IHEMIA NUGGET. COTT AGEi'GRO VE . . . OREGON. EllfflS Of 1 MI An Interesting Collection of Items From the Two Hemispheres Presented In a Condensed Form. A cioamory will bo founded nt Eu ffeno, Or. Prinoo Tuan and Princo Cheng have boon nrrostod. New Zealand will Bend more troops to South Africa. Yn Hslon was ordered to return to Binan Fu to bo exooutod. Two in on were killed ns tho result of u explosion in nn Idaho mine. Tho ndavneo guard of Knstorn sheep buyers hhvo arrived at Hoppncr. Tho foroign ministers bolievo China will nccopt tho torms of the noto. Fifty-two Poles havo been arrestsd In Vienna for alleged political conspi- j racy. I Firo in Eau Claire. Wis., destroyed half tho businoss section. The loss ia 1 9160,000. j The Weston, Or., school will ask the legislature to grant normal gaduatea , diplomas nndor foimer conditions. j An unsuccessful nt tempt was mado to blow np a hotel in Oklahoma torri- j terry. A suspect has been arrested. j Two noted Chicaco scientists declare ! ftnr lnnc nxneriments. that the beat- inc of tho henrt ia caused by common salt in tho blood. : Jnmes Patterson, for the rinst four, years city treasurer of Aberdeen, Wash., is dead at his home in that city, aged 07 years. A shooting affray occurred nt Burke, Idaho, and as a result Fearley Gordon and Charles Beck aro in the hospital suffering from shot wounds. Alfred Hnrmswortb, editor and pro prietor of tho London Daily Mail, pre dicts a complete revolution in journal ism duiing the coming century. John Tiger, a full blooded Indian, living in Indian territory, while intox icated, shot and killed three men and wounded $ boy. lie was captured. . . , A serious raco war is expected at Cementville, a small Indiana town. The trouble was caused by two negroes getting intoxicatod and trying to in-, timxdate all the whites they met. A French detachment of 100 men on their way from Tien Tsin to Hung Tsu, were fired upon by Boxers as they np-1 proached a small village. One officer was killed and another wounded. The French burned the village. Webb Jay, Indianapolis manager for the Flick Manufacturing Company, of Winsboro, 111., and a prominent bowl er, wag arrested on a charge of embez zlement, preferred by S. B. Kinehart, president of the company. Mr. Bine Jutrt states that the alleged shortage will not exceed $8,000. Dowet is the guiding genius of tho Boers. Minister Wu thinks the joint note demands too much. j Minnesota has experienced her flist blizzard of the year. j The Japanese minister of communi-' cation has resigned. Spokane has decided to hold a min eral fair during 1902. Oregon has paid out nearly $100,000 la scalp bounties dnrinc 1899. Public attention in Germany is oc cupied with crime in high circles. Kitchener reports that Boer invasion into Cape Colony has been cheoked. Germany wants the sultan to pay its bill before buying an American war ship. Rebels are scattered in the pro vinces of Panay and' Cebu, Philippine islands. England will buy 50,000 horses and .mules in the United States for array in South Africa. Delay in negotiations haa caused great change of sentiments as regards China in Japan. A tornado did great damage in Ala bama. News is meager, owing to all wires being down. JL Phelps Whitmarsh has been np pointed governor of tho province of JJenguet, Philippine islands. Forty-five insurgents wero killed and one American wounded innn encounter near Gunubatan, Philippine islands. E. 11. Southern, the well known ac tor, who h8 been laid up for somo time by an accident, is entirely recovered. A large portion of the Philppines mil at be abandoned unless the relief of the army is immediate, says Secretary JlOOt. The police are working on the case of Long, the Portland burglar recently arrested. It is thought that a charge of murder will be laid at his door. Tho salmon output in the Northwest exceeds that of nil former years. In Prussia an income tax is levied on all whose income exceeds $226 a year. An agreement has been leached set ting aside $20,833 a month for Count ess Castollane, Jay Gould's daugter. II. M, Hanna, brother of tho sena tor, gave a Cleveland hospital Northern "Ulo preferred stock vuluod at $82,- LATER NEWS. Tho Scranton street car strike hn boon called off. 'J ho knlsor is contemplating n visit Xo tlio Unttod Statos. Soattlo has stnrtod n movomont to suppress vico in that city. Soldiors mny Imvo to bo cullod out to quail n fuod in Kentucky. ComiuK Oregon Logishitnro will be asked to found uormnl school ut Hums. F.dwiu HedforJo, n noted Kentucky cnttlo broodor, is dead, aged 08 years. According to advices from Dawsou nuother rich strlko has been made near thoro. Many Liuon insurgouts hnvo beon captured as n roault of scouting by Americans Kitohenor reports that no progress is being inndo against Poor inavdors in Capo Colony. Tho Poors capturvsd tno Uritish out- nosts nt llolvotia, taking 200 prisoners and killing 60. In an nltorcatiou ovor n enmo of cards, u South Carolina sheriff and two other men met death. Tho report that Germany is negotiat ing to purchase tho Danish A-e-.tllles ia denied in olliciul Denmark eirclos. Tho emprosd dowager will not bo al lowed to havo anything to do with tho naming of tho now emperor of China. Firo in KauFas City, Mo., for n time threatened E6rer.il busiuofs block?, but waa got under control with small loss. Severe snow storms prevail in Cblo rado, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Ne braska. In places railroad tralllo is badly hampered. The United States government has made an offer of $3,000,000 for the Danish Antilles, , . tit . .. ,iu .ii.i.i i, iia iliiUUlIUU This price is ns highly tho J Q Ford Comtmn " us " ottioiais win go. A bill will bo introduced at tho coming session of tho Oregou legisla ture to reduce tho milroad fare from 4 to 3 cents per mile. Tho Philippine commission has added to tho pending school bill a pro vision for the employment of GOO American teachers, nt salaries ranging lroiu $75 to $100 u month. A train on the Henderson road was wrecked two miles east of Henderson, Ky., and live persons furiously injured. A coupliug pin placed in tho switch frog apparently by weckers caused the wrock. Humors uf a cabinet crisis in Spain increase. Senor Sagasta, ex-premier, ho haa finnl y brokn 8ienco, declarei that ch of lnlIli8trv ,8 Inevitabie jou account of the ,liflerence3 ln the cabineti a8 wel, a3 in the rankg o u, supporters. '1'rirflQ n iA ron nf Hlitmntu wawa rra- mated alive. ' mere are saia to oe ou.uuu lepers in ' the archipelago. Massacress of native Christians in China continue. Clements cannot lorce the Boon from Magalies Berg. The lumber industry in Eastern Ore gon is rapidly growing. A Bquadron of Yeomanry is said to have been captured by" Boers. Whitmarsh, the new governor o' Benguet, is a Britisn subject. Stocks of wool in the United States exceed 350,000,000 pounds. A receiver was appointed for the Old Town bank, at Baltimore. The trial of Alvord, the defaulting note teller, has been postponed. The grandson of ex-Attorner-General Miller was abducted by his mother. Kitchener is making little progress in driving the Boers from Cape Colony. Robert Taylor, a well known resi dent of Ashland, committed suicide. The bolliday rush at the New York postoflice was the greatest ever known. Three hundred students have been arrested in St. Petersburg for propagat ing Socialist doctrines Fontela, a Filipino refugee, says the United States will nevei succeed in subduing tho Philippine islands. Congress will be asked to recognize Hobson s gallantry in sinking the Mer nmao in the harbor of Santiago. Fire partially destroyed tho Method ist Episcopal church (colored) of Prov idence, Mo. The pastor was fatally burned. In tho event of England rejecting the Hay-Pauncefote treaty u new ono may ho negotiated at tho next session of Congress. Boxers numbering 2,500 men at tacked a French column. They were repulsed with heavy loss, leaving be hind them 1,000 dead and wounded. Inquiries into quarters most likely to bo correctly informed show that nothing is known in Paris to justify tho report circulated in the United States that Pudereweki, the pianist, was killed in a duel in France. A baud of probably 50 mon forced an entrance to tho Green county, III., jail, with the intention of lynching a prisoner, but were foiled. Tho prison er had been seen tly removed to an other jail. King Victor of Italy had a narrow wcapo from drowning while viewing tho fiood iu Rome. Since the repeal of the Colorado law providing for capital punishment thero have been 7!1 murders in Denver and vicinity. Horseshoes weighing an ounce each and just a tritlo larger than a silver dollar were turned out in a California shop for a Shetland pony six months old. M 11 1X111(11 Michigan Robbers Secured Over $100,000. REMARKABLE CASE OP CARELESSNESS Station Agent Left the Sacks Unguarded Over Night In the Public Waiting Room Letters Strewn Along the Track. Dotrolt, Dec. 31. A mall pouch containing $100,000 in negotiable pa por and nn unknown amount of money was stolen from the Michigan Contrnl passenger station nt Wyandotte, Mich., somo tluio last night. The Inst mail for Wynndotto nrrivos nt 10:28 ca tho Michigan Central, and owhu to tho latouoss of tho hour it is loft nt the stiv tlon until nioruing. Wliou the two mnll sacks woro thrown from the train last night, Night Operator ltlch- ert throw tho pouches under a so.tt in , tho corner of tho waiting room. Ilo then went to his homo in Dotrolt. To day when Mail Carrier John McCleury came to tho station for tho mail sacks ho missed out,. About tho same tiiuo George Bossy, a driver of nn oil wagon, reported ht tho stntion that a pouch, ripped open aud empty, was behind an oil tank a short dlstauco from the sta tion. At about the sumo time two employes of tho J. B. Ford Alkali works found n number of chooks nud opened envelopes strewn nlong the rail road track. Postmaster Johnson, of Wyandotte, was uotillod and went at once to tho sceuo. Tlio trail of tho thief was marked nlong tho railroad trnok by strown letters, checks and Hmfta Mnaf nf (It. ... .11 ....... 1 ... force of clerks was sent out to colloct the letters strown nlong tho track. J. li. bora, Jr., said he expectod a draft today from Sow York foi $-10,000. ino urait mil not como, and it is bo liovcu that tho robber or robbers took it, with other valuable papers, from the pouch. GALE SWEPT COAST. Havoc Wrought by Storm In English Channel Many Wrecks Reported. London, Dec. 31. Thero has boon n recurrence of storms and violent gales in the channel, and considerable dam ago has been wrought nshoro. Tele graph lines are down in many places. Vessels aro seoking shelter iu tlio har bors, and n number of wrecks have been announced. The gnlo is so furi ous in the channel that tho Continental services wero suspended this evening. Wales is said to have suffered the worst effect of the gale, both on land and sea, but everywhere the telegraph wires are much disorganized, and ro ports are therefore incomplete. Con siderable damage to property iulund is certain to bo reported. Somo 50 barges and sailing oraft broke from their moorings iu tho Thames alone. At Oswestry a theater was destroyed. The hurricane is increasing nt Queenstown, where the observers say it is the fiercest storm in vears. Tho Maria, laden with coal, sank nt her anchorage. The mails are dolayed. In response to rockets from Kddv- stone light, Plymouth sent a dockyard tug with a lifeboat to assist what was reported to bo a large steamer in dis tress in the channel. Incessant reports of innumerable shipping casualties show that tlio gale was one of the worst known in many years. Probably sevoral days will elapse belore the full damage becomes known. In addition to some vessels not yet identfied, several have been wrecked or placed in great danger, the fate of some of the cross-channel steamers being in doubt. For instance, the Great West ern Railway Company's steamer, ply ing between Milford and Waterford, is 12 hours overdue, and no tidings of her nave been received. It would be impossible to enumerate nil tho minor casualties. BLOWN TO ATOMS. Dynamite Explosion Killed Six Men at a Rail, road Camp. Keyser, W. Va., Dec. 31. By n dy namite oxplosion ut llakor Camp, near Durben, Pocahontas county, on tho line of the Coal & Iron railway, now building out from Klkins, six men wero killed and several others fatally injurtd. The nccident happened yes terday while the men wero nt dinner. Somo dynamite had been placed about the stovo to thaw, nnd shortly after a terrific explosion wrecked tho camp, killed three men outright and iujured eight others, three of whom have sinco died. The threo mon woro blown to atoms, legs, arms aud hands and even parts of their bodies being found in different directions from the building in which they lived. Tho names are not obtainable tonight. Minister Buck Coming home. Atlanta, Ga., Doo. 81. A private telegram received here from Colonel A. E. Cuok, United States ministor to Japan, says he has sailed for San Fran oIbco en routo home. Stage Fell Over a Cliff. Ouray, Colo., Deo. 81, In n runa wny nccident about three miles above tho city tho lied Mountain stage was overturned nnd six passengers precipi tated over a cliff about 70 leet in height. Mrs. rt. S. Illokoy, a passen ger on tho coach, received serious and porhaps fatal injuries. The driver, John Pates, snstalnod a compound frac tnre of the right leg and many body lii.nlcoa Ofli.iw tinioiiiin.n ... . l "'"""i v..w .oo,uUia wuau mors , or less injured. KITCHENER'S TASK. Unable Yet to Drive llotrs Prom Cape Col. ony- Disturbed Area Growing. London, Deo 28. Tim pmiolty mid obsomlty of the dlsputuhos from Font" Afrlo.i givo vino to renewed niixluly. Apparently tlio disturbed men u( Capo Colony oxtonds further couth than It did last December, nnd I.unl Kite.li oner doos not appear to hnvo much success iih yet in driving back tbu In vaders, Thu war nlllco hnd received no nows last evening of Ihu reported capture ot yoomimry near ltrlstuwn. A llurghosdorp dispatch had a in.vs (orlons roftronco to an "unfortunate mistaking of tho enemy for llrnhunt's Horse, which resulted iu the sounding of 'ccubo firing' and enabled the Hocm to oouupv tho commanding positions, tho British retiring from a ill 111 on It predicament." General Clements' success acninst tho Boers iu tho Magalirs Berg region In nlso doubtful, tho Inst dispatch re porting that "it was conslderod advis able not to force the llovrii from their position." 'I ho British pros coiitinuos In tho iimin optimistic, but the condition of nffairti brings homo tho oiiormouri dilli cultles that will face Lord Kitchener iu patrolling nud policiug ituuh Iiii menso tracts of country, even when tho iloer.s shall bo filially subdued. The Daily .Mail, which umkex u strong npnenl to tho government to "faco tlio facts aud send Lord Kitchener niuro troops," says: "Thero Is a roul risk iu being lulled tu sleep by ciuofully consorod messages." Lord Kiteheuor, according to a dis patch from JuhaiinuMhurg, bus ismed n proclamation, dated Pietorla, Decem ber 20, announcing that burghers who voluntarily surrender will bo ullowoil to live with their families iu tho gov ommont langors until such timu as guerilla wnrlnro has sulllcU-utlv abated to admit of their returning iu safety to their homes. Thu proclamation also promises that nil property and stouk brought in nt tho timu of surrender will I'D respocted nnd paid for, if requi sitioned by tho military authorities. THE SCRANTON STRIKE. More Imported Men Induced to Change Their Minds and Join the Strikers. Scranton, Pa., Doc. 28. Fifty.threo more men recruited in Now York to take the placos of tho strikers on tho Scranton Itnilrond Company arrived tonight, but boforo tho train hnd como to a full stop tho strikers and their sympathizers tioardod the car, and by nsiug arguments nud exhortations In duced all but 18 of them to agrco to re turn to Now York. Tlioy aro being cured for at strilkcrs' headquarter, aud will l o furnished trausortiitian home. Thoro was no violence and no angry words, although not infrequently U.. t I .l.A , iiiu VUMJIJ.IUV n ituuinn nun iiiu niriHura missionaries would bo working on the . .. . .... . uiuii iiuiii uiu uuutin ui uvuriuvillIIK. same men nt tho sumo timo. n The company had only 12 mon loft A new wire cable in uito on thu forry to run tho cars today. Five oars were , connecting Kiger island with tho maiu run out, but 'ow passengers were car-1 1'""1 was stolen tho other day. Tho rled. wiro was a00 feet long. Thoro is no Tho company is fitting up an impro-1 clew to tho thiol, vised hotel in tho Lindoa street car1 Professor Morrill left Central Point barn for tho accommodation of the im- sovernl days ago without giving his ad ported men. Tho hotels refuio to ro ,iross. Ilo also loft somo lionnl bills ceivo thorn, and tho merchants refuse , unpaid, nud forgot to louvo tho church to furnish supplies. Three mon wero . and oruau kevs uf tho llnntlst ohnn-li. cuuxuu uii iiiu earn huh itiiornuon nun i i 1.1.1.. sent uwny by tho strikers. General .Manager bllllmuu says tlio company i will hnvo cars running on all the linen tomorrow. Wilcox's Big Mileage. Washington, Deo. 28. Itobert II. Wilcox, delegate in tho house of icpro seutativos fioin the Hawaiian islands, lias just been 'paid a claim of .$1,000 for mileage. It was'the largest claim of the kind over made, but it was paid promptly by tho 6crgoaut-atarms of the house. Every congressman is en titled to mileage ut the rate of 20 cents por mile, "by tho most direct nud practicable route from his homo to Washington and return," Tho dis tance between Honolulu nnd Washing ton is figured at 5,000 miles. Mr. Wilcox will druw $500 moro (or his roturn trip. Cashed Worthless Checks. Aberdeen, Wash., Deo. 28. L. D. Savago, stenographer in tho olllco of City Attorney J. O. Cross, yesterday swludled many business men by induc ing them to cash worthless chocks iu sums ranging from $15 to $40. Sav age made out tho checks payable to himself. Ho hud but littlo troublo iu getting them cashed. Pardons for Forto Rlcans. New York, Doo. 27. A dispatch to the Herald, from San Juan, Porto Itico, says: Governor Allon has cele brated the holiday season by extending executive clemoucy to 24 prisoners in Porto liicau juils. Ho has pardoned 17 murderers and homicides und soveu thieves. ' Arrested for Stage Robbery, Lttkevi'ew, Or., Deo. 28. Hob Oglesby, drivor of the Lakovlew-l'iils-ley stage, was arrosted tonight by Postmastor Wilcox for tho robbery of that stage Docomoor 21. Money that ho took from tho mail has been Identi fied. Andree's Brother Gives Up Hope. London, Deo. 28. Tho brother of Andreo, the missing 'aeronaut, says a dispatoh from Copenhagen to tho Daily Mail, dospairiug of his return from tho Arotio regions, lias ilnully opened his will. Another Chinese Envoy, London, Doo, 28. It is asuortod in Shanghai, according to n dlsparch to tho Times, that Cheng, Is going to Po kin, having boen appointed to assist In the negotiations, 08111 M HS Items of Interest From All Parts of the State. COMMERCIAL AND I'INANCIAL HAPPENINGS A Hrlef Review of the Growth and Improve mtnts of the Many Industries Through out Our Thriving Commonwealth. Condon is digging another olty well. Tho Salem tax levy for 1001 will bo 10 mills. Tho Oregon Agricultural College has 100 students. j Dallas will refund its dobt of $2,500 nt a 'owor rate of Intercut. Pendleton wotorooimuniors will havo to use meters after April 1. j Tho sheriff of Giant county has col- looted ovor $25,000 sineo July, i Several fariiiors of Goose l.uko valley are boring for artesian witter, i Thero aro now about 110 logging camps on Luke creek nnd Hluslnw. The treasurer of Luke county has re oolved n largo safu fur his otlicii. I Mark Wolf, of Porryilalo. klllod n Hllvor fox near that pluoo a tow days ago. I Emmet Kimlierlaud was fined $25 at ' Prairie City for having stuluu a quan tity of barley. Tho Garibaldi beach roadway is ro ported wnidiod out in pluccii, and filled , with driftwood. ' A petition is being nigued nuking for tlio construction of a now stucl bridge at Cottngo Grovo. I MoKinley Mitchell, of Gcrvnln, is shipping largo quantities of potatoes to tho Arizona market. A carload of tilo lin beon rooolvod at Croswoll from Salem for tho purpose of draining thu town. In lio rocent storm thu surf washed away Mr. MuMillen's house at thu mouth of thu Nehalem. Peter Potorcou, of Surprise valley, has purchnsod 2,300 head of young sheep from George Ehrhardt. 'crons who havo been hunting goosu in .Sherman county, say they II nil birds satrccf than over known. Jtunlncsi men of Pondlatau aro can vassing for a $5,000 fund with which to erect a Y. M. C. A. building. Thomas Martin and sons are figuring on building a creamery at Morrill next spring. Tho institution will begin businoss with milk of 25U cows. Two oolte, belonging to Churlos Hub orshou and Frank Kargl, of Condon, . . , . , ff '"i0" " "ir.1 ?.B 1,0,1 - Grunifo has refused to allow n liquor licenso to a dealor who persists in keep ing his saloon in tho street. Ilo claims the right, to remit In becauso ho was thoro boforo tho town was incoipo rated. A froightor who passed through An- telopo last week said tho road down Antalopo canyon wus getting to bo in good condition and that hereuftor teams which havo boen going by Cow canyon will go that way. Activo work is progressing in the Liborty mine at Itivertou, under the Buporvinlon of Superintendent Camp boll. Ten mon are at work, und it is expeoted that tho output will reach 5 tons n day in tho courso of u few wcoki. It is proposod to establish ono or two rural freo dolivery routes from I'cndlo ton. Tho ono most talked about is that leading up Wild Horso creek, northertstorly from Pendleton, thence across tho country to Fulton, thouco back to Pendleton. II. T. Anderson, whoso ranoh is sit uated four milos northwest of Morrill, Is building a rosorvolr n quarter of a milo in area. It will not only irrigate 400 aoros for hiuisolf, but will bo of sufficient capacity to contribute water to other laud in tho neighborhood. A fatal accldout occurred nt Glon dalo. A young colorod mm, fairly woll drosiod, who had boon in Hose burg a day or two, had managod to boat his way that far on tho overland. Doing put off thoro ho attomptod to got upon tho brakes of tho local. In the darknoss ho missed iiis hold and fell between tho whools of tho moving train. Ills right log was cut off nt tho thigh and tho left wus tprrllhly crushed nnd ninnBlod. Ilo wos plokod up nnd carod for by tho peoplo thoro, but llvod only an hour or two. Ho said thnt his namo was Lano Hopkins, and that his parents woro woalthy and lived upon ono of tho finest uvouuus in Low Ango- JOH. Tho'now ferry nt tho Livorpool cross ing of tho Long Torn will bo in opera tion this wook. Tho forryman is Mr. Drown, who rosidoB uoar the crossing. For running tho forry ho is to reooivo $2 por month. Tho boat used is that of J, M. Ilorron. It was iu uso last wintor nt tho Uundy crossing of the Long Tom, but is uo longor ueoded thero by reason of tho completion of tho drawbridge. For the uso ol tho boat n monthly rental of $5 is to bo paid. Tho oablo for tho forry was hired from Mr. Iliokard for a monthly fee of $1. ni?fiKR THnnilnn tlrnwnlntf nf rn.Ui.Mli.. ci i . . inner, iow, T)iivmiiinrf . Tu. V v... ,, ' ,"" '"' oi.. A ..., Illllf minor la mix 1 . n"iri ... .......... ,,,, uoru t hut 4d allium! i, llilniii ........ ., Hkiitlnu on thu river nm.r i .1 It U ImiuiHslble to ooi.llrn, tho ru, , I A traveler who arrived nt hovii . 1 .., IA ...IICM west of VmW, e",V.y I ....i. nnu w iiv.iium U NUCIl an nooil none. Say Report It True. Dns Moines, In,, 1W i who. in mi. phoiiu l i. - ..- -".nn iiiinnKin liy wuv ill Ilul,..,. nn, nun mumwn say tint repn f tin iiniwuimi in 4ii inn i..i.i- . -- ........ u li li iriin .. im... 1 11 - I.. .... n Miiiii, niiuiir in mm. In, 1.1. ........ 1 . v' "'"TBI nuiii nniitiiiK oil It IKIIII I lll'ilr ,1... urotinds nud tho iiooldent orourri, uhutit II o'clock In tho evening Wr iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii wnii wiuit t hoor uut bo obtained at present. an j , N Particulars Ohltlnahlc. ni.i........ i . imuuru irom uim .Monies, In ,MV, At 2 o'oluck this nioruing i(.in,iiii tuition was moiiVod with tin. mj,ir , nlllcu In OskulixiiHi over the tolohlmiu. nnd It wus Htittod there that iiiiorum' lion had noun received fruin mi,,,,,.. rtiiillriiiliig thu rumor that 111 ini,i... had been dinA'iiod Iu What i hecr tui tate. ' I it wiih stutod Hint tho chillis (,, uetin hkiiiiiiu on a jwnil near tlio U groundM, Thnre were only a tow,., capon, inn inigeiiy occurred ulmtit! j'uluok in ho evening. Iioyuml till no iiariiotiuirH worn known in On I 11 I. ..L .I. iiHis'i, inn uiieur cannot now bti rcauiiuu ny wire. Through the ollho of cuiiipauy at liidlauoln it from the Oskalnosit ulllce .uiiiwii ulllcu had 'learned nior of thu ilrowiiliig of a teiopliomJ win hurneii that the UN Unit the rii-l I'J chihlrci.9 was true, tallied. No partlculnrH could boob DAMAGES FOR LYNCHING. After a Long Suit a Womin Gels $4,000 for th Kllllifg ol Iter lluihand. Chicago, Dec. 81. Mrs l.iiin 0. Jeunlngi, now nf Chicago. l)t JU,J been iiwunled $1,000 for tliu lyiicblng of her husband In Illpley comity, I ml , three cm ago. Tho money will U paid ot er by the eight buiuismeti ol uX'Sherlff Henry Itunhlng, ami is the riwult of it private Mtttlemuut ol tin Indemnity suit Instituted lv tlio wid ow threo months after thu murder This puts un cud to a rum tliiU Iiiu aiounod attention nil over the United rjtutoM. William Jenkins was one o die men lynched In September, 1807. for ul- logeil complicity iu the ttrnllng ol a horse from Lilo Levi, of Ocgooil, In diana. I.ofi a I to wits a victim of the muli. The men killed ner Unhurt Andiowa, llelnu Schutcr, William .lunkitiH, Clifford Gordon, n 1 7-rar old boy, and lilulo I,evl, an nged soldier. Them wiih h light iu which slioU wen fired at a deputy sheriff. Jenkins, with thu otherc, was arrett ed und taken to jail nt Versailles, Ind. Mr. Jenkins, susitcotltig thnt mob violence was brewing, walked from Osgood to Vernal Hot at night nnd paeeil the r-truots till dawn, armed with a revolver. For rovoral hours slit waited under tho window of her hui' baud's cell, ready to challenge any who enmo to do him harm. Her fears be lug finally allayed, Mrs. Jonklus started far homo. No snouer was tha out of sight than it mob gathered. Drugging out thu five men, tho inoh killed them iu succession by beating them ovor the head with n iuukot stock Mrs. Jenkins was compelled to lice to save her own life, coming to Clil cago. Hero she brought suit for $5,0011 dnuiages against Sheriff llushtug't hoiKismen before Judgo linker in tlx United Statos circuit court. Tho salt dragged along lor threo years sud finally tho bondsmen decided to sottlu outside ol court. Mrs. Jenkins, when compelled sev eral mouths ago to go to Itlploy county to attend the tiial of thu case, was pro tected by a body guard of govornmoDl deto-tlvos. Sho, will go to Versailles next week to got the $4,000. f'ound An American Diamond Mine. Alamo Gordo, Deo. 31. A promi nent railway official bore today re ceived n box of 50 gems closely roeom bllug nud nllegcd to bo diamonds found near Cupltan, tho coal camp on thu lino of thu HI Paso & Northeastern railway company, 80 milos north ol this place. The stones were (omul by J. J. Plow, fnrmorly associated with tho Do Doers Consoli'datod company nt Kimberly, South Africa, who has boeu sociotly investigating tho field for tlis past month, and a lottor from minne1; compulsing tho shlpinout statos that they aro olthor diamouds or Houieiiuui; so oloeoiv resuniuiuig in gem thev dooolvo him. Thoy will success fully stand every crudo tost known. Tho gonis will be sout away for unm analysis. Mother and Children Perished. Urookvlllo, Pn Deo, 81. Fire to- today dostroyod tho residence ol Mrs. Ilnrrluor. and tho mother nnu " dnughtors, ngod D nnd 7, perished. Burned to Death. Doo. 81. Ono Chicago, Doo. 81. ono womu , Mrs. Mary Kennedy, was unrnou i dentil and two others and a child wero seriously iujurod In n firo of mystf ions origin at 224 West Monroe rtifrt. Tho injurod are: Mrs. Mary Min, faco und body badly burnod, inir Mrs. Loulso Hauuon, overcome by smoke, will rooovor; - 7-months old child of Mrf. Ilonaov Dvercouio by suioko. Kennedy, VI