h'Nffl nra stdikp. m iilii vii Jinmi. THE BOERS ARE CHECKED Such I, (,e (fpor, K((tner prom nrlllili Surrounding Tliein, liOtiilmi li,.,. ii Ly Employe ofllie SnnlMij!iia.-rhJ Mrcci icanway. d,,,,. LM. f"";",i. J,,u" '" '-ilfc Jlllll uulio am intuitu CIA in mm MARINE DISASTERS. Land BCTtnit pay and fewer nouns ,ii(HiiySy' 11 Not In Position to (Irani tocfC'ic Ne.tfilUlloni Under Way (or Speedy Settlement, jcrnnfon, Pa.. Doo 2(1. Kvory (mo .crouton Itiillwny Company obeyed itilko order, which wont Into uiltuit JO'Clia'K Illuming, anil as it sequence only two uirn worn run tlo( tlio Liiknwiina valley today. ............i i... i u two with iiiiiiiiiimi iy mipiinntiiii- .t I'dtturnou iinil llpatuhitrn, fmn- aiml clcrKH. ftu aiioinpi wit nniiin Molcit thorn, mill, although ruin fell ftt part of tlio day, the two unrn (km liml a paimriiiunr. ffea tid-up tog lull extends (min wluii to rorwit City, it dlstniini o( lit, mid include 111) inlliio n( UllOllkud. ()f ;IIH Coliinv liim I,,...,, tli" two forces tlmt mi- Inrml ll... I llllll III- 1 ,1, ,ol(m tll0 l.1Htenl IH no . of tm out,,,,,,,,),,,,., I.-1 ,,, ,, tll(lt ,,(,r,!(1viti j; : ""wwn him I'rkHn. Out "Is lnl Colin.,,, in W, ,,, . il.,l wl.1,1 , w, ,, ,ilHImt(l)m1I . ""'lately when l,ow wlnin, Uh mtv c. ar t.l. 'Dm liners have ot received much nsdidanco i (11)U t'lMiy iik f,ir iin inv Information kuh. Wn huvo iirmoil MMIII, of the colonic, wl'o.iro iiHNlntliiK out forces. Hull. wy anil toli,(,raili cni.i.iiuneatlnii bit I'"'!" much Jnu-rrui.twl by thu Vury bad wi'ittlmr. "Hmvut In In t, neighborhood ol n " U,,er"' VnnnU 1,1 Hon with fiiniiinil (Mi.i.i. a force under lli,yrH until of AIhuiiIIch' llnrir. 'Mm ii,... i.... i . a,m whh'h nro run on.limrily Ho j Ho,,thwt,.t,rly direction urfH '." U iiinimuui i..., ..joining ,,- l.ini'OAtrOOin. il .,., fll.....,i ... Envoys Believe She Will cede Powers' Demands. The Llit li Growing on the Waihlngfon Coail Wheat Ship Carl the Lateit. Port Towfltoild. Wash.. I)nn. 27 Con- Knon tu ,,(mt nrrlvlng from Capo Pint- iwry uriiiKH iroan now of innrlno din nstorH along tlio coast, nnd when tlio full rotunm nro in tlio ilniriBtro bv tlio uiwr.inA.,r,.,. .... , rocout miccoHdlon of unlet) will bo tho KINOLEADCftS HAVE IIHEN ARRHSTCD , Inrgont in thu history of thinning along j tho I'uolflo Conat. 'A'ho (Jorinan oliip Cnrl, whoat laden i rincei Tuan and Chung Taken Into Cuitody rom Tacomn. Doo. C, for Kuropo, whs In the Interior Yu Milen Ordered to , towod to I'orfc Angolos thi mornliiu by Return to Slnan Fu to Be Executed. I V.m, tu" J)y,,en waterlogged con dition. After nnniiinu out ol tlio Btniita of Fuca, tho Cnrl encountered a gnlo which con tinned Hevoral dnyH, and was bo roughly handled by tho olomsnts that tho fltnnohloiift of tho bulwarks wero pulled out, and as tho great waves London, Doo. 87. Tho Hlmnghnt correspondent of tho Standard tolo graphing iJno. 2a, nays: mo govoiiiiiiontlias arrested l'rinco Tnaii and I'rlnco Chung on tho bordero nwopt hor decks tho wator ioured In ro of tho Hlian Ki and Hheu Hi iirovlncos. rapidly that tho pumps could not keep " iiniuii mis i,ooii oruoroil to return nor clear. Tlio caigo of wheat be to filnaii Ku forthwith, to bo executed, oanio naturatod, and so rapidly did sho il jrncilim v. iMiijuiii; , uiiiiiiiii); lll ', R' stutli of 1'itlston as lr as ,jllc(io, tlirciiti'ii to go on a strlkn. I both coiiipaiiloii tlnil up tlinro J Ik) a total ciisHiitlon ol ntumi trulllo on it busy utroteli of try 80 inllos north, liioludlng tho Iir Un citiuM Mil Hcraiiton, Wilkes Ine, I'lltiloii and uarlKimlalo. !Tk ittlkors mot tonight mid n). jtfd coiiiiiiltti'oi to iiiaii the dllTur. I railroad ktatluns. Thuy aro to filth (or moil who it Is rumored biivn 40 recruited in I'hllailolphla hi tnko gflr places. Tlicy will dlstributo to striiiigers, notllrliig thinn of ntrlkc, and asking thorn not to rlnu i tho curs. An appeal to tho local ibllo Ims Ix'i'ii Imiied, asking that the bio not iNitrouiieed. irtio moil demand 'JO cents an hour old emplooi ami 16 to 17, for Innru. I hoy nlso ilniuaiid a I0 irilsy. Tho ooiiiNiuy, in its aiism-r tho crlitviinco coiiimltti'o. Miys it Is i In a isialtlon to alTord any lnorinieu Iwgo nt too pri'Mtnt tliiin. I'rosl htClnrk arrived tonight and suited i rand would bo ripnrated with new In II the old men cannot bo touurod What the Company Offers. tfllkesbarro, Ta., Dec. '.'II. Tho nm TMof the Wllkoatmrro & Wyomln l7 I'loctric Knilwav ( oiiipiin. ami oiiiciuls or the company mot I (erouct) today to talk ovvr ennui Tiucei which tlio It.lll SllllltlittUll the cojiipany. 'Iho employus do 3,1cm! I'D cents an hour for every :r worked and shorter hours. I'ros as Itlug said ho wanted to be fa I p the iiioi), hut their domainls wero LMceplug, and the company could (lord to grant thinn. As a com mlio I'ronident itlgg oirered the in 10 rents an hour, hut no reduction tbs hours. Tho conductors ami icrnioti rdfuaoil to accent this oiler, ......... ...ininii witn n column ol IthiiuIi s fnrci. yesterday livening about r. o'l louk CleiimntH' loroo was ngagwl south of Oliplianfs Nuk, but I do not yet know the result." A later dispatch from Loid Kilrheiioi dated at I'rutorla, says: "The western column of llom occupied llrltitown and cut the railway south of Do Aar Junction. Tho enemy Is being fol lowed up. (ifiieral French has beuii in con tact for two days with the com mniidoes of liuyers ami Delaruv, south "f tho Magalies' llerg. He in' pursu ing them. The mioiny have lost con siderably, and Commandant Krouz and and others have bei-n cupturod. (Jon oral Oulvlllu engaged two soparato coinmiiiisdos Ducemiiilier 21 near Vlmlkfonteln, with slight lomos, the enemy retiring." it is supposed. 'H is Infurred froip thoko roptirts that tho imperial autlioritU-H aro pie piirlng to concede tho demand of tho Joint note for the punishment ol tho instigators of the troublo in China. According to a iiuwh agency's dis patch from 1'ekln dmcd Doo. 20, tho foreign ministers thero aro unanimous ly of the opinion that China will ac cept tho conditions imposed by tho joint note of tho powers within n somo uown unit it becamo necessary to jettison a portion of tho cargo. Tho vessel bonded for Capo Klattory, nnd was filoked up and towed to Tort An geles, from where sho will bo taken to tho Esquimau, 0. C, dry dock. Tho throo-mastod schoonor Itoportor, which sailed from Gray's Harbor for Hono lulu Doo. C, was towed in horo this evonlng with her dock load gono nnd waterlogged. The first day out from (iray's Harbor tho lloportoi sprung a mouth. The note wiib htartod on its leak, and at tho same timo a hoavv foir way to the douugor empress and tho ot in, preventing her from returning (inilioror immediately after its proseu- to port. Men were placed nt tho tatioii, but communication Is slow, and pumps, and tho galo increased, caus It probably will not reach them until lug tho leak to increase, which necessi Uoi:. 27. ' tatod tho deck load helm- t hrnivn nvnr. "Vlce-Adinlial AlioxofT," says the board. Whon 20 miles north of Capo Kt. Petersburg corro-pondjint of the 1'lattery alio was Hying signals of dis- Tliues, "lins issued orders to the mon tress, and a steamer, thought to bo tho undiT his command in China to make Centennial, remained by tho schoonor detailed lists of tho Chinese proporty lover night, but tho galo increased to money, cattle, provisions, etc., taken such an extent that the steamer had all by them, and whero such property now B'10 could do to look out for herself, and Is." Tho correspondent also says that 'e't Tho captain ot the Hoporter detachments of ltussiiiiis in Southern then hoaded his vessol for the Straits of and Southeastern Mauchuiia continue Fuca and ancccoded in reaching hero tho work of exterminating disorganized with all pumps working. The captain tnliiBfe troops and brigands. 1 liaa sailed tlio coast since 1875, and Indian Outbreak feared. SMttlo, Due. 20. Advices hnvo iroct-irod from Hitka, Alaska. Hat that that town is in a condition o piened excitement, fearing an out of Indians. Tho United Stales Iocs stnl lonod there are under arms. the marshal and dep ulies are tak evory precaution to protect tho iM in caso of trouble. Thu aspect o Irs is very serious at Sitka, as thu uu nro by fur the strongest numei ic .' riioro aro OS murines coin in and t7 Captain I'eudlotou at Sitka. Sympathetic Strike. iflueslmrro. I'a.. Doo. 20. Two mini and fifty girls employed at tho "Mug Valley lace iiiIIIh. in tli '.bnvo notified tho iimuiigemont that f will not ronort fur work tumor ' I hoy go out in symiiathv with WcaverH of tho mill, who have been tn a strike for nine mouths. The roof tho girls to report for work iiecceaituto tho total Huupouslon of Plant. Struck and Killed by Cars, rnul. Doo. 2(1. Charlos M. Mil IiHsistaut ougiiioor on the Montaiiii lon of tho Ureat Northern railway, litraclc and killed by an oleotrio a this olty. Miller's headnnartoru D at Williston. N. D.. and ho was i visit to relatives in this city. N. fill 1 or, for many yoars chiof ongl. of tlio Great Northoru system, ( brother of the deceaaod. Strike Declared Olf. nncio. Ind.. Doc. 20. The strike N snannors in tho Trnst window 'plants in Miinolo, which throaten- cloto all tho westoru plants, was il oft tonight. Thu workmen mot lecided not to return to work iui tlioy rocoivod tho same pay as he- Tho manngoiiietit tlion oiforod pi which wero nccopted by tho men. d hlu argument iu tho For to ltlco Murder Case Decision Reversed. Nth Ilond, Doo. 24. Judgo F.lliot I Isprvnd bin dnnlutnn nil tlm nintlnll !o''ir a now trial of Manuel Gates, B""d of murdoriiiB William lloo- "''counsel for tho dotoiidaut in II ft IV Al'tflflllPM t.tlft aniiiuvifc 1). S. N CrioBAnf launch Lev,0ro, of which Uoosou captain, uv n0im on tho river ys below i)0TO Qatos is aup I to have attack, uBeson. FILIPINOS AND AUTONOMY. Recenlly Organized Parly Mat Been Formal, ly Launched. .Manila, Dec. 20. The recently or ganized autonomy party wai launihud today at a meeting nttom e I by virtu ally nil the loral Filipino leaders in .Manila. The do duration of principles was read and alter mhiio iIIhcuknIoii adopted by a vote of 1211, lens tliiin half a dozen declining to oto All signed an cmlortoinont of the platform, including .Sunor ratemo, oue uiOKt iiilluoiitlal of the former imiir gent loaders, whoso nal attitude toward Americaii authority has been much ijuustlonuil. A dispatch from agency hero dated 1'ekln to a nows Dec. 20. savH mis' sionarics state that lioxers :!5 miles cast of 1'ekln killod 12 Catholics and burned eight in the temples. saya tho six storms he experienced since leaving Gray's Harbor Deo. 5 ( wero tbo severest ho ever witnessed during tho past 25 years. MAY TURN DISLOYAL APPEAL OF ARMENIANS. The Poiltlon of Cape Colony It Hanging lu the Balance. Addresies The Revolutionary Committee President McKlnley. Boston, Dec. 27. At tho convention of tho repieseiitatives of tho Armenian revolution, tho following resolution was adopted and telegraphed to Presi dent MoKiuley: "The committeo of tho Armenian Revolutionary Federation of this coun try, in their annual convention assem bled iu Boston, unanimously congratu late you upon your re-election to the presidency of tho United States, nnd London, Doo. 27. Tho position of I Capo Colony is Iniuying in tho bnlance. According to the .Morning Post's Capo ! Town corresfioudont everything depends I lltxill tlin finnnt tv nt ninnmnitinn in Of tile ! !,.. luiuunauimi ttl tttn .U'ol.itMit Dtitli residents, 100 of whom havo joined tho lioers in tho l'hillipstown district alouo. Knorgetlo measures havo been I 4fil',.n in Dlmn tlin l,,,.fiulnn I, tit .linvn inn principal uiscussion was with ig uuquci,tlonably danger that parties invito your excellency's kirn nttention rofcrunoo to tho organization of the i n ...m . .i i. .,. i tn thn .iB.,inroi.i intinn ; the Colony and gradually raise tho our people iu Armenia aro perishing wholo Capo iu robellion. Keinforco- 'and will soon bo exterminated if a inents can arrive nono too soon. I powerful hand docs not come to the. Most of tho dispatches from Cape ' roecue of such a nation which has boen Town stato that the raiders are doing ' the champion of civiliatiou for centur little harm, and aro being rapidly on-' ies in Asia Minor, closod by Lord Kitchener'a comblna-j "in tho proseut complicated situa tion. Lord Kitchener is in tbo heart tion of European diplomacy, tho Unit of tho disaflected districts. Ho has ed-States is the only nation that has the advantago of being personally ac-. been unsolflsh nnd neutial iu Oriental quaintod with local conditions. Last affairs, and yot n friend for suffeiing March ho supervised tho suppression races; the ouly nation that can ter of tho rliug which occurred then. Ho rorizo the great assassin nnd his blood is bringing down thousands of troops thirsty fanatics to save the remainder from tbo North. of their victims from imminent blood- Tho Standard's Capo Tovn corre- 'shed. epondeut says l ho loyalists demand I "Our fathers and brothers gave their that maitlal law shall bo proclaimed t lives for the sake of our country, nnd throughout Capo Colony, but adds: wo nro all roady to fall in their places, "Such a stop is now impossible, owing hut in this utmost strucglo wo have to tho lack of sufficient troons to on-, not tho right to oxpeci nssistanco from forco it." goveriimout of the party. A council of 20 members was elected together with an oxocutivo coinmitUo, iiicluilini: Sunor Arellano, chief justico of tho s.ipronio court; Frank II. llourue, Honor AmrionoH Fioroi, a former insur gent; C.ener.il Souor Mnrciitino Torres, attortiey-geuoral of the Philippines, Sitnr Jose Near, pmjciiting attorney, iiiul Honor Toman Del Hon irio. The inallost number of votes rocoivod by any candidato was 80. Japanese Minister- Reslgni. Yokohnuia, Dec. 20. IIoslil Torn, ininlhtor of comiiiunlcatloii, nnd for merly Japanese minister to tho United Statos, has roslgncd his portfolio in coiisequenco ot tlio porsiHout allega tions of his implication iu iluaiicial scandals. Ho will bo succeeded by Mr. 11 nra, ox-uiiuister to Corea. It Is possible that the stability ol tho Ito cabinet will bo affected. Large Deal la Coal Lands. Falrmount, W. Va Doo. 20. The largest coal deal over made in Harrison comity will bo consummated in a few daya. Tho torrltory comprises 12,0(10 noros, or 10 square miles, lying around Hali'iu. Tho purohascra are: James Iv Bron, of Uuioutovn, and Coohran, of Dawson, who $812,000 for tho eutiro tract. Alfiod J win pay Killed In a Tralnwreck. Toxnrkaua, Ark , Doo. 20. Tho Texas & l'aciilo pi'simaor tralu of tho Larodo & Fott Worth was partially wrroVed 10 miles west of hem today. Tho enuino Kim ok a oow, juiupod tho track and turnod ovor Onoof tho fire- mon, I'.u uattorson, was kiiioii. ivii ginoor Cubbity was badly scalded. No ono olso was seriously hurt, . Roumanla Declined Russian Loans, London, Doc. 20, "Itussla offorod Roumanla a loan on 10.000,000," says tho Vionua correspondent of tho Dally Express, "to nsHist hor in tho finan cial crisis; but tho offer was declined, booauso thero wore conditions attach ed undermining lioiimaulun iudepcud-nooo." Railroad Will He Extended. It line boon lonrnoil from reliable fourcoa that tho Nevada-California rail way will on extouded Cal,, to Lakoviow, Oregon, in tho noar future. FOR THREE ARMORIES. Desired That Washington So Honor Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma. Senttlo, Dec. 27. A committee of officers of the National Guard of tho stato of 'Washington has comploted a revision of the state military code, which is to bo presented to the legis lature next mouth for formal accept ance. This coda iiuikos tho guard con form in all respects to similar organ izations in the regular service Tho strength of tho guard is to bo consid erably inrceased, and examinations for commissions made much more rigid. Special appropriations to build threo nrmorlos, nt Spokauo, Tacoma nud Se attle, will bo asked for. It ia also hoped to secure a small appropriation for installing a battery and moderniz ing some equipments said to be out of date. this great republic, which fouuded its existence npou revolution, nnd which has the inheritance of liberty from Washington and Lincoln? "I'lense accept our sincero wishes and assurance of our highest regard." Released From Prison. Montroal, Deo. 27. Jamos Baxtor, formerly of Chicago, and lately of Now York, who was sentenced hero some timo ago to five years in tho pouiton sinry for his couuoatiou with tho liauk Villa Mario frauds, has boon relonsed on "conditional pardon" from St. Vin cent do Paul poiiitentinry. His wifo and friends have boon working incof- miiIIk In l.1u .wir.lni, n.w.rt,,,. nf 111. from lcrino, ll(MlUj)( ovcr gijlco his COUviotion. Ho in sufforiug from dropsy uud his condi tion is serious. SURPRISED BY YAQUIS. Four Mexican Officers and Thirty Men Killed From Ambush. El Paro, Tox., Deo. 27. Mexican troops iu Souora, Mexico, wove recent ly attacked by a band of Yaqui In dians. Four ollicers nud about 30 men wero killed outright, nnd Colonel Francisco Peiuad, one of tho leading officer? of tho army, was shot through the stomach nnd seriously wounded. C, V. Light, of Gtiynmas, who was there wheu tho report was made to General Torroi, gavo the news out here. Ho says tlicV soldiers wero cross ing the couutry, nnd were fired upon from ambush near Lainisa, about GO niilos from Genoral Torres' headquart ers. Tho sovoro prtss censorship has kept tho news from tho ijeiioml public. Colouol Peinudo, the wounded officer, is one of tho most popular ollicers in tho army. A Schooner Bottom Up. Empiro City, Or., Doc. 20. Tho sohoouor Gom, which arrived here from San Frauolsoo this evoiiing, aftei hard struggle with tho wind and wnvos, Bignten a vessoi oottom up nbout 80 niilos wost of Capo Arago. Tho vossol was paiutod whito, nud had olonu bottom. Tho schoonor Ivy, whloh nlso nrrlvod today, reports Boo ing cousldoritblo lumber alloat Dooem her 31, hut dld.uot slglit tlio sotioonor bottom up. Peru Buys a War Vessel. Now York, Doo. 37. A dispatch to tho Herald, from Limn, Pom, Buys: It la joported that Sonor Ccrvajiil, gov ernment commissioner, has purchased n war vossol iu Franco. Tho British cruiaor Amphiou has arrived tlwro. Urge Shipment of Peach Trees. A shipment of 100,000 voting poach trooa from Georgia nurseries, hound for Capo Colony and Natal, South Af rica, has been inudo. Investigating Western Harbors. Senttlo, Deo 27. Coptaln M. Mooller, on official of the North Ger mau Llnyd Steamshljp Compauy, is now In Soattlo on a tour of inspection of western ports. Ho hits vlsitod Port land, Tacoma and Sau Francisco, aud is to report tho result of his iu vostigtion to tho company. Record of the Plague. Calcutta, Doc. 37. Lord Curzon, of Koddleston, vicoroy of India, in tho conrBO of it spcooh today Baid that since tlio appoaranco of tho bubonic plague in 1808, 25,000 dentha from the diseueo hnvo ocourrod in the Mysore provluco. New Organization Formed, An orgnnlzatiou for tho employment of all idle labor is bolng formed in Bos ton under tho title of the Workers' Co-operative association. But Kitchener Cannot Drive Them From Cape Colony. EFFECT OF KITCHENER'S PROCLAMATION Westward Movement of the Dutch From the Vryburg Dlitricl Dewet In South, eastern Orange River Colony. London, Dec. 20, Tho latest dig patches from fc'outh Africa show that I Lord Kitchener has succeeded in hold , Ing tho Boors in check. Ho has not yet boen aucccfsful in oxpolling them from Capo Colony, while different j cornmandoos continue to display aston- idling activity over an immensely wido 1 Hold. I It is questionable whether his proc lamation will havo much effect until Goneral Dowet Is captured. The Boers are likely to regard it as a sign of ; weakness nud to have a wholesomo ', dread of vengeanco if thoy surrender. 1 Tho proclamation is approved by tho party at homo that favors conciliatory terms to tho Boers as a step in tbo right direction. I Queen Victoria, it is said, has ap proved the proposal to institute a new order of knighthood to reward officers who havo eorved in South Africa. Tho order will probably be called the Star of Africa. A dispatch from Vryburg, dated De cember 20, says that Boers in consider able numbers wero making a move ment westward. They had 1B0 wagons. The dispatch suggests that they wero trokking to Damara Land, although the Boers themselves denied any such intention. Boers May Surrender. Bloemfontein, Orange River Colony, Deo. 29. There nro renewed but un confirmed rumors that General Dewet, President Steyn and General Hasbroek have hall a conference nnd decided to offer to surrender, providing tho colon ial rebols are not punished, and tho leaders, including themselves, aro not deported. Boer Attack Repulsed. Capo Town, Deo. 29. A small party of Boers attacked Burghersdorp, on December 20. They wero repulsed after heavy fighting. The Boers are activo, and skirmishes in several places have been reported. WIDESPREAD ACTIVITY? Good Advices From Most Lints ot Trad, v.- aiiurci wire more Numerous. Bradstroets says: Bensonabln Hons inle in trndo at prosont. Holu ! day trnde activity is widespread, and I comparisons with proviotis yeari ur favorablo at most markots, with tho possible oxcoptiou of some parts ot tbo Northwest, whoro tho spring wheat ishortago and unseasonable weather havo checkod distribution. Notably cheerful reports come, too, from "West- orn jouuors, wno liavo been caned on for reassorting orders, and who report collections good. Quietness in whole sale lines is usual nt this poriod, but it is to bo noted that specially gocxl advices come from tho iron and steel, 1 hardware, groceries, fancy goods, toys, and confectionery trades, whilo a dis tinctly cheerful tono is found in shoes, I leather aud lumbor, although EaMern shipments of tho first valued are still , considerably smaller than last year. Industrial lines nro faiily well em ployed, and strikes nro few and far be tween. Prices show few changes, most staples being steady, bnt it might; bo noted that most farm products aro slightly higher than last week, and! 1 well above 1899. Wheat, including flour, shipments for tho week aggregated 4,123,350 bushels, against 4,785,577 bushels last ! week. From July 1 to tin to this season, wheat exports are 90,140,353 bushels. Business failures in the United States for (the week number 200, n 'against 207 last week, 211 iu this i week a year ago, 212 in 1898 and 280 I iu 1897. Canadian failures for the week num bered 28, against 18 last week and 2a ! in this week a year ago, 34 in 1898. 1 and 80 in 1807. PACIFIC COAST TRADE- Martial Law Proclaimed. Cape Town. Dec. 29. Martial Law lias been proclaimed in the districts of Beaufort West and Carnovaran. CLAIMS AGAINST HAWAII. Chinese and Japanese Want Pay for Property Destroyed During Bubonic Plague. Washington, Deo. 29. It is expect fcd that Governor Cole, ot Hawaii, will Inako a recommendation to the Hawaii n legislature, which meets in Febru ary, for the settlement of tho claims of Chinese and Japanese growing out of tho destruction of their property at Honolulu at the time of the bubonio plague outbreak. It appears that the Chinese claims aro leas than was at first estimated, and that tho total of the Chinese and Japanese claims are, approximately, $1,800,000. Tbo Chi nese government has not been in a condition, of late, to exert pressure in behalf of the claims of its citizens, but the Japanese authorities have been ac tively lookiug out for tho losses sus tained by their countrymen, and now seem to bo in n fair war of securing partial remuneration. Governor Dole suggested n short time ugo that tho matter be refoired to tho Hawaiian legislature, and this was approved by the officials horo as tho beat means of adjusting the matter. There appears to be little doubt that the legislature will authorize a settlement. Frozen to Death Near Dawson. Oregon City, Deo. 29. A Tacoma dispatch states that Harry Moffat, of in, a place, was frozen to death some thing over t.TO weeks nco near Dawson City. Ho had gone alone to Eureka creek for a hunt, uud was caught in a sucw storm and wandered aimlessly about for two days. He was found by a rescue party with his hands and feet badly frozen, bnt died before they could reach Dawson. Excoptiug tho dispatch, no news has been rocoivod here by J. W. Moffatt, brother ol the reported dead man. Hairy Moffat left hero on the first trip of tho Elder for the Klondike cinntry, whero he had sines been engaged in mining a short distauce from Dawson. F. F, White, who left Dawson a few weeks ago, states that Moffatt occupied a cabin adjoining his own. Seattle Market Onions, new yellow, 22fo. Lettuce, hot house, .1 per crato. Potatoes, new. $10. Beets, per eack, 85c$l. Turnips, per sack, $1.00. Squash lKc. Carrots, per sack, 60c Parsnips, per sack, $1.001.25. , Cucumbers 4050c. Cabbage, native and ' CalifornU, 2c per pounds. Butter Creamery, 30c; dairy, 18 22c; ranch, 10c 18o pound. Cheese 14c. Eggs Ranch, 40c; Eastern 25c. Poultry 12c; dressed, 14c; spring, 1815c turkey, 13c. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $14.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $10.00. Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25; feed meal, $25. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $20. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.30; blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; trra ham, per barrel, $3.25; whole wheat flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.804.00. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per tonr middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats Choioe dressed beef steers, price 7jc; cows, 7c; mutton 7; pork, 7c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9& 12c. Hams; Large, 18c; small, 13; breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides,. Turks Assaulted a British Charge. Constantinople, Deo. 20. Somo Turkish soldiers have grossly assaulted nud maltroated the British charge d'affairs, Mr. Do Unison, nnd other , members of the British ombassy in the vicinity of tlio powder niagazino at MakrikPlu. narp demands tor ro dresa have been made to the Port. Santa Fe Buys a L'ne. Chicago, Dec. 20, Announcement was made today of the acquisition by tho Atohisou, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company of the Pecos Valley & Northeastern, which runs from Ania rlllo, Tox., where it connects with the Sauta Fe system, to l'eoo City, a distance of 8?7 miles. Tho price paid for the property could not bo ascer tained, but it ia understood that tho payment will be made in cash and gen. eral moitgage bouds. Portland Market Wheat Walla Walla. 6454Ko; Valley, nominal;, Bluestem, 57o pec bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.40; graham. $2.00. Oate Choice white, 45c; choice gray, 42o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $15.50 brew ing, $16.50 per ton. 1 Millstuffs Bran, $15.50 ton; mid dlings, $21; ehorte, $17; chop, $1G per ton. Hay Timothy,$12 13.50; clover,$7 0.50; Oregon wild hay, $6(37 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 60 55c; store, 32)c. Eggs 30o per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13so; Young America, 14o; now cheese lOo per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.60 3.00 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs. $2.003.50; geese, $6.008.60 doz; ducks, $4.00 6.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, llo per pound. Potatoes SOQOOo per sack;' sweets, l)o per pounu. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75o: per sack; garlio, 7o per pound; cab bage, IHo per pound; parsnips, 86c; onions, $1.75; carrots, 76o. Hops New crop, 1214o per pound. Wool Valley, 1314o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1012o; mohair, 25 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethere and ewes, 3o; dresaed mutton, 6Ji 7o per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5,75; light and feeders, $5.00; dressed, $5.006.25 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $3.504.00; cows, $3.003.60; dresBod beef, GO 7o per pound. Veal Large, OOCJao; email, . 7 8o per pound. San Francisco Market Wool Spring Novada, llJ3oper pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014o; Val ley, 15 17c; Northern, 0ai0o. Hops Crop, 1900, 1316o. Butter Fauoy creamery 26($20!e; do seconds, 26c; fancy dairy, 33 23o; do seconds, 21o per pound. Eggs Store, 80o; fancy ranoh, 87o. Millstuffs Middlings, $10.60 & 10.50; bran, $18.00 13.60.