Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 07, 1900, Image 8

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Iw an editorial on "Source of
Copper Supply!" thu Mining Jour
nal of London says:
"As a result of the encourage
ment to raining afforded by the
high prices which have ruled for
over a year past the production of
copper throughout the world has
increased. But during the same
time consumption has also made
liendwiiv. conseauent upon the
spread of electricity, large ship
building orders and other factors,
mifl the increase here threatens to
outrun the increase in production
America is sending less of the
metal to Europe than it sent dur
ing the first half of the year, and
we have been told to look Ibr no
improvement yet awhile from that
quarter. Increased shipments are
made from other copper-producing
countries, but they will have to
grow much larger if they are to
neutralize the effect ol diminished
exports from the states, and at the
same time to meet the rapid ex
pausion in the demand. There are
numerous countries capable of con
tributing in large or small quan
tities to the world's requirements,
but it is probable that those who
have new ground to break are de
terred from action by the fear that
the existing range of values may
not be maintained long enough to
trive them a fair chance of estab-
lishing themselves and securing a
profit on their inevitably large out
lay. And yet nothing is more
likelv. failimr a sudden flood of
j , j
metal on to the market or an ap
preciable decrease in the consump
tion both somewhat remote con
tingencies than that prices will be
kept at a relatively high level to
afford an inducement to mining en
terprise. It has to be remembered
that any great inciease in the
quantity of copper available would
send down the quotation, in spite
of the most strenuous efforts of
which the American combine might
be capable. But this is not to be
anticipated. The increase is al
most bound to be gradual, and
against this must be placed the fact
that the increase of consumption is
inclined to be rapid. Looking at
the whole question pro and con, the
chances of those who choose
embark in copper milling
are more favorable than we can
ever remember them to have been
Mrs Etta Adams and little daugh
ter after a spending a month with
her parents haVe gone to Shedds to
visit friends before returning to her
home in Washington.
George Farnian has returned
home from Idaho where he has
been for four years.
.Mrs. Jake Runk has gone to
Ileppner to join her husband who
has spent the summer there.
Thomas Quittner of Eugene, is
the guest of S G Iockwood and
George Schneider of Southern
Oregon has come home to spend
the winter.
Roy Ray is visiting friends at
Loratte this week.
Messrs David Hartley and Roy
Foster attended the mask ball at
Creswell Thanksgiving.
Herman Ray from Elntira was
up looking after his interests at
this place Sunday.
Born, Monday, Dec. 3, to Mr and
Mrs F E Martin, a daughter.'
Mrs M C Johnson and daughters,
Bessie and Floy, attended a birth
day dinner at Drain Thanksgiving.
There will be a Christmas tree
and entertainment at the Christian
Church Dec. 24.
W. C. T. U. NOTES.
1 Kr ART Time Schedule AliMVK
ChlcnKu 8U l.nko, licnvor, Kt. 411111
rortmim Worth, Omiitm.Knn-
rcliil ma i lly, St. l'Hln,
9:lAim Chicago unit rim.
Atlniitlu Suit l.ko. Dcuvor, Kl. 8:li)nm
KxpreM Worth, (mixha,kin
t)i 111 arts City, St. Units,
Vln limit- Chlnino 11ml mst.
Spokane Wnllu Wnllu, I.owl.v 7 mil
l'lcr toil, Hixifciuie, Mill
flinu , nortpo'ls, St. l'Hiil,
! I ninth, Milwaukee,
I Chtimyti nml b'imt.
8llll tlCBlN STMOlSltlf ,.,-t 11 111
All imllliiK ilnicusiih. Hl
I Jcct to rhanio.
. 1'orSnu KnwrfouMi
I Snll evorySiluyii
linlly Kx. 1 C01.WMIHA IIIvkii . I p. in
Siiiiilny StKiMHim Kx.Sumry
8 p m , r
Saturday To Antiirtu unit Way
10 pin UimlliiKS.
Sunday. Oregon City, Newborn Kx.Sund'y
Sulcni ami Wny.ljiiiit,
7 a 111 Wtt.l..MKTTr. AND 3:110 inn
TuoOhur. Vammili. Uivkii Mini. Wod.
ami Sat, Oregon City, Durum anil l'ri.
nml V--ijuhI1ih:b. .n
1.011X0 SNAXK IIIVKII '.oavo
Itliuirla lilpiirln to l.cwlslon. I.cwikioii
3:35 am Dally
Dally J oiijrn
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
:f flv;i55..,.
iifiwi iii 1 11 n ui rimn
JtV J ( .1 r.J.T (f UK lit lnl'--l-yi 11 U IJv' tit Milli
vTJ',1 rltoKilnr, iwl.Oit i'i tmiiw mill Rii '' ) VWM. -il)
fc ll 10 11 I ' II M'l'M'l lllU.Wl-l'lj" It- ,1 II I. I '' ' ' ., M.,1 Tl I
111 7 lino i-i iv ivJiMC " Hii'l l ly 1,11 Wl'ii" iiliirri
it, ''iitoirrncss'' ciayu.'q
im-lnl Air''"'''' niunplo price nr 'I' Dilti
l.i.mfflill III a LlilVpltf Vtl' atMl-lll. Wtf UltumlilMI it atiual
1,1 yl'iw I "n llu iwirkM,iiiil winl V!'iRTOi,V''i'i,i1!'AVil!l
.lint ir ouliVl lM,nluvlnK'
1,1'iPi ii-tti.'.t lii.rifali
itn',nttt. Vwfti
If, hi. 1 .., 1. i.l it , wo 11
. , . . . ,( ... I , .r.lllti.lW ,...Ml..i
1 1 11 ,'il.i',II.I.M. TtiN HUir I't n miiiiI hm t l.iimuic ilcuU
jirjhffl in (Ai'il 1011 K) Irpiwinlm
iijAu ui.v fn.L
ft " 'fie "9 rtTftltH' !'"!"". i, tr lnrlii lailln. rlliwli,
uk UtliJUJ.MK'HUl I II
ll,,rm-nt litaku I'ltmrV fll.L
ini, i, it ur in iiifiii ifliun. r, iivii. ihvi
,,ihr KrnlutoN- III! ti-if with lultfttl ftoliiHv
iliv . Il'i ti i inn, lull "l Milyr illo Ui I: ton nn J . mih!
IiiiJ!i.hi ilAnln'ruMM iliiM'i'lilrni!Mullii.ln l liiu;rr
llio I, t pin'mif :wiii ll.f..r. "A" ll.i 1 1.., vhI ui.nhtif
, ,.n,i,,uiii-oiilhemilit. ItMiutnuliMill littr Hrnjf l
It Mill lorlinri inp i.ini,,iMm mimtwiiM in
11 Hill 1 nriinnwivui WW
. 1 , l.HiltMnl MKmnrlM in I t IH.IIIMlil
,i.i ' i,,;.,..,! nfciMi' 1 iTtnii. Iiulilr iihikIioi biui oriinmiiiiii
,1.. : ..1. 1. . 11 mi Jill hitflit iMrt. V UioroUHlily ltilf tnr rl
ut iiimi-n ,1 tlml irm li'lu ttilii iiuclilr. ('in1 blmliu jrMr' uur
V" iVi" W T. Vi rr '' 1 twl I'lur M in.ttOnti la fnlt with nnr w will
fLIl.'i Im n mauiiiv iiurillrk IMVi nil 11 "i iiwni 1
w will
m t'
n mauluo llurdirli lf.rv)
i,ui .r, lira I.; ih nitiil (luvr Iiuiuii, Your limner . "Hull J oil
fn'lj'v.'l'nr tlfMSKJ C W ! itt iMnii'irliir th rtt '' rt
Lf llll t WllcLLb, tiMiitt.irL aorhiH..vcU I -
conftrns nJ M ii iimiIi liouina .ih-i4m wl ll , 4 hltrti irmd. w M1 I . i s Mm.
t, in.voKH t tMiritlMi a llcyi-l ot any mi olr, i.u n ttwr li w ho
in yim ii-iw imwh w m itt jwij-.i v vf . .I..'.v J?
, i.i.
fiMsBV fH,-.swri. iKMUinii tiiyintiiiiniuti wm."T ,V'J ? .Tr.i!-..Vi, i .i,
lnnuhtowit.rthUn IV.- m onillitnilHK'Nf IMM, lltV ' '!0, 1 ,'
wllli-l,iiiiutitfni iMJta,'ii ' .ii'i-t.ti'H'iivnmxn .1 IK umil'l-Mirtai-i, (Viullif I -1
sehd your onssn
,:Hr. i 111 il,.w itlMH'ic' i,r :,,v jti ,
t',waS t('ll , ,11-i' ll TH f i i-
Tho practical siilo of acicnoo is rollootcd in
Mr. R. Gray, who Uvea n&ir Ameitia
Duchess countv,N. Y., eays: "Cham
r)erl:tin'8 Cough Remedy is tho best
medicine I havo ever used. Itiea fine
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to cure." When given as 60on as
the child becomes hoarse, or oven aft er
tho croupv cough has developed it will
preveut the attack. This ehonld be
borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon us these symptoms appear
For sale by Bexbos Dbuo Co., Cottage
Grove. Lyons & ApfiiEOATE, Drain
At the Taylor & Ross Photo
Studio a negative of the proprietor
or proprietors of each firm located
in Cottage Grove. We will make
each one a present of cabinet photo
from same. Please come in as soon
as possible as we want to arrange
and make them into one picture
Remember you get a nice cabinet
photo free to pay you for your
trouble. Taylor & Ross.
It was a thrilling escape that Charles
Davis of Bowerston, 0., lately hnd froni
n frightful deatli. For two years
Bovere tung trouuio constantly grew
worse until it seemed he must die of
Consumption. Then he began to use
Dr. King'a -Now Discovery and lately
wrote; "It gave instant relief and
effected a permanent cure." Such
wonderful cures havo for 25 years, proven
it's poivor to euro all Throat, Chest and
Lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00.
Every bottlo guaranteed. Trial bottles
Ireo atBE.vso.v Daua Co, Drug Store.
WR can hklp you.
Ladies, suffering from diseases
peculiar to their sex send for par
ticulars to Lanola Agency, P. O.
Box 766, Portland, Ore. Corre
fipoudence confidential.
Mrs. Lucia H. F. Addtton of
Portland, National Associate Super
intendent of the Department of La
bor and Temperance and also a I
National Organizer, will pass
through Cottage- Grove on her re
turn from the National W. C T U. 1
Convention held at Washington,
D. C , soms time in December; and
we hope to be fortunate in securing 1
her for a lecture when she comes. I
Look for date later. 1 I
The executive board of the local I
W. C. T. U. has set the date of
holding their meeting next Satur
day at 2 p. 111. in the Reading Room.
The executive board of the Y. W.
C. T. U. is earnestly invited to
meet with the board and plan for
the work of the coming year.
visit Da. JORDAN'S great
f llllWCt SiXlh UlJ STf Bib J
ThelarcMt Anatomical JIiisum
In Hie Wur.d.
trtatfit attraction la (A Ctty. JL
rnuiirr,oraiiycnnirect A
ftlilLi!Mtf,pualllily'iirtlbjr 0
tho ol-Jrit bppctiillatim Hit l'adio
Conit. liiUblUlitd SS y rnrs, A
Tnns mm end mltUtlr r
nc-l turn who urp runvrliic A
frum th ffTrct ut roullilul lndl,. r
creuun or vxrrsAe in nmiuror a
yfors. KtrriMisunUpliThl. mi IIvIiIIII.t, In,. 0
. iuiciic.t, inHiiwiiu in nil nicompil.
Q caUotin; Nperiiiiilorrltcri,, rilniaa. a
rliirn, Gunoi-rlicrit, (ilrrl, FrrurtiT
Q ut Urlmtttnir, clc. Ily i, coii-.bliiatUiii ot O
, r,.,T.,.-, u. ,,t, l'u, v, , ,t,u JMJInr ,
Iim so urraiiitwt hl tn-utmf ut Hint It lll nm A
only nlT.ird Immrdlut rvllrt. but pcrmanrnt r
cure, 'llis Doctor dors not claim tonvrfurm A
miracle', but Ik well knnurn to b a lair ami P
limre I'liynlcliin .find Hiircron, iirMialaeut
lu blsppclultr niarnsra of 9Irn. 0
KVPllir.IM thiirnnclity cmcllcatod from
thn sj-stsoi without lliu Uii-of Jlei curj. Q
Truaaoa fitted by an K.rprrt. Itallrnl
furi- for tliiiitnni, X qulclt and rnittrtil A
mrefor 11 Ir. Kiaur and FNtalrc, by
Sr. Jordan's special painless meibnds. A
juvkicv jia:v aiiniTinBtoiisiviurcceira r
our Aon'ic opinion n ins mtupiaiiir.
We mill iiunranteg a 1K&IT1V CU2E
etvry cote umtrtake.
i:(in!iiiuiiun l- KKr. nun siriciiy rnvuio.
Treatment personally or by leiler.
Wrlta nook. IIIir.IS01IIV OP 1
m.lItniAm:. JUailkd l-aic (Avalnabla
Dooiciormen.) lanorwnio
OX JORDAN & CO.. t05t Market St. S. F.
uunutt run I'UJII.IOATKW
UiillOtl Htnti.M l.unil oi
ijfonMuiKiMV t;,1 V.u,-
l IIIIICO HIII till) JttoVlHldl IN , ,
Sli.U.H.of. Unllfornl ' ,rJ '"V"
mm hiiniiimkjiiii Turrllory .
u-iiiii'ii nun t u n n ii ii
. . . . : I ..,,1,11 nini..
.ifCnltnifudiuv. J ii.,.. ' J"
-'f (hruun, l,,,H thlHrfnyllr
iillli'o hiH NWtirn Mtiimtni'iii N V,
lit' iilii!linu n( tin. SH t, Hi'.,.,, 1
IH. Ill Ti u-nylili. V.. .ii "'r,'''llll
.... n.. limn.,, v
Wl'Ht.HIH W iiin.i-iii,,( .. T"'"
lli() Inli.l Honnht Ih i.m.m, vnilm,1,n,
liClVlir of tltlx ollliv Ml llosHi, ,,."u!
lmUir y ,,,u2l,,,M,"y" tt.
1........I. II... 1. 1.. . . .
I'" ' V iiii. 'WIIII l'iv In l.
I lllll UN. I. I). l'nl.Mi-r ((
IIHftlll " ,,,,
Any mill nil ikthoiih elm,,,)!,.,
vutwily hu ulnivu.,lci.,Tllifil iiiini,
ll'lllll'Utl'll 111 III,. ,..I '
. .it , III I
miii'ii mi nr iiimiri, M.tiii ,1,111.
runilmr, 1000. ""y
.1. T. lllllllIVU II...., .
We Cnrrr a Knll l.lnc of
tir ATI ft 4 ta - .
A J a. A A IV lal ,1W
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles, ne well as women, und nil feel
the results in lose of appetite-, poisons in
the blood, biickuche, nervousness, lieaii
ache and tired, listles.-", run-down feel
tug. B tt there's no need to feel like
that. J. iv. Gardner, of Idaville, Ind.,
H1VH! "KpMrn TtlHora nrn iiiol tl...
thine for a man irh'm hr, ,lr..,'r ,.,'. Trains leavo Cottairo Grove'for Poft
l ., u it i- -r I 'n"d and way utntioiia at 3:07 a. m
whether he lives or dies. It gave nns I is-on p. m.
new strength and good appetite. I can Lv. Turtland 8:Hin. m. 7:00p. m
now eat anvthins and havo a new Iimso i ottnee urovo i:-iio. tn. -':r7p. in
A monthlj' publication of inestimable vahto to tho student of every day
scientific problems, tho mechanic, tho industrial expert, tho manufacturer,
tho inventor in fact, to ovory wido-awako person who hopos to bettor his
condition by using his brains. Tho inventor, especially, will find in The
Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing of importanco
cscanes tho vitrilant ovos of its corns of oxnort editors. Uvervthinir is pre
sented in dean, conciso fashion, ho that tho liu.sicut mav tako titno to read Ill'l Ha-t.
, ...... k a.vaava. JiS JJ
and comprehend. Tho scientific and industrial progress of tho ago In acciir- j
ately mirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only
publication in tho country that prints tho official nva of tho U. S. Patent listimntes Cheerfully
Ollico and tho latest dcvclopcmcnts in the field ot invention without fear all classes of work
or favor. sunscniPTiOK mien rnii ykaiu
A Few Bargains in Real Estate
Offered by
No. 56 200 acres well improved Inttd, 150 acres in growing grain; 2
miles from Cottage Grove, 1-4 mile from railroad; $3. 500, Terms
easy. ,
No. 78 520 acres in Douglas county, ifi miles from Cottage Grove:
well watered, good house, large bain; 175 acres in cultivation,
balance pasture; $4,500
The I.'cst
1 .1 1 .
the market.
Jenkins (t Lnwson.
.... I .. .... n
ijiiiii unlet) ill HiHiciinri', iiri-zon,
Ki'plfliila-r '11 1'JJII.
V,.lt.... Im 1. ..1.. ,. .. ..... ,
a...... v .. . v,i t tilll'lll
itllMIHUIlxl 1-l-llllT llHM II It'll lllll 111- f n
I, I, .1, 1. .1 .. II. ...I .....(
ill.. 1111,, 1. .,. 11 nnu mini ill ikii ill mil
No. 63 A2-acretract 1 mile from depot; houe, bam and orchard; $325. 1 mrt f hlm-lnim, nml that pro
TV r m 1 f ntttl rmml n ,.ftr.., .1 ,. nl 1 i . ....... 1 1, ...I.. . I Will III, llllllll. luilllll. .IimI Willi, I
No. 6i House and lot- ' (..iiiiiiilH-iniii.r, nt . l-.uoiu-, Otvpm, o
' " " 4 .oven imt zn. iuuo. vut: .uinii- I
11,.. , .. 1 1 . : I. , . 1 .. . ... ... , ,. . ,,,,,,, . .. . 'a..... . .
c iiuvc iui ,iic m-venu viiuicc iiiuiiiiiii: nns, UKt'i.-s. siorK rnilCUCS. a I iliilliw nil n. j'.. mmi lor nut ij,t :
MVM5W .Sw. 2H.T. lUh.. It.
llr. .,,..,.- ll... ,.lt..
tlllltlVlltlOM Ol Hllill lllllll. Viz.
fTI 1.. I I L...l,l. II
until i,n t.iin'firii . i. ,, . niiniii. - i
licrt Fiirni'll. .Iiimitri Ijiiv. of i'mmi-
J.T. ItiittmKH, lli'(itvr.
sash nnd door factory and IJohemiti mining prppeity.
HEMENWAY & WHITE, Cottage Grove, Ore.
on life." Only 50c nt Bc.vso.v Dnuo Co.,
Drugstore. Every bottlo guaranteed.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to
tho nflectcd parts is superior to any
plaster. When troubled with lame
back or pains in the side or chest, civo
it a trial and you are certain to be. in ore
than 'pleased with tho prompt relief
which it affords. Pain Balm also cures
rheumatism. One application gives re
lief. I-or sale by Be.vso.v Dnuo Co.,
Cottage Grove. Lyons & Appleoate,
Drain Druggist.
Your best feelings, your social posi
tion or business success depend largely
on tho perfect action of your Stomach
and Liver. Dr. King's New Life' Pills
give increased strength, n keen, clear
brain, high ambition. A 25 cent box
will mnko you feel like a new betne.
Sold by Be.vso.v Dnuo Co., Druggist.
B. D. Blanton, of Thaekervillo. Tex.
in two years paid over $300.00 to doctors
to euro a running soro on his le
Tfion they wanted to cut it off, but ho
cured it with one box of Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve. Guaranteed euro for Piles,
25cts. a box. Sold by Bu.vso.v Daua Co
Ar. Ashland 12 u. m.ll:3iia. ni
Ar. r aero men to. .. 5:00 p. in. 4:35 a. m
Ar. ban 1-randsco. 7 -Ah p.m. 8:15a. in
.r. wgaen dho a. in. 11 m a. m
Ar. Denver ICOOa. tn. 0:00 a. tn
Ar. Kansas City.. 7:2o a. in. 7:25a. m
Ar. Chicago 7:-)5a. m.'i. in
Ar. Loi Angeles.. 1:20 p.m.
Ar. KlPafo (1:00 p.m. 0:00 f. tn
Ar. Fort Worth... 0::t0 a. ni. 0:30 a. m
Ar. City of Mexico 0 .55 a. m. 0:55 a. m
Ar. Houston 4:00 a. m. 4:00a. in
Ar. Nhw Orleans.. 0:25 p.m. 0:25 p. m
Ar. "asinngton.. una a.m. n:4Za. m
Ar. New York. .. .12:43 p. m. 12 :4.i p. m
Pullman and Tourist cars on both
trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ot
den and El Paeo, and tourist rars to
Chicaeo, St. Louis, New Orleans and
Connectini; at San Francisco with eev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu. Ja
pan, China. Philippines, Central and
bouin America.
See D. T. Awbrey, Agent, Cottago
ujuvc ubanuji, ur tuiMreeD
C. II. MAlIKItAM, G. P. A. t
Portland, Oregon.
Among tho tons of thousands who
avo used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
for Colds and la grippu during tho past
lew years, to our knowledge, not a single
aeo has resulted in pneumonia. Thos
"Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue.
Chicago, one of tho most prominent re
tail druggists in that city, in sneaking of
this, says : " o recommend Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for la grippo in
ninny eases, as it not only gives prompt
and complete recovery, but also counter
acts any tendency of lngrippp to result
in pneumonia." For sale by Benson
Dnuo Co., Cottage Grove'. Lyons &
Am-EOATK Drain Druggist",
Sosurenro we that tho locating of a
few of our Electric Belts will develoi
into numerous sides of our Belts and
Appliances, that wo ato willing to send
ono free to any sufferer from the follow
ing diseases : Cold extremities, Crysto-
ceio, l-emale weaknes, Kidney com
plaint, Loiicorrhcu, Liver complaint,
Paralyse, Lost vitality, Nervousdobillty,
ceit aotiso, worn-nut women, Sciatica,
weak and Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Iinpotoncy, Rheumatism.
Diminutivo Shrunken and Undeveloped
sexual organs, nnd Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc
Sanitarium City Electrical Co.. Uattlo
Urcck, .Michigan,
No ono can reasonably hopofor irood
health unless his bowels movo once each
day. When this is not attonded to dis
orders of the stomach ariso, biliousness.
.headache, dyspepsia and piles soon fol
low. If you wish to avoid theso ailments
keep your bowels regular by takinc
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lots whon required. They nro so easy to
take and mild and gentle in effect. For
sale by Benson Daua Co,
The JOB OFFICE of this
paper is at your disposal for
the best of printing of any
and all kinds at barely liv
ing prices.
t :.. ..i , . i..
into n paytiuj Mismcxs on a .smnj
crude llelgiau Hares that I will sel
. atl
is no need to scud to (Jalitornti
when you can tret the same thin
nnd other fnshionnblc .strains ate i
stock. 1'. A. Rankin, Eugene.
When yoif need anything
in the line of printing please '
remember that the motto of
this office is good work,
good material, neatness and
dispatch, and the prices are .
within reach of all.
? -IVnrt7.nnuJifl I
5 ('Diamond" ffiSsMsflfSSIw"
l'istol With two STevau-Duuiow Mcoa Tr Pirt JW t
I lenyttu. of barrel, G and 10 inches. JiucnrSW ?
t ?.n Uiutrantccd. I'rtce, postpaid, $B.OO will FfWkIk t
1m I
O-inch barrel $7.BO with 10-inch hnvvri.
v ro maico a ftui line of rllen; Price, from on
.-a ...... .w, u ,w tvv mi ii, mtc is warranted
A Stttii Stam6 for Catalapus. J t '
v IM
Xotiibly ninong Hid pleflfiiroH iifforilcil
by tlioSluiKla Itouto Ih the winter trip
to Southern California nnd Arizonn,
ituiiuwed a('(iiitintiiuro with this cction
will ever develop frewh points of Interest
and n'dded noun-en of enjoyment, iimlcr
Iih sunny nkli-K, in tho variety of Hm in
dustries, in itn pmllllc vegetation and
ittnoiig Its nmnberleHH renorts of inouii
tiiin, shoru, valley anil plain.
Tho two dallv Shasta trains from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped with thu most approved
pattern of standard and tourist sleeping
ears, but thi low rates of fate will "till
continue in ei!";ct.
Illuitrateil gi.'dcs to the winter re
sorts of allforntn and Arizona may be
had on application to
C. II.Maiikiiam, O. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Nntleo Ii horoliy Klvetithntl huvo Ijccn I
iinlutoil AiliiilnUtrutiiriir the catutoiif !
Viiiim-lioluck, (lorcnacit. All imniia hnvlinf
-!ii1iiik iikiiIiikC salil cstato nro roqlilroil to pre
mint thorn wllh iirnnor vuucliorn to mo at III Y
nllloo at CuUhko llrovo, I.nno County, Orewiit
wiuilii m.x iiKiiiuis iroin mo iiuioui una pi
Dated ItilHDIIi ilny or Mivomucr nui.
Jamiih IIkmknway, Ailmlnltrlor,
Vnllnnla homliv irlvnil f hilt Jan. II. HICMUrl,
Hilinliilntrutor of the eilate of Win. tfulilii", IJf
coiiboiI, lm llleil nix llmil nocount In tne
iiliovo nuincil rslHto nml Unit tho Hth dny ;
December lV0O;nt the hour of ono n'elock l
.. . , kn.nn I.AA,, n, fnr t tin llllIO
of hoarltiKMilil Unul Bceonnt ut the olllt-o ot tno
County JuiIko, in J'.uKcne, Uny County, ore;
Kon, nl whlcJi time mill iilm-o ll iienom . h
r.... ,.i.i.i. m iim niinwani-aniiil lumrovol
of tho HHino niny npiionr iinil bo hoard.
nateii tm. rSiWu;
Proprietor of the CAPE ROYAL
on Kiver street, near the bridge,
Short orders day nnd night. Every
thing first-class and the best the
market affords,