Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 21, 1900, Image 2

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Tobllih.d Kry WrUUy.
or i dm
An lAtcraUng Collection of Items From the
Two llemlipheru Presented In a
Continued Form.
Loid Roberts lias left tlio Capo fo'
Holland refuses to intorvono iu tin
Boer war.
Ponntor Clay spoko against the ship
subsidy bill.
French troops have censed looting
Chinese obsorvatorios.
Iil Hung Chang claims to have abso
Into power to nogotiato.
ChafToo protested to You Waldorsco
against German looting.
Tlio debato on tbo war tax roduo
tioii bill began in the houso.
Tho houso of commons voted 10,-
000,000 to carry on the Boer war
The Hay-Fauncefote treaty was
again considered in execntivo session.
A congressional committee was ap
pointed to investigate the Booz hazing.
The Philippine commission gavo
merchants a hearing on the traiff bill.
A $50,000 irrigation ditch will be
constructed at once in Moxee valloy,
Oregon delegation decidos upon con-
tinning contract for Columbia river
State Superintendent Ackerman re.
commends that Oregon schools observe
John Marshall day.
The matter of developing Lower
Nohalom coal is said to have been con
eidored in New York
In his annual report, Fish Commis
sioner Koid says value of fish output
for Oregon is over $3,000,000
A number of persons stispectod of
Tho war tovoiluo bill hns boon passod
by the houso.
Railway tologrnphors throaton to
boycott tho Santa Fo.
Lord Kitchener hns called for all
available Euglish troops.
Kuglnnd has nwakonod to tho new
soriousnosa in South Africa.
Colonol Tullock's expedition failed
to find tho Chineko tronsuo.
At Rookport, Ind., two ncgroos, who
bad murdered a whito man wore
Tho German training ship Gnuisonan
foundered near Gibraltar and 100 were
A largo Roxor forco la said to be
approaching Peking with the intention
of attacking it.
Tho sonate cannot coneidorod tho
army and appropriation bills until
after tho holidays.
Clements Force Defeated by
Boers Under Dclcarcy.
Particular of a Great Storm In South Chlna
Lou of Life Heavy.
Viotoria, 11. O., ro. 14. The
itonmer Kinross of India, which ar
rived today after n stormy passage,
brought nuws of tho great typhoon
whlnh nivnood Hons Kong, Novumbor
111 niiimlliii it hoilVV loss of lito
SIDES shipping. Tho llritlsh gunboat
I piper foundorod nml sonio of
nion wero lost. inn
if in n
Items of Interest From All Parts
of the State.
English Forced to Abandon Their Position
General French With Reinforcements
Mas Gone to the Rescue. I
John AddUon Porter, MoKiuloy'a
form or privato secietary, diod at his
homo in Putnam, Conn.
Tho British admiralty is arranging
to test various inventions for steering
torpedoes and submarine boats.
The Oregon Historical Society pro
poses to hold a groat fair in 1005, iu
commemoration of tho Lowis and
Clark expedition to tbo Pacific coast
100 years ago.
London, ' Doo. 17. Lord Kitchonor
lenorts that, after snvoro lighting at
Nooitgodaclit, Gouoral Olomouls' forces
were compelled to retlro by Command
ant Delnroy, with a forco of 9,500 men.
Five British ofllcors wero killod. Tho
other casualties wero not roportod.
Lord Kitohener's olllclal dispatch to
the war ofllco is as follows:
"Protorla, Doo. 15. Clements' force
at Nooitgodaclit, on tho Mngnlios'
Berg, was attacked at dawn today by
Delarey, reinforced by Uoyor's cow
mando from Warinbatb, making a
force estimated at II, COO. Though the
first attack was ropulsod, tho Boors
managod to got to tbo top of tho Mag
alies' Berg, which was hold by four
companies of the Northumberland fusi
liers, and wero thus able to command
hor sort
American ship
Bonjnmin Sowoll wont asluiro, ami in a Uriel Review oi ine urowm ami improve
nil 77 stonin liuiuohos wore wrooKou, mcnll 0( ml f,iiny Industrie Through.
and over 1!00 natives (Irownoii. as
Kowloon and othor points thoro" wan
also very heavy loss. The Kmpress of
ludln was at hor wharf at Kowloon
nud she was badly shaken.
The troops fnrod very badly. The
temporary barracks collapsed com
pletely and tho Indian and F.uroponn
troops had to sook reluuo wherever
thoy oould. In Kowloon propor
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
Klmirn hns a football team.
John Day has three smallpox oases,
A tolophono line from Iltintingtou to
Burns is projected.
Tho shorlfT of Grant county collected
n $0,418.40 iu November.
number of houses wero blown down,
othors lost their roofs and wore other
wise damaged. A now stouo block
.1 . . I- . a. ..... .. it-Hinllnnlli
SSf . ? -Tr ' who to ' liarVccu. pr .d for butter fat.
was blown down, as was also tho up-1 J. J. Fitzgerald, of Shelburno,
per story of the tolegraph exohaugo at a contract or 110,000 fonco rails
An organ linn been purchniod
tho Gold Hill school houso.
Tho Coivnllls creaiuory is laying 25
dnmnntn' nilnin. l!orntirni nn link.
As a result of a mysterious poisoning t nnd took . noguin,. on hiii
case at the Forsyth mines, noar Mar- In thn ontfi of thB vnnov.
ietta, Ohio, four persons are dead, four
dying and two othors serirously ill.
Five unknown rmon who asked the
marshal of Brighton. 111., for shelter,
in tho calaboose, locked him up nnd
then broko into a bank and two
Telephoning without wires was suc
cessfully accomplished by trausimit- ,
ting tbo voice across tho Mississippi j
river, at Minneapolis, a distance of
over 1,000 feet. !
The huildiug occupied by the con
struction department at the Norfolk
navy yard, was destroyed by lire. It j
contained all the important pa pern, J
models and plans of the construction I
Advices from llo Ilo report that the
"Tho (fesualties havo not boon com
pletely reported, but tho fighting was
. very severe, and I doeply regret that
Colonol Leggo, of the Twentieth hus
j ears, and Captains McBeau, Murdoch
'and Atkinson were killed.1'
j Lord Kitchener also reports that the
' Boers made an attack and woro to
I pnlsed at Lychtenberg, and that Gon
! oral Lommor was killed. Attacks
' upon Bethlchom and Vrodo wero also
repulsed, tbo Boers losing 10 killod and
j 14 wounded. Vryhoid was attacked
December 11. Sniping continued
when tho message wiy dispatched.
xne scenos at me rar ouice tonay tension ofllco snv
recall those witnessed in the early 1 about the number.
j stages of tho war. A constant stream
1 of excited people filled the lobbies, all
' seeking dotails of tho disaster. The
ploting to niurricr Lord Roberts during J American troops have been northward j absence of the names of any of tho olli
hi visit to Cape Colony recently, abnn
doned their ecbemes on learning that
thoy were shadowed.
Outlawry in Kwnng Si nnd Kwnng
Tuung is increasing. The officials
appear to be losing their hold of the
situation and are powerless to restoro
order. Pirating on the Wost rivor is
Owing to a lack of propor facilities
in the way of telegraph, caused by the
ctriko. a serious collision occurred on
the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fo, in
which several persons woro probably
fatally injured
Hay may resign if the canal treaty
is amended.
Lord Roberts was given an oration
at Cape Town
The United States wants Cbiriqui for
a coaling station.
There is little change in the Santa
Ifa strike situation.
Charles A. Towne was sworn in as
senator from Minnesota.
Tho house passed the legislative, ex
ecutive and judicial bill.
The tension between Holland and
Portugal is increasing.
Benjamin Wise was held at Salem,
Or., lor arson at Silverton.
A house Republican cauens decided
to stand by the war-tax bill
The sultan of Turkey dined officers
of the battle-ship Kentucky.
Von Buluw explained why Emporoi
William would not receive Kruger,
Erection of poles and wires for an
other lighting system began in Salom,
Four men were killed by an explo
sion in the Union Paoiflo tunnel at
Attack- on Salisbury and Chamber
lain were made in the British house of
Only $G00.000 can be obtained from
this session of congress or the'CoIum
bia jetty.
Tho Oregon supreme court upholds
tho street improvement section of tho
Portland city charter.
The Idaho supreme conrt decides
that patented mining property is to be
regarded the same as other realty fox
purposes ot taxation
The Austrian corvette Donau has ar
rived at Lima, Peru, bringing Bela
Uakowegby, commissioner of tho A us
trian government, who is visiting the
jonsulates of South America.
jv special irom bhanghai announces
that Li Hung Chang's Mancbu secro
tary, Yoko, has been arrested by order
oj Jfieia Marshal Count von Waldersee,
on tbo charge of communicating with
the Uoxers.
The third annual cowboy and Indian
carnival openod hi Phoenix, Arizona,
with a great parade of vaquoros, red
men and Ohineso. After the pnrado.
in a wild dash through tho streets, an
Indian was thrown from his horse and
fatally trainplod under foot.
and westward for several days and
that detachments of the Sixth, Eigh
teenth and Twenty-sixth regiments
have been active near their stations.
The insurgents losses during tho last
10 days there have been live killed,
seven wounded and 40 taken prisoners.
Tho Americans have lost two killed
and three wounded. Large numbers
of the natives, however, are -swearing
allegiance to the United States.
The powers have agreed to the joint
The Japanese gave Admiral Beards-
lee a reception.
Chicago police will prevent the Gans-
McGoyern fight.
Santa Fo strikeis wish their differ
ences arbitrated. .
Fivo persons wero killed in a train
wreck in Montana.
Fire in Pekin destroyed the quarters
of a number of officers.
Kitchener rpeorts a running fight be
tween Dewr t and Knox.
Gompors will bo re-eleeted president
of the Federation of Labor.
The Santa Fe repudiates its relations
with the telegraphers' union.
The American fleet in North China
waters is reduced to two vessels.
The Irish Nationalist convention de
clared for the abolition of landlordism.
Warhington's centennial anniversary
was celebrated with imposing ceremo
Full particulars have been received
ot the tyhoon which recently swept tho
coast of China, causing a heavy loss to
life and shipping.
There are more than 40 cases uf
smallpox in St. George's hospital, Kan-
City. Only one death from the
disease has occurred.
The citv election at Astoiia, resulted
in a sweeping victory for the Citizens'
ticket, every candidate being elected
by large majorities.
The dook .laborers at Cullno, Fern,
have gone on a strike, and all work
has been stopped. As yet there has
been no breach of tho poaco.
Jospeph Benoit, a stage carpentor at
the Grand Opel a houBe, Salem, Or.,
fell from a scaffold, breaking several
ribs and bruising his face and body
badly. Tho accident was causod by
tho breaking of a board upon which he
was standing.
The Lakeview and Ager stage was
robbed about two miles from Lake
view, Or. A lone highwayman accom
plished the job. No passengors were
aboard of tho stage. Two mail sacks
wero rifled and a considerable amount
of registered mail taken. Officers are
now workng on the case.
The will of tho late Senator Davis,
who died November 27, was filed for
probata by Mrs. Anna M. Davis, tbo
widow. The will, mado during the
senator's last illness, loaves all his
estate to Mrs. Davis. Tho estate is
valued at $25,000 iu personal and
$40,000 in real property.
cere of tho Northumberland fusiliers
in General Kitchener's dispatch leads
to tho foreboding that tbo four com
I panics of tho fusiliors mentioned uro
In the bands of tbo Boers. The war
office officials evidontly expect a heavy
casualty list, hut they are hopeful from
the fact that the dispatch does not
mention tho capture of the Northtim
berlands that such a great catastrophe
has been escaped.
Orders were issued at Aldershot,
Malta and other military centers to
dispatch all tho available mounted in
fantry to South Afiica.
It is reported that General Knox, co
operating with the British column at
Reddersborg, has stopped General
Dewet, and that n battle is proceeding.
The report adds that many of Gen
eral Dewet's followers have been cap
tured. The scene of tho fight is ominously
close to Pretoria. Nooitgedacht is
only 22 miles northwest of Pretoria.
Of tho British warships anchored at
Kowloon tho gunboats Warren, Fire
brand, Tweed and Sandulpor woro
dragging tholr anchors. Those on,
shore could do nothing but stand by
with buoys nud lines to render nsslst
anco should tho vessels drift ashore.
I Tho vessels fired distress signals nnd
ono or two flew their pennants at half
mast. Tho gunboat Sandpiper was in
the worst fix, ns alio was rapidly fill
ing. Thun from Hong Kong way
camo the Ottor, tbo crow of which at
groat risk rescuod tho whole crow with
tho oxcoption of ouo man.
At daylight Saturday tho powerful
drodger Canton River, which recently
arrivod hero from Palsloy, almost
without any warning lintel to port and
capsized. As to tho precise numbor of
thoso'on board at tho timo it is impos
sible to glvo auy nocuiato figures.
Those in authority at tho dockyard ox-
that 00 would bo
It is known that
Captain Scott, who was in command
of her, was aboard, nlso Chlof Knglueor
Whito, Second Kugitieor Thompson,
Carpentor Mcllroy and the majority of
tho ciow. Tho men clung to tho up
turned vessol, -whoro they were soon,
and 12 wero rescued by boats from tho
steamers Tamar and Astroea. Tho
Benjamin Sowoll wont ashoro opposi'o
the arsenal yard bat got off, though
leaking badly.
Several buildings collnpsod at
Queen's road, killing eight Chlnoao
and injuring eight. Westward, at
Kennedy town, great dntnago was also
caused, and at Kowloon numberlosa
sampans wero wrecked. Hero P. O.
Duncan, of tho navy yard police, lost
his life iu a gallant attempt to roscno
two sampan womou wIioko boat was
dashed to pieces against tho embank
inont at tho naval depot. Duncan was
an old Niuoty-niuth Argylo and Suth
erland Highlander, and had been away
from homo since 1800. I
Tho McDonald & 1'lshor sawmill
Summorvillo is Iu running order.
Repairs to tho lllanohanl bridgo east
of Aurora wero finished last week
fn...l lll.k.... II i
......... iicpori- a Runnlnn fi-4
With the lloers. V
IjoiuIoii, Doo. 17.-.1(,rd ICiM.J
cable, thn urni- Mil.,.. t" . K,,cl"l"!
dor date of December Is that X '
. mini noivotln that hi.
miiiiiifiul v.. .... I .... ii i .
""""7: : " "'" "'K "mil w th (i
oral Dnwtit. and t mi 11... .
" "!"uurf, where tlm
Inn column ready to co-tipurai,, ...
the other British forces. & "
nor In miothor dUtmtel. ' . 1
lloera attacked the , near Harder 1
'lho British canunltle. ,... 1
killod, five wounded nml tmi ,'
imnrn. Tim r..i. ,(.,.... I "'
. - - w..i.l..lM,
IIII11I -1. M.I......I rri. 1. nu'
wuu.a .uiminuil, ADD MHmtH
lllvorton road
ralini.i 1 1
muuou hiu 1....
They are being lollowed un.
uuuuiui rwiuuuuor H iiion-nun
nilt... H.n. n..... l.-- .
ir. . .. '"""k "K'lin oviul
mm. Aiior mu inner hail rnii...i .1
11...- 1 . 11
JUUI UU'lUrill III 1,00 IMIHH l llrlli
u,. ... ... 1
j.uvin ni'un, ill IIHVU (10111)1(1(1
crossed 1110 uaiedon rivoi
mill ttirnnil Mi.titi... ....... I
...... ......u. .(.v..uif iiui LiMYnrii.
dirootlon of Roddorsburg, tbo iBllJ
i.i.. ....I. ... .1. 1 --n
mm nuouu ui mu iiriiuu (llHmter
April, when Dowot captured tlio lit
The Clerks' union of Nndloton, has ; QSinA tl"
English Loss Heavy.
London, Deo. 17. Lord Kitchener
reports that 18 officers nnd 6S5 men
are missing from General Clements'
force. They consist of four companies
of the Northumberland fusiliers.
Judging from tho message theso wero
captured by the Boers. Clements'
casualties December IS amounted to
five officers and nine men killed and
many apparently wounded.
French Goes to the Rescue.
Johannesburg, Deo. 17. Tho battle
still continues within a few miles
from Krugersdorp. Goneral Clements
has asked for reinforcements, and
mounted men under General Fronch
have already gone. There have been
many casualties on both sides. It is
estimated that the Boers number 2,800.
Five Passengers Wert Killed In a Great North,
ern Accident.
Groat Falls, Mont., Doo. 14. Great
Northern passonger trniu No. 3, west
bound, wns wrecked about 4 o'clock
this morning near Brockton, 81 milci
east of Glasgow. Fivo passengers are
reported killed nud many injured.
The causo of tho wreck is said to have
been a broken rail. Railroad official!
hero claim not to liavo any information
of tho aooideut.
Later information states that the
train was running about 4G miles no
hour, making, up lost. timo. when a
truck broko down whllo passing a
switch. Tho ongino and three can
paused over in safety, bnt tho next
four pitched ovor an ombankmont.
Threo sleepers remained on tho rails.
Tho bodies havo been taken to Glas
gow, whero tho inquests will bo hold.
Montana Town Shaken.
Guthrie, Mont., Dec. 17. The In
habitants of the town of Cashion were
awakened this morning by a peculiar
wave-like motion and trembling of the
earth. Many of them rushed into
the streets, so badly wore they fright
ened. No damago was done.
Tortured by Small Boys.
San Jose, Cal., Deo. 14. Alfrod
Kern, a 10-year-old boy, was caught
by three young boys this afternoon ai
he was on his way home from a kin
dergarten school and subjootod to a
terrible torture with burning matchos.
His faco was burned almost boyond
recognition, and his condition is re
garded as serious. The polico are
searching for his assailants, who haye
thus far succeeded in escaping.
Increase In Wages.
Calumet, Mich., Deo. 17. Commenc
ing January 1, the Calumet & Hecla
Mining Company will increase the Pioneer Telegrapher Dead.
w firm a nf f to A CMn AmnlmtAa o 1 I
nt iTih::? W Dec. 14.- Robert L.
.. WW... u . iMIDCU Tlnl ...l.n nnlnli I.Ua.1
the wages of its employes 10 per cout.
Paddy Ryan Dead.
Albany, N. Y., Dec. 17. Paddy Ry
an, at one time champion pugilist of
the world, who was defeated by John
L. Sullivan, iu thoir famous fight in
tho first teln.
graphio system in South Amorlca, la
dead at his home hero. Ho was born
in Dublin. At tho outbreak of the
civil war ho enlisted in tho Fortieth
New York jogimont. In 1808 ha
entered the employ of Adraln O. Morse
organized with nearly 100 members.
Tho Kutorprito council has passed
nots against bawdy houses und va
grancy. I A breakwater is being built at Kn
go no at the east side of tho bridgo over
tho Willamette.
Malheur county has accepted the
now bridge acrom Succor creek below
llarnoy Mnlloy's place.
Lincoln county has allowod M. D.
Weltou $500 on his claim for damages
ustaiuod from the cbllapso of Little
Klk bridge.
Tho body of young Hays, who was
drowned November 2, eight miles above
Dallas, at the Hood dam, has been re
covered ouo mile below that city.
Captain R. P. Walnwright, of tho
Unltod States Army, purchased U5
horses for the government at Hunting
ton. Tbo prico paid averaged about
$50 a head.
Tillamook county commissioners
havo lontod tho county sawmill to
County Judge (. W. Sappiugtoii until
April 1, who will fiiruhh road plank
iug at i per 1,000 foot.
Frank Hatch was arretted at Kugeuo
on n charge of forgery. Ills offenso is
that of endorsing tho name of 11 man
named Davis to a check given by tho
Acme Commercial Company, amount
ing to $U.Q7.
Whilo returning from tho Umatilla
homo to his loom in the Chapman
building, Tho Dalles, Frod Stewart, n
young traveling man roprcsentlnu the
Merchants' Supply Company, of Port
land, was belli up by two thugs and
robbed of -f 15.
The HomoKtako mlno, located on tho
North Fork of John day river, kovcii
miles from Lawton, has been bonded
to Kastern capitalists by the owners,
Messrs. Tom Johnson nnd Joseph Rohl-
I sou, fur tho sum of $ 20,000 on a year's
1 time. Further conditions of the bond
are that tho -orsoiis holding it are to
take immediate ossossiou and prose
cute tho work of development with a
largo forco of men divided into throe
eight-hour shifts, says the Lawton
Petitions havo been circulated for
threo different freo rural ilolivorles ont
of Albany, nearly covering the entire
Hold in all directions around tho city
and thoro aro hopes of tho same being
established, but. it is not known
whether thoy will reach tho depart
mont In timo for the agent now estab
lishing routes in tho state to act ujwn
; them boforo his departure Tho route
, out of Shodd has given such genoral
satisfaction that thoro is a genoral do
sire to havo tho system oxtendod here,
Tho Wallowa marshal run in a man
1 for peddling without a liconso, who do
lled tho oity authorities and would not
oven liston to tho reading of tho com
plaint by the rocordor. Ho was incur
cerated in tho city prison for contempt
of court, whero ho languished foi two
or threo days or until somo people
nrounu town put up $0 for 11 jury trial
Tho jury thought uiion tho ovldoiico
offerod that tho man was eutitlod to u
dischargo, and so rendorod its verdict.
Tho man is a foreigner, presumably an
Italian. Ho throatonod to suo tho city
lor damages
From privato lettors roceivod by
M. G. Hope, of Vale, it is learned
that tho Ocean Wavo mine is making
a splendid showing, I, N. Clark, a
mining expert, has the development
work: 01 the mlno in ohargo, and in u
letter that was rocoivod from him ho
that severnl flno nuggets havo
Tragedies on Shipboard.
Han I'rnnclsco, Doo. 17 Tii. n.
i-L 1- . .. .. . '
irii snip uruwu 01 Buntlund, which
iiu nays from '...
- vtirfi
00 iruiMo eiitrli.i i 1
log. Novoinbor 34 John Wsrrluui
m.uui. . . v. IIIIKIIIIIII, IMS tlilpmn
. 1.11.. .1... 1....
wimp tuo muer wns asleep h,
uunic. leaving iii shoath-knlfo in
victim's breast, the murderer ran
nn ll I ..I -I 1
w. nvv.( jmiiiiuii IMUIIJUIini Mil! W
urowiiixi, uospite otrorts to reach h
with a lifeboat. No ouo on board
iiiu snip Knows of the motive,
second tragedy ooourrod Aul-ihi
Salvatorl Sorvls fell from tho foreyaJ .tin .1 .... I. ...! .... .H
...Mwr. .u iiuw nun imuiurvll
thigh anil rocoivod Internal
which uaiuod his death.
Correcting an Extradition Treaty,
Washington, Doc. 17. A treaty IS
uoon couoiuoim uuiwceu tlio Unit
htates and lireat Britain nincmlato
01 the oxiitlng extradition treaty a
intended to correct curtain ItiiperdB
lions in mat limtniiuent. iluvolupoil
rcout experiences. The changes
..... ...-1..11-. ... .1
um iiniiuTiHiir iiiipci 1 110 scox) or prij
olplos of the existing treaty, tlis cliiffl
item In the list being provisions cli9
living ns a crime subject to extra
tion tho obtaining of money under fall
protonsoH. At present the trci
makes oxtraditionnblo the reception
money obtained under false prcteu
ami omits tho principal In tho crlii,
constituting a manifest niiiunllt
To correct this tho amendment Is muili
Grounding of the Garonne.
Seattle, Dec. 17. fitters hitvs Ui
received in this oity iiniiouiicltiK
Rioumliug of tbo United Slates traifl
port Garonno on the northeni coast
Luzon. She struck twice, lining r
cued both times by the Vorktow
Tho second timo the Vorktowu'a c!
caught ill tho Garonne'. wheel, causii
a furthor delay ot 13 hours. Tho It
tors also tell about a hard inarch
tho American troops under (ieuer
Hall. Tho lino of inarch was 01
stoop mountains for n dlstanco of
miles, taking In all six days. At tl
conclusion, 10Q men were under uiedfl
cal treatment for several days.
Mississippi some years ago, died at his Jnt to Chile and Peru, whero he E t h' r "T" ..
homo in Glens Falls, N.Y, this after- bHshed telegraphic systems. For 1 i In, " f"0 ,o1"
noon 1 18 yoars ho had resided in this oitv. I tor 1,0 niliil1 tmit tho old ,H not cou'
. "V fltiA.l in 4lin l t. AIH .1.... I fl
Fivo odltors wero ohoson to sit in
the Nebraska legislature at the recent
Josoph Mauley has resigned ns chair
man of the Republican exeouitvo com
mittee of Maine after a servlco of 10
Llectrlo coal-cnttiug maohinory is
rapidly displacing baud workaud other!
varieties of mechanical mining appli
ances in tho collieries of Gieut Britain
und tho United b'tutos.
Prairlo chickens aro said to bo more
nnundnnt in western Kansas than for
During tho past five yoars tho stato
of Pennsylvania hns purchased inoro
than 100,000 acres of land to bo issued
as a forestry reservation.
Formor Amhasador to Italy W. F.
Draper has boon docointod with the
order of SS. Maurice nnd Cazal by tho
king of Italy, for services during his
embassy to lionio
Earthquake In Missouri.
Jophn, Mo., Dec. 17. An earth
quake shock Insting noarly a minute
was experienced in this city at 7:45
o'clook this morning. The motion
was from north to south, and of a
quivering nature.
King Milan lo Marry Again.
London, Dec. 14. Tho Vienna
respoudont of the Dally Ohronlolo sava In nu" ,Wftl's 01 11,0 tuIlno1- " his
a rumor is in ciorulation in the Aus- Pln1lon ,t,lmt U would pay to mill tho
- . IIIIIaIa Kill Am A..l.fl. 1 . . . 1.. I f
man capital that ex-King Milan is
fined to the rich voin that is heine fol
lowed, but that small particles of it
may bo soon in tho dirt ovor tho entire
faco and walls of tho tunnel. It is his
fto Lives Were Lot.
Ban Francisco, Doo. 17. Ono of
tho severest storms which has ever
visited San Francisco broko over tho
city at an early hour this morning and
continued until noon in fitful gusts
rain and wind sweeping ovor tho oitv
1 .1. I ..!..! ... -
Win uuuDum
about to becomo engagod
Atzel, an American hoiross.
to Misi
New Gold Field Discovered.
whole hill on which ho is workino
This mino is an oxtousion of tho Goldon
Kagle, which is ownod by Portlund
Tho Lakovlow Rnstlor says that
John Green, of tho West sldo, who litis
bcon drilling for nrtoslan water, has
sucooedod In getting tho wator to riso
within fivo foot of tho ton of. thn
Spokane, Wash., Deo. 13. A spoolal
to tho Ohronlolo from Nolson, Wush.,
brings nows of a stampodo up Fourth
01 July crook, a branch of the Kntlln yrnnnil
rivor. Shot gold has been disco.,!
violence, and hoing ao-1 with ground runuing $10 to tho oublo ' A' Ne'80"i of Cottngo Grovo, sold
unuivuiea ono-half intorost in tho
Foek-if.Boo mliiltiK claim to G. Meadow
nnd D. G. MoFnrland This claim is
compamea uy thunder and lightning, 1 yard. Diggings in that vioinlty havo
a rather unusual occurrence in, this been secretly worked by Georgo-Ar-part
of tho country. At ono timo rain nett, an old miner, for throo or four
fell in snoh torrents that many thought years. It is ostimntod that he has
a cloudburst was imminent.
downed up $10,000.
iocatol in tho Bohomln district
one mllo south of tho Musick
Tho consideration wus $000.
Starch for Hidden Gold.
Pokln, Doo. 17. A few days a
the British troops wero notified of tlfl
oxlstenco of n large amount of treaau
'20 miles northwest )f hero. (.'olou
Tullock and 100 men left today to i
vestigato tho truth of tho rcjio:
Colonel Tullock requested, howovi
that CO oxtrn men bo detailed. It
bellovod that a largo amount of go
ami valuables wero burled at tin
point bv persons connected with tH
Chlneso court during the recent f 1 Ik 1
The information regarding tho tressu
was rocoived from a former court oil
Trial Trip of the Alabama.
Philadelphia, Doo. 17 Tho Uni
ed Statos battleship Alabama pail
today from Leaguo Island navy Y
for Now York, whoro sho will own
furthor ordors . Sho will mate 1
trial trip on tho run, which will bou
as soon as sho nassos out to sea. Aft
the sea trial is completed tho vossolfl
course will be shaped further out
soa to avoid shipping, us an 01 u
uuiis and turrets aro to bo tested.
tho loport is satisfactory, it is probam
that tho battlOBhin will be orderoii
Hamnton Roads to ioin the North A
luntlo squadron.
Antl-Forcfgn Plot In Hong Kong.
Hone Konc. Doo. 17. Tho oity w.
nlaourdod todav with statement inci
lmr tho noonlo and tho mom hers of tlfl
socrot soclotiea to tinito and rise duriu.
tho month of Janunry and drlvo out a
tho foroignora. CrowdH gathered nbodl
tho nlacards. but no actual outbrou
is roportod.
Wisconsin's Vote.
MadUon. Wisoonsln, Doo. 17. TJ'
total vote of Wisconsin, ns olllolaii
ennvassod. was 425,161. MoKinley
..Inralltv IKK1 1(inr,Hl. Lal'Ollott
If I MA If II J wwp.w ,
Ropublioan, for govoruor, has a plurai
ity of 10a,715.
Oxford Deals Cambridge,
Tendon. Doo. 17. TJ10 animal Rnw
by football mntoh botwoon uxioro "
Cam bridgo took plaoo today at tn
Ouoeii's club. A magiiifloeut gam
wnH won bv Oxford by two goais
a goal and a try. Thero was
nud fashfonablo attondauco.
NordensKlold's Expedition
Ohrlstlnuin, Doo. 17.-Tho Antarctil
.ii.i.. i.nminii nv ur. uivu
oxpou.iiu.., ,.....- - -
j..i,tnid. will loavo in August.
uvun w . f - - - - m
a largl