Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 21, 1900, Image 7

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i hlj
ill J
jovoroamo by Lydla E,
lithent'B Vegotabla
.a M
(iiu tnouounw nappy
Zln toatly to thla In
tloful lottoro to Mra.
lotiatruatlon la m
vflr0 attain on a wo
J, vitality- If It la
0UI oomoihlng la
tj. pinkhtm'i VijtUbl Compound J
" 1
promptly sot right f If
tOOSOIVO or irruguiur
Iflo to mra nnKnam,
Lit, Mass; woraavioo.
Mdonoo aaounaa that
ig, pinMtam'a auvioa
y moaioino navo ror
lyyoara aeon nafpfng
ton to no a iron j no
r t a
jgr aaviou ia au un-
ylngly aoourato, no
)r modlolne haa auoh
rooordof cure.
Ttrlll Sthdule for Manila.
fichatiti mill prouucitrN oi till
rtirt wntoltlnu the now tiirliT noliuil
telng pmpimul y tlio riilllppiun
million, Tho auiijuct In vitally
citsnt to nil count stntfls.
Want Belter rrtltht Raits.
fori lu iobM" M
tin n, mi int1ntni0 cemmorco comm!..
"on flKhtltiK for moro fnvorabto .rolffh.
H.iti.0iiiM ,n",ni
IT- 'ImUl! a ..ii. jirui
ynv mi ....I.. .a
Cillll. I..... . "III CH.
I lib ! 1 '"",,k wlt
An ICh,- l-nrt; Vtiiitli-oii. I don't
you mil,! you W,(lltl.(1 m,
Detroit Kieo I'i-csm.
oil hu Into? .My lk.nPi , ,mi(, ,
y Muw luilomoMlu , W8H,.,, ,)0
.."ho ilvo ,,,, licforc I could rn,i,Ko
...wiIUH)h JOIlriKI
Men Are Not Alike.
Two mon may bo exactly nllko tip to
1 it0p" ,' ,0,r 1")ad8' Uncover one
bond and (Uncover n KonliiB. Tho
otbor rovonln nn idiot.
What the Cowi Are Dolmf.
Tho food commlHloncr of Onjcon to
pott that M00.000 iwundii of buttor
1,000,000 iwnndH of cheoio.
Wn(i a Smll Fortune.
A Hoattlo flroman tiamod Brnbon
,,hr"wn fr'n hoao cart and
Hod. Mm. Hrabon U after 2G,000
oi olty mouoy and will jjot eomothiDtf.
. ''.crl,,tlon Mr M.lkrla
Chill, and Foyer j, of fl
l.tol0M OWU Tonic. It in nmvy
iron nnd quinino inn Untoleai .form.
No Oqro, No Pay. Price COo.
Still Out of Prlion.
A year ajto I'rnnk K. AIoDanlol yras
lunuwcou to 10 year in tho Oregon
1'iiilu.r iwi... i . . . wmhcwi to jo year In tho Oreuon
HI I n,, v L, v ,P l"ltontl.ry, but ho'i, not" there yet bo
I v k,?llllt ,,M " 'icImt wo lKal mcaiuro have piovcnted.
K.y mIipi , HbowH him t. hu.iihY wl
... . ' '"iiik more
n.u,..., u,iTy iiny.-(JHi;ow
illlH tbi civil
but I reckon
ncbool!" At-
li wnmlrrliil rrAUllnn
(oraii-"-'! "I II Kltltt Hint
cl on thr I.Ui-r. jx-rtnuicnllr
(Ullllf CUfllllitlUII,
Don't Dtlonj to Thli Crowd.
hoifl who mlcct duty urn no ninny
gi tlicy o I" iroiiiiiiuui im mo
U'l wcuhiiiK In tho luick yard.
Stops tho Oough and
Works Off tho Ooltl.
(utire llro'iiO'Cjulnlun TabluU euro
l in ono day. No ouro, No Pay.
em 25 ceiiU.
Arolhir CongrciiTiun.
It now connmapionai npporttonj CoIIUt'h UVcklr.
. . .... i i.. . i
B3l Kin niiruiiucoi 111 l'oiikiciui jiro
ifvmuothor conc'retkuum iu Wimb
IteaiUtr, throe lu nil.
"Well, Jl,,i couldn't
niTvlcf biiKliir,. KcoKnipby an' 'rltli.
",cl v-''oo Wbnt'M bo Koln'
no no now?" "Dunno.
ho'll ko back to tcncbln'
Innta ('onmitutlon.
JiiiIkc I'rlKoncr at the bar. bnvc you
( nnytlilnif further to Mule In your dc
; feline? I'rlnoiier-No, your Honor; I
only ak you to deal with me n you
! would wlili youroeir If you were lu my
plnce.-(!rcn Un. '
llncon-When you are In the elty drop
In mid net inc. Hubert-Why. I thought
,yotir ofllce wan on the clKbtcciitblloor7
"Ko It In." "And you want me to drop
' In; do you HiippuHc I'll bo lu a balloon V"
-Yonkera HtntcHiiian.
, Dimly ItonilH-l nny. Weary, bow did
you feel when that don ciiuie at you?
i Weary WiikkIcm-I felt Mattered that
t-ven be wim Kind to nee ine; but I en
'deavored to hide my fcellnH iih much
n 1 could.-IloHtiui 'I'miiKirlpt.
Khe-Vn. It'a all well enough to nay
now yriu think I'm pretty. VcKterday
( you nolil my unite turned up dreadful
ly. Hi Well, dear, I huh thinking It
nhowa mlKhty poor taxic lu b.ukliu;
nwny from nuch n lovely luoutli.
Tho German iiiiiIIh havo bcon oloiiod
to naimaKca; no you will bo no longer
nblo to write to ytur friend iu lleriin.
'Jnoloecd find four nausagoi."
Rich Alulu Copper Mine.
A big ledjio on Prince of Wales
Uland, ofT tho ooaat of Alaiikn. owned
by Hcattle parties, ihowi copper valued
t f 98 poi ton.
At tbls rcnnou your feet feel
uncomfortable. If
A rodtr,
tnollru, nervous mid
yon iiavf miartliiK feet or tlKbt sbneii, try
."nn ruiii.r.Mc, iiresmniiu cnniioris;
tnakei wnlkliig easy. Cures nwollen and
t?ru"u fm' 'dlter nud callous spotn.
llellfves corns and bunions of nil pain and
Isb crrtnlii rnrc for Cblllilalns, Hweiitlmr.
Damp or Knitted Ki-et. We have over 30.
t0 IcMlinonliils. Don't net lootsore aet
hunt-hate. Irr It tndmi. Bold bv all
drucclsis and sboe stores for 25c. 'trial
packiiL-e Vnitr.. A-llres5, Allen 8. Olm-
led. I.e lluv. N. Y.
Very Euy Job.
Strano bow nicely wo can lay out
a Htrnfght and narrow path that wo
lovo w woll to havo others follow.
Ejji from the Csit.
pioct Beptomber olKht cars of Knit-
Ufk'l havo mini) to Portland ho-
pboine supply is tint nulllclont.
WUn will lliul Mrs. WlintloH xHiwith.
tfrrtip the beat rrinrdr to u for thrlr
BJmi duriliK the teelbluu' riud.
Lifetime In the Klondl e.
Bllter rrosiMJctiuc 27 yvnra In far
htrn Alaska, A. K. Kvaus has come
(lk tultlu.
itbeglrl with tiro t-rcnt, rcmplilo.
j ercs rouiplnlned bitterly of the
wit of lier Heady company.
nirolilm tho inittcul" lid vised lior
'wrogp, tinhcrltntlUKly-
ft'hut. for cold feet?" oxclnlmod
ol$on ook
oison ivy
jaons the liest known
lis ntanv 1
J plants and shrubs,
'wneh or handle thcui
linllamtnallntt wllli In.
filching and burning
llheilciu. The eruption
disappears, the suf
fw hopes forever ; hut
wt as soon as tho little blisters ami
lcs appeared tho poison had reached
'Wood, and will break out nt regular
ovulsnnd each time in a more ngKra
Jdfonn. This poison will loiter iu Uic
nt for years, and every atom of it
w 1 forced out of the blood before you
u pcrtcct, permanent cure.
NnfttPf'5 Anllflftfr
iPINa mrc's Poisons,
In" cure tor T0'80" OaV, Poison
viand all noxious plants. It Is com
Irexcluslvclyof roolsoud herbs. Now
n-euinetoKct the poison out of your
j! as delay makes your condition
Don't experiment longer witli
'".washes and soaps they never cure.
H M; Msrshsll, bookkeeper of the Atlanta
Ik. ir T1'1' Co' w poisoned with l'olsou
lie look Sulphur. Arsenic and various
l(lnf.', n.,ll PPlleJ externally numerous
mil. WVS wl"' " benefit. At times the
Sum til . lunammntton was no severe he was
K? Mind, l'or eight years the poison wouM
ovm yry season. Ills comlltloii was much
iCW.I er tnklnp one bottle cf 8. 8. 8 , and
IttlS.. c,.eired his lilood of the poison, and
Weucesof the disease disappeared. -)
Wing wiicn or j,OWi jXj,iaii, your caso
4m ow Physicians, and they will
lnully Gtve 8Ucll information nud nd
elhi J011. require, without chnrgc, nnd
TObont n 1,10 8amc t""0 011 interest-
"ll ItlvB i 0.9"B P0IITI,ANII, OltlCaON,
''cli iit,y?u bMt l'rixnlns iu Bcneral
Ploii, TO WRlnes, boilers. tankH, pumps,
r'ti r v t wiiiuiiuiiB. mo iipw
LiC(f windmill, sold by him, Is nn-
j """Joiililijrup. 'fiutos flood. Uie M9
SU Urn i? ""'I lr druggl.ti. Kl
j Prepared for Itelatlves-IItinband (at
llnnerj-Jly. my! Tbln Im n regular
jlmnijuet worthy of a Delmonlco. Kin
est nprend I've neen lu au iikc Whiit'a
up Do you expect company? Wife
No. hut I prcMumo the cook does.
New York Weekly.
Driven Wonder bow Storer Is doing
nowadays? (IrlKKN Oh, he miiHt be
doliiK lliiely: mtmt bo miikluK no end
of money. You know he haa always
! been troubled more or Ichh with rheu-
; iimtlMtn. Well, he now culls It gout.
lloKton TrnuHcrlpt.
I Useil to .Make l'p: New Nure
' Plense, iniiiii, I can't do n thlug wltli
1 the baby. Ho cries nil the time. Mis
I tress Well. I declare! How stupid of
j in el Ills other nurses were colored
Klrls. You'll llnd Foinc stove polish in
' the kitchen. New York Weekly.
Tom You've been leaning UKalnit n
whltewnshetl fence, haven't you' Dick
' NO: why? Tom Your coat-tails arc
covered with white dust. Dick Shi
I'm koIiik to call on MIps Pechy; her
father, you know, keeps n bulldog; thnt
white dust Is poison. Philadelphia
A Proud Papa: "This Is my son
Frederick, Mr. I'osdlck," said Mr.
danders, proudly, lutrmluclng bis
5-year-old boy to his caller. "Well,
Frederick," said the culler, "do you
mind your iniimninV" "Yes, sir," re
plied Frederick promptly, "and so does
papa." Husnr.
All Thnt Was Needed: Cassldy
Wudn't yoz lolke f live on n fiurm,
Pat? Casey-Oh, tit's tli only wny f
live! Kf they only hod llllviited roads,
cable cars, pllnty nv saloons, concert
tuills, tlnlmlnt houses, dirt, noise, nnd
polnceinln on a fnrin, OI'd move on to
ti farm to-iuorFow.-Judse.
llnd' Form: Mrs. Illghblowpr Don't
forget, my dour, that In conversation
the interest must not be allowed to ting.
Clara Hut I'm sure I do my Iwst,
nuimmn. Mrs. HlghblowerMny he so;
but while the pianist was playing I
thought, ouco or twice, that 1 detected
you listening to him. Life.
A mother was bowing her dear little
Joo n picture of the martyrs thrown to
tho lions, nnd was talking very solemn
ly to him, trying to in like him feel what
n terrible thing It was. "Ma." ho said,
suddenly, "oh, inn, Just look nt that lit
tlo lion right behind there; ho won't get
nny." Cincinnati Kmiulrer.
"I wish you would rend this article."
ho Biild. What's It nhoutV" she naked.
"It's about tho danger of getting an
gry nnd It wna written by n physician,"
ho replied. She looked at him sharply
for a minute. "What hnvo you been
doing now'" she asked. "What kind
of n confession are you about to
innkor-Clilcngo Post.
"Y'ou many tlilnlc mo superstitious,"
snld tho traveling acquaintance, "but
I lmvo a tlrm belief that there's luck lu
odd numbers." "I haven't," replied
Mr. Peclc. "Now, my wlfo ncceptcd
mo four times, and dually " ''8
pardon. You menu 'rejected,' don t
you?" "No, sir! As I was saying,
finally tho fifth time she proposed, I
simply had to marry ber."-Cat hollo
Fire Boat at Portland.
Tho Portland I'iro department is try
ing to havo a flro boat bnilt to fight
flros nloui: tho docks of tho Willamette
Rich Willamette Valley.
The Willamette valloy, Oregon, is
one of the richest on earth, nnd is de
veloping slowly. Hut a stroke of light
ning will striko it some day in tho
shape of new life and then she'll jump
to tho front with it bound that will
surprise tjio state.
nows this;
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for any
case of Catarrh that ran no: bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cur
F. . CHENEY A CO., TropS;, Toledo, O.
We tho undersigned, have known P.J. Cheney
lor the past 15 years, and bcllcvo htm perfectly
honorable In all builn ss transactions and fin
ancial1 able to carry out any obligations rnado
by their firm.
Wist & Tboax,
Wholesale Uruicitlsta, Toledo, '
WaLdino, Kinnan .It Martin,
Vmoleialo Drug' Ists, Toledo, O.
nail's Catarrh Cure 1st-ken .nt:rnally, action
r.lrccily on tho blood and m coos surfaces o(
tbosjrsicm. I'rl o TIcpor bo'tlc. Eold by all
drug: tits. Tcstlmonl.-ls tree.
Ualfa Family l'Ul" r Ih kit.
Turning Out the Japs.
About 3,000, Jups will lmvo their
naturalization pnpors caucelod in Van
oouvor, II. I'., because fraud is snspoct
ed in gotting them.
Alter River Improvemealj.
Congress usually pnssos a river nnd
harbor bill every other year. Such a
bill Is duo this yoar. Oregon nnd
Washington nro niter their share for
harbor improvements, nnd especially
Oregou. with hor contemplated better
mout of the month of tho Columbia.
Can You Do This?
It tnkos tho best kind of n man to
do as he ia told. Ever try it?
This signature Is on every box ot the genulno
Laxative BromoQiiinine Tablets
the remedy that cures a cold In one day
Monument to Poe.
Itoston ia stnrtiug n movoment to
erect n monuraont for Udgar Allan Poo.
The Smiths All Got There.
All the Smiths in congress wore re
elected, thrco from MIohieau, one each
from Illinois, Iowa and Kontucky.
Increase of Farms In the United States.
Tho number of farms in tho United
States by tho Inst cousus is 6,800,000,
au iuorenso siueo 1800 of about a mil
lion nud n quartorj
Paris Divorces on tne Increase.
Tho lntest dlvorco statistics for Paris
show n steady iuorenso. Tho number
of cases now ronuhos nu average of
800 monthly, of which 210 are from
tho working classes nnd 00 from tho
aristocratic, financial upper olaes.
Railroad's Annual Meeting.
Tho nununl mootiug of thostockhold
ors of tho O. It. & N. railway will bo
hold In Portland January 81st next.
bit of the Century.
Only n few days moro nud this roi'
lettor conturv will go up to tho odgo
and stop off. Its Industrial, flnaueiiil
nud political nohievomouts lmvo ox
ceoded all that have gone before.
General Debility
Day in and out there Is thnt fllnir nf
weakness thnt makes a burden of itself. I
Food does not strengthen,
Hleep docs not refresh,
It Is hard to do, hard to bear, whnt
ihould be ensy, vitality is on the ebb, nud
tlio whole system sutlers.
For this condition take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It vitalizes the blood. lvcs vlxor anil tone
to all the organs nod functions, and is pos
itively i (iinlll forull run-down or de
bilitated condition.
Hood's 1'iu.s cure constipation. 24 cents.
Don't Try to Stand Alone.
Thoro is not in tho univorso such n
thing as absolute personal independ
ence.. Try it n year, a month, a day,
aud sco.
Paid Bhj Damages.
Tho Tacoma streot railway has paid
100,000 to thoso injured and to rela
tives of thoso killed in tho street car
accident July 4.
i Big Cargo for Minlla.
Tho transmit Kiutuck lcavos Hoattlo
soon for Manila with 820 horses aud
1,000 tons of hnyand grain.
To men with rigs to introduce onr
poultry (ond among farmers. Address,
with stamp, Aoino Mfg. Co., Kansas
City, Mo.
Big Time January I.
Tho Afro-American league of Port
land nro preparing to bring the new
year to tho front with n gigantic entertainment.
Calls for a "Wake-Up."
Tho Portland Telegram urgos every
body there to wako up and get a great
big high wide move on for the exposi
tion of 1002.
to cuiik a cor.n in onk dat
Tako Laxutivo Hromo Qulnlno Tab
lets. All ilri'vu'.rts refund tha money
if it fuils to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 2Gc.
Big Logging Contracts.
Loguiug contracts this winter in
Union countv, Oregon, aggregato over
10,000,OJO feet:
Good Men Come High.
Ono pcldoin has the price of a man
who 1b really worth buying.
We hate a combination ol simple
IIKItlts that lias given tho world
Its greatest blood purifier.
Good Place (o Be Careful.
Seattle city council U considering
an ordiunnco making it u miidemenuor
to attract crowds -on the streets by
words, gestures or otherwirfo. ,A blow
at the Salvation Army, itinerant
preacher, peddlers, etc. Better uo
slow, Mr. City Dads.
Oregon's Capital City.
Tho official census gives, the popula
tion ot Salem, Oregou, as 4.2GR.
ltathur Binnll aud disappointing, but it
inuht stand.
Kxnclly Wlmt You Want.
A handy little box (Jut right for a lady's
purse it n Runtlcman's rest pocket) of Cas
carets Caudv Cathartic, prevents Illness. All
druggists, 10c, 2.c, 50c.
Be Careful In Censure.
When inclined to censure, 'hesitate.
If censure is necessary, exercise it
with discretion nud charity.
Adversity and Prosperity,
rrospority nnd adversity are always
in proaessiou. Each by turn precedes
tho other.
I am sure I'io's Cure for Consumption
Hived my life three years ago. Mrs. Tuns.
ItonniNs. Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y.,
Feb. 17, KKsX
Be Careful In Debate.
If inclined to anger when debating,
remember that it cools slowly and
sometimes leaves permanent bitter
When you tako Grove's Taetoloss Chill
Tonio because the form u In is plainly
printed on overy bottle showing that it
is simply Iron nud Qninino in n taste
less form. No Cure, No Pay. COo.
Give Equity and You Get Equity.
Ho who seeks equity must give
equity. Greed and uvnrico uro over
at war with equity.
Women and girls to do piece work for us at
their homes. We all material and pay
from 17 to $12 weekly. Kiperlem o unnecessary.
Bend stamped envelope lo (Sk Y, Royal Hl'g
Co., 34 Monroe St , Chicago, III.
Big Fish Story.
A report from PortTowusoud. Wash
ington, says 14 tons of herring were
onught nt it siuglo haul, but whether
by one or ouo thousand nets was not
"Xly wife had pimple on lierfuce, but
she has been ukluir GASUAUUTS aud they
have all disappeared. I hud been troubled
with constipation (or somu time, but after tali
Ins the first Cuvcaroi I have had uo trouble
with this aliment. Wo cannot spcalt too high
ly of Casoarets." Fuicn WahtsIAN,
5708 Germantoirn Ave, Philadelphia, Pa.
Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, no
Good, Mever.Slcken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c. Wo.
SIlrlLj II,-. dj I .!;, I'bl(, X.trl, Mw Ysrt. Ill
Sold and inmraiiteed by all drug
gists lo UUlti: Tobacco Ilabtu
Must Dispose of Big Debt.
Multnomah county, Oregon, has n
dobt of 5800,000, represented by un
paid warrants, nnd a bill will bo pot
through tho stato legislature this win
ter to fund this 'debt in some way.
Indian Tax-Payer.
A ftill-liloodod Indian pays taxos in
Wasco county, Oregou, his share this
year bolng $21.78.
Better Not Try This.
Mnuy people havo failed in tryng to
got onto tho curves of a railroad by
btudying its map.
Our Nation' Wealth.
The material wealth and strenglb of our
nation is In iron, tlio most useful of all
metals, just ns the wealth of a human be
ing lies iu a useful stomncb. If von have
overworked yours try llostetter's Htom
nch Hitters. It will relieve the clogged
bowels, improve the appetite and cure
constipation, dyspepsia and biliousness.
Fighting for a Principle.
A c-'nn Eracnlsco business man has
sued tho Wells Fargo Express Com
pany for five cents that ho had to pay
for the revenue stamp on a shipping
Tied Up
When the muscles feel drawn and
tied up and the flesh teudtr, that
tension is
- from cold or orer exercise. It
lasts- bat a abort time after
St Jacobs Oil
Is applied. The cure
is prompt and sure.
The Famous German Wood Preserver
Pormanontly DoatroyB...
gt&T One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. If
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the
following distributing: agents: Perfection Pile Preserving- Co., Seattle,
Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; "Whit tier, Coburn &
Co., San Francisco, Cal.
Grandest One
r Ever
r Made
Mo. 39 Arlington h'qhIIt grade
pflii naf f nriniu,.
QW II uwusssig. afligg f 20 Year
If ROP mM aZ.
Drop Head
5 Drawers.
H aV U T W 1 U5 1 1 111) I l,HBirfil
Vl H VLB Kunnlnif Maclilncln
at the World.
Four Motion Feed S7Md.
fe-ir-ThrendliiB- Shuttle. Seir-Kettlnar
Nrrillc, Automullo llobhln Winder,
I'erfect Stltrh itetuluttir, Automatlo
Tension Kelense.
nk Anerldencoof cood faith on jouf part, wo
Xfc6' ask jou lo Mod os 13.00 with joor order.
Write yor name, i-ot offlce addretj and railroad
Khlpplnff point plalnlj,ne will tuenthlp byirelgbt,
0. 0. 1- with priTlleKe ot exwuinatloD, thli perfectly
constructed, lull ItaH IJparintT.No. W Arllnifton Ma
eh trio complete. If) on, find the Mucliuie ia ier
fectly RB'tHfactory und-fzu'tlr h reiireant
MliBuperli. in every way and worth tS.OOuiore than
any other machine you have ever reen adTertlred In
thtsoranr otber paper, pay tbeairentthe balancedne,
$12.45 and cbarpen and themacntneli yonrf. If the
macblueln notMt1fnctorr Itwlll ttereturnedat onr
expense and your (3.00 will be returned to you In fall.
ttop all friction and afford
Auaoiuie cu w inr opera-
tor, Tlte nlU are large
lite, made from fine tool
it! anil run In an oil-tern.
tiered tteel cud which can be
adlntted br the cone to aj
to take ud the meret trifle
ox wear,
A $60
All Attachments Free 'VL:j,NECjl8E.
On. ruffler or iratherer, on. shirring- piste, on. binder,
set or roar bemmers different widths up to i of a.
Inch, one tucker, otta braider, on. qalller. one attaelv
meut root, one inrejui-cmier, aieo loutnemmer ana iek
ler, needles, bobbins, .crew dtlven. oil can, oil and
Instruction book.
will plea, you greatl. tls made of cbnic quartet
sawed oak, thoroughly teaaotied kiln dried, hand rubbed,
and poll'he.1 ui av rich l.lano flnUh. when the machine
I. closed It becomes an attractif. stand or center table.
rH n Send for our Special Revlng Machine ratalome Nn. A -377. ITH FIIKF. We manufacture 13 different
SpC. styles from ,11 np. Write us all c;uetloiit answered rom.tIx and cheerfully.
AM a U nilVrnOI IIUIAU Wt r" El jnn valuable points In selecting a machine,
uAdli oUTtnO U HIU Ms 158-164 W. VAN BUREN. ST., CHICAGO, ILLS.
Br.FEREXCES: Fint national Bank of Chicago.
Then tou'H want beautiful things tn your
home. The tint thlncs you think of we tell:
Mantels of all kinds, Andirons of every sort,
(jas. Klelrlc and Oil I.IkIus In endless variety.
A Christmas present that beautifies your home
Is the best present. Call or write for photo
graphs and catalogues. THE JOHN IIAK
IIKT COMI'AXV, 91 First Street, Tort
land Orecmi.
You can't make a mistake It you get t
Ii You Nted a
or any piece of Machinery, U
will pay to write us for cats-
logue and prices.
RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Or.
The Only Sure 'ur nud
In stands nan u a llllf for
'l'AKicli. citmip. iiiinNrniTis. r a
Hitehell, Iteaiis & Stavep Go. SLlvKAiyos..,sr. JSf;
Bavp suffiTiUK and doctor's bills. Harmless for
elilldreu's ne. I'untulns no oniates or other harm
nil I hit e llents, Abnltitely purmiiid cuncentruted.
Ijtrge bottle or 300 ilosps ror SI, prepaid by mall or
express, or we will ermV you (postiiald) a trial
'1ST-rV UnUI IOU hT inn inn UlteJ our wsteh.
eBaiDEl Mil st rsclsry Price t O-e-llslr and
I "VsXt,' Off II fT. aLi,icKas-
hntile for Scents. Asents wanted.
imuoi muiiiic ns coapiir. nt uit su ttuugi. in.
A guaranteed Curo for Catarrh an!
Consumption. tl.OU. D Lock Box 115.
pt..., aoi .rrh f?r .railroad w H SMITH & DO.. Euffi o. H. Y . PfonY
Ofwrisii vairr ir 1 w ----i---j-
liu thkn .hl ou hft.a to DiT alMnhtr.
Our wo.trl.ti ir fitted with tht 0DtquaU4
II slrwtl4 Buetltl I4anra. or t J wtl
Wslthtam or Ella Uoienrat, known
Uit worm ovr ido dcii, ni
Cam Ii huntlof lolli old piUarn
onrrtvlnc. oitra 14 krt old
plat, fooi
.! 60 4nt Bond your kddroM
indwtw.lUond wVch C. O. D.
with iiil.S of full oi ml na
tion. CU in any rrt and If
found porfoctlx MtU(ctory a&A
laat w&teh jmt offirod for luck
a nrico MT 15.11 tod txprtia chart-
m, othorwlM Dot ono con) FREE
Sf.DO Ckala for licit 50 dan with oror
anlch. BUU If UdUi or Uontiw.uhli wanted. WrltealoncoM
womay not aTtrtiaoniiwaroai.inirricoaf in. vau.nruoirwai
Cxcelalor Watch Co., 34 7 Central Bank Bid.. Chicajc
Inooeti. uavacaredmanvtboai
and cases.
Box N, Atlanta! Oa.
are now ITIURLK by onr new Invent loni onW those bora
"leit are Incurable. 11K4D NOISES I'KatlK makUUlELT.
ilescrlbe your case. Kxamlnatlon and sdrlc. tree.
Yoq eon cur. yourself at homo at a nominal cost.
International Aural Clinic. Zuiu'culoZna
ONE FOR A DOSE. CureSlekneadaeheandDys
pepils, Itfiuoi e I'lmples, l'urlf y the lilood. Aid Vtgcf
llon.l'rotratUlllouaneas. DonotUrlpoorBlcHen. To
conTlnceymi.wlllmallssmp afreeirullbox.'so. Dft.
D O 8 A N U O C O. , l'slUd.,kl, re. Buld Uy Urus-stlti
f ho htndtorooal 14 K. double loldplated watch ovtr otTrrod
IA Q K i Mil Doaistlfull orrvaJ,huntiDi
. .XUiJOf wVUoroPtnfMo. fitted with a a a.
k Bo ImlUUdD, fulls
laitod nud ajlo!siJ
qnlckl alaandwl.had
trn Itnpruvaniauli It
fact ono tf tha flLtaltnado.
WILh nrAuar rara.willlaafta
poaraticooqutlto any 140 solid rolj wt h SantC.O D. faff .M
nJtiproichirrt,wlthil.llOOfyiiEKKXAail.AT10JI. U
not iU factory, a ttroiuniodoiouroxnanM, fr f m
Anolo.oniaoldplattd Chain wr;th Ono Itomr.r rf t C.
bs nt with ord.r anl coo.1s wlllbashlppsJ by rsf Ut.r4
visit. Writowhfthsrfl.DUerUUi. J.w.lry Ostil(ti.s (rss.
People's Jewelry Co., Dept.33 Sale Bids, CitlCAQO
N, 1. N. U.
.So. Bl-lOOO,
IIKN wrltlnir tt Ad vortUora plufl