Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 04, 1901, Image 3

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    wag uk km
o ivsnw the
r In
, itiontai ounumon
iviraooablo ioaomo i
fnmnln III. I
.i innuui tin n't nnun
f WWW"""---
iioff " aompara-
i.i fnwi nnrtmri imiinn
wm . Am -- .a
. .i rs r mmmmm a'mmmamm. mmmm ijmw
,y vo rnom away.
. t Pinkham'l VtgtUbJt Compound
en It 18 tno aaranuaru
!fl"" v -
fvl7 V UifflU'OI
m tw mm a' Mm,w mm m a mmm amzm
drnanir.n tsonaation
Hho hnoUacha no, tho
os will 00 also-
had llto toilers from
nan appearing in mis
n i
' hi
r wotnon who havo
' It and know. Thoro
In i
W million auoh woman.
ij Report Upon Hie Properly ol the
Plintitlon and Inveitmenl Co.
iX report of thu coiiiinltU-o o( html' 1
men ictit to .moxioii in iiivoniik'Hto
property u( tho C1iIuhim Huhlmr
uiloii nnd Invi'dtiiifiit CoiniKiny !
tit Lt'n Hindu pnlillo. Thu doau
linn HittTcntliiK ono nnd clron
bl data coiicunillik' thu unturrirlou
eleil liy thu coiiiiM.ny imniixl.
,pro)rty of tho co,nniny critmintii
pUntntlon ol 21,000 MOrun of thu
t rubUir I ft nd of Mexico, ujkdi
b over 700,000 vlorotiH yoitni;
r tret uuw tlirlvo. On tho jilim-
o tlto ro iitimcrom innhoKiiny ,
, lomo ol which uru of piodlclouii
tb, tliui dumoniitrutlnh' tho rich-
A tho Mil. Tho propurty in lo
I la the department of rulonquo,
o( C'liUpnn, and it In nnquontiou ,
irftptod to tlin produotloni ol rub
ad tliu growth of hardwood timber ,
i of groat variety.
tcommittt'o of Invontlpntloii con
ol Jmliio Lucion filmw, rout
er 0. W. MnuUby, Jtov.. L. M.
ley, of ItodlitndM, Cnl.; K. A. Gir
mi C. A. Woteiibpr. Thoy
A) property during tho enrrunt
mil ill thoir report thu informn-
IiYoaclnuifeil Hint tliu rubber tree
Jm-t wrlety known ns tho Cimtlllou
tic U ludiueuoiu to the country
e-ptclnlly to tho Inndi lying along
iter Mlchol, on which tho prop-
oltlio company hm a wido front-
Uiulor ono of thojo trees 1,-107
I rubber plnuts wuro counted, all
which lind oproutod from tho Heed
bad In I Ion from tho trco dnrlng
fteent yoitr. lho trcos bloom
lr fifth year, nnd may bo snfoly
i thn year following., Nurnerluii
Men e.tnbllnhed lor tno propn-
a of rubber trees, mid all nro
id;. A lnrgo forco ol mon uro
veil in building roads, planting
snd developing tho property.
WDg Director J. V. Kllsworth is
in tho property, nnd his careful
lion to tho odulrs ot tho company
received tho warmest commeudn-
tl the directorate. Tho commit too
nccs tho proposition of tho Chi-
Ilubber i'latitntion and hwest-
I Company to produno rubber for
oultlvutiug tho trees in largo
era us a fonalblo and pnictlcablo
rife. Tho only trouble thus fur
entered has bqon tho Hcnrclty of
but plans for ovorconiing this
Uen iwrfectod. It offers oxcol-
kturns for tho investment of small
I, and an investmont of $2.50 a
b for forty-oight mouths will in-
fino iiununl iucomo nftor six
Tho company has n gunrauteo
deposit of $100,000 with tho
ricau Dank and Trust company, of
Francisco, uh nn ovidouoo of good
with investors.
o ollicois of tho comnnny nro: L.
Boncatoll, president; L. 8. Shor-
first vlco-nresidont; Qeorgo T.
'4'ey, second vlco-prosidont; Dudloy
'... . . . . ........ ...
w, Focrotnry, ino oiucos oi mo
Pany nro rooms Oy-01-05, Crocker
Iok, Ban Franoisco. Sond for
Not Vacillating.
Simpson is a trillo obstiunto, isn't
Ibstlnato? Ho wouldn't cot out of
Way i ho ,nnt ft cast-iron snfo
Stops tho Dough and
Wonke Off tho Oold.
iffllvo ilro'iio-QuinltiH Tnblots ouro
'1 n Olin ilnv. No nnrn. Nn Par.
25 conts.
Should Bt Fed on Oleomargarine.
Nould bo n propor puuishmout, if
,'uiiio, to feed tho concrossmon
NppoHo the hill to tux oloonmrgnr-
procoss hnttor on thoso pro
nS (ni t....i.ii. i i
'IrOlj li, ,....
vn UUblUl,
tzk. i -' -V- or drureuu. VH
whj.,n , ..,.;. h,u,h .,,7;;:
1,11,1 1 IIHI I lo lii! very cm.rni
'"'. !,, (ow , river, Yhive
Kurd )uh.(,, ,K,. ,,, ' n
' ' f,..ry0 2
I """ " I'lllMluilOM"
i ...iiiiin,, null inn, ,,, ,..,. ,. .
" ' "J' iiiiiu.mimi (iiii,,tiii,.s of
v'!""'1':. A" "l" Wli i ionu by
. " " u'"" "ivorm- Hindi
"''ijlMH f Hl,M,p ,! iHittormllli
'l' """ -Hittcriiillkl What a
iii'iidciiMiH loiiil.liiMlloiil' cxrlulmod
('in- of tin- paiiy. KhiiddcrliiK,
' "'M H VVIlllt I IhoilKht
rni." mii ni i (fiiilcinii,,
IliySt'lf at
from down
mi' rive-r. !(. MTimil
Ilk" Hiiddi.i,
iii-nili. Inn li imi'i.
On 1 1n- finiirory, tltu
?"7 I'lTdOlllllflllloi, of
' K'Hlih. i nuvcr kiiw hiii-Ii rony clicfkH.
I'llUhl ,ni,l (Mmpl,,,! n.lMi W)y
tb' piirldiiK-rooin Ik a tccnlm- howor of
'""my! And th..y .Mil a kiwii di-al, loo!
A iimirt of nlirliiip and liair a kiiIIoi, or
I iit i 1 1 lc In roimldi.rcd a nmro miai;k.
"Hill that w.imu'i tin. only tlilnK that
"'H...I, my fa th In dieting rnli-H." ti,u
pl.inicr worn on. -Tlii. Iiix'rmcii down
iImti. ii ro tin. i.nrdlcut ft.own In thi
"ild. Thi-y Iiiivc iiiiincIi'k III;.' snarled
"iik. and they don't Itnow tin iiiiIiik
-r ".rkni-m or failxni'. I)uilii tho Hi a--on
thoy Kt'iicrally worlc unlit lato at
oIkIH; then ti.oy come In and cat a trt
mi'iidoiiM Mip-icr nnd ro illrcclly to bed.
Tho Hiippcr imiiimIkIn of fat bacon, fried;
.Id enriilireriil xiippi'd In the Kreni-e.
and bbiik Jack Miulmee-. Tliey seldom
i-at HhIi or oyKierH. beniiiHe they Rot
tired of ilfem. To top off with, each
mnii ilrlnkn from two to four hlj? Ill,
eiipn of corfi-e. Htroni; eoiij;h to limit
eaiinoii Imllx. Then they lie down and
flfi-p tin ulieji of hippy, peaceful In
fniilH. In the mornliiK they K-t up and
devour more fat baron."
"(iood Lord!" Hitld n nnllow mall, nt
tho oiir nlde of tho table.
"Thal'M prejudice tnlkliiK," rotorlod
the pbu,t(.r; "tluwe excellent peoplo
Iihvp illm-ovi-red the m-cret of Ioiir life,
which In to eat what yon pleane. Ir-'
iiore dynpeiiK'H nnd It grovels before
yoti. Wa'ler. plence bring me roiiio
pickled pIx'K feet ami Hir.i wjicrry Ice
cremi." OrliuiiK TlmoK-Deino-crnt.
Telegraph pole inn be enjilly prct-twl
with a new nmchliic. which ban a crank
uliri ft net on the top of a long MiIk. to
rotate a Kcrcw-thrcmlcd Klcevc, which
proJcclH a rod out of tho Mec've to nilso
the pole Into n vertical portion.
A Now York woman Iiiih do.tlgncil a
J fiiKtener for vcllx, comprlHlng n doublo-
cndisl wire loop, with prongs at tho
, cciitcr to attach It to tho hut or hair,
Kfifcty-plim IM-Ing provided with hooks
to i-ngnge the loop after the plus are
Inserted In the veil.
iV Texan ha patented n folding IkhI
whMl u Huspcndel from the celling
by four pulleys, the ropes running to a
central shaft, which Is turned by poll
ing a rope wound nn a wheel carried by
the shaft, thus drawing the la-d tip to
the celling and holding it out of tho
A Uhodo Island woman has patented
n neat skirt lifter, having pins arranged
In the under side of the skirt, with
loops on the pins, to which arc attached
strips of tape, threaded back and forth
from the loops to tho wnlstbnnd, so
that a pull on the ends of the strips
gathers up tho skirt.
To prevent wagons from twisting tho
wheclH and breaking them In car tracks
n now iittnchment Is formed of a curved
bar, lying close to the rim of the wheel,
with tiie upper end held by a shaft, to
bo depressed by the foot nnd throw
tho bar down into the track to allow
Hie wheel to turn out.
I.lfe-snvlug apparatus which will not
interfere with the wearer's arms or
legs when invlinmlug has been patented
by a Callforulan. Two elongated air
tight cones nro strapped to the person's
lmck, with tho small ends of the cones
toward tho head, to support the body la
a nearly horizontal position.
ltevlvlng MInnIsmIppI Trade.
It Is not Improbable that tho lino ot
8KMon steel barges which Is to ply be
tween St. Louis and Now Orleans, car
rying grain nt li cents per bushel, mny
provo formidable- rivals to tho rail
roads, which lmvo so crippled tho onco
enormous slcanibunt tintllc of tho Mis
sissippi. These barges, which draw
when loaded, only fifteen Inches, will,
moreover, probably bo the precursors
of light, strong, safe, swift stenmers,
which movlug at tho rato of an averago
p-assongcr train, will revive somo of tho
ancient glories of stcamboatlng on tho
father of waters.
I'npor UnllbriiiN.
Uniforms miulo entirely of paper are
worn by some of tho Jupnueso soldiers,
nnd they nro said to bo as durable as If
made from cotton ratines. Miiey nro
so cheap that It Is not considered worth
whllo to niond them, and they uro
thrown away when only slightly worn
or soiled.
High ,1'rlocn for Ilooi- Holies.
Merchants In London aro still selling
Itoor relics ami, however littlo their In
trlnrfu value- may bo. they brlug high
What has becomo of the old-fashioned
woman who was always alarmed bp
cuuso of tho fenr that tho cat would
suck her baby's breath?
There Is ono sentence In tho niblo
which seems to pleaso tho Good more)
than other. It Is this: "Tho way of
the transgressor Is hard."
Dssmfy Appetite
Knslly fiitlcllril.nfoflli
f .it. .
mi-ill. ." uctweei
or en
iiiiuIi. " u' ,"'',n-'''. .'
IIIL'. vim. I
l ilm Ktotiinc
...i 'i0'1"1" ''ni'imt l)o cured
except tiy
fl .ifi niJ V,"r,"1"1 '. '' Hi" Ho iwcll,
JviltVllI 'Vl ?l i" 41,8 Wl"10 "llVB
?onM ;i.'.l e '"""''bltl tlllU doe thlHfllO-
mill" of roiiiiiloitlv ruri-il maea. u
mm ' -
Hood's l-l
1 ClirllVr lll.l llin'..i.lrrl,u,(7.'.;.';n
cmiiirllo to Uko with iiomt',, Hr.i.pilll.
Cooi lay Duller,
Coos liny, Oregon, croamcry,
about 2C0 pounds of butter a
Waihlnston Undi Come HhpS
John HhnfTo
rs ranch noar Odessa, i
i.incoin county, VVhSb., sold recently
iur TI,.JUU,
Good lionet Hard lo Plnd.
Horse buyers throughout Washing
Ion report dllllculty in finding good
unlnmlsof 1,000 broken to harness.
rot; know what vim;
When you tnko CJrovo's Tastolees Chill
Tonlo because tho formula is plainly
printed on every Ix-ttlo showing that it
in simply Iron and Qulnino iu n taste
less form. No Curo, No Pay. COc.
Got Ahead ol 'Em.
"I'vo got tho best of tho ould rail
way company tor once iu mv loifo."
"How is that, Tat?"
"I'vo not n return ticket to Loudon
and" (in u whisper) "I aiu't coming
Thn lil mi I t.Hxntlvi-.
No moro undent olmn anil lilack
draiiiiiiu, but uki,i-ilHt.-, noleiitlrle, Imnntt-M,
i.lninM(-, I'Oteiit Cn.tureti Candy Cathartic.
bruKKiiu, 10c. ale, We.
Montana Insurance Butlnen.
Borne way orothci s living is mndo
by 1087 flto and life insurance agents
in Montana, representing 1121 compa
nies. Razors of Glass.
A glanmnaker is experimentally flak
ing thick glass to seu if a very keen
odgo cannot bo produced that will
nuswor for all purposes for which a
razor is uecd, bis action being suggest
ed, presumably, by th fact that in tho
far Kat bits of broken glues uro used
for vhnvlng with.
Delicate Irony.
"Gracious, little boy I yon'ro not go
ing to kill tho dear little birds aro
ou?" ,
"No, doar lady; I'm merely goin
ter flro off soveral snlutes in dere honor.
Dat's ulll"
Gold Output for 1900.
Oregon's gold output for 1900 will
reach over $3,000,000.
Public Instruction In Oregon.
The department of public instruction
for Oregon was organized in 1873, and
since then the state 1ms spent $22,000,
000 in publio school work.
(lAUFIKT.I) TEA Is the original
herb tea (or the rure of con
itlpttlon nnd sick headache;
It Is specific for 5ll dis
order of stomach and bowels.
Breaking Range Horses.
At Lowiston, Idaho, 7B range horsos
Aro being broken to the saddlo, nud the
work mnkes n big show every day ut
tho corrals whero tho lun goes on.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wliialow's Sooth-
Ing Syrup the. best remedy to use for their
cm.oren uunng w.e s-u...B j.cwuu. .
" '
Alw.u, Hard. ,
"How very cross and disagreeable
sho isl And it's less than two years
ngo that sho was claiming to have
been born again."
"Well, yoa know how . trying the
second sumtnor always is."
Big Steamers In the Oriental Service.
Tho O. R. & N. company now has
four onormous steamers iu tho Oriental
sorvlce, operating from Portland, tho
net tonnage of each being 0,000.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Sold Six Tons of Wool.
Georgo Chambers, Ontario, Oregon,
sold this yoar's wool clip, 12,500
pounds, to Boston partloa at 11)6
Artillery Company for Seattle.
Tha annual report of tho adjutant-
pnnnral of Washington rocommouds
u battery of nrtillory for Seattle, so as
to receive instruction from regular
army ofllcors, at Fort Lnwton.
High Railroad Taxes.
Northern Faolflo railroad taxes were
paid in Latah county, Idaho, last weok,
amounting to $7,000.
The Only Sure
1 n a t n n t ii u a
Dure anil
ltallef for
TAUltll. CltOUf, 1IUON0I1ITI8. I.A
OKIl' l'h'. SI A f. AltH. IIHAHT WKAK
,. . I l .tin. hnniA It will
children' use. Contain no oolates or other barm-.
fu , tnsroJIent. Absolutely pure and concentrated,
lirge boltle of 300 doses for II, prepaid by mall or
exnre.ii. or we will send you (postpaid) a trial
hnlil for M cents. Airents wanted.
jwisoi wtiic an twin m utt U ctacm, m.
1 IU
Indian Relict Manufactured.
Indian "rollcs" iiro now boinp;
turned out in regular fnctorloa, ono
ol which 1h located in Wisconsin, Tho
"illc makors lmvo it eocret process by
vlch hii mioloiit nppcara
parted to bones,, pots, arrow
ranee is i tii -
heitdx, etc.
Not That Kind.
"You know what is said about cast
mijyour bread upon tho waters," raid
tho man with tho subnoriptlon paper.
"Aftnr many days It will como back to
"Not tho kind our cook makes," ro
spondnd tho other man. "It would
sink to tho bottom like a stone."
The Twentieth Century.
V7f now atiiml nt the ihrc'liohl of Mm
twentieth century, ami the nineteenth Is it
thing of the punt. It will, however. 1m
known nn tho centurv of Invention mid
i.ftiii-.i- ... initl,rii.. .......I,... h....
Idler Hliiniiicli Hitler-, ilm culrhruteil
remedy for nil allmenti nrivliiK from ri
wenk ordi'i.rtlcrcit stoinsch, (iiicli as dvn
pepsin, iiidij-eMloii. italiileiicy, nonttlj.a
tlon and bllioimiiuss.
Graveyards Too Big In China.
Dead ancestors nre said to occupy
to much of tho nrablo land in China.
Famines would bo less frequent if tho
country was not ono vust cemetery,
N. Y. Journal.
I'nrko I had no idea that your new
houso was finished.
Lane Oh, yes; not only finished,
but all my friends havo had time to
toll mo how much better it might
lmvo been. I'uck.
Coming to the Coast.
Itnilrond and other companion inter-o-ted
in immigration report that moro
peoplo will come to thu coast to make
homes this year than last, or for tov
oral years buck.
w t T t-t . t -i x Tr-r-t
Btralght and Ktronz I the
statue when tlie twUta and
curvature of
are cured and
out by
Man and Ills Money.
Money is always a great bother; be
tween the desire to got moro nud the
foar of losing what we have, men are
kept nil tho time in hot water.
This signature la on every box ot the cenutne
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabid
the remody that cures n cold Iu ono dor
Evidence of It,
do vou say hu is a man
patience, foititudo and endurauce?"
.,BocanBe h BU(ured his OWD
lt !. II
One That Corns Never Bother.
t The author of a love story never sees
tho corns on tho feet of his hero.
lloltt' School.
Holtt's School (tor boys), Menlo rark.Cal.,
ha more student and I Iu better condition
ilmn ever. Hprl ntr term begins January 7th,
1901. Send for catalogue. Jra O. lloltt, fb. !.,
Will Celebrate Ilea Fiftieth Anniversary.
Kansas will in 1004 celebrate the
50th nnuiversitry of her admission into
the uuion as a territory by holding uu
interstate oxpoitiou iu Topeka.
Church Incorporated.
The First Christiuu Suiou e
of Lowiston, Idaho, has iiled
of incorporation
California Crops.
Iloports from tho Agricultural val
leyB of California say that prospects
for good crops wero' never better.
Tho ground has been just right for
plowing and seeding.
"I lmvo been iitlnv OAflUAUKTI and m
a rolli. unJ erTauilt o laxative Uwj aro simply woo
darf ul. My tlautftuer and I wt'ro botliereu with
i iick sionmch unU our broatti wuk Tory bad. After
tali I die n few .loses of Catcareta i-e have IniproTed
Tfooaeriuiir i imy aro u rreuv neip in iu taiuiiji.
V I f.ll E 1 .11 IN A NiflEI.
1137 llltleobouie St., ClDOlooait, Cbto.
Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Qood, Ne?er Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 26c. 60c.
SUrllaff RtHtS, Cavpaar, t'klcara. Slaatrf al. Ka Tark. SIS
Un.Tn.RAf! Bold and suaratteed br alldrus
HU" I U'Uflb gists to CVUli IMluaooo Uablk
1 Jfe
I Lumbago
111 st. i
I ! Jacobs
I Oil .1
jw&Vm candy
Slorm Causes Heavy Loss.
Tho recent sovoro storm that extend
ed all along tho const, from, Alaska to
Southern California has n number of
wrecked Ships to its credit, tho Inst
ono being tho Alpha, which is report
ed n total wrock on tho coast of Van
couver inbuilt. Tho loss to shipping in
consequence of theso sovoral wrecks
runs into the hundreds of thousands
of dollars.
Tlin Heat I'rnacrliitloii for Mnlterln
Chills nnd Fever is a bottlo of Grovos.
Tnstoloss Chill Tonic. It is simply
iron and quinlno in n tasteless form,
No Cnro, No Pay. Prlco EOo.
Court Decides Contract Void.
Tho Montana supremo court in a
caso between n water company nnd
tho city of Helena, hns hold tho con
tract void, on tho ground that thereby
tho city contracted to incur nn indebt
edness beyond its constitutional limit.
KAHK, A powder. At this season your feet feel
MWiIli'ii, nervous mid iliicouiforlnble. If
yiui hnve MiuirtiiiK feet or tlt;lit thoei, trv
A lien's Font-Knee. It rests nnd comfort': wnlking ciiiy. Cures swollen mid
cwentiilg feet, hlUlerx nml callous fpol-.
Itolieves corns and bunion of nil p.-iin nud
In ii ecrlniii cure for Chilblains. Sweating,
Damn or Fronted Feet. We linvc over an..
000 leMliiiiinhil-i. Don't get lootsore get
riKii-r.ape. i ry il inufnt. or nil1
driipgixts nnd shiie stores for 25c. Trial i
pncknire Fiikk. Addreae, Allen 8. Olm
ned. I,e Koy, N. Y. 1
Most Powerful Gun In the World. J
It is claimed by experts that tho new ;
12-iuuh gun recently mndo and tested I
for tho navy is tho most powerful gun
iu the world. At a trial test it fired n I
projectile weighing 850 pounds with n
velocity ol nearly 2,700 feet per second
Its maximum range is 21 1-G miles.
The Famous German Wood Preserver
....Pormanontly Dos troys..
nc application is all that
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the
following distributing agents: Perfection Pile Preserving Co., Seattle,
Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn &
Co., San Francisco, Cal.
To Tell the Age of Fish.
Science now claims to tell the age
Ot fish by their scales. No scientist,
however, hns yet discovered a mothod
by which to tell the ago of a fish story.
Taku Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All drpzgktc refund thn money
If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25c.
Income Tax In United Kingdom.
In tho United Kingdom nn income
of 170 per unnum will pay this year
10s. tax. Before Sir William Harcourt
arranced matters it wonld have paid
2 10s.
It l well to remember that
(lAKKIn.I.1) TKA cleanses the
system, purities the blood,
regulates the liver and kidneys,
and cures chronic constipation. -
Because He Stole Horses.
Four years is the very light sentence
given L. Chirk at Colfax, Wash., for
i tealing horses.
By local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion ol the car. There is only one
vay tocure dialncM., and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Dealness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lininic of the
Eustachian Tube. When thia tube gets in
flamed jou have a rumbllne iound or imper
fect hcnrlnc. and when it la entirely closed
deafness Is in result, and unless the Inflamma
tion can be taken out ami this tuba restored to
Ita normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine eases out ot ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed
condition ol the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
cose of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Bead for
circulars, tree. .
F. Jj CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold bv Druggists, 750
Hall's FomUy Pills are the best.
Epworth League at Frisco.
Jnly 21 next tho international con
eution of the Epworth League meets
i.i San Francisco.
PIso's Cure is the best medicine we ever
ti$ed fur all ntlV-ciious of the throat, nnd
luiitt. Wm. O. Ksdsley, Vaiiburen, Iud.,
Feb. 10, 1000.
Paper Money at a Premium.
Paper mousy is at n premium in
Nome. Miners find it more convenient
than gold, nnd pay ns much as 2 per
cent in advance of its face value for it.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick neadache and Dys
pepsia, n.-uio'. o l'lmplcs.Purlfy the Wood, Aid Dices
tlua.lTCVcutlllllouancss. DonotUrlpeorSlcken. To
BOSANKO CO.,, 1-a. Boldby Druggist.
A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh sod
Consumption. 11.00. I) Lock llox 145.
W. H. SMITH & CO.. Buffalo, H.V, Plop's.
tIAL la your own home, wa
unt.Mli th aTfenuina and
IMi tl UllkM KUCCI HIV ttKLTtl
to any reader of thlt paper
Ka Hosier la adtaaitai irr lw
coatipMlllftfHtrasle. COSTS
A! MOST UnTHIMft eoniUAied
with most all other treatment. Cur whes till eihor tl
trie biu, ipIUbm r-diB UU. QUICK CURE for .iss,ii uus,i iixicuk u.mi pvuBvita iur au u.ouui
dUeasea, weaknesses and disorder. For complete
sealed oonfldemfal cataloirue, tut Ik U sd ont sail null ( us,
GEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago.
W Havo madoDropry and its com
pllcatiops a specially for twenty
k years witn tns mott wonderful
SuCurSS, xiavei.uieuu.uuj ......
and cases.
T Es.n.n.naEiM'flBOHO.
"t nnr V. Atlanta. Qa.
Scrofula is but n modified form of Blood
Poison and Consumption. The parent
who is tainted by cither will see la the
jiiuu inc same disease
mnnicEtint? itself in
the form of swollen
glands of the neck and
throat, catarrh, weak. ,
eyes, offensive sores i
and abscesses and of- J
tentimes white swell-
f tier, aift-jk aM ? V
Scrofula They're mayV
be no external sitrna for VlCr. ft
along time, for the disease develops slowly
In some cases, but the poison is in ths
blood and will breakout at the first favor
able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast
ing, destructive disease by first purifyin
and building up the blood nnd stimulating,
and invigorating the whole system.
J. M. Seat", 1 15 Public 8jore, Naahvllle.Tetin,
ajr ! "Jen yeara ago my daughter fell and cut
n5r rehJ1?- Vrom ,hl wound the gland on
the aide of her face became awollen and bunted.
Some of the best doctors here and elsewheri
attended her without any benefit. We decided
J? 'fy.? B' 8'' and few bottle cured her eu.
makes new and pure
blood to nourish and
strengthen the body,
and is a positive ana
safe cure for Scrofula.
It overcomes all forms of blood poison,
whether inherited or acquired, and no
remedy so thoroughly and effectively
cleanses the blood. If you have any
blood trouble, or your child has inherited
some blood taint, take S. S. S. and get
the blood in good condition and prevent
the disease doing further damage.
Send for our free book and write oul
physicians about your case. We make no
charge whatever for medical advice.
is required. It lasts for years. If
You can't make a mistake It yoa get I
JVIitehell, Iiewis & Stavep Co.
Until you htv Mn antl ttt4 oar wtvidk.
We Mil it rcUrj PrU st Oae-IlsM tol
lets than what J a hate to pa sUaithtra,
watrhea aro BttW with thouncqaallstl
IT Jeweled fciM-flal 1 lulud, or I Jswal
TTsllkiata or Ufla STssiait, knowa
tho world over at tho m, ane
Com Is huntlnf aolld (oldpatUra
ngravlnf, estrs It karat (toll
pUte fouJ troarh for a rallroal
priWnt. 8irUl Uffrr Ur Us
lteudsnt Soail your addreM
antlwowinaand watch CCD.
with prUUf ot full eiamlnsi
tlon. Call In any szrsrt sal H
fonnd porftctly atUfartor ani
i Lost watch ortr offsrod for sues
irlco pay S1.7S and ozprtat cbarf
irw lao not ono conl PREEs
S7.00 cbsla for noxt SO diva with a Tan
arafclu Btaielf tadlosorUsntswatshlswsntod. WrlUatoocoat
wo nay not advertise this watch st this price again. Catalnne fro.
VxceUlor Watch Co., 347 Central Bank Bids- CMcax
UltD nCQTIIDCD -A" absolute restor
nflin IlColUntn. mT of grey or faded
hair to Its original color, removes dand
. ruir, Btrengtbene and InvUoratfa; no
Inatns. Bainple bottle 10 eta, In plain
pyiu rnnn, An exquisite toilet cream.
OlMn iUUU removes wrinkles, pimple
and blemishes, rex to res the bloom of
youth. Sample 10 cts, tit plain wrapper.
1027-1038 Missoula Temple. C1i1cuej.
Noiiil for ritillne mutlnr to the Keeler
Iliatltuto, 314 Sixth 8t., rortlHiiii, Or.
Utt Bt RUSitll 1 CO.
The "Russell" Compound
Is here to stay. It is the Most Economical
and Powerful Engine built.
Write us for full particulars.
Then you'll want beautiful things In your
home, tho first things you thlnlc of wo soli:
Mantels of all kinds. Andirons of every sort,
Uas, Kletrlo and Oil I.lghta in endless variety.
A Christmas present that beautifies your horns
is the best present. Call or write lor photo
graphs and catalogues. TIIK JOHN II All
ItET COMI'ANV, Ul First Street, I'ort
IhiuI Orecon,
N. r. N. u.
.So. 1-lUOl.
IllCN writing to udvortlsers pl.sia
uiontlou till pupur.
. Madame
, T-.