Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 28, 1900, Image 2

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Tnbllahad Kr.rj VrliUr
An Interesting Collection of Kerns f"rom
Two Hemispheres Presented In a
Condensed Form.
In I'nnay, 31,000 poreons bavo sworn
Morocco pays tbo Amerionn indem
nity claim.
Ashland, Or., voted against licens
ing saloons.
The Doers raided Cape Colony at two
separate points.
Tbo misunderstanding at Pokin was
dno to a cable error.
Only 35 lives were lost in tbo found
cring of the Gnelsenau.
Tbe French chamber of deputies
adopted the nniensty bill.
Tho return of volunteers wll cause
renowod insurgent activity.
Colorado capitalists bavo bonded tho
old Gem mine, in Eastern Oregon.
Reapportionment bill reported gives
Washington no extra congressman. ,
Railway brotherhoods will ask the
Santa Fe to re-employ its operators.
Tbo naval construction board recom
mends four awards for warship con
Superintendent Calbretb, of Oregon
insane asylum, has submitted bis an
snal report.
Farmers' institnte was held at Staf
ford under auspices of tbe Oregon ncri
cultural college.
Washington county, Oregon, has
offered $500 reward for the arrest of
the murdeier of Andrew Dahlberg,
Two transports will start in a few
days from Manila for San Francisco
-with 1,000 sick and wonnded soldiers.
Tbe schooner Pioneer, lumber-laden
for San Francisco, went ashore on tbe
.Nestucca beach during the recent
Associate Supremo Court Justice
George O. Ludlow, ex-governor of New
Jersey, died at bis residence in New
Brunswick, N. J.
Tbo stranded bark i'oltallocn, on
Willipa harbor, withstood tbe recent
gale good. In fact she is in better po
ration than before.
Fire in East Providence, R. I., de
stroyed a wnari on which there was
2.000 tons of coal. The loss is eeti
mated at $200,000.
A wo highwaymen who stopped a
buggy near Portland, upon discover
ing that it contained two ladies, apolo
gized and allowed them to drive on.
Loot sent to France will be embar
goed. American wheat visible shows a de
crease. The Monroe doctrine may be applied
to France.
The Boers were defeated in a battle
at Orange river.
A third negro was lynched by the
ltockport, Ind., mob.
In the sinking of tbe Gneisenau, 136
persons were drowned.
There is no prospect of passing the
snbsidy bill this session.
The steamer Alpha was wrecked on
the Vancouver island coast.
Major-General John G. Parke died
at bis home in Washington.
The Porto Rico case is before tbe
United States supreme court.
Congressman Boutello waB placed
on the retired list of the navy.
Tho military commission begins its
investigation in the Booz hazing.
Fresh instructions sent to Conger
will dear the way ol all obstacles.
A enre for strikes was discussed by
the arbitration confereneo at Chicago.
Preparations are being made for de
velopment of natural gas near Rosalia,
A Washington county farmer was
murdered by a shot fired through his
The official report of tbe finances of
tha Paris exposition, shows a loss of
2,000,000 franos.
The Oregon supreme court deoided
that tbe Portland vehicle license ordi
nance was invalid.
Five cases of what is believed to be
bubonio plague have developed in Tucn
man, in the Argentine Republic.
The officials of tbe Santa Fe and
tbe officers of the different trainmen's
organizations will hold a conference in
Seven hundred Boers have orossed
from Orange River colony into Capa
Colony near Aliwal North, and have
reached Kaapdal.
President MoKinley expects to ar
rango his Western trip so as to be in
San Franoisco to witness tbe launch
ing of tbe battleship Ohio.
Twonty-flvo terra cotta statues in
the Boston museum of fine arts provo
to bo bogus.
To the naked eyo not more than
0,000 stars are ordinarily ivsible. A
owerful telescope will reveal 5,000,00
stars at once.
In China anyono who writes an im
moral book is pnnisbed with 100 blows
of the heavy bamboo and banishment
or life. Anyone who real's it la also
Conger was instruotod to sign tho
Thoro is nnothor hitch in tho Chinoso
Troops are being concoutratod ,in
Northoru Capo Colony.
Tho English war office has arranged
to roinforoe Kitchener at oiicq.
Nicholas Darnell, a pioueor of East
ern Oregon, is doad, aged 03 years.
Governor Ueerasks 1'ncifla Northwost
status to join Oregon in celebration of
Lowis and Clarko centennial.
A mob at Gulf Port, Miss., lynobod
n negro. It now appoars that ho was
tho wrong man.
The supremo court of Ohio has dis
missed flvo cases brought undor tho
trust laws of that stato.
It is probable that tho prosidont will
islt Portland and tho Fuget Bound
cities on bis trip in May.
Stato of Washington pays $11,300
sugar bounty to local sugar beot fac
tory for Spokano county crop. ,
The controllor of tho curronoy has
appolntod a receiver for tbo American
National Bank of Baltimore. It is
thought that depositors will bo paid in
The striking telegraph oporators on
the Santa Fo have given up tho fight.
Thoir places have boen filled by new
men. ,
Over 1,000 Christians nro reported to
have been massacred by Turks. Tho
Turkish authorities show tho utmost
The United States gnnboat Anapolis,
which went aground opposite Lam
bert's point, Va., has been floated, ft
is not thought that the vessel is in
jured. A dispatch from Tien Tsin says
"Prince Ching asserts that Emperor
Kwanc Hsu. unaccompanied bv tho
Empress Dowager, left Sinan Fu De
cember 19, bound for Pekin."
The dead body of Peter F. Johnson
was found in a water ditch on Park
avenue, Fuynllup. The presumption
is that Johnson fell into the ditch and
was unable to rescue himself.
A coal mine under the city of Pitts
burg, Pennsylvania, has partially
caved in, allowing part of tho principal
street of tho town to fail into the mine.
It is feared other sections wilt also
Following the break of the Lulu is
land dyke, floods have caused further
damage to the seawalls protecting tho
farmers of tho Fraser river valley.
Owing to high tides, strong winds and
heavy rains, the lands have been badly
flooded, and the village of Stevenson
is three feet under water.
All the ministers
at Pekin bavo
signed tbe joint note.
England is alarmed
over the Boer
invasion of Cape Colony.
Tbe senate committee made many
changes in the army bill.
The Morons, of Seattle, will not get
the contract for now warship.
Speaker Henderson is opposed to en
largement of tbe Portland postofiQce.
Tho river and harbor bill will not be
made public until after tbe holidays.
Martin Stickel, tbe self-confessed
Castle Rock assassin, will be hanged.
A company has been organized in
Iowa to build a fish cannery in Alaska.
Senator McBride
appropriation for
launch at Astoria.
has asked for large '
customs service
Tbe Booth-Kelly Lumber Company
will change its headquarters from Sag
inaw to Eugene, Or.
Anna E. Smith, was appointed post
rainstress at Camas valley, Or., vice
H. Allison, resigned.
Thomas Parker, a native of England,
was frozen to death near tho mnath of
White river, Klondike.
Samples of two dangerous counteifeit
silver coins have been obtained from
Portland and Sopkano.
A collision occurred on the Sumpter
Baker City road in which two locomo
tives were slightly damaged.
Memorial services were held at the
Oregon university In honor of Henry
Yillurd, one of the college's greatest
I It is announced that the total tax
able property in the city of Salem,
Or., will be approximately $230,000
less than last year.
A pitched battle is imminent be
tween the British under General Cle
ments, who has been reinforced, and
tbe Boers under General Delarey.
The clearing house banks at Tacoma,
have decided that after January 1,
they will accept Canadian silver at par.
Heretofore it has beon taken at 6 per
cent discount.
All' attempts to float the British
steamer Laura, Captain Yule, from Sa
vannah via Norfolk for Bremen, ashore
on the coaBt of Holland, near Pettou,
have been unsuccessful.
Tho steamer Sarah Dixon collided
with tbe breakwater neat Mount Collin,
on the Lower Columbia, and ;iow rests
in 15 feet of water. This is the steam
er's second experience under water.
The agricultural depnrtmmont has
established at Washington a laboratory
for testing all torts of road materials.
Tho immigration bureau has al
lowed contract laborers from Porto
Bico to laud in tbo Uaitod States as
The cost of the public schools ol
Greater New York for tho year 1001
will be $17,700,1178. The number of
pupfis in the sohools is estimated at
Have Turned the Tide by Enter
ing Cape Colony.
General Kitchener Is Said to llavt Demanded
Heavy Reinforcements A Pitched
Battle Seems Imminent.
I London, Doc. 2!!. Tho war ollloo
last oveniug could givo no information
ingarding tho reports of a Boor inva
sion of Capo Colony. Tho officials ex
pressed tbe opinion, howovor, that tho
uowspapcr accounts were exaggerated
and that probably the troops who have
boon employed in chasing General
Dowot will bo dlvortod to deal witli tbo
invaders. Having regard to tho cus
tomary methods of tlm war olllco. this I mons traced tho crimo to Martin
cau only bo interpreted as confirming 1 stiokol, who lived on a scow near tho
tho roport. 1 mouth of tho Cowlitz, river. Stiokol
Lord Kitchener, in tho momitlnio, Vvas arrested. IIo maintained his In
koops a tight loin over tho uows, which uoconco until confronted with tho fact
4ii.iMiUdn tin. .Hcimlntn.!.. ........1. .....1 I. . li.til Itnnn dlmi.
...... v.. tv.. t..u .....ju.v.ii.1
Thero is a persistent rumor that ho has
demanded heavy roiuforcomonts.
1 a .
According to tho Daily Mail, privato
tolegrams received in London yester
day depict tho situation in Capo Colony
as somewhat ominous.
tno invading Doers nro receiving
slderablo assibtauco from tho local
Dutch, and that tho troops at tho
' dispisal of tho British nro not Riiillciont
to copo with any serious invasion. It
is bolioved that the govoruuieut has at
last awakened to the Keriousness of tho
situation, and is making great oITorts
! to bavo Lord Kitchener supplied with
horses and mules.
i T,1 British losses at Nooitgodacht,
according to the olliclal accounts, wore
83 killed and wounded, with 44 miss
ing and still unaccounted tor. It is re
ported this afternoon that Goueral
Knox has been forced to abandon tho
pursuit of Genornl Dewet, owing to the
situation created in Capo Colony by
tho Boors crossing tho Orango river.
It is said that 3,000 republicans bavo
entered Cape Colony, and a similar
number have reached Pliilipstown.
Tho roport adds that Dowet, with
about 4,000 men, is northwest of Lady
brand, and that an attack on Wiubuig
is monietarily expected.
A New Branding Bill Is Suetfested That
Save Them Many a Head.
Portland. Deo. 22. It has beon sug
gested that a bill bo passed at tho next
legislature compelling cattlo-buyera to
brand stock either in their regular
brand or a road brand boforo driving
them out to the
matter in which
railroad. This is a
all the stockmen of
Eastern Oregon aro intercstol, and
which should bo agitated by men in
that business.
The lack of such a law is a source
cf much annoyauco in that section,
every season, aud should be reme
died. Representative Geer has signi
fied nis willingness to lutroduco such a
measure, provided the stockmen will
get together and give him an outline of
what is desired. Tho Harney County
Stockmen's Association should take
tho matter up and formulato a bill, as
it is of particular importaueo to tho
members of the association. It should
liavo their immediate attention, as it
is not long until tho legislature meets
in January.
I It is not a matter that tho stockmen
I f . T I f . 1
ui imruuy uo ii u l) iiiunii iiru
in, but Malheur county as well. Tho
residents of that county should bo
heard from us to their ideas and pleas
ure, thereforo tho time is none too
short to begin at once.
Takes No Stock In Charges.
Taris, Doo. 22. Tho French govern
ment has givou tho most emphatic de
nial to those French papers which tried
to involve the American embassy in
tho Paric disclosures in connection
with the United States war depart
ment's knowledge of French govern
ment gun secrete, by offering tho cross
of tho Legion of Honor to Liontonant
W. S. Sims, the formal United States
naval ntbinlm at Paris, wi.nm ,
describes as the person guilty of dis
closing the gun secrets.
Umatilla Lightship to Be Replaced.
Astoria, Deo. 22. Tho lighthouse
tender Mauzanita has received instruc
tions to replace the Umatilla reef light
ship as soon as practicable Tho light
ship, which broke adrift some days ago,
is now at Port Angeios Captain Greg
& " 1 ln, "Pi ln,?!.?.n
board, and will leavo out on his mis
sion at the earliest opportunity.
Spanish Royal Marriage.
Madrid, Deo. 23. In tho sonato to
day tho royal messago read by General
Azcarraga, tho premier, announcing
tho marriage at an early dato of I ho
princess of tho Austria", hoiress pro
sumptivo to the throne, with Princo
Charles, second son of tlio Count of
Casorta, was adoptod by 157 votes
against 40.
Christians In Turkey Massacred by Moslems.
.London, Dao. 22. A dispatch to
tho Daily Express roports rocont Mos
lem excesses against tho Christian pop
ulation of Turkey, iu which 200 Chris
tians have been killed.
Chile Will Exhibit.
Valparaiso. Doo. 21. Tho ohambor
of dupntios has passod a bill appropri
ating $600,000 for tho Chilean exhibit
at tho Pan-American oxposltion in
Fate of Self.Conftssed Castle Rock Assassln
Defenit Was Hereditary Insanity.
Kahuna, Wash., Doo. 21.-,'ullty
Bsohargod" was tho vonllet of tho
jury at OtOO o'clock tonight in tho onsu
ol tho stato of Washington against Mar
tin Stiokol for tho murdor of William
1). Shankllii. t , .
Stiokol is tho most notorious ami
cold-blooded criminal over triud in the
courts of Cowlitz county. A year ago.
last November, William . Shnnklln
was killed at bis homo nonr .miIho,
and lits house was biirnod over Ins
dead body. Ho was shot at nlglit
while eating supper. i"""'""'"
shrouded in mystery, am m
tho murderer couh l owi. y.
tho oveniug of November 28. 1000, Mr.
and Mrs Cornelius K"M
couple, lying near Oastlo Hook, ,
kiiiuii mitiu n niu on','w.
saino manner as Hhanklln was ono year
boforo. It win ovldent that tho same
in nil had committed both crimes.
- i sheriff Kirbv ami Dotootlvo Sam Sim-
1V UIB ttlUUII mm n'V """""""" - f,.,li,
tlllod as having belonged to Shankltn, coiiiinlttoo on loroiMi rui
ti,0 murderod man. Then ho made a voted "own ,m,Jor lu
- a. Iull p ill '1 ltn I'll II II I'll Mill
Oariiai CUIIIUIiPIUll, IIUU hhiiiiviuvh ...
iVmV. ,t Kir I'd l'lorco
UoiK 1 "rV . i i. n-n.
- I 1 I,l 111!
tak "to Z Iocouy' aiifofo
1 V. t ii.tiiA.i ,t.n Ctit'iia
kcenlnc. Thoro ho iolnod
tlon Army and mndo a full confession,
admitting that ho did tho killing in
both tho Shanklin and Knapp mtirdors,
and that ho wiib alouo in tho matter.
Wlion arraigued in tho superior court
today, on tho adivco of Ills counsel he
ploadod not guilty, aud his caso was
tried upon tho ovidonco, which was
ovorwliolinlunlr ainiinst him. Tlio do-
fonse made an niuuecotalul attempt to
nrovo that tho man
had inboritod a
criminal disposition to tlio extent that
ho was not accountatilu for his actions.
His niothor tosttlod that boforo hit
birth and during condition slio was
mad at everybody and that tlio child
was born sick uud was always an on
natuial child. Tho jury was out but
ono hour. Tho prisoner was soutonend
by Judge Millor to bo banned on a dato
to bo hereafter fixed, not sooner than
30 dayB nor later than 00 days from
An Austrian Airship.
Now York, Duo. 21. A di.pntch to
tho Journal and Advertiser from Vi
enna nays an Austrian engineer, Wil
liam Kicsp, bus invented an airship
which is pronouncod to bo better than
Zoppoliu's. Tho emperor's at tout ion
being callod to tho model, ho has bo
como much interested, and expressed
tho belief that it would bo successful.
Kross did not bavo money to build a
laruo shin, and tlio emperor said he
would fix that, and contrlbted $1,000
!out of nls own pocket. Numerous
athers followed suit, and Kress will
build tho ship.
That Telegraph Error.
Washington, Deo. 21. It is now
learned that tho outiro misunderstand
ing which has dola ed tho consumma
tion of tho ngreomont at Pekin was
caused by tho chaugo or omission of
tho single digit in a complex group of
figures making up ono of the ciphor
messages of instruction to Mr. Congor.
Curiously enough, tho chaugo in this
single digit exactly roversed tho mean
ing of tho entire mossngo, so that Mr.
Conger, in opposing tho English viow,
lira. nnflTli nviiptlv nnntrnri In tho
spirit of his instructions, though in ao-
',., ,i. .i.nir
?... . . . .
A Germain Censorship.
Boriin. Doc. 20. Tho Deutsche Co
lonial Blntt publishes an order of Km
' poror William forbidding officers and
I .fll .( la ml I fit, llintn tn tlm rnHrr.,1
list in tho colonial serivco, to print
anything about tho colonies without
tho consent of tho minister of war, or
tho minister of marine, who must first
obtain permission from the imporial
Not So Bad as Reported.
Madrid, Deo. 20. An olliclal dis
patch from tho protect of Malaga
81 0W8 l" 1088 01 1 10 " " '?"n"K
. Iff- f . .
o uermnn irainiug irigaio uueiso-
nau oil Malaga to bo loss than baa
been reported. According to this dis
patch, 36 fatalities resulted from tlio
I acoident, and 100 persons woro in
New Mint Regulation.
Washington, Doo. 20. Tho sonato
committeo on finanoo authorized a fa
vorablo leport on tho house bill giving
Sln annAwl rttYn Ml nil fra rt rtslimasv i A- l.n. I
the right to exchange g"old bars
for gold freo of chargo or with chargo,
at thoir discretion. Tho prosont law
makes tho chargo mandatory.
Dissatisfied With Von Waldersee.
St. Petersburg, Doo. 21. Tho Novo
Vremya observes that thoro aro evi
dences of discontent in all tho armies,
including tho German, with Field
Marshal von Walderseo's brntality.
Tho papor supports tho demand that
eaoh army act honocr.forth on its own
Crushed to Death by a Train.
Vancouver, I!. 0 Dec. 21 Whllt
attempting to board n gravol train at
Barnet, Charles MoFoo was thrown
under tho moving train, tho cars pass
ing over his stomach, crushing him to
Patterson's Nomlaatloa Confirmed.
Washington, Deo. 21. Tho sonato
bas confirmed tho nomination of J. M.
Patterson to bo postmaster at Tho
Dalits, Or.
Senate Approves Hay-Paunccfotc
All Amendments, Except Those Offered ly the
Commlllee on Foreign Relations,
Voted Down.
Washington. Doo. Sl.-Aftor spend
'. ",. 1)lirt ,,i tho past wm.k
- Adoring tho llay-Panncefoto
,?,n,liwtlcin of tho U av-
ol 18S0, tno
o -.,.,, only ono lm.r and
'ton minutes In amending it and ratify
ing it as amended. During tho tlmn
them were several roll calls and viva
voco votes.
Tho first fivo ol tho roll calls wore
uly amendments offered by individual
.inaturs and tho last ono of tho nuolu
.ion to ratify tho treaty as amended.
All tho amotidmonts except those of
fered bv Forakor and roiKirtud by tho
relations, woro
os averaging
.... , t rr i IU I
was adopted by a voto of fifi to 18.
Tho senate was in executive session
fo, about an hour boforo tho time forj
votiiiir arrived, listening to speeches
by Thurston, Gallliiger, Wolcott and
Bard, oxnlanltory of their attitude
The first roll call was uKn Klkins'
ameiidmeiit declaring that "nothing
contain" ' in this treaty shall bo con
sttued i pruvont tho United Htutos
from acquiring at any tliuo sulllclent
sovereignty over tho sanio to operate,
defend, fortify, protect aud control said
canal or ior any omer i mc. ,r a, .o
i . ...i i .. . .i...
uniion siaios may ueoiu i,mv in u
own interest
It was lout, .0 to -id.
Tho other amendment toll call was
as follows:
On Butler's amendment to strike out
soctiou 7 of articlo 2, prohibiting forti
fication 20 ayos, 41 noes.
Upon Mason's amendment authoriz
ing such protection of tho Uultod
States to discriminate in tho canal
tralllo, 27 ayes, 4 1 noes.
On Tillman's ametidmoiit authoriz
ing defense and maintenance liy tha
Uultod States, 27 ayes, I I noes.
Allcn'a amendment amending ar
ticlo 3 was voted down viva voco, at
was also an amendment suggested by
Teller practically strlkiug out all ol
articlo 3. Forakor withdrew hli
amoudmoiits bocauso they woro the
sanio as thoso reported by tho commlt
tco on foreign relations; Ponroso, be
cause bis were practically Identical
with Klkins'. aud Iluvorldgo, because
his was coverod by tho second of the
committee All amendments suggest
ed woro voted upon, aud thoso of the
commlttco adopted.
Allen asked for tho readlug of the
treaty as amended. This request was
complied with, and tho voto mud taken
upon tho treaty itself, resulting CO for
and 18 against ratification.
The Santa Fe Telegraphers Say They Will Keep
Up the Strike.
Chicago, Deo. 24. Tho striking tolo
graphers on tho Sauta Fo road declare
that they will continue tho fight
against tho road to tho bitter oud with
out roferouco to tho results of the con
fereneo held hero recently between the
committee representing tho other or
ganizations of tho road and Third Vico
President Burr. This announcement
was Hindu today by President Dolphiu,
of tho tolographors, after receiving ro-,
ports from Oalvestoii, Fort Worth, To
peka and other points alung tho road he
said: :
"Wo regrot that tho organizations do1
not fool that they cau givo active sup
port, but wo do not propose to have
any controversy with them. Thero is
no cnuso for tho complaint mado by 1
somo of tho members of the committee
that wo did not notify thorn of oui pur
iioso to striko. Wo wero not called
upon to do this, and thoro wore good
reasons why wo did not."
Prevented a Lynching.
Dallas, Tox., Doo. 24. At tho trial
at Corsicana of Andrew Norrls, a negro
charged with tho murder of tho wifo ol
J. L. Fronch, a white farmor, a mob,
led by tho doad woman's husband, at
tempted to tako tho prisoner from the
courtroom and lynch him. Tho sher
iff's forces saved the prisoner. Gover
nor Suyers was appealod to and a com
pany of stato militia is now guarding
tho prisoner, courthouse and jail.
Row In Spanish Chamber.
Madrid, Doo. 24. During the dis
cussion in tho senate of tho royal mos
sago announcing tho marriage in the
near futuro of tho princess of tho Aus
trian, heir presumptive to tho throuo,
with Prince Charlos, socond son of tin
Conut of Casorta, Senor Artoga, a ro
publican, ralsod n storm of protest by
recalling tho conspiracy of tho Burbon
princess against other Bourbon royal
ists, which ho feared this marriag
would liavo n toudonoy to rouow.
Amid insults from nil parts of tin
houso tho spoukor gavo,up tho floor.
New Washington Postmasters.
Washington, Doo. 34. Tlio follow-
n VVn.l.l..,.inn nno..n.,n.n I l.
nnnnini.,i. .i
O. N. Eriokson,
Button, at Dolo.
BI AUUUrn li, U.
The lavaslon Spreadlag.
n w T,.. , . ...
im il
Ol Cano Colonv is unnmdini'. It in rn
portod that tho Boors huvn noonniod
Colosbnrg. near tho Oranuo lllvor Col-
,ony frontier.
MtKlnlty'i Plurality, According ,0 ,h( p
I'lgures, Was 859,824.
Now Ynrl. lion 0.1 ..
morning publishes a table shovlVS
popular ralo for prosidi.ti.,i , i.V
Ill tlm ,il.,l.... ... "'""Hi:
tho last slnto to declare it" "oS a
not liavlng been do,,,, until yS'A,
rwiim vnrumin, tliurtl Wliro tills nl
nations of but two parties, ,,, 1
llllfl I .1. . . . 1
other states thoro woro throe or L
and In sonio eight. 1
The total voto, Inoludlng 0,311 ,
tcrlng, was l,u7,20l). Ol this M
Klnluy rocolvo.1 7.ai7,077, and lim
0,l)67,8mi. Woollny, I'rohlbitiu
received, so far as reported, 207 i!
Ilnrlr... ...1.1. II.. ..I II ' , .. ' """HI
.....nui in, iiiiiii u .1111111,111 rotiuul Rll
(iiiu, Muun, nwuiiw uoinuorat, HI, Of,
iiini iuiiiuiioy, nooiiti ialior, UU4r
, ..iuiin.u n plummy, noCfirilliii; t0 i,
llgtiros of tbo TIiiich, was 85ti,Hai m
in.. i.... i. ' l
Lining k niiijurii was -illH.UTiD.
In addition thero wnm v,t.
turned in llvo states for the omuIIiIm'
i mu tiiiiiuiiiu uiuiiii Kelorin iIH.
oth II. Kills, ol Ohio, for 1,1..
and Hainuul T. MuIioInoii, of l'emitfl
iiaien ior uio caniiiiiatus of tlio Uut
uiiriaiiaii panv, J. 1' . It. ' I.uouiird
Iowa, for president, and John '
Muuiiuy, 01 Illinois, ior vice-preside
WILL BE $400,000.
Amount Settled Upon for the Improvimenl
the Columbia River.
Washington, Doo. 34. Tho rli
and harbor bill will contain an ni,,,,
prlatlon ol -f 100,001) for tho moat i
tho Columbia, mid a further provlij
mat tins improvement i, placed uu
mo continuing contract system on
completed, it Is understood, bowen
mat tlio total amount of tlm com
will not bo as great as that reoo
1...1 i... .i...
iiiuiiiiuu uy mu iiiJKiiieur. it
probably bo In tho nulghlwrliood
fl.r.uo.uiw. Tills cut In tho eiilm,
Is veiy favorable to many other
, Chairman Burton was anxious
-avo sumo repeal legislation to ijuj)
Uio largo amount In the river nml ha
bur bill. One of tho Items which
wii n ted repealed was the Dalles l;
railway. Tbo Oregon delegation
sUtod that It should remain until
surauco of soma other project forov
coming tho obstruction could bo h
Tills contention now prevails.
More Stamps Are Soon to Be Added to
Present Milling facilities.
intio uivur, ur., i;oc. .'I. A ni
body ol rich oro has been struck I
tho last crosscut from tho middle tu
nel in tho Luckv Boy mine. Til
crosscut has boon run in aliont 20 li
towards tho hanging wall. A HI
body of Ireo gold rock, some of whli
shows gold to tho naked eye, is i
vi-alnd. A now tunnel has been start!
on tho level with tho top of tho mil
that will soon tap tho pay chute near
100 feet below tho upper tunnel, la
will soon bo connected with tlio tl
upper tunnols by an upraise, and thj
bo mado tho main woiklng tunul
Tho tunnel cau bo extended into
mountain for nearly 2,000 feet alo
tho courso of tho ledge, gaining a p
pendlciilar depth of nearly 2.000 fit
from 20 to 30 feet wide. Hundreds!
thousands of tons of oro can lie tak
out without oxiKiuso for pumping
hoisting. An additional tumilier
stamps will bo added to the prca
mill tlm coming season.
Crushing of oro began Deroniborj
last year, aul tho plant lias nel
stonned an hour, dav or nluht, stul
oxcopt for sliuht repairs or to clean i
Mystery Surrounds Boy's Deith.
ChohallH, Wash.. Deo. 24.-A
named Wilson mot Ills death iu I
Chohalis railroad yards iu a mysterld
manner. Ho was found aliOiitS
o'clock, still allvo, and carried il
tbo donot. IIo had been badly bruit
on ono sldo. IIo died a few hofl
after being taken home.
Negroes for Hawaii.
Chicago, Doo. 24. A spoclal to
Ftneord from NiihIivIHi). Totlll., "
Alinnt 200 neLroos will leavo NasllV
in tiio mornliiL' for Han Fraud
wlionco thoy all for Honolulu
negroos aro going to work on
Scotch Steel Industry Suffering.
Glasgow, Dec. 24. Clyde slilpbiilj
ors rocontlv nlacod orders ior iou.u
tons of nlatos in tlio Unitod Statos
a saving of 60,000. Tho doprossS
in Uvit,.h ot..l nml Irnn trades is acu
Fourtoon furnaces will bo damped!
tbo ond of tho voar. Tho stool wofl
nro talking of closing Indefinitely.
Washington Man Dead In Dawson.
BnntHn Wnnll.. DOO. 24. Advli
fiom Dawson stato that 15 1 bridge M
Intt nifnil AR vniirn. dlod thoro I0VOl
uvv "o y i in
l.. OR nl minllllinnlll. llftor II W001
illness. IIo wus from PuyallI'
!. .l,.l,tnru in I'll Vlllllll) Or TllCOIl
iin uMunvu j . ..
ll...4-1ntt iimu 11 rYimnlinr nf till) UUU l
lows. IIo had boon mining on Huuks
but with only modorato suqcobh.
Advance to Ralsla Growers.
i7 n..i nnn. 24. Local bni
nrn linvn nlrnllL'od to
ndvimoo to i
Hnlln Giowors' association
(Henri nri
n.niiom' association ruu,i
in IUI 111 IIH
o iuI""" . , nwiUCS
, Sales bavo been slow of lato, owmbj
Baiesjmu Knstorn I"l
1110 81U1K"""V""' . .. 1 Tl
kets. Tho paokors have takon 1, 1
...i.,l n rnlHillS 8UO pain w "
. .nnrn llftVO U
About OUU oar .u-
packed, but
...nrn IN 1. lli.l'".-
twoon tho growors
nun tuicuuin
" .
the grades.