aptfOUiBWineii men Advertise In ouitijvilil NUGGET Bring Your Jot Work, to tl, Nuegjet Job Office. Prices Reasonable "cvolwl to the Mini,,,;, j,,ltnberi "B and Farming IntercstB of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. II -L'2I2l0vg011 Friday, December 31, 1900. E, YOUNG GHOVIt, OKU. SiNSOX and P. 0. EBY LjIsainlCouiiscUm-ai-rMW 8e",l!iJiffi""w' j0l4 1', 0. biill'lliiif jtfTTAOK GKOVIv, OKU. 7s. MEDLEY i f t r r r L-Oflwon Mln tret-t-- Lttacis Gkovh, Ouk. itr.ROME KNOX iinnilnii il MI11I115 nnthicai. ItotTAG" GKOVIt, OkK. I, L. STEVENS Llitlintlon lrn to Mlulur llutlntu KLHiKNB, OUK. i Given Away! i i 1 I On Jan. 1st, 1901, the party hold ing the lucky ticket will he given either a Ladic's or Gent's Crescent Bicycle, as they may desire. We give one ticket for each cash purchase from us amounting to $1. Eakin & Bristow. OH0I0BnOBE0B0MHH8BMHB9D018B0B0H pa I'OR MKN. We hnntlle 8nranne Glove Company' good. Tltoy nre connldured tin bout glove In the market. nun. a. innnr. 1(1 rwv .......... J s IOMPSON & HARDY 1 1 5 wtysand Connstlors-at Law a liUtUnlloii l I" lb. UwuOllim. Kl'uKNK, ORK. L. T. HARRIS ImV and Poiinselor-al-Lair iltlttntlun iHtn tu Iho UMjuf Mliio. Jiitiorul Hunk Building. Kl'UKXK, OltK. 'LIABLE dSSdrS. 1 &?U br mU terclr. rm't mi.iiilnii. ftNK P. WHITE, COTTAOU UllOVK, OIIK. jilt lib Jme lltiuenwuy. Jlnln tt. it. tuiru t. w. kkvi u Lloyd & Ncvill IQ EXOINKKKh CHUR ITV MIN'KKAI. KUIIVKYoHri 11 Ul ill Chamber of Commoiro rOUTUNO, hub. 1 . Good Y How Oil Stock with piitfrtted Hiring findi-ner ... WnnAVte. Our Klentn Proof lino nre a foft, plia ble glove, an well iih durable; made with patented firing faul tier &V, It mid 1 'lb. UtilliuM Kit, coft Huff It, mnking 11 very nicu driving h'lwc .'b. Surnnnc lluck, light weight, flue twk, no kind, open Itnck, Porter fiiHtener, uellel,uiix linen thrend fo(t niiil plitilile; unilonl)tedly the IhI glove in the imirket . .'. tt W). Unlined Chopper Mite, oil grnin niK kin OOciind fl. Mneil Kit Cilover, line Ht(M:k . . $1. COTTAGE GROl'E, ORE. I-OR BOYS. Cotton Swettcrn. gooil quality, in maroon und nxiiurted Htriped colors 60c. AlUWool, light weight, uncorled col ored Htriped fl 25. FOR MKN. Cotton, good quality, color ma roon " 60e. Mixed Cotton und Wool, medium heavy, inuroon 80c. All-Wool, good quality, medium heuvy, iimroun ft 10. Sumo iih above, only finer wool, im ported fill id colorn $1 (15. Ail-Wool, very line quality, in as sorted cotorel xtripeM. . 'l 25, White, medium heavy $2 60. FOR CHILDREN. Lawn Hoods, made of lace open work; very pretty designs 35 to 05c. Embroidered and Tucked Mualin und SwieH, different designs 75c to tl 35. Ladies' Sun Bonnet?, made of cbom brny, full buck crown, stitched and lined, assorted colorn. ,60c. Our line of Loose Embroideries, Rib bons and Drygoods Notions Is large. Ladies' Summer Skirts, largo vari ety; in price from. .. .60c to $3. Shirt Waists, different colors and kinds 60c to t0 76. Ladies' Neck Wear in latest styles. . lBc to 60c. GARMAN & NEWLAND , eBBlleBOBllBBIOOIOBBIllHB0HIlieil(ll9llBlllaBICBeiOBeaa ltmrurK.7 HI IDM lift Killicrlnc Sciilcef, M. I). sm of Women anil Children C0m OK GHOVU, OUK. D. J. GOVER hptclor and Mine Locator. pr Information on IJolicmia pnmg District write me. N Attention fltvon to Correuiiiteiico HOHEMIA, ORE. BUSINESS. 60 in PS. PET SAN FORD'S p Fashionable Dressmaking. MAIN 8TIIKRT . CoTTAGH GROVK, ORJt. EAKIN & BRISTOW ?ANKERSV Tun; 'tt t OeiierM llanktnK Iluitiieii In All Id Jlrnnchei. CoTTAOK GROVH, OKR. J. W. BENTLY, ''practical Boot and Shoe tunker, Fl.tel in the front part of the "sltnan harness shop. Wiring neatly and quickly done satisfaction pruaranteed. Call G. A. COBB f'Prietorof the Elite Confectionery r Wholesaler and Retailer of all Kinds of FRUITS. A'so dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Candies. H. C. MADSEN, Watciimakkk. Itcfnlrltik .1 rcMnimlilo rhsrKCi. All untk KiurnntMil tlrit-cliiii. UtrlitH, ('liirki mi'l Jouelrym Union I'rk-e COTTAOK OKOVK, OltK. g IT IS MERE! 3 Tl Largest Stock EoWA liaise! 3 -CONSISTING OF- ELITE o Shaving o Parlor COTTAGK GKOVIt, OkK. GEO. E. GRIFFITH, Prop. W. H. ROBINSON Practicing Physician. Office and residence on River street near Wall, Cottage Grove, Ore. R. A. SANDERS, NtOPHIKTOK OF mm i unu Wines, liquors and Cigars. Choice Brands. A Favorite Resort. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. BARKER & MARTIN I'UOl'ltlETOKS OK THE EXCHANGE DKALKHS IN FINE WINES, IJQUORS, CIGARS. Main street, Cotlnj;. CIrove, Ore. Mrs. J. P. HART'S MAIN STRUKT, COTTAGR GROVH. Bread, Pies, Cake and Fancy Pastry of all kinds constantly on hand. Call and see. E Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves and Tinware; Pumps, Pipes and AGRICULTURAL .IMPLEMENTS I Jjj Guns and Ammunition, Studebaker Wagons, r3 SZ Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows, Etc. For Miners' Supplies, the only house South of Portland:.. 5! Give us a call. 3 B GRIFFIN & VEATCH, S COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. 3 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oflico at Roseburg, Oregon, November 13, 15)00. Notice is hereby given that the follow named settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make II mil proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mndn before Joel Ware. U. S. Commis- sionor, at Kugeno, Lit no Co.. Oregon, on Murrh '. 1UU1. Viz: itlllimii r C sw nmvn his continuous resideneo uion mid cultivation of said land, viz: Innao Wilcox, Henry Dreesc, Francis Smith, Charles Wright, of."Walker,Lune Co., Oregon. J.T. BninaKS, Register. urch S, 1001. vi: William imady, on II. K. No. OGflO, for tho W i IV H, Sec. 8. Tp. 20 S., U. 3 West . Ho names tho following witnesses to Hotel Eugene HOLLENIlEC'rDItOS. & BRISTOW. Headquarters for MINING MEN. KVKIIY WANT . ATTENDED .TO. . d..U.. i gwrnriffiffiintmnrawg A CARLOAD OF fcBOOTS & SHOESg EZA FULL LINE OF THEIS LATEST PATTERNS. 3 i The Prices will please you, and in point of J Quality and Beauty cannot be beaten: IV MAIN STREET. HOLIDAY GOODS! WILL ECLIPSE BY FAR THAT OF ANY PREVIOUS YEAR. Bowaro of air dried or half dry floor ing, colling and rustic. The Booth Kelly Lumber Co., are making special prices" on kiln-dried lumber. Cut, Cut, Low, Low, Slash I Bang! Goods Must Gol Low Prices Moves 'Em Look! Don't fail to read every word of this ad, it will save you money. Now why not come and buy a nice, new red wagon for the little one, only Si.oo; full steel wht els, malleable gearing; a good well made wagon. We have all sizes of them. Next size, $1.25; still larger, $1.50; yet larger, $1.75, and one for the larger boys at $2.00; for the young man at $2.25. We are here to sell goods and they must be sold. We are not strangers to most of you, but arc acquainted with a good many people, some to our credit and some to our sorrow, SPECIAL NOTICE. Anyone caught stealing in my store will be proiecuted to the full extent of the law, and the offence of shop-lifting is the penitentiary; and my advice to all them is to stay away from my place of busi' ness. I don't want you around any more than I want rattle snakes in my store. You are the most con temptible animal on earth like the coyote, wolf, or the nasty skunk, If you stay away you will keep out of the pen, and if you come here you will likely get caught and sent to the pen you dirty, stinking thing, to call yourself human is a disgrace to the human race. BEFORE MY TIME. I am here to help build up Eu gene, doing my part to improve the town and county; also the roads, Also to sell you good goods at low prices. This saves you money and helps you. There was thousands of dollars sent to Chicago and other big cities for guns and ammunition before I opened a store here, and I made the price so low that people quit sending away for a goods. You never hear of a man sending away fora gun or ammuuitionnow. Do you know the reaaon? Well, it's because can buy cheaper here and see what he is getting. We are now selling the best line of sewing machines you ever saw and at the lowest prices. Quality for quality we are about one-third less than those other fellows. Our prices are $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, $35.00 and so on. We can sell you cheap ma chine in Chicago of same quality of Sears, Roebuck & Co., and Mont gomery, Ward & Co. You pay for them here and pay the freight on them when they come. At these low prices we do not warrant or recommend these cheap machines, and only sell them on orders. The reason the Chicago man warrants them is because he is 2,000 miles away and he knows the freight both ways ou a sewing machine is $8.00, and he knows he will not send it back. Our cheap machines are worth, 3 draws, $9.50; 5 draws, $10.50; 7 draws, $11.50. SANTA CLAUSE. Christmas time is supposed to be a time of gift giving, a time of mer riment and of good times generally. On that memorial day there will be 76,000 happy people iu this great United States. To be happy is your duty, and to make others happy is. the pleasure of every good person. We are this year prepared better than ever before to serve you with goods suitable for gifts to your loving friends, from the handsomest hand-decorated and painted china to the commonest Chinese toy. We have gathered from the corners of the earth. We have bought them low and we will sell them, to you ow. ; Our line of celluloid goods this Season is the largest we ever bought and the handsomest you ever heard of. They are handsome beyond description and extra good values. These goods make the finest presents of any goods, for they stay handsome and last for years. We devote a whole room 20x80 feet to this class of goods; besides that a one-half of our lower floor. It has been acknowledged for several years that we have the largest stock of this class of goods of anyone in Eu gene. This season it will be heavier than ever; grander, greater and in morespelndor. If you want to come to headquarters for Xmas goods come to Barker Gun Works, Qth. street, Eugene, Or. OUR PRICES Will be found as low as any Chi cago house when you consider the quality and freight. We are. here on the ground to warrant and de fend our goods, which are first-class in all respects. BARKER GUN WORKS, atb St., Eugene, Ore. HOW TO CURE CROUP. Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenis, Duchess county, N. Y., says: "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine I have ever used. It is a fine children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed it will prevent the attack. This shonld bo borne in mind and a battle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant iiBe as soon as these symptoms appear. For sale by Benbox Drug Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons & Appleqate, Drain Druggists. Parliament, which assembled in London on Dec. 3rd, must vote 30, 000,000 to continue the South Af rican war until Jan. 1st, and then ,20,000,000 more to end the war. This makes the cost of conquering each Boer 2,ooo. In proportion to the number of the enemy the Boer war has been the most expen sive in history. WANTED. At the Taylor & Ross Photo Studio a negative of the proprietor or proprietors of each firm located in Cottage Grove. We will make each one a present of cabinet photo from same. Please come in as soon as possible as we want to arrange and make them into one picture. Remember you get a nice cabinet photo free to pay you for your trouble. Taylor & Ross. SOMETHING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co., is n pamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which in cludes an excellent map of the state, and contains information on climate, lands, education, etc., existing lnduatfie.8 and their capabilities. Attention is nlsodireeted to such now fields for energy or capital as promiso fair return. This publication flits a need long ex perienced by Oregonians, in replying to inqdiries of eastern friends. Copies may be had of local agent Southern Pacific Co., or from O. H. MARK HAM. G. P. A., Portland, Ore. FOR SAUI OR TRADE FOR COTTAGE GROVE PROPERTY. 40 acres 2j miles, from Mapleton ou Siuslaw river at head of tide. Good frame dwelling, orchard in bearing, 5 acres in cultivation, ballance good cedar or fir timber Inquire or write to James Hemeu way, Cottage Grove, Ore. . SPECIAL SALE. On Friday aud Saturday, Dec, 21 and 22 the entire stock of dress and street bats will be sold at and below cost at Louise Newland's FOR SALE. A fine pair of Belgian hares cheap. Inquire at this office.