Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 14, 1900, Image 5

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    " -.rt UJtAinV-
if Stone In mow luiidly on
U" ' ...i.... r,. ii. Mni
f',! ntcparliiK for the netting o
1 turbine water wheel which
the W
ii I tisccl to Kfiierate power in
...I.. 'I'll.. i..1...l
from the fiictoiynl St I.oitl
"ili cxprdctl to he shipped by
, ..ii, Mr, nmnius uic owner
Bine 1 j
' . ... I... i
fihe new i'Bl l"""1 ""B
hereby Mr Stone agices- to furnish
. it it... Miwl mi mini I HM It u'nliiH
llll)UIIU"lK "..-i".... .....
l' . ........- 4m ttb.ii. if I i...
...,Cf HUWWV "I t.111.-
II"1" ... ......I .i.
uh jtillicieni mvki u uic
11 . .I...I-....... i. ...i i. ..mi...
ItehtSlU 101,11 1 tJ l1 r twiiuuih condition
I1? ii will nut in two ph. !or,,""I ami nt times u.nnl,i ii.
(ine and two boiler. The boiler.,
... .i.ju rnnmleiticnt there will l.
Ettle cnuso for dark lights in Cot-
Attorney V.hy & Joh.mui, nre
busy prcpa.iiig a revised
lff . .'.,..,....
f0 which will b before the
S oreso,, leKMtur for con-
. . .. 'iv.- r., t.
r:,, Lriir" -
Mto be ol n too Brrtl nature '
fur the iiceU of t i nutuicipHlily, '
. . .i i. .
ilihoiiuh at the tint it was drawn
It Oliswcmi i.iu j....,,,
....i .1..
(offiecd to har.uonie the ideas of . , " , " B
' . . r ., M,:....r .,.:J,I,!,l!,f,c' "lo-'lny lie wouhl never
0 '
fll)' ,
CCOU.mi.iii rti.n.
DctNonn has accepted the po-
filion of night watch mid w now un
duly looting after the interests of
the city ami causing the weary
VRgltn- contingent to "move j
cm. jien ii n goon, cicver ici-
low but n man who is inclined to:
doliisilui. and if he follows out , meiuS j tjme to tcc liim gasp the
Ibeduty pnrt of it he is exactly the'at tjII)e an,i nrouounccd him dend.
: p ioi..k. "
The inropleof Drain have
I Sliuwii iiu nil. niiiiiiiiii in ucivt nun
.!.- - !!...: !... I
tb mysteries of I'ythrau Knight-
' .
ordinate I xlge uf that order will be
organized there with a full quotoi was a native of Oregon of the age
ofthart.r members. It is said that f 22 years, and that he came to
many of the Grand Officers of the , U dl, frHH! tffl of a I.10'
.,, , . j shot fired bv him witii suicidal m
State of Oreg.n will lie in H tclllt ou Uic' day of December
letulauccatid some .say the Grand tooo, at Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Cbaiicelor will be With them. (June
maim'ierof members from Kose
Iwrg, liiigenc and Cottage Grove
Ijtgis mil aNo be in atle:u!nuce.
Contrrft'ir is now busily cu
gaged putting the top dresdiifr of
fine rock on Wall street, and as
sooiins that street is completed the
same treatment will be given Main
strc:t. It is said that Mr, I.iaex-I
peels to fill up the yqtiate nl the'
junction of the two streets although
In contract docs not call for it.
When this work is completed J
Lottnge Grove will have two as
good streets as.cnu be found in any
town in Oregon.
Was entertained last Tuesday
evening at the residence of H. W.
Churchill. The evening was most
(lcnsaiilly spent in social converse,
"'"sic and games until about 10
(O'clock when that most delicious
'pc'iooclie was served. Those
present were Mesdames II. V.
Churchill, Ivva Hcineuway, Pearle
Jkrnfjeld, Nctta Garrcd, Kvn
Trimble; Misses Roy Uaker and
Ollic Churchill; Messrs. Almon
"lemcuway, Henry Wagner and
A. P. Churchill.
"AY not i,i v it,
( J V. Thornton returned home
fncsdny morning from a visit to
''is old home at Sheridan, Yamhill
county, where he was called to the
bedside of his aged father Isaac
Thornton. The gentleman is in his
''fihty-fifth vear and there is little
i hope entertained for his recovery.
$'5000 IN Til It Kit HAYS.
Reliable information is received
a' this office that a rceent three
foy's run of the five stamp mill at
'he Helena mine, $15,000.00 of the
yellow metal was cleaned up. The
ore from which this clean tip was
mdecame from No. 1 level, where
the recent new big strike was made,
Mention of which was made in this
Paper at the time,
I w,,, Hcvlvcr,
nmlliyHU Own
"nnd, "Will" Jonw Unci.
His Cnrccr.
fl I) Mtr.l
' K upon tlie still
fir (iinl wlih iiio
. n 11 0 wa "Muffed out mid nnoilicr
foul wni wnftGil iiir.i.
, ,u ujyg.
! lei'lOiiH ctirln iii
i -"'IUIiy( Will
I Jones hnd
I'nr lienrlw ( ..
' ,Kuin ftjr. joncs
had been 1
j rmx " Rl resolutions l0 rQrr,ln
from drink, and disxlrviin ir J.V?..
! 8,eralile extent, although mull inc.
..!..t.. i. ... -
"iKhl he had been upon good be
uavior lor setcral iiionlbs. At
about 7 oYlm-k Thursday morn-
V. . ,l '' ootn over
i "'J! 7"r f."tc n(1 "B bis
i conl (T threw liiiDKelf iitinti Ma
' ' ,,c ,nf c "f revolver
lo. ;M,C,,rl n,l Hl the trigger.
1 he report utartlcd UU father
. ..." ,, "
WaH .'111 Vllllluf icrnnir , ..lit. 4iltr:il M
k ,. - V'"-
as Uic boy a few moments before
'""""us ocio.t
had told his father he was tired of
life niul l.mln I.
ce huti." Mr. Tones however, m
the time did not think seriously of
tnemutteras the bov limt m m.i.
time made himilnr remr,rt. fc'l.
Charles Gcldmaeher rc.ich,.d il.
room hc wns ,,orror hlruck lQ
n,c toy Iying on hi!J ,)e(, BaspinK
wil, t!le blood MW8n,jng from a
,itct hole over his heart.
i)r. Snann arrived in n fow mn.
j The follou jug is the verdict of
I. ...rv cmnaell(,(, hv llls.
' ' ' "
Vr.ughn acting coroner:
it. .i..i .......i i,.. i
to tnquue imo the death or Joseph
v. Jones, find that the deceased
R. V. Vkatch. foreman
li. It. Cask
C. II. Wau.ACK
li. A. Wiuso:;
James !.
Joscp!i W. Jones was the son of
N. Jones and has been a resident
of Cottage Grove for a number of
He was 22 years old, born in
Marion county, where he lived with
his parents until nearly man
grown. He wits a good hoy in the
eeneral sense of the word, ecncrotis
to a fault and always his own worst
enemy. Despite his recklessness
and inclination at times to drink,
lie was when not intoxicated, a
gentleman, always respecting those
with whom he came in contact, and
appreciated in others qualities which
hc himself at times neglected to
cultivate in himself. Notwith
standing his recklessness in life he
had many friends who knew him
for his generosity, and kiudhcarled
ncss. l'uueral services will be held this
(Friday) morning at 10 o'clock.
Hon I.uioh wont to Portland on busi
neimTliiirmlny morning.
K. .1. .luiuiinH and family wont to
Portland on Thurmluy'b 1'-' -0 train.
TI10 reisuliir Friday niulil ehib ilnnro
Imii ItetMi iniHtpuneil until Saturday niijlit
foi this week.
U. II. llriini:ru returned Tuesday to
the Ilulena mine, after u two week 8
stay in town.
.). 0. Wallaeo who 1ms been nt V caver
villi', California imu'ane.l in work ng on
n ilri'iluer arrived homo Wednesday to
remain this winter.
W. H. DohiiIm Huporiiitciident of tho
Illaek Ituttoqiili'ltsilvor mino, anWcd
town Wednowlay. uceoinpaniod h
wifn. They left for tho mino during
tho afternoon.
Darwin llrielow and wifo wont to Port
luiul Tl.urHday to attend tho '
F. L. Keenan, who died n tlmt 1.1 ty
Tli irwlny inorniiilt. JU W1,s
n brotlier-in-law of Mr. Prlstow.
Flnmd HtnilH and wifo ratnrncd to
Glo wood this morning, where they
will probably remain for tho mot of tho
winter Mr. HlndH will push develop
men! work on hU rouP of claims at
that place,
AH .About you.
l''rry I,oiik wmit to Fimonii Mnmlnw
Iww Triinricl did biisincsH In town
1 ui'cuay .
UVdnSl';. W'lf Uro 1,1
Will, tvlt-l ..,,.!.. I I I 1,
I,,.,,, , 1 V nuin ins how river
" ."is wt'UK.
MrH. iJaruiii llrlntow wnha pHMHUtit-er
l Ivugmio Ttieffiluy. b Ken Lurch was a vlidtor
to Hugi-iK! Tuesday." ,IL'm'1"'!t of Uiigeim, wna in
town innl tiiit.mlay. '
the new uk-ctrlo Kt,t plant will ar
rive hero by Saturday.
iJavoJvey came down from Kolicmlit
Natunlay ovenlni.
Mrn. Colyln of I).a c0, 0n Dr.
hnapp Wednesday.
ioo. WhitHctt of Snghiaw, wrtH in Cot
tago drove Wednetday.
MrH. j. M. Iluiulerur of Drain visited
"UH phieo
U. .1. Jentjiiics cniiiu homo from Port
land .Sunday morning,
Itii'haid Talllinger returned from Culi
"jrniii .Monday niurning.
Mrn. K. It. Case and .Mru. WUhoii
wont to i;ug?ue Monday.
li. W. Kearney of Spokane, went to
Illin k Unite this morning.
Albert Slocks arrived in town Satur
day evening from liohomla.
John Kedcy of Kooth-Kellov Com
pany wuh in town Tuenbiy .
I'A Colu llio Ilobemia packer, did
111 town w eoueHuay.
Li-u Martin cntnu down from the
Uiauipion mine lam Saturday.
fieo Kerr and wife of Wildwood hotel
(una-, witH iti town .Sati.iday.
W. L. Coppernoll, tho Jeweler, did
iiiKiriens in Kngene Weilni;mlay.
Mm. .1. M. Gulp of tho Wildwood
P'Mtufllee, went to linguae Monday.
Alburt Ziniker of the Mineral King
giuup, l!gbeuiia,eainii to town Monday.
Kiiin'l (ioldHiiiitb the well known
Iravi-luig man wiih in tho city Tuesday.
Win. Monroe, Win AiiHtin and Pert
Hurd arrived in town Sunday from 15o
hemia. Cliark-H OriHcen of MeMinnville, wan
in Cottage Urove Wednesday on busi-
Wm. Ie?cr niul wife left Tuesday for
Whcaton, N. D., whi;ro they expect to
Al While c.nmo down from Koliemia
Monday evening to r.stiiniu until after
the lioliilnys.
Win. Ostrander left Tuesday for a two
montli'H visit at bin old bome'in I'ayueH
ville, Minncsotu.
lion. .Iamc Hcmonway was a viBitor
to Portland thin week, looking after in
iiiraneo busiuehM.
Jnhii lVleri-on eamodnwn from Ko
bi'inm WlsIiiopiIiiv evening for a few
day'ri iflit in town.
P. .1. .U million, after :i 'cliort btiHinet-!'
trip to tlie Helena mine, icturued to
Poitland Sunday.
D. .1. Hover returned to Ibo Calapnoia
group, Uiihemia, last Friday, whero lie
liari a forreof men at work.
Dr. Snapp lemoved 11 large tumor
(roui the shoulder uf Mrs. Fiank Jack
ison of Saginaw WedneMlay.
Mies Daisy Tlioma" returned botiii!
Sunday fr un ltospiiurg where slui has
been veiling with her sister for some
.loo Miller and wifo came in from
Illaek Itutto Sunday, where they have
broil emplojod in tho company's board
ing house.
Ralph Crowe.ll, Austin Hoot and Geo.
lticu'f arrived on Tuesday's tiainand
left for tho head waters of
Moaby Creek.
J. M. Hart lias returned from Bo
hemia where bo has been been doing
HMsescmcnt work on the "Annie" claim,
owned by J. A. Ciiilders.
0. W. Brush eamo dow n from Bo
hemia Sunday, and left Tuesday for
Tillamook, wbero he. will visit for a
time with relatives and friends.
Frank Patterson eainodown from Bo
hemia Saturday evening, where ho has
been employed" for the past few months
on tho Whale, Gilbert it Clay group of
Tho students of the Cottngt) Grovo
publicsi'hool have been undergoing ex
amination Ibis week, and many specu
lations are rifoasto whether they will
pass or not.
Bert Weber, formerly in the cigar and
confectionmy business in this eity, and
who has been spending tho summer
among tbo slieep in Jvasieru uieguu, is
homo on a visit.
Cy Blnghniii anil wifo eamo in from
tho Champion initio Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Bingham wont to Portland Wednes
day and will probably remain t hero for
the winter, and Cy will in n few days
return lo the Champion.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cook left last
Monday for Portland whoro they will
spend tho winter. Mr. Cook has con
siderable mining business to occupy his
attention this.wintor and flints it more
convenient during tho winter months to
have headquarters in tho metropolis.
Alt Walker and family accompanied
by Mr. Wnlkor's mother who has been
visiting them hero for some days left
for Fugene their futuro homo, Tuesday.
Mr. Walker returned in tho afternoon
and ilnlshed packing up his household
Ralph Whipple and Jim Sears came
in from the hills last Tuesday. Ralph
ban been in Ibo hills for lo! theso many
moons, and tho chango from n most a
llfetimo in tho close eonllnes of tho store
to tho puro mountain air scouts to have
been beneficial lo hint. Ho also sported
tli at hair and tbo wind
nodonbtblow through his wlskers lo a
copsideruoie ejtiew.
In Brief.
Cutter shoe nt Kakln A Brlslow's
Boyd's new gallery opposite tho Ma
sonic Hull will open up next week.
Go to Madscn's for Ono Jewelry and
holiday silverware.
For hand loaded shells call on Griffin
and Veatch Co.
SultHl Suits!! Tailor ;nado suits!!!
Dp to dale in every respect, from fliup.
Call and see Maniples.
Boyd has tho best stamp machine
money can buy. Call 011 him for very
fine stamps.
Giiflln-Veatch Co. carry tho finest
lino of Ammunition in South Lane Co.
For quality nnd cheapness in fresh
meats go to tho Central meat market.
Beautiful rings and silverware at
Madscn's for the holidays.
Just received this week n choice va
riety of ladies nnd Misses fine shoes.
Call and seo them at Cumming'H store.
Geo. Bohlman.the up-to-date tailor,
will bow you goods, all shades and nil
prices. Think of it. A tailor made
suit for $1) and up ! Pants $1 and up.
A quantity of fine dressed lumber and
flooring for sale. Apply at the black
smith spop of HhyA Borcn.
For very fine Photos call on Boyd,
having mII new scenery nnd very fine
lenses. He can please you.
. We have on hand a largo stock of
kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic in
grades 1 2 and .'. Let us make you
special prices.
Bootii-ICkm.y Lumber Co.
Sportsmen remember Griffin & Veatch
Co. carry a lino line of Shot Guns and
Wo sell good goods at good prices for
our customers, Central Meat Market.
A car load of Columbia River cedar
shinidcp for sale by Jenkins A LawFon.
Sam Richards was up before Re
corder Medley last Wednesday and
fined $2.50 and costs for beine
drunk and disorderly upon the
streets of Cottage Grove.
I.ANOLA balm
Is conceded by all ladies who
have used it to be unequalled for
the cure of diseases'peculiar to their
sex. lor particulars write to La-
nola Agency, P. O. Box 766, Port
land, Ore.
Uncle Jack Sears who resides
cast of this city, one of Lane
county's old and respected pioneers,
is reported lying seriously ill. The
gentleman is well into the eighties.
The party who carried away the
roll of manuscript from the door
step of the Nugget office last Tues
day morning, will please return
the same. The manuscript re
ferred to was left on the doorstep
of this office before office hours and
was intended for publication in this
week's paper. It was of consid
importance and we will be glad to
have it returned.
Geo. W. Lloyd, well known here
and in Cripple Creek as mining en
gineer and mining man, arrived
here last Wednesday after an ab
sence ol nearly a year. Mr. Lloyd
has spent the greater part of the
time in the east with Boston as his
headquarters, in the interest of bis
mining properties, some of which
arc located 111 uotiemta. jur.
Lloyd comes back to take hold of
the helm and put his prop
erties in shape for extensive de
velopment the coming year. He is
highly spoken of here and else
where and his permanent return
gives satisfaction and pleasure to
bis many friends here.
The Uncle Josh Spruceby Com
pany played at Martin s Hall
on Wednesday night to a fatriy
well filled house. Uncle Josh, the
supposed "star" does not rate with
even a third-class performer. In
fact the only clever part of the en
tire play was by Uncle Josh's
daughter Nancy. When you see
the street parade and Hear tlte mu
sic you have the best part of the
On Friday and 'Saturday, Dec.
21 and 32 the entire stock of dress
and street hats will be sold at and
below cost at Louise Newland's
A came of foot ball will be played
ou the LoVidess grounds, east of
town, Saturday, at 1:15 pm, be
tween a team from Drain and the
Bohemian team of this .place. An
nteresting game iu expected.
1 WoiVDrW bmWjMUS 1
E i?or
We have a Magnificent Stock of IMNE SHOES,
our prices-nre lower than like quality sells for any
where else, and we guarantee shoe satisfaction in
every respect at
every respect at
Money -Saying Prices.
iii We think we know what the people want. ij;
W To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular de- jf
W rannd is our business ambition. W
We will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure satisfac- 3
5 tion, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." 3
We arc living in a rapid age:
uiiii yim iiiiimi move wiwi it.
Keep up with the times. If you sec a chance to benefit yourself grasp
the opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At
-...1 .
Benson Drag Company.
'ure Drugs
W. S. Chrisman.
The Fashion Stables
GI?risir(an & Bags, Proprietors.
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Wheeler & 5cott
George Gumming1,
Having bought out the entire stock of V. F. Schuller, is now
offering the same at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.
I have already added largely to the Grocery Stock Have just re
ceived a fresh supply of Teas, Coffees, Sugar, etc.; also a choice lot of
Apples, Oranges, Lemons and vegetables; Dried Fruits, Bacon, Hams5
and Lard, and other goods now arriving.
A cordial invitation extended to alL
George dimming.
The Latest Styles
Miss Louise Newland's.
All kinds of dress and street hats
for Ladies, Misses and children.
Schleef Building.
Cottagu Grovk, Or.
All persons indebted to the uu
dersigne'd are herdUy' respectfully
requested to call andVettle at once.
Owing to illness! 'have retired from
business and will seek a change of
climate about Jan. 1st.
Mrs. J. S. Mmdlbv.
C. Grisseu, traveling representa
tive of the Kimball and Lakeside
Piano Co's. is stopping at the Cot
tage Grove Hotel for a few days,
.all on him and get prices,
anng.; of Progression. Tho World moves
and Chemicals-
Ei.r Bangs.
Proprietors of the Bohemia
Black Butte Stage Lines, w
Reasonable Prices
Sewing Machines
Ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical
Feed and three under feed machines,
Prices to suit.
For sale by
The Prices will please
you, and in point of
Quality and Beauty
cannot be beaten,'
I Hcmcnway &
Bowaro of nir driod or half dry floor
ing, celling and rtistiu. Tho Booth
Kelly Lumber Co., aro making special
prices on kiln-dried lumber.
t 1-