Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 21, 1900, Image 5

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    1,01)01', CIRC 1 ,159.
" jug LodgcH 01 mm, nna our
Slater City Drain.
tlrnlit lf ,0Ht I'cautlfttlly lo-
tiled llttlo town of some 400 people,
. miles Hoiilli of Collage drove on
,l,e Sotithcrtt Pacific Company's
otitc. 'Icrc 'HU ""'l l'le Oregon
Ceiitrnl Normal .School under the
itlc management of Dr. Orcntt.
you also W,M fiml lwo "f llle 1)Cftl
touutry liotelH in Oregon, in fact
Iberc in nothing to !! for tlictn
m serve to tlivlr customers The
Siown is 1,,SH 11 lw'c tmVM r 110
.null proportions, the citizens of
the place as a rule belonging to two
ind three lodges each.
On last Saturday night, another
lubordinate lodge of Knights o(
pythins was added to Oregon's
long lift. ,,1C ,ll,mc l,lat l?rand
nd faithful ineinher Chus. l-'jl-loTfS.IatOKr'""1
outer guard, as fel
lows Lodge No. 81, Dniiu. Oregon.
l?or M)ine time the hoys had
looked forward to the "real thing"
iml it is t,,!,t tncv iirc now
quite well satisfied that they have
The preliminary meeting was
officially presided over by I,. R
Unison of Salem grand keeper of
records and seal, who had been
commissioned by (!rand Chancellor
Drndshaw to preside. The prelimi
nary work was quickly mid
adroitly handled ami then the work
was turned over to Alpha Lodge,
K. of J.. No. 17, Roscburg, Ore
gon, with Chas. II. Fisher chan
cellor commander. The work was
well put 011. and seldom has a lodge
started out under more favorable
prospects than did
PHU.0WS I.ODOK. K. 01' I'., XO. Si
with a membership of 23 and
plenty of good material.
At the close of the initiatory
work the following officers were
elected and installed by Deputy
Grand Master Stiusoii:
C. V. Counts. C. C; V. C, W.
W. Kent; P., W. S. Cellers; .Nr. V.
J. 0. Jjhnson, Jr.; K. R. S., D.
V. Kuj kendall: M. If.. U. II. Wise;
M. 15 , Wm. Roberts; M. A.. J.
W. Spatilding; I. 0., Chan. Schap
hers; Iocal I)., I,. M. I'erkius.
The following visitors were
I. R Stinson, grand keeper of
rfords.tnd seal and deputy grand
mister. Silcm.
At.l'IIA NO. 17, KOSItllUKO
Chas. II. Poster, J C Akin, 13.
W. Strong, L. A. Saiictiuary,
J'"red Johnson, Mel Thoaipso.i,
.Sheridan Chambcrliti, Jas. Templiii,
H.C. McClclIen, V. C. London.
W.T. Wright, Joseph Micclli, D.
Looncy, Elmer Hrashford, W. J.
Chas. Grissen.
OI.YMIMItl.S, NO. 71,
1'. 1?. Corntitt.
Wm. Ulalock.
J- S. Medley, Jas. Benson, Green
ritchcr, Robt. Martin, C. J.
Howard, C. V. Patterson, r. W.
Mistcrson, Gil Medow, C. C. CofT
man, T. W, Jenkins, J. K. Barrett,
Chas. Howcii, P. A. Clements.
At the meeting ofjuventus Lodge
No. 48, K. of P. held at the castle
last Wednesday, the following
officers were elected for the ensti
, ing .semiannual term: T. W.
Jenkins, C. C; Darwin Bristow,
V. C; J. K. Harrett. P.; Chas.
Bowen, M. W.; C.J. Howard, M.
A.; II. V. Bchne, I. G.; Gil
Medow, O. G.
Grand Chancclor Brndshaw of
The Dalles, Oregon, made Juven
ilis Lodge No. 48 an official visit.
flic Grand Chancelor is as his
office indicates one of the most
Popular members of the order in the
state, a good, whole-souled, and
conscientious knight who loves his
orer first. Inst, and all the time
He is a fluent and easy speaker nnd
address to (he members of Jtt
ventus Lodge was full of interesl
lg thoughts appreciated by every
"nuid vi'.itini!lit..ii 1
" me iniMiii.L'isint, ,,,! Inpiufitby
the good wholesome tall: adininia
toied to them.
On Saturday evening last, Cot
tage Orove Lodge No. 51 A. P.
& A. M. elected the 'following
officers: Geo. Wall, W. M.; Al
bert Wood, S. W.j Oliver Veatch,
J' W.j W. S. Ilenticlt, Treas.;
" 1,1 Woolcy, Sec. A reception
will be given by the Masonic Lodge
on the evening of Dec. 22 at Ma
sonic Hall, at which time the in
stallation of officers will be admin
Under the Order of Knights of
Maccabees of tliti city last Thurs
day night mi informal reception
was hold at the hall in honor of
Lady J.ainbson, Supreme Officer
and Slate Organizer of the Lady
MaccabecH, which resulted in the
effecting of nn organization of a
Hive in this city. The officers
elected for the ensuing term are: L.
C. Cora Taylor: Lt. C, Mary
Hart; P. L. (J., Hell Coote; R. K ,
Lillie Patterson; P. K., Hell Veatch.
The charter will remain oncn n
short time for benefit members
only nt reduced rates,
llazellou Cabin No. 27, Native
Sons of Oregon elected tlie follow
ing officers at its regular meeting
Monday night:
J.K. Voting , Pres.; W. L. 15a
ker, V. P.; Ralph Whipple, 2d V.
P.; II. M. Wagner. 3d V. P.; Jake
Lurch, Rec. & Pin. Sec; R. W.
Veatch, marshal; Henry Veatch
and P. P. White, trustees. Jerome
Knox from president to past presi
The Hazelton Cabin is said to
be in a mosl flourishing condition,
and bids fair to be one of the lead
ing institutions of the kind in the
Beginning with the New Year
190 1, the doors of The First
National Hank of Cottage Grove
will be opsucl for the business and
convenience of the public. The old
and well tiied private bank of
Kakiu & Bristow having been con
verted into a Fit st National Bank,
the certificate from the government
beiui: now in the hands of the
proper officeis of the new bank.
The place of business will beat the
old stand and the same accouuno-
Inling officials will meet and do
business with the bank patrons, as
of yore. The capital stock of the
b'ank is fixed at $25,000. with
officers as follows: President. Dar
win Bristow; Cashier, Herbert
Kakiu; Directors, Darwin Bristow,
Herbert Kakiu, N. W. White and
G. M. Hawley. Among the
prominent stock holders besides
those whose names arc identified
with,thc vaiiotis offices as above,
appears the following well known
Lane county people: J.B. Stewart,
-T. G. Hendricks, S. B. Kakiu and
I L. Chambers.
Theg-imc of foot ball played on
the Landes field here last Satur
day between the Bohemians and a
Drain team resulted 111 a score ot 5
to 0111 tavor ot tue lauer. oomi;
right good playing was done on
both sides, and had it not been for
for an error on the part of 0110 of
the Bohemian team in the early
part of the first half the score would
have stood otoo, In the evening
a reception was tendered the Drain
team at Martin's hall, and n very
pleasant time was had. The visit
tug team expressed themselves well
pleased with their treatment while
in our city.
Private John P. Brewer of Co. K,
25th U S Volunteer Infantry, doing.
service in the Philippines, was supt
and killed at Bulncau, Island of
Luzon, Oct. 30. i9i by lfiliP"10S
from ambush. Private Brewer is a
resident of Goshen, Lane county,
where his parents live.
Geo. Uohlmmi, tliu np-to-dnto tailor,
..,111 von l'ooiIh. all nlmdetf and tdl
1111 nnv" j"' n , .
..mI.lw -fi.h.b nf it. A tailor iiimlo
suit fortt) ami up! Pants f land up
V.Mt Will ll. ' .. ' i "KWflT-VMI'MIM..- JXll hollfc Vol!.
now understood that e.irlv
in the spring a new stamp mill will
he put up on the "Mayflower'.'
group of claims in Bohemia. An
immensely rich strike was made on
this property early last season, and
now that a mill is to he put in, it
means renewed life and activity in
that part of the camp. Kditor W
1'. Kly, of Kelso, Wash., is the
principal owner of this group of
claims, and with the erection of a
mill, the Mayflower will at once
become another handsome divi
dend payer in the Bohemia dis
trict. sitiuous I'Ai.r..
Mrs. Geo. Wall had the mis
fortune to get a painful and serious
fall last Monday morning. It will
be remembered that the walks were
very frosty that morning, and as
Mrs. Wall attempted to opeii the
front gate to the Wall residence
grounds she slipped and fell
heavily to the walk striking upon
her hip. Por a lime it was feared
the hip bone was fractured, but it
is now learned that other than
severe bruises no damage was done,
and the lady is recovering nicely.
Jas. Miller returned from a Port
land hospital Saturday where he
has been for treatment for partial
paralysis, and 011 was con
veyed to his home a few miles
south of town. It will be remem
bered that Mr. Miller met with an
accident while working in the tim
ber at the Boolh-Kclley mill at
Saginaw a few weeks ago. He is
quite hopeful that he will fully re
solo out.
James Hemenway of Ilemcuway
& White, real estate agents, this
week sold his interest in the busi
ness to p. B. Phillips who in
association with Mr. White will
continue the business under the
name of Phillips & White. This
business established by Mr. Hem
enway some three years ago has
enjoyed a liberal patronage and has
grown into no small proportions.
The Nugget wishes the new firm
the best of success.
It is understood that at the next
meeting of4the City Council a cur
few ordinance will be passed. All
iiersons under the age of 18 vears
' . , . -.
will be required to have a written
.. , ., . ,.
permit from the parent or guardian
to be upon the streets after 9
o'clock in the evening. Policeman
Nunn informs a Nugget man that
as soon as the ordinance is passed,
it will be strictly enforced.
The M. K. Sunday School will
have a very interesting and in
structive programme on "Christ
inas Eve" next and hope to enter
tain the friends if possible better
than in previous years. There
will be two Christmas trees and a
Missionary boat, besides the Tab
leau of the "Babe in the Manger."
Everybody welcome.
doing husi.nhss.
Chas. Grissen, the well known
McMiunvillc music man, repre
senting the Lakeside Piano Co.,
Chicago, 111., who extensively
handles the celebrated Kimball in
struments, was doing business in
Cottage Grove this week. Mr.
Grissen reports much interest taken
in music and instruments here and
has already placed several fine in
struments. mo siiirMUNT.
The Black Butte quicksilver
mines, made a large shipment of
quicksilver last Wednesday. The
consignment consisted of 60 flasks
which weigh 90 pounds each. The
value of these flasks is estimated at
$52.50 each aggregating $4,725.00.
I'OOT 11AI.I..
Company C foot ball team, Eu
gene, will play the Bohemias of
this city Saturday. It is expected
that an interesting game will Jje
the result.
In tlii s city last Saturday a lady's
nurse containing gold and silver.
Kinder please leave at this office
and receive reward.
J. 8. SludluyHjiont Sunday in Huone.
I'rnnkGoodirinii was in Kiiguno Sntur
I). K. r.awson did business in I'ligonc
Clint Montgomery went to Portland
(. Meadow left for Bohemia Thnmliiy
Harry Hrlstow came homo from Ku
geno Saturday.
Darwin Bristow returned from Port
land .Monday.
J. P. Kelley did hmducss in Cottage
Grovo Monday.
Chan. Cochran ramo up on Tuesday's
local from Ktigunc.
Shoriir V. W. Withers epent Wednes
day iiijthl in tins Grove.
V, II. ISohuo came down from tho
iii'iuna rnino nutiininy . l
Mro. Poarle Itornflold left Saturday
for her homo at Dunsrnuir.
C. II. Jones returned from a short
trip to KoMuburi; Tueediv.
Dr. K. I). Mt'Kennuv of Kutrcno was a
viMtor hero hint T uesday.
Cy J. Bint'limn returned to the
Champion mlnu .Saturday.
Hon. h. T. Harris of V. ugenu, did
IrgnlhunlnoAH here Inst I'ridny.
Jud Wily and wifo wero north hound
IKiHueiiKurs on Munday'b 12:20 ttain.
MrH. Tho.i. Aubrey went to Kitenc
Tuecdny for a few daya visit in thateity.
D. l4. Millard oT New London, "Win.,
watt in Cottage Grove huveral daya this
. Jack Quinn returned from Gardiner
wht-ro ho ban been for the past three
Dr. Geo. Wall returned from a pro
fi'ifsiohnl visit to Blaek Butte Tuesday
J. V, Baker left' Tuecday for Oregon
Cily wheie he will vNit relatives until
lifter the holiday!.
Mrn. Kva Trimble went to Kugeno
Tuesday for u few day's viait with
friends'in that city.
V. W. MaHlcrpon left for Bohemia
Ttifieduy morning where he goys to
finish up avKeemuunt work.
C. M. Ilcndcrcr, now of Drain, did
hiisltu'HR and visited old friends in this
place "Friday and Saturday .
Thos. Blow returned Sunday from hist
homestead on Moshy Creek where he
had been for the past week.
Bun Pc-Arpon returned from Bohemia
Saturday, where he has been finishing
up assessment work on Ids gri up of
Andrew Brund. and Charlea Gettyn
came down from tho mines Friday and
left Saturday for a visit in the Siuslaw
Mrs. Alice Itexford of AVanbay, South
Dakota enronto for San Francisco,
visited her rieico Mro. V. B. Phillips in
this city last Sunday.
Geo. X. Spurr arrived Inst Friday
from New London, Wis. He is here for
the purpose of looking after his mining
interests in Bohemia.
JaF." Duval, tho popular foreman, ar
rivod down from tho Champion mine
urt bnluniny lor a lew uuy a visit win.
his family in this place,
Frank Patterson left Tuesday for tho
Cocur D-AIeno mine3 in idaho.-wheie
he goos 10 woik in the Pootumn mine,
tie orders (lie Miget to 111s auuress.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Abrams arrived
from Eugeno Wednesday afternoon to
permanently reside in this place. Cot
tage Grovo fs pieased to welcome such
people to her society.
W. E. Fulmer has returned from Up
ton, California, where hehas been en
gaged the hist sis months as foreman on
the tie plant, recently returned from
that place.
Mrs. Katio Medley, accompanied by
her mother, Mrs. Hanson, went to Eu
gene Saturday. Her many friends will
bo. pleased to know thatshois surolv
recovering from her recent illness.
Cant. U. K. Worlcy who has been
visiting for several months with' his
former associates on tho Sound re
turned hero Tuesdav. Tho Captain's
health was nut good loft here buT
ho has now improved materially and
will be able to attend to his mining in
terests in person the coming season.
RTOClvS-MOSRY At 4 n. in. Thurs-
day,, Dec. IS, 1900. at the Cumberland
niitit'so in Eugene, Ore., Mr. Albert
Stocks and Mrs. Ida Mosby, both of
this place, wero united in marriage,
Ruv. J. F. Claycomb officiating.
Mr. Stocks is hugely interested in tho
Bohemia mines and the bride is one of
Cottago Grove's most estimable ladies.
Tho Nugget extends congratulations.
The electrie light plant arrived this
week and is being placed in position.
Tho Graded German Method of piano
music taught by Mrs L. D. Beck at the
C V inanso is winning now pupils for
her class constantly.
Tho pupils of tho piano music class
aro oxpecling to spend a few bonis
pleasantly next Priday aftornoon with
their teachor, Mrs. Beck at tho 0 P
W. C. T. U. will give a short
program next Tuesday at 3 p. m.
at the Heading room. Everybody
Mrs. II. E. Additou will address
the mass meeting Suncjay night at
the M E Church ft'eci 23. Those
who fail to her will miss atj'jp
tellecttial treat. The public cor
dially invited.
T ft 1 iv ft v m ff n Cft All CV1 v S
We have a Magnificent Stock of PINK SHOKS,
our prices are lower than like quality sells for any
where else, and we guarantee shoe satisfaction in
every lcspect at
W Mnnpv vSncv;.
! c tnm'i wc know what the people want.
W To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular de
raand is our business ambition.
S We will fit any foot or pocket-book and. assure salisfac- S
tion, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating."
g E.
Stand to-day Unrivaled in Tone, Quality and
Built strictly upon merit they have received the appro- jS
' bation pf the leading musical authorities of two conti- W
nentsl . W
I ' ff
j y Their factory is the largest in the world, and , con troll-
j ing the entire trade, they place before the purchaser an jii
i instrument direct and at the lowest possible price without ilv
".. :.t.11 Hi
rr 1?
1 raveling representative,
eased to give information
i word at Cottage Grove Hotel, or with Mrs. L. D. Beck, iy
fj who has been appointed local
(y ana vicinity.
We are living in a rapid age: anag of Progression. The World moveo
and you must move tvith it.
Keep up with the times. If you see a chance to benefit yourself grasp
tho opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At
33eiisoii Drug- Company. '
'ure Drugs
W. S. Chkisman.
The Fashion Stables
Gl?risiiar? & Barigs, proprietors.
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single
Wheeler & Scott .
George Camming-,
Having bought out the eutire stock of W. F. Schtiller, is now
offering the same at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.
I have already added largely to the Grocery Stock Have just re
ceived a fresh supply of Teas, Coffees, Sugar, etc.; also a choice lot of
Apples, Oranges, Lemons and vegetables; Dried Fruits, Bacon, Hams
and Lard, and other goods now arriving.
A cordial invitation extended toalL
George Cumming.
j 1 a- -rr
1t 1
now in mis city, win ue iy
and particulars. Leave iji
representative for this city
and Chemicals.
Eli Baugs.
Proprietors of the Bohemia
and:; ;
Black Butte Stage Lines.
Reasonable Prices
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Sewing Machines
Ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical
Feed and three underfeed machines.
Prices to suit.
For sale by