Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 11, 1901, Image 3

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    to iH
Lijjlon Will Raise Rcvcniu
Prom Land.
(W IN! A
mo o
llol N
I slml
mg t
lio l
m pa l
u'l Men Trying lo Escape Crow
3lAfjy't Quflllmi of Coinage
laid Before xongreii.
'I' I. til. 1 1 1
tails, "" i"" i
(jrfoll linn euiHiiimuii vim prupara-
f SoU """""'I'"1 H"lllMlll
IK provisions, 1,1 many ropoi:i,
(nelUr to Uoiioini jmud rtlitir h
,rfrIHU llliiliiciiii KUHHIJll.eillH
! ,-tliorlzlnK oJuutlnilH, lim they
-ncli wore oiaooutio, coloring
UUlI. "la """" iiot'tl'li) now
till) OHHIIHINIIIIIOIIl 01 illllll
i iml tho doing away with ilm
, . I......I t
ffl (Hi "Uml ...AMIIWH till
S'l occupations. A limtiirrt now
I'liMpi'lim in Unit tho rovoiiuo
(UDU (UXOR IN 10 IHJ OXJItlllllllll
It li rollcctuil. 'Iiiii limnnur of
Mi elections mid tho duties ol 1 1 1 -
Ui urcmrllHwI. A doeUlon In tlm
jen medical eollugo cunu him Imuii
itred until Ntturdiiy.
Ifsernl Frederick I). Grant wlnm
ilieacrl Alejiimirlurt'ii iiiuu nm
W uhcujh) mini .uuiim trityai.
ol t no in wort) kihou puiuiuy.
I lino water on tlm mountain,
J food li f ciinic.
olllolul rejKirt anyr) tlm lourth
Sjutiyanil tlm lourili Cavalry In
am ....... .-. - .....
Ltd Iwurgeiit mill takon iKiMroiMon
Mrcmni t Aim ho iiihI .Miibigruii.
Tiptaln Middle, chief of rug I item h,
Irilurnod on tlm transport .Moailc
the- Island of (itiHiii. HiicavH
cctidltluua tliuru have groutly im-
'rtl by tho iiImii tlitc tntnu. 'lho
SrifaoM, a United State water rairy-
iblp, luilou with miiMili'M, arrived
Jr DectnikT -I, it f tor it titinx)tuoiiH
Jigs from I'avito, during which her
kit were swept ovorlxiard. Them In
sch nitlcring from hunger in tlm out
gsf district of Guam, but no tana-
i, Two-third ul tlm iiilation
it Agaua, tho clliuf oily of the
knd mid in vicinity.
5 or
vy Sll:, ,, , Smr pmi (n((fftfM
Kailroad Tmlllc.
I'niivor. Jim -i . . ..
:lora.lo la.t ,ii7 '""''"inl vImI t(( - -wlthvi
H t..I , ,t.'.n! ' oontlniiml cu.
' iiiroiiBi,out tiM, is winintj Now to Keep the
" n in
"..rill flLriMIIff It
ii "y. Tim
Illlir I.. ..I.. i.. .
Severe Snow Storm In Mliiourl.
Kmuan City. Mo in.. .
..., ...... J""' .A mvoro
tonlitht, ami tlm
Emperor I, Wlllls to ,)an,,h A Tha,
I'owtri May Name-Carl LI'i Health
Ii Serlouily Alfecled.
I'okm, .Ian. fl.A inotlriK of
Kiiiihih ami Inn., iih Sir Krn.,.t M,... u ., i '"Kny lo tho
t. I- h,vy. V,, ...InUtor, whV ,7" X W dUnppcareil
England May Give Ui Jamaica for a Share
In the Philippines.
Now York, Jnn. a.- A Bpooinl to the
u..iii. aim Auvortlsor, from Washing.
I ton, (layH:
'J'ho Hritinh colony of Jnmnlca will
I no Kivon in oxchaiiKO for n fair share
or tho United Htntos colony of tho
i JiiiipiitiioH. This 1h on intornationul
trailo whloli will bo, probably, tho ro-
suit of acoulHltlon liv tlm rTtllfn1 l!.r...c
of tho D.iniflh Antilles. Jn olllolal oir-
ClOS it is tllOUtfllt that fJrnut. Ilrlfaln
will not want tho Island of Jamaicn
if tho United Htntos ehnil acquiro tho
Danish iKJisosslons, and tho prostigo
of Great Jiritain as CQmmnnfllny thn
hlKliwayto tho Nicanigua canal will
'I fill SITU
win not only bo ablo to command tho
approach from the east, but it will.
"'"'iv n orm ..., (..
i .
'. "T'r,,l,m' MMutt. ltm.,t f.... ' fond!,, .." ... . V" '?
how tlm full .
ul " v
HIMIIIL III ItlllllM bi..ill. .
? woll thronKhout U,. W ' I aSrL'T . -
lllltr I . . P'' - iU IUOMJI1I. It II 1 1 II ililtn it..l " '
I hniivv ,Kr"""y '" ' ,,,H00 ,or 'tlnK tho ChmcKo com, J 1 ,M p01ut of Vi,ntflo, control tho
' rord i'11 """ H,,,Bh ,,0Br" 'e '"mSeml Z" east of tho Danish Antilles, from
,T ",,,,,,r ,,,oUt,lr"iM woll as ,.,. ' A representative of" he IS.. V'VmaKuUlceut bnfle which will vin--fm.
to tho grain from severe Ireez. J.l h pLma. Imeril v. U n , I d?tbtod,,f1 cfbll"e" ,..
( inn i... .i . . . . I It Will JO inti-rnst ml. tn Tficntt thnt
evident hi recent in.i,l7 .''a ''en th Unlt01 Htutc" tho
wiiB wiut ii ureal nirtuin
Fitting Close to a Year of Exceptional an!
Unprecedented Activity.
Brndstreot'B says: A fitting olow
British Authorities Actively Pre- to-a year of exceptional aad in somt
t respeota nnprocodented activity Is fnr-
pann for Defense. nishod by tho very general report ol
Inrgo holiday business In the past week.
Tho boat report as to this sort of trade
GUNS LANDED FROM THE MONARCH comes from tho Southwestern sootion,
but, except In some parts of tho spring
Invading Columni Are Still Marching South,
ward Kitchener! Conference With
Burghers Removes Anxiety.
I'urloui llllmrd Nebraska.
oiiti In tin, ,mrt f N(),)r)(Mk(l In tho courae of hU conversation 1 21 ln,
?, "li"k ' .".1..K. ccitlLulMa yH. the corr.,H,.Iw,t, Karl U SiSK
..... . ikiii.iu im, nay, ,! toniuht ox-, ov.,r uiu Mitts. In tlilK oity tlm
treet ,.,lr t..,lllo 1, im,y ha,,,,,,,,!,
lho wind in piK the snow badly.
London, Jan. 5. Advices from Cape
Town this morning are inoro hopoful.
Tho United Statos owing to the uctive recruiting of local
lorces in all quarters, and a better feel
ing prevails in London, based npon tho
prospect of Lord Itoberts taking tho
reins at tho war ofllco.
From Sydnoy, N. S. W., It is re
ported that thero is quita a rush of
mon thero noxious to join the new
contingents, G,000 having volunteered.
Tho reports of Lord Kitchener's con
ference with tho burghots also tends
to remove anxiety. According to tho
Daily Express, Lord Kitohener has
to yield there should be
pensation to Oroat Britain
i nnuum prater to meet tlm ministers
and commimioners at his houso, il
inch n n arrangement were possible,
on account of tlm condition of hii
Iioalth, but would not, in the circum
stances, miiko suKiiOKtions. IJo saye
lino tllMt tllO fminnrnr la l..l.n... ..I
I ... un.uun IJI
. u , . complying in all particulars with the
.. i. now uucoveria Not to Je a Likeness ol "omanus of the jiowcrs
the I'amous Pioneer Explorer,
WJiat Ureat Ilritain's demands will bo ! warned the mino owners that they
aro not clearly known. It is under-1 must not count upon military proteo
stood, howover. that she will endeavor tion.
to have tho modus vlvendl Alaska' Thero is an unconfirmed report from
boundary made permanent. i Cape Town that fighting has occurred
80 miles north of MatjesfonteTn.
Now Yr.rk, Jan. 2. According to
the Wimhliigti n rorriMjioiidciit ol the
llutnld, tlm staliiH of IVro Marquette,
in tho r-tatnary hall In tho capital.
aUiut which tlu-rti huh almost a tellg
lous war a few years ago, turns out
not to oo mo statu,, ol I'cro .Marquetto "e troops; snd
nt all. Ill,) ntatuii was unwilled to will ni!teo to ki:
Oil the other limm I
jwwers should order a cessation of the '
frequent irritating expeditious, which '
ho looks Uion as untifcesfuirv, iini aa
doing a deal of harm. It will bo quito
liossible now, ho said, to maintain com
plete or or in tlm province, with the
assistance of a small number of Chi-
bo hopos tho powers i
ii'P as at prefer t the
tlio nation by tlm state of Wisconsin, troops now stittiouod at I'ekin and Tieu
uiijociio.'is were ral.:d to Its instiilla- ll", and along tho railway,
tlon iu tlm cupltol by in-rons of other I Tlm emperor, Li Hung Chang assert
ed, U willing to piinlel! all thoco
to Sprtjge Was Sent by Some One
Enabled lo Tamper With the Wires.
,i . . . ..... ..i .
jfoeBuuu, j mi. sinco ins nrrtVHi
liabODdon, Miijoplii'imrul Hlr Henry
Itlllv Inn received iiiforiimtlon
:Jiog to show that Lieutenant-
laaiJ b'pra.'KO actuully rutelvud it
ed telegram inriorting to bo niguod
OeneTal Colvllle, dated Lindluy.
WM, taytng:
I am lmdly in want of mounted
Come hero at once."
.v. m
im m
er jWI
o dW
W (Je7
tluin Latliollo (leiiomln.itiou, and for
mnny months tho authorities hesitated
us to what they shuuld do. Thoy lln
ally gave Torn Marquetto it placu with
other prominent men.
A dlsrovory hns now been miido of
an oil painting of Marquetto in .Mon
treal, which indicates that tlm statue
Is as far from being an accurate repro
sontatioti of tlm billions priest as day
is from night. Tlm painting in Mon
treal, it Is cald, Is undoubtedly authen
tic, and was ho covered with dust that
no outline of tlm irtrnit could Id
had until it had nmlergoim a en re ml
clrniillig. It In beliuiod that this
painting is tiio only likeliest of Mar
quette in existence, and the face in
oil i not tlm faio of the Marquette
iu inurblu ut tlm capitol.
named by tho powers liv banishment
to tho farthest part of his dominions,
on tho northwest frontier and their
return, ho declared, will to prohibited
under penally of death. His majesty
is anxious alio to have the number of
legation guards limited, and that othsr
boundaries bo spccilled; and ho hopes
tlm foreign armies will bo recalled us
eurlv as jwHsible in tho spring.
China w ill endeavor, Kitin Karl Li, by
every means iu her wer, to prove
that alio intends compliance with the
ilu'nand contained iu lho noto, and to
show her desire to miiko tho country
safe and habitable lor foreigners. He
believes tho powers will uot insist
ujiou tho total destruction of tho forts.
Mayor Van Wyck Taking Active Steps to Sup.
press Gambling "No Fooling."
Now York, Jnn. 3. Tho Eveninir
Tolegram today says: With the end of
tho century, Mayor Van Wyck took
steps toward putting an end to gam
bling, and practically ovety gaming
resort in this city is closed today.
The mayor ordered that this be douo,
1 and Chlof of Police Devery promptly
obeyed the mandate. He issued iu
! structions to his captains last night
and tho keepers of the various cstab
I lishments were given the tip that this
time there wag to bo "no fooling."
I Tho term of olllco of Police Commis
sioner Hess expiied at noon today.
Major Van Wyck, however, has given
assurance to the friends of Mr. Hess
! that ho will continue a member of the
I present board at least for tho time
being. This retention of Commission
I er Hess is understood to be equivalent
i to un announcement from Mayor Van
Wyck that ho will not interfere to
I bring about tho retirement of Chief of
j Polico Dovcry.
y wiflThi telegram was rent off thrco days That Is What
wreuemiral COIvillo reached Llnd-
ml was tho can mi of Lluiitunant.
Laiffitonel Spruggo hastening there. Onn
hi 4XI,fl prmcipul charges against (imi.t-
iliiSwOolville is that, after aniM'aliiiL' to
ho abandoned
WiiS? 'tomtttTy mr help,
rltitln I never lieanl of this Mei
fgel nifitsngo to
rut. '
d (Jeuorul Colvlllo. "until now.
it explkllii tlfo inrtrv nf inv
Colonel Sprnggu.
a was known at thu time, that Mornn
Ji wni tampering with tho wires near
wiey in tlm Interest of tlm Iloers
Jeueral Colvlllo retwrted hlmsolf nt
I War Ofllcil toilitr. Unnmn! Sir
lyn Wood, tho ndliitniit
ly tout a subordinate to moot tho
the Pan-American Exposition
Will lit.
What a veritable mino of vnlunble
Information the Pan-AinurlcHii l',x;oii
tlon will be for businesi ami profession
al people, mechanics, agiiculturiktH,
and in fact all who are engaged in tho
various vocations in llfu, besides afford
ing them the rarest entertainmoiit im
aglliitbln, From this wonderful oxoi
tlon of the achievements ol the West
cm hemisphere during tho nineteenth
century, they will return to their
homes and purmilts better equipped
for their work. Thom who would not
avail tliomi-olvus of tho bouollts to be
derived from this unprecedented con
gress of iduas would find themselves
outstripped by others who had wbely
itccoptod tho golden opportunity to fa
iniliiirizo themselves with what has
nmdo to much for progress. No one
with a progressive turn of mind can
nlford to remain awav from an exposi
tion which will bo to rich iu iU eiluca-
its pleas-
Miglll'i Senlence Commuted.
gSprlngflold, 111., Jan. a.-Uovomor
ruer jociBy granted n ooinniutatlon
Jienteuco to nino lnonlhs in tho caso
nuwrgo li. AlllL' 1 . nom-intn.l lit rtl.l.
to In April last of ron.,Ivli..!n.u,.i- ttonal uspectH nnillasling in its pi
Mi bank itltui it was insolvent, and "t lmproMslous as tho I'au-Ainori
p..cuto,i to joitet or son lindnr tlin In. ,
Itennliiato sontenco law. TJi potl-1 Cautfht In a Prairie Hre.
IOr flrnnn, l .
- -.uvu.iiu uiuu uucy waa iiuuun .... n o..ui.
aomn ..i i... i ii ' " vvicnna. jan. jum. .-, oumuu
. .v ui ...u luumu lueii.
President Wants
jLotidon, Jan. a. Tho AVnshlno,,
Mfresnondeiit nf th.. n,.i'i.; mi iu their wauon In a prairio llro last
U'lrpa i .... . .... r '
hlS.i.. ""Ul,,ur Juiorviow with Proiiident
Wichita, Knn. Jam.
mil lila mitirn fillililv. Iliovllll!
"... . mu ninrras UUA, un
Irom Htillwator, O. T., to lingers, I , unknown. There were niuo
.1.. ... I.. In ..oln.m .. 1 .1
on lllu siauo, HUH lliuau
Mills county, were caught while asleep
His Bondsmen Have Agreed to Turn Over
$25,000 Was Short More Than That
Altooua, Pa., Jan. ii. On a con
fessed defalcation of between $30,000
and $10,000, tho county contmifcsionerx
havo agreed to accept $25,000 from
Tax Ileceiver James II. McCullough's
boiidsiuou and call his accounts tqnaro.
Ho owes $25,0(0 on his 1808 dupli
cates and $5,000 on his 1800 dupli
cates. Tho compromiFo was eflectei'
vostorday after several conferences had
been held by tho bondsmen, commis
sioners and attoriievs. Tho bondsmen
aro to pay $12,500 for 1808 and tho
sainu amount for 1800, tho commis
sioners claiming McCullough's dupli
cates are square up to and including
1807. Although McCullough is still
missing, ho is not likoly to escapo pun
ishmoiit. as one of Ins bondsmen pro
poses to offer a reward for his appre
hension. Stage was Robbed.
Vancouver, it. C, Jan. 3. A spocial
from Agussiz, 11. C, tonight says that
tho mail stage runuiug botweeu Agasaiz
and Harrison Hot Spriugs, was hold
up by three masked men, armod with
rifles. Tho driver was forced to relin
quish tho mall bag, which was rilled.
A number ol papers woio iukou irom
the exnress box. but their value is at
Oregon, Washington and Alaska Embraced
A Station at Nome.
Seattle, Jan. 3. News of the crea
tion of a new life-saving district, to
include the sea waters of Alaska.
Washington and Oregon, is contained
in a letter received by Captain Francis
Tuttle, commander of tho rovenue cut-
. ter Hear. Captain W. H. Itoberts, of
I Han Francisco, has been appointed
superintendent of the district, with
I headquarters at Tacomu.
i The formation of n new district will
I greatly euhauco the scope of the sor-
vice, and will result in tho establish
ment of a station at Capo, Flattery,
j Thero is at present no station north of
j Gray's Harbor. It is said that there
' will also probably bo a station estab
lished at Nome before many months.
iu tho course of which ho
,ifH "V.
'rSrr! a w,"h t,lut ,,la U"tod RlateH
1 1
nioht. A 17-nioiiths-old baby was
roastad to death mid it bov will die.
A young lady will lose both limbs and '
Grout llrltuln , i,.i,. i.. no honos nro entertained of saving tho
"Ity (InrliiL. inothor'H lifo. In tholr ronslud condi-1
cKinley, accordiuc to tho corros. to, Ufl with tho eyes and hair of t
went, said ho hoped for tho nccopt- tl,0,r hurnod out, thoy reuciKU a
co of tho amended l!nv.i,.i,....f 1 dugout ownod bv Dennis Carr, n few
it'ty. and linnmt tr. .on .I,., mi I miles uniiHi. Thn orairio lire va
L . . " .1.(1 ,1L Ul. , . -
commenced thorouulily iu his , fauueil by a wind traveling
00 miles
end term of olllco.
an hour.
Paris Exposition Picture Sold.
Paris, Jim. 2. Thn Liixnmlinnrn fin.
tto has tuirnlinflfiil KHV-nrnl l ...........
i . - I'.WbUAUII
'Playod nt tho Pnrls exnosltion.
pong those nro Walter MolCwoii'a
I Sunday in Holland." and 1
7 Johnson'a "Portrait of a Woman,"
m irom tiio uuitod Statos soction.
An Appeal for Funds.
Jha Princess of W.ilna i,.
j , . . " w" "...a TAA.bUIl
mi a I uownBIPora appealing
. ,u, uio rjoiineru' and Sailors
g-u v flssociauon, to maintain tho
v""iiijs oi tiio men ougugod iu war.
Conlest Over Dead Mlner'i Fortunf.
IHA'1'0' Jnn 2,A oon'ost 1 on for
nl "'""iBtratioH over tho ostato
Ib ' Oram McDonald, a Yukon
lf?10 ('led flt Dawson rooontly.
nr i Vkteau tho doad miin'e part-
In-law lln IoDoulll. urother.
,i "''In dead muu, nro tho rival
.8,1,'ho '""or nlloges that ho
C''Mvlio Hvo iu San
ro J 'tto is eatlmated at
rom 115,000 to 20,000.
were forced to hand ovor their purses,
watches and jouelry. About $150 in
cash was socurort by tho bandits. Tho
robbers then disappeared iu tho woods
beside the road. The authorities have
no clow.
Big Fire at Burlington.
Ilurlingtou, la., Jnu. 3. A fire
which broko out after midnight
hurnod out tlm Connor Mercf utile
rnmiianv's estahllelimeut, emailing a
loss of $00.0(0, and
fioram S Bcliliuegs
Pupils Drove Him Into a Pond, From Which a
Farmer Rescued Him.
Indianapolis, lud., Jan. 3. (Special
dispatch to the Chicago Inter-Ocean.)
Wesley Dugan, a public school
teacher near Petersburg, was the vie- j
tim of a hazing at the hands of his ,
pupils today, which came near costing
him his life. He was sot upon by the
larger pupils in his school und carried 1
to the edge of a pond in which it was
proposed to duck him. I
Breaking away, he ran into tho J
water and waded to a stump soma dis
tance from the bank, lloro ho was 1
pelted with stones and clubs until
forced to take to the water again and i
triod to reach tho opposite bank. He 1
was already numbed with cold, and
before reaching the opposite bank lost ,
Preparations at Cape Town.
Capo Town, Jan. 6. Tho military
authorities are providing for all con
tingencies. It has been decided to
transfer the Boor prisoners from the
camps to transports.
Farmers coming in from Carnarvon
describe the Boers as traveling in par
allel columns, with numerous flanking
parties sweeping tho country on horses,
plundering loyalists and carrying off
everything eatable. It appears that
they are accompanied by strings of
packhorses llgtly loaded. Colesberg
telegraphs that Kritzinger'a com
mando is crossing the Middelberg dis
trict, but is getting few if any recruits.
Hero in Cape Town, such business
men as ars unable to leave are organ
izing a town guard, composed of the
leading citizens. The commercial
companies have asked tho mayor to
call a mass meeting to mge the govern
ment to suppress district newspapers
and to proclaim martial law.
The British battleship Monarch to
day landed men and guns to relieve
the troops for service norihward. It
is believed that the guns will be sent
up tho country.
Five hundred citizens enlisted to
day. It is hoped that the first batch
of mounted men will leave within
three days for Worcester. They aro to I
hold the passes of the Ilex river to
protect the railway tunnel. The or
gaization is rough and ready, and not
troubled much with drill or special
uniforms. Hortos are scarce. Six
thousand five hundred South African
irregulars have been recruited during
the last eight weeks. I
The Boers in the Transvaal have
been exceedingly active for the last
week or so. daily attacking trains,
convoys and isolated posts. In most .
instances tney have been repulsed, and
the railways are now working uioiu
regularly. 1
A commando is supposed to be in the ,
mountains dividing Middelberg and'
Graaf P.einet, but cannot be exactly
located. The inavders in the west,
who are expected at Frazerburg today,
have altered their course and are now
moving in the direction of Willison, I
to the northwest. The British have
occupied Frazerburg. !
wheat and lumber belt of tho North
west, satisfactory advices are quite
general. Hoavy-woight clothing, too,
has been measurably holped for the
same reason, but, despite a good busi
ness in the last two weeks, the trade
has apparently lagged somewhat, ow
ing to mild weather. In wholesale
trade, business has been of seasonably
small proportions, but roports from
leading lines, such as iron and steel,
Bhoes and leather, lumber, glass, and
spring dry goods, have boon encourag
ing, chiefly, of course, as regards the
views entertained as to tho outlook
ather than as to new business actually
Speculation in cereals has been
light, and increases in supplies and
large surplus reports from the Argen
tine Iiepublio have still further de
pressed tho long lntorest in wheat.
The world's wheat supplies are about
on a par with those of a year ago, and
American supplies are actually smaller.
Prices are steady and changes few.
Wheat (including Hour) shipment
for the week aggregate 4,011,105 bush
els, against 4,123.350 last week. From
Jnly 1 to dato this season wheat exportn
aro 04,151,455 bushels, against 103,
004.193 last season.
Business failuies in the United
States for the week number only 213,
against 207 last week.
Seattle Market.
Onions, new yellow, 22ic.
Lettuco, hot house, $1 per crates.
Potatoes, new. $18.
Beets, per sack, 85c$l.
Turnips, per sack, $1.00.
Squash lJo. -Carrots,
per sack, 60c
Parsnips, per Back, $1.001.25.
Celery 50o doz.
Cabbage, native and California,
2c per pounds.
Butter Creamery, 30o; dairy, 18
22c; ranch, 10c 18o pound.
Cheese 14c.
Eggs Ranch, 29c; Eastern 25c.
Poultry 12c; dressed, 14o; sprint;,
13 15c turkey, 18c.
Hoy Puget Sound timothy, $14.00;
I choice Eastern Washington timothy,
i $10.00.
I Corn Whole, $24.00; craoked, $25;
I feed meal, $25.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.30?
, blended straights, $3.25; California,
I $3.25; buckwheat flour, $0.00; era
1 ham, per barrel, $3.25; whole wheat
flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.804.00.
, Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $10.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beel
Bteers, price 7c; cows, 7c; muttor
7?4i pork, 7c; trimmed, 9c; veal,ll
Hams Large, 13c; small, 183;
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides.
Refused to Protect Him and Mob
Strung Him Up.
Rome, Ga., Jan. 5. George Reed, a
negro, charged with an attempted as
sault upon Mrs. J. M. Locxlear, ol
this city, last night, was hanged to a
treo today, after which his body was
riddled with bullets by a mob of ISO
men. Reed protested his innocence.
Much excitoment prevailed throughout
the day before tho lynching. After
his arrest this morning, the negro wai
taken before Mrs, Loeklear, but she
failed to Identify him, aud he was re-
consciousness and would havo drowned turned to jail. Howover, tho mob
i had not a passing farmer rescued him. which had been seeking tho prisoner's
lifo apparently was not satisfiod
then spread to
wholoaalo dry
Shoshone National Park.
1 Washington, Jnu. U. Tho ontlro
Idaho delegation and Governor Steu
iioiiborg liuvo united iu protebting
against the establishment of Slioshono
National park, on Snuko liver, which
thoy unitedly recommended during the
siiinmor. Thoy contend that tho land
proposed to omhrnou in the park is sus
contiblo to irrigation, and would be
...i mi ir ipi.vdtofl nn- .., a,ii-a that two
nuuu ihiiiiv llllil.uii" .i - ovio"r ii.i.c.,..l
i,.... ' .. i i... ., ... .i. Vmnn & Mississippi
"u " l""" r" 'u " " " . " i," double-headers, collided
puny recently organized lor mi raniumi, , " .,. ..,i. ,
pose. Tho matter is hold in nlioyunce nolir Hays Station, 70 n ilea sout of
..ii x ... ...,n.,f ,,! , ..f i n'o nek tonight, aud 11 men
i.i.utiiiiK ruiiuri oi u Biiuuitn ..hvMV nuiu, "
i $75,000 daiiiiiue was
gOOOB HI".", ,i..v.-r.-.
done. Tho Connor Company was fully
Insurod. Scram & Schmiegs carried
1 $45,000 insurance
Eleven Men Killed.
viuflwi?. A las.. Jan. a lu.u-
nhouo mossago to thu Herald from Fay- soon brought him
'.. ...... mat two hoavy height trains shooters.
Notorloui Kidnaper was Taken In South Dakota
After a Lively Chase by Detectives.
Chadron, Nob., Jan. 3. Pat Crowe,
carged with oomplicity in tho abduc
tion of Eddie Cuciahy, of Omaha, has
boon captured.
Throo detoctives following Crowe's
trail came upon him today on tho Pine
Ridge reservation, noar Oolrlchs, S. D.,
and captured him after a wild chase.
Crowo was driving a team and buck
board. Ho whipped tho horses and
triod to outrun tho horsemen, who
to a halt with their
demonstrations were so pronounced
that Judge Henry, of the superior
court, not seeing any reasou for hold
ing Reed und fearing an attaok on the
jail, ordered the sheriff to release him.
Tho mob, after the reloas, formed
within the city limits and marched to
the house of Lila Glover, in North
Rome. Hero thoy found Roed. Ho
was taken three miles from this place
before being lynched. Mrs. Looklear'a
condition is cerlous.
the department.
For an Immense Storage Reservoir.
Phoouix, Ariz., Jan 2. Arthur P.
Davis, one of thu most noted mom bore
of the govemiuont hydrographio hu
roau, has arrived from Washington to
conduct soundings on the Gila river
with a vlow to tho construction on
that stream by tho government of ouo
of the blggost storago resoivoirs iu tho
world. Tho main purposo In view is
tho relief of 8,000 Indians wiiose water
Lost on Mount Washlnglon.
Ilorlln N. H., Jan. 3A search
ing party has left hero for Mount
Washington, in an endeavor to lln.
William II. liodwoll. correspondent of
the New York Herald, who wus lost on
mountain wnnu .ino...).....,,
tho OSCOUt Willi two oiuer umu,
Chester fcitues, oi uam-
liodwoll. with
bridge, and nay
Evans, of Gorham,
tllO reiiei Ol H.UUO Jnniaus wiiuno uu. orius", i.t .... i,w,t fnr tli minnlv leaviui? i
for Irrigation has been diverted by , Went up the moimtoln on foot for the upply
white settlors. ' purpose OI WKing viowo.
John Delfeldor, a cattleman, has just
readied town with the news, and says
tho posse stoppod at n ranch about 30
miles out for luuoh, and to feed their
Shut Off the Gas.
Toledo, O., Jan. 8. Tho Kerlin
Bros. Company, which supplies heat
ing gas to about 700 families in this
city, recently eutored a bill to the city
council for several thousand dollars in
connection with a gas plant deal. The
bill was turned dowu. Tonight, the
coldost of tho year, they went beyond
the city limits, took up a joint of pipe,
plugged tho ends and cut' off the entire
many lamllies aoso-
I purpose
A Newport Bank Arrest.
Newport, Ky., Jan. 6. E. C. Rem
mo, late cashior of the Gorman Na
tional bank, was today arrested on an
uflidavit of Bank Examluor Tucker,
charging him with aiding Assistant
Cashier Brown iu the ombezlement of
the bank's funds. Ho was hold in
$20,000 bonds.
Coal Train Wrecked.
Niles, O., Jan. 6. A coal train on
the Niles & Lisbon road was wrecked
laBt night, killing Charles Frack and
seriously injuring Fireman William
Klein and Brakeman Garfield Powers.
The train was descending a steep grade
When n farmer attepmted to cross the
tracks with a wagon loaded with hogs.
The engiuo struok it and with six oars
went down an embankmeut. The en
gineer was buried under the debris.
The farmer esonped.
Portland Marker.
I Wheat Walla Walla. 6464Jc;
Valley, nominal; Bluestem, 58o per
! bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.40; graham,
Oats Choice white, 42c: choice
' gray, 41o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $16.60 brew
ing, $16.50 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $15.60 ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $17; chop, $16 pex
Hay Tiraothy,$12 12.60; olover,$7
9.50; Oregon wild hay, $67perton.
Butter Fancy creamery, C0 65c;
store. 32c.
1 Eggs 27 Jo per dozen.
1 Cheese Oregon full cream, 13 io;
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOe
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2,609
3.00 per dozen; bens, $4.50; springs,
$2.003.50; geese, $6.000.00 doz;
ducks, $4.00 0.00 per dozen; turkeys,
live, llo per pound.
Potatoes 60 GOoper sack; sweets,
lo per pouna.
Vegetables Boets, $1; turnips, 76c;
per eaok; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, lo per pound; parsnips, 86c;
onions, $1.76; carrots, 75q.
Hops Now crop, lfoUo per
pound. f
Wool Valley, 13Io per pound;
Eastern Oregou, 10 126; mohair, 25
per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 3c; dressed mutton, 6
7o per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.75;
light and feeders, $5.00; dressed,
$5.006.25 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.60(34.00;
cows, $3.003.60; dressed beef, 0
7o per pound.
Veal Large, 667oj Bmc.ll, 8
8j-jjO per pound.
San Francisco Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, ll13opex
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014o; Val
ley, 1517o; Northern, 10c.
Hops Crop, 1000, 13K17o.
Butter Fancy creamery 26c;
do seconds, 28o; fancy dairy, 33
23o; do seconds, 18o per pound.
Kornfl srnrn. mm: lanar r&tin
Millstuffs Middlings, $16.60
10.50; bran, $14.0014.50.