIIKKIJa Ukcnlntrwiaablch wa
will clore nut at as tn-IOtath alioaomaahoiiwornaaniiilee and V moilela yrryrhaau Haiul forl'.arcua Llat. it if r a till itv i.niinia.tlnnMt. ivm Vrv i., i.tnir i,.inM hnii.efii f!hloai-o. or anr azprtaaor
railroad company. We will aend you leltare of reference ill rout from Ilia lareeal lnke In Chlcaao If you wHU IL
eeun VnilD nnriCII taday, Tblalow price audttieeeepeetal teraaaofabloment without dejioell will
OCilU TUUI1 UnUCrl he withdrawn Taryeoen. (UTIU'e name of thla paper.
Tho practical Hide of
A monthly publication of inestimable- valtio to tho student of every day
scientific probloms, tho mechanic, tho industrial expert, tho manufacturer,
tho inventor in fact, to every widc-awako person who hopes to better his
condition by using his brains. Tho inventor, especially, will find in The
Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing of importance
escapes tho vigilant oyes of its corps of expert editors. Everything is pre
sented in clean, conciso fashion, so that tho busiest may tako timo to read
and comprehend. Tho scientific and industrial progress of tho ago is accur
ately mirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only
publication in tho country that prints the official news of tho U. S. Patent
Oflico and tho latest dovolopcmcnts in the field of invention without I ?ar
or favor. sunscmiTioN thick oxk dollar run tear.
THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Mtf.
The JOB OFFICE of this
paper is at your disposal for
the best of printing of any
and all kinds at barely liv
ing prices.
When you need anything
in the line of printing please
remember that the motto of
this office is good work,
good material, neatness and
dispatch, and the prices are
within reach of all.
a, aa e. e n mmr M H W Q W M V (ft
W ""-"r, , ., , , , X
7 t . HiMMiHi mi iliii li if i 'ITr Tffi' 1"' lTTTnirrn 1 JL
ristol With tWO 3rcvo-0iAeeo Mx&TotP
i lengths of barrel, O and JO inches. Evert
j ono guaranteed, rrice, Postpaid, $5.00 with
i 6-inch barrel t 8(7. BO with m.'inrh hniwi.
a IITa ... T. . J.. It 7J.. m .....
" " immo uf no vf rties f jt'rtce, from !fi(i.00
upwaril8. Every arm wo turn out is warranted
e ,S,d Stanp fir Catahtu,. V. O. Jo
Do you hear it come thundering up through
the minds of men?
onniroTltarmiriuldn WITHOUT A OEtfT IU ADVAHOE.
SEMO UOYiJJR OltOEIt, UUwliMlirTmwliti'i
nlueli I'lmrolnr, titltlit of (ram unil KOrnt(nd HI Ml I.I. HIIII1
l llr. itiii;i;i J lt t't 011 sppniTni, ain.wniT 7111 .u uncnw niiu mi
uniliia II rully ixlmv jim rrpt It. il II li ni t all and mora tlian rt
rUitii fur It, and abutter wboal than you can rl tut any wliera near lh
i.rlco frt-m any one tif, refa l anil wo will ay all atptaaa ciiamat
"RlOOTKBSb" Uloyala c-A
Acoiit'a aam
r uttcrc-d. Va tfuiraiiiTt ainal
Mil on Ilia market, anil yon iietnl miaropiiiiior jura rent
nmt II r rriirirrnt. Wa are V.X fJM.'dl VI! llll) VC'I.V
iiarirain in n i.icjcio vrvr
JktAM'I'ACTIHtimH and Uka tliU mothwl o! nulrklr liitrwliirlns
otr I30O IIOIM'.IW. Thl. offer of a Mn.rl. at tblalow )rk li
mailalOHrnra til OCR A OCNTln aachlown to rcprenttua
anil tka onlcri. Our aenbi inaka ninarj fant.
CI5nPlr:lfATmrjlJ KrauMkHllortainclii laillea, n Invh. llwt
OrUblll IU(4 1 lUtlOi Slialtr wwinlmi tu .lri( Kith rir;ct cnmim.
tlon. nijtli lolnta, Imnrorcil rxiiantler ilpvlia ti fartit fifat jioit and
liamlls liari llnjal Arrbcrooni tho crlel ralo.l Maria Iiaiii-or
Ilia raiktt mnnlnir knowni ltard "AM tfrui, itiu but ami (iiiaof llw
int'ilciiwml'ellrcion lliamaikel. Tliam 'Uln 1 1 Mi lfff rirjclcnl
aaililloi tHfclaLi, loola and atfflKrlea Hie tt't olitalnablr. Knatnil'llil
Mack, mamon orcoiicli ffratn, Melilrflnlflird aril ornamrntnli aMMilal
nnblil nlckrllur all ktlalil irl. W Ihorounlilr l.t..rj lece
ot malarial tlmt tfoea Into ifilg machine. Our blutllaa iar'a uar
antra baad wltb flach blrrcle.
L?IH.'C to anr oiw aviHUnu Ilia (IfLKOra ili In full vllh onlar w i-tll
riluC ariulrnea iitnulna llurdlrk uilo Urrrl Nl'ni rrtl"
nmtrri r a bljxh irraila Iloor nmp. Your non7" 'vklt )oa aranl
linnet!? aaiuiuiu.
PURAD WIICCI C Wi do not manufartnta lb ebaap ilapart
Ullllilr ItfllCCLria nw.1.1 .Oim kirn! iirwtiM.1.. aurfa aa manr Haw
COMPANY, OMoaBo, lit.
science is reflected in
. - - -
ato TOOL
CO.. EBama 2
Paints !
Wa Vttrf Foil Line of
Sash and Doors
Kstimntcs. Cheerfully given on
all classes of work.
CleavelaDii. : Collage : Colors
The Pest Ready-Mixed Paint on
the market.
Jenkins & Lawson.
I xrAnT
Time Schedule
I'ortlnnil lieclal
a:ir m
Halt Me, llenrer, Vt.
Worth, Omahii,Kii
tan Cltjr, Ht. lills,
Chlraifii ami Kaat.
A I' m
Via Hunt
liigtmi Halt Ijikc, Denver, Kt.
Worlh, Omaha, Kan
ana City. Ht. Iiula,
Chicago and host.
8:10 b m
C l in
Walla Walla, Uwlf
ton. Htxiknne, Mill
liwii.ollj. Ht. l'anl,
ChluaKo anil Kaat.
8 p in
All wtlllnu laieiat-
)tul to chariRe.
For Han Krunclaro
bnll erery Silajra
Dully V.X.
ft in
Sat unlay
10 p in
Cui.usiiiia ItlVEn
To Ailnrla and Way.
i p. m
C a tn Kx.
Wll.l.AMKlTr ItlTEK
Oregon City, Newberif
Hulein nnil Way-l-niid.
4:J0p m
7 n in
ami Hat.
Oregon City, Dayton
ami Way.j"mlng.
Ion. W
u.q Kri.
11 1 par In
11 ::-. m
ltlparla to Lenliton.
9 a tn
General Passenger Agent.
Portland, Oregon.
'visit DR. JORDAN'S cheat (
tost mnxET sr., san francuco, cal
(Vetera Blllk umi Ieeala.J
In tua Wprld.
Crrnlril allrneltm tn th CUf. U X
womiaruIaiAlurrlWIora. 9
Wraiknaa,oraii7cantraet. a
n tllpa,malllTl7rare4br O
Hie ol'lmt bprcj iM.oi the lldSo
: Uoaau Uatabllalird So yar. Q
TunaiBT ot'ea and intHille "
NBoal wen who are aiiirerlag A
(rum lb elTccU of yonlhful IniJW- r
cretlona Or exceeae In miiu.., a
' yaaro. and phralral leblllly,lB.
I callona; Npriuiatsrrheae, Prulalar.
. mm n.n.n ill all lumranii.
ruo-4e. uunorrliiea. Cllrel. rreaaaur '
I er Urlnatlliac aia. My a coaiblnatton of i
remadlea, ot great curatlre ponrr, the Doctor i
h liaa ao arranired lila trealmaiil that If will h.i .
' only alTurU Tmmedlata relief, but permanent I
cure, me ajucuir uova nni claim 10 perlorm ,
' miracle, nut la well Knuwn to be a fair and I
. tqnara I'liyaldan and Bnrteon, Tire-amtcaot
lu lilatpocfally DlaeBaa of lira. I
tha ayatem nltliout tho uaaof Marvair. B
Traaaea fitted by an Expert, Bllit1
I rnre. for Buature. anlfk anil mUm.i a
1 lira for 11 lee. neater and
Ir. Jordan' apeclal palnlna method a. k
EVKUT MAW applying to oanlllreclT
oar nonMt onlnlon o( ills complaint. A
' Il'a will Ouaranm a 1-OtiITI VX CXJSS tn
tvfry rota toe umfarrnaa.
I'liniuitaiiiin rtiKK ana atrietiy pnrata.
ciruttae.1 rxkr xmso.vAaLx.
Treatment Personally or by letter.
Write for itnok. vwmtlAttovmTT rp '
uooa, ior meii.i wan or ernta
DR. JORDAN Ik CO.. 1 0B1 Market St. t. f.
Trains leave Cottage Grove for Port
ia"20 ,totions l 3:07 ru.,
T.v T.l I m ,1 e.on.
Lt. CoUoro Grove 1 :2fl n. m. 2:67 p. ru.
Ar. Ashland 12:83 a, m. 11 :30a. ru.
Ar. Facramento. .. 8:00 p. m. 4:S6a.m,
Ar. 6n Pran-lain o.. "
. : 1 nufiHi, 0,10a, Ul
Ar. Denver. . . .... U:00 a. m. 0 :00 a. m.
Ar. Kansas City v. 7 :25 a. ra. 7 :25 a. m
Ar. Chicago. . .... 7;6 a.m. 0:8uS m.
Ar. L01 1 Angeles.. :20 p. m. 7:00a.m.
a n PX?- Y 0 :00 p. m. 6 :00 c. ml
Ar. City of Mexico 0:55 a. m. 0:66 a. m!
I lilt
Ar. Washlnff on.. 6;i2'a. m. 8;i.ra
Ar. New l ork. ..12:4Sp.m.l2 4aP m
traJni' m "ni, l"d TOnoH,t C" " l
tralnB. Ohttlr cars Baernmento to Ok-
yiin&t Lou,s' New 0rien'
, Connecthi(f at San Francisco with sev
eral steamship lines for Honoli In jll
Ge S,Lrei8ent'
0. 11. Markiiam, G, P. A.
Portland, Oregon,