Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 07, 1900, Image 5

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    .. ...... -A. HflM."
'Mr, A. Nc on o t . i place, Hi
. i n mid v ud one-tin
nlerti" Uk IVsek-A.llo.1 mining
cliw l0 McmH. O. Mcmlow ,,,!
I).0v wc'' , ' " ,'Y' "c lamer of W. H. Dcunis
IoCll,cd in b .
about oil'' mile Houtlt of the MiinIcIc ,
mine. The consideration wns 6ooj
fpot cash, ccu,,t n!"n'9 from
,1,1 claim give very f1ntterltiK rt-
Oiih lot of delected oil trnvr '
Ittrn. v,..---- --....
,u asy value 01 M9.333.00 per
ton in B0'1'' W"1 n K"cnl vcraKe
lamplc take" from 11 four foot vein
reaii nMiiy vaiue m jtioo.n, per
. ........ (.illii Ml iln M. ....
l0i, in gold nnd sliver. Win. lid
ff(f(U ol thin city, In tile lucky
owner of the other half intcrcMt.
The new couiwuiy, Messrs. Kd
wards, Mcndow nnd Mcl'atlmid vx"
rct to do considerable develop
inent work the coming whwu nut
it is pretty nearly nn assured fact
that they hnvc n Initiaiiza in the
Court Hohcniiu No. 33 I'orcstcrsl"1111 humorist, Dr.
of America gave their firsrt annual
ball at Martin's Hall Thanksgiving
eveniiig. A large crowd was in at
tendance (did enjoyed themselves to
the utmost. The committee in
charge of the affair spared no
efforts 111 their endeavor to make
this the event of the season. The
music was the best to he had; the
floor in prime condition; the hall
decorated to represent n forent
iccncwas beyond description, and
the midnight Mttppcr at the Cot
tage Grove Hotel was said to be
: the hest ever given in the city.
Itenciug wiiK continued until . a.
r.i. So enjoyable wait the affair
that the management gave another
dance on Saturday night, which
was also highly enjoyed.
A partnership having been formed
between Geo. Griffith, the well
known barber and Hurry Hart, the
firm has arranged to put in n nice
line of barber nnd toilet supplies
for the trade. They carry a small
but well selected stock of nil neces
sary toilet articles, and shall be
j pleased to acquaint inquirers with
F.l..: .. !it -ii
weir prices which win compare
wiih the cheapest, quality of goods
Last week 11 new foot ball team
j was organised in this place, coin-
poscu 01 llie lollowiug young men:
Mown. DeLissus, Potts, Medley,
hmerson, Merryuimi, Wnllnce, 1 .
I'iper, Harms, Griffitli. Dunn and
J'uttou. The boys arc practicing
daily with the expectation of secur
ing some interesting games with
iicignnorliijr tennis 111 tnc near
MAY i.ocatic
Mr. II. II. Harrow and wife ar
rived in Cptlnge Grove Inst Satur
day direct front Knirficld, lown.
Mrs, Barrow is n sister of our fel
low townsninn, Mr. 1). J. Cover,
Who they came to visit for the
winter, and probably permanently
locate in the spring.
T-. A youiiR man by the name ol
Perry Kinkade nnd about 18 years
,f at'e. while attempting to ride
the rods out of Comstock on Sun
day's southbound overland train,
Hissed his hold and was caught in
sonic manner and dragged for n dis
tance of one mile. His face nnd
head were literally ground to pieces
id his body discmbowled, gnstly
fragments W his remains being
. scattered along the track nearly
'he entire distance. lie wab try
I'lg to beat his way to San Fran
cisco. . IlUIMJINQ.
Word comes from Boise, Idoho,
that the Corvallis &Kastcrn Rail
road Company is soon to begin
vork in the enstcru part of Oregon,
lhe first operations being to con
'Ject the town of Vnle with the
Short Line rond. The probabilities
are that the openitig of spring will
see similar operations begun at the
Cascade mountains end. It will
ot take many years to complete
the connection ncross the desert.
fmn.?' Fr,?nk Skillmnn rotuniod to her
"onie nt Brownsville Monday.
I)r. Geo. Wall arrived home fro,,,
f ' n tm,r,.L.i, i ""(. iroin
1 v"B"'iiiii visit to Port IVtwn
mcikI, VHl,iKl01lf ,Ml Wc
J where he W(1 CillIt,, (() c J;
".enmcklluttc quicksilver nunc,
Mr. Jk'.ini.s w..h Hllfrcri , wJ
peudiutl which novated other
cniitiilfcitiuiiB. Ah fl0ou M nr
Wall arrived, it, consultation wlli;
Scnllli ili..ui..t,.... ....
. ----- i"..v....i,i,,llii operation was
, ciectticci upon, it )CjK tc 0.
' chance to save the aged f'entleinan'K
I life. The operation was performed
nt 10 o'clock in the morning and
ocawi claimed the life of the sufferer
nt 8 o'clock in the evening.
i'UW.ic HCimoi..
The public school has contracted
with the Dr. Thomas Lecture Bu
reau for n concert by the Boston
Concert Company, under the con
trol of H. Walther, the famous Hel
in violinist. Among the lecturers
are such men as Dr. Jordan of
Slauford, A, J. Waterhotisc noct
I. A. Hoycr and
I I Vf
J. til.
Hudson. Any proceeds
from this series of enter
tainments will go to the school
Al'TUK this hiiow. -
Genial Geo. Hawlcy and wife
took in the show Wednesday night.
On returning home they discovered
that George had left his kys in his
everyday pants. The house was
burglar proof and inacccssablc. so
was George's keys. After numer
ous attempts at amateur burglary,
while the moon smiled complacently
and George said a few things not
fit for Sunday school they, suc
ceeded in burglarizing their own
I. M.
C. Wheeler has been ap
pointed jxwtmastcr at Saginaw, and
will assume the duties of his office
as $0011 as his commission arrives.
Tom is a popular young man of
that place, having been in the cm
ploy of the Hooth-Kelly Company
for a number of years; is competent
and deserving and will 110 doubt
become a popular officer.
Last Friday at Pleasant Hill,
twelve miles cast of Eugene, the
fivc-ycnr-old daughter of Rev. R.
G. Callisou, met a horrible death
by scalding in a vat of hot water.
Kev. Callisou was butchering some
hogs, and the little girl fell into the
vat of hot water. The many
friends of Rev. Callisou and family
in this vicinity sympathize with
them in their bereavement.
Geo. dimming has bought of W.
V. Schuller the Golden Rule stock
of dry goods, clothing, boots and
shoes and groceries. He will soon
add n large stock of general mer
chandise. Mr. Win. dimming,
lormerly in business here, but
lately returned from California, is
in charge of the business and will
no doubt receive n liberal patron
Last Sunday being temperance
day a union meeting wns held at
the Methodist church. A large
crowd gathered to listen to nn in
teresting program especially pre
pared for the occasion. At the
close of the meeting n collection
was token amounting to $16 which
goes to help the Reading Room.
The new light plant will arrive
here this cominc week nnd n torce
of mcchnnics nnd machinists will
immediately commence the work
of placing the machinery in position
nnd running order, with the view
of turning 011 the lights during the
holiday week. They will be ap
preciated. DANCING CMJII.
The Invincible Dancing Club
will give the first of a series of
weekly dances tonight (Friday) at
Martin's Hall. Music wilt be fur
nished by the Ellis & Jones Stiing
band, and a good time is assured.
J. H. Crow of Loraue brought to
this office this week some early
.radishes. They were as tender
and sweet as in the spring.
AH Aout you.
Frank Wliltc Hpont Smxt.iy In Eugene.
W. I). MeGco wiih In town this week.
I( Jim. Ilcmonwny went to HtiKcno Mori-
Tt!egdn'y0rny loi"8 ,i,"llnc"M 1,1 lown
Hnur?nyC(,Cl'ran rc,'mic'1 ,0 '"K0"0
Hatlinl'uy IC,ll0y 1"",i"ue, '" K8ene
JiimcH Fenni
town Tiiceriny.
of Saginaw, was in
J W. Cook went to Kmjenoon bud
nfc TuuMlxy.
8. K. GcornH of Springfield wan In
lown TiiCHiliiy.
H. W. Churchill returned to Wend
IIiik bnttinliiy,
Bert Nnnn nnd fiimlly returned Tues
day from (JohIioii.
MIm A1I11 IlntiHon returned homo to
r.tiKcno Tuewluy.
.1. M. Howo of Kugcnc, did bualncHs
in town Monday.
I'. J. Jennlm.' enmo up from Portlnnd
Tliurmlny niornlnt;.
Jitmes. II, Lylo entnrsdown from Bo
hemia luat Friday.
Mini rnnnio DeWald enmo home
from KiiKuno Monday.
W. W. Cochran returned from Bo
hemia Tucftday evening .
Attorney J. M. Williams of Kugone,
wn in the city this week .
K. K. Lilly nnd Dan Colton returned
from Bohemia Wednesday.
B, 1 Scott, the lifu insurance man.
returned to Portland Monday.
J.I. Jones and family went to Eu
gene on Tuenday'Hl2:'iO train.
KitMonhcr arrived in town Tuesday
morning from Knuttrn Oregon.
J. G. Powell was down from hi Const
Fork farm the flrnt of the week.
JohmtC'ii Taylor went to Kugcnc last
.Sunday to bo treated for cancer.
O.O. McClellcn brother-in-law of C.
J. Howard visited here this week.
Harry Knowltou returned from .South
ern Ort-gon last Sunday morning.
K. M. Howo of Eugcno, wau in town
.Saturday, returning home Sunday,
Alfred Johnson came down from the
(Jrirzly group last Sunday evening. ,
R. V. Veatch went to Portland on
business on the 12:20 train Tuesday.
A. C. Woodcock of Eugene, did legal
business in Cottage Grove Tuesday.
Miss Annie Underwood and mother
of Divide, spent Thanksgiving in this
Mrs. Geo. Bedford of Saginaw, is
visiting her mint Mrs. Ida Mosby of this
W II. Kearney, a noted mining man
from Spokuno, Wash., was in town thin
week. ,
Eli Bangs of Eugene was in the city
looking after his livery Interests here,
Hon. S. II. Friendly of Eugene smiled
upon his many Cottage Givve friends
this week.
Duke Knox ppent Thanksgiving in
this city, leturmng to Eugene Sunday
W.1I. Abrnmccnmo up Wednesday
in the iutcrcKt of his lignt plant now
under construction.
W. R. W.dker of Springfield, visited
with bin brother Alf in this city last
Friday and Saturday.
Mins Graeo Churchill went to Rose
burg Saturday for n nionth'a visit with
her sister, Mrs. C. B. Baker.
Evoridt Morgan camo down from Bo
homin Tuesday evening nnd left Wednes
dny for his home in Seattle.
Miss Greta Bristow returned Sunday
from Eugeno where she had been visit
ing with relatives nnd friends.
M s. Hanson arrived up from Eugene
Monday for n visit with her daughter,
Mrs. J. 8. Medley in this city.
Wni. Preston nnd wifo of Eugene
spent Thanksgiving in this place, the
guests of Mr.nnd Mrs. Darwin Bristow.
J. W, Hobbs of McMInnvillo, internal
revenuo collector for rhis district, was
in Cottago Grove on business Wednes
day. Tom Smith came down from his min
ing property on Sharp creek Wednesday.
Ilo will shortly return to the Helena
Jnmes Homenwny wna the holder of
the lucky number for a new suit of
clothes ut Bohlman's last Saturday
Wm. Oalrander roturned Sunday
morning from Southern Oregon, where
ho had been in tho employ ot tho b. 1.
Wm. Perkins and wife of Baker City,
nftor n two week's visit with relatives
nnd friends in this city, loft for home on
Sunday's train.
Mi.Br. Johnson A Ebv hnvo moved
tholr law ofllco from the old post ofDce
building to Shorwood block over Gar-
man s Wowlancrs.
Tti .Til stli'o Vuuirhn'a court Monday
Dan Beck recovered judgment ngnlnst
J. B. Rusher lor possession 01 inrin 011
Coast Fork abovo town.
Mrs. Graeo Stono returned last Frldny
from Eugeno whero shohad been spend
IngThnnksgivins with her pnrenta Mr.
nnd Mrs. 8. R. Jenkins.
II. B. Dunn, traveling agent for tho
Canadian Paciflo Railway Company,
wns looking nftor business for his com
pany In our tojvn Wednesday afternoon.
D. J. Gover enmo down from Bohomin
Inst Snturdny. Ho reports but vory
little snow, nnd thnt development work
Is being pushed on tho Cnlnpooln group
with very fluttering results.
F. W . Chnusso, publisher of tho Ore
gon Observer nt Grants Pnns, wns in
town Tnesduy afternoon shaking hands
wi th old timo friends, nnd fnvorea tho
ugjet office with n pleasant call.
IH Brief.
Culler shoes nt Enkln & Brlslow's
Boyd's now gallery opposite tho Ma
sonic Hull will open up next week.
Go to Madsen's for flno Jewelry nnd
holiday silverware.
For hand loaded shells call on Griffin
and Veatch Co.
Suits! Suits!) Tnilor rnfldn suits! II
Up to date in every respect, from S16up.
Call and see samples.
Geo. Boiilman.
Boyd has the best stamp mnchino
money cun buy. Call on him for very
ilno (tamps.
Grimn-Veutch Co. carry the finest
line of Ammunition in South Lane Co.
For quality nnd cheapness In fresh
meats go to the Central meat market.
Beautiful rings nnd silverware nt
Madecn's for the holidays.
Geo, Boiilman, the up-to-dnte tailor,
will show you goods, nil shndes and nil
prices. Think of it. A tnilor made
suit for 9 nnd up ! Pants f 4 and up.
A quantity of fine dressed lumber nnd
flooring for sale. Apply nt the black
smith spop of Eby A. Borcn.
For very fine Photos call on Boyd,
having nil now scenery and very fine
lenses. He can please yon.
To the boy orgirl who brings us on
January 1st 1001 tho greatest number of
our soap wrappers with our advertise
ment thereon will be given one of those
"cow clocks" shown in our window.
Eaki.v & Bristow.
Owing to the largo stock of wait paper
we will open up for tho spring trnde wc
hnve decided to close our old stock out
at greatly reduced prices. Some patterns
nt cost. Cnll nnd see us.
Maiitik & Cochran .
Wc have on hand a largo stock of
kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic in
grades 1 2 nnd 3. Let us make you
specinl prices.
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
Sportsmen remi-mbcr Griffin & Veatch
Co. carry a One lino of Shot Guns and
We sell good goods at good prices for
our customers, Central Meat Market,
A car load of Columbia River cedar
shinglcB for sale by Jenkins & Lnwson
J. B. Stewart nnd wife went to their
Row Riyer fnrm.
Tlnrln .Infill Siirncnliv nt Atnrtin'n linll
Wednesday evening, Dec 12.
See tho new ndvertisemept of Mifs
Louise N'lwlnnd this week.
Look over the nd of Geo. dimming in
another column.
Jas. II. McFnrlnnd Is not able ' to
attend to bmdness this week on ac
count of sickness.
IIon.T. G. Hendricks nnd wife came
up from Euirens Wednesday tho guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Darwin'Bristow.
W . II. Abrams is having a store room
put up on the electric liuht property
this week which will bo used to store ex
tra machinery nnd household effects.
C. A. Whale came up from Salem
Wednesday afternoon nnd Thursday
morning with Chas. Clay went to Bo
hemia whero they have a force of men
nt work on n group of claims about 3
miles south of the Musick mine. -
C. A. Mann, formerly identified with
tho Willi Street property, Bohem in, well
known here, was dojng'business in this
city this week in tho Interest of the
Rival Oil Company with head office ut
Los Angclos, California, ! which Mr.
Mann la secretary.
The Continental Fire Insurance
Co's special adjuster was in town
Thursday and satisfactorily adjust
ed the damage to the household
furniture occasioned by reason of
the fire at the residence of Bert
Nunn, as reported in last week'i
Gave a first class show to an ap
preciative audience at Martin's
Hall last Wednesday evening. The
program wns well rendered, each
and every number being well worth
the price of admission as compared
.with the average show troup. The
name of Heywood will be a great
drawing card in this town here
One of the novel advertising de
vices used by the "Uncle Josh
Spruceby" Company to attract at
tention is the daily parade of the
"Hayseed Band". The band itself
while of much better calibre than
the usual traveling organizations,
has its members attired, as the title
indicates, in the usual character
istic dress of the Now England
rustic. Some dressed in their best
as on circus dry while some attired
in stage boots and jeans fresh from
"chores". With "Uncle Josh"
himself in the lead, umbrella and
carpet sack in baud, they parade
the principal streets and give a con
cert of choice selections. The pa
rade takes place at noon, Dec. 12th.
We have a Magnificent Stock of FLNE SHOES, 2
our prices arc lower than like quality sells for any
where else, and we guarantee shoe satistaction in
every respect at
MoneySaving Prices.
; i We think we know what the people want. j i
To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular de
O ruand is our business ambition. O
jjr We will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure satisfac- 3
Sj tion, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." S
5 3
We are living in a rapid age: an age of Progression. Tho World moreu
and you must move with it.
Keep up with the times. If you sec a chance to benefit yourself grasp
the opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At
IBenson Drug Company.
'ure Drugs
W. S. Chrisman.
The Fashion Stables
Ghrisiqan. & Bags, proprietors.
Fust-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Wheeler & Scott
George Gumming,
Having bought out the entire stock of W. F. Schuller, is now
offering the same at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.
I have already added largely to the Grocery Stock Have just re
ceived a fresh supply of Teas, Coffees, Sugar, etc.; also a choice lot of
Apples, Oranges, Lemons and vegetables; Dried Fruits, Bacon, Hams
and Lard, and other goods now arriving.
A cordial invitation extended to all,
Qeorge dimming.
The Latest Styles
Miss Louise Newland's.
All kinds of dress and street hats
for Ladies, Misses and children.
Schleef Building.
All persons indebted to tljpetin
dersigned are hereby respectfully
requested to call and settle; atipyce.
Owing to illness I have retired from
busiuess and will seek a change of
climate about Jan. 1st.
Mrs. J. S. Mbdlby.
Bownro of air dried or hnlf dry floor
ing, colling and rustic. Tho Booth
Kelly Lumber Co., nro mnking speeiul
prices on kllu-drled lumber,
and ChemicalsiaE-
Eli Bangs.
Proprietors of the Bohemia
55 and
4 Black Butte Stage Lines. K
Reasonable Prices -
Sewing Machines.
Ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical
Feed and three under feed machines.
Prices to suit.
For sale by
Eta full line of the
latest patterns.
W :
The Prices will please
ft yll nnd in point of
W Quality and Beauty fljS
JL. cannot be beaten; J
Subscribe for the Nugget,