MIA NUGGET. rJWdWARD - - EDITOR. 4. - 3fflE fr' 'l.ftl ' ' s JwwVw " " ,W f nwWMLCIHii mall mnUer. Kuttriptlon Jirlue, I.no, In nuvnnce. Aivemlng raUi mn' known upon application! Friday, January 4, 1901. SIJDJl TALK. is Some people have queer ideas of methods to be employed in the matter of reforming those who have ' wandered from the straight and narrow path. Many great and good men and women, who are ap' prehensile that the world crowing wiser and more wicked would no doubt be highly indig naut were one to say that they do not extend a helping hand to those who have fallen into the whirl-pool of vice and dissipation. But how many of these so-called phil anthropists save even one poor tin fortunate and bring htm back to the brighter and purer life? The trouble with the most of us, we are too proud and have too great a regard for what some very good friend whose grace we wish to court, and who in reality is too purse-proud and bigoted to de serve the association of God's children, will be offended if we reach down and give a helping hand to the boy who, mayhap, has been "wild" for a time, or if we should dare to throw some goodly influence within reach of the way ward women. You will never save a boy from the influence of evil associates by calling him a "tough" and declin ing to associate with him. If you really want to save him or help him to do better, go to him he won't hurt you. You needn't be afraid of his influence, and if yours is of the sincere, conscientious kind you will do him at least some good and may be the means of checking his mad flight down the path of dis sipation and vice and restore him to the realms of the pure teacher. The mother will never bring back the wayward girl by pushing her into the street and slamming the door; the friend of the young girl who has escaped the sting of criticism and whose discreetness has perhaps saved her from the foul monster slander, will never bring the poor broken-down spirit of her girl friend back into the pure life by imparting to her the generous (?) information that if she will re forni'and repent and stay glued to the anxious seat a year or two she may condescend to take her out to prayer meeting with her some evening. If she wants to help her friend whom fate has treated less kindly than she, she should bring about that reform through her own in strum'eiitality by going to and being with, and casting the sunlight of love and purity within reach of the heart, that in the majority of cases, so yearns for, yet knows not how to possess, a better, grander and nobler life. You will never save a misguided boy or girl from the influences of vice, by disdainfully telling them of their sins, and barring them from the society of those who are their betters. Rather let them in. Give them an idea of that which is better, and the battle for good is half fought a soul is all but saved. If your life is so much better than theirs dpn't be afraid to let these poor, broken hearts who so hunger at times for a kind word a look of sympathy a hearty hand shake, have a glimpse of that which is beautiful. Practicing that which you preach don t expect anyone to buy your stores until you show them. Some skeptical wretch might doubt that you have anything worth buying. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. New York Spectator To those familiar with the facts in the case, no surprise was occa sioned by the application made last Friday in Indianapolis for the ap pointment of a receiver for the Order oi Chosen Friends. This order is one of a number of similar concerns which have been hanging on the ragged edge of insolvency for some years past. They were started on a basis unsound in theory, and, when once in difficulties, found the very arguments they used to attract members in the begin- ning turned against mem. ine Order of Chosen Friends began business in 1S79, and for some of. Notici! ov Application ok II. 8. Kkkii FOU PATKNT KOU TIIK UlDDKX TltHAHlltK Conbouiutku Qua xts Claim. One of the numerous candidates for president of Ecuador, has with drawn from the coming presidential race. No one has yet intimated that bis name is Bryan. Wouldn't freeze you? this kind of weather years core every appearance prosperity, its membership nt one time amounting to nearly 40,000 During the last 10 years, however, the' young and healthy members heve been descrttug it in large numbers, owing to the rapidly in creasing death rate among ine older members, until at the close of iSqo the certificates in force numbered but 20.707. and an ad ditioual number have withdraw during the present year. In 1899 the order reported receipts from mortuary assessments of $780,365 and it paid in claims during that year $722,122, while its total dis bursements exceeded the total in come by $64 At the close of the year the net cash assets in hand after deducting all reported lia bilities, amounted to but $21,285 The new members admitted last year numoered 1500, wlnle 22bo certificates terminated by lapse, and 435 by death, showing a death rate pf 21.5 per thousand certificates exposed, the average death cost per $1000 of insurance for the year being S25.46 Quite a number of fraternal orders are in an equally precarious condition, with as little possibility of avoiding the fate which has befallen this Indhnapolis order. Their difficulties increase with the passing years, yet they continue to accept new members, apparently with the hope that something will happen to arrest the inexorable progress of old mortality. This class of orders should be honest enough with their members to notify them that they cannot go on as at present con ducted, and either increase their rates to a point where every death loss will be absolutely provided for, or go out of business atoncoaud, thus avoid more serious troubles than those now confronting them Those orders which have not yet felt the pinch of a heavy death rate should take warning by the ex perience of their less fortunate com petitors and so arrange their plans as to offer every reasonable assur ance of absolute security. Is the "fraternal insurance" to become as offensive, as indicative of broken promises and failure, as "assess ment ot co-operative insurance, now out of date? The nineteenth century may truly be called a pace-maker for the civi lized world. From its dawn every civilized country seemed to become suddenly alive with the spirit of progress, and as the years flew by and the gallant youth reached higl noon and drifted into dottaee the dim eyes were gladdened with the vision of magnificent conquest. Thevgreatest inventions have been perfected in the life of the nine teenth century, the greatest wars have been fought with the mightest and best equipped armies in the history of the world. Art in all its various branc'ies has added a luster, the science of government has been advanced and freedom has been extended to every law, and the masses of the people are broadened and brightened and made better. The nineteenth century now past and gone, has paved the way for results in the various sciences and along educational lines in the twentieth century which now seems beyond conception. A great century has passed into historic keep giving way .only for the dawu of a greater one. Hcforo tlm United StnUs Laud Ollloo at Kosulntru, Oregon, November ltttli, IUU0. Notice is lierubvulven llirtt U.S. !eed whose I'uHiutHce mhlroes laUrimtn Van, Ori'uon, bus lnntio lunillciillon for it United Stutos mi ton l for tlio Hidden TreiiHiiro Consolidated . (tmitr. claim, mineral survey No kV, Hltmitod in tbe Itnlioinlti Mining District, Iauw and Douglas Counties, Slate of Oregon, lyiiijr in sections 7 and 18, townsbip 28 south, 111 Hire 2 oust, and section l'J ot township -M hoiiiii, rane one east, ami uoiitfixunn of the Hidden Tfvusnro minim.' claim, tho Holy Terror Jtiinlni; ulitiiii, the Olyilo mining claim, "he. Mary 1 inliilnnelalin, tlitt Lato .einijitfon inlnini; claim and the lsiai'Kiiird mining claim anil moie particularly ilof-c.ribod as follows: HOLY TJMIKOK LOOK. ItcuiiinliiL at corner No 1. a nine imat 5 fool long, (5 inches siiiuuo, cutl! feet hi tile ground with inniimi or Htimo nlotitf niilo tho original post scribed 1-12-1-1-105; whence tho Mintlirtesteorii.erof ecc tion 7. townshin'J.'l. south of rniiuoliuast. hoara south U degrees oast, lOOA feet ; tho IT. I L. Xfl -I t ' . uuiiv-u oimi's .u menu .iiiMinmt'lH, established in Mlrvoy No. 229, for "llo huinia Mine" bears south 7 degrees lfi minutes west, 2523 feet; and running thence North -10 degrees 83 minutes oast) to corner No. 2, 411 feet. Tnenee South 70 degrees 48 minutes east, 140.'! teet to corner m:. s. Thence South 40 degrees !55 minutes west, 111 feet, to eornur No. 4. Thence North 70 degiees 48 minutes west, 1403 feet to corner No. 1 and the nlucuoi of beginning CLYDK LODK. Beginning at corner No. 1, a nost. 4 feet long, 4 inehea square, driven a few inches to lieu-rock and Surrounded by a mound of rock, scribed t-t 103, whence southwest corner of section 7. township 2r! south, mime 2 east, bears south 42 degrees 63 minutes ouMr GIIS feet and whence Mineral Monument of survey No. 220 bears south 1 degree west, ivio leet, and running tlieuce North 74degrees 40 minutes west. 1300 feet to corner So. 2. Thence North 27 degrees 40 minutes east. 307 feet to corner No. 3. , Thencti feouth 1 1 degrees 4!) minutes east. 1600 feet to corner No. 4. Thence South 27 deurees 40 minutes vit 697 feet to corner Xo. 1 and placo of be ginning. MAUY F. l.OUi:. Beginning at corner No. 1. identical with corner No. 1 IIoi.v Tkuuoii Lodo of this survey and the S. K. corner of the location, whence the-youthwest corner of section i, township 23 south, range 2 east, bears Kit degiees east, 10X13 feet mill whence the .Mineral .Monument estab lished in survey No. 229 bears south 7 degrees 15 minutes west, 2323 feet; ami running iiienee .North 4 degrees 40 minutes west. 1500 feet to comer No. 2. Thencu North -10 degrees 35 minutes easts 411 leet to corner No 3. Thence South 74 degrees 4!) minute east .1500 feet to corner No. 3 meiitica with corner No. 2, HoLVTEitiiouLotleofthissurvev. Thence South 40 decrees 33 minutes west. 41 1 feci to conn rNo. 1 and iilnceof beginning LATK ACQUISITION LODL. Beginning at corner No 1 on line 2-3- Ci.yijk Look of this sui vey, a II r pout 4 feet long, 4 inches square, set 18 inches in the ground, scrilied 1H03, whence Hie southwest corner of section 7. townshin 23, south of range 2 east, bears south 57 itegrees 1U minutes east, 2070 feet and whence Mineral Monument, established in survey No. 229 bears south 25 deurees 50 minutes east, 2924 feet and tunning tnenee , Noith 00 degrees feet to corner North 32 degrees east, 680 feet to cor ner 2o. .(. 1 hence South 00 degrees 4 minutes east. 450 l . ... X t .111 icL-fc iu Luinur aii. t. ineuce. South 32 degrees west. 680 feet to cor ner 2o. 1 ami place ot beginning. BLACK1UKI) LODK. Beginning at corner Xo. 1. identical with S. AV. corner of this location, a nost 4 feet long, 4 inches square, set 18 inches in tho ground scribed 1-405, whence the southwest corner of section 7, township 23 south of rauge-2 east, bears north 88 degrees 34 minutes west, 404 feet anil ...1 il l! I . . wneiiL'u uiu .iiuierai .Monument estab lished in survey No. 2J9. bears south 43 degrees,3o minutes west, 2019 feet and running thence North 27 degrees 40 minutes east, 503 feet to corner No. 2. Thence South 46 ileurees 45 minutes cast. 1327 feet to coiner No. 3. Thenca booth 27 degrees 40 minutes west. 503 feet to corner No, 4. Thence. North 40degrees 45 minutes west. 1327 teet to corner ro. 1 ami placo of begin ning. lllDUIiN TKHASURH LODK. Beginning nt corner No. 1. identical with corner No. 1, Ui.vde Look of this urvey. whence the southwest corner of section 7, township 23, south of range 2 east., nears soum ciegrees o.i minutes east, 038 feet and whence tho Mineral Monument, established in survey No. 229 hears south 1 degree weet. 1975 feet and running thence worth 27 degrees 40 minutes east. 597 feet to corner No 2. Thence- South 70 degrees -o minutes east. 1403 . .. 'l mi. luut w curncr xuj. o. .iiieuco South 27 degrees 40 minutes west. 597 feet to corner Xo. 4. Thenco ' North 05 degrees 38 minutes west. 021 feet to corner No. 5. Thence North 74 decrees 30 minutes ivoHt.8-111 icetio corner o. l anil place ol begin i m:. Tne notices of location of the forotrolntf . I -. t ii . , " . v qiiuriK iouu umiius nrc, ot recoru as lol- lows. Tho Hidden TnnAsuitn is of record In Volumo 7, page 20, Kecords of Mining Claims, in tho oflico of the Countv Clerk for Douglas county. Oregon, nnd'ln tlm ollice of thu County Clerk of Lane county, Oregon, in Book 5 of Mining ijE Hour J. Kftitou is of record in tlm flico of tho Countv Clerk of Don county, Oregon, in Volume 0 of Mining Records, nago 315 and in the oflico of the County Clerk of Lane county, Oregon, in Book 4 of Mining Kecords, page 430. Tho Clyde is of record in the nfn on nf the County Clerk of Lano countv. On. pou, in Book 4 of Mining Records, page i 43 1 i Tlio Mary F. is 61 record in tho oflke ! sMMtriirseNninif m-1 Lurch's i 1 A Great Reduction Lurch's 1 V w w m as -IN- Ladies, Misses and Childrcns Jackets and Capes, Call 6aHy for Bargains. I Lurch's Lurch's of the Countv Clerk of bine county, Oic gon, in Hook 1 of Mining lleoords, page The Latk Acni'isrrios Is of record In the ollice of the County Cleik of Lane countv, Oicgon, in Hook No. 6 of .Min ing ltecords, page 1118. Tins llLAOKiinti) Is of record in the ollice of the County Clerk of Douglas county, Oregon, in Volume ( of Mining Records page 310. The presumed general conrce or di rection of the said Unimex Tiii:asimik Cossuud.vtkii Qcak eluliii, together with the surface ground is shown upon tlii.iilnt iwinlml herewith. Neighboring or adjoining claims are the Helena. Mineral Survey No.3U0, uinl the White Wings on the north and the iniiiiu, Mineral Survey M. .Hi ami lie lenry, Mineral Survey No. 371 on the list. Anv mid nil nersonselaliiilngiidverselv the mining ground, vein, lode, iiremiros, or anv portion thereof so deicrilied, sur veyed, platted and applied lor are iieie- Iiv ihiiIHimI that nil ens their llllVCI'HC claims are duly tiled us according to law and the regulations tliereund r, within the time prescrihoi ny law wim ine ReifiHter of the United Stales Lund Olllco at Roseburg, Oregon in thu County of Douglas, Stale of Oregon, they will be barred in virtue of the provisions! caiil statute. J. T.lllIIIKlKS, KKdlSTISIt. J Date of first publication, Nov. 23, HMO. Tho Graded Herman Method of piano j music taught by Mrs. L. D. Reck nt the CI tniinse is winning new pupils for! her class constantly The Latest Styles MILLINERS AT Miss Louiss Ncwland's. To The PUBLIC ! Arc You Wanting a Heating Stove or a Cook ? COMIv IN AND SKK US- . Wc nrc Selling our Heaters nt n Ten Per Cent DISCOUNT nnd Hiving n Good liljj Discount on Cook Stoves. Al& have a Hi Stock of HAKDWARIi, TINWARE, 1'AHN I.MI'LH.MIiNTS, lite, to select from. Conic in ami See Whut ll'c Have fur Hate. Respectfully, WJ-OiJJiLEH & SCOTT, I Central MAHLAND larket I it CO, Proprietors. All kinds of dress and street liats for Ladies, Misses and children, j Sc.hleef liuilding. i COTTAC.K GROVK, Or. Take tlm hohvmia .V'f . m i; legrees 4 minutes west, -150 No. 2. Thence. COP," The Jeweler Wat rite, delay, haias, JSinblem , Kinblem Buttonx, Caff nation. Cha vi nit. Lvcliet, JCtc. Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing COP," The Jeweler PftvIiUon'K Old Htmiil. i M m DHALKRS IN .'Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, 33a con, Xjarcl, Sausage, jTisli and G-arne in season At THK LOWEST PXIIC35S. MAIN STRISKT, COTTAGE GROVJJ, ORKGON. ZSULSSJLSLSisD Cbe Chicago typewriter FOR CHRISTMAScsfc- Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS, DKALKKS IN Groceries, Flour and Feed. All kinds of Produce bought at the highest market values. Call and get acquainted with us. We shall be pleased at all times to quote you prices upon all lines handled by us, whether you buy or not. Our Stock is New, Neat and Clean, and having had years of experience in business, we assure you the very best goods the market affords, aiid the lowest possible prices Remember the place: Phillips' old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore. The CHICAGO TYPEWRITER with a complete course of the Gregg system of Shorthand taught by mail for $40. This will enable you to own your own type writer and become nn expert stenographer by utilizing a little spat e time each day. The CHICAGO was awarded the Gold Medal at the Paris Exposition, is a visible writer, has standard keyboard, and is the most speedy, simple and durable of all Typewriters, mid turns out the most attractive work. E. L. KING. General Agent for Oregon, Albany, Ore. Price $35.00 GLASS BROS. PROPRIETORS OF. Cottage Grove Planing Mill! We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Brackets, Mouldings, Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and Window frames, Screen Doors, Windows, Pickets, etc. Woodwork of all kinds made and repaired. We will also work Floor ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, ot size Studding, etc. PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NEAR S. P. DEPOT! Bon Ton MEAT MARKET I Main Street Cottage Grove, Oregon. . $ SUPPLY HOUSE FOR COTTAGE GROVE AND g BOHEMIA, Send Your Orders by Telephone. GAIlOm & YEA1CII, Pkopkiktoks. j? The Nugget office carries a full line of legal blanks nnd visiting cards. 3 X