. 1 IU I M V4 I B I I I pi" mi laji Dimajjc Caused by Floods and linlns. ofA DISASTROUS TRAIN WRECK . .... All. .......I 0, Ol - Wilt Vlrjtlnl. De. Nov. '.'. TIiiim 5!5rtrtow report" toiilghUbout fn 5w Ol.omi.o..ko & Ohio bo- '.ubfd out ", V V" " " .. nf tliomt report. All W,u n f n.,,,1 fur. either ..I. .till Hill .vw"-"--:- .1. ItHllflUUUI P , 1 L i,.inu entertained "t the ho- tint lirillBO' "iiu PHILIPPINE FORESTS. Va.land Varied Timber Re.ource, of Our ,r. nd Pmiciilom, Witlili.Kl.n, Nov. 2().-TI,r,dlvMoii ' ' ..- m..l lo.nlar airlr , , war ilfitMir moot I,,,, , ,,, (" PP '.. f f..r. y rK1,lJ)f ' , i"i"r mi order of Vn.w, y.. ,,v,,r""r. lti-(l April "U.'rlMlnl..K tho rumiitluiiH of tho reo nr.l ror.tlvod f.m t)1(, HpH,, govern- ......... ...i.Mjr WIIKDI tlllll bllteuil ".y mm hid cum ol ... rJB I I Il..r.l mnnll iii thn rani " J" I . .ii. ...ml nlwiiit llfl iiiIIoh Mf . ... i. .... in tiiulifif! ,mt uml ,.l,l. t,..lll., toiiiiui--. ... ,,. W ,.t far from Whit Hul- rf llll"i'i i.Limi crow litre both from thu . .1 A (111 IVI1HL IUIIIUI IIM1 I lHH 1 ill run thrtiouh to T ulitlit. m umittl. although there ,fiilroil u not ' ji.i.1 Tlio (KM 1 nnrii uuuu ...v.. II im io iiiu unun. floodi In Wtil Vlrjlnli. ....i.. i.-.r inn ihiil -in iimirn inn ....ii.ii.int.ti iifiii.i in inn BV . . nwdntlo vitll-y. homo ii.uuu ik - Mnn out. tiikltiK wlh thorn tho ... ... .I.i. ..Mil IIMIH I i ..lilt mlikl In TUIIU. VI .iw I i.B.ii.r.iA Mitii.ii .it iinr. il. Hut limn in SLTi.UUU. 1110 .l .i .1.. i.Mi'.iniliiiiii viilli-r ruliroail. . i I ... L-U.t IIiimIi ii 1 1 . H . I r M fOfflPltio1' iii ni """ UbIIw, ha boon iiltnot rulnod. Rite In Ihc Kjruwlu. OtrlMton, V. Vn Nov. 8. lln .uioooirnl.'ifull of thu int 48 hour mvA rnplil rlo ill nil utrmuin Au MCtl n of tho ti4t. Tho Kun- . v.... i,itnn tt lti inn ifiiviniwii rno'clafk tonight whu 2J7.4 fevt. riiiDif ono'imi! looi iwr nour. a. lUtlonarv. I no raiuntii nuro tor kunendltJi: at 8 A. M. totlar wn Storm In PtnniylvinU. Otttolf, J'rt., Nov. 28. ThU ioctluii IM country uxpununcwi n luvuro . . . ii. ..i . I I . i . . i . i .... t ii... in nun imiit iii hi w iihtl iii hiiiiii. uu i mrArrl li n ilmitli nf llirnii lltlll u ifPL iiir iiiiiiu. lirmiiiii. l iiiu . it . a i im inwtrruiin iiiviuinti ill inn i'nii 'mil n I' I muu II n n iirtivii f Murder of in Ohio PhyilcUn. Mimvlllo, Ohio. Nov. 28. Dr. II. MimllinM I ilii'.clnlnti tMi plnco, wit Nhot todny. Alfred , 85 yearn of nuo. vho hail nccutwl ii.. i uvciur oi causnnr iiio pfuiinmuu ui 3n iml lilu utifn I m .itiilnf in rmr. i died wltliout milking any vtiito IIa I.Huk.. lr..t A ..n in Ilia ItAtfM il UiUllKIUQb lU liU IU II in MM t hid paisod within tho lino of nmno WDoii n Mlmt illittirbetl the llonco. fiOmfttlt littiir lin ItitrtrnrAfl tiaillf to . . 'nviv.. irn Tim iifttA it.t.r inii iimwi hml it... I.......... h it iiImi tin, ,, o, th I)tl)lo (U(lHi JIm. htwn In foi,.,, ttlm tlmoof Aniiirl. ell fire uimlliin mo until to Im. in 11,,., with tho iimut iuhuci!il fi)inlKn cKulu tUm of Kuropo. Imi mt luly m, for.o.1 uml Mi fiirn.l tin. cuttlnu of miy , i'H-1 ov,rjrthliiK. 'I'lio nmitlt wmt llmt vitluitl.lt, rulilir, KUttn-jwrchit mid ylmiK-ylmiK lrc., wero tnkori, mill ovoa tht inoit vnlunhlo timid M llrowwl. CjpUIn Ahcrn'i SUtetntnt. Cnplrtlii Aht-rn Mitten tlmt from dif ferent Miurrtu of Jiifornmiion lin 1 h:d lo hollfvo tint pnlilif luroitt IhiiiIn com prUo from out). (mirth to dohnIIiIv nun. I hitll tho mm of tin, I'hllliinlnon. or from aii.imo.ooo to Kl.dOO.dno ituroc Thiiro Hro fully f,,())(),ooo iicm'H of vlr Kill fornot owiihI hy tint utiitoln tho UN miiln l Mln.lorn mid l'ltnidii. Tho Il mid of M"i,(iino. with mi an-ii of coino 20,000.000 HurcN In ulitiont t-iitlroly oovortHl will, timber, uml im-n In thu province of (.'iiyKitymi, in I.tiwm, thorn uro nniro tlmu 2,000.000 itcrool foront. In otlttir iroiucoti of Luzon, oiK) olnlly in tho oountry clwtu to Mmillii, nitirli of tho tlmlitir Inn bcun out, uml to llll htruo coutruutw tho liimhoruiun uro oIiIIkmI to u" itilto n illntmico form tho city In order to find u Nultublo tmot. Magnificent Timber. Cnptnln Alinrit moutlouii tntctn of vlrKln forontn to Im ecim on tho notith cm UhimU uhero from 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 cubic foot of uuiK'itflcoiit tliulnir ir noro whh Hiiinilliik. with trimn ni"ro thmi I AO (cot in htduht, tho trunk clMtr of brunuhtw for (10 feot and mora thmi four loot In dlmnotor. Ho Muttrt tlmt In tlioio foront thero uro million of outdo feot of tlmbor, which ihould Imi rut in order to thin thU demo i-rowth, no llmt tho maximum nuniinl urowtlt could bo obtiiluod. Thoro U n lnrh'o variety of valunblo KUiu, rubber mid KUttu-perclm treo, 17 dyu woinI mid tlio ylmichtnL', tho oil from tho IIoomi of which luttor tro4i I. tho Ihim) of r-o many rfuutox. Tlioro nro no foreHt roatl or rivor ilrlvowy in tho Inland coiiHlnerod worthy of montlonliiK. At proiioiit tho true uro follod far from nnv ronil, and haulod out vory r.lowly by ono or moio cariboo, with tho ronult tbut muuy truul nro loft untouched. M CFaiANCnzzrnrx .rynt nn rrri ' weathera factor. UK UK 1 11 III VI U Jl) I L .AA V Ui i r7 lJS Rtuii nd Bill to Provide Great Irrigation fP Ttirt. ivnliir Intn llin hnrrftl II. M.OOO.oon irm Muklnir Chrcne. wl'on It must bo rccharsod. When . I 0r"n, Wjihlnjlun nd Idaho Included Will lie Introduced at the Comlntj Senlon of Contjreii. WitHhliiKton, Nov. 20. A bill for irrigation of arid ImidH In to bo intro-' liinod mid jiuMiwl at tho approaching HOtidoii of coniiroH which will nfTcct OreKon, Wimhlnijton arid Idaho, amonn othor Mute. Tho moHt cnrnoiit ndvo onto of IrrlKittlori fool that with tho iiidoMoment of thu Into Irrigation con proM thoy will bo ablo to muittor tho wilul ipirt of (lolcKiittjH from all arid hind Mate m,d hopo in thin way to no euro homo Konoral k'ijiHlatlou thin sen tdni, , Tho bill already proparod provides that four practical roitorvoir rdtos and Irrigation ilitche nliall bo Burvevot' in each Mato by tho geolglcal Hurvoy, tho t Microtary of thu interior then to with draw tho In no embraced in and ur rounding tlio iiioH Kiiitablo Rite and Uitchi-H. Ho nhall then lot contracts lor cniiMruotirig repcrvolr and ditcho, to coM not morn than $1,000,000, in each Mnto. Nino million dollar is ap propriated by tho bill. Wlun tho iiinil nro irrigated thoy oro to bo Hub ject U) lioniKteail entry, each ontryinon to pity .f2.G0 per aero, and no iudlvld mil to Kocuro nioro than 80 acre. Tho roervolr and ditcho aro to bo tnruod mer to tlio nottlor when most of tho bind irrigatod i taken up. It i ponNlble, howovor. that thin ir rigation bill will bo imtdu a part of tho river and harbor bill again, a it was two year ago. I). II. Stuitrn, of Oregon, and Dr. II. J. tiobul, of Viinliingtoii, delegate of tho irrigation emigre, called on tho president today and folicited hi sup ort to miiiio plan of governmental aid 1 in mi irrigation nytein for roclulming ' tho arid Went. MukliiK Clircne. I have rnndo an occnidoiml cheeso throiigliout tho year and enough In tho Hprlng and Hummer to go a great way toward paying tho grocery bill, Bays IOuIho A. Nash In tho American Agrl ctiltnrlHt. Throe mllklngs may bo lined In winter ami two In glimmer. Caro must bo taken to cool tho fresh milk before atldlnif It to tho othor. Place your double holler on the back of tho stove, the Inner one resting on some thing, and nut In the milk. Pour warm water Into the outer boiler and bring tho milk to 82 deirrecs. Kor from five to seven gallons of milk add about half a tenspoonful of the coloring fluid and half that quantity of rennet previously mixed with n little water. Stir thor oughly and leave It to coagulate at tho same temperature. When the curd wljl break oft clean from tho bottom or your linger, ii is time to cut. A long carving knife or anything that will reach down to the bottom of the pan will do. Cut each way, leaving about nn Inch between the cuts. The beat may now be raised gradually about two degrees every five minutes to 08. HcKln In a few minutes by shaking the boiler to help the Hying on of the whey, but gently, so that tho fat does not escape. Presently stir and repeat tho stirring every two or three minutes. In about half an hour the desired temnernturc otiirht to be ' reached. The curd will soon be half Its size, and when pressed between the fln Ker nnd thumb the clots don't stick to gether. It Is now time to take off hnlf 1 of the whey. Leave It covered an Inch In nlaco. Turn water Into tho barrel and keep It running through until It Issues entirely tasteless. When this I accomplished, tho filter Is ready for use. Of course the filter will become clog ged, when It must be recharged. When properly filtered, the cider will be Tree from albuminous nnd mucilaginous ma terial and will keep much better than when not treated. American Agricul. turlst. Bclectlns Heed Wheat. I The experiment stations nnd farmers who hove trained themselves to close observation of cause and effect have given evidence many times that tho nmount and quality of the wheat crop, and of other grain crops, depends large ly upon the quality of the seed used. The larger and plumper seed gives tho most vigorous growing plant. It stools out more, usually has n stiffcr straw. If It is not forced by the use of too rank a fertilizer, by which we mean ono too rich In nitrogen, and therefore tho bet ter the crop. But there are other things desirable In a cood Kraln crop. One Is to secure large heads well tilled, and It may also be desirable to have the grain , PLOT AGAINST BOBS. BIG BARK ASHORE. The Scheme Wi lo Wow lllm Up While At tending Church. ondon, Nov. 20. According fo n apodal edition ot tho Kvoniug Standard today, n plot to BBniHBlnoto Lord Ilo borts, in which two foreigners uro con curuod, bus been disco vored. It ap pear tbut tho complrators loaded a mine, which wits designed to bo blown up Sunday while Lord Koberts was in church at Johanneburg, but tho polico and Lord Hobort' bodyguard frustrated tho connpiraoy. Ton men, mostly Ital ian, have Loon arrested. IIQMK-MAPC C1IBI-8K l'KESS. grow rapidly and mature early, either to obtain the best result in a short sea son, or to escape Insect attacks. The best way to secure this would be to se lect the earliest maturing large beads to be found, and reserve them for seed. The farmer who sows large areas may think this too much trouble to get all the seed be needs, but he should remem- bor that If there. Is a profit In doing so for one acre, there would be a greater proflt In doing so on a hundred. A mod ification of this plan is to select in tui3 way enough to sow a small plot very thin, so that each nlant will have a chance to do Its best, nnd then reserve a piece of the best land to sow that on It to produce seed wheat. A continua tion of this process for a few years would result In the production of an extra early, hardy and prolific wheat Even easier but less effectual would be the selection of heaviest grain for seed when winnowing It. We think the first- named plan the best, because the typo Jobbing Trad Ha Bttit Mttr tally Affected. Bradstroot's says: Untottlod weather conditions linvo oporatod to onrtall re tail and jobbing tlitrlbntion this week, and Impart n qulotor tono to eoveral linos indirectly associated therewith. Stock speculation, too, has boon le rampant, nnd lost wook'a record oi bank clearings has thoreforo not boor equaled. Thoro is, however, littlo o no apparent loss of basio strength and. indeed, the general level of staple prioos has been slightly advanced. This lator movomont is most notable m tho Iron and stool trades, in raw cotton. and to n lessor dogroo in tho coroala ' and somo homo prooncts. In marlno Shipping circles ft distinct Improw ment is reported since tho first Woek to November. , whtln thn vnlumo of bnslnoss in pig iron is still large, it does not apparent ly come up to that of last week or tho week provions. No disappointment is, howevor, felt at this, more particularly as quotations havo again been marked up. Heports of preparations to resnm. como from many plants for omo time idle, nnd a saraplo instance is the re port that overy furnace in the Chicago field will be at work next week. Plates aro active, as aro structural and car material, wire, bars, and. In fact, nil classes of finished material, not exceotinn rails, which are reported being freely taken by Western rail- auusea $20 imam. Other metals, notably copper, aru strong. Tin ia again tending upward. Wheat, including flour shipments for the week, aggrcgato 3,827.290 bush els, against 4,062,02 huhels last week. Business failures in the United, States for, the week number 215, against 227 last week. Canadian failures for the week num ber 31, as against 25 last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. , Seattle Market Onions, new, lo. Lettuce, hot house, $1 per orate Potatoes, new. $10. Beets, per sack, 88c?l. Turnips, per sack, $1.00. SquaBh iHo. Carrots, per sack, 60c Parsnips, per sack, $1.25. Cnr.nmbers 40050c. CMllornift, Cabbaco. native and of the entire crop might be fixed In that j lMo per pounds. ivnr on tluif n normnnpnt Imnrnvement llUlier ireamotj, ouu. would be made. American Cultivator, i 22c; ranch. 18o pound. 18 Brlllih Four-Mailer Poltalloch Grounded on the Waihlnjton Coait. Fouth Bond, WuhIi., Nov. 29. Tho llrltUh four-madtcd bark l'oltalloch, Captain Young, in ImllnM from Santa KtwiiliA to Portland, wont itHhuro at 2 o'clock thl morning about two miles north of tho cntruuro to Willapu bar lor. She ha Iot all anchor, and Ho Mern-on in a jorilou position. Tho tug Astoria stayed near hor all day, but on account of tho heavy oa wu uu nblo to ! lino. The tug arrived hero at b o'clock thl evening to tele graph for another tug, ami brought 13 of tho crow of tho Poltulloch, who cmuio off in u boat. Roberts Conllrms It. 1 London, Nov. 29. Tho war office baa tho following from Lord Hoberts, dutod Johannesburg, November 20: "As reports of a plot against my lile probably roach rou, 1 think yon should know tho fact. It is beliovod that thero wn n plot in oxlstouco, nnd five Italian, four Oieeks and ono French man woro nrrostml November 10, and nro now awaiting trial. Tholr Inten tions woro to oxplodo n mine under St. Mary's church during tho morning service, hold ut 11 o'clock, on Novem ber 18." . Gale on Lake Eric. rioveland. Nov. 29. Another vlo- RoberU Reports Engagement!. London, Nov. 29. Lord Iioborts, cabling from Johannesburg, under date of November 20, reports a number of i ...1.1. llm Itnora fit wldolv lent storm prevailed on Uko Krlo and i tBd potuts. In which tho British throughout Northern Ohio today, tho , ' & som(j Cfttt,0 nud ft few prison, wind coming from tho noith and blow- j gu,Tor0(1 Bi,ght casualties. Tho ingat the rate ot 00 mlloa nn hour, j eorlou8 nffllir was n engagement Thogalo wa accompanied by hcuvy , forcog of fionori De Lnroy, rain and sleet. Tho telegraph and , tont j.qqo men, with throe 1 1 flrAna who suffered Fail Train Jumped the Track. Cornwall, Col., Nov. 28. Tho fnsf lln.t. I . . II . I. I I .... HJJll VJlJlillVllftl WHO HUt m --' ma 11111 nun VMj uuuu - u iui uu uuuni iwwaw iv ana., i i . f i rrM. ivo Duuuuniy tuiuiuiit v.ii vvat,n '.inuiinnr ranir wiih niiiiuiiu .v.miiu HllCt'U. iryillK IV uu "iv va tt ii. ii m q iiiiut . .1 gUUH, WHO Oppuo wciiunu march towards Koitfoutoin. woro coinplotoly dispersed. Clement a Tho Boera il.l.nttA fWltntlfllliftft great damage from tho heavy storm o I l...f nnL' U'flro llt!IUU Uiim. capppo.1 by tho prostration of linos on practically all routos as tho result of today's atorm. Railway Clerki' Big Stealing. Now York. Nov. 28.-Word was ro- colvod at police enq" - "7. ! ZZa. in! Dowet is in Poitugueso oior oi ui "- - . ,a,r. nrroMod at I'ornnn- torritory auu m hi. or two that It may develop more mciic acid nnd the curd mat together, after which remove It from the remaining whev. At this nolnt I take up the Inner boll- ir nnd nlace the curd lu the two colan ders, leaving It there to drip Into the larce boilers. This, the cneuunring t 00 decrees. Occa- Klnnnllv chance the bottom of the curd to the top. When cheddnred, Instead of n tough, spongy mass, the curd Is tlio toxture of cooked lean meat, elastic pad fibrous. About the same quantity tf. snlt Is required for cheese as for bMtor. , When the bent Is lowered to 18 de crees, it Is ready for the press. At a higher point the fat Is liable to escape, and if too cold the curd particles do not adhere. Bandages are easy to make of cheesecloth. Sew a strip the circum ference and height of your tin to a round piece the required size. Another round piece will be needed to lay on the top ot the cheese before folding the wall piece down on it. Commission Dealers. Farmers would often receive more satisfactory returns from goods shipped to the commission mercunnis u mey would take a little more pains to put them up In a neat and attractive man ner and send them so that they would arrive in good order and condition; but the men who do this are apt soon to find regular customers to take their goods and do not need to consign them. rrim innTnor enceu man, wuo uoua Clgarmakert' Strike Itmnn T.'l,. Nn on T,i ..... 4, 1( MUa M tho effect that n k I. T.Ittn lm.l heon dlnn. Fin., for tho theft of $50,000 from that lino, it is mm money taken by this clerk was ost through speculation with tho firm o O. .Lawrence & Co., that recent y failed here, and tho principals of which aro now under nrroat. pito of ceucrnl strike in nboyanco until tho I 'mmlttcoa for tho Iiosiatanola nnd tho ktwnatloual Clsar-Makers' Union "to got togothor, tho general striko udoclnrod today. Nino local unions tho order of tho Trades' As " nnd rofusod to go to work. It "tlmatod thnt 1,400 men havo an "ttod tho first call and aro out. Fire In Beatrice, Neb. Beatrice, Nob,, Nov. 82. Firo today ovotl tho hrlok block ocouplod by Wis & Vanarsdale, general morohan " and othor Arms. Loss $85,000. Revolt In Somallland. Zanzibar, Nov. 38. Tho Somalia J'va rUori in Julmland, a province of ,ltlh Eat Afrloa. About 4,000 ?9'''Wmed mon aro ou tho warpath. Couimlsaiouor Jonnor, who has (,a on a tour inland with a smnll i is eald to bavo boon nttaokod. "''position is gravo. It is doubtful oethor ho will bo nblo to return safely we seaport, KIsmayn. Rolnforoo- KUrna'a Moomba8a have bon ,en Now Refugee! From South Africa. York, Nov. 29. Amonu uu nasongors wno ornvm. - Stoatoudam from ltottendum woro H o. re fugcoa 'roui the South African ropuh- Ho. They aro a. i o'"i v" eenoral of tho Transvaal army; Com- W. Snyman, oi mu viuu nnd II. Bnymau, jr., n. 1 irnrnnlnR VllloOll. Ol nun . . . - - general mnudant Froo Stnto Liobouborg Dtwet In Portugueie Territory. Louronco JIarques, Nov. 29. A do-...-i.mn,,t nf 80 mounted Portuguoso troops, with two guns, crossed tho river i feuow how l0 ass0rt, grade nnd pack his Hit moraine at Catembo. It is ro-1 ,,rft.,npe. nna the careless one, who will not try to have mem iuim lu ut-ai, tho dishonest one, whose goods are not of the snmo quality when they are out of sight as they are on the surface, does not keep n steady customer iou uuu is Institute Lectures. The boldlnc of farmers' Institutes has been of great advantage In many locali ties. Even when the chler speaker or essayist has not been of the best, and sometimes Just because he was not the best, he has helped to bring out opin-1 Ions from local farmers whose Ideas, no matter bow poorly clothed In lan guage, were adapted to the locality and more valuable there than the opinions of one who bad obtained experience upon different soil, In different climates nnd under different conualons. There Is also In many places a disposition on the part of the hearers to ask questions. They are not content to be told the best wny to do their work, but they want to know why It Is better than some other way. that they may Judge If It will be a ltetter way under their conditions, or is only better when conditions are better. Every step tauen in mis way is n step In advance. Farming Is not a railroad where one must follow a certain line of track, but often a route turougn nn un- j known territory where one must ex plore to find the best path for himself. House Plants.' Many people have poor success with house plants because their bouses are too good. They are kept at a uniform beat by hot air furnaces, which furnish a dry heat, and the rooms nre so care fully closed against cold In the winter that not a breath of fresh air gets In. Plants need pure air, and they need moisture for their leaves as well as for their roots. The woman who has a few plants In the kitchen where they get the steam from the laundry work, and where the outer door Is swinging open often, or windows are opened to let out the heat or odors, will have thrifty plants though she devotes but little time to them, while they may fall to grow well In tho bay window of a mod ern comfortable sitting-room. Hondurai Pay! Pean Claim. 1. Dnr. nJm c.'.i.,. In Muv. 1809, and tho Indemnity Is tho .full amount of uluim sot up. tho Census of Oregon. Wn.hlnoton. Nov. 29. Iho his . , ..un.l. Pearson says St? wS over tho border into Portuguese torritory. Thov m.ulo t l.oU ny to tho coast and thonco by steamer to Kuropo? l'oarT .ays ho has never boon out ofjouth Africa before. Kruger Allege! Barbarlim. New York, Nov. 28.-Accordlng ton dlsch from Pari, to , the .Journal and , frntn Mlchaol Dnvitt, i rou AU'I .. ...1.1. popula- announced . . iiritish uross learns, Hnnr iv riiunr. liiu . likely to follow p his pronunolamonio tr' ormulating speclflo ohaw ! boaoh of tho oodo of olvllUed ortaro on the part of Lord Hoberts In instruct tag nle officers to resort to "conoentra. do methods in tho effort to crush Boei reilitanoe entirely. r n rTUn etnfA rfO. Washington, ov. ! , ",cd to accept what prices tho com- partmeut received a cable today from obligeu io v bo butted States Minister Hunter, at Gu M,0;nd lf0 doubtB tno qual. tomala City, uou"'n I J? the goods he does not offer them ju8t received rom tho Hondu an g , ty tMg try to g t ornmeut a draft for $10,000 u or con tQ d,8 -i.i i.iHA.miir.v tor viic iiMh i -o" . . goiu ho .u.x...- --- . . . thcm nt tno ursi ouer. ueiujB mo r.i..u, . ,,i r nlsn resnonslble 111 LrilllojiUlvii-v for low prices many times, because produce of a perishable nature loses quality rapidly aud must be sold quick ly after decay begins, even If sold nt a loss. To Kilter Ciller, Cider Is gTeatly Improved by filtering as soon as It comes from tho mill. If the vnrv iHt results are wanted a charcoal . filter Is necessary, xms can uu iinu easily made from an ordinary cider or whisky barrel. Itemove one head and mnko of It a false bottom two Inches ni,nv the other head. On the false i. n-, nnii Htrlns of hard wood. Bo- tiipso strins bore holes. Have u fmiwvi near the bottom of tho barrel Abovo tho false botom plnco threo Inchca of charcoal broken to tho size of blrdshot first laying down a piece of nrso oloth. On top of this chnrcoal put another layer of cloth nnd four or xi r nrnnnn ns Ot OUUiy today, is 413,530, ns against 313,707 for 1800. This is nu inorenso of 99, 709 or 31.7 por cent. Tho population In 1880 was 174,708, showing an iu of 138.009. or 70.6 percent from 1880 to 1890. Killing of Frank Michael. . rial.. Nov 20. It Is now thought t&t tho body found Inst Thurs. V,?.ufc. ....,f nnnr Bollavlsta. Is that of nay b,. - ,,nrllnm, or, HullV lll IJluroiiuj Frank Michaels rooming left on loot for Bedding. Ho When found, . nnliad Redding. When found, put another layer oi ciuvu TeLTol Vhc body had bullet hole flVo Inches of clean, well washed wheat the hoad of tho oooy nivided1 rv Htrnw. Abovo tho straw put a lD. lather iTwas a caso of murder I circular, hard wood grating with oper. uo v oi flulcido. Circuiur, ua.u ii""" o ings on Inch or bo square. Fasten uus llnrrowlncr AVlient. Often a rain may come after wheat has been sown, and on clay land so beat down the soil that It will crust over or bake when the sun comes out so that many of the plnnts cannot get through. Tho use of a light hnrrow with flno sharp teeth will remedy this very quickly without Injury to the plants that are up, or those that are germin ating. Nor does It Injure wheat to use such a harrow on It lu the spring when the clover seed la sown, unless the roots have been thrown out by tho frost, in which ense n roller Is needed to press the plant roots back Into tho earth. Ilordy Omnces. Tho Department of Agriculture Is try ing to produco an orange which will en dure frost, by crossing our native or ange with the hnrdy, trifoliate ornngo of Japan. They do not expect success at the first trial, nud may get a bitter or heavily seeded fruit, hut from oven such fruit It may bo possible to pro duco better nnd still retain tho hardi ness. It Is well worth tho trial. Eggs 34 c. Cheese 12o. Poultry 12o; dressed, 14o; springy 1315c turkey, 18c. Hay Puget Sound timotliy, $14.00? choico Eastern Washington timothy, $18.00. , CoraWhole, $23.00; cracked, $25; feed meal, $25. Barley Rolled or ground, per tou $20. a n Flour Patent, per barrel, $8.50f; blended straights, $3.25; California,. $3.25; buckwheat flour, $0.00; (rra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flonr, $3.25; rye flour, $3.804.00. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $13.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meata Choico dressed beet steers, price 7 Mo; cows, 7c; mutton pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9 11c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13Ji; breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides,. 8&c. Portland Market Wheat "Walla Walla. 5364o; Valley, nominal; Bluestem, 56o pe bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.40; graham, $2.60. Oats Choico white, 45o; choico gray, 42o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $15.50 brow tag. $10.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $15.60 ton; mid dlings, $21; shorts, $17; chop, $10 pea ton Hay Timothy,$12 12.50; clover,$T 9.60; Oregon wild hay, $0 7 per ton. Butter Fanoy creamery, 4560o; store, 30o. .u Eggs 35a per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13 Kc; Young America, 13o; new cheese 10a per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.75 8.60 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs, $2.008.50; geese, $0.008.00 doz; ducks, $3.505.00 per dozen; turkeys. live, 12o per pound. Potatoes 5005o per sack; sweets, ljo per pouna. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75o; por sack; garlio, 7o per pound; cab bage, lo per pound; parsnips, 86o; onions, $1; carrots, 75o. Hops Now crop, 1,2 14o poe pound. Wool Valley, 1314o por pound; Eastern Oregon, 1012o; mohair, 2 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wether and ewes, 3o; dressed mutton, 0)4 7o por pound. Hogs Gross, ohoioo heavy, $5.75; light and feeders. $5.00; dressed, $0.00 0.50 por 100 pounds. B0e Gross, top steers, $3. 50 4.00; cows, $3.003.50: dressed beof, 0 7o per pound. Veal Large, 0K7jo; small, 8 8Jijo per pound. Too Much Salt. Too much salt Is used by many but ter makers. The wholo tendency among consumers Is toward fresher butter. In England and on tho continent butter mndo In thoso countries Is served par ticularly fresh nnd white. In the best restaurants nnd hotels In tho larger cities of this countrj tho butter con tains very little salt San Francisco Market Wool Spring Nevada, ll13ope pound; Eastorn Oregon, 1014o; Val ley, 1617o; Northern, OQlOo. Hops Crop, 1900, 1817o. Buttor Fanoy creamery 2426o do seconds, 23o; fanoy dairy, 21' 22o; do seconds, 20o per pound. Eggs Store, 28o; fanoy ranob, 0o. Millstuffs Middling., $10.60 (. 10.00; bran, $13.00(813.60.