mo on i or I; of The Fimous Steamer Ai,ha. PERSONS WRIin LOST WITH unit Struck a Hock at the Entrance Union Hy, on Ihe Hail Coast of Vancouver wanu. nofonvor II. 0 Doo. II). Nown ol ort HHirliio dlmwtor Hi" wiwwin '',,1,1, Cdl bin win brought Imrn 'lj ,y tint sttiniuor Csrnr, from 1) my, on tliu cunt nlilo of Vui.roii 'itUml' t(,,uil,,r Alpha wns ' ' I ,, ii niuf Hour tliu mitruiicn Colon tiny '" " vustlgo of tlm li-toa ntuiuiwr remain. I Tor mini Jiowmir. cinptnlii, purser, threo en- ts- ntilti (toil loit M-uuitm mid a uw'ny w0, r""1 tM crow of III wurn ruvod by tlm .i nt mi unkowii i.ioiubur ol tho L'lerow, who hwiiiii In n raging sen t tho wreck to ii lighthouse with wroiiinl hl wnUt. rw Aipim whk viiiomi nt $ ,ffri!(i eonipr od 7 t,,," ' "lt Bcu mil !," im c,m1, con" 1 to YokolmiiiH, mill valued at nnifl. Tliu total iiiAiirmico on uio Liuil cargo wn $08,000. ill wo week Mneo tliu r,it iKini Viintoiiviii Alpha llrat for Japan. ft ilio hail bemi four days out rhn aincl to Victor n pmtly dhuhlml, j accusation of tampering with her (lufi wcro iiiimIo. Koimo of tlm crow I tavcrnl of thu olllcorn loft tho tatt declaring llint ho Imil Immhi itTOjxTly loaded, ami onu of tlm oil) rj vm tricil mill M'litenced to nix tU' luiptlMiiiiiiciit for ilocrtloii. Uit Saturday tlm Alpha loft Vic HilorUnlim to rnpleoiHli liur coiil jff, A hinlflo giilo wits rnulni; mul ' ftiir1ny night tlm atomnor run on raciest Hayim tound, nt tlm mi ne to Union litr. Him wn quickly ihel to piece, imil nil would lutvo rlilied liml not ono of the cmw iniiiin deprAio hihI nucriful utTort to I m Ith n lino to tlm IlKhlhoima on llW luliuiil. In tlm ruuliiK hh I; part of thoiio on tlm Ill-fated ahlp boicfl to reach Kiifuty, thu olllcers Si owner remaining on board taut and lling to n-Ncli thu rock. The 2S sur- Ws rciiuliiPd on Yellow lMaml, Llch Ii a rock 200 yards wide, until Entity nlliht, when tho sea moderated ll;at and a sloop was ablo to cull U likii them to Union. iBot the itor.n which lind wreekod I ship hsd nliio pionlruted the wires, Mm no tidings of 4hu nhlpwreck icbtd tlio ontililo world until tlm bit itramer (Jxar lirotight tho atory I Vancouver tonight. ills Alpha gained notoriety last !ra$ when, na u Cm.ndlan ship, fhu M freight and pnMutugc rs at Nomo I it Since of tho iiirtructlonii ol thu tiary depnrt.nout, mid, it is raid, hlnit the advlco ol thu lirltlali em Ltjat U'ashliiL'ton as well. Sim was tited on hor return trip from Nome a United Status ruvuniio cutter, but Limgod to show her purauor a clean !rof heels. TROUBLE FOR FRANCE. J (jailed Slates May Have Occasion to En force tnc Monroe Doctrine. JyewVoik, Doo. 10. A special to i Time from Washington says: Thu pritory until recently in disputo ho fieri Brazil and France, and which i lecu ducreod to helong to llnizil, W shortly become tho nbjoct of n dis- (' Lot ween Franco and tho United lues, should tlio Monrou doctrlno bo phted. Tho territory lying south of hucli Guiana In tho stato of I'nrii, Mcontiiintng 100.000 muaro miles. I claimed by liritztl and Franco, mid giiiterlaiid was inado arbitrator. Her friilon was in favor of llrazll. It is Nreportotil that French flnaii- vi, nntivipatlng that tlio decision pom be favorable to Franco, had Niy invested their capital in this pilory. Thop aro now, it is said, hnt to ongtneor a deal by which tlm pnch government will buy this N from Jlrazil Tb stato dupartinont has absolutely fbowlcdgo on thu rtupioct. Its at- linu'nvnr litiu lutnii mi li.... tn a. fitter, und tho nttomnt of tho ocb capitalists to socuro government 'In Retting tlioir tnonoy hack will ho itched with iutorest. Thoru is hard Uy (location, it is Bald nt tho do- IFtllCUt. that Hiinh nnllon wnnlil lin u .. , . - . . ....... " jMlM ol the Monroo doctrlno, mid pio call forth a protest from thu f'Ued States. i M lonir ns tlm ntnlm um tn nrtir. Wlorm. t.'r,i,.on .....i., I toed that sho wan simply notifying roguidlug tho fighting betweon tho gov boundaries, nud thut tho United ominont troops nud tho nsurgents nt ut cannot objuct to thnt. Kvun in "Tutnnco, sny Unit tho withdraw ug in ftca.ea rootillonllon of bonndnrlos surgout force wns not disposed. On I"cn lmolvod nn nron of 100.000 I ro mllos would ho olosolv scrutln- r"- rruuco bus. howovor, forfoited rv'gnt to mnko thnt olniin by nub- P'UltlR tlm limllnr n nl-llif rntlnll liv I'ltzerliui.i 'ii. . . i t.c Hy deorood by tho Swiss tribu- 'W Ijo outsldo of Frouoh Gulimn. Womsn Sulfraffe in Porto Rico. 5flD .Tnnn 11 1 ri I rt- . n ... Rili "rm jviuu, jjoo. iu. in H nouBo of dolomites todnv. Dnsonrta . wdnced n bill granting unrostriotod r " vv T1VI111UI4 UU I.I1U BIIIIIU bU4lllD Storms In rtrtlf.ti fnlllmM. 1'tllOOnvBr. It n r in o.... Ijl,n i 1 ) luinwiiiin . oyuul snvuritv Imvn ilnatrnvnil n HUn uuilll.llllll. 1IIU UIIUI' r property is cousidernblo. iVMrnnrv . -iiiwiiLiDi mob. v-. ..1T ,, ,.,.' AuthurKlcs Wert Overcome. IIOOklHIft .,.! 1 jh. iiii,.,',,,,, 7T,,,r w '!" n:.trr'M?-!?!r Iff r tin 'T00"W'r,,"rr,,N,,J'' ' HtlllM. . . "" mul I.IOOll iiiiiii- in. of Union county, Kentucky ...... imiiun' l!l(ll I L Imil wi ., iiiixiiiiiiiunM r.i(.....l 1.1 . . ... . , ,K Wlll1 ,,,,, ()M , ,1 T V",U" "" wl' How ! I i!m ' " lilouku fro,,, tho m ono imil the ncuro mil ........i...i ...,. ' inn Will i. I . ,"" 0X(:ltl"1 ltl"iN. -1 1h.wIIi.ic. hlooilthlmy ,,. with nt. ..ii... i 7. ' ""' wiiu , '.ST S -r v.r,. ,r ,y ' , n,l"V""C07 - mul illwiriiiuil 'I ii,! i i! tl!". uar l lou lv r L' T J ""' "r k oy () r tul I wlil-ri. i ,K'V" ",' ,,,u l,K 11,0 ,,riHm,,rH woru t-"ln,) hut ,, , ' "'''all of tl.o Jil. ,. r,'rll ly hrokou In with nlmln hamiimrH ami no wan nriii!KMl (ruui tlio Juil to tlio wmt nldo of tlm court yard, whuro a nooM) wiih piacod iilwut hin neck. Ilo wan civim time to iiiiiko a Htatonmnt. In whicii ho Implicatod Jim llcndi rwm a ml auutlmr m-Kro. ItowIandH thuu hftfiicl pltisiuMly for mercy, hut tlm .....i. iuiuKiy HU( UIU ClilllOttHOll iiiiir nercr to a tri o and riddled hla with bullet. body Ia-iivIiik thu dmiKliiiK Ixidy of How landM. tho mob runhod buck to tho jail mid liu rat open tho coll occupied by lluiidornin. Iloforo tho bam yielded to the blown ol tho kImIko ouio ono in tho crowd llrod uxiu tho terrified in-Kro an lio crouched in tho lar ruruur. It took but a few momenta to (jet at Ilondor on, and tho nenro. inoro dead than llllvn. Mnn flriii.i.i.i. nl fh.. ... l0 COIlrt ,)(1UM) yan, BwunK t() th(j treu twslilu thu body of Itowlunds Fir lug a parting volluy at tho swinging IxjiIIis. tlm mot), eager for another vic tim, hurried away to catch tho other negro implicated by Itowlamls. Ho was found at a liutul whuro lm was cm plojed ns a jxirter. Tho negro escaped to tlm roof of tho building, and Mana ger Do llrulsr succeeded in convincing tliu mob that thu porter had nothing to do with thu crime. Tim mob then diHjHirsed, apparently satisfied with its work of vengeance. Simons was murdered in tho most brutal manner, onu square from the main street of tho city, ns ho wnt going to his homo fiotu his barber shop at 2 o'clock this morning. Ilo car ried thu receipts of tho day's work, a fact of which the negroes Mere aware. They attacled him (rom behind, strik ing him over tho head with a heavy club into which a largo mil' had been driven. ' Although terribly bcaton, Simons made a dcxperalu light. His cries attracted two boys, 'ilio nc'rooi drove them away mid accomplished their original dutiign, scouring a bag containing tomothing over $40 from their victim, anil mado their escape When others arrived Simons was dead. His skull was crushed in and his head mid face beaten to a pulp. Tim spiko on tho club bad punctured tho skull in four place and penetrated his brain. Walter Kvans, ono of tho young men who attempted to rescue Simons, and who afterwards witnessed tho lynch ing, has become, a raving maniac. Tho deud man's wifu is prostrated, and it l believed bIio will dto from thu shock. Earthquake In Cuba. Santiago do Cuba, Doo. 10. A sharp rartluiuiiku shock was fult bora about midnight lust night. It was tho most sovero that 1ms boon oxperioncod in soveral years, and created a panic nt tho Sau Carlos club, whoro n giaud ball was in progrcfB. Tho shock was procudod by a dull sound liko a uiino explosion. Two shocks folio wod, tho former being qulto sovero nun mo un tor scarcely percoptihle Tho club rooms sconos ol frantic com motion. Sovoral pooplo rnsnoti inio tho streets. At Morro Castlo a liberty hall was in progress. American laaies prosont nxprossod great intorost in tho enrtlHiuako, which was tho first thoy had oxpdrioncod, but displayed no fear. . fljMlnj in wiomwa. KinL'ston. Jmnnlcn, Doo. 10. Ad- vln from Colon. Colombln, today tho contrary, toars nro euiuri.i.m. this body of rebols will effect juno- tlOU Willi I"" IUIfc UJ.V....-B Houun Vontura. Hoth sldos lost heav ily In tho bnttlo of Tumnco. Wliou tho govormneut forcos dostroyod tho robol fltoa.nor Gnitau thoy also do Btroycd n lnrgb lot of nmmuuition. f.l. .1.. inmnn .ttnril T 1 11 If limilllll Found Dead In Ills Cabin. Ilillsboro, Oregon, Duo. 10. An drow Iluhlborg, nu Inoffouslvo farmer rosidlng nenr Itoodvillo, wna today fomid dond in his cnbin. Tho dead man lind n bad c&ntuslon on tlio foro bond. Ho lind roooutly sold boiiio pro duce nud wna Biipposod to lmvo consld. ernblo money in tho houso. It is gun orally beloved thnt ho wns killed (or hisinonoy. Tho coronor will hold au iuquost iu tlio morning. - Tut MAnnrriFTTd Mil I Mil - " " tfbl ill Tliot. n r- "iey iJay tszatjui Indemnity fliim f tt nnft , TUG RESULT 01' A STIIONO PRCSSURG rurkey, However, Itefu.ti to Ajjret to the Claim ol the United States and Ad. mlnlilrallon Of.'lclali Olve Up. WnMHuKton, J)00. ao.A rnvnuw rom Unit,,, KtatfB (Joimul (ium.nuri, t lHi,lr. in for,,,, tlm ntnto ,loprt. hut tho Morh Kovcrnmcnt l.a.l f ! tr n, ',!' tl,u U"ltu1 tt"' ii .ffi.OOO imlomnity on account of ui" munior ol Mnrnnu i.v, .. ... 'r r :":- Ai"rlrH cltlM rolcv( ,0 rrum. """"'""'t '"'in tho imccaity of join f10?''"1' vornmct ple,u(1 f" ,tH ,irHt 'loollnntlon to pay tho 5:cl ,tl,"t t,, "'" klllMl. not by ISZcS, ,oVSmnSy' torn of the n.ur.lor. l"'"t' 1,1 tho limtanco of .ho xtato dc WII8 lllllklllL' iitriiiiumiimitH tn mind a mival vowiol to Morocco to t;ivo inural nupport to tlm ilemandH of tho American comml for a Hottloment. Tlio preBident today appointed John . A. LeiHhman, now milliliter to Swit, to ho milliliter to Turkey. It 1m recalled that when Mlnimer KtrauHH ciiine back U tlm Ilnl resigned in dlsuust at his inability to ! iin,ru ui no Turkish claims, tho im- 1 predion was semi-ollicially given that I no iumlster would ho named to siicci-mi him until tho Turkish uoveriiinnnt imil ! met our demands. After waiting a long time, tho Turkish government ltelf was ohliuod to take notice of tlm diplomatic manifestation o' the dis pleasure of tho United States, ovl- deuced by tho abkenco of Mr. Strang , from Constantinople. Thorofore, it cuusod tlm annoimcomunt to be mado tnat tt hail terminated tho ministerial olllco of All Ferrouh Hoy, tho minister roaldoiit bore. Hut to prevent thu issue from becoming too Hcnte, it at tho same timo limited Shekib jlev as minlator to Washington. Hut Shekib thus far has not left Constantinople, mid All Ferrough Hey remains in Washington, although, as he frankly Btates, Im is nothing inoro than a charge d'affaires for tho inomont. It is cxpocted that Shekib Hey now will to Washington, or that tho for mer minister will bo recommiBsloued, which in either ciifo might bo taken as a sign that a settlement had been reached of tho misMon claims, under tho purchase of a wnrihip, or In some other unotlicial manner. I Turkey Will Not Pay. I Now York, Deo. 20. A special to t tho Herald from Washington says: I Payment of tlio micsiouary claims pending against Turkey la no longer oxpected by tlm administration. Al though tho sultan outertaiued tha olli ccrs of tho Kentucky in truly royal style, ho did not let tho presence, ol the battleship havo any effect upon his pookotbook, and still holds the $90,000 which American missionaries assert is tho valuo of personal and missionary property destroyed six years ago. Tho belief of tlio administration is that Turkey will not fottlo the claims aris ing out of tho reported purpose of Great Hritalu to piess tho missionary claims of her subjects against the sub lime porto. It is stated that if an other nation begins to press its claims, tho saltan will probably decline to set tle those of tho United States. TWO HIGHWAYMEN KILLED. A Mexican Miner Thereby Saves $3,000 In Currency While Going to Ills Mine. Chicago, Doo. 0. A special to the Uncord, from Parrall, Mox., says: G. H, Kocrnsy was going out to his mino, 20 miles from Parrall, Friday, to pay olf his employes. Ho had about $3,000 in Moxicau curronoy, which ho had tied firmly to tho bottom of his wagon, put bis pistol in ills coat sleovo und started out. When ho had gono nbout hnlf way two Moxioans suddenly confronted him and ordered him to get out of tho wng on. Ho obeyed nud tho bandits Benrohed his por6on with no rosult. Knowing ho must hnvo somo money thoy proceeded to search his baggage and other offocts. While thoy were at this task Koerusy drow his rovolver from his coat sleevo and fired. Ilia nttaok wna so euddon tho men did not havo timo to net, und both wore in stantly killocL Water Storage In Nevada. Washington, Doo. 10. Itopiosoutn tlvo Nowlnuds today Introduced a bill for tho construction of reservoirs for tho storago of water on tho Humboldt livor, in Novndn, and for tho disposi tion nud sottlemont of public lauds within ronoh of tho stored wators. No Duty on Christmas Presents. Washington, Doo. 20. Tho wnr do pnrtmout luta Issuod nn order provldiug for tho rtdniission into Cuba and tho 1'hllippinea Ireo of duty of packages and artiolos olcaily Intoudod ns Christ- -nnnts for the olllcora nnd on- Ustodmo'u of tho nrmy nud navy and for other employes o " i . . f .......,...,( now serving in t 'eso '""- vision will terminme as vu v . , - ruary io, ,,,m " v March 16 uoit. n a tii nti a iiiiii'i'auuu i RAID ON CAPE COLONY. The Botn Have Croiicd the Border at Two Separate Poind. ijuouon, una. zu. "Jlio lloorn Jiavo '"M01 c'ni10 Colony nttwo Hepamto polnlH 100 mlloa (llntnnt," Hay tho Ijontlon, Doo. 20. "Tlio Hoorn liavo v,,,u turns uurrunjiuillluiK ui llio uaiiy Mail. "Ono cotnmnndo advanced upon J'hllHpstown, botwoon Coleabor and Kimborloy. Tlio other, Bupponod to bo llerzoK's coinmniido, croMHod tho j Orai.Ko river between Odo.idaaliitroon. and Jiethalio, northwest of ilurgherg dorp, itH objuctivo apparently beiiij ( Craddock. (Joncral MacDonald In en KiikIiik tho iuvndorH, who have no kuiih, ,20 miles weat of JlurKhemdorp. Tho latoHt nowH in that they nro being olow ly forced back to tho Oraii(0 rivor, whoro a warm roceptlon 1b hoiug pre pared for them." I Tho contemplated thanksgiving norv ico in St. 1'aul'a cathedral, in connec tion with tho lotuni of Lord ltoborts from South Africa, ban been aban doned, owinj?, as tho Kovomrnent an nouncer, "to itH boing considered do Hirablo to defer a general thankFRivin? until tho cloxo of tho oporatlonfl in Routh Africa." Tlio programme now in for liord Koberti to dobark in tho Holont to visit tho qnoon at Oahomo houso, January 8, to ro-ornbark and finally to land at Southampton, com ing from that point to London. Lord Kitchener, in a dispatch from Pretoria, dated December 17, roporti that all tho llrltlsli wounded in the en gagement at Nooltgedacht have arrived there and are doing well. I MUTINY IN JAMAICA. The Chief Rioters Were Several Hundred of the British West Indies Regiment. Now York, Dec. 20. A dispatch to tho Herald from Kingston, Jamaica, says: Soilous riots growing out of tho raco feeling took place in tho streets of tn,s clty ll4st night. The chief rioters "VIa rovurai uuuureu uko soiuiers 01 tno JMtbih West Indies regiment, who M,oro supported by natives of their own color. Thoy attacked civilians in tho streets nnd maltrontou ninny so badly that thoy were taken to the hospital and aro under treatment for sovero injuries. Lieutenant-Colonel Allen, who is in command of the regi ment, endeavored to control his men, but was unablo to do so by persuasion. Ho then organized the polico nnd swore in citizens to nid in keeping the peace. Tho soldiers and petty officers have re fused to surrender to the police ana dofy their officers. Most of them are in tho military camp, and the streets are guarded by a forco of police and volunteers under Lieutenant-Colonel Allen. Sovero measures will be taken against tho mutinous blacka. There is great unrest in tho city and vicinity, and raco feeliug is at a high pitch. It is feared that something will precipi tate riots liko the formor fatal out breaks. Meetings in the vicinity of the military barracks have been aban doned under orders from tho authori ties, and nil civilians hnvo been wnrued to remain indoors uutil the troublo is over. THE NEW WARSHIPS. The Naval Construction Board Decides on Four Awards. Wnshingtou, Deo. 20. Tho board of naval construction, considering' the bids for the construction of battleships and cruisers, has settled on these points: One of the big armored cruisers shnll go to tho Crumps, ono to Newport News, nnd one to the Union Iron Works, in Califoruin. One battleship J will go to tho Fore River Engine Works, nt Qunicy, Mass. This leaves seven ships to be dis posed of, and wbllo In view of the faot that another meeting of the board ' is to bo hold it is not possible to make tho prediction with absolute accuracy, the indentions aro that these will be distributed ns follows: One cruiser and ono battleship to the Cramps, mak ing threo for them; ono cruiser and ouo battleship to Newport News, rank ing three for them; one cruiser nnd ono battleship to tho Union Iron Works, mnklng threo for thorn, and ono battleship to tho Bath Iron Works. There is still n possibility that Mornn Bros., of Senttlo, may get the battle ship slated for the Union Iron Works or the Bath Iron Works. WILL HELP THE CANAL. Colombia Is Willing to Do Everything Within Its Power to Hasten Construction- Now Yoik, Deo. 20 A dispatoh to the Herald from Panama says: Senor Martinez Silvula, tlio Columbian min ister of foreign nffairs, cables from Bogotha this statomont of Colombia's attitude on tho construction of an Isthmian canal: "The Colombian government will do everything within, its power to facili tate and hasten the opening of a canal by the Panama route, whether it is effeotod by the aotual company holding the concessions which expire in 1000, or by whomsoever may represent their rights. "The government will mnko reserva tions only to preserve national society, nnd to give nssurnnco that freo transit by way of tho canal for all nations shall bo fully guaranteed. Juste Morrison to Be Released. Eldorado, Knn., Doo. 20. Judge Sliinn today ngreed to admit Jessie Morrison to bail in th Bum of $5,000, pending her second trial for tho murder of Mrs. Oliu Castle. The prisoner's father exprosses hopo that ho will bo ablo to Boourn bondsmen within a few HUIO dftvB Miss Morrison's release will probably end tho case. It is said she - tQ bm M hom0 , Wos, y,r. ginia, when rolousod. Items of Interest From All Parts i of the State. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL HAPPENINGS A Brief Review of the Growth and Improve ments of the Many Industries Through out Our Thriving Commonwealth. Ashlnnd will try to securo sovernl rural mall routes. i Tho national linnk recently organized ' at Ashland will open February 2. A co-operative cronmery is to be es tablished on tho Coquile at Leo. I Tho Arlington warehouse is said to ' contain 250,000 bushols of wheat. Cottage Grovo will present n new charter to tho legislature for aproval. A cougar which had killed several valuablo dogs was shot near Thurston. Tho Uosoburg marshal has received j direction to purchase 100 dog llceuco tags. j H. L. Kyto, of Merlin, was recontly granted a patent on an Improved type caso. ' j Thero was five inches of snow on ' tho railroad at tho summit of tho Siskl yous. Work has begun on construction of the Corvttllis-Ki.ig'a Valley telephone line. It is probable that a matting plant will be erected at the Iron Dyke early in tho spring. j A McMinnville resident has a cat 21 years old which catches rats and mice almost every day. Material for construction of the Cor-vallia-Klng's Vulley telephone line has arrived at Corvailis. Samuel Kunz has been appointed postmaster at Bethany, (Jr., vice UI rich Gerbor, resigned. The safety deposit boxes and vault door of the new Cauyon City bank have arrived aud are in place. Sbeop at Long creek are command ing top prices. As high na $2.50 per head has been offered for lambs. J. C. Miller, of Glencoe, brought in tho champion turnip of the season, the vegetable weighing 24 y2 pounds. It. C. Goodwin, of Wheeler county, has again gone into the sheep business, and has bought 2,000 head near Izee. J. P. Simpson has about 4,000,000 feet of logs ready to float down tbe Luckiamute us soon as there is suffi cient water for driving. The local telephone line between Central Point and Eagle Point has been purchased bv tho Sunset company and connected with the main circuit. A. E. Starr, n Baker county mining man, disappeared November 14. Ho left tho Mullen cabin, in the Green horu district, and has uot been heard of since. Tho public drinking fountain which will be erected in the city park at Eu gene in niemoiy of Company C, Second Oregon voluuteers, will arrive about January 1. M. S. Barnes, proprietor of tbe Baker City-Cornucopia stage lino has made an assignment to P. Basche, of Baker City. It is thought that the creditors will receive payment in full. Tho committee on improvement ol the Alohenzie road has filed its reports The total expenditures havo been $4,847.95. Collections from all sources for the improvement amount to $4,819.30. Judge Burke, who has a bond on the mines at Copper Butte, east of Union, is pushing development work as rapid l ly as possible. Threo shifts are now employed. Tho showing is said to be excellent. Hector McDonald shipped a carload of large eteers from Elgin. One weighed 1,860 pouuds and another 1,900. They were weighed just after being driven over 30 miles of rough muddy roads and had undoubtedly lost over 1UU pounds each. Roduotion of 25 tons of -"ore from the old Buttevillo Bonanza, now known as tbe Paul Krugor property, in the Qunrtzburg district, hns just been completed, says the Prnirie City Miner. Tho cleivn-up was 11 pounds of amalgam, estimated to be worth over $1,000. Joe Mayes met with a painful acci dent at Bonnoy's wood camp at Wyeth. He wob dislodging a jam in the flume when a stick of wood came along unexpectedly and crashed two of his fiugors. The index finger on one hand had to bo amputated at tho first joint, and the raiddlo finger was badly lacer ated. Lincoln county court at its recent session ordered the repairing of the bridge, over Depot slough on the New-port-Tolodo wagon road, commonly called the "Duncon bridge." The uppronohos to tho bridge nro still in fairly good condition, but tho span noross tho stream will be pulled down and replaced. Link Vnnderpool, of Silver creek, Huruoy county, recently sold 130 yenr ling heifers to Gilchrist Bros., of Crook county. It is leporod that a great many sheep wil be horded this wiuter In tho desert lying south of Wngoutiro Butte, Hareny county. Thoy are now camp ing at the nearest watering places waiting until tho full of snow will her mit them to push into the dX -H. Among tho number is one band rtat' ly drivon up from California. BETTER TKAutrcur Holiday Preparations Dominant In Retail B. ness throughout the East Bradstroot's asys: Favorable condt. tlons rulo gcnorally in all lines ol sea sonable trado. Holiday preparations aro, ol course, dominant in letull boat noes, nnd, whoro tills has hitherto lagged, it has been stimulated by mora soasonnblo wcuther. Wholesale dis tribution Is lifted, and is now natural at ibis period, but wostorn jobbers an in recolpt of n fair re-ordor business. So far. the best reports as to retail trade como from the West and Soutb. In loading Industrials the best report is still that made by finished products of the iron and steel industry, but other favorably situated lines ure boots and shoes and lumber. Kow business in the former is rathor light at whole sale, but manufacturers go n orally are busily employed, and leatehr is firm in sympathy. A good . export demand for tho latter is noted. The cereals ore lower in prico, dun to profit taking on tho lato upward move, tho larger movement of supplies, particularly of corn, which is favored by tho weather, and to less interest of tho present foreign buyers. While business in iron and stool as sv whole is quieter thau of lato there is no apparent diminution in strength and actual transactions in rails and plates compare well with the best recorded. Pig iron is dull exoept for somo busi ness at Chicago and 25 cents per ton has been conceded on Bessemer At Pittsburg. Wheat including (lour shipments for the week aggregate' 4,785,577 bushels a aglnst 3,432,130 last week. Business failures for the week in the United States number 247 as acianst 224 last week. Canadian failures for the week num ber 18 against 27 last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Market Onions, new yellow, 22jo. Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate. Potatoes, new. $16. Beets, per sack, 85c $1. Turnips, per sack, $1.00. Squash 1&0. Carrots, per sack, 60c Parsnips, per sack, $1.00 1.25. Cucumbers 40 50c. Cabbage, native and California, 2c per pounds. Butter Creamery, 30o; dairy, IB 22c; ranch, 16c 18o pound. Cheese 14c. Eggs Ranch, 40c; EaBtern 25c. Poultry 12c; dressed, 14o; spring 1315c turkey, 13c. Hay Paget Sound timothy, $14.60t choice Eastern Washington timothy, $10.00. Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $28; feed meal, $25. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $20. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.30; blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.25; whole wheate flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.8004.00, Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal. per ton, .fsu.uu. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beet steers, price 7c; cows, 7c; mutton 74; pork, 7?ic; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9 12p. Hams Largo, 13c; small, 18j; breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sldesy. 8ac Portland Market Wheat Walla Walla. 5454&c?f Valley, nominal; Bluest em, 60o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.40; graham, $2.60. Oats Choice whlto, 45c; choica gray, 42o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $15.60 brew ing, $16.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $15.50 ton; mid dlings, $21; shorts, $17; chop, $10 -per ton. Hay Timothy,$12 12.50; clover,?T 9.60; Oregon wild hay, $0 7 per ton. Butter Fanoy creamery, 60 55c; store. 32Ko. Eggs 30o per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13ct Young America, 14o; new cheese 10a per pound. Poultry Chiokens, mixed, $2.75 8.60 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs', $2.003.60; geese, $0.008.00 don ducks, $3.505.50 per dozen; turkeysw live, llo per pound. Potatoes 5065oper sack; Bweets, 1bo per pouna. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 76ct per eaok; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, lKo per pound; parsnips, 85c; onions, $1.76; carrots, 76o. Hops New crop, 1214o pes pound. Wool Valby, 1814o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1012o; mohair, 3S per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wother and ewes, 8o; dressed mutton, 0)4 & 7o per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.76; light and feeders, $5.00; dressed,. $5.006.25 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $3. 6004.00; cows, $iJ.UU3.6ij; dressed beel, 0r 7o per pound. Veal Large, 00o; small, 7 Or 8o per pound. San Francisco Market Wool Spring Nevada, ll13oper pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014c; Val ley, 1617o; Northern, 010o. Hops Crop, 1900, 1817o. Buttor Fancy creamery 20 (is 20 Mc; do seconds, 26c; fanoy dairy, 23. 23c; do seconds, 21o per pound. Eggs Store, 40o; fanoy ranob, BOc Millstuffs Middlings, $10.60 10.50; bran, $13.000313.50. r