.miRU'ARCI.OUD. intimated that Prince mny ct tlie Monroe doctrine to nti- jcr test y me ptircnasc 01 n i . c ore tract 01 innu in tirazu. vji r i , ... 11 rf course, French capitalists may in st money in land in llrazil nnil transaction would not con ii this country. Hut it is uni ted in this case that Prance pro- of the land purchased by French I' --- i - capitalists, which would he quite another tiling. The Monroe doc trine is- based upon two principles -first, that European powers shall not extend their system of government to the Western Ileinis phere, rind, second, that the West em Hemisphere is no longer open tocolonizationlby European powers As France is u republic, the Mon roc doctrine might not npply to U; but as it is a European power, it "certainly would. The pending transaction is the purchase of 100, ooo square miles of land. If France should acquire sovereignty, it would possess the basis of a colony half as large as France itself, ami Jhrger than several European powers. As Hrazil is in a measure protected by the Monroe doctrine, it is probable that she will decline to dispose of the sovereignty of any oSher territory. Bulletin. HIS WIFKSAVKI) HIM. Mv wife's irood advice (lived my life writes F. M. Ross of Winflcld, Tumi., for I lvail such ii bad cough I could hardly breathe, I steadily grew worse under doctor's treatment, hut my wife urged me to wta Dr. King's New Din eovery for Consumption, which com pletely cured mo." Coughs, Coldii Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pneumonia -Asthma, Hay fever nnd all maladies of Chest, throat and Lung are positively cured by this marvellous medicine. 50c nnd $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed Trial bottles free at Urnho Ditua Co's drug store. WANTKD. At the Taylor & Ross Photo Studio a negative of the proprietor or proprietors of each firm located in Cottage Grove. Wo will make each one a present of cabinet photo from same. Please come in ns soon as possible as we want to arrange and make them into one picture Remember you get a nice cabinet photo free to pay you tor your trouble. Taylor & Ross. IOR SALE OR TRADIi l'OR COTTAGK GROVK PROPERTY. 40 acres 2 miles from Maplcton on Sinslaw river at head of tide. Good frame dwelling, orchard in bearing, 5 acres in cultivation, ballance good cedar or fir timber Inquire or write to James Hetnen way, Cottage Grove, Ore. Eugene has a colored boy who is taking on a college education and making his way by aid of a boot blacking stand which he operates to good advantage nights and mornings and Saturdays, He de serves credit for the ambition to go up in the world, and while he is being given credit for his efforts to gather the knowledge of the ages, he should also be complimented upon his business ability and his cleverness in working his scheme to the best possible advantage, ply ing upon the sympathy of the pub lic and the generosity of the news paper men of Eugene in giving him so mucn tree advertising. He is indeed a clever gentleman alright SOMETHING NKW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co., is n pamphlet upon tho rc Hources of Western Oregon, which in cludes an excellent map of tho state, and contains information 011 climate, lands, education, etc., existing industries and their capabilities. Attention is also directed to such new llclds for cneigy or capital as promise fair return. This publication fills n ncid long ex perienced by Oregonians, in replying to inqiliries of eastern friends. Copies may he had of local agent Southern I'ncilic Co., or from O. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A., Portland, Ore. Cnt this out and take it to Bkn'sox Uruo Co'r drug store and get n free eainploof Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TnbletB, the best physic. They aleo cure diForders of tho stomach ibiliousncce and headache. m Brief. Cutter shoes at Kakln A Rrtstow's Call at the Uovd Art Onllory and sue new samples. tin to Jliidsen's .for lino lowolry nnd holiday silverware. . Kor liiind'loitded shells call on Orlflln ml Ventoh Co, SulUI Suits!! Tailor iniuhi suits! 11 Up todntu In ovorv respect, from 15 up. Call and seu samples. til'.O, IIOIIIiMAN. Grlllln-Veatch Coi carry the, llnest lino of Ammunition in South Lane Co. For oualltv and cheapness In fresh meats go to tho Central meat market. Reuutlful rings and silverware at Mudseu's for tho holidays. Ladles' storm libbers btst made )( ... . . ..I. it. i i.i.i.i per pair ai uoyu s. uiuminm munn rubbers -Tic. ' Just received this week a choice va riety of ladles and Mlsse-ulni! siioch. Call and see them at Cumming's stove. Rubber's, rubbers below cost, ladles' . . .... i.. ... ii it .....jiiik ruDocrs -jim per pair ai. jiu.vii ujiiwnn Masonic. I lull. quantity of llnu dressed lumber hint flooring for sail'. Apply at the black smith spop of fcby A Hoi en. llnvil's lubbers below cost-. Hoys, MNxes. children and ladies shoes at cost at lloyd's gallery. Wo have on hand u largo stock of kiln-diled Mooring, celling and rustic in grades 1 "J and !. Let us make you special prices. HoOTII-KCMiY MWHKU U.O. Sportsmen renii'i'iiberlirilllnA: Vciitch , Co. carry a lino lino of Shot uuns ami , Hitles. I We sell good goods at good prices for . r ... I t ..... M ... I. .. ' our customers, uummi .uenv A car load of Ciliimbia Ulvor cedar shingles for sale by Jenkins & Lawson. To secure a good tight lloor or ceiling nnd one that Will always ruinaln mo iiu Kiln-drie.1 lumber. Tim llooth-Kelly L nnber Co. iit Saginaw kllu-diy all in terior finish and rustic and are ol.ermg special bargains in .anu . To the bo v orglrl who brings us on .January 1st 1001 tho greatest number of our soap wrappers with our advertise ment thereon will bo given one ol those "cow clocks" shown in our window. kaki.n iV UlllsTOW. Go to Geo. Hohliiiiin's tailor shop Main street and set) his fall lines of samples and goods. He can please you n any stylo or line you may desire. Fresh candies every day, made from puro sugar at thoTailor shop. Geo. Hohlnwn, tho up-to-date tailor, will show you goods, all shinies anil all prices. Think of it. A tailor made suit for fl) and up! Pants ft nnd up. Over IK) odd patterns of wall paper to chniuc from and moro on tho way, at Jenkins k Lawsou's. If troubled witli u weak digestion, belching, sour stomach, or if you feel dull after eating, try Chuinbprlaln'H Stomach nnd Liver Tablets. I'rice '.'5 cents. Samples free at Uknson Dnco uo surug siore. XOTICU V0 PtJMLICATION. United States Lund Ollico, ltoseburg, Ore., Dec. --, 1000. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions ol tlio act of congress of .lune .1, 1H7H, entitleil "An act for the sale of timber lands in tho States of California, Oregon, Jvovudn, anil nsuingiou lerrnor.v, as rxteiiueu .. . .;''. .; ..;., " ; to nil tho Public Land Slates hv act of August 4, 18))'-,1 Mrs. Annio elin, of Hiigcnc, county of Lane, State of Ore- gon, lias tnis nay men in tins omco nor sworn statement Mi. I-w, for the pur chase of tho SH 4 of Section Xn. 10 in Township No. U0H, Hangc No. 7 V, mid willoircr proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd to establish hcrchiim to said land beforo tint Register and Itecelverof this ofllce at ltoseburg, Oregon on Friday, tho 8th iliivof March, She names as witnesses: .lames N. Handle, II. Hans (Icrg strom, Georgo W. Ihoedlng, II. C. Han noil, of Kugeiie, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming ad versely tho above-described lands are requested to lllu thoir claims in this otlice on or before said 8th day of March 1001. J. T. HiunciKH, Itegister. NOTICUrOU PUHLICATION. United States Land Ofllce, ltoseburg. Ore., Dec, 1!0, 11)00. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the net of Congress of Juno 8, 1878, entitled '"An act for tho saluof timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all tho Public Land States by act Au gust 4, 1892, James N. Iloyd, of Cottago Grove, County of Lune, State of Oregon, bus this day filed in tills ollico his sworn statement No, 1H47, for the purchaso of tho 8V H, of Section No. 14, in Town ship No. 22 8. Itango No. 2 W., and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, nnd to establish his claim to said land bofore the Register and Itecelverof this ollico nt ltoseburg, Oregon, on Monday, tho 4th day of March, 1001. Ho names witnesses: J. P. Phillips. Philip Spong, Jack Lowls, I). Uriunbangh, of Cottago Grovo, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tho above-described lands are requested to fllo their claims in this oflice on or beforo said 4th day of March, 1001, J. T. BitwaEs, Register, O.R.&N.CO. 1 KCAIIT Tfme Schedule AlllltVR OtlleilK"- . I'liriliiinl 1 IU(1 1 111 UMftn Ml Hull l.ntio, I enror. HI. Worth, Oniiihn.KiiU' miH City, HI, J.titi Im, (;lilcii(i iiinl lii.t. I l III Allmillu K.Xiio4m II inn Vlii limit. ' Inylim Hull Uko, llunvor. H. Virlh,IHiniliii,Kiili. mm City. Hi. l,oiil, L'lilfii(ii unit I hhI, H: 10 n in Hiinkuiio I'lyor II i in Walla Wnlln, Lewis. Inn, H.oliitio, Mill noitpolls. HI. I'lllll, l iiliilli, MlhuiuUc, t'lili'iiKU iiinl Hunt. s i in I Ol'KlN HTKtMMIII All aullllIK (tales Hill. I Juct lui'liuimo. ! KorKmi I'ruiii-liii'o Hsll avurynilnys I i in Dully Kx. Hitnilny S in Hiilnnliiy l(ii in il n in I'.x. Sunday. Col.HMniA IIIVKIl HrKkMKIIH To Anlnrlii unit Wny IjiiiiIIiikk. I i. in Kx. Huml'' W II.MMKrtK IIIVKIl OroKiiu City. NuHlirr Hitloin nnil Wiiy-I.nnil-liiK". :M p in Kx.Hiiinry 7 b in Tiie.l linr. anil Hut. Wll.l.AMKITK AW Vammii.i. HIVKIIH Orcifim City, IMylim nnil Wii)--jiinllnu. .1 ikl p in Mini. Wi'il mill I'rl. I.CIlVU :i::Vi it in . Dully HMAKK IIIVKIl lll llllll III I.Ulloll. Iamivo I.VUIKlllll Dully II n in W. H. HURLBURT General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon vioit DR. JORDAN'S oncAT :huseuh of anatomy (' 1051 UAIIKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Q (UMalUlkiBlgikJ TTlliirK"lAllloailcaiuuiruin tn III Wurnl, Urtn'ttl ultmtllon In Ihi City. J. uwulirfiU ituMjar vlilt'in. Wilin,,iori.iiycontnci. rl ill-ai,lilll trl; rui r.lhy U tlm (il'lc-l bnrrlnllmni the I'Mlllo C'uiiil. JillilUliiilX)xrra. a OR. JOROAH-PPIVATE DISEASES i Yuni inrit mul mMillfi ngvil nirii wlin uro MiirrrliiK A (rum llie i iTm-Ii ii( ruiitlilul InilK- r .miIiiiih or rxiikt4 In nmtllrrr rear. Neman nml iilirelmi lle-lil 1 1 tjr, tin- iiutrnrj, Ii JIuoIioimI In kII llariiniil. v 0 rMtliiimi NiirrinHliirrhtnit, l-riolnl.ir- 3 rliirn, l,.niirrlin, Uvrl, frrqtivnrr A of HrlMnllMaT. ri. 11 n con.titimllun of Q v rrmeilleiitiitcrriitcurallrn power, the lltirlur' i hitiuiirriiiixnii in imiimniuniiiii "in inn , ' onlr niTiirtl Tmnirillole relief, but permneiil ( i cnr. Tlio IK:tor iloe nut clulm lupeif.irni 1 mlrucle, but Ii well knuwn to be it lair e.inl qiiurei l'lir"k-ln nnd Hurcrouirieuiliieut NTrillMM llinrnllKlliy erenireira irom i I the. nyelein Hlllinut llieiiMof Jleienrj. U rurr for Itiii.lurr. A quirk e.ml m((nif O rurttnr Vllru. riMri ami ri-liilte.by Ur. Jonlan'e- ,pll mIii1 rneiliixle. A KVKIIT MAJf minlrliiRloiKWlllrecelTO' our hmnl nrlnlwi hi nil niuini'"'. ire Will lwminttaa j-v.ji 12Z In t'litit'tiiaii'Mi M,rr. '"".'IV. annum vr.it r Riuhn.sAM.u, Troiimniiperwiimllyorliy leiler. u.,11. ... n.f iill.nsulIIY OF r'"" v." ",:.:.,:::.-i..a ...i.h. ...i. I MAIIItlAH M.ILKnKMiet (.Watuob.e buuK fur men.) Call or wilte DH JORDAN & CO.. 1081 Mirktt SL.8.F. SOUTH AND l-AST VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OK TUB nATmiini)T I) I fJI li'IP PA ftJ) ) PiUl ) UU ' Trains lravo Cnttiwo Grove for Port- lUnd and way trtulioiui at 3:07 a. in., ; 11!:I0 p. in. I. v. Portland fl:M. m. 7:00p. ni I Lv. Cottngd Cirovo I t'.'lt n. 111. J:f7p. m t Ar. Ashland . . k. . .12 :!W 11. m. II ::t'l a. rn Ar. r-acramcnto. .. 5:(Xip. in. ! ::tr r. m. a. San Frant iaco. 7:-trp.m. 8:15 in m Ar Ogden B:45 n. m. 11 : " 1 a - Denver IHOOn.ni. s(M a. m. 111. 111. I a- Kansas City. . 7:25 a. in. 7:l!ria. i a, c ilraco.. i Jin uinrnv ii'iii .... i Mi Ancoles, . 1 :20 p. in. 7:(M)a. in. Ur y. Vrn (1:00 p. m. fl:(K) p. m. Ar j:ort Worth.. . 11:!!') a. in. 0:0a.in. 7:5 a. in. 0:110 a Ar. Oilvof Mexico 0.65 a.m. ICWia. in Ar. Houston 4:00 a. in. 4:IK)a. in. Ar. N'-w Orleans.. 0:25 p.m. 0:25 p. in. Ar. Washington.. 0:42 a.m. :42a. m. Ar. New Vork....l2:43p.m,12:4:ip.in. Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Og den and Kl Paso, and tourist cars tn Chicago, St. Louis, Now Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Jlniiolulu, Ja pan, China. Philippines, Central and South America. Heo I). T. Awbror, Agont, Cottago Giovo Station, or address C. II. Mamcham, G. V. A. Portland, Oregon. SUNT FRISK. So Hiiro aro wo that tho locating of a few of our Klectric lielts will develop into numerous miles of our Helta and Appliances, that we mo willing to send oiio free to any sullerer from tho follow ing disoaries: Cold extremities, Crysto celo, Femulo weakness, Kidney com plaint, Leucorrhea, Liver complaint, I'aralyslr, Lost vitality, Nurvousilcbillty, Solf abuse, Worn-out women, Sciatica, Weak and Nervous women, Irregular menstruation, Impotency, Rheumatism. .Diminutlvo Shrunken and Undeveloped Sexual organs, and Catarrh. Address for illustrated circular, etc., Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Kattlo Creek. Michigan. PIANO WESSONS. Having permanently located in Cottage Grove I will give piano lessons to a few students. Either German of American method. Call at residence, North River street. Mrs. W. II. AnuAMS 9 m HARK! jo you hear the minds of ur- . ,u,.i,. .lUmvercil that will cure disease, it II ever llli-ii; in iin-"..i..w must lie a liquid charged with gas." ( A J Radam's Microbe KUlcr ectintr L'asesl See formula on every YutnpiilcL free. Hesldi'iice with J. K. llarrell. maiotoaectiie m.i.d. Itit Tho practical sido of A montfily publication of inostimnblo Kr? UNABLE o fiUiirf?V'rS& r ' : , wh town for thl. ,7"""a. wlllrlninimt at .l t'lOlueoi hi a o aiKna "ie;.trni atn)ilai R'J 1 I 'ilel ery yW?Jzril S51.V ..I'lt ifv. il : AI1T1.ITV innwelllone-l. W iefrr U. .ilrlai r ""l"''" ' 1 ! 'i7JllrA" rellnwi enmnanr. Wo will mil yen IK-r uf lef-wie l reel fnm the Ureiml l " ' 'jatf' Jit.l"t scientific problems, tho mechanic, the industrial oxpen, tno manuiaciurci;, tlio inventor in fact, to every wideawake person who hopes to better his condition by using Ida brains. Tho inventor, especially, will find in The Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing of importance escapes tho vigilant eyes of its corps of expert editors. Everything is pre scnted in clean, concise fashion, ho that tho busiest may tnko time to read and comprehend. Tlio scientifio and industrial progress of the nge is accur ately mirrored in the columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only publication in the country that prints tho oflicial news of tho I. S. Patent Ollico and tlio latest dcvolopementH in tho field of invention without f ;a? or favor. kuiikciiiition ritici: oxk dollak ri:n vkail THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. The JOB OFFICE of this paper is at your disposal for the best of printing of any and all kinds at barely liv ing prices. When you need anything in the line of printing please remember that the motto of this office is good work, good material, neatness and dispatchjand the prices are within reach of all. eeeveee)eeeee4.,ee4e9eeeeee .-R SlbVfcNS RIFLES AM PISTOLS - IIAVi: FOIIM011E THAN 85 VUAItS IlISLS ITllIIlltATKI) l'OIt THUU KXTltKHKACCllIUCY Wo vialco our '. "Diamond" ' rlStOl With tWO STtVENl-DlAMONO MccaTAMlT , length of barrel, (1 and JO inches, JCverj one guaranteed. 1'rlce, 1'ostpald, $li.00 with ! O-inch barrel : $7.60 with 10-inch barrel. ire vialco a fall lino of rlicn j l'rico,from SO. upwards. Every arm wo turn out in warranted SAFE, BOTiTT) A1VP ACCTJIIAT, J. STEVENS ABM8 Stmt Stamfi for Cltnhtue. '. O. it come thtindcrinc up througlj men? . - Kobt J yndall. . . . .1 lata. II is Pure water ennrecu win uim jug and bottle. Information and ,atii- a , . COTTAt.K UltOVli, OIIKOON. WWOmt BSBYCLEJiNlFREE IM Vr W - a-aiay afaU A VM 11 V a .,Ma,..a wiTMinrir i gjirnt in iuvinwi imi ,'. 11 I Vi i Mfrl you aei.l IU if It 11 nt all and more Uan w, nuriieirv. afrcp muiiniw - , - , m 1 . w . nt nur Htntrliil Airmit ' anniI tirlcn or t I J U the rnAn)t 1'anrani in a I'teycle eor off rieU. We narA'neTl kUaI U,Mretn &Xfi3f"!i marl.etf.nd you nwel lint aerei. I '';;-V.'nJ If yi.u iV nut lln It re wo represent. We are t'VMK fUOrviX MAM I'Ai ITIIW ih1 take tlile iiietljwl r 'iulty V'rtJl! " : ,..,,. u,ii,li m T1.1. m,r nt a iib In wheel at till' Ivw price It a It IDE ft AOENTntuh town to repreeent tie i.rM.a prjcnirlfiftT t ntfc rVinVit IlVwincl.t U.lle,Mli.clu liert SPEC F uATIOHSe Sh,lhyee;mllul.n llli f'orcfd eonuee; iina nnil, Mnta. Iinnraeril en-am er ilerlee t-i ften teat nut and &"l."lr i MTrown, , ri nl.l cTii"ltr u 'm elf l.rlicl.t W lhrjli y teatarery leo. Intn till! lilACIlire. wur liiauiaaj l,ir, A fclirr wanr oniee dliiVl ,.' IBJWrli In full ltl. order we will rllEE mXi free aTenunie II 'rJI.U I0.MW mile lrrtf;.tteni ryrl meiV?( or i !j.ljh ur.de lloor u,ni. Vour money a" tk iryonarenol K'ui'-an'lMIICCI W U l tnanuraeluia the cheap dnrV UnbAt' nijEELSe mittioriiiHiir i"rJ'';uV'!!i'!'1fi,,r scienco is reflected in valuo to tho student of every day &, TOOL CO. Jlnaa . CHICOPnn PALIJ. MASS. eO 00 iHk I z a. lS'OTICK FOR PUHLICATION. United Hlittos Land Office - Itoobiirg, Oregon, Oct. 11, Moo, Notice Is hereby given tlyit i ,.,. plhincn with the provisions of n,,. ,., of congress of June 8, 1H78, entitle -a.,, net for tho snlo of timber IhiuIm In tin, 8I11IOH f Ciillforiilii, Oregon, Nevmht and Washington 'territory," as ex tended to nil llio imhlle Laud 8iiiten l.y act of August 4, 1802, Criiinpion H. jom;H of Collage Grove, County of Lune, Ktnto of Oregon, has this day filed in tin, ollico his sworn statement No zuy for tho iiurnhast of the HK Heclinii No 18. in T wiishin No. 22 H.. Rnini, v .", iWesl,iiiid will olfcr proof i( nlmw u,t Hie iiiiiii songiiv is ii'oro vaiuitiile lor iln timber or sione than for ugrieiiltnrul ptiriioscs, mid to establish his clmm tit Haiti lniul iH'foro the Register nml jj,,. celver of this olllce nt Honcbiirg, Oregon on Saturday the 20th day of iJeLfinir' 11KI0. ' Ho iiiiincs as wltncsiics: Joseph Perkins, John Uap, F. p Phillips, I.I). Palmer, of Cottsg drove' Oregon. ' Anv and nil persons t-lnlrriinic siN veiaely the iilxive-dcccrlbcd IhihIh am rciiiiested to lllc their claim, in tln ofllce on or before said 20th day of I),., ceiulmr, 1000. J. T. ItftitxiKM, Register. Paints! We Carry Knit Line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHBS WAIJ, PAPEU, GLASS Sash and Doors IJstimntes Cheerfully all classes of work. given on .AGKNTS l'OJt. Cicavcland : Collage : Cob The Pest Ready-Mixed Paint on the market. NOTICK FOR PUHLICATION. Lund Otlice nt Riebnrp, Ori-con, September 27. IIXW, Notice is hereby given that the fnllow ilig'liniued settler has Iiinl notice of hi. intention to make tinal proof in "up Hin of his clniin, and thnt saiil pri.if will Ins linido Indore Joel Ware, U. h. Commissioner, at Ktigene, Oregon, nn Noveniln-r 23, 1000, vir.: Siinuirl K. Phillips on II. F. M. 7407 for the U.t3. NV 1-4 SW 1-1, See. 28, T. 10 S., R.3 W. He names the following wiinci-ar to rrove his coutiiiuoiis residence iiKinsml i-ulli vai ion of said land, viz: Charles Colcord, (!. W. Smith, AI-In-rt Ferncll, .laities liw, of Crc.wcll,' Oie. .I.T. RniiMiKs, Register. imi-GIAN HARKS. Here is a chance to get your hoy into a paying business on a small capital. I have a choice lot of gi uie Hclginii Hares that I will sell in pairs nt very low prices. There is no need to send to California when yon can get the same thing hern at home. Lord Uritain, Mr Styles, Kashoda, Yukon, Red Rover and other fashionable strains aie in stock. 1 A. Rankin, Eugene. SOUTH KRN CALIFORNIA. Noliibly among tho pleasjircs afforded by the Shasta Route is the winter trip to Southern California nnd Ariions. Renewed acquaintance with this nection will ever develop fresh points of intereit and added sources of enjoyment, ""der its sunny skies, in tho variety of it. in dustries, In its prolilic vegetstion nd among its ntiinlierless resorts of moun tain, shore, valley and plain. Tho two daily Shasta trains from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with tho most approved pattern of standard and tourist sleeping cars, but thn low rates of fare will "till continuo in ci'.'ct. Illustrated gi.'des to the winter re sorts of nlifornia nnd Arizona may bo had on application to C. H.Maiikuam, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. ADM l.N ISTKATOjl'S NOTICE, Notleo Ii hereby Klvonlhatl hav i been p minted Ailmlnl.trutorol the entate otu.o. elttlin. avMln.t .nlit e.Wte aro requ red to pre', lioni mom wnu pru iur it ,,:.reri. nllleo at HotlHKO llrove. Une VVft'i.UM within .ix iiinnlhi from tho date ol ibli notice. Dnted thliUth day of .Novombor Jamks llKMKNWAY, AdinlnHtr.'or' KOT1CE OK KIN All 8KTTl.KMK.NT. Notlcoli hereby Rlveii lhat Ja.. f'jwirt. mlnilni.tmlor of the citate of va. SaWni. w ecrtied, ha. Died hli llnat u". Vi. "f nbovo named futiito and that in December lUU0,at tho hour of one . o clocj jMid .hi. yjrA W. H. SMITH Proprietor of the CAFE ROYAV on River street, near the bridge, PnTTAGK Grovk, OrK. Short orders day and InlghtJ Short orders day and I nig iu. v thing first-class aiiU the bt market affords.