Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 21, 1900, Image 8

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Curious pheitorucn,i rts dis-
:overed on Joseph Yates faiui
ibrcc miles east of the Corvallis
ferry ycaterdaj'. While ploughing
summer fallow field that" was
his season in fall wheat, Walter
fates turned up million's 61 1)Ugs
hat seemed to he the regulation
train aphis. The ploughing, is six
nches deep, and the insects per-
neate all the earth that comes out
)fthc furrow. Similar conditions
ivere discovered two weeks ago hy
on Locke while ploughing, a
leld on J. Fred Yates' farm adjoin
ing. josepn vates is couvinceu
that thebugsarethe genuine aphis,
ind he further believes their work
ju grain roots to have been' respon
sible for tbts year's crop failure
IThis year the field in which they
ire found produced bnt 15 bushels
per acre, tnougn me prospect, ai
Bone time was bright for as' big a
fcrop as Mr. Yates has grown on it
iin the 33 years that he had farmed
ithe field. The same field has al-
jways been good for 25 to 30 bushels
per acre. Corvallis Times. '
It was a thrilling escape thatphnrles
avls of Bowerston, 0., lately had from
a frizlitiui ileum, tor two years a
severe lung trouble constantly grew
worse until it seemed he must die of
Consumption. Then he bean to use
Dr. King's New Discovery and lately
wrote: "It gave instant relief and
lefTected a permanent cure." Such
wonderful cures have for 26 years, proven
it's power to cure all Throat, Chest and
Lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00.
Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles
iree atBrasox Drug Co. Drugstore.
A shrewd Portland man who' has
((observed the products and the
markets of the country has written
along article telling of a number
of industries that ought to be made
more profitable in Oregon. He
savs that bath our soil and our cit-
mate are peculiarly adapted to flax
raising, ile thinks our wneat
crops would be larger and better if
more attention were given to proper
summer fallowing, and says a
greater per cent of it ought to be
made into flour before export. He
sees nojjood reason for so much
oats and barley products being im
ported while our own state can pro
duce such superior articles. There
ought to be several starch iretories
to utilize our immense crops of po
tatoes. There are no good ex
cuses for bringing in so many hog
and poultry prodncrs, and all th
sugar and butter we need could be
made within the borders of our
own state. Exchange.
All through the Willamette vol
ley farmers are changing from ex
clusive grain-growing to dairying
and othef forms of mixed farming.
At Halsey S. Z. Taylor ai'd his
son, Otis Taylor, who long de
pended almost wholly on wheat
groiwtig, made the change a year
or two ago with marked success.
They have two circular silos and
are well pleased with their success
with silage. They have secured
the best results with Pride of the
North corn. They have made a
good commencement with clover
growing, in which they are pioneers
in tneir district, iierealler it is
their purpose to feed upon the
farm all the grain grown thereon.!
Mr. S. Z. Taylor has now retired j
and turned over the management of
the farm to his son, Mr. Otis
Taylor, who appears to be a good
type of an Oregon twentieth ecu-.
tury farmer. The man who can so
quickly make a successful change
from wheat-growing to dairying
and stock-raking, are going to do
great things in developing Oregon
agriculture. Oregon Agriculturist.
B. D. Blanton, of Thackcrville, Tex.,
in two years paid over $300.00 to doctors
to cure a running sore on his leg.
Then they wanted to cut it off, hut ho
cured it with one box of Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve. Guaranteed euro for Piles.
25ots. a box. Sold by Benson Drug Co.
Word has been received in Sa
em, says the Statesman, that hops
grown on the Dove place near In
dependence, owned by Horst Bros.
won the gold medal at the Paris ex
position. The Oregon hops were
placed in competition with every
hop-growing country in the world,
and it is a source of much pride to
Oregon growers that fhe hops
grown here are the best the world
produces, according to the most
competent judges.
I ir at Tim Schedule Akmvk
Chicago. HrU Ukc, l envor, Kt, 4im
I'Ortland Worth, Omaha, Kan
rpcelai City, m. uut,
9:15 am Chicago and fait.
Atlantic Pall Lake, Denver, Ft. B:40tu
Kxprcu Worth, Omaha, Kan
tnuii ui City, St. Loul,
Via mint- chlctKU and mil.
Spokane Walla Walla. Lowli Tarn,
Klyor ton, Stiokaiio, Mill
Gpm ncapnlla. St. Vault,
l.'ulnth, Milwaukee,
Chicago and Kast.
8 pill OCEAK STKiMSltlr 4 J 1Q
All aallliiK datea nib-
Joet tochanxo.
For Sati Krattcleco
Sail orery Sdays
Dally Kx. Columbia Kivkr 4 1. m
Sunday Sikamkrh Kx, Sund'y
8 pm
Saturday To Astoria mid Way
1 OH in Landings.
GatuKx. Viu.amkttk River 4:30pm
Sunday. Oregon City. Newbent Ex.tiund'y
Salem and Way-Land-
7 am Willamette and 3:S0pm
Tuea.Thur. Yamhill ItivKits Mon. wed.
and Sat, Oregon City. Dayton and Ktl.
and Way-Landing.
Leave Snake Ktvcit tave
Illpnrla lUparlatoLeMlston. I.ewiMon
3:: a m Dally
Dally 9 a in
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to
the affected partB is superior to anv
plaster. When troubled with lame
fetck or pains in the side or chest, give
I it it trial and you are certain to be more
than pleased with the prompt relief
Which it a fiords. Pain Balm also cures
rheumatism. One application gives re
lief. For sale by Bensox Drug Co
Cottage Grore. Lyons & Afpleqatk
Drain Druggist.
The Lane County Board ofEqua
lization, consisting of Judge H. R.
A.incaiu, icteric ji. u. jee ana
Assessor D. P. Burton, in session
today, reduced the land valuation
20 per cent. The reason for the
reduction was given that personal
property was assessed proportion
ately lower than real estate. Asses'
sor Burton informs us that the
assessment was made on about the
same basis as last year, and as the
1 reduction is the same as last year.
30 per cent, the amount of real
estate cut off will amount in value
to about $i, 000,000. The personal
property was not disturbed, al
though at first a horizontal reduc
tiou of 20 per cent on the entire
assessment was proposed. It prob
ably would have passed only its
legality was questioned. -Guard.
Your best feelings, your social posi
tion or business success depend largely
on the perfect action of your Stomach
and Liver. Dr. King's New Life Pills
give increased strength, a keen, clear
brain, high ambition. A 25 cent box
will mnko you feel like a new being,
bold by Benson Dbuo Co., Druggist.
Among tfio tens of thousands who
have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
for Colds and la grippe during the past
few years, to our knowledge, not n single
case has resulted in pneumonia. Thos.
"Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue,
Chicago, one of the most prominent re
tail druggists in that city, in speaking of
this, says: "'We recommend Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy "for la grippe in
many cases, as it not only gives prompt
and complete recovery, but also counter
acts any tendency of lagrippe to result
in pneumonia." For sale by Benson
Drug Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons &
Afpleqatic Drain Druggistr.
'vibit DR. JORDAN'S orkatI
( Setaeta Bill tad SttealfcJ
Thelarf etAnatomlcal Haieum
in me worm.
Ortatttt attraction tix M City. A
wwufrjui eijntur rteitere.
tHHwi, or any con traci
eddbeaiie,elllTlr evirarfbr (
ine oiqmk apaciMiiai un we raciao
coau. Jytlabiiaiied N yeara,
Yanax Harm and aniridia'
Bffed mn who are auffertng .
frum In effect ot youthful Indl. I
crrtliina or HrtuM It, tnatnrsr
- year. iteming ana pnraicai iniiity,Ini.
ixlrucr. lAt JlnxUuo41alllticomDll-
r cauona; Npcrnaiarruva. i-r..Lnir 1
rltrrn. aooorrhcra. Ulrel. 'raiuHrr '
I ur UrluiillBff, ale. Ily n combtnatlon of 1
rvmeaiea.oiKraicaraiiTv poer, lueiwciur -I
lia.iaoarraiiKKl bla trratmtnl Hint It Kill not ,
onlr alTurd fmniedlata rvllrf. but DrmAiiiit I
t cure. ioa icior aoes iini claim 10 piiorni
' mlracln, but H well known- to b a fair and I
, tquare l'lirldan and SuriroiiLirMm-atal
luuioDeciattr llliruri or JJw
Mirt-XIKI.IN lhnronrhir enolicatea Irom '
1 liin sjaiaai miuoui mm uie omorenrj. i
XrttSMa nttNl br an Exntrt. SlntllrAl
I tai for BniilMM. A. outclr and radteiit t
cureior a-iira. riaaar ana jriMaise, uy
, Jordan's peclal palnltM melbndi.
EVERY MIX anDlrlnetouawlUreelTe
I ovr Konrrt opinion ot htaeumplalnl. ,
ir tjiu uunnmttt a l-o&inrjs (.nun in 1
I'nniuiiauon t li ke anapcricfiT-priTaM.
Treatment Deraoaallr or br Inter.
Writ. fr nmk. PniLOOI'nT Of 1
nmilllOE. UiilidViu. (JL valuable J
, booKlormeu.) Lai i or wnw
DR. JORDAN h CO.. tOSt Market St, 8. F.
Notice is hereby given to prop
erty owners on Main, Wall, Fourth,
Second and "A" streets in the city
of Cottage Grove, that unless the
several assessments for street im
provements are paid to the City Re
corder, forthwith, the City Mar
shal will be instructed to sell the
properties liable therefore in the
manner provided by the charter of
said city.
Dated Dec. 14, 1900.
By order of the City Council.
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles. as well as women, and all feel
theresults in losof appetite, poiRons in
the blood, backache, nervousness, head
ache and tired, lietlesd, run-down feel
nig. But there's no need to feel like
that.- J. W. Gardner, of Idaville, Ind.,
saya: "Electric Bitters are just the
thing, for a man when ho don't care
whether he lives or dies. It gave tnt
now strength and good appetite. I can
now eat anything and have a new lease
on life." Only 50c at Bbnson Duua Co.,
Drug btoro. Every bottle guaranteed
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Equalization for Lane
county will meet on Monday, Dec.
10, 1900, and remaining in session
six days for the purpose of equaliz
ing the annual valuation of prop
erty. All parties having greviences
in regard to assessment will govern
themselves accordingly.
D. P. Burton,
County Assessor.
If you would have an appetito like a
bear and a relish for vour meals take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. They correct ditorders of the
stomach and regulate the liver and
bowels. Only 26c. Samples free at
Benson's Dnua Co., Drug Store.
Trains leave Cottage Grove for Port
land and way atations at 3:07 a. 111.,
jr:iu p. m.
Lv. Portland 8:.Wa. m.
Lv. Cottage Grove 1:20 a. in. 2:57 p.m.
Ar. Asuiana iz:tw a. m. nui, ni.
Ar. Harramento... 5:00 p. m. 4:35 a.m.
Ar. San Fram-isco. 7:45 p.m. 8:16a. m.
at. ueiien........ &:-b a.m. 11:45 a. m.
Ar. Denver U:00a. to, 9:00 a.m.
Ar. Kansas City.. 7:25 a.m. 7:25a.m.
Ar. Chicago 7:45 a.m. 0:3d a m.
Ar. Los Angeles.. 1:20p.m. 7:00a.m.
Ar. El Paso 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
Ar. Fort Worth.. . 0:30 a. m. eO a. m.
Ar. City of Mexico 0.55 a. m. 0:56 a.m.
Ar. Houston 4:00 a. m. 4:00 a. in.
Ar. Ni-vr Orleans.. 6:26 p.m. 0:26 p.m.
Ar. Washington.. 0:42 a.m. 6:42a.m.
Ar. New lork 12:43 n.m. 12:43 n.m.
Pullman and Tourist cars on' both
trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Og
den and El Paso, and tourist cars to
Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and
Connecting at San Francisco with sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu. Ja
pan, China, Philippines, Central and
South America.
See D. T. Awbroy, Agent, .Cottage
Uiove station, or address
G. 11. Mabkham, G. P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
So sure are we that the locating of a I
fow of our Electric Belts will develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that we are willing to send
ono free to any sufferer from tho follow
ing diseases : Cold extremities, Crysto-
cele, jtomale weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Leucorrhca, Liver complaint,
ParalysiF, Lost vitality, Ncrvonsdebility,
Self abuse, Worn-out women, Sciatica,
Weak and Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Impotonoy, Rheumatism.
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
bexttal organs, and Catarrh.
Address lor illustrated circular, etc..
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., llattle
Ureek, Michigan.
No ono can reasonably liopo for good
health unless his bowels move onco each
day. When this is not attended to dis
orders of the stomach arise, biliousness
headache, dyspepsia and piles soon fol
low. If you wish to avoid the8oaiImrnH
keep your bowels rfgular by taking
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets when required. They aro so easy to
take and mild and gentle in effect. For
sale by Benson urvq Co.
Do you hear it come thundcrhiff up through
the minds of men?
..Tr-.. n..M tc n ituwHrlnn discovered. thnt will cure disease, It
II lliv.iv. .J .......... --- - -- . ..
must be n liquid charged with gas." Robt a ymlall.
T3J,r. nr!vt-nl- TtTi11ft !o Durn U'nlcr plinri'ed with tll.Hlll-
AXUUtAall v 1UIW1 UUb i.i . , 1 ...... 0 - ' -
fectinc cases! See formula on every jug and bottle. Iulonmition and
pamphlet free. . . ,
Residence with J. K. Barrolt. COTTAdK GROVE, OHHOON.
XFtJJ VllrOlflt ORDER, latawbllir jou vUh laUt'aor man',
ptfi lwVl(lit ol ir.ui. 1ml art.lfaml WK HHP
Tilt. v vt. IV iui , -m-.,. j 1 ,, i..- -M., w
auuua II lutlr lforo jiiu acvtt'l Ik It II U uo all atul mot llnnw
cUtm tor Ik a'nl a Uttr lfcl ihvi yu tn (; tor atij lwr atar lh
i,rlcalnm anr on !., If"t l J"!.""'' I? alltmwM cUrs.t
Sumt.oa. Thm MOemtOSE" Dlayolo 4 fZ.Bt:
UtUt:rricllanrtnlnaMrrclaterD(7rrtJ. r (iiaranltaTl iul
to aurlu hl on tlio niarktkana jou ami iiol atrrl II nor ir a tM
l(TmilnnoitndliraarrrvHnk Woaia l:XOLl'nn U UIU VLX
4IA.M rAn ritr.K and UHo lliti mtlliett ' -I'lcVlr lulnlacli
our IDVU WOUKl.t. Thlt oltrr ot a uinite bnl ai Uitaluw 4tMl
madolaaeciira a HIDEIt AOEttTlajntm to raprawalua
ailtiion)r. ouraitiiUiuliiiiPM)rfl.
giXblrlUn IIUIIOl Bbrltir rnil laklnir with fiitcwl ciimo
Hons flaih Jolnu, tawtil iiiandfr ilftlca l tutm itit Mltwl
hualUluiri llojalArchtrowni UwnlliialMatUkateandnaamr
lb aili'l ruiuilnir knnnni IUr4 ""ttr tu, aril anil euat.tib
molienlTitlrtontbdiiiaitk Tbanaltu4 MklarMltaU
fadttttl iwclaki, tuolanl atvurlf lha ltl o!4alnIJ. l.-ruuTwlm la
Mack, mlirvon orroueli urraii, ntahlr Onl.brJ anil urmimulKli i,ctal
nulibcU rliltlltia- on allbrlibl "U. Wa Iboiuonbljr mitTarjr laoa
it malarial Uai cwa Into tjitt loacblna. Our klaJU jtafa caar
aatr bou4 wltN ah l.lcyrlp, .......... .
CrlCR to anr oiw aaodlnit tba aiCSOmiU In full IUv urOar ttl
rilCC cu,l trra a uuln llurillrk mttn inllo Utrrt tatlara fyclo
mrlrri or a hlsth iratla floor uuiv Vour atoneja '-mklfjanaraaot
iwrrocllr aalHIlrU. . .....
nuenrj UlUCCI C Wa do not inanularloia ba cheap iWiiari
uriExlE" IV t r r a . .im. kimi of fthmtlt. autli a many new
concern! .ml Uir aupplr bowi aitrertlie anil aell aa high rretle. Waran fumlih I hem.
howveer. atai to 7 i(rlpi,li to i; foroini.lne. W i not Kueranttw nor reeom.
luauJ thorn. lir.rollU l.-linilXl a blojcla of any one ek. no mailer no ur uo
chcaisTtrtte u. aid lei ut trll jou bow uucU ran aaa jtou ion Ibe '''", . .,
Iljou 1 1 IM A U I K n niVbelvaMUaMttJol.ii;AI A IIIOYOLK kr"a
ro UllelLlLC 10 DU I lil!.nllni-ctilo,nir.Iurii.frwil.j5. WtlvulH olreoa
lnaathtowntarlblti,unyie. Vol.atm..erlhundn-dMi:C'O.NU IIANII WIIKKLM Uiell In Imle alihli
wlllekisariulataa tftaltlrtLrKt atioaomalhonworniaui'ilei auil DV moiietl vtrrctieatv ieiwt lor Verttta LUk
OUR ItKUAlllLITV It umiueillonnl. Wa reW to anr bank or builneai buueoln Cbteairo. or apr eipreniip
ITV la unuuelloixl. Wa ntrr to anrbankorbuilnninuUMlnv.nieairo.orai
We will eeud eon letter r relorenco ill reel Irom Iba larvl Unke In llilcaao II
flDriRD lo4ar. Tbli low prtraandthwa?ealal wrote n'thliHuenlvltbau
WIIWI.II iMwtUiurawnveryaoon. tviiite name or ioia
rallroaa comiMuir.
Oltloago, tit.
Tho practical nido.of sclonco is reflected in
A monthly publication of inestimablo valuo to tho Btudent of every day
scientific problems, tho mechanic, tho industrial expert, tho manufacturer,
tho inventor in fact, to overy wide-awake person who hopes to bettor his
condition hy using his brains. Tho inventor, cxpocinlly, will find in The
Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing of importance
escapes tho vigilant eyes of its corps of expert editors. Everything is pre
sented in clean, conciso fashion, so that tho busiest may tako timo to read
and comprehend. Tho scientific and industrial progress of tho ago is accur
ately mirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only
publication in tho country that prints tho official news of tho U. S. Patent
Office and tho latest dcvoloperacnts in tho field of invention without fear
or favor. sintscniPTiOM trick one dollar ikb ykak.
THE PATIENT RECORD, Balilmoro, fflef.
United HUlim IjimrOfllcn,
Roivbiira.Oreiinn, Out. 11, moo
Notlco l lim-by given tliut In ,-,.
laiiuo with tho piovl.loim 0f )l0 .",
of uoiiitrcNH of Juno II, 1878, cntitlud At,
art for tho vulool timber luiula In ii,
States of Ciilifornl,,, Ort-go,,,' Nu, J
und WkhIi iiglon Territory," us .
tomlwl to nil tho public Itiiiii Hiulim hv
act of AuguKti.lHk Urampton II. j,, ft
nf Collnuu firnvn. Cmmlu .,( I n. .
,, o ruii. ,n. 'u,:v,u wiiTi"y.. r
T ' w-ee.. a.eey (lllTtf I 111
olllco his Hwortistntoiiioiit No. liwj
tho piirohnso of Ibo 8K of Biniliu'i Ni.
, 18. In T wnshlp No. 22 H., Rngo No 2
it i-.i,i.iiii n in iiiiur prooi 10 Kliow that
tho bind Nought Is ipoio vnhmblo for Um
timber or mono llinn for nurtculttiriil
purposes, mid to ONtnbllib UU dulm i0
mililluiid licforo the ld-j-l.tor and He-t-oiverof
thin ollleo nt Rottelnirg.Oretfoii
on Bnturtlay tho 20th day of Devomlw",'
1 IK)0. '
lie iinmcH its wltiiisscs:
. .J.'?l'.t,l,l, IVrklnii, John Uwln, K. i.
rhllllps, 1. 1). l'nlinor.ofC'ottAu flrov
Any mill nil pernum elnliiiing ml
vorni'ly tho nlniVe-di'st-rlbetl IniitlH nit,
n-iiursii-d to file their claims In this
ollu-uoiior linfitrn anlil U'Jili .t ..i
J.T. Himmrii.Rt-glHlcr.
Paints !
W (rarrjr a Kutl I.lna ot
Sash and Doors
Estimates Cheerfully given on
all classes of work.
1 Clravetand : Collate : Colors
. . . .
I he L'cst Kcady-Mixcd I'amt on
the market.
Jenkins (S Lam
The JOB OFFICE of this
paper is at your disposal for
the best of printing of any
and all kinds at barely liv
ing prices.
li 111) Ulflco nt Roiitfbiirp, Ori-tcnu,
St-ptciiibt'r27. IlKW.
Not lev In heroby jdven tint t thr follnw-inir-inmicil
settler bun tiled nuiitx- of Inn
intctillun li imiki! Dual proof in aup
port of bin claim, 11 ml thnt vuitl iiriff
will bt5 mmlo beforri Joel Wan-, u. s.
Cotmiiliialoiii'r, nt Kiiguiif, Urrj.-(in, tin
NoveinU-r 23, 1000, viz: Snnuiel K.
I'hillipxoii II. K. .No. 7407 lor I hr 1...I :i,
XW1-ISW IW.Sw. 28, T. 198., R. X
Ho natiiCH tho follow itii; vvIiiioich to
pruvi- hia vDiitinimiia reaiilL-mt iiotiniul
i-iillivmion of oaitl lnn;l, vlit:
Clnirli-H t'oleord. O. W. Hn.illi, AI-l-rt
Furnell. Juntos m, of Crcaviell,
J.T. IlitlDOicH, RrKl'tur.
Here is a chnncc to get your bov
into n paying business on n small
capital. I have a choice lot of liigli
gradc Helgiau Hares that I will sell
in pairs at very low prices. There
is no need to send to California
when you can get the same thing
here nt home. Lord Ilritain, Sir
Styles, Fashodn, Yukon, Red Rover
and other fashionable strains aic in
stock. I A. Rankin, Eugene.
When you need anything
in the line of printing please
remember that the motto of
this office is good work,
good material, neatness and
dispatch, and the prices are
within reach of all.
QTClftLVIO DICI Co tun h7m ?
'is uibiiiiiu mirs-rCiA until fi.viiii x
w a aw a ufiau rriT jk.
; JL'lStW WUIl two ZmoaMaa Vaa.TueaPma
lengths or oarret, u ana JO inches. Evcru
MMn wm um lint m.r.wL .m ir:rr. nirrTifrifi ww m ma m mm i a w .
7. . " , . rr - - ' tputw ivun
we make a fxM lino of rifles; Price, from $0.00
upwards. Every arm we turn out is warranted
.T. STI75V131VS A TMVr JSr. rrie-a-vr m.
' im -StWrnM. mM-t-wmm i w
ci.a.j r-i.,rm., t r. ... JL
Notttbly MinonK tho pleasures itlTonlt-il
by thoShustn Route Is the winter trip
to Southern California und Arizona.
Renewed ucquainUnce with this section
will ever develop fresh point of inli-ruit
nnd ndded sources of enjoyment, titnler
itH an 11 11 v aklea, in tho vnrlety of it in-
dtiHtriea, in ItH prolific vt-nutation und
itmoiiK itK ntiiiiborle8 rcaorti of inoiin
Inin, shore, vulleyund plain.
Tho two dully Shasta trains from
I'ortlnnd to California have been re
cently equipped with the tnoHt npproved
pattorn of standard mid tourint sleeping
cura, but tin low rates of litre will still
continue In o.'.-ct.
Illustrated ui.'-lcs to the winter ro
sorts of nllfornin und Arizona may bo
had on application to
C. II. Makkiiam, G . P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Kullce la herebjr given that I have been ap
iiolnteil Adiriliililrator o( the citato ol U. II,
VaiiaRlmlaok, deceaied. All jienoni havltur
claim axainit aaltl catale are reijulred to pre
aent them with proper vouchers to me at my
olllt-o at CottOKO ilrore, I.nno County, Oregon,
within aix uionthi from tho dale of tills notice,
Dated tblavth day of November VXD.
J AM in llKUKKWAV, AdmliiUtrator.
Voilcnli iiornt.v rrlvfin (hat Jaa. 11. Stewart.
adinltiUtrator of the cslute of Wm. Eablna, I'e
ccnted, haa II led till Dual acuouut In tha
above named t-atato and that tho 8th day of
December 1900, at tho hour of ono o'clock In
ttin .ria.tiiu,ii tlinrnnr line linan afit for Ihfl date
of heArlnif anld lliml arpnunt ut tha oiriro nf the
County JudKO, In KoKene, l.ano County, Ore
Kon, id which tlmonml pleco all jieriom huv f.i.tnttit.iR tn (hrt allowance und annroval
of the imo may appear and be beard.
Dated inn um uuy 01 woveinuor, rw,
J as, II. BtkwaHt, Admlnlitrator.
Proprietor of the CAFE ROYAL
on River street,, near the oruige,
Short orders day and night. Every-
. . . 1 Kitt l-ltn
thing nrst-ciass nnu iuc "v
market affords.